mirror of
synced 2025-02-11 01:57:00 +00:00
446 lines
14 KiB
Executable File
446 lines
14 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# -*- Mode: perl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
# The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
# License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
# except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
# the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
# IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
# implied. See the License for the specific language governing
# rights and limitations under the License.
# The Original Code is the Despot Account Administration System.
# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape Communications
# Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are
# Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All
# Rights Reserved.
# Contributor(s): Terry Weissman <terry@mozilla.org>
# Dan Mosedale <dmose@mozilla.org>
# $F::debug = 1;
#$cvs = "/opt/cvs-tools/bin/cvs";
#$whoami = "/usr/ucb/whoami";
#$perlbin = "/tools/ns/bin/perl5.004";
$cvs = "/usr/bin/cvs";
$whoami = "/usr/bin/whoami";
$perlbin = "/usr/bin/perl";
#$curdir = `pwd`;
#$ENV{"CVS_PASSFILE"} = "$curdir/.cvspass";
$ENV{"CVS_RSH"} = "ssh";
$ENV{"CVS_PASSFILE"} = "/usr/local/etc/despot-cvspass";
$dontcommit = 0;
$usertoblame = "";
for ($i=0 ; $i<@ARGV ; $i++) {
if ($ARGV[$i] eq "-n") {
$dontcommit = 1;
if ($ARGV[$i] eq "-user") {
$usertoblame = $ARGV[++$i];
$srcdir = $0;
$srcdir =~ s:/[^/]*$::; # Remove last word, and slash before it.
if ($srcdir eq "") {
$srcdir = ".";
chdir $srcdir || die "Couldn't chdir to $srcdir";
use DBI;
require 'utils.pl';
use vars qw( $db_host $db_name $db_user $db_pass );
do "config.pl" || die "Couldn't load config file";
my $dsn = "DBI:mysql:host=$db_host;database=$db_name";
$::db = DBI->connect($dsn, $db_user, $db_pass)
|| die "Can't connect to database server";
($mylogin = `$whoami`);
$hostname = 'unknown';
if (open(HOST, "/bin/hostname|")) {
$hostname = <HOST>;
$ENV{"HOME"} = glob("~$mylogin"); # CVS wants this.
if ($usertoblame eq "") {
$usertoblame = $mylogin;
$boilerplate = "";
open(BOILERPLATE, "<commitcheck.templ") || die "Can't open template file";
while (<BOILERPLATE>) {
if ( /^#/ ) {
# Strip out comments from the boilerplate. Might as well; the
# faster our generated perl script runs, the better.
$boilerplate .= $_;
open(BOILERPLATE, "<owners.templ") || die "Can't open template file";
while (<BOILERPLATE>) {
push @ownersplate, $_;
my @grouplist = ('cvs', 'gila'); # Mailing group list. Should really query
# for this list rom the db ... ###
$repquery = $::db->prepare("SELECT id, name, cvsroot, ownersrepository, ownerspath, domailing " .
"FROM repositories ORDER BY name");
while (@reprow = $repquery->fetchrow_array()) {
($repid,$repname,$reproot,$ownersrepository,$ownerspath,$domailing) =
$query = $::db->prepare("SELECT email, passwd, ${repname}_group, neednewpassword, disabled " .
"FROM users WHERE ${repname}_group != 'None' AND passwd != '' ORDER BY email");
$tmpdir = "/tmp/syncit-$repname.$$";
mkdir $tmpdir, 0777;
chdir $tmpdir;
$ENV{CVSROOT} = $reproot;
my @filelist = ('passwd', 'commitcheck.pl');
if ($domailing) {
foreach my $g (@grouplist) {
push @filelist, "${g}_list";
system "$cvs co " . join(' ', grep(s@^@CVSROOT/@, @filelist))
|| die "Couldn't checkout files.";
if ($domailing) {
foreach my $group (@grouplist) {
$outfile = "CVSROOT/${group}_list";
open(MAILLIST, ">$outfile") || die "Can't open $outfile";
print MAILLIST "# DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE! This file is created\n";
print MAILLIST "# by despot, and is used by /etc/aliases.\n";
my $q = $::db->prepare("SELECT email " .
"FROM users " .
"WHERE ${group}_group != 'None' " .
"AND passwd != '' " .
"AND disabled != 'Yes' " .
"ORDER BY email");
while (@r = $q->fetchrow_array()) {
print MAILLIST $r[0]. "\n";
$outfile = "CVSROOT/passwd";
open(PASSWD, ">$outfile") || die "Can't open $outfile: $!";
print PASSWD "# DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE! You must instead go to https://despot.mozilla.org/, and\n";
print PASSWD "# tweak things from there.\n";
while (@row = $query->fetchrow_array()) {
($email,$password,$group,$neednew,$disabled) = @row;
if ($neednew eq "Yes" || $disabled eq "Yes") {
$login = $email;
$login =~ s/@/%/g;
print PASSWD "$login:$password:$group\n";
close PASSWD;
# system "$cvs co CVSROOT/commitcheck.pl" || die "Couldn't checkout passwd file.";
$outfile = "CVSROOT/commitcheck.pl";
open(COMMITCHECK, ">$outfile") || die "Can't open $outfile";
print COMMITCHECK "#!$perlbin --\n";
print COMMITCHECK "# DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE! You must instead go to https://despot.mozilla.org/, and\n";
print COMMITCHECK "# tweak things from there.\n\n";
$query = $::db->prepare("SELECT partitions.id, partitions.name, state, branches.name " .
"FROM partitions, branches " .
"WHERE repositoryid = ? AND branches.id = branchid " .
"ORDER BY partitions.name");
$founddefault = 0;
while (@row = $query->fetchrow_array()) {
($id,$name,$state,$branch) = (@row);
$d = "\$";
print COMMITCHECK $d . "mode{'$id'} = '$state';\n";
print COMMITCHECK $d . "branch{'$id'} = '$branch';\n";
print COMMITCHECK $d . "fullname{'$id'} = '$name';\n";
if ($name eq 'default') {
print COMMITCHECK $d . "defaultid = '$id';\n";
$founddefault = 1;
if ($state ne "Open") {
foreach $n ("blessed", "super") {
print COMMITCHECK $d . "$n" . "{'$id'} = [";
$eq = "=";
if ($n eq "super") {
$eq = "!=";
$q2 = $::db->prepare("SELECT email " .
"FROM members, users " .
"WHERE partitionid = ? " .
"AND class $eq 'Member' " .
"AND users.id = userid");
while (@r2 = $q2->fetchrow_array()) {
my $n = $r2[0];
$n =~ s/@/%/;
print COMMITCHECK "'$n',";
print COMMITCHECK "];\n";
if (!$founddefault) {
print COMMITCHECK $d . "defaultid = 'none';\n";
print COMMITCHECK "sub GetT {\n";
print COMMITCHECK '($b,$_) = (@_);' . "\n";
$query = $::db->prepare("SELECT branches.name, partitions.id " .
"FROM partitions, branches " .
"WHERE repositoryid = ? " .
"AND branches.id = branchid " .
"ORDER BY branches.name");
$lastbranch = "";
while (@row = $query->fetchrow_array()) {
($branchname,$partid) = (@row);
if ($branchname ne $lastbranch) {
if ($lastbranch ne "") {
print COMMITCHECK "}\n";
print COMMITCHECK "if (" . $d . "b eq '$branchname') {\n";
$lastbranch = $branchname;
$q2 = $::db->prepare("SELECT pattern FROM files WHERE partitionid = ? ORDER BY pattern");
while (@r2 = $q2->fetchrow_array()) {
my $regexp = $r2[0];
$regexp =~ s/\./\\./g;
$regexp =~ s:\*$:.*:;
$regexp =~ s:\%$:[^/]*:;
$regexp = '^' . $regexp . "\$";
print COMMITCHECK "if (m:$regexp:) {return '$partid';}\n";
if ($lastbranch ne "") {
print COMMITCHECK "}\n";
print COMMITCHECK "return '';\n";
print COMMITCHECK "}\n";
print COMMITCHECK $boilerplate;
chdir "CVSROOT";
if ($dontcommit) {
system "$cvs diff -c passwd";
system "$cvs diff -c commitcheck.pl";
# system "$cvs -q commit -m 'Pseudo-automatic update of changes made by $usertoblame.' commitcheck.pl";
} else {
system ("$cvs -q commit -m 'Pseudo-automatic update of changes" .
" made by $usertoblame.'") == 0
or die "cvs commit failed";
if (defined $ownersrepository && $ownersrepository > 0 &&
defined $ownerspath && $ownerspath ne "") {
$query = $::db->prepare("SELECT cvsroot FROM repositories WHERE id = ?");
$ENV{CVSROOT} = ($query->fetchrow_array())[0];
$tdir = "$tmpdir/ownerstuff";
mkdir $tdir, 0777;
chdir $tdir;
system "$cvs co $ownerspath" || die "Couldn't checkout $ownerspath";
open(OWNERS, ">$ownerspath") || die "Can't open $ownerspath";
foreach (@ownersplate) {
if ($_ !~ m/^%%DATA%%/) {
print OWNERS $_;
$query = $::db->prepare("SELECT id, name, description, newsgroups, doclinks " .
"FROM partitions " .
"WHERE repositoryid = ? " .
"ORDER BY name");
while (@row = $query->fetchrow_array()) {
($id,$name,$desc,$newsgroups,$doclinks) = (@row);
if ($name eq "default" || $name eq "despotaccess") {
my $fullname = $name;
if (defined $desc && $desc ne "") {
$fullname .= " ($desc)";
my $anchor_name = name_to_id_token($name);
$q2 = $::db->prepare("SELECT class, email, realname " .
"FROM members, users " .
"WHERE partitionid = ? " .
"AND class != 'Member' " .
"AND users.id = userid");
my @owners;
my @ownernames;
my @peers;
my @peernames;
while (@r2 = $q2->fetchrow_array()) {
if ($r2[0] eq "Owner") {
push @owners, $r2[1];
push @ownernames, $r2[2];
} else {
push @peers, $r2[1];
push @peernames, $r2[2];
my $maillist = "mailto:" . join(',', @owners);
if (@peers > 0) {
$maillist .= "?cc=" . join(',', @peers);
$maillist =~ s/\@/@/g;
print OWNERS qq| <a name="$anchor_name"></a>
<table class="data" style="width:100%">
<th style="width:15%; text-align:right; vertical-align:top">
<th style="text-align:left">
<a href="$maillist">
| . join(",\n ", @ownernames) . qq|
$q2 = $::db->prepare("SELECT pattern FROM files WHERE partitionid=? ORDER BY pattern");
my @filelist;
while (@r2 = $q2->fetchrow_array()) {
my $name = $r2[0];
$name =~ s/\*$//;
$name =~ s/%$//;
$name =~ s:/$::;
$name =~ s:^mozilla/::;
push @filelist, qq|<a href="http://lxr.mozilla.org/mozilla/source/$name">$name</a>|;
print OWNERS join(', ', @filelist);
print OWNERS qq|</td>
my @grouplist;
if (!defined $newsgroups) {
$newsgroups = "";
foreach $i (split(/[,\s]+/, $newsgroups)) {
my $base = "news:";
if ($i =~ /^netscape\.public/) {
$base = "nntp://news.mozilla.org/";
push @grouplist, qq|<a href="$base$i">$i</a>|;
print OWNERS join(', ', @grouplist);
print OWNERS qq|</td>
my @peerlist;
foreach $i (@peers) {
$i =~ s/\@/@/g;
push @peerlist, qq|<a href="mailto:$i">| . shift(@peernames) . "</a>";
print OWNERS join(",\n ", @peerlist);
print OWNERS qq|
my @doclist;
if (!defined $doclinks) {
$doclinks = "";
foreach $i (split(/[,\s]+/, $doclinks)) {
push @doclist, qq|<a href="$i">$i</a>|;
print OWNERS join(', ', @doclist);
print OWNERS qq|</td>
close OWNERS;
if ($dontcommit) {
system "$cvs diff -c";
} else {
system ( "$cvs -q commit -m 'Pseudo-automatic update of changes" .
" made by $usertoblame.'" ) == 0
or die "cvs commit failed";
chdir "/";
system "rm -rf $tmpdir";
$::db->do("DELETE FROM syncneeded");