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synced 2025-01-30 01:59:29 +00:00
750 lines
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Executable File
750 lines
24 KiB
Executable File
/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
* The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public License
* Version 1.0 (the "NPL"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the NPL. You may obtain a copy of the NPL at
* http://www.mozilla.org/NPL/
* Software distributed under the NPL is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the NPL
* for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
* NPL.
* The Initial Developer of this code under the NPL is Netscape
* Communications Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are
* Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All Rights
* Reserved.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "feembed.h"
#include "cntritem.h"
#include "ngdwtrst.h"
#include "cxdc.h"
#include "npapi.h"
#include "np.h"
#include "presentm.h"
#include "helper.h"
#include "il_icons.h"
#include "extgen.h"
#include "libevent.h"
extern "C" int MK_DISK_FULL; // defined in allxpstr.c
extern char *FE_FindFileExt(char * path);
extern "C" {
BOOL wfe_IsTypePlugin(NPEmbeddedApp* pEmbeddedApp)
CNetscapeCntrItem *pItem = (CNetscapeCntrItem *)pEmbeddedApp->fe_data;
return (pEmbeddedApp->type == NP_Plugin) ? TRUE : FALSE;
CNetscapeCntrItem *wfe_GetCntrPtr(void* pDataObj) // where pDataObj is an URL struct
NPEmbeddedApp* pEmbeddedApp = (NPEmbeddedApp*)((URL_Struct*)pDataObj)->fe_data;
return (CNetscapeCntrItem *)pEmbeddedApp->fe_data;
NPError FE_PluginGetValue(MWContext *pContext, NPEmbeddedApp *pApp,
NPNVariable variable, void *pRetVal)
switch (variable) {
case NPNVnetscapeWindow:
if (pContext->type != MWContextPrint)
*(HWND *)pRetVal = PANECX(pContext)->GetPane();
*(void **)pRetVal = NULL;
return ret;
// wrapper for plugin-related FE entry point invented after EmbedUrlExit()
void FE_EmbedURLExit(URL_Struct *urls, int status, MWContext *cx)
EmbedUrlExit(urls, status, cx);
void EmbedUrlExit(URL_Struct *pUrl, int iStatus, MWContext *pContext)
// The embedded item is finished downloading, and possibly has an error and stuff.
NPEmbeddedApp* pEmbeddedApp = (NPEmbeddedApp*)pUrl->fe_data;
if (!pEmbeddedApp) {
CNetscapeCntrItem *pItem = (CNetscapeCntrItem *)pEmbeddedApp->fe_data;
// if an EMBED tag's SRC attribute is a LOCAL file which does not exist,
// pItem is NULL. Bandaid against GPF for 2.0, but later we must fix the
// FE_GetEmbedSize() and NP_EmbedCreate() combo that cause this problem.
if(pItem != NULL) {
pItem->m_bLoading = FALSE;
#ifdef MOCHA
/* only wait on applets if onload flag */
lo_TopState *top_state = lo_FetchTopState(XP_DOCID(pContext));
if (top_state != NULL && top_state->mocha_loading_embeds_count)
ET_SendLoadEvent(pContext, EVENT_XFER_DONE, NULL, NULL,
#endif /* MOCHA */
// else must be an OLE stream exit
if(iStatus != MK_DATA_LOADED) {
// Load error.
pItem->m_bBroken = TRUE;
else if(pUrl->server_status != 0 && pUrl->server_status / 100 != 2 && pUrl->server_status / 100 != 3 && iStatus == MK_DATA_LOADED) {
// Server error.
pItem->m_bBroken = TRUE;
// If the item isn't broken, we can load it up.
if(pItem->m_bBroken == FALSE) {
if(FALSE == pItem->CreateFromFile(pItem->m_csFileName)) {
// Couldn't create for some reason!
pItem->m_bBroken = TRUE;
pItem->m_bLoading = FALSE;
// Get the width and height out of our newly created item, if it isn't broken.
// We need to do this two different ways, depending on what type of context we
// are in.
CSize csExtents;
// New way.
CDCCX *pCX = VOID2CX(pContext->fe.cx, CDCCX);
if(pItem->m_bBroken == FALSE) {
csExtents.cx = CASTINT(pCX->Metric2TwipsX(csExtents.cx));
csExtents.cy = CASTINT(pCX->Metric2TwipsY(csExtents.cy));
else {
LTRB Rect;
int32 x, y;
// pCX->DisplayIcon(Rect.left, Rect.right, IL_IMAGE_BAD_DATA, &x, &y);
pCX->GetIconDimensions(&x, &y, IL_IMAGE_BAD_DATA);
csExtents.cx = CASTINT(x);
csExtents.cy = CASTINT(y);
// Need to flush all delayed display, and blocked layout.
// Do all blocks.
POSITION rIndex = pItem->m_cplUnblock.GetHeadPosition();
LO_EmbedStruct *pLayoutData = NULL;
while(rIndex != NULL && iStatus != MK_INTERRUPTED) {
pLayoutData = (LO_EmbedStruct *)pItem->m_cplUnblock.GetNext(rIndex);
if ((pEmbeddedApp->type == NP_OLE) && pItem->m_lpObject) {
if ( pLayoutData->width)
csExtents.cx = pLayoutData->width;
if ( pLayoutData->height)
csExtents.cy = pLayoutData->height;
pLayoutData->width = csExtents.cx;
pLayoutData->height = csExtents.cy;
LO_ClearEmbedBlock(ABSTRACTCX(pContext)->GetDocumentContext(), pLayoutData);
#ifdef LAYERS
rIndex = pItem->m_cplElements.GetHeadPosition();
while (rIndex != NULL) {
pLayoutData = (LO_EmbedStruct *)pItem->m_cplElements.GetNext(rIndex);
// An OLE container is windowless until it is activated.
LO_SetEmbedType(pLayoutData, PR_FALSE);
#endif // LAYERS
// Do all needed display.
rIndex = pItem->m_cplDisplay.GetHeadPosition();
while(rIndex != NULL) {
pLayoutData = (LO_EmbedStruct *)pItem->m_cplDisplay.GetNext(rIndex);
if ((pEmbeddedApp->type == NP_OLE) && pItem->m_lpObject) {
if ( pLayoutData->width )
csExtents.cx = pLayoutData->width;
if ( pLayoutData->height)
csExtents.cy = pLayoutData->height;
pLayoutData->width = csExtents.cx;
pLayoutData->height = csExtents.cy;
#ifdef LAYERS
if (pContext->compositor) {
XP_Rect rect;
CL_GetLayerBbox(pLayoutData->layer, &rect);
pLayoutData->layer, &rect, PR_FALSE);
#endif /* LAYERS */
pContext->funcs->DisplayEmbed(pContext, FE_VIEW, pLayoutData);
// And well, hey, get rid of the url.
static void wfe_PluginStream(URL_Struct *pUrlData, MWContext *pContext)
NPEmbeddedApp* pEmbeddedApp = (NPEmbeddedApp*)pUrlData->fe_data;
// Make sure the type is set properly
pEmbeddedApp->type = NP_Plugin;
// Need to flush all delayed display, and blocked layout.
CNetscapeCntrItem *pItem = (CNetscapeCntrItem *)pEmbeddedApp->fe_data;
if (!pItem->m_cplUnblock.IsEmpty()) {
// There had better only be one item here
ASSERT(pItem->m_cplUnblock.GetCount() == 1);
POSITION rIndex = pItem->m_cplUnblock.GetHeadPosition();
LO_EmbedStruct* pLayoutData = (LO_EmbedStruct *)pItem->m_cplUnblock.GetNext(rIndex);
// Unblock layout
LO_ClearEmbedBlock(ABSTRACTCX(pContext)->GetDocumentContext(), pLayoutData);
// Display the plugin if necessarily
if (!pItem->m_cplDisplay.IsEmpty()) {
// There had better only be one item here
ASSERT(pItem->m_cplDisplay.GetCount() == 1);
POSITION rIndex = pItem->m_cplDisplay.GetHeadPosition();
LO_EmbedStruct* pLayoutData = (LO_EmbedStruct *)pItem->m_cplDisplay.GetNext(rIndex);
#ifdef LAYERS
int32 lXSave, lYSave;
XP_Rect rect;
// I don't like the fact that this code has to be here. At some
// level, it goes against the rule that all drawing has to be
// driven by the compositor through layout. The easy fix is that
// we do the same coordinate space conversion that's done in
// layout. -- Vidur
if (pContext->compositor) {
/* Convert layer-relative coordinates for element to document
coordinates, since that's what the FE uses. */
rect.top = rect.left = rect.right = rect.bottom = 0;
CL_LayerToWindowRect(pContext->compositor, pLayoutData->layer, &rect);
CL_WindowToDocumentRect(pContext->compositor, &rect);
/* Save old, layer-relative coordinates */
lXSave = pLayoutData->x;
lYSave = pLayoutData->y;
/* Temporarily shift element to document coordinates */
pLayoutData->x = rect.left - pLayoutData->x_offset;
pLayoutData->y = rect.top - pLayoutData->y_offset;
#endif /* LAYERS */
// Display the plugin
pContext->funcs->DisplayEmbed(pContext, FE_VIEW, pLayoutData);
#ifdef LAYERS
if (pContext->compositor) {
pLayoutData->x = lXSave;
pLayoutData->y = lYSave;
#endif /* LAYERS */
BOOL WildMime(const char *pOne, const char *pTwo) {
// Purpose: Compare two mime types to see if they can be considered
// equivalent.
// Arguments: csOne A fully qualified mime type, no wilds.
// csTwo A mime type, can be wild, or subtype wild.
// Returns: BOOL TRUE A match.
// FALSE No match.
// Comments: Mime types are case insensitive.
// Revision History:
// 01-04-95 created GAB
// First, just get rid of any wilds right now.
if(*pTwo == '*') {
// Okay, only have subtype wilds left, split the mime types up
// into minor, major parts.
char *p1 = strdup(pOne);
char *pmin1 = strchr(p1, '/');
if(pmin1) {
*pmin1 = '\0';
} else {
pmin1 = p1;
char *p2 = strdup(pTwo);
char *pmin2 = strchr(p2, '/');
if(pmin2) {
*pmin2 = '\0';
} else {
pmin2 = p2;
// If majors don't match, there is no hope.
if(stricmp(p1, p2) != 0) {
// Okay, let's get rid of sub type wilds right now.
if(*pmin2 == '*') {
// See if the minors match up.
if(stricmp(pmin1, pmin2) == 0) {
bRetVal = TRUE;
static BOOL wfe_IsRegisteredForPlugin(int iFormatOut, URL_Struct *pUrlStruct, MWContext *pContext)
// Find the callers mime/type in the iFormatOut registry list,
// and return true if found.
CString csMimeType = pUrlStruct->content_type;
// Find the relevant mime type in our list.
// There should always be a wild on the end of the list, but if not, duh.
XP_List *list = NET_GetRegConverterList(iFormatOut);
ContentTypeConverter *pConv;
while(pConv = (ContentTypeConverter *)XP_ListNextObject(list))
// Do a wild compare on the mime types
if(WildMime(csMimeType, pConv->format_in))
// May have found an appropriate converter.
// Only when the viewer is not automated,
// and the mime types are a case insensitive
// match, return TRUE.
// ZZZ: Make sure it's a plug-in and not an automated viewer.
// We're doing it this demented way because pConv->bAutomated is
// getting stomped and points to garbage
if ((pConv->bAutomated == FALSE) && NPL_FindPluginEnabledForType(pConv->format_in)) {
// only check for can handle by OLE when there is no plugin register for
// the mine type.
// Find out can we handle by OLE.
if (strcmp(pConv->format_in, "*") == 0)
/* there previously was a call to FE_FileType here, but it is clearly
unnecessary given the check of fe_CanHandlebyOLE we've added. byrd.
reminder - we should overhaul/remove FE_FileType and it's other call.
FE_FileType(pUrlStruct->address, pUrlStruct->content_type,
if(iFormatOut == FO_EMBED){
/* don't have to worry about FO_CACHE_AND_EMBED since cache bit cleared by NET_CacheConverter */
/* also, don't want to interfere w/ full-page case... */
char* ext[1];
ext[0] = FE_FindFileExt(pUrlStruct->address);
if(ext[0] && fe_CanHandleByOLE(ext,1))
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
else return FALSE;
return TRUE;
// Only when the viewer is not automated,
// and the handler is for wildcard MIME type,
// and OLE doesn't want it, return TRUE.
// ZZZ: See above comment
if ((pConv->bAutomated == FALSE) && XP_STRCMP(pConv->format_in, "*") == 0 &&
NPL_FindPluginEnabledForType("*")) {
// the following code is copied from EmbedStream(), OLE related stuff
// BUG: this code needs to be shared code!
// extract the extension of the file name
char aExt[_MAX_EXT];
size_t stExt = 0;
#ifdef XP_WIN16
dwFlags |= EXT_DOT_THREE;
aExt[0] = '\0';
stExt = EXT_Invent(aExt, sizeof(aExt), dwFlags, pUrlStruct->address, pUrlStruct->content_type);
CString csFinalExtension = aExt;
// Check to see if the embedded file matches any known extensions.
// If not, then consider the file of no use to the user.
// Use new way if we are in a different style of context.
if(wfe_IsExtensionRegistrationValid(csFinalExtension, ABSTRACTCX(pContext)->GetDialogOwner(), FALSE) == FALSE) {
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
NET_StreamClass *EmbedStream(int iFormatOut, void *pDataObj, URL_Struct *pUrlData, MWContext *pContext)
NPEmbeddedApp* pEmbeddedApp = NULL;
CNetscapeCntrItem* pItem = NULL;
NET_StreamClass * pStream = NULL;
if(wfe_IsRegisteredForPlugin(iFormatOut, pUrlData, pContext)) {
if(!ABSTRACTCX(pContext)->IsPrintContext()) {
if (iFormatOut == FO_EMBED) {
// NPL_NewEmbedStream() sets pUrlData->fe_data to NPEmbeddedApp*, so
// it is not valid until NPL_NewEmbedStream() returns
pStream = NPL_NewEmbedStream((FO_Present_Types)iFormatOut,
pDataObj, pUrlData, pContext);
} else if (iFormatOut == FO_PRESENT) {
// NPL_NewPresentStream() sets pUrlData->fe_data to NPEmbeddedApp*, so
// it is not valid until NPL_NewPresentStream() returns
pStream = NPL_NewPresentStream((FO_Present_Types)iFormatOut,
pDataObj, pUrlData, pContext);
} else {
return NULL;
// If we fail to load for some reason, show a broken icon.
if(!pStream) {
pItem->m_bBroken = TRUE;
return NULL;
pEmbeddedApp = (NPEmbeddedApp*)pUrlData->fe_data;
pItem = (CNetscapeCntrItem *)pEmbeddedApp->fe_data;
// pDataObj gets its fe_data member written by libplugin in
// the full screen case
// It's possible that the context is different. This happens for full-page
// plug-ins when we decide to display the plugin in it's own window
if (pItem && pItem->GetDocument()) {
CDCCX* pDC = pItem->GetDocument()->GetContext();
if (pDC && pDC->GetContext() != pContext) {
TRACE0("Context changed in EmbedStream()!\n");
pContext = pDC->GetContext();
wfe_PluginStream(pUrlData, pContext);
return pStream;
// if the MIME type isn't registered to a plugin,
// assume it must be handled by OLE
pEmbeddedApp = (NPEmbeddedApp*)pUrlData->fe_data;
if(pEmbeddedApp == NULL) // our OLE support doesn't do full page
return NULL;
// Explicitly type it as an embedded OLE object
pEmbeddedApp->type = NP_OLE;
pItem = (CNetscapeCntrItem *)pEmbeddedApp->fe_data;
pItem->m_bIsOleItem = TRUE;
// Formulate a file name that will suckle data from the net.
char *pFormulateName = fe_URLtoLocalName(pItem->m_csAddress, pUrlData ? pUrlData->content_type : NULL);
char *pLocalName = NULL;
if(((CNetscapeApp *)AfxGetApp())->m_pTempDir != NULL && pFormulateName != NULL) {
StrAllocCopy(pLocalName, ((CNetscapeApp *)AfxGetApp())->m_pTempDir);
StrAllocCat(pLocalName, "\\");
StrAllocCat(pLocalName, pFormulateName);
// If this file exists, then we must attempt another temp file.
if(-1 != _access(pLocalName, 0)) {
// Retain the extension.
char aExt[_MAX_EXT];
size_t stExt = 0;
DWORD dwFlags = 0;
#ifdef XP_WIN16
dwFlags |= EXT_DOT_THREE;
aExt[0] = '\0';
stExt = EXT_Invent(aExt, sizeof(aExt), dwFlags, pUrlData->address, pUrlData->content_type);
if(pLocalName) {
pLocalName = NULL;
pLocalName = WH_TempFileName(xpTemporary, "E", aExt);
else {
// Retain the extension.
char aExt[_MAX_EXT];
size_t stExt = 0;
DWORD dwFlags = 0;
#ifdef XP_WIN16
dwFlags |= EXT_DOT_THREE;
aExt[0] = '\0';
stExt = EXT_Invent(aExt, sizeof(aExt), dwFlags, pUrlData->address, pUrlData->content_type);
if(pLocalName) {
pLocalName = NULL;
pLocalName = WH_TempFileName(xpTemporary, "E", aExt);
if(pFormulateName != NULL) {
pFormulateName = NULL;
// Correctly extract the extension from the created file name.
char aExt[_MAX_EXT];
size_t stExt = 0;
#ifdef XP_WIN16
dwFlags |= EXT_DOT_THREE;
aExt[0] = '\0';
stExt = EXT_Invent(aExt, sizeof(aExt), dwFlags, pLocalName, pUrlData->content_type);
CString csFinalExtension = aExt;
// Check to see if the embedded file matches any known extensions.
// If not, then consider the file of no use to the user.
// Use new way if we are in a different style of context.
if(pEmbeddedApp->type == NP_OLE && pItem->m_isFullPage) {
//; do nothing for full page OLE. Because the security dialog already shown on external_viewer_disk_stream.
else {
if(wfe_IsExtensionRegistrationValid(csFinalExtension, ABSTRACTCX(pContext)->GetDialogOwner(), TRUE) == FALSE) {
// Broken....
pItem->m_bBroken = TRUE;
// Open up the file for writing.
pItem->m_csFileName = pLocalName;
CFileException cfe;
if(FALSE == pItem->m_cfOutput.Open(pItem->m_csFileName, CFile::modeCreate | CFile::modeWrite, &cfe)) {
// Couldn't open.
pItem->m_bBroken = TRUE;
// Create the stream class that will handle the download.
// Send the embed along for the download.
pItem->m_bLoading = TRUE;
(void *)pUrlData,
unsigned int EmbedReady(NET_StreamClass *stream) {
void *pDataObj=stream->data_object;
// pDataObj is an URL struct
return NPL_WriteReady(stream);
// The the netowrk library how much we're willing to write to our new embedded item.
int EmbedWrite(NET_StreamClass *stream, const char *pWriteData, int32 lLength) {
void *pDataObj=stream->data_object;
// pDataObj is an URL struct
return NPL_Write(stream, (unsigned char *)pWriteData, lLength);
// Serialize some more information for the embedded item.
CNetscapeCntrItem *pItem = wfe_GetCntrPtr(pDataObj);
pItem->m_cfOutput.Write(pWriteData, CASTUINT(lLength));
CATCH(CFileException, e) {
// Couldn't write for some reason.
pItem->m_bBroken = TRUE;
void EmbedComplete(NET_StreamClass *stream) {
void *pDataObj=stream->data_object;
// pDataObj is an URL struct
// The load is complete.
// Close our file.
CNetscapeCntrItem *pItem = wfe_GetCntrPtr(pDataObj);
CATCH(CFileException, e) {
// Some error.
pItem->m_bBroken = TRUE;
void EmbedAbort(NET_StreamClass *stream, int iStatus) {
void *pDataObj=stream->data_object;
// pDataObj is an URL struct
NPL_Abort(stream, iStatus);
// The load was aborted.
// Do a normal close, then mark ourselves as broken.
CNetscapeCntrItem *pItem = wfe_GetCntrPtr(pDataObj);
pItem->m_bBroken = TRUE;
BOOL wfe_IsExtensionRegistrationValid(CString& csExtension, CWnd *pWnd, BOOL bAskDialog) {
// Purpose: Determine if an extension will present the user with a useful embedded item.
// Arguments: csExtension The extension of the data file.
// pWnd The calling window
// Returns: BOOL TRUE The extension has an application present that can handle it.
// FALSE Either the extension is not presently registered,
// the registered viewer is no longer present locally, or
// the application isn't trusted (CanSpawn).
// Comments: Troy's handywork.
// Revision History:
// 02-07-95 created GAB
// 04-10-95 modified to check and see if execution of the application has
// been cleared by the user.
char szExt[_MAX_EXT], szValue[_MAX_PATH];
long cb;
// First, try the system registry.
wsprintf(szExt, ".%s", (LPCSTR)csExtension);
cb = sizeof(szValue);
if(RegQueryValue(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, szExt, szValue, &cb) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
CString strKey = szValue;
strKey += "\\shell\\open\\command";
cb = sizeof(szValue);
if(RegQueryValue(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, strKey, szValue, &cb) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
// Just use the app name, ignore switches.
// char *pAppName = strtok(szValue, " ");
// mwh this is becuase in Win 32 directory name can have space.
// still need to fix the cause that the directory has '.'
char *pAppName = strchr(szValue, '.');
if (pAppName) {
char *next = strchr(pAppName, ' ');
*next = '\0'; // NULL terminated the string.
// mhw to get around the problem, that some shell command have "".
if (*(next-1) == '"') *(next-1) = 0;
if (szValue[0] == '"')
pAppName = &szValue[1];
pAppName = szValue;
if(pAppName) {
if(OpenFile(pAppName, &of, OF_EXIST) != HFILE_ERROR) {
// See if we can spawn this app.
if(bAskDialog == TRUE)
return(((CNetscapeApp *)AfxGetApp())->m_pSpawn->CanSpawn(CString(pAppName), pWnd));
return TRUE;
// Second try win.ini win16 associations.
if(::GetProfileString("Extensions", csExtension, "", szValue, sizeof(szValue))) {
char *pAppName = strtok(szValue, " ");
if(pAppName != NULL) {
if(OpenFile(pAppName, &of, OF_EXIST) != HFILE_ERROR) {
// see if we can spawn this app.
if(bAskDialog == TRUE)
return(((CNetscapeApp *)AfxGetApp())->m_pSpawn->CanSpawn(CString(pAppName), pWnd));
return TRUE;
// Neither will work, nothing will work.