2012-07-30 17:20:58 +03:00

692 lines
27 KiB

/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
* vim: set ts=4 sw=4 et tw=99 ft=cpp:
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#include "WaiveXrayWrapper.h"
#include "FilteringWrapper.h"
#include "XrayWrapper.h"
#include "AccessCheck.h"
#include "XPCWrapper.h"
#include "ChromeObjectWrapper.h"
#include "xpcprivate.h"
#include "dombindings.h"
#include "XPCMaps.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/BindingUtils.h"
#include "jsfriendapi.h"
#include "mozilla/Likely.h"
using namespace js;
namespace xpc {
// When chrome pulls a naked property across the membrane using
// .wrappedJSObject, we want it to cross the membrane into the
// chrome compartment without automatically being wrapped into an
// X-ray wrapper. We achieve this by wrapping it into a special
// transparent wrapper in the origin (non-chrome) compartment. When
// an object with that special wrapper applied crosses into chrome,
// we know to not apply an X-ray wrapper.
DirectWrapper XrayWaiver(WrapperFactory::WAIVE_XRAY_WRAPPER_FLAG);
// When objects for which we waived the X-ray wrapper cross into
// chrome, we wrap them into a special cross-compartment wrapper
// that transitively extends the waiver to all properties we get
// off it.
WaiveXrayWrapper WaiveXrayWrapper::singleton(0);
static JSObject *
GetCurrentOuter(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj)
obj = JS_ObjectToOuterObject(cx, obj);
if (!obj)
return nullptr;
if (IsWrapper(obj) && !js::GetObjectClass(obj)->ext.innerObject) {
obj = UnwrapObject(obj);
"weird object, expecting an outer window proxy");
return obj;
JSObject *
WrapperFactory::GetXrayWaiver(JSObject *obj)
// Object should come fully unwrapped but outerized.
MOZ_ASSERT(obj == UnwrapObject(obj));
CompartmentPrivate *priv = GetCompartmentPrivate(obj);
if (!priv->waiverWrapperMap)
return NULL;
return xpc_UnmarkGrayObject(priv->waiverWrapperMap->Find(obj));
JSObject *
WrapperFactory::CreateXrayWaiver(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj)
// The caller is required to have already done a lookup.
// NB: This implictly performs the assertions of GetXrayWaiver.
CompartmentPrivate *priv = GetCompartmentPrivate(obj);
// Get a waiver for the proto.
JSObject *proto = js::GetObjectProto(obj);
if (proto && !(proto = WaiveXray(cx, proto)))
return nullptr;
// Create the waiver.
JSAutoEnterCompartment ac;
if (!ac.enter(cx, obj) || !JS_WrapObject(cx, &proto))
return nullptr;
JSObject *waiver = Wrapper::New(cx, obj, proto,
JS_GetGlobalForObject(cx, obj),
if (!waiver)
return nullptr;
// Add the new waiver to the map. It's important that we only ever have
// one waiver for the lifetime of the target object.
if (!priv->waiverWrapperMap) {
priv->waiverWrapperMap = JSObject2JSObjectMap::
if (!priv->waiverWrapperMap->Add(obj, waiver))
return nullptr;
return waiver;
JSObject *
WrapperFactory::WaiveXray(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj)
obj = UnwrapObject(obj);
// We have to make sure that if we're wrapping an outer window, that
// the .wrappedJSObject also wraps the outer window.
obj = GetCurrentOuter(cx, obj);
JSObject *waiver = GetXrayWaiver(obj);
if (waiver)
return waiver;
return CreateXrayWaiver(cx, obj);
// DoubleWrap is called from PrepareForWrapping to maintain the state that
// we're supposed to waive Xray wrappers for the given on. On entrance, it
// expects |cx->compartment != obj->compartment()|. The returned object will
// be in the same compartment as |obj|.
JSObject *
WrapperFactory::DoubleWrap(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, unsigned flags)
if (flags & WrapperFactory::WAIVE_XRAY_WRAPPER_FLAG) {
JSAutoEnterCompartment ac;
if (!ac.enter(cx, obj))
return nullptr;
return WaiveXray(cx, obj);
return obj;
JSObject *
WrapperFactory::PrepareForWrapping(JSContext *cx, JSObject *scope, JSObject *obj, unsigned flags)
// Don't unwrap an outer window, just double wrap it if needed.
if (js::GetObjectClass(obj)->ext.innerObject)
return DoubleWrap(cx, obj, flags);
// Here are the rules for wrapping:
// We should never get a proxy here (the JS engine unwraps those for us).
// As soon as an object is wrapped in a security wrapper, it morphs to be
// a fat wrapper. (see also: bug XXX).
if (IS_SLIM_WRAPPER(obj) && !MorphSlimWrapper(cx, obj))
return nullptr;
// We only hand out outer objects to script.
obj = GetCurrentOuter(cx, obj);
if (!obj)
return nullptr;
if (js::GetObjectClass(obj)->ext.innerObject)
return DoubleWrap(cx, obj, flags);
// Now, our object is ready to be wrapped, but several objects (notably
// nsJSIIDs) have a wrapper per scope. If we are about to wrap one of
// those objects in a security wrapper, then we need to hand back the
// wrapper for the new scope instead. Also, global objects don't move
// between scopes so for those we also want to return the wrapper. So...
if (!IS_WN_WRAPPER(obj) || !js::GetObjectParent(obj))
return DoubleWrap(cx, obj, flags);
XPCWrappedNative *wn = static_cast<XPCWrappedNative *>(xpc_GetJSPrivate(obj));
JSAutoEnterCompartment ac;
if (!ac.enter(cx, obj))
return nullptr;
XPCCallContext ccx(JS_CALLER, cx, obj);
if (NATIVE_HAS_FLAG(&ccx, WantPreCreate)) {
// We have a precreate hook. This object might enforce that we only
// ever create JS object for it.
// Note: this penalizes objects that only have one wrapper, but are
// being accessed across compartments. We would really prefer to
// replace the above code with a test that says "do you only have one
// wrapper?"
JSObject *originalScope = scope;
nsresult rv = wn->GetScriptableInfo()->GetCallback()->
PreCreate(wn->Native(), cx, scope, &scope);
NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, DoubleWrap(cx, obj, flags));
// If the handed back scope differs from the passed-in scope and is in
// a separate compartment, then this object is explicitly requesting
// that we don't create a second JS object for it: create a security
// wrapper.
if (js::GetObjectCompartment(originalScope) != js::GetObjectCompartment(scope))
return DoubleWrap(cx, obj, flags);
JSObject *currentScope = JS_GetGlobalForObject(cx, obj);
if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(scope != currentScope)) {
// The wrapper claims it wants to be in the new scope, but
// currently has a reflection that lives in the old scope. This
// can mean one of two things, both of which are rare:
// 1 - The object has a PreCreate hook (we checked for it above),
// but is deciding to request one-wrapper-per-scope (rather than
// one-wrapper-per-native) for some reason. Usually, a PreCreate
// hook indicates one-wrapper-per-native. In this case we want to
// make a new wrapper in the new scope.
// 2 - We're midway through wrapper reparenting. The document has
// moved to a new scope, but |wn| hasn't been moved yet, and
// we ended up calling JS_WrapObject() on its JS object. In this
// case, we want to return the existing wrapper.
// So we do a trick: call PreCreate _again_, but say that we're
// wrapping for the old scope, rather than the new one. If (1) is
// the case, then PreCreate will return the scope we pass to it
// (the old scope). If (2) is the case, PreCreate will return the
// scope of the document (the new scope).
JSObject *probe;
rv = wn->GetScriptableInfo()->GetCallback()->
PreCreate(wn->Native(), cx, currentScope, &probe);
// Check for case (2).
if (probe != currentScope) {
MOZ_ASSERT(probe == scope);
return DoubleWrap(cx, obj, flags);
// Ok, must be case (1). Fall through and create a new wrapper.
// NB: Passing a holder here inhibits slim wrappers under
// WrapNativeToJSVal.
nsCOMPtr<nsIXPConnectJSObjectHolder> holder;
// This public WrapNativeToJSVal API enters the compartment of 'scope'
// so we don't have to.
jsval v;
nsresult rv =
nsXPConnect::FastGetXPConnect()->WrapNativeToJSVal(cx, scope, wn->Native(), nullptr,
&NS_GET_IID(nsISupports), false,
&v, getter_AddRefs(holder));
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
NS_ASSERTION(IS_WN_WRAPPER(obj), "bad object");
// Because the underlying native didn't have a PreCreate hook, we had
// to a new (or possibly pre-existing) XPCWN in our compartment.
// This could be a problem for chrome code that passes XPCOM objects
// across compartments, because the effects of QI would disappear across
// compartments.
// So whenever we pull an XPCWN across compartments in this manner, we
// give the destination object the union of the two native sets. We try
// to do this cleverly in the common case to avoid too much overhead.
XPCWrappedNative *newwn = static_cast<XPCWrappedNative *>(xpc_GetJSPrivate(obj));
XPCNativeSet *unionSet = XPCNativeSet::GetNewOrUsed(ccx, newwn->GetSet(),
wn->GetSet(), false);
if (!unionSet)
return nullptr;
return DoubleWrap(cx, obj, flags);
static XPCWrappedNative *
GetWrappedNative(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj)
obj = JS_ObjectToInnerObject(cx, obj);
return IS_WN_WRAPPER(obj)
? static_cast<XPCWrappedNative *>(js::GetObjectPrivate(obj))
: nullptr;
enum XrayType {
static XrayType
GetXrayType(JSObject *obj)
js::Class* clasp = js::GetObjectClass(obj);
if (mozilla::dom::IsDOMClass(Jsvalify(clasp))) {
return XrayForDOMObject;
if (mozilla::dom::binding::instanceIsProxy(obj)) {
return XrayForDOMProxyObject;
if (IS_WRAPPER_CLASS(clasp) || clasp->ext.innerObject) {
NS_ASSERTION(clasp->ext.innerObject || IS_WN_WRAPPER_OBJECT(obj),
"We forgot to Morph a slim wrapper!");
return XrayForWrappedNative;
return NotXray;
JSObject *
WrapperFactory::Rewrap(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, JSObject *wrappedProto, JSObject *parent,
unsigned flags)
NS_ASSERTION(!IsWrapper(obj) ||
GetProxyHandler(obj) == &XrayWaiver ||
"wrapped object passed to rewrap");
NS_ASSERTION(JS_GetClass(obj) != &XrayUtils::HolderClass, "trying to wrap a holder");
JSCompartment *origin = js::GetObjectCompartment(obj);
JSCompartment *target = js::GetContextCompartment(cx);
bool usingXray = false;
// By default we use the wrapped proto of the underlying object as the
// prototype for our wrapper, but we may select something different below.
JSObject *proxyProto = wrappedProto;
Wrapper *wrapper;
CompartmentPrivate *targetdata = GetCompartmentPrivate(target);
if (AccessCheck::isChrome(target)) {
if (AccessCheck::isChrome(origin)) {
wrapper = &CrossCompartmentWrapper::singleton;
} else {
bool isSystem;
JSAutoEnterCompartment ac;
if (!ac.enter(cx, obj))
return nullptr;
JSObject *globalObj = JS_GetGlobalForObject(cx, obj);
isSystem = JS_IsSystemObject(cx, globalObj);
if (isSystem) {
wrapper = &CrossCompartmentWrapper::singleton;
} else if (flags & WAIVE_XRAY_WRAPPER_FLAG) {
// If we waived the X-ray wrapper for this object, wrap it into a
// special wrapper to transitively maintain the X-ray waiver.
wrapper = &WaiveXrayWrapper::singleton;
} else {
// Native objects must be wrapped into an X-ray wrapper.
XrayType type = GetXrayType(obj);
if (type == XrayForDOMObject) {
wrapper = &XrayDOM::singleton;
} else if (type == XrayForDOMProxyObject) {
wrapper = &XrayProxy::singleton;
} else if (type == XrayForWrappedNative) {
typedef XrayWrapper<CrossCompartmentWrapper> Xray;
usingXray = true;
wrapper = &Xray::singleton;
} else {
wrapper = &CrossCompartmentWrapper::singleton;
} else if (AccessCheck::isChrome(origin)) {
JSFunction *fun = JS_GetObjectFunction(obj);
if (fun) {
if (JS_IsBuiltinEvalFunction(fun) || JS_IsBuiltinFunctionConstructor(fun)) {
JS_ReportError(cx, "Not allowed to access chrome eval or Function from content");
return nullptr;
XPCWrappedNative *wn;
if (targetdata &&
(wn = GetWrappedNative(cx, obj)) &&
wn->HasProto() && wn->GetProto()->ClassIsDOMObject()) {
typedef XrayWrapper<CrossCompartmentSecurityWrapper> Xray;
usingXray = true;
if (IsLocationObject(obj))
wrapper = &FilteringWrapper<Xray, LocationPolicy>::singleton;
wrapper = &FilteringWrapper<Xray, CrossOriginAccessiblePropertiesOnly>::singleton;
} else if (mozilla::dom::binding::instanceIsProxy(obj)) {
wrapper = &FilteringWrapper<XrayProxy, CrossOriginAccessiblePropertiesOnly>::singleton;
} else if (mozilla::dom::IsDOMClass(JS_GetClass(obj))) {
wrapper = &FilteringWrapper<XrayDOM, CrossOriginAccessiblePropertiesOnly>::singleton;
} else if (IsComponentsObject(obj)) {
wrapper = &FilteringWrapper<CrossCompartmentSecurityWrapper,
} else {
wrapper = &ChromeObjectWrapper::singleton;
// If the prototype of the chrome object being wrapped is a prototype
// for a standard class, use the one from the content compartment so
// that we can safely take advantage of things like .forEach().
// If the prototype chain of chrome object |obj| looks like this:
// obj => foo => bar => chromeWin.StandardClass.prototype
// The prototype chain of COW(obj) looks lke this:
// COW(obj) => COW(foo) => COW(bar) => contentWin.StandardClass.prototype
JSProtoKey key = JSProto_Null;
JSObject *unwrappedProto = NULL;
if (wrappedProto && IsCrossCompartmentWrapper(wrappedProto) &&
(unwrappedProto = Wrapper::wrappedObject(wrappedProto))) {
JSAutoEnterCompartment ac;
if (!ac.enter(cx, obj))
return NULL;
key = JS_IdentifyClassPrototype(cx, unwrappedProto);
if (key != JSProto_Null) {
JSObject *homeProto;
if (!JS_GetClassPrototype(cx, key, &homeProto))
return NULL;
proxyProto = homeProto;
} else if (AccessCheck::subsumes(target, origin)) {
// For the same-origin case we use a transparent wrapper, unless one
// of the following is true:
// * The object is flagged as needing a SOW.
// * The object is a Location object.
// * The object is a Components object.
// * The context compartment specifically requested Xray vision into
// same-origin compartments.
// The first two cases always require a security wrapper for non-chrome
// access, regardless of the origin of the object.
XrayType type;
if (AccessCheck::needsSystemOnlyWrapper(obj)) {
wrapper = &FilteringWrapper<CrossCompartmentSecurityWrapper,
} else if (IsLocationObject(obj)) {
typedef XrayWrapper<CrossCompartmentSecurityWrapper> Xray;
usingXray = true;
wrapper = &FilteringWrapper<Xray, LocationPolicy>::singleton;
} else if (IsComponentsObject(obj)) {
wrapper = &FilteringWrapper<CrossCompartmentSecurityWrapper,
} else if (!targetdata || !targetdata->wantXrays ||
(type = GetXrayType(obj)) == NotXray) {
wrapper = &CrossCompartmentWrapper::singleton;
} else if (type == XrayForDOMObject) {
wrapper = &XrayDOM::singleton;
} else if (type == XrayForDOMProxyObject) {
wrapper = &XrayProxy::singleton;
} else {
typedef XrayWrapper<CrossCompartmentWrapper> Xray;
usingXray = true;
wrapper = &Xray::singleton;
} else {
"bad object exposed across origins");
// Cross origin we want to disallow scripting and limit access to
// a predefined set of properties. XrayWrapper adds a property
// (.wrappedJSObject) which allows bypassing the XrayWrapper, but
// we filter out access to that property.
XrayType type = GetXrayType(obj);
if (type == NotXray) {
wrapper = &FilteringWrapper<CrossCompartmentSecurityWrapper,
} else if (type == XrayForDOMObject) {
wrapper = &FilteringWrapper<XrayDOM,
} else if (type == XrayForDOMProxyObject) {
wrapper = &FilteringWrapper<XrayProxy,
} else {
typedef XrayWrapper<CrossCompartmentSecurityWrapper> Xray;
usingXray = true;
// Location objects can become same origin after navigation, so we might
// have to grant transparent access later on.
if (IsLocationObject(obj)) {
wrapper = &FilteringWrapper<Xray, LocationPolicy>::singleton;
} else {
wrapper = &FilteringWrapper<Xray,
JSObject *wrapperObj = Wrapper::New(cx, obj, proxyProto, parent, wrapper);
if (!wrapperObj || !usingXray)
return wrapperObj;
JSObject *xrayHolder = XrayUtils::createHolder(cx, obj, parent);
if (!xrayHolder)
return nullptr;
js::SetProxyExtra(wrapperObj, 0, js::ObjectValue(*xrayHolder));
return wrapperObj;
JSObject *
WrapperFactory::WrapForSameCompartment(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj)
// Only WNs have same-compartment wrappers.
// NB: The contract of WrapForSameCompartment says that |obj| may or may not
// be a security wrapper. This check implicitly handles the security wrapper
// case.
if (!IS_WN_WRAPPER(obj))
return obj;
// Extract the WN. It should exist.
XPCWrappedNative *wn = static_cast<XPCWrappedNative *>(xpc_GetJSPrivate(obj));
MOZ_ASSERT(wn, "Trying to wrap a dead WN!");
// The WN knows what to do.
return wn->GetSameCompartmentSecurityWrapper(cx);
typedef FilteringWrapper<XrayWrapper<SameCompartmentSecurityWrapper>, LocationPolicy> LW;
WrapperFactory::IsLocationObject(JSObject *obj)
const char *name = js::GetObjectClass(obj)->name;
return name[0] == 'L' && !strcmp(name, "Location");
JSObject *
WrapperFactory::WrapLocationObject(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj)
JSObject *xrayHolder = XrayUtils::createHolder(cx, obj, js::GetObjectParent(obj));
if (!xrayHolder)
return nullptr;
JSObject *wrapperObj = Wrapper::New(cx, obj, js::GetObjectProto(obj), js::GetObjectParent(obj),
if (!wrapperObj)
return nullptr;
js::SetProxyExtra(wrapperObj, 0, js::ObjectValue(*xrayHolder));
return wrapperObj;
// Call WaiveXrayAndWrap when you have a JS object that you don't want to be
// wrapped in an Xray wrapper. cx->compartment is the compartment that will be
// using the returned object. If the object to be wrapped is already in the
// correct compartment, then this returns the unwrapped object.
WrapperFactory::WaiveXrayAndWrap(JSContext *cx, jsval *vp)
return JS_WrapValue(cx, vp);
JSObject *obj = js::UnwrapObject(JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(*vp));
obj = GetCurrentOuter(cx, obj);
if (js::IsObjectInContextCompartment(obj, cx)) {
*vp = OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(obj);
return true;
obj = WaiveXray(cx, obj);
if (!obj)
return false;
*vp = OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(obj);
return JS_WrapValue(cx, vp);
JSObject *
WrapperFactory::WrapSOWObject(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj)
JSObject *wrapperObj =
Wrapper::New(cx, obj, JS_GetPrototype(obj), JS_GetGlobalForObject(cx, obj),
return wrapperObj;
WrapperFactory::IsComponentsObject(JSObject *obj)
const char *name = js::GetObjectClass(obj)->name;
return name[0] == 'n' && !strcmp(name, "nsXPCComponents");
JSObject *
WrapperFactory::WrapComponentsObject(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj)
JSObject *wrapperObj =
Wrapper::New(cx, obj, JS_GetPrototype(obj), JS_GetGlobalForObject(cx, obj),
&FilteringWrapper<SameCompartmentSecurityWrapper, ComponentsObjectPolicy>::singleton);
return wrapperObj;
JSObject *
WrapperFactory::WrapForSameCompartmentXray(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj)
// We should be same-compartment here.
MOZ_ASSERT(js::IsObjectInContextCompartment(obj, cx));
// Sort out what kind of Xray we can do. If we can't Xray, bail.
XrayType type = GetXrayType(obj);
if (type == NotXray)
return NULL;
// Select the appropriate proxy handler.
Wrapper *wrapper = NULL;
if (type == XrayForWrappedNative)
wrapper = &XrayWrapper<DirectWrapper>::singleton;
else if (type == XrayForDOMProxyObject)
wrapper = &XrayWrapper<DirectWrapper, ProxyXrayTraits>::singleton;
else if (type == XrayForDOMObject)
wrapper = &XrayWrapper<DirectWrapper, DOMXrayTraits>::singleton;
MOZ_NOT_REACHED("Bad Xray type");
// Make the Xray.
JSObject *parent = JS_GetGlobalForObject(cx, obj);
JSObject *wrapperObj = Wrapper::New(cx, obj, NULL, parent, wrapper);
if (!wrapperObj)
return NULL;
// Make the holder.
JSObject *xrayHolder = XrayUtils::createHolder(cx, obj, parent);
if (!xrayHolder)
return nullptr;
js::SetProxyExtra(wrapperObj, 0, js::ObjectValue(*xrayHolder));
return wrapperObj;
* Calls to JS_TransplantObject* should go through these helpers here so that
* waivers get fixed up properly.
static bool
FixWaiverAfterTransplant(JSContext *cx, JSObject *oldWaiver, JSObject *newobj)
MOZ_ASSERT(Wrapper::wrapperHandler(oldWaiver) == &XrayWaiver);
// Create a waiver in the new compartment. We know there's not one already
// because we _just_ transplanted, which means that |newobj| was either
// created from scratch, or was previously cross-compartment wrapper (which
// should have no waiver). CreateXrayWaiver asserts this.
JSObject *newWaiver = WrapperFactory::CreateXrayWaiver(cx, newobj);
if (!newWaiver)
return false;
// Update all the cross-compartment references to oldWaiver to point to
// newWaiver.
if (!js::RemapAllWrappersForObject(cx, oldWaiver, newWaiver))
return false;
// There should be no same-compartment references to oldWaiver, and we
// just remapped all cross-compartment references. It's dead, so we can
// remove it from the map.
CompartmentPrivate *priv = GetCompartmentPrivate(oldWaiver);
JSObject *key = Wrapper::wrappedObject(oldWaiver);
return true;
JSObject *
TransplantObject(JSContext *cx, JSObject *origobj, JSObject *target)
JSObject *oldWaiver = WrapperFactory::GetXrayWaiver(origobj);
JSObject *newIdentity = JS_TransplantObject(cx, origobj, target);
if (!newIdentity || !oldWaiver)
return newIdentity;
if (!FixWaiverAfterTransplant(cx, oldWaiver, newIdentity))
return NULL;
return newIdentity;
JSObject *
TransplantObjectWithWrapper(JSContext *cx,
JSObject *origobj, JSObject *origwrapper,
JSObject *targetobj, JSObject *targetwrapper)
JSObject *oldWaiver = WrapperFactory::GetXrayWaiver(origobj);
JSObject *newSameCompartmentWrapper =
js_TransplantObjectWithWrapper(cx, origobj, origwrapper, targetobj,
if (!newSameCompartmentWrapper || !oldWaiver)
return newSameCompartmentWrapper;
JSObject *newIdentity = Wrapper::wrappedObject(newSameCompartmentWrapper);
if (!FixWaiverAfterTransplant(cx, oldWaiver, newIdentity))
return NULL;
return newSameCompartmentWrapper;