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# The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public
# License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
# except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
# the License at http://www.mozilla.org/NPL/
# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
# IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
# implied. See the License for the specific language governing
# rights and limitations under the License.
# The Original Code is mozilla.org code.
# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape
# Communications Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are
# Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All
# Rights Reserved.
# Contributor(s):
# PrimOp.pl
# Waldemar Horwat
# Scott M. Silver
# Parses PrimitiveOperations file.
package PrimOp;
# Fields of a $gPrimitiveInfo structure
$nameIndex = 0;
$categoryIndex = 1;
$usageIndex = 2;
$commentIndex = 3;
# DataNode flag numbers
$dnIsReal = 0;
$dnCanRaiseException = 1;
$dnIsRoot = 2;
# Special kinds
$voidKind = "vkVoid";
$shortOrigin = "aoVariable";
sub readPrimitiveOperations {
my ($fileName) = @_;
# read PrimitiveOperation infos
open PRIMOPS, "$fileName" or die "Couldn't open $fileName: $!\n";
$readingStage = 0;
while (<PRIMOPS>)
if ($readingStage == 0) {
if (/^\s*((?:\/\/.*)?\n)$/) {
push @headerLines,$1;
} else {
$readingStage = 1;
if ($readingStage == 1) {
if (/^\s*ARG-ORIGIN\s+'(.)'\s+(\w+)\s*;\s*\n$/) {
$argOrigins{$1} = $2;
} elsif (/^\s*ARG-KIND\s+'(.)'\s+(\w+)\s*;\s*\n$/) {
$argKinds{$1} = $2;
} elsif (/^\s*SHORT-ARG\s+'(.)'\s+(\w+)\s*;\s*\n$/) {
$shortArgs{$1} = $2;
} elsif (!/^\s*(\/\/.*)?\n$/) {
$readingStage = 2;
if ($readingStage == 2) {
die "Bad line: $_\n" unless m/^(?:\s*{(\w+),\s*(\w+),\s*"([^"\s]*)"})?(?:\s*(\/\/.*))?\n?$/;
# print STDERR "--->$1***$2***$3***$4\n";
#($name, $category, $usage, $comment) = ($1, $2, $3, $4);
push @gPrimitiveInfo, [$1, $2, $3, $4];
close PRIMOPS;
$argOrigins = "";
$argKinds = "";
$shortArgs = "";
foreach (keys %argOrigins) {$argOrigins .= $_;}
foreach (keys %argKinds) {$argKinds .= $_;}
foreach (keys %shortArgs) {$shortArgs .= $_;}
#print STDERR "argOrigins = \"$argOrigins\"\n";
#print STDERR "argKinds = \"$argKinds\"\n";
#print STDERR "shortArgs = \"$shortArgs\"\n";
$maxArgOriginNameLength = maxStringLength(values %argOrigins);
$maxValueKindNameLength = maxStringLength(values %argKinds, values %shortArgs);
$maxPrimitiveNameLength = maxStringLength(map $_->[$nameIndex], @gPrimitiveInfo);
$maxCategoryNameLength = maxStringLength(map $_->[$categoryIndex], @gPrimitiveInfo);
sub createPrimitiveOperationsCpp {
my ($PrimitiveOperationsCpp) = @_;
unlink ($PrimitiveOperationsCpp) or break;
outputNodeTemplates($PrimitiveOperationsCpp, \@gPrimitiveInfo);
sub createPrimitiveOperationsH {
my ($PrimitiveOperationsH) = @_;
unlink ($PrimitiveOperationsH) or break;
$gLastPrimEnumName = outputEnumFromListX("PrimitiveOperation", $PrimitiveOperationsH, 0, \@gPrimitiveInfo, \&primInfoToEnumDescriptor);
open FILE, ">>$PrimitiveOperationsH" or die "Couldn't open $PrimitiveOperationsEnumFN: $!\n";
print FILE "\nconst int nPrimitiveOperations = $gLastPrimEnumName + 1;\n";
close FILE;
# primInfoToEnumDescriptor
# Convert a primInfo to a ($enumname, $enumcomment) list
sub primInfoToEnumDescriptor {
my ($primInfo) = @_;
return ($$primInfo[$nameIndex], $$primInfo[$commentIndex]);
# primInfoToEnumDescriptor
# Convert a namedrule (a string) to a ($enumname, $enumcomment) list
sub ruleNameToEnumDescriptor {
my ($name) = @_;
return ($name, "");
# outputGeneratedHeader
# Output header of generated file.
sub outputGeneratedHeader
my ($fh, $filename) = @_;
$_ = $filename;
if (!(s/.*:([^:]+)\Z/$1/)) {
$filename = $1;
print $fh "//\n// $filename\n//\n// Generated file\n// DO NOT EDIT\n//\n\n";
# outputEnumFromListX
# in
# name: name of this enum, will be printed as a comment above
# fileName: file name which to append this enum
# enumBase: value of first enum (usually either 0 or 1)
# items: list of items
# convertFunc: function that transforms an item into a (enumname, enumcomment) list
# out
# the file $fileName with the appended enum
# returns the last enum output
sub outputEnumFromListX
my ($name, $fileName, $enumBase, $items, $convertFunc) = @_;
my $i;
my $lastEnum;
my $lastName;
for ($i = $#$items; $i >= 0; $i--)
my ($name, $comment) = &$convertFunc($$items[$i]);
if ($name ne "")
$lastEnum = $i;
$lastName = $name;
#($hi, $crap) = &$convertFunc($$items[$lastEnum]);
#print STDERR "----> $lastEnum, $hi <---\n";
open FILE, ">>$fileName" or die "Couldn't open $fileName: $!\n";
outputGeneratedHeader(\*FILE, $fileName);
print FILE "enum $name\n";
print FILE "{\n";
my $enumCount = $enumBase; # used so we don't count spaces, but still go through the whole array
for ($i = 0; $i <= $#$items; $i++)
# print previous item's comma and comment
# if it has a name, then we print out the enum name, else we just print the comment
my ($name, $comment) = &$convertFunc($$items[$i]);
if ($name ne "")
printf FILE "\t%-20s\t%s\n", "$name = $enumCount" . ($i == $lastEnum ? "" : ","), $comment;
elsif ($comment eq "")
{printf FILE "\n";}
{printf FILE "\t%-20s\t%s\n", "", $comment;}
print FILE "};\n";
close FILE;
return $lastName;
sub getResult
my ($expression) = @_;
#print STDERR "getResult: $expression\n";
$_ = $expression;
if (s/(.*)?->(.*)/$1 $2/)
#print STDERR "getResult -- lhs -- : $1\n";
#print STDERR "getResult -- rhs -- : $2\n";
return $2;
sub getArgs
my ($expression) = @_;
my @returnVal;
#print STDERR "return val is $#returnVal\n";
$_ = $expression;
if (s/(.*)?->(.*)//)
$lhs = $1;
#print STDERR "$lhs XXXX $2\n";
$_ = $lhs;
while (s/\b([A-Za-z\(\)]+)//)
#print STDERR "$1 foo \n";
$returnVal[++$#returnVal] = $1;
#print STDERR "return val is $#returnVal\n";
return @returnVal;
# Given a list of strings, return the length of the longest one.
sub maxStringLength
my $max = 0;
foreach (@_)
{$max = length if $max < length;}
return $max;
# Ensure that the usage string has the proper format.
# Return the outputs and inputs strings.
sub verifyUsage
my ($usage) = @_;
return ("", "") if $usage eq "";
my $flags = 0;
die "Bad usage string: $usage\n" unless $usage =~ /^([^:]*):([^:]*)$/;
my ($outputs, $inputs) = ($1, $2);
#print STDERR "'$usage' -> '$outputs', '$inputs'\n";
die "Bad usage string: $usage\n" unless
$outputs =~ /^E?(|[Z$shortArgs]|[$argOrigins][$argKinds])$/o and
$inputs ne "*" and $inputs =~ /^(Z|([$argOrigins][$argKinds\@]|[$shortArgs])*\*?)$/o;
return ($outputs, $inputs);
# Decode a single argument, possibly with a wildcard.
# Return four values:
# the argument's origin,
# the argument's valueKind, and
# true if the valueKind is a wildcard (either '@' or '_').
sub decodeArg
my ($arg) = @_;
my $origin = $shortOrigin;
my $kind = $voidKind;
my $wildcard = 0;
if (defined($shortArgs{$arg})) {
$kind = $shortArgs{$arg};
} elsif ($arg =~ /^([$argOrigins])([$argKinds])$/) {
$origin = $argOrigins{$1};
$kind = $argKinds{$2};
} elsif ($arg =~ /^([$argOrigins])[\@_]$/) {
$origin = $argOrigins{$1};
$wildcard = 1;
} else {
die "Internal error\n";
return ($origin, $kind, $wildcard);
# Convert an inputs string returned from verifyUsage into a string that contains the
# input constraints only and is appropriate as a C++ identifier name.
# Wildcard '@' symbols are converted into '_' symbols.
# Return two values:
# the constraint string,
# true if the last input is repeated.
sub inputsToConstraintString
my ($inputs) = @_;
$inputs = "" if $inputs eq "Z";
die "Internal error\n" unless $inputs =~ /^([^\*]*)(\*?)$/;
my $constraints = $1;
my $repeat = $2 ne "";
$constraints =~ tr/\@/_/;
return ($constraints, $repeat);
# Convert a constraint string returned from inputsToConstraintString into an array
# of single-argument strings and return that array.
sub decodeConstraintString
my ($constraints) = @_;
my @args = ();
while ($constraints ne "") {
die "Internal error\n" unless $constraints =~ /^([$argOrigins][$argKinds\_]|[$shortArgs])(.*)$/o;
push @args, $1;
$constraints = $2;
return @args;
# Convert an outputs string returned from verifyUsage into a ValueKind constant.
# Null outputs get vkVoid.
sub outputsToKind
my ($outputs) = @_;
if ($outputs =~ /([$shortArgs]|[$argOrigins][$argKinds])/) {
my ($origin, $kind, $wildcard) = decodeArg($1);
die "Bad output: $outputs\n" if $wildcard || ($origin ne $shortOrigin);
return $kind;
} else {
return $voidKind;
# Convert a usage string (without quotes) to a hexadecimal string representing the desired flags value
sub usageToFlags
my ($usage) = @_;
my $flags = 0;
$flags |= 1<<$dnIsReal if $usage ne "";
$flags |= 1<<$dnCanRaiseException | 1<<$dnIsRoot if $usage =~ /E/;
$flags |= 1<<$dnIsRoot if $usage =~ /Z/;
return sprintf "0x%.4X", $flags;
# in
# arrayName: name of this array
# namesName: name of array of enum names
# fileName: file name which to append this enum
# names: list of names
# out
# the file $fileName with the appended definitions
sub outputNodeTemplates
my ($fileName, $primInfos) = @_;
my $i;
my $str;
my $lastEnum;
my %constraintStrings;
# find out where to place the comma
for ($i = $#$primInfos; $i >= 0; $i--)
if ($primInfos->[$i][$nameIndex] ne "")
$lastEnum = $i;
open FILE, ">>$fileName" or die "Couldn't open $fileName: $!\n";
outputGeneratedHeader(\*FILE, $fileName);
print FILE "#include \"Primitives.h\"\n\n";
print FILE @headerLines;
print FILE "\nconst DataNode::Template DataNode::templates[nPrimitiveOperations] = \n";
print FILE "{\n";
my $formatString = "\t{%-".($maxPrimitiveNameLength+2)."s".
my $commentFormatString = "\t%-".(1 + $maxPrimitiveNameLength+2 + $maxCategoryNameLength+2 + $maxValueKindNameLength+2 + 8)."s\t%s\n";
for ($i = 0; $i <= $#$primInfos; $i++)
my ($name, $category, $usage, $comment) =
($primInfos->[$i][$nameIndex], $primInfos->[$i][$categoryIndex], $primInfos->[$i][$usageIndex], $primInfos->[$i][$commentIndex]);
# If it has a name, then we print out the template, else we just print the comment.
if ($name ne "") {
my ($outputs, $inputs) = verifyUsage($usage);
printf FILE $formatString,
usageToFlags($usage)."}".($i == $lastEnum ? "" : ","),
my ($constraintString, $repeat) = inputsToConstraintString($inputs);
$constraintStrings{$constraintString} = 1;
} elsif ($comment eq "")
{printf FILE "\n";}
{printf FILE $commentFormatString, "", $comment;}
print FILE "};\n\n\n";
print FILE "#ifdef DEBUG\n";
# Print definitions for all of the constraint strings, printing each unique one only once.
my @constraintStrings = sort keys %constraintStrings;
my $maxConstraintNameLength = length("constraint") + maxStringLength(@constraintStrings);
foreach $str (@constraintStrings) {
if ($str ne "") {
my @constraints = decodeConstraintString($str);
printf FILE "static const DataNode::InputConstraint %-".($maxConstraintNameLength+3)."s= {",
my @constraint;
while (defined($constraint = shift @constraints)) {
my ($origin, $kind, $wildcard) = decodeArg($constraint);
printf FILE "{%-".($maxValueKindNameLength+2)."s", "$kind,";
print FILE "DataNode::";
if (@constraints)
{printf FILE "%-".($maxArgOriginNameLength+3)."s", "$origin},";}
{print FILE "$origin}";}
print FILE "};\n";
print FILE "\n\n";
print FILE "const DataNode::InputConstraintPattern DataNode::inputConstraintPatterns[nPrimitiveOperations] = \n";
print FILE "{\n";
$formatString = "\t{%-".($maxConstraintNameLength+2)."s%d, %-7s // %-${maxPrimitiveNameLength}s\t%s\n";
$commentFormatString = "\t%-".(1 + $maxConstraintNameLength+2 + 16 + $maxPrimitiveNameLength)."s\t%s\n";
for ($i = 0; $i <= $#$primInfos; $i++)
my ($name, $usage, $comment) =
($primInfos->[$i][$nameIndex], $primInfos->[$i][$usageIndex], $primInfos->[$i][$commentIndex]);
# If it has a name, then we print out the input pattern, else we just print the comment.
if ($name ne "") {
my ($outputs, $inputs) = verifyUsage($usage);
my ($constraintString, $repeat) = inputsToConstraintString($inputs);
printf FILE $formatString,
($constraintString eq "" ? "0" : "constraint$constraintString").",",
scalar decodeConstraintString($constraintString),
($repeat ? "true" : "false")."}".($i == $lastEnum ? "" : ","),
$name, $comment;
$constraintStrings{$constraintString} = 1;
} elsif ($comment eq "")
{printf FILE "\n";}
{printf FILE $commentFormatString, "", $comment;}
print FILE "};\n#endif\n\n\n";
print FILE "#ifdef DEBUG_LOG\n";
print FILE "static const char primitiveOperationNames[nPrimitiveOperations][16] = \n";
print FILE "{\n";
for ($i = 0; $i <= $#$primInfos; $i++)
my $name = $primInfos->[$i][$nameIndex];
# If it has a name, then we print out the name.
if ($name ne "")
$nameStr = $name;
$nameStr = $1 if $name =~ /^[pc]o(\w+)$/;
printf FILE "\t%-".($maxPrimitiveNameLength+1)."s\t// %s\n",
"\"$nameStr\"" . ($i == $lastEnum ? "" : ","), $name;
print FILE "};\n#endif\n\n";
close FILE;