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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
* You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
* This module defines the thread-agnostic components of the Unix version
* of OS.File. It depends on the thread-agnostic cross-platform components
* of OS.File.
* It serves the following purposes:
* - open libc;
* - define OS.Unix.Error;
* - define a few constants and types that need to be defined on all platforms.
* This module can be:
* - opened from the main thread as a jsm module;
* - opened from a chrome worker through require().
"use strict";
let SharedAll;
if (typeof Components != "undefined") {
let Cu = Components.utils;
// Module is opened as a jsm module
Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/ctypes.jsm", this);
SharedAll = {};
Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/osfile/osfile_shared_allthreads.jsm", SharedAll);
this.exports = {};
} else if (typeof "module" != "undefined" && typeof "require" != "undefined") {
// Module is loaded with require()
SharedAll = require("resource://gre/modules/osfile/osfile_shared_allthreads.jsm");
} else {
throw new Error("Please open this module with Component.utils.import or with require()");
let LOG = SharedAll.LOG.bind(SharedAll, "Unix", "allthreads");
let Const = SharedAll.Constants.libc;
// Open libc
let libc = new SharedAll.Library("libc",
"libc.so", "libSystem.B.dylib", "a.out");
exports.libc = libc;
// Define declareFFI
let declareFFI = SharedAll.declareFFI.bind(null, libc);
exports.declareFFI = declareFFI;
// Define lazy binding
let LazyBindings = {};
libc.declareLazy(LazyBindings, "strerror",
"strerror", ctypes.default_abi,
/*return*/ ctypes.char.ptr,
/*errnum*/ ctypes.int);
* A File-related error.
* To obtain a human-readable error message, use method |toString|.
* To determine the cause of the error, use the various |becauseX|
* getters. To determine the operation that failed, use field
* |operation|.
* Additionally, this implementation offers a field
* |unixErrno|, which holds the OS-specific error
* constant. If you need this level of detail, you may match the value
* of this field against the error constants of |OS.Constants.libc|.
* @param {string=} operation The operation that failed. If unspecified,
* the name of the calling function is taken to be the operation that
* failed.
* @param {number=} lastError The OS-specific constant detailing the
* reason of the error. If unspecified, this is fetched from the system
* status.
* @param {string=} path The file path that manipulated. If unspecified,
* assign the empty string.
* @constructor
* @extends {OS.Shared.Error}
let OSError = function OSError(operation = "unknown operation",
errno = ctypes.errno, path = "") {
operation = operation;
SharedAll.OSError.call(this, operation, path);
this.unixErrno = errno;
OSError.prototype = Object.create(SharedAll.OSError.prototype);
OSError.prototype.toString = function toString() {
return "Unix error " + this.unixErrno +
" during operation " + this.operation +
(this.path? " on file " + this.path : "") +
" (" + LazyBindings.strerror(this.unixErrno).readString() + ")";
* |true| if the error was raised because a file or directory
* already exists, |false| otherwise.
Object.defineProperty(OSError.prototype, "becauseExists", {
get: function becauseExists() {
return this.unixErrno == Const.EEXIST;
* |true| if the error was raised because a file or directory
* does not exist, |false| otherwise.
Object.defineProperty(OSError.prototype, "becauseNoSuchFile", {
get: function becauseNoSuchFile() {
return this.unixErrno == Const.ENOENT;
* |true| if the error was raised because a directory is not empty
* does not exist, |false| otherwise.
Object.defineProperty(OSError.prototype, "becauseNotEmpty", {
get: function becauseNotEmpty() {
return this.unixErrno == Const.ENOTEMPTY;
* |true| if the error was raised because a file or directory
* is closed, |false| otherwise.
Object.defineProperty(OSError.prototype, "becauseClosed", {
get: function becauseClosed() {
return this.unixErrno == Const.EBADF;
* |true| if the error was raised because permission is denied to
* access a file or directory, |false| otherwise.
Object.defineProperty(OSError.prototype, "becauseAccessDenied", {
get: function becauseAccessDenied() {
return this.unixErrno == Const.EACCES;
* |true| if the error was raised because some invalid argument was passed,
* |false| otherwise.
Object.defineProperty(OSError.prototype, "becauseInvalidArgument", {
get: function becauseInvalidArgument() {
return this.unixErrno == Const.EINVAL;
* Serialize an instance of OSError to something that can be
* transmitted across threads (not necessarily a string).
OSError.toMsg = function toMsg(error) {
return {
operation: error.operation,
unixErrno: error.unixErrno,
path: error.path
* Deserialize a message back to an instance of OSError
OSError.fromMsg = function fromMsg(msg) {
return new OSError(msg.operation, msg.unixErrno, msg.path);
exports.Error = OSError;
* Code shared by implementations of File.Info on Unix
* @constructor
let AbstractInfo = function AbstractInfo(path, isDir, isSymLink, size, lastAccessDate,
lastModificationDate, unixLastStatusChangeDate,
unixOwner, unixGroup, unixMode) {
this._path = path;
this._isDir = isDir;
this._isSymlLink = isSymLink;
this._size = size;
this._lastAccessDate = lastAccessDate;
this._lastModificationDate = lastModificationDate;
this._unixLastStatusChangeDate = unixLastStatusChangeDate;
this._unixOwner = unixOwner;
this._unixGroup = unixGroup;
this._unixMode = unixMode;
AbstractInfo.prototype = {
* The path of the file, used for error-reporting.
* @type {string}
get path() {
return this._path;
* |true| if this file is a directory, |false| otherwise
get isDir() {
return this._isDir;
* |true| if this file is a symbolink link, |false| otherwise
get isSymLink() {
return this._isSymlLink;
* The size of the file, in bytes.
* Note that the result may be |NaN| if the size of the file cannot be
* represented in JavaScript.
* @type {number}
get size() {
return this._size;
* The date of last access to this file.
* Note that the definition of last access may depend on the
* underlying operating system and file system.
* @type {Date}
get lastAccessDate() {
return this._lastAccessDate;
* Return the date of last modification of this file.
get lastModificationDate() {
return this._lastModificationDate;
* Return the date at which the status of this file was last modified
* (this is the date of the latest write/renaming/mode change/...
* of the file)
get unixLastStatusChangeDate() {
return this._unixLastStatusChangeDate;
* Return the Unix owner of this file
get unixOwner() {
return this._unixOwner;
* Return the Unix group of this file
get unixGroup() {
return this._unixGroup;
* Return the Unix group of this file
get unixMode() {
return this._unixMode;
exports.AbstractInfo = AbstractInfo;
* Code shared by implementations of File.DirectoryIterator.Entry on Unix
* @constructor
let AbstractEntry = function AbstractEntry(isDir, isSymLink, name, path) {
this._isDir = isDir;
this._isSymlLink = isSymLink;
this._name = name;
this._path = path;
AbstractEntry.prototype = {
* |true| if the entry is a directory, |false| otherwise
get isDir() {
return this._isDir;
* |true| if the entry is a directory, |false| otherwise
get isSymLink() {
return this._isSymlLink;
* The name of the entry
* @type {string}
get name() {
return this._name;
* The full path to the entry
get path() {
return this._path;
exports.AbstractEntry = AbstractEntry;
// Special constants that need to be defined on all platforms
exports.POS_START = Const.SEEK_SET;
exports.POS_CURRENT = Const.SEEK_CUR;
exports.POS_END = Const.SEEK_END;
// Special types that need to be defined for communication
// between threads
let Type = Object.create(SharedAll.Type);
exports.Type = Type;
* Native paths
* Under Unix, expressed as C strings
Type.path = Type.cstring.withName("[in] path");
Type.out_path = Type.out_cstring.withName("[out] path");
// Special constructors that need to be defined on all threads
OSError.closed = function closed(operation, path) {
return new OSError(operation, Const.EBADF, path);
OSError.exists = function exists(operation, path) {
return new OSError(operation, Const.EEXIST, path);
OSError.noSuchFile = function noSuchFile(operation, path) {
return new OSError(operation, Const.ENOENT, path);
OSError.invalidArgument = function invalidArgument(operation) {
return new OSError(operation, Const.EINVAL);
//////////// Boilerplate
if (typeof Components != "undefined") {
for (let symbol of EXPORTED_SYMBOLS) {
this[symbol] = exports[symbol];