
732 lines
26 KiB

/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
"use strict";
/* global XPCNativeWrapper */
const promise = require("promise");
const protocol = require("devtools/shared/protocol");
const {CallWatcherActor} = require("devtools/server/actors/call-watcher");
const {CallWatcherFront} = require("devtools/shared/fronts/call-watcher");
const {WebGLPrimitiveCounter} = require("devtools/server/primitive");
const {
} = require("devtools/shared/specs/canvas");
const {CanvasFront} = require("devtools/shared/fronts/canvas");
* This actor represents a recorded animation frame snapshot, along with
* all the corresponding canvas' context methods invoked in that frame,
* thumbnails for each draw call and a screenshot of the end result.
var FrameSnapshotActor = protocol.ActorClassWithSpec(frameSnapshotSpec, {
* Creates the frame snapshot call actor.
* @param DebuggerServerConnection conn
* The server connection.
* @param HTMLCanvasElement canvas
* A reference to the content canvas.
* @param array calls
* An array of "function-call" actor instances.
* @param object screenshot
* A single "snapshot-image" type instance.
initialize: function (conn, { canvas, calls, screenshot, primitive }) {, conn);
this._contentCanvas = canvas;
this._functionCalls = calls;
this._animationFrameEndScreenshot = screenshot;
this._primitive = primitive;
* Gets as much data about this snapshot without computing anything costly.
getOverview: function () {
return {
calls: this._functionCalls,
thumbnails: => e._thumbnail).filter(e => !!e),
screenshot: this._animationFrameEndScreenshot,
primitive: {
tris: this._primitive.tris,
vertices: this._primitive.vertices,
points: this._primitive.points,
lines: this._primitive.lines
* Gets a screenshot of the canvas's contents after the specified
* function was called.
generateScreenshotFor: function (functionCall) {
let global =;
let canvas = this._contentCanvas;
let calls = this._functionCalls;
let index = calls.indexOf(functionCall);
// To get a screenshot, replay all the steps necessary to render the frame,
// by invoking the context calls up to and including the specified one.
// This will be done in a custom framebuffer in case of a WebGL context.
let replayData = ContextUtils.replayAnimationFrame({
contextType: global,
canvas: canvas,
calls: calls,
first: 0,
last: index
let {
} = replayData;
let [left, top, width, height] = replayData.replayViewport;
let screenshot;
// Depending on the canvas' context, generating a screenshot is done
// in different ways.
if (global == "WebGLRenderingContext") {
screenshot = ContextUtils.getPixelsForWebGL(replayContext, left, top,
width, height);
screenshot.flipped = true;
} else if (global == "CanvasRenderingContext2D") {
screenshot = ContextUtils.getPixelsFor2D(replayContext, left, top, width, height);
screenshot.flipped = false;
// In case of the WebGL context, we also need to reset the framebuffer
// binding to the original value, after generating the screenshot.
screenshot.scaling = replayContextScaling;
screenshot.index = lastDrawCallIndex;
return screenshot;
* This Canvas Actor handles simple instrumentation of all the methods
* of a 2D or WebGL context, to provide information regarding all the calls
* made when drawing frame inside an animation loop.
exports.CanvasActor = protocol.ActorClassWithSpec(canvasSpec, {
// Reset for each recording, boolean indicating whether or not
// any draw calls were called for a recording.
_animationContainsDrawCall: false,
initialize: function (conn, tabActor) {, conn);
this.tabActor = tabActor;
this._webGLPrimitiveCounter = new WebGLPrimitiveCounter(tabActor);
this._onContentFunctionCall = this._onContentFunctionCall.bind(this);
destroy: function (conn) {, conn);
* Starts listening for function calls.
setup: function ({ reload }) {
if (this._initialized) {
if (reload) {
this._initialized = true;
this._callWatcher = new CallWatcherActor(this.conn, this.tabActor);
this._callWatcher.onCall = this._onContentFunctionCall;
tracedGlobals: CANVAS_CONTEXTS,
performReload: reload,
storeCalls: true
* Stops listening for function calls.
finalize: function () {
if (!this._initialized) {
this._initialized = false;
this._callWatcher = null;
* Returns whether this actor has been set up.
isInitialized: function () {
return !!this._initialized;
* Returns whether or not the CanvasActor is recording an animation.
* Used in tests.
isRecording: function () {
return !!this._callWatcher.isRecording();
* Records a snapshot of all the calls made during the next animation frame.
* The animation should be implemented via the de-facto requestAnimationFrame
* utility, or inside recursive `setTimeout`s. `setInterval` at this time are
* not supported.
recordAnimationFrame: function () {
if (this._callWatcher.isRecording()) {
return this._currentAnimationFrameSnapshot.promise;
this._recordingContainsDrawCall = false;
let deferred = this._currentAnimationFrameSnapshot = promise.defer();
return deferred.promise;
* Cease attempts to record an animation frame.
stopRecordingAnimationFrame: function () {
if (!this._callWatcher.isRecording()) {
this._animationStarted = false;
this._currentAnimationFrameSnapshot = null;
* Invoked whenever an instrumented function is called, be it on a
* 2d or WebGL context, or an animation generator like requestAnimationFrame.
_onContentFunctionCall: function (functionCall) {
let { window, name, args } = functionCall.details;
// The function call arguments are required to replay animation frames,
// in order to generate screenshots. However, simply storing references to
// every kind of object is a bad idea, since their properties may change.
// Consider transformation matrices for example, which are typically
// Float32Arrays whose values can easily change across context calls.
// They need to be cloned.
inplaceShallowCloneArrays(args, window);
// Handle animations generated using requestAnimationFrame
if (CanvasFront.ANIMATION_GENERATORS.has(name)) {
// Handle animations generated using setTimeout. While using
// those timers is considered extremely poor practice, they're still widely
// used on the web, especially for old demos; it's nice to support them as well.
if (CanvasFront.LOOP_GENERATORS.has(name)) {
if (CanvasFront.DRAW_CALLS.has(name) && this._animationStarted) {
* Handle animations generated using requestAnimationFrame.
_handleAnimationFrame: function (functionCall) {
if (!this._animationStarted) {
} else if (this._animationContainsDrawCall) {
// Check to see if draw calls occurred yet, as it could be future frames,
// like in the scenario where requestAnimationFrame is called to trigger
// an animation, and rAF is at the beginning of the animate loop.
* Called whenever an animation frame rendering begins.
_handleAnimationFrameBegin: function () {
this._animationStarted = true;
* Called whenever an animation frame rendering ends.
_handleAnimationFrameEnd: function () {
// Get a hold of all the function calls made during this animation frame.
// Since only one snapshot can be recorded at a time, erase all the
// previously recorded calls.
let functionCalls = this._callWatcher.pauseRecording();
this._animationContainsDrawCall = false;
// Since the animation frame finished, get a hold of the (already retrieved)
// canvas pixels to conveniently create a screenshot of the final rendering.
let index = this._lastDrawCallIndex;
let width = this._lastContentCanvasWidth;
let height = this._lastContentCanvasHeight;
// undefined -> false
let flipped = !!this._lastThumbnailFlipped;
let pixels = ContextUtils.getPixelStorage()["8bit"];
let primitiveResult = this._webGLPrimitiveCounter.getCounts();
let animationFrameEndScreenshot = {
index: index,
width: width,
height: height,
scaling: 1,
flipped: flipped,
pixels: pixels.subarray(0, width * height * 4)
// Wrap the function calls and screenshot in a FrameSnapshotActor instance,
// which will resolve the promise returned by `recordAnimationFrame`.
let frameSnapshot = new FrameSnapshotActor(this.conn, {
canvas: this._lastDrawCallCanvas,
calls: functionCalls,
screenshot: animationFrameEndScreenshot,
primitive: {
tris: primitiveResult.tris,
vertices: primitiveResult.vertices,
points: primitiveResult.points,
lines: primitiveResult.lines
this._currentAnimationFrameSnapshot = null;
this._animationStarted = false;
* Invoked whenever a draw call is detected in the animation frame which is
* currently being recorded.
_handleDrawCall: function (functionCall) {
let functionCalls = this._callWatcher.pauseRecording();
let caller = functionCall.details.caller;
let global =;
let contentCanvas = this._lastDrawCallCanvas = caller.canvas;
let index = this._lastDrawCallIndex = functionCalls.indexOf(functionCall);
let w = this._lastContentCanvasWidth = contentCanvas.width;
let h = this._lastContentCanvasHeight = contentCanvas.height;
// To keep things fast, generate images of small and fixed dimensions.
let dimensions = CanvasFront.THUMBNAIL_SIZE;
let thumbnail;
this._animationContainsDrawCall = true;
// Create a thumbnail on every draw call on the canvas context, to augment
// the respective function call actor with this additional data.
if (global == "WebGLRenderingContext") {
// Check if drawing to a custom framebuffer (when rendering to texture).
// Don't create a thumbnail in this particular case.
let framebufferBinding = caller.getParameter(caller.FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING);
if (framebufferBinding == null) {
thumbnail = ContextUtils.getPixelsForWebGL(caller, 0, 0, w, h, dimensions);
thumbnail.flipped = this._lastThumbnailFlipped = true;
thumbnail.index = index;
} else if (global == "CanvasRenderingContext2D") {
thumbnail = ContextUtils.getPixelsFor2D(caller, 0, 0, w, h, dimensions);
thumbnail.flipped = this._lastThumbnailFlipped = false;
thumbnail.index = index;
functionCall._thumbnail = thumbnail;
* A collection of methods for manipulating canvas contexts.
var ContextUtils = {
* WebGL contexts are sensitive to how they're queried. Use this function
* to make sure the right context is always retrieved, if available.
* @param HTMLCanvasElement canvas
* The canvas element for which to get a WebGL context.
* @param WebGLRenderingContext gl
* The queried WebGL context, or null if unavailable.
getWebGLContext: function (canvas) {
return canvas.getContext("webgl") ||
* Gets a hold of the rendered pixels in the most efficient way possible for
* a canvas with a WebGL context.
* @param WebGLRenderingContext gl
* The WebGL context to get a screenshot from.
* @param number srcX [optional]
* The first left pixel that is read from the framebuffer.
* @param number srcY [optional]
* The first top pixel that is read from the framebuffer.
* @param number srcWidth [optional]
* The number of pixels to read on the X axis.
* @param number srcHeight [optional]
* The number of pixels to read on the Y axis.
* @param number dstHeight [optional]
* The desired generated screenshot height.
* @return object
* An objet containing the screenshot's width, height and pixel data,
* represented as an 8-bit array buffer of r, g, b, a values.
getPixelsForWebGL: function (gl,
srcX = 0, srcY = 0,
srcWidth = gl.canvas.width,
srcHeight = gl.canvas.height,
dstHeight = srcHeight
) {
let contentPixels = ContextUtils.getPixelStorage(srcWidth, srcHeight);
let { "8bit": charView, "32bit": intView } = contentPixels;
gl.readPixels(srcX, srcY, srcWidth, srcHeight, gl.RGBA, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, charView);
return this.resizePixels(intView, srcWidth, srcHeight, dstHeight);
* Gets a hold of the rendered pixels in the most efficient way possible for
* a canvas with a 2D context.
* @param CanvasRenderingContext2D ctx
* The 2D context to get a screenshot from.
* @param number srcX [optional]
* The first left pixel that is read from the canvas.
* @param number srcY [optional]
* The first top pixel that is read from the canvas.
* @param number srcWidth [optional]
* The number of pixels to read on the X axis.
* @param number srcHeight [optional]
* The number of pixels to read on the Y axis.
* @param number dstHeight [optional]
* The desired generated screenshot height.
* @return object
* An objet containing the screenshot's width, height and pixel data,
* represented as an 8-bit array buffer of r, g, b, a values.
getPixelsFor2D: function (ctx,
srcX = 0, srcY = 0,
srcWidth = ctx.canvas.width,
srcHeight = ctx.canvas.height,
dstHeight = srcHeight
) {
let { data } = ctx.getImageData(srcX, srcY, srcWidth, srcHeight);
let { "32bit": intView } = ContextUtils.usePixelStorage(data.buffer);
return this.resizePixels(intView, srcWidth, srcHeight, dstHeight);
* Resizes the provided pixels to fit inside a rectangle with the specified
* height and the same aspect ratio as the source.
* @param Uint32Array srcPixels
* The source pixel data, assuming 32bit/pixel and 4 color components.
* @param number srcWidth
* The source pixel data width.
* @param number srcHeight
* The source pixel data height.
* @param number dstHeight [optional]
* The desired resized pixel data height.
* @return object
* An objet containing the resized pixels width, height and data,
* represented as an 8-bit array buffer of r, g, b, a values.
resizePixels: function (srcPixels, srcWidth, srcHeight, dstHeight) {
let screenshotRatio = dstHeight / srcHeight;
let dstWidth = (srcWidth * screenshotRatio) | 0;
let dstPixels = new Uint32Array(dstWidth * dstHeight);
// If the resized image ends up being completely transparent, returning
// an empty array will skip some redundant serialization cycles.
let isTransparent = true;
for (let dstX = 0; dstX < dstWidth; dstX++) {
for (let dstY = 0; dstY < dstHeight; dstY++) {
let srcX = (dstX / screenshotRatio) | 0;
let srcY = (dstY / screenshotRatio) | 0;
let cPos = srcX + srcWidth * srcY;
let dPos = dstX + dstWidth * dstY;
let color = dstPixels[dPos] = srcPixels[cPos];
if (color) {
isTransparent = false;
return {
width: dstWidth,
height: dstHeight,
pixels: isTransparent ? [] : new Uint8Array(dstPixels.buffer)
* Invokes a series of canvas context calls, to "replay" an animation frame
* and generate a screenshot.
* In case of a WebGL context, an offscreen framebuffer is created for
* the respective canvas, and the rendering will be performed into it.
* This is necessary because some state (like shaders, textures etc.) can't
* be shared between two different WebGL contexts.
* - Hopefully, once SharedResources are a thing this won't be necessary:
* - Alternatively, we could pursue the idea of using the same context
* for multiple canvases, instead of trying to share resources:
* In case of a 2D context, a new canvas is created, since there's no
* intrinsic state that can't be easily duplicated.
* @param number contexType
* The type of context to use. See the CallWatcherFront scope types.
* @param HTMLCanvasElement canvas
* The canvas element which is the source of all context calls.
* @param array calls
* An array of function call actors.
* @param number first
* The first function call to start from.
* @param number last
* The last (inclusive) function call to end at.
* @return object
* The context on which the specified calls were invoked, the
* last registered draw call's index and a cleanup function, which
* needs to be called whenever any potential followup work is finished.
replayAnimationFrame: function ({ contextType, canvas, calls, first, last }) {
let w = canvas.width;
let h = canvas.height;
let replayContext;
let replayContextScaling;
let customViewport;
let customFramebuffer;
let lastDrawCallIndex = -1;
let doCleanup = () => {};
// In case of WebGL contexts, rendering will be done offscreen, in a
// custom framebuffer, but using the same provided context. This is
// necessary because it's very memory-unfriendly to rebuild all the
// required GL state (like recompiling shaders, setting global flags, etc.)
// in an entirely new canvas. However, special care is needed to not
// permanently affect the existing GL state in the process.
if (contextType == "WebGLRenderingContext") {
// To keep things fast, replay the context calls on a framebuffer
// of smaller dimensions than the actual canvas (maximum 256x256 pixels).
let scaling = Math.min(CanvasFront.WEBGL_SCREENSHOT_MAX_HEIGHT, h) / h;
replayContextScaling = scaling;
w = (w * scaling) | 0;
h = (h * scaling) | 0;
// Fetch the same WebGL context and bind a new framebuffer.
let gl = replayContext = this.getWebGLContext(canvas);
let { newFramebuffer, oldFramebuffer } = this.createBoundFramebuffer(gl, w, h);
customFramebuffer = newFramebuffer;
// Set the viewport to match the new framebuffer's dimensions.
let { newViewport, oldViewport } = this.setCustomViewport(gl, w, h);
customViewport = newViewport;
// Revert the framebuffer and viewport to the original values.
doCleanup = () => {
gl.bindFramebuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, oldFramebuffer);
gl.viewport.apply(gl, oldViewport);
} else if (contextType == "CanvasRenderingContext2D") {
// In case of 2D contexts, draw everything on a separate canvas context.
let contentDocument = canvas.ownerDocument;
let replayCanvas = contentDocument.createElement("canvas");
replayCanvas.width = w;
replayCanvas.height = h;
replayContext = replayCanvas.getContext("2d");
replayContextScaling = 1;
customViewport = [0, 0, w, h];
// Replay all the context calls up to and including the specified one.
for (let i = first; i <= last; i++) {
let { type, name, args } = calls[i].details;
// Prevent WebGL context calls that try to reset the framebuffer binding
// to the default value, since we want to perform the rendering offscreen.
if (name == "bindFramebuffer" && args[1] == null) {
replayContext.bindFramebuffer(replayContext.FRAMEBUFFER, customFramebuffer);
// Also prevent WebGL context calls that try to change the viewport
// while our custom framebuffer is bound.
if (name == "viewport") {
let framebufferBinding = replayContext.getParameter(
if (framebufferBinding == customFramebuffer) {
replayContext.viewport.apply(replayContext, customViewport);
if (type == CallWatcherFront.METHOD_FUNCTION) {
replayContext[name].apply(replayContext, args);
} else if (type == CallWatcherFront.SETTER_FUNCTION) {
replayContext[name] = args;
if (CanvasFront.DRAW_CALLS.has(name)) {
lastDrawCallIndex = i;
return {
replayContext: replayContext,
replayContextScaling: replayContextScaling,
replayViewport: customViewport,
lastDrawCallIndex: lastDrawCallIndex,
doCleanup: doCleanup
* Gets an object containing a buffer large enough to hold width * height
* pixels, assuming 32bit/pixel and 4 color components.
* This method avoids allocating memory and tries to reuse a common buffer
* as much as possible.
* @param number w
* The desired pixel array storage width.
* @param number h
* The desired pixel array storage height.
* @return object
* The requested pixel array buffer.
getPixelStorage: function (w = 0, h = 0) {
let storage = this._currentPixelStorage;
if (storage && storage["32bit"].length >= w * h) {
return storage;
return this.usePixelStorage(new ArrayBuffer(w * h * 4));
* Creates and saves the array buffer views used by `getPixelStorage`.
* @param ArrayBuffer buffer
* The raw buffer used as storage for various array buffer views.
usePixelStorage: function (buffer) {
let array8bit = new Uint8Array(buffer);
let array32bit = new Uint32Array(buffer);
this._currentPixelStorage = {
"8bit": array8bit,
"32bit": array32bit
return this._currentPixelStorage;
* Creates a framebuffer of the specified dimensions for a WebGL context,
* assuming a RGBA color buffer, a depth buffer and no stencil buffer.
* @param WebGLRenderingContext gl
* The WebGL context to create and bind a framebuffer for.
* @param number width
* The desired width of the renderbuffers.
* @param number height
* The desired height of the renderbuffers.
* @return WebGLFramebuffer
* The generated framebuffer object.
createBoundFramebuffer: function (gl, width, height) {
let oldFramebuffer = gl.getParameter(gl.FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING);
let oldRenderbufferBinding = gl.getParameter(gl.RENDERBUFFER_BINDING);
let oldTextureBinding = gl.getParameter(gl.TEXTURE_BINDING_2D);
let newFramebuffer = gl.createFramebuffer();
gl.bindFramebuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, newFramebuffer);
// Use a texture as the color renderbuffer attachment, since consumers of
// this function will most likely want to read the rendered pixels back.
let colorBuffer = gl.createTexture();
gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, colorBuffer);
gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, gl.NEAREST);
gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, gl.NEAREST);
gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE);
gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE);
gl.texImage2D(gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, gl.RGBA, width, height, 0, gl.RGBA,
gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, null);
let depthBuffer = gl.createRenderbuffer();
gl.bindRenderbuffer(gl.RENDERBUFFER, depthBuffer);
gl.renderbufferStorage(gl.RENDERBUFFER, gl.DEPTH_COMPONENT16, width, height);
gl.framebufferTexture2D(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, gl.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, gl.TEXTURE_2D,
colorBuffer, 0);
gl.framebufferRenderbuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, gl.DEPTH_ATTACHMENT, gl.RENDERBUFFER,
gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, oldTextureBinding);
gl.bindRenderbuffer(gl.RENDERBUFFER, oldRenderbufferBinding);
return { oldFramebuffer, newFramebuffer };
* Sets the viewport of the drawing buffer for a WebGL context.
* @param WebGLRenderingContext gl
* @param number width
* @param number height
setCustomViewport: function (gl, width, height) {
let oldViewport = XPCNativeWrapper.unwrap(gl.getParameter(gl.VIEWPORT));
let newViewport = [0, 0, width, height];
gl.viewport.apply(gl, newViewport);
return { oldViewport, newViewport };
* Goes through all the arguments and creates a one-level shallow copy
* of all arrays and array buffers.
function inplaceShallowCloneArrays(functionArguments, contentWindow) {
let { Object, Array, ArrayBuffer } = contentWindow;
functionArguments.forEach((arg, index, store) => {
if (arg instanceof Array) {
store[index] = arg.slice();
if (arg instanceof Object && arg.buffer instanceof ArrayBuffer) {
store[index] = new arg.constructor(arg);