Mike Conley 2a78d19d3c Bug 1246115 - Make gSafeBrowsing set the phishing menu item correctly. r=Gijs
Unfortunately, when onLocationChange is fired for an attack site for
the about:blocked error page that we display, content.document has not
been updated with the loaded error document, so
content.document.documentURI will appear to be the previous page that
had been loaded. In this patch, we update the parent's cache of
documentURI in onStateChange as well, since this seems to be fired
after the error page has been loaded.

MozReview-Commit-ID: 1yLAw0JTEC6

extra : rebase_source : 4f6f850fbe9c0b1f8ae3d6e2eaa42ef52a1e55c4
2016-02-10 15:49:50 -05:00

272 lines
9.1 KiB

// -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*-
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
// file, You can obtain one at
this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["RemoteWebProgressManager"];
const Ci = Components.interfaces;
const Cc = Components.classes;
const Cu = Components.utils;
function newURI(spec)
return Cc[";1"].getService(Ci.nsIIOService)
.newURI(spec, null, null);
function RemoteWebProgressRequest(spec, originalSpec, requestCPOW)
this.wrappedJSObject = this;
this._uri = newURI(spec);
this._originalURI = newURI(originalSpec);
this._requestCPOW = requestCPOW;
RemoteWebProgressRequest.prototype = {
QueryInterface : XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIChannel]),
get URI() { return this._uri.clone(); },
get originalURI() { return this._originalURI.clone(); }
function RemoteWebProgress(aManager, aIsTopLevel) {
this.wrappedJSObject = this;
this._manager = aManager;
this._isLoadingDocument = false;
this._DOMWindow = null;
this._DOMWindowID = 0;
this._isTopLevel = aIsTopLevel;
this._loadType = 0;
RemoteWebProgress.prototype = {
NOTIFY_STATE_ALL: 0x0000000f,
NOTIFY_PROGRESS: 0x00000010,
NOTIFY_STATUS: 0x00000020,
NOTIFY_SECURITY: 0x00000040,
NOTIFY_LOCATION: 0x00000080,
NOTIFY_REFRESH: 0x00000100,
NOTIFY_ALL: 0x000001ff,
get isLoadingDocument() { return this._isLoadingDocument },
get DOMWindow() { return this._DOMWindow; },
get DOMWindowID() { return this._DOMWindowID; },
get isTopLevel() { return this._isTopLevel },
get loadType() { return this._loadType; },
addProgressListener: function (aListener) {
removeProgressListener: function (aListener) {
function RemoteWebProgressManager (aBrowser) {
this._topLevelWebProgress = new RemoteWebProgress(this, true);
this._progressListeners = [];
RemoteWebProgressManager.argumentsForAddonListener = function(kind, args) {
function checkType(arg, typ) {
if (!arg) {
return false;
return (arg instanceof typ) ||
(arg instanceof Ci.nsISupports && arg.wrappedJSObject instanceof typ);
// Arguments for a tabs listener are shifted over one since the
// <browser> element is passed as the first argument.
let webProgressIndex = 0;
let requestIndex = 1;
if (kind == "tabs") {
webProgressIndex = 1;
requestIndex = 2;
if (checkType(args[webProgressIndex], RemoteWebProgress)) {
args[webProgressIndex] = args[webProgressIndex].wrappedJSObject._webProgressCPOW;
if (checkType(args[requestIndex], RemoteWebProgressRequest)) {
args[requestIndex] = args[requestIndex].wrappedJSObject._requestCPOW;
return args;
RemoteWebProgressManager.prototype = {
swapBrowser: function(aBrowser) {
if (this._messageManager) {
this._messageManager.removeMessageListener("Content:StateChange", this);
this._messageManager.removeMessageListener("Content:LocationChange", this);
this._messageManager.removeMessageListener("Content:SecurityChange", this);
this._messageManager.removeMessageListener("Content:StatusChange", this);
this._messageManager.removeMessageListener("Content:ProgressChange", this);
this._browser = aBrowser;
this._messageManager = aBrowser.messageManager;
this._messageManager.addMessageListener("Content:StateChange", this);
this._messageManager.addMessageListener("Content:LocationChange", this);
this._messageManager.addMessageListener("Content:SecurityChange", this);
this._messageManager.addMessageListener("Content:StatusChange", this);
this._messageManager.addMessageListener("Content:ProgressChange", this);
get topLevelWebProgress() {
return this._topLevelWebProgress;
addProgressListener: function (aListener) {
let listener = aListener.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIWebProgressListener);
removeProgressListener: function (aListener) {
this._progressListeners =
this._progressListeners.filter(l => l != aListener);
_fixSSLStatusAndState: function (aStatus, aState) {
let deserialized = null;
if (aStatus) {
let helper = Cc[";1"]
deserialized = helper.deserializeObject(aStatus)
return [deserialized, aState];
setCurrentURI: function (aURI) {
// This function is simpler than nsDocShell::SetCurrentURI since
// it doesn't have to deal with child docshells.
let remoteWebNav = this._browser._remoteWebNavigationImpl;
remoteWebNav._currentURI = aURI;
let webProgress = this.topLevelWebProgress;
for (let p of this._progressListeners) {
p.onLocationChange(webProgress, null, aURI);
_callProgressListeners: function(methodName, ...args) {
for (let p of this._progressListeners) {
if (p[methodName]) {
try {
p[methodName].apply(p, args);
} catch (ex) {
Cu.reportError("RemoteWebProgress failed to call " + methodName + ": " + ex + "\n");
receiveMessage: function (aMessage) {
let json = aMessage.json;
let objects = aMessage.objects;
let webProgress = null;
let isTopLevel = json.webProgress && json.webProgress.isTopLevel;
// The top-level WebProgress is always the same, but because we don't
// really have a concept of subframes/content we always create a new object
// for those.
if (json.webProgress) {
webProgress = isTopLevel ? this._topLevelWebProgress
: new RemoteWebProgress(this, false);
// Update the actual WebProgress fields.
webProgress._isLoadingDocument = json.webProgress.isLoadingDocument;
webProgress._DOMWindow = objects.DOMWindow;
webProgress._DOMWindowID = json.webProgress.DOMWindowID;
webProgress._loadType = json.webProgress.loadType;
webProgress._webProgressCPOW = objects.webProgress;
// The WebProgressRequest object however is always dynamic.
let request = null;
if (json.requestURI) {
request = new RemoteWebProgressRequest(json.requestURI,
if (isTopLevel) {
this._browser._contentWindow = objects.contentWindow;
this._browser._documentContentType = json.documentContentType;
switch ( {
case "Content:StateChange":
if (isTopLevel) {
this._browser._documentURI = newURI(json.documentURI);
this._callProgressListeners("onStateChange", webProgress, request, json.stateFlags, json.status);
case "Content:LocationChange":
let location = newURI(json.location);
let flags = json.flags;
let remoteWebNav = this._browser._remoteWebNavigationImpl;
// These properties can change even for a sub-frame navigation.
remoteWebNav.canGoBack = json.canGoBack;
remoteWebNav.canGoForward = json.canGoForward;
if (isTopLevel) {
remoteWebNav._currentURI = location;
this._browser._characterSet = json.charset;
this._browser._documentURI = newURI(json.documentURI);
this._browser._contentTitle = json.title;
this._browser._imageDocument = null;
this._browser._mayEnableCharacterEncodingMenu = json.mayEnableCharacterEncodingMenu;
this._browser._contentPrincipal = json.principal;
this._browser._isSyntheticDocument = json.synthetic;
this._browser._innerWindowID = json.innerWindowID;
this._callProgressListeners("onLocationChange", webProgress, request, location, flags);
case "Content:SecurityChange":
let [status, state] = this._fixSSLStatusAndState(json.status, json.state);
if (isTopLevel) {
// Invoking this getter triggers the generation of the underlying object,
// which we need to access with ._securityUI, because .securityUI returns
// a wrapper that makes _update inaccessible.
void this._browser.securityUI;
this._browser._securityUI._update(status, state);
this._callProgressListeners("onSecurityChange", webProgress, request, state);
case "Content:StatusChange":
this._callProgressListeners("onStatusChange", webProgress, request, json.status, json.message);
case "Content:ProgressChange":
this._callProgressListeners("onProgressChange", webProgress, request, json.curSelf, json.maxSelf, json.curTotal, json.maxTotal);