Eden Chuang 794756e970 Bug 1810816 - P4 Report the preload response timing for ServiceWorker NavigationPreload. r=dom-worker-reviewers,asuth
Response Timing should be reported before the body stream completing.

In the original implementation, the response timing is recorded when OnResponseEnd is called, but it is too late. Response timing could not be ready when response.text() or response.blob() resolves the promise.

This is the fourth patch for reporting the preload response timing for ServiceWorker NavigationPreload.
This patch adds the needed IPCs PFetchEventOp and PFetchEventOpProxy to propagate the preload response timing from the parent process main thread to the content process worker thread.
Since navigation preload is an asynchronous action, corresponding promises for asynchronous propagation are also created in FetchService, FetchEventOpChild, FetchEventOpProxyChild, and FetchEventOp.

Depends on D167938

Differential Revision:
2023-02-23 02:52:54 +00:00

185 lines
6.4 KiB

/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#ifndef _mozilla_dom_FetchService_h
#define _mozilla_dom_FetchService_h
#include "nsIChannel.h"
#include "nsIObserver.h"
#include "nsTHashMap.h"
#include "mozilla/ErrorResult.h"
#include "mozilla/MozPromise.h"
#include "mozilla/RefPtr.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/FetchDriver.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/FetchTypes.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/PerformanceTimingTypes.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/SafeRefPtr.h"
#include "mozilla/ipc/PBackgroundSharedTypes.h"
#include "mozilla/net/NeckoChannelParams.h"
class nsILoadGroup;
class nsIPrincipal;
class nsICookieJarSettings;
class PerformanceStorage;
namespace mozilla::dom {
class InternalRequest;
class InternalResponse;
class ClientInfo;
class ServiceWorkerDescriptor;
using FetchServiceResponse = SafeRefPtr<InternalResponse>;
using FetchServiceResponseAvailablePromise =
MozPromise<FetchServiceResponse, CopyableErrorResult, true>;
using FetchServiceResponseTimingPromise =
MozPromise<ResponseTiming, CopyableErrorResult, true>;
using FetchServiceResponseEndPromise =
MozPromise<ResponseEndArgs, CopyableErrorResult, true>;
class FetchServicePromises final {
RefPtr<FetchServiceResponseAvailablePromise> GetResponseAvailablePromise();
RefPtr<FetchServiceResponseTimingPromise> GetResponseTimingPromise();
RefPtr<FetchServiceResponseEndPromise> GetResponseEndPromise();
void ResolveResponseAvailablePromise(FetchServiceResponse&& aResponse,
const char* aMethodName);
void RejectResponseAvailablePromise(const CopyableErrorResult&& aError,
const char* aMethodName);
void ResolveResponseTimingPromise(ResponseTiming&& aTiming,
const char* aMethodName);
void RejectResponseTimingPromise(const CopyableErrorResult&& aError,
const char* aMethodName);
void ResolveResponseEndPromise(ResponseEndArgs&& aArgs,
const char* aMethodName);
void RejectResponseEndPromise(const CopyableErrorResult&& aError,
const char* aMethodName);
~FetchServicePromises() = default;
RefPtr<FetchServiceResponseAvailablePromise::Private> mAvailablePromise;
RefPtr<FetchServiceResponseTimingPromise::Private> mTimingPromise;
RefPtr<FetchServiceResponseEndPromise::Private> mEndPromise;
* FetchService is a singleton object which designed to be used in parent
* process main thread only. It is used to handle the special fetch requests
* from ServiceWorkers(by Navigation Preload) and PFetch.
* FetchService creates FetchInstance internally to represent each Fetch
* request. It supports an asynchronous fetching, FetchServicePromises is
* created when a Fetch starts, once the response is ready or any error happens,
* the FetchServicePromises would be resolved or rejected. The promises
* consumers can set callbacks to handle the Fetch result.
class FetchService final : public nsIObserver {
struct NavigationPreloadArgs {
SafeRefPtr<InternalRequest> mRequest;
nsCOMPtr<nsIChannel> mChannel;
struct WorkerFetchArgs {
SafeRefPtr<InternalRequest> mRequest;
mozilla::ipc::PrincipalInfo mPrincipalInfo;
nsCString mWorkerScript;
Maybe<ClientInfo> mClientInfo;
Maybe<ServiceWorkerDescriptor> mController;
Maybe<net::CookieJarSettingsArgs> mCookieJarSettings;
bool mNeedOnDataAvailable;
nsCOMPtr<nsICSPEventListener> mCSPEventListener;
nsCOMPtr<nsISerialEventTarget> mEventTarget;
nsID mActorID;
struct UnknownArgs {};
using FetchArgs =
Variant<NavigationPreloadArgs, WorkerFetchArgs, UnknownArgs>;
static already_AddRefed<FetchService> GetInstance();
static RefPtr<FetchServicePromises> NetworkErrorResponse(nsresult aRv);
// This method creates a FetchInstance to trigger fetch.
// The created FetchInstance is saved in mFetchInstanceTable
RefPtr<FetchServicePromises> Fetch(FetchArgs&& aArgs);
void CancelFetch(const RefPtr<FetchServicePromises>&& aPromises);
* FetchInstance is an internal representation for each Fetch created by
* FetchService.
* FetchInstance is also a FetchDriverObserver which has responsibility to
* resolve/reject the FetchServicePromises.
* FetchInstance triggers fetch by instancing a FetchDriver with proper
* initialization. The general usage flow of FetchInstance is as follows
* RefPtr<FetchInstance> fetch = MakeRefPtr<FetchInstance>();
* fetch->Initialize(FetchArgs args);
* RefPtr<FetchServicePromises> fetch->Fetch();
class FetchInstance final : public FetchDriverObserver {
FetchInstance() = default;
nsresult Initialize(FetchArgs&& aArgs);
RefPtr<FetchServicePromises> Fetch();
void Cancel();
/* FetchDriverObserver interface */
void OnResponseEnd(FetchDriverObserver::EndReason aReason,
JS::Handle<JS::Value> aReasonDetails) override;
void OnResponseAvailableInternal(
SafeRefPtr<InternalResponse> aResponse) override;
bool NeedOnDataAvailable() override;
void OnDataAvailable() override;
void FlushConsoleReport() override;
void OnReportPerformanceTiming() override;
~FetchInstance() = default;
SafeRefPtr<InternalRequest> mRequest;
nsCOMPtr<nsIPrincipal> mPrincipal;
nsCOMPtr<nsILoadGroup> mLoadGroup;
nsCOMPtr<nsICookieJarSettings> mCookieJarSettings;
RefPtr<PerformanceStorage> mPerformanceStorage;
FetchArgs mArgs{AsVariant(FetchService::UnknownArgs())};
RefPtr<FetchDriver> mFetchDriver;
SafeRefPtr<InternalResponse> mResponse;
RefPtr<FetchServicePromises> mPromises;
bool mIsWorkerFetch{false};
nsresult RegisterNetworkObserver();
nsresult UnregisterNetworkObserver();
// This is a container to manage the generated fetches.
nsTHashMap<nsRefPtrHashKey<FetchServicePromises>, RefPtr<FetchInstance> >
bool mObservingNetwork{false};
bool mOffline{false};
} // namespace mozilla::dom
#endif // _mozilla_dom_FetchService_h