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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
* The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public License
* Version 1.0 (the "NPL"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the NPL. You may obtain a copy of the NPL at
* http://www.mozilla.org/NPL/
* Software distributed under the NPL is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the NPL
* for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
* NPL.
* The Initial Developer of this code under the NPL is Netscape
* Communications Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are
* Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All Rights
* Reserved.
// CHTMLView.h
#pragma once
#include <LView.h>
#include <LListener.h>
#include <LDragAndDrop.h>
#include <LDragTask.h>
#include <LTabGroup.h>
#include <LPeriodical.h>
#include <URegions.h>
#include <LArray.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector.h>
#include "ntypes.h"
#include "structs.h"
#include "ctxtfunc.h"
#include "uprefd.h"
#include "layers.h"
#include "CDrawable.h"
#include "CBrowserDragTask.h"
#include "Events.h" // need for new fe_EventStruct - mjc
#include "net.h" // for FO_CACHE_AND_PRESENT
// The FE part of a cross-platform event. The event will get filtered
// through the compositor and will be dispatched on a per-layer basis.
typedef struct fe_EventStruct {
Point portPoint; // The point (in port coordinates) associated with the event
void *event; // The specifics of the event - event dependent
} fe_EventStruct;
// new typedef replaces void* with union for meaningful value on return from event dispatch.
typedef struct fe_EventStruct {
Point portPoint;
union event_union {
SMouseDownEvent mouseDownEvent;
EventRecord macEvent;
} event;
} fe_EventStruct;
void SafeSetCursor( ResIDT inCursorID );
void FlushEventHierarchy(LView *javaAppletView);
void FlushEventHierarchyRecursive(LPane *currentPane);
class CHyperScroller;
class CHTMLClickRecord;
class CSharableCompositor;
class CSharedPatternWorld;
class CURLDispatchInfo;
class CHTMLView :
public COnscreenDrawable,
public LView,
public LListener,
public LDragAndDrop,
public LTabGroup,
public LPeriodical
friend class CBrowserContext;
friend class CPluginView;
friend class CDragURLTask;
enum { pane_ID = 'html', class_ID = 'HtVw' };
CHTMLView(LStream* inStream);
virtual ~CHTMLView();
virtual void SetContext(
CBrowserContext* inNewContext);
CHyperScroller* GetScroller() { return mScroller; }
CBrowserContext* GetContext() const { return mContext; }
Boolean IsBorderless(void) const;
Boolean IsRootHTMLView(void) const;
Boolean IsFocusedFrame(void) const;
CHTMLView* GetSuperHTMLView(void);
void SetSuperHTMLView(CHTMLView *inView);
GrafPtr GetCachedPort(void);
void SetFormElemBaseModel(LModelObject* inModel);
LModelObject* GetFormElemBaseModel(void);
virtual void ResetScrollMode(Boolean inRefresh = false); // resets to default, LO_SCROLL_AUTO
// Add method to *REALLY* reset scroll mode to default scroll mode.
void ResetToDefaultScrollMode();
virtual void SetScrollMode(
Int8 inScrollMode,
Boolean inRefresh = false);
virtual Boolean GetScrollMode(void) const;
void SetDefaultScrollMode(Int8 inScrollMode) {mDefaultScrollMode = inScrollMode; }
void SetEraseBackground(Boolean inErase) {mEraseBackground = inErase; }
RGBColor GetBackgroundColor() const { return mBackgroundColor; }
virtual Int16 GetWinCSID(void) const;
virtual Int16 DefaultCSIDForNewWindow(void);
virtual Boolean SetDefaultCSID(Int16);
virtual void SetFontInfo();
void SetWindowBackgroundColor();
virtual void GetDefaultFileNameForSaveAs(URL_Struct* url, CStr31& defaultName);
// overridden by CMessageView to use subject.
static void CalcStandardSizeForWindowForScreen(
CHTMLView* inTopMostHTMLView,
const LWindow& inWindow,
const Rect& inScreenBounds,
SDimension16& outStandardSize);
void ClearInFocusCallAlready()
{ mInFocusCallAlready = false; }
virtual Boolean HandleKeyPress( const EventRecord& inKeyEvent );
virtual void ShowView(LPane& pane);
virtual void SpendTime(const EventRecord& inMacEvent);
virtual void ListenToMessage(
MessageT inMessage,
void* ioParam);
virtual void SetLayerOrigin(
Int32 inX,
Int32 inY);
virtual void GetLayerOrigin(
Int32* outX,
Int32* outY);
virtual void SetLayerClip(
FE_Region inRegion);
virtual void CopyPixels(
CDrawable* inSrcDrawable,
FE_Region inCopyRgn);
PRBool HandleLayerEvent(
CL_Layer* inLayer,
CL_Event* inEvent);
PRBool HandleEmbedEvent(
LO_EmbedStruct* inEmbed,
CL_Event* inEvent);
void SetCurrentDrawable(
CDrawable* inDrawable);
CGrafPtr GetCurrentPort(
Point& outPortOrigin);
virtual void ScrollImageBy(
Int32 inLeftDelta,
Int32 inTopDelta,
Boolean inRefresh);
virtual void AdaptToSuperFrameSize(
Int32 inSurrWidthDelta,
Int32 inSurrHeightDelta,
Boolean inRefresh);
virtual void ResizeFrameBy(
Int16 inWidthDelta,
Int16 inHeightDelta,
Boolean inRefresh);
virtual Boolean FocusDraw(
LPane* inSubPane = nil);
virtual Boolean EstablishPort();
static int PrefUpdateCallback(
const char *inPrefString,
void *inCHTMLView);
static int PrefInvalidateCachedPreference(
const char *inPrefString,
void *inCHTMLView);
virtual void DrawGridEdges(RgnHandle inUpdateRgn);
virtual void BeTarget();
void SetRepaginate(Boolean inSetting);
Boolean GetRepaginate();
virtual Boolean IsGrowCachingEnabled() const;
virtual void AdjustCursorSelf(
Point inPortPt,
const EventRecord& inMacEvent );
void AdjustCursorSelfForLayer(
Point inPortPt,
const EventRecord& inMacEvent,
CL_Layer *layer,
SPoint32 inLayerPt );
virtual void ImageToAvailScreenPoint(const SPoint32 &inImagePoint, Point &outPoint) const;
virtual void SetTimerURL(Uint32 inSeconds, const char* inURL);
virtual void ClearTimerURL(void);
inline CCharSet GetCharSet() { return mCharSet; }
virtual void CreateFindWindow();
virtual Boolean DoFind();
virtual void PostProcessClickSelfLink(
const SMouseDownEvent& inMouseDown,
CHTMLClickRecord& inClickRecord,
Boolean inMakeNewWindow,
Boolean inSaveToDisk,
Boolean inDelay);
static void SetLastFormKeyPressDispatchTime(UInt32 inTime) { sLastFormKeyPressDispatchTime = inTime; }
virtual void HandleImageIconClick(CHTMLClickRecord& inClickRecord);
virtual void DrawSelf(void);
virtual void DrawFrameFocus(void);
virtual void CalcFrameFocusMask(RgnHandle outFocusMask);
virtual void InvalFocusArea(void);
virtual void AdjustScrollBars();
virtual void FinishCreateSelf(void);
virtual void EnableSelf(void);
virtual void DisableSelf(void);
virtual void PutOnDuty(LCommander*);
virtual void TakeOffDuty(void);
void RegisterCallBackCalls();
void UnregisterCallBackCalls();
virtual void FindCommandStatus(CommandT inCommand,
Boolean &outEnabled,
Boolean &outUsesMark,
Char16 &outMark,
Str255 outName);
virtual Boolean ObeyCommand(CommandT inCommand, void* ioParam);
virtual URL_Struct* GetURLForPrinting(Boolean& outSuppressURLCaption,
MWContext *printingContext);
virtual void DispatchURL(
URL_Struct* inURLStruct,
CNSContext* inTargetContext,
Boolean inDelay = false,
Boolean inForceCreate = false,
FO_Present_Types inOutputFormat = FO_CACHE_AND_PRESENT
virtual void DispatchURL(CURLDispatchInfo* inDispatchInfo);
Boolean CanPrint() const;
void DoPrintCommand(CommandT);
#if 0
// CContextMenuAttachment will make this obsolete when you decide to use it.
virtual short DoPopup(const SMouseDownEvent& event, CHTMLClickRecord& cr);
// CContextMenuAttachment will make this obsolete when you decide to use it.
virtual void HandlePopupResult(const SMouseDownEvent& where,
CHTMLClickRecord& cr,
short result);
virtual void Click(SMouseDownEvent &inMouseDown);
virtual void ClickSelf(const SMouseDownEvent& inMouseDown);
virtual void ClickSelfLayer(
const SMouseDownEvent& inMouseDown,
CL_Layer* inLayer,
SPoint32 inLayerWhere);
virtual void ClickSelfLink(
const SMouseDownEvent& inMouseDown,
CHTMLClickRecord& inClickRecord,
Boolean inMakeNewWindow);
virtual void ClickDragLink(
const SMouseDownEvent& inMouseDown,
LO_Element* inElement);
virtual void ClickTrackEdge(
const SMouseDownEvent& inMouseDown,
CHTMLClickRecord& inClickRecord);
virtual Boolean ClickTrackSelection(
const SMouseDownEvent& inMouseDown,
CHTMLClickRecord& inClickRecord);
virtual void EventMouseUp(const EventRecord& inMouseUp);
virtual Boolean HandleKeyPressLayer( const EventRecord& inKeyEvent, CL_Layer* inLayer, SPoint32 inLayerWhere );
// Drag and Drop support
virtual void DoDragSendData(
FlavorType inFlavor,
ItemReference inItemRef,
DragReference inDragRef);
virtual void NoteFinishedLayout(void);
virtual void NoteAllConnectionsComplete(void);
virtual void NoteStartRepagination(void);
virtual void NoteEmptyRepagination(void);
virtual void NoteConfirmLoadNewURL(Boolean& ioCanLoad);
virtual void NoteStartLoadURL(void);
virtual void NoteGridContextPreDispose(Boolean inSavingHistory);
virtual void NoteGridContextDisposed(void);
virtual void PostDeferredImage(const char* inImageURL);
virtual Boolean IsImageInDeferredQueue(const char* inImageURL) const;
virtual void ClearDeferredImageQueue(void);
virtual void LayoutNewDocument(
URL_Struct* inURL,
Int32* inWidth,
Int32* inHeight,
Int32* inMarginWidth,
Int32* inMarginHeight);
virtual void ClearView(
int inWhich = 0);
virtual void ClearBackground(void);
virtual void DrawBackground(
const Rect& inArea,
LO_ImageStruct* inBackdrop = NULL);
virtual void DrawBackgroundSelf(
const Rect& inArea,
LO_ImageStruct* inBackdrop);
virtual void EraseBackground(
int inLocation,
Int32 inX,
Int32 inY,
Uint32 inWidth,
Uint32 inHeight,
LO_Color* inColor);
virtual int SetColormap(
IL_IRGB* inMap,
int inRequested);
virtual void SetBackgroundColor(
Uint8 inRed,
Uint8 inGreen,
Uint8 inBlue);
virtual void SetBackgroundImage(
LO_ImageStruct* inImageStruct,
Boolean inRefresh = true);
virtual void CalcPluginMask(RgnHandle ioRgn);
// needs to be public for FE_ScrollTo and FE_ScrollBy
// added default Boolean arg to scroll even if position is visible - mjc 97-9-12
virtual void SetDocPosition(
int inLocation,
Int32 inX,
Int32 inY,
Boolean inScrollEvenIfVisible = false);
virtual void SetDocDimension(
int inLocation,
Int32 inWidth,
Int32 inHeight);
#if 0
virtual void SetDocDimensionSelf(
Int32 inWidth,
Int32 inHeight);
virtual void GetDocPosition(
int inLocation,
Int32* outX,
Int32* outY);
virtual void FlushPendingDocResize(void);
virtual int GetTextInfo(
LO_TextStruct* inText,
LO_TextInfo* outTextInfo);
virtual int MeasureText(
LO_TextStruct* inText,
short* outCharLocs);
virtual void GetTextFrame(
LO_TextStruct* inTextStruct,
Int32 inStartPos,
Int32 inEndPos,
XP_Rect* outFrame);
virtual void DisplaySubtext(
int inLocation,
LO_TextStruct* inText,
Int32 inStartPos,
Int32 inEndPos,
XP_Bool inNeedBG);
virtual void DisplayText(
int inLocation,
LO_TextStruct* inText,
XP_Bool inNeedBG);
virtual void DisplayLineFeed(
int inLocation,
LO_LinefeedStruct* inLinefeedStruct,
XP_Bool inNeedBG);
virtual void DisplayHR(
int inLocation,
LO_HorizRuleStruct* inRuleStruct);
virtual void DisplayBullet(
int inLocation,
LO_BullettStruct* inBulletStruct);
virtual void GetEmbedSize(
LO_EmbedStruct* inEmbedStruct,
NET_ReloadMethod inReloadMethod);
virtual void FreeEmbedElement(
LO_EmbedStruct* inEmbedStruct);
virtual void CreateEmbedWindow(
NPEmbeddedApp* inEmbeddedApp);
virtual void SaveEmbedWindow(
NPEmbeddedApp* inEmbeddedApp);
virtual void RestoreEmbedWindow(
NPEmbeddedApp* inEmbeddedApp);
virtual void DestroyEmbedWindow(
NPEmbeddedApp* inEmbeddedApp);
virtual void DisplayEmbed(
int inLocation,
LO_EmbedStruct* inEmbedStruct);
virtual void GetJavaAppSize(
LO_JavaAppStruct* inJavaAppStruct,
NET_ReloadMethod inReloadMethod);
virtual void FreeJavaAppElement(
LJAppletData* inAppletData);
virtual void HideJavaAppElement(
LJAppletData* inAppletData);
virtual void DisplayJavaApp(
int inLocation,
LO_JavaAppStruct* inJavaAppStruct);
virtual void DrawJavaApp(
int inLocation,
LO_JavaAppStruct* inJavaAppStruct);
virtual void HandleClippingView(
struct LJAppletData *appletD,
int x,
int y,
int width,
int height);
virtual void GetFormElementInfo(
LO_FormElementStruct* inElement);
nothing view-specific about these routines, so the BrowserContext just calls thru
to the status functions in UFormElementFactory.
deeje 97-02-13
virtual void GetFormElementValue(
LO_FormElementStruct* inElement,
XP_Bool inHide);
virtual void ResetFormElement(
LO_FormElementStruct* inElement);
virtual void SetFormElementToggle(
LO_FormElementStruct* inElement,
XP_Bool inToggle);
virtual void FormTextIsSubmit(
LO_FormElementStruct* inElement);
virtual void ResetFormElementData(
LO_FormElementStruct* inElement,
Boolean inRefresh,
Boolean inFromDefaults);
virtual void DisplayFormElement(
int inLocation,
LO_FormElementStruct* inFormElement);
virtual void DisplayBorder(
int inLocation,
int inX,
int inY,
int inWidth,
int inHeight,
int inBW,
LO_Color* inColor,
LO_LineStyle inStyle);
virtual void UpdateEnableStates();
virtual void DisplayFeedback(
int inLocation,
LO_Element* inElement);
virtual void FreeEdgeElement(
LO_EdgeStruct* inEdgeStruct);
virtual void DisplayEdge(
int inLocation,
LO_EdgeStruct* inEdgeStruct);
virtual void DisplayTable(
int inLocation,
LO_TableStruct* inTableStruct);
virtual void DisplayCell(
int inLocation,
LO_CellStruct* inCellStruct);
virtual void InvalidateEntireTableOrCell(
LO_Element* inElement);
virtual void DisplayAddRowOrColBorder(
XP_Rect* inRect,
XP_Bool inDoErase);
virtual Boolean CalcElementPosition(
LO_Element* inElement,
Rect& outFrame);
virtual void CalcAbsoluteElementPosition(
LO_Element* inElement,
XP_Rect& outFrame);
// Support for style sheet borders
virtual void DisplaySolidBorder(
const Rect& inFrame,
const RGBColor& inBorderColor,
Int32 inTopWidth,
Int32 inLeftWidth,
Int32 inBottomWidth,
Int32 inRightWidth);
virtual void DisplayBevelBorder(
const Rect& inFrame,
const RGBColor& inBorderColor,
Boolean inRaised,
Int32 inTopWidth,
Int32 inLeftWidth,
Int32 inBottomWidth,
Int32 inRightWidth);
virtual void DisplayGrooveRidgeBorder(
const Rect& inFrame,
const RGBColor& inBorderColor,
Boolean inIsGroove,
Int32 inTopWidth,
Int32 inLeftWidth,
Int32 inBottomWidth,
Int32 inRightWidth);
virtual void CreateGridView(
CBrowserContext* inGridContext,
Int32 inX,
Int32 inY,
Int32 inWidth,
Int32 inHeight,
Int8 inScrollMode,
Bool inNoEdge);
virtual void CropFrameToContainer(
Int32 inImageLeft,
Int32 inImageTop,
Int32 inImageWidth,
Int32 inImageHeight,
Rect& outLocalFrame) const;
virtual void RestructureGridView(
Int32 inX,
Int32 inY,
Int32 inWidth,
Int32 inHeight);
virtual void GetFullGridSize(
Int32& outWidth,
Int32& outHeight);
virtual void InstallBackgroundColor(void);
// Sets mBackgroundColor. Called from ClearBackground().
// The base class implementation uses the text background
// preference, but derived classes can override this.
virtual void GetDefaultBackgroundColor(LO_Color* outColor) const;
// Called by layout before setting the background color
// of a context. The view can leave it alone (which will
// use the global default background color) or override it.
virtual void ResetBackgroundColor() const;
// Calls RGBBackColor(mBackgroundColor). Printview overrides.
Boolean ContextMenuPopupsEnabled (void);
inline void LocalToLayerCoordinates(
const XP_Rect& inBoundingBox,
Point inWhereLocal,
SPoint32& outWhereLayer) const;
// char * fURLTimer; // URL to load when timer goes off
// UInt32 fURLFireTime; // When this url should be fired up
// Data
CBrowserContext* mContext;
RGBColor mBackgroundColor;
LO_ImageStruct* mBackgroundImage;
Boolean mEraseBackground;
CHTMLView* mSuperHTMLView;
Boolean mNoBorder;
Boolean mHasGridCells;
Boolean mShowFocus;
GrafPtr mCachedPort;
string mTimerURL;
vector<string> mImageQueue;
LModelObject* mElemBaseModel;
Int8 mDefaultScrollMode; // same
CCharSet mCharSet;
SDimension32 mPendingDocDimension;
Boolean mPendingDocDimension_IsValid;
StRegion mSaveLayerClip;
RgnHandle mLayerClip;
SPoint32 mLayerOrigin;
CSharableCompositor* mCompositor;
DragSendDataUPP mSendDataUPP;
LO_Element* mDragElement;
Uint32 mTimerURLFireTime;
char* mTimerURLString;
CRouterDrawable* mOnscreenDrawable;
COffscreenDrawable* mOffscreenDrawable;
CDrawable* mCurrentDrawable;
CSharedPatternWorld* mPatternWorld;
Boolean mNeedToRepaginate;
Point mOldPoint; // Last place cursor was adjusted. No initializing
long mOldEleID; // Last anchor text block whose URL we displayed. No initializing
// 97-06-11 pkc -- Add vector to keep track of grid edges and flag that tells us
// not to add LO_EdgeStruct* to vector because it's already in vector
vector<LO_EdgeStruct*> mGridEdgeList;
Boolean mDontAddGridEdgeToList;
Boolean mLoadingURL;
Boolean mStopEnablerHackExecuted;
Boolean mInFocusCallAlready;
static Boolean sCachedAlwaysLoadImages; // Caches general.always_load_images
// FIX ME!!! the following things need to be removed in another pass
CHyperScroller* mScroller;
// Set this when we dispatch a key event to a form, to prevent an infinite loop
// (otherwise, if the form doesn't handle the key, the event will get passed up
// the chain, and the html view will dispatch the same event to layers).
static UInt32 sLastFormKeyPressDispatchTime;
// Set when a mouse down is dispatched, so the view's mouse up handlers don't
// otherwise get called.
Boolean mWaitMouseUp;
CHTMLClickRecord* mCurrentClickRecord;
// So that FindCommandStatus can use it for disabling context menu items.
// This will be non-null only when testing or executing context menu commands.
}; // class CHTMLView
inline GrafPtr CHTMLView::GetCachedPort(void)
{ return mCachedPort; }
class CDragURLTask : public CBrowserDragTask
typedef CBrowserDragTask super;
const EventRecord& inEventRecord,
const Rect& inGlobalFrame,
CHTMLView& inHTMLView);
virtual void AddFlavors(
DragReference inDragRef);
virtual void MakeDragRegion(
DragReference inDragRef,
RgnHandle inDragRegion);
Rect mGlobalFrame;