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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 20; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
#include "GLContextTypes.h"
#include "prlink.h"
typedef realGLboolean GLboolean;
// stuff from glx.h
#include "X11/Xlib.h"
#include "X11/Xutil.h" // for XVisualInfo
#include "X11UndefineNone.h"
typedef struct __GLXcontextRec* GLXContext;
typedef XID GLXPixmap;
typedef XID GLXDrawable;
/* GLX 1.3 and later */
typedef struct __GLXFBConfigRec* GLXFBConfig;
// end of stuff from glx.h
#include "prenv.h"
struct PRLibrary;
class gfxASurface;
namespace mozilla {
namespace gl {
class GLXLibrary
: mSymbols{nullptr}
, mInitialized(false)
, mTriedInitializing(false)
, mUseTextureFromPixmap(false)
, mDebug(false)
, mHasRobustness(false)
, mHasCreateContextAttribs(false)
, mHasVideoSync(false)
, mIsATI(false), mIsNVIDIA(false)
, mClientIsMesa(false)
, mOGLLibrary(nullptr)
bool EnsureInitialized();
void BeforeGLXCall() const;
void AfterGLXCall() const;
#ifdef DEBUG
#define BEFORE_CALL BeforeGLXCall();
#define AFTER_CALL AfterGLXCall();
#define AFTER_CALL
#define WRAP(X) \
{ \
const auto ret = mSymbols. X ; \
return ret; \
#define VOID_WRAP(X) \
{ \
mSymbols. X ; \
void fDestroyContext(Display* display, GLXContext context) const
VOID_WRAP( fDestroyContext(display, context) )
Bool fMakeCurrent(Display* display, GLXDrawable drawable, GLXContext context) const
WRAP( fMakeCurrent(display, drawable, context) )
XVisualInfo* fGetConfig(Display* display, XVisualInfo* info, int attrib, int* value) const
WRAP( fGetConfig(display, info, attrib, value) )
GLXContext fGetCurrentContext() const
WRAP( fGetCurrentContext() )
GLXFBConfig* fChooseFBConfig(Display* display, int screen, const int* attrib_list, int* nelements) const
WRAP( fChooseFBConfig(display, screen, attrib_list, nelements) )
XVisualInfo* fChooseVisual(Display* display, int screen, int* attrib_list) const
WRAP( fChooseVisual(display, screen, attrib_list) )
GLXFBConfig* fGetFBConfigs(Display* display, int screen, int* nelements) const
WRAP( fGetFBConfigs(display, screen, nelements) )
GLXContext fCreateNewContext(Display* display, GLXFBConfig config, int render_type, GLXContext share_list, Bool direct) const
WRAP( fCreateNewContext(display, config, render_type, share_list, direct) )
int fGetFBConfigAttrib(Display* display, GLXFBConfig config, int attribute, int* value) const
WRAP( fGetFBConfigAttrib(display, config, attribute, value) )
void fSwapBuffers(Display* display, GLXDrawable drawable) const
VOID_WRAP( fSwapBuffers(display, drawable) )
const char* fQueryExtensionsString(Display* display, int screen) const
WRAP( fQueryExtensionsString(display, screen) )
const char* fGetClientString(Display* display, int screen) const
WRAP( fGetClientString(display, screen) )
const char* fQueryServerString(Display* display, int screen, int name) const
WRAP( fQueryServerString(display, screen, name) )
GLXPixmap fCreatePixmap(Display* display, GLXFBConfig config, Pixmap pixmap, const int* attrib_list) const
WRAP( fCreatePixmap(display, config, pixmap, attrib_list) )
GLXPixmap fCreateGLXPixmapWithConfig(Display* display, GLXFBConfig config, Pixmap pixmap) const
WRAP( fCreateGLXPixmapWithConfig(display, config, pixmap) )
void fDestroyPixmap(Display* display, GLXPixmap pixmap) const
VOID_WRAP( fDestroyPixmap(display, pixmap) )
Bool fQueryVersion(Display* display, int* major, int* minor) const
WRAP( fQueryVersion(display, major, minor) )
void fBindTexImage(Display* display, GLXDrawable drawable, int buffer, const int* attrib_list) const
VOID_WRAP( fBindTexImageEXT(display, drawable, buffer, attrib_list) )
void fReleaseTexImage(Display* display, GLXDrawable drawable, int buffer) const
VOID_WRAP( fReleaseTexImageEXT(display, drawable, buffer) )
void fWaitGL() const
VOID_WRAP( fWaitGL() )
void fWaitX() const
VOID_WRAP( fWaitX() )
GLXContext fCreateContextAttribs(Display* display, GLXFBConfig config, GLXContext share_list, Bool direct, const int* attrib_list) const
WRAP( fCreateContextAttribsARB(display, config, share_list, direct, attrib_list) )
int fGetVideoSync(unsigned int* count) const
WRAP( fGetVideoSyncSGI(count) )
int fWaitVideoSync(int divisor, int remainder, unsigned int* count) const
WRAP( fWaitVideoSyncSGI(divisor, remainder, count) )
void fSwapInterval(Display* dpy, GLXDrawable drawable, int interval) const
VOID_WRAP( fSwapIntervalEXT(dpy, drawable, interval) )
#undef WRAP
#undef VOID_WRAP
GLXPixmap CreatePixmap(gfxASurface* aSurface);
void DestroyPixmap(Display* aDisplay, GLXPixmap aPixmap);
void BindTexImage(Display* aDisplay, GLXPixmap aPixmap);
void ReleaseTexImage(Display* aDisplay, GLXPixmap aPixmap);
void UpdateTexImage(Display* aDisplay, GLXPixmap aPixmap);
bool UseTextureFromPixmap() { return mUseTextureFromPixmap; }
bool HasRobustness() { return mHasRobustness; }
bool HasCreateContextAttribs() { return mHasCreateContextAttribs; }
bool SupportsTextureFromPixmap(gfxASurface* aSurface);
bool SupportsVideoSync();
bool SupportsSwapControl() const { return bool(mSymbols.fSwapIntervalEXT); }
bool IsATI() { return mIsATI; }
bool IsMesa() { return mClientIsMesa; }
PRFuncPtr GetGetProcAddress() const {
return (PRFuncPtr)mSymbols.fGetProcAddress;
struct {
void (GLAPIENTRY *fDestroyContext) (Display*, GLXContext);
Bool (GLAPIENTRY *fMakeCurrent) (Display*, GLXDrawable, GLXContext);
XVisualInfo* (GLAPIENTRY *fGetConfig) (Display*, XVisualInfo*, int, int*);
GLXContext (GLAPIENTRY *fGetCurrentContext) ();
void* (GLAPIENTRY *fGetProcAddress) (const char*);
GLXFBConfig* (GLAPIENTRY *fChooseFBConfig) (Display*, int, const int*, int*);
XVisualInfo* (GLAPIENTRY *fChooseVisual) (Display*, int, const int*);
GLXFBConfig* (GLAPIENTRY *fGetFBConfigs) (Display*, int, int*);
GLXContext (GLAPIENTRY *fCreateNewContext) (Display*, GLXFBConfig, int,
GLXContext, Bool);
int (GLAPIENTRY *fGetFBConfigAttrib) (Display*, GLXFBConfig, int, int*);
void (GLAPIENTRY *fSwapBuffers) (Display*, GLXDrawable);
const char* (GLAPIENTRY *fQueryExtensionsString) (Display*, int);
const char* (GLAPIENTRY *fGetClientString) (Display*, int);
const char* (GLAPIENTRY *fQueryServerString) (Display*, int, int);
GLXPixmap (GLAPIENTRY *fCreatePixmap) (Display*, GLXFBConfig, Pixmap,
const int*);
GLXPixmap (GLAPIENTRY *fCreateGLXPixmapWithConfig) (Display*, GLXFBConfig,
void (GLAPIENTRY *fDestroyPixmap) (Display*, GLXPixmap);
Bool (GLAPIENTRY *fQueryVersion) (Display*, int*, int*);
void (GLAPIENTRY *fWaitGL) ();
void (GLAPIENTRY *fWaitX) ();
void (GLAPIENTRY *fBindTexImageEXT) (Display*, GLXDrawable, int,
const int*);
void (GLAPIENTRY *fReleaseTexImageEXT) (Display*, GLXDrawable, int);
GLXContext (GLAPIENTRY *fCreateContextAttribsARB) (Display*, GLXFBConfig,
GLXContext, Bool,
const int*);
int (GLAPIENTRY *fGetVideoSyncSGI) (unsigned int*);
int (GLAPIENTRY *fWaitVideoSyncSGI) (int, int, unsigned int*);
void (GLAPIENTRY *fSwapIntervalEXT) (Display*, GLXDrawable, int);
} mSymbols;
#ifdef DEBUG
void BeforeGLXCall();
void AfterGLXCall();
bool mInitialized;
bool mTriedInitializing;
bool mUseTextureFromPixmap;
bool mDebug;
bool mHasRobustness;
bool mHasCreateContextAttribs;
bool mHasVideoSync;
bool mIsATI;
bool mIsNVIDIA;
bool mClientIsMesa;
PRLibrary* mOGLLibrary;
// a global GLXLibrary instance
extern GLXLibrary sGLXLibrary;
} /* namespace gl */
} /* namespace mozilla */
#endif /* GFX_GLXLIBRARY_H */