Ting-Yu Lin e558c2cbd9 Bug 1733872 Part 2 - Add a new LineBreaker::Next(), and deprecate the old Next(). r=m_kato
This patch is similar to Bug 1728708 Part 4, but for line breaker. This
should make the future integration of ICU4X line segmenter easier. A
UAX14 compatible line breaker always breaks at the end of text
(rule LB3 [1]), and ICU4X line segmenter has this behavior, too.

Current LineBreaker::Next() doesn't treat the end of text as a line
break opportunity, so this patch deprecates it by renaming it, and add a
new Next() method.

TestASCIILB() has adopted the new Next(). All the other callers of the
DeprecatedNext (nsPlainTextSerializer, nsXMLContentSerializer,
InternetCiter) should be audited later, possibly with the removal of
Prev() because the all the usages are very close to Prev().

[1] https://www.unicode.org/reports/tr14/#LB3

Differential Revision: https://phabricator.services.mozilla.com/D127379
2021-10-07 07:39:13 +00:00