Emilio Cobos Álvarez 9fc2aa47fc Bug 1773558 - Move fixed-point font types to Rust. r=layout-reviewers,jfkthame
Now that cbindgen and rust support const generics, it seems more simple.

This centralizes all the relevant font constants etc in rust and avoids
conversions when going from rust to C++ and vice versa.

Differential Revision:
2022-06-13 00:59:23 +00:00

1147 lines
43 KiB

/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 20; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#include <math.h>
#include <new>
#include <utility>
#include "ThebesRLBoxTypes.h"
#include "gfxFontUtils.h"
#include "gfxFontVariations.h"
#include "gfxRect.h"
#include "gfxTypes.h"
#include "harfbuzz/hb.h"
#include "mozilla/AlreadyAddRefed.h"
#include "mozilla/Assertions.h"
#include "mozilla/FontPropertyTypes.h"
#include "mozilla/MemoryReporting.h"
#include "mozilla/Mutex.h"
#include "mozilla/RefPtr.h"
#include "mozilla/RWLock.h"
#include "mozilla/TypedEnumBits.h"
#include "mozilla/UniquePtr.h"
#include "mozilla/intl/UnicodeScriptCodes.h"
#include "nsTHashMap.h"
#include "nsDebug.h"
#include "nsHashKeys.h"
#include "nsISupports.h"
#include "nsStringFwd.h"
#include "nsTArray.h"
#include "nscore.h"
class FontInfoData;
class gfxContext;
class gfxFont;
class gfxFontFamily;
class gfxPlatformFontList;
class gfxSVGGlyphs;
class gfxUserFontData;
class nsAtom;
struct FontListSizes;
struct gfxFontFeature;
struct gfxFontStyle;
enum class eFontPresentation : uint8_t;
namespace IPC {
template <class P>
struct ParamTraits;
namespace mozilla {
class SVGContextPaint;
namespace fontlist {
struct Face;
struct Family;
} // namespace fontlist
namespace gfx {
struct DeviceColor;
} // namespace mozilla
typedef struct gr_face gr_face;
typedef struct FT_MM_Var_ FT_MM_Var;
class gfxCharacterMap : public gfxSparseBitSet {
nsrefcnt AddRef() {
MOZ_ASSERT(int32_t(mRefCnt) >= 0, "illegal refcnt");
NS_LOG_ADDREF(this, mRefCnt, "gfxCharacterMap", sizeof(*this));
return mRefCnt;
nsrefcnt Release() {
MOZ_ASSERT(0 != mRefCnt, "dup release");
NS_LOG_RELEASE(this, mRefCnt, "gfxCharacterMap");
if (mRefCnt == 0) {
// |this| has been deleted.
return 0;
return mRefCnt;
gfxCharacterMap() : mHash(0), mBuildOnTheFly(false), mShared(false) {}
explicit gfxCharacterMap(const gfxSparseBitSet& aOther)
: gfxSparseBitSet(aOther),
mShared(false) {}
void CalcHash() { mHash = GetChecksum(); }
size_t SizeOfExcludingThis(mozilla::MallocSizeOf aMallocSizeOf) const {
return gfxSparseBitSet::SizeOfExcludingThis(aMallocSizeOf);
// hash of the cmap bitvector
uint32_t mHash;
// if cmap is built on the fly it's never shared
bool mBuildOnTheFly;
// cmap is shared globally
bool mShared;
void NotifyReleased();
nsAutoRefCnt mRefCnt;
gfxCharacterMap(const gfxCharacterMap&);
gfxCharacterMap& operator=(const gfxCharacterMap&);
// Info on an individual font feature, for reporting available features
// to DevTools via the GetFeatureInfo method.
struct gfxFontFeatureInfo {
uint32_t mTag;
uint32_t mScript;
uint32_t mLangSys;
class gfxFontEntry {
typedef mozilla::gfx::DrawTarget DrawTarget;
typedef mozilla::intl::Script Script;
typedef mozilla::FontWeight FontWeight;
typedef mozilla::FontSlantStyle FontSlantStyle;
typedef mozilla::FontStretch FontStretch;
typedef mozilla::WeightRange WeightRange;
typedef mozilla::SlantStyleRange SlantStyleRange;
typedef mozilla::StretchRange StretchRange;
// Used by stylo
explicit gfxFontEntry(const nsACString& aName, bool aIsStandardFace = false);
gfxFontEntry() = delete;
gfxFontEntry(const gfxFontEntry&) = delete;
gfxFontEntry& operator=(const gfxFontEntry&) = delete;
// Create a new entry that refers to the same font as this, but without
// additional state that may have been set up (such as family name).
// (This is only to be used for system fonts in the platform font list,
// not user fonts.)
virtual gfxFontEntry* Clone() const = 0;
// unique name for the face, *not* the family; not necessarily the
// "real" or user-friendly name, may be an internal identifier
const nsCString& Name() const { return mName; }
// family name
const nsCString& FamilyName() const { return mFamilyName; }
// The following two methods may be relatively expensive, as they
// will (usually, except on Linux) load and parse the 'name' table;
// they are intended only for the font-inspection API, not for
// perf-critical layout/drawing work.
// The "real" name of the face, if available from the font resource;
// returns Name() if nothing better is available.
virtual nsCString RealFaceName();
WeightRange Weight() const { return mWeightRange; }
StretchRange Stretch() const { return mStretchRange; }
SlantStyleRange SlantStyle() const { return mStyleRange; }
bool IsUserFont() const { return mIsDataUserFont || mIsLocalUserFont; }
bool IsLocalUserFont() const { return mIsLocalUserFont; }
bool IsFixedPitch() const { return mFixedPitch; }
bool IsItalic() const { return SlantStyle().Min().IsItalic(); }
bool IsOblique() const { return SlantStyle().Min().IsOblique(); }
bool IsUpright() const { return SlantStyle().Min().IsNormal(); }
inline bool SupportsItalic();
inline bool SupportsBold(); // defined below, because of RangeFlags use
bool IgnoreGDEF() const { return mIgnoreGDEF; }
bool IgnoreGSUB() const { return mIgnoreGSUB; }
// Return whether the face corresponds to "normal" CSS style properties:
// font-style: normal;
// font-weight: normal;
// font-stretch: normal;
// If this is false, we might want to fall back to a different face and
// possibly apply synthetic styling.
bool IsNormalStyle() const {
return IsUpright() && Weight().Min() <= FontWeight::NORMAL &&
Weight().Max() >= FontWeight::NORMAL &&
Stretch().Min() <= FontStretch::NORMAL &&
Stretch().Max() >= FontStretch::NORMAL;
// whether a feature is supported by the font (limited to a small set
// of features for which some form of fallback needs to be implemented)
virtual bool SupportsOpenTypeFeature(Script aScript, uint32_t aFeatureTag);
bool SupportsGraphiteFeature(uint32_t aFeatureTag);
// returns a set containing all input glyph ids for a given feature
const hb_set_t* InputsForOpenTypeFeature(Script aScript,
uint32_t aFeatureTag);
virtual bool HasFontTable(uint32_t aTableTag);
inline bool HasGraphiteTables() {
if (!mCheckedForGraphiteTables) {
mCheckedForGraphiteTables = true;
return mHasGraphiteTables;
inline bool HasCmapTable() {
if (!mCharacterMap && !mShmemCharacterMap) {
NS_ASSERTION(mCharacterMap || mShmemCharacterMap,
"failed to initialize character map");
return mHasCmapTable;
inline bool HasCharacter(uint32_t ch) {
if (mShmemCharacterMap) {
return GetShmemCharacterMap()->test(ch);
if (mCharacterMap) {
if (mShmemFace && TrySetShmemCharacterMap()) {
// Forget our temporary local copy, now we can use the shared cmap
auto* oldCmap =;
return GetShmemCharacterMap()->test(ch);
if (GetCharacterMap()->test(ch)) {
return true;
return TestCharacterMap(ch);
virtual bool SkipDuringSystemFallback() { return false; }
void EnsureUVSMapInitialized();
uint16_t GetUVSGlyph(uint32_t aCh, uint32_t aVS);
// All concrete gfxFontEntry subclasses (except gfxUserFontEntry) need
// to override this, otherwise the font will never be used as it will
// be considered to support no characters.
// ReadCMAP() must *always* set the mCharacterMap pointer to a valid
// gfxCharacterMap, even if empty, as other code assumes this pointer
// can be safely dereferenced.
virtual nsresult ReadCMAP(FontInfoData* aFontInfoData = nullptr);
bool TryGetSVGData(const gfxFont* aFont);
bool HasSVGGlyph(uint32_t aGlyphId);
bool GetSVGGlyphExtents(DrawTarget* aDrawTarget, uint32_t aGlyphId,
gfxFloat aSize, gfxRect* aResult);
void RenderSVGGlyph(gfxContext* aContext, uint32_t aGlyphId,
mozilla::SVGContextPaint* aContextPaint);
// Call this when glyph geometry or rendering has changed
// (e.g. animated SVG glyphs)
void NotifyGlyphsChanged();
bool TryGetColorGlyphs();
bool GetColorLayersInfo(uint32_t aGlyphId,
const mozilla::gfx::DeviceColor& aDefaultColor,
nsTArray<uint16_t>& layerGlyphs,
nsTArray<mozilla::gfx::DeviceColor>& layerColors);
bool HasColorLayersForGlyph(uint32_t aGlyphId) {
return gfxFontUtils::HasColorLayersForGlyph(GetCOLR(), aGlyphId);
bool HasColorBitmapTable() {
if (!mCheckedForColorBitmapTables) {
mHasColorBitmapTable = HasFontTable(TRUETYPE_TAG('C', 'B', 'D', 'T')) ||
HasFontTable(TRUETYPE_TAG('s', 'b', 'i', 'x'));
mCheckedForColorBitmapTables = true;
return mHasColorBitmapTable;
// Access to raw font table data (needed for Harfbuzz):
// returns a pointer to data owned by the fontEntry or the OS,
// which will remain valid until the blob is destroyed.
// The data MUST be treated as read-only; we may be getting a
// reference to a shared system font cache.
// The default implementation uses CopyFontTable to get the data
// into a byte array, and maintains a cache of loaded tables.
// Subclasses should override this if they can provide more efficient
// access than copying table data into our own buffers.
// Get blob that encapsulates a specific font table, or nullptr if
// the table doesn't exist in the font.
// Caller is responsible to call hb_blob_destroy() on the returned blob
// (if non-nullptr) when no longer required. For transient access to a
// table, use of AutoTable (below) is generally preferred.
virtual hb_blob_t* GetFontTable(uint32_t aTag);
// Stack-based utility to return a specified table, automatically releasing
// the blob when the AutoTable goes out of scope.
class AutoTable {
AutoTable(gfxFontEntry* aFontEntry, uint32_t aTag) {
mBlob = aFontEntry->GetFontTable(aTag);
~AutoTable() { hb_blob_destroy(mBlob); }
operator hb_blob_t*() const { return mBlob; }
hb_blob_t* mBlob;
// not implemented:
AutoTable(const AutoTable&) = delete;
AutoTable& operator=(const AutoTable&) = delete;
// Return a font instance for a particular style. This may be a newly-
// created instance, or a font already in the global cache.
// We can't return a UniquePtr here, because we may be returning a shared
// cached instance; but we also don't return already_AddRefed, because
// the caller may only need to use the font temporarily and doesn't need
// a strong reference.
gfxFont* FindOrMakeFont(const gfxFontStyle* aStyle,
gfxCharacterMap* aUnicodeRangeMap = nullptr);
// Get an existing font table cache entry in aBlob if it has been
// registered, or return false if not. Callers must call
// hb_blob_destroy on aBlob if true is returned.
// Note that some gfxFont implementations may not call this at all,
// if it is more efficient to get the table from the OS at that level.
bool GetExistingFontTable(uint32_t aTag, hb_blob_t** aBlob);
// Elements of aTable are transferred (not copied) to and returned in a
// new hb_blob_t which is registered on the gfxFontEntry, but the initial
// reference is owned by the caller. Removing the last reference
// unregisters the table from the font entry.
// Pass nullptr for aBuffer to indicate that the table is not present and
// nullptr will be returned. Also returns nullptr on OOM.
hb_blob_t* ShareFontTableAndGetBlob(uint32_t aTag, nsTArray<uint8_t>* aTable);
// Get the font's unitsPerEm from the 'head' table, in the case of an
// sfnt resource. Will return kInvalidUPEM for non-sfnt fonts,
// if present on the platform.
uint16_t UnitsPerEm();
enum {
kMinUPEM = 16, // Limits on valid unitsPerEm range, from the
kMaxUPEM = 16384, // OpenType spec
kInvalidUPEM = uint16_t(-1)
// Shaper face accessors:
// NOTE that harfbuzz and graphite handle ownership/lifetime of the face
// object in completely different ways.
// Get HarfBuzz face corresponding to this font file.
// Caller must release with hb_face_destroy() when finished with it,
// and the font entry will be notified via ForgetHBFace.
hb_face_t* GetHBFace();
void ForgetHBFace();
// Get the sandbox instance that graphite is running in.
rlbox_sandbox_gr* GetGrSandbox();
// Register and get the callback handle for the glyph advance firefox callback
// Since the sandbox instance is shared with multiple test shapers, callback
// registration must be handled centrally to ensure multiple instances don't
// register the same callback.
sandbox_callback_gr<float (*)(const void*, uint16_t)>*
// Get Graphite face corresponding to this font file.
// Caller must call gfxFontEntry::ReleaseGrFace when finished with it.
// Graphite is run in a sandbox
tainted_opaque_gr<gr_face*> GetGrFace();
void ReleaseGrFace(tainted_opaque_gr<gr_face*> aFace);
// Does the font have graphite contextuals that involve the space glyph
// (and therefore we should bypass the word cache)?
// Since this function inspects data from libGraphite stored in sandbox memory
// it can only return a "hint" to the correct return value. This is because
// a compromised libGraphite could change the sandbox memory maliciously at
// any moment. The caller must ensure the calling code performs safe actions
// independent of the value returned, to unwrap this return.
tainted_boolean_hint HasGraphiteSpaceContextuals();
// Release any SVG-glyphs document this font may have loaded.
void DisconnectSVG();
// Called to notify that aFont is being destroyed. Needed when we're tracking
// the fonts belonging to this font entry.
void NotifyFontDestroyed(gfxFont* aFont);
// For memory reporting of the platform font list.
virtual void AddSizeOfExcludingThis(mozilla::MallocSizeOf aMallocSizeOf,
FontListSizes* aSizes) const;
virtual void AddSizeOfIncludingThis(mozilla::MallocSizeOf aMallocSizeOf,
FontListSizes* aSizes) const;
// Used for reporting on individual font entries in the user font cache,
// which are not present in the platform font list.
size_t ComputedSizeOfExcludingThis(mozilla::MallocSizeOf aMallocSizeOf) const;
// Used when checking for complex script support, to mask off cmap ranges
struct ScriptRange {
uint32_t rangeStart;
uint32_t rangeEnd;
uint32_t numTags; // number of entries in the tags[] array
hb_tag_t tags[3]; // up to three OpenType script tags to check
bool SupportsScriptInGSUB(const hb_tag_t* aScriptTags, uint32_t aNumTags);
* Font-variation query methods.
* Font backends that don't support variations should provide empty
* implementations.
virtual bool HasVariations() = 0;
virtual void GetVariationAxes(
nsTArray<gfxFontVariationAxis>& aVariationAxes) = 0;
virtual void GetVariationInstances(
nsTArray<gfxFontVariationInstance>& aInstances) = 0;
bool HasBoldVariableWeight();
bool HasItalicVariation();
bool HasOpticalSize();
void CheckForVariationAxes();
// Set up the entry's weight/stretch/style ranges according to axes found
// by GetVariationAxes (for installed fonts; do NOT call this for user
// fonts, where the ranges are provided by @font-face descriptors).
void SetupVariationRanges();
// Get variation axis settings that should be used to implement a particular
// font style using this resource.
void GetVariationsForStyle(nsTArray<gfxFontVariation>& aResult,
const gfxFontStyle& aStyle);
// Get the font's list of features (if any) for DevTools support.
void GetFeatureInfo(nsTArray<gfxFontFeatureInfo>& aFeatureInfo);
// This is only called on platforms where we use FreeType.
virtual FT_MM_Var* GetMMVar() { return nullptr; }
// Return true if the font has a 'trak' table (and we can successfully
// interpret it), otherwise false. This will load and cache the table
// the first time it is called.
bool HasTrackingTable();
// Return the tracking (in font units) to be applied for the given size.
// (This is a floating-point number because of possible interpolation.)
float TrackingForCSSPx(float aSize) const;
nsCString mName;
nsCString mFamilyName;
// These are mutable so that we can take a read lock within a const method.
mutable mozilla::RWLock mLock;
mutable mozilla::Mutex mFeatureInfoLock;
mozilla::Atomic<gfxCharacterMap*> mCharacterMap; // strong ref
gfxCharacterMap* GetCharacterMap() const { return mCharacterMap; }
mozilla::fontlist::Face* mShmemFace = nullptr;
mozilla::Atomic<const SharedBitSet*> mShmemCharacterMap;
const SharedBitSet* GetShmemCharacterMap() const {
return mShmemCharacterMap;
mozilla::Atomic<const uint8_t*> mUVSData;
const uint8_t* GetUVSData() const { return mUVSData; }
mozilla::UniquePtr<gfxUserFontData> mUserFontData;
mozilla::Atomic<gfxSVGGlyphs*> mSVGGlyphs;
gfxSVGGlyphs* GetSVGGlyphs() const { return mSVGGlyphs; }
// list of gfxFonts that are using SVG glyphs
nsTArray<const gfxFont*> mFontsUsingSVGGlyphs GUARDED_BY(mLock);
nsTArray<gfxFontFeature> mFeatureSettings;
nsTArray<gfxFontVariation> mVariationSettings;
mozilla::UniquePtr<nsTHashMap<nsUint32HashKey, bool>> mSupportedFeatures
mozilla::UniquePtr<nsTHashMap<nsUint32HashKey, hb_set_t*>> mFeatureInputs
// Color Layer font support. These tables are inert once loaded, so we don't
// need to hold a lock when reading them.
mozilla::Atomic<hb_blob_t*> mCOLR;
mozilla::Atomic<hb_blob_t*> mCPAL;
hb_blob_t* GetCOLR() const { return mCOLR; }
hb_blob_t* GetCPAL() const { return mCPAL; }
// bitvector of substitution space features per script, one each
// for default and non-default features
uint32_t mDefaultSubSpaceFeatures[(int(Script::NUM_SCRIPT_CODES) + 31) / 32];
mNonDefaultSubSpaceFeatures[(int(Script::NUM_SCRIPT_CODES) + 31) / 32];
mozilla::Atomic<uint32_t> mUVSOffset;
uint32_t mLanguageOverride = NO_FONT_LANGUAGE_OVERRIDE;
WeightRange mWeightRange = WeightRange(FontWeight::FromInt(500));
StretchRange mStretchRange = StretchRange(FontStretch::NORMAL);
SlantStyleRange mStyleRange = SlantStyleRange(FontSlantStyle::NORMAL);
// Font metrics overrides (as multiples of used font size); negative values
// indicate no override to be applied.
float mAscentOverride = -1.0;
float mDescentOverride = -1.0;
float mLineGapOverride = -1.0;
// Scaling factor to be applied to the font size.
float mSizeAdjust = 1.0;
// For user fonts (only), we need to record whether or not weight/stretch/
// slant variations should be clamped to the range specified in the entry
// properties. When the @font-face rule omitted one or more of these
// descriptors, it is treated as the initial value for font-matching (and
// so that is what we record in the font entry), but when rendering the
// range is NOT clamped.
enum class RangeFlags : uint8_t {
eNoFlags = 0,
eAutoWeight = (1 << 0),
eAutoStretch = (1 << 1),
eAutoSlantStyle = (1 << 2),
// Flag to record whether the face has a variable "wght" axis
// that supports "bold" values, used to disable the application
// of synthetic-bold effects.
eBoldVariableWeight = (1 << 3),
// Whether the face has an 'ital' axis.
eItalicVariation = (1 << 4),
// Flags to record if the face uses a non-CSS-compatible scale
// for weight and/or stretch, in which case we won't map the
// properties to the variation axes (though they can still be
// explicitly set using font-variation-settings).
eNonCSSWeight = (1 << 5),
eNonCSSStretch = (1 << 6),
// Whether the font has an 'opsz' axis.
eOpticalSize = (1 << 7)
RangeFlags mRangeFlags = RangeFlags::eNoFlags;
bool mFixedPitch : 1;
bool mIsBadUnderlineFont : 1;
bool mIsUserFontContainer : 1; // userfont entry
bool mIsDataUserFont : 1; // platform font entry (data)
bool mIsLocalUserFont : 1; // platform font entry (local)
bool mStandardFace : 1;
bool mIgnoreGDEF : 1;
bool mIgnoreGSUB : 1;
bool mSkipDefaultFeatureSpaceCheck : 1;
mozilla::Atomic<bool> mSVGInitialized;
mozilla::Atomic<bool> mHasSpaceFeaturesInitialized;
mozilla::Atomic<bool> mHasSpaceFeatures;
mozilla::Atomic<bool> mHasSpaceFeaturesKerning;
mozilla::Atomic<bool> mHasSpaceFeaturesNonKerning;
mozilla::Atomic<bool> mGraphiteSpaceContextualsInitialized;
mozilla::Atomic<bool> mHasGraphiteSpaceContextuals;
mozilla::Atomic<bool> mSpaceGlyphIsInvisible;
mozilla::Atomic<bool> mSpaceGlyphIsInvisibleInitialized;
mozilla::Atomic<bool> mHasGraphiteTables;
mozilla::Atomic<bool> mCheckedForGraphiteTables;
mozilla::Atomic<bool> mHasCmapTable;
mozilla::Atomic<bool> mGrFaceInitialized;
mozilla::Atomic<bool> mCheckedForColorGlyph;
mozilla::Atomic<bool> mCheckedForVariationAxes;
mozilla::Atomic<bool> mHasColorBitmapTable;
mozilla::Atomic<bool> mCheckedForColorBitmapTables;
friend class gfxPlatformFontList;
friend class gfxFontFamily;
friend class gfxUserFontEntry;
// Protected destructor, to discourage deletion outside of Release():
virtual ~gfxFontEntry();
virtual gfxFont* CreateFontInstance(const gfxFontStyle* aFontStyle) = 0;
virtual void CheckForGraphiteTables();
// Copy a font table into aBuffer.
// The caller will be responsible for ownership of the data.
virtual nsresult CopyFontTable(uint32_t aTableTag,
nsTArray<uint8_t>& aBuffer) {
"forgot to override either GetFontTable or "
// Helper for HasTrackingTable; check/parse the table and cache pointers
// to the subtables we need. Returns false on failure, in which case the
// table is unusable.
bool ParseTrakTable() REQUIRES(mLock);
// lookup the cmap in cached font data
virtual already_AddRefed<gfxCharacterMap> GetCMAPFromFontInfo(
FontInfoData* aFontInfoData, uint32_t& aUVSOffset);
// helper for HasCharacter(), which is what client code should call
virtual bool TestCharacterMap(uint32_t aCh);
// Try to set mShmemCharacterMap, based on the char map in mShmemFace;
// return true if successful, false if it remains null (maybe the parent
// hasn't handled our SetCharacterMap message yet).
bool TrySetShmemCharacterMap();
// Helper for gfxPlatformFontList::CreateFontEntry methods: set properties
// of the gfxFontEntry based on shared Face and Family records.
void InitializeFrom(mozilla::fontlist::Face* aFace,
const mozilla::fontlist::Family* aFamily);
// Shaper-specific face objects, shared by all instantiations of the same
// physical font, regardless of size.
// Usually, only one of these will actually be created for any given font
// entry, depending on the font tables that are present.
// hb_face_t is refcounted internally, so each shaper that's using it will
// bump the ref count when it acquires the face, and "destroy" (release) it
// in its destructor. The font entry has only this non-owning reference to
// the face; when the face is deleted, it will tell the font entry to forget
// it, so that a new face will be created next time it is needed.
mozilla::Atomic<hb_face_t*> mHBFace;
static hb_blob_t* HBGetTable(hb_face_t* face, uint32_t aTag, void* aUserData);
// Callback that the hb_face will use to tell us when it is being deleted.
static void HBFaceDeletedCallback(void* aUserData);
// All libGraphite functionality is sandboxed in an rlbox sandbox. This
// contains data for the sandbox instance.
// Currently graphite shaping is only supported on the main thread.
struct GrSandboxData;
GrSandboxData* mSandboxData = nullptr;
// gr_face is -not- refcounted, so it will be owned directly by the font
// entry, and we'll keep a count of how many references we've handed out;
// each shaper is responsible to call ReleaseGrFace on its entry when
// finished with it, so that we know when it can be deleted.
tainted_opaque_gr<gr_face*> mGrFace;
// For AAT font, a strong reference to the 'trak' table (if present).
hb_blob_t* const kTrakTableUninitialized = (hb_blob_t*)(intptr_t(-1));
mozilla::Atomic<hb_blob_t*> mTrakTable;
hb_blob_t* GetTrakTable() const { return mTrakTable; }
bool TrakTableInitialized() const {
return mTrakTable != kTrakTableUninitialized;
// Cached pointers to tables within 'trak', initialized by ParseTrakTable.
// This data is inert once loaded, so locking is not required to read it.
const mozilla::AutoSwap_PRInt16* mTrakValues = nullptr;
const mozilla::AutoSwap_PRInt32* mTrakSizeTable = nullptr;
// number of current users of this entry's mGrFace
nsrefcnt mGrFaceRefCnt = 0;
static tainted_opaque_gr<const void*> GrGetTable(
rlbox_sandbox_gr& sandbox, tainted_opaque_gr<const void*> aAppFaceHandle,
tainted_opaque_gr<unsigned int> aName,
tainted_opaque_gr<unsigned int*> aLen);
static void GrReleaseTable(rlbox_sandbox_gr& sandbox,
tainted_opaque_gr<const void*> aAppFaceHandle,
tainted_opaque_gr<const void*> aTableBuffer);
// For memory reporting: size of user-font data belonging to this entry.
// We record this in the font entry because the actual data block may be
// handed over to platform APIs, so that it would become difficult (and
// platform-specific) to measure it directly at report-gathering time.
uint32_t mComputedSizeOfUserFont = 0;
// Font's unitsPerEm from the 'head' table, if available (will be set to
// kInvalidUPEM for non-sfnt font formats)
uint16_t mUnitsPerEm = 0;
uint16_t mNumTrakSizes = 0;
* Font table hashtable, to support GetFontTable for harfbuzz.
* The harfbuzz shaper (and potentially other clients) needs access to raw
* font table data. This needs to be cached so that it can be used
* repeatedly (each time we construct a text run; in some cases, for
* each character/glyph within the run) without re-fetching large tables
* every time.
* Because we may instantiate many gfxFonts for the same physical font
* file (at different sizes), we should ensure that they can share a
* single cached copy of the font tables. To do this, we implement table
* access and sharing on the fontEntry rather than the font itself.
* The default implementation uses GetFontTable() to read font table
* data into byte arrays, and wraps them in blobs which are registered in
* a hashtable. The hashtable can then return pre-existing blobs to
* harfbuzz.
* Harfbuzz will "destroy" the blobs when it is finished with them. When
* the last blob reference is removed, the FontTableBlobData user data
* will remove the blob from the hashtable if still registered.
class FontTableBlobData;
* FontTableHashEntry manages the entries of hb_blob_t's containing font
* table data.
* This is used to share font tables across fonts with the same
* font entry (but different sizes) for use by HarfBuzz. The hashtable
* does not own a strong reference to the blob, but keeps a weak pointer,
* managed by FontTableBlobData. Similarly FontTableBlobData keeps only a
* weak pointer to the hashtable, managed by FontTableHashEntry.
class FontTableHashEntry : public nsUint32HashKey {
// Declarations for nsTHashtable
typedef nsUint32HashKey KeyClass;
typedef KeyClass::KeyType KeyType;
typedef KeyClass::KeyTypePointer KeyTypePointer;
explicit FontTableHashEntry(KeyTypePointer aTag)
: KeyClass(aTag), mSharedBlobData(nullptr), mBlob(nullptr) {}
// NOTE: This assumes the new entry belongs to the same hashtable as
// the old, because the mHashtable pointer in mSharedBlobData (if
// present) will not be updated.
FontTableHashEntry(FontTableHashEntry&& toMove)
: KeyClass(std::move(toMove)),
mBlob(std::move(toMove.mBlob)) {
toMove.mSharedBlobData = nullptr;
toMove.mBlob = nullptr;
~FontTableHashEntry() { Clear(); }
// FontTable/Blob API
// Transfer (not copy) elements of aTable to a new hb_blob_t and
// return ownership to the caller. A weak reference to the blob is
// recorded in the hashtable entry so that others may use the same
// table.
hb_blob_t* ShareTableAndGetBlob(
nsTArray<uint8_t>&& aTable,
nsTHashtable<FontTableHashEntry>* aHashtable);
// Return a strong reference to the blob.
// Callers must hb_blob_destroy the returned blob.
hb_blob_t* GetBlob() const;
void Clear();
size_t SizeOfExcludingThis(mozilla::MallocSizeOf aMallocSizeOf) const;
static void DeleteFontTableBlobData(void* aBlobData);
// not implemented
FontTableHashEntry& operator=(FontTableHashEntry& toCopy);
FontTableBlobData* mSharedBlobData;
hb_blob_t* mBlob;
using FontTableCache = nsTHashtable<FontTableHashEntry>;
mozilla::Atomic<FontTableCache*> mFontTableCache;
FontTableCache* GetFontTableCache() const { return mFontTableCache; }
inline bool gfxFontEntry::SupportsItalic() {
return SlantStyle().Max().IsItalic() ||
((mRangeFlags & RangeFlags::eAutoSlantStyle) ==
RangeFlags::eAutoSlantStyle &&
inline bool gfxFontEntry::SupportsBold() {
// bold == weights 600 and above
// We return true if the face has a max weight descriptor >= 600,
// OR if it's a user font with auto-weight (no descriptor) and has
// a weight axis that supports values >= 600
return Weight().Max().IsBold() ||
((mRangeFlags & RangeFlags::eAutoWeight) == RangeFlags::eAutoWeight &&
// used when iterating over all fonts looking for a match for a given character
struct GlobalFontMatch {
GlobalFontMatch(uint32_t aCharacter, uint32_t aNextCh,
const gfxFontStyle& aStyle, eFontPresentation aPresentation)
: mStyle(aStyle),
mPresentation(aPresentation) {}
RefPtr<gfxFontEntry> mBestMatch; // current best match
RefPtr<gfxFontFamily> mMatchedFamily; // the family it belongs to
mozilla::fontlist::Family* mMatchedSharedFamily = nullptr;
const gfxFontStyle& mStyle; // style to match
const uint32_t mCh; // codepoint to be matched
const uint32_t mNextCh; // following codepoint (or zero)
eFontPresentation mPresentation;
uint32_t mCount = 0; // number of fonts matched
uint32_t mCmapsTested = 0; // number of cmaps tested
double mMatchDistance = INFINITY; // metric indicating closest match
class gfxFontFamily {
// Used by stylo
gfxFontFamily(const nsACString& aName, FontVisibility aVisibility)
: mName(aName),
mLock("gfxFontFamily lock"),
mCheckForFallbackFaces(false) {}
const nsCString& Name() const { return mName; }
virtual void LocalizedName(nsACString& aLocalizedName);
virtual bool HasOtherFamilyNames();
// See
// check the font's 'name' table to see if it has a legacy family name
// that would have been used by GDI (e.g. to split extra-bold or light
// faces in a large family into separate "styled families" because of
// GDI's 4-faces-per-family limitation). If found, the styled family
// name will be added to the font list's "other family names" table.
// Note that the caller must already hold the gfxPlatformFontList lock.
bool CheckForLegacyFamilyNames(gfxPlatformFontList* aFontList);
// Callers must hold a read-lock for as long as they're using the list.
const nsTArray<RefPtr<gfxFontEntry>>& GetFontList() REQUIRES_SHARED(mLock) {
return mAvailableFonts;
void ReadLock() ACQUIRE_SHARED(mLock) { mLock.ReadLock(); }
void ReadUnlock() RELEASE_SHARED(mLock) { mLock.ReadUnlock(); }
uint32_t FontListLength() const {
mozilla::AutoReadLock lock(mLock);
return mAvailableFonts.Length();
void AddFontEntry(RefPtr<gfxFontEntry> aFontEntry) {
mozilla::AutoWriteLock lock(mLock);
void AddFontEntryLocked(RefPtr<gfxFontEntry> aFontEntry) REQUIRES(mLock) {
// Avoid potentially duplicating entries.
if (mAvailableFonts.Contains(aFontEntry)) {
// bug 589682 - set the IgnoreGDEF flag on entries for Italic faces
// of Times New Roman, because of buggy table in those fonts
if (aFontEntry->IsItalic() && !aFontEntry->IsUserFont() &&
Name().EqualsLiteral("Times New Roman")) {
aFontEntry->mIgnoreGDEF = true;
if (aFontEntry->mFamilyName.IsEmpty()) {
aFontEntry->mFamilyName = Name();
} else {
aFontEntry->mSkipDefaultFeatureSpaceCheck = mSkipDefaultFeatureSpaceCheck;
// If we're adding a face to a family that has been marked as "simple",
// we need to ensure any null entries are removed, as well as clearing
// the flag (which may be set again later).
if (mIsSimpleFamily) {
mAvailableFonts.RemoveElementsBy([](const auto& font) { return !font; });
mIsSimpleFamily = false;
// note that the styles for this family have been added
bool HasStyles() const { return mHasStyles; }
void SetHasStyles(bool aHasStyles) { mHasStyles = aHasStyles; }
void SetCheckedForLegacyFamilyNames(bool aChecked) {
mCheckedForLegacyFamilyNames = aChecked;
// choose a specific face to match a style using CSS font matching
// rules (weight matching occurs here). may return a face that doesn't
// precisely match (e.g. normal face when no italic face exists).
gfxFontEntry* FindFontForStyle(const gfxFontStyle& aFontStyle,
bool aIgnoreSizeTolerance = false);
virtual void FindAllFontsForStyle(const gfxFontStyle& aFontStyle,
nsTArray<gfxFontEntry*>& aFontEntryList,
bool aIgnoreSizeTolerance = false);
// Checks for a matching font within the family; used as part of the font
// fallback process.
// Note that when this is called, the caller must already be holding the
// gfxPlatformFontList lock.
void FindFontForChar(GlobalFontMatch* aMatchData);
// checks all fonts for a matching font within the family
void SearchAllFontsForChar(GlobalFontMatch* aMatchData);
// read in other family names, if any, and use functor to add each into cache
virtual void ReadOtherFamilyNames(gfxPlatformFontList* aPlatformFontList);
// set when other family names have been read in
void SetOtherFamilyNamesInitialized() { mOtherFamilyNamesInitialized = true; }
// Read in other localized family names, fullnames and Postscript names
// for all faces and append to lookup tables.
// Note that when this is called, the caller must already be holding the
// gfxPlatformFontList lock.
virtual void ReadFaceNames(gfxPlatformFontList* aPlatformFontList,
bool aNeedFullnamePostscriptNames,
FontInfoData* aFontInfoData = nullptr);
// Find faces belonging to this family (platform implementations override).
// This is a no-op in cases where the family is explicitly populated by other
// means, rather than being asked to find its faces via system API.
virtual void FindStyleVariationsLocked(FontInfoData* aFontInfoData = nullptr)
void FindStyleVariations(FontInfoData* aFontInfoData = nullptr) {
if (mHasStyles) {
mozilla::AutoWriteLock lock(mLock);
// search for a specific face using the Postscript name
gfxFontEntry* FindFont(const nsACString& aFontName,
const nsCStringComparator& aCmp) const;
// Read in cmaps for all the faces.
// Note that when this is called, the caller must already be holding the
// gfxPlatformFontList lock.
void ReadAllCMAPs(FontInfoData* aFontInfoData = nullptr);
bool TestCharacterMap(uint32_t aCh) {
if (!mFamilyCharacterMapInitialized) {
mozilla::AutoReadLock lock(mLock);
return mFamilyCharacterMap.test(aCh);
void ResetCharacterMap() REQUIRES(mLock) {
mFamilyCharacterMapInitialized = false;
// mark this family as being in the "bad" underline offset blocklist
void SetBadUnderlineFamily() {
mozilla::AutoWriteLock lock(mLock);
mIsBadUnderlineFamily = true;
if (mHasStyles) {
virtual bool IsSingleFaceFamily() const { return false; }
bool IsBadUnderlineFamily() const { return mIsBadUnderlineFamily; }
bool CheckForFallbackFaces() const { return mCheckForFallbackFaces; }
// sort available fonts to put preferred (standard) faces towards the end
void SortAvailableFonts() REQUIRES(mLock);
// check whether the family fits into the simple 4-face model,
// so we can use simplified style-matching;
// if so set the mIsSimpleFamily flag (defaults to False before we've checked)
void CheckForSimpleFamily() REQUIRES(mLock);
// For memory reporter
virtual void AddSizeOfExcludingThis(mozilla::MallocSizeOf aMallocSizeOf,
FontListSizes* aSizes) const;
virtual void AddSizeOfIncludingThis(mozilla::MallocSizeOf aMallocSizeOf,
FontListSizes* aSizes) const;
#ifdef DEBUG
// Only used for debugging checks - does a linear search
bool ContainsFace(gfxFontEntry* aFontEntry);
void SetSkipSpaceFeatureCheck(bool aSkipCheck) {
mSkipDefaultFeatureSpaceCheck = aSkipCheck;
// Check whether this family is appropriate to include in the Preferences
// font list for the given langGroup and CSS generic, if the platform lets
// us determine this.
// Return true if the family should be included in the list, false to omit.
// Default implementation returns true for everything, so no filtering
// will occur; individual platforms may override.
virtual bool FilterForFontList(nsAtom* aLangGroup,
const nsACString& aGeneric) const {
return true;
FontVisibility Visibility() const { return mVisibility; }
bool IsHidden() const { return Visibility() == FontVisibility::Hidden; }
bool IsWebFontFamily() const {
return Visibility() == FontVisibility::Webfont;
// Protected destructor, to discourage deletion outside of Release():
virtual ~gfxFontFamily();
bool ReadOtherFamilyNamesForFace(gfxPlatformFontList* aPlatformFontList,
hb_blob_t* aNameTable,
bool useFullName = false);
// set whether this font family is in "bad" underline offset blocklist.
void SetBadUnderlineFonts() REQUIRES(mLock) {
for (auto& f : mAvailableFonts) {
if (f) {
f->mIsBadUnderlineFont = true;
nsCString mName;
nsTArray<RefPtr<gfxFontEntry>> mAvailableFonts GUARDED_BY(mLock);
gfxSparseBitSet mFamilyCharacterMap GUARDED_BY(mLock);
mutable mozilla::RWLock mLock;
FontVisibility mVisibility;
mozilla::Atomic<bool> mOtherFamilyNamesInitialized;
mozilla::Atomic<bool> mFaceNamesInitialized;
mozilla::Atomic<bool> mHasStyles;
mozilla::Atomic<bool> mFamilyCharacterMapInitialized;
mozilla::Atomic<bool> mCheckedForLegacyFamilyNames;
mozilla::Atomic<bool> mHasOtherFamilyNames;
bool mIsSimpleFamily : 1 GUARDED_BY(mLock);
bool mIsBadUnderlineFamily : 1;
bool mSkipDefaultFeatureSpaceCheck : 1;
bool mCheckForFallbackFaces : 1; // check other faces for character
enum {
// for "simple" families, the faces are stored in mAvailableFonts
// with fixed positions:
kRegularFaceIndex = 0,
kBoldFaceIndex = 1,
kItalicFaceIndex = 2,
kBoldItalicFaceIndex = 3,
// mask values for selecting face with bold and/or italic attributes
kBoldMask = 0x01,
kItalicMask = 0x02
// Wrapper for either a mozilla::fontlist::Family in the shared font list or an
// unshared gfxFontFamily that belongs just to the current process. This does
// not own a reference, it just wraps a raw pointer and records the type.
struct FontFamily {
FontFamily() : mUnshared(nullptr), mIsShared(false) {}
FontFamily(const FontFamily& aOther) = default;
explicit FontFamily(gfxFontFamily* aFamily)
: mUnshared(aFamily), mIsShared(false) {}
explicit FontFamily(mozilla::fontlist::Family* aFamily)
: mShared(aFamily), mIsShared(true) {}
bool operator==(const FontFamily& aOther) const {
return mIsShared == aOther.mIsShared &&
(mIsShared ? mShared == aOther.mShared
: mUnshared == aOther.mUnshared);
bool IsNull() const { return mIsShared ? !mShared : !mUnshared; }
union {
gfxFontFamily* mUnshared;
mozilla::fontlist::Family* mShared;
bool mIsShared;
// Struct used in the gfxFontGroup font list to keep track of a font family
// together with the CSS generic (if any) that was mapped to it in this
// particular case (so it can be reported to the DevTools font inspector).
struct FamilyAndGeneric final {
: mFamily(), mGeneric(mozilla::StyleGenericFontFamily(0)) {}
FamilyAndGeneric(const FamilyAndGeneric& aOther) = default;
explicit FamilyAndGeneric(gfxFontFamily* aFamily,
mozilla::StyleGenericFontFamily aGeneric =
: mFamily(aFamily), mGeneric(aGeneric) {}
explicit FamilyAndGeneric(mozilla::fontlist::Family* aFamily,
mozilla::StyleGenericFontFamily aGeneric =
: mFamily(aFamily), mGeneric(aGeneric) {}
explicit FamilyAndGeneric(const FontFamily& aFamily,
mozilla::StyleGenericFontFamily aGeneric =
: mFamily(aFamily), mGeneric(aGeneric) {}
bool operator==(const FamilyAndGeneric& aOther) const {
return mFamily == aOther.mFamily && mGeneric == aOther.mGeneric;
FontFamily mFamily;
mozilla::StyleGenericFontFamily mGeneric;