Fatih d9402246b9 Bug 1826051: Improve PointerEvents RFP target for Android. r=tjr
- This patch separates RFPTarget::PointerEvents into PointerEvents and PointerId.
- PointerId protection is disabled for Android.
- WidgetEvents emit non-primary mouse events on Android because any touch other than 1nd touch is considered non-primary
- Sets maximum touch points to 5 on Android

Differential Revision:
2024-09-10 14:37:50 +00:00

102 lines
3.4 KiB

/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at
* Portions Copyright 2013 Microsoft Open Technologies, Inc. */
#ifndef mozilla_dom_PointerEvent_h_
#define mozilla_dom_PointerEvent_h_
#include "mozilla/dom/MouseEvent.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/PointerEventBinding.h"
#include "mozilla/Maybe.h"
class nsPresContext;
namespace mozilla::dom {
struct PointerEventInit;
class PointerEvent : public MouseEvent {
PointerEvent(EventTarget* aOwner, nsPresContext* aPresContext,
WidgetPointerEvent* aEvent);
virtual JSObject* WrapObjectInternal(
JSContext* aCx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> aGivenProto) override;
static already_AddRefed<PointerEvent> Constructor(
const GlobalObject& aGlobal, const nsAString& aType,
const PointerEventInit& aParam);
static already_AddRefed<PointerEvent> Constructor(
EventTarget* aOwner, const nsAString& aType,
const PointerEventInit& aParam);
PointerEvent* AsPointerEvent() final { return this; }
int32_t PointerId();
int32_t Width();
int32_t Height();
float Pressure();
float TangentialPressure();
int32_t TiltX();
int32_t TiltY();
int32_t Twist();
double AltitudeAngle();
double AzimuthAngle();
bool IsPrimary();
void GetPointerType(nsAString& aPointerType);
static bool EnableGetCoalescedEvents(JSContext* aCx, JSObject* aGlobal);
void GetCoalescedEvents(nsTArray<RefPtr<PointerEvent>>& aPointerEvents);
void GetPredictedEvents(nsTArray<RefPtr<PointerEvent>>& aPointerEvents);
~PointerEvent() = default;
// This method returns the boolean to indicate whether spoofing pointer
// event for fingerprinting resistance.
bool ShouldResistFingerprinting(bool aForPointerId = false) const;
// When the instance is a trusted `pointermove` event but the widget event
// does not have proper coalesced events (typically, the event is synthesized
// for tests or instantiated in the main process), this fills mCoalescedEvents
// with this instance.
void EnsureFillingCoalescedEvents(WidgetPointerEvent& aWidgetEvent);
nsTArray<RefPtr<PointerEvent>> mCoalescedEvents;
nsTArray<RefPtr<PointerEvent>> mPredictedEvents;
// This is used to store the pointerType assigned from constructor.
Maybe<nsString> mPointerType;
Maybe<int32_t> mTiltX;
Maybe<int32_t> mTiltY;
Maybe<double> mAltitudeAngle;
Maybe<double> mAzimuthAngle;
// The events in the coalesced/predicted events list of a trusted event will
// have:
// ... Empty coalesced events list and predicted events list of their own.
bool mCoalescedOrPredictedEvent = false;
void ConvertPointerTypeToString(uint16_t aPointerTypeSrc,
nsAString& aPointerTypeDest);
} // namespace mozilla::dom
already_AddRefed<mozilla::dom::PointerEvent> NS_NewDOMPointerEvent(
mozilla::dom::EventTarget* aOwner, nsPresContext* aPresContext,
mozilla::WidgetPointerEvent* aEvent);
#endif // mozilla_dom_PointerEvent_h_