2002-07-19 14:03:58 +00:00

1415 lines
53 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bonsaitools/bin/perl -wT
# -*- Mode: perl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
# The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
# License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
# except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
# the License at
# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
# IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
# implied. See the License for the specific language governing
# rights and limitations under the License.
# The Original Code is the Bugzilla Bug Tracking System.
# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape Communications
# Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are
# Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All
# Rights Reserved.
# Contributor(s): Terry Weissman <>
# Dan Mosedale <>
# Dave Miller <>
# Christopher Aillon <>
# Myk Melez <>
use diagnostics;
use strict;
my $UserInEditGroupSet = -1;
my $UserInCanConfirmGroupSet = -1;
use lib qw(.);
require "";
require "";
use RelationSet;
# Shut up misguided -w warnings about "used only once":
use vars qw(%versions
my $whoid = confirm_login();
my $requiremilestone = 0;
use vars qw($template $vars);
# Begin Data/Security Validation
# Create a list of IDs of all bugs being modified in this request.
# This list will either consist of a single bug number from the "id"
# form/URL field or a series of numbers from multiple form/URL fields
# named "id_x" where "x" is the bug number.
# For each bug being modified, make sure its ID is a valid bug number
# representing an existing bug that the user is authorized to access.
my @idlist;
if (defined $::FORM{'id'}) {
push @idlist, $::FORM{'id'};
} else {
foreach my $i (keys %::FORM) {
if ($i =~ /^id_([1-9][0-9]*)/) {
my $id = $1;
push @idlist, $id;
# Make sure there are bugs to process.
|| DisplayError("You did not select any bugs to modify.")
&& exit;
# If we are duping bugs, let's also make sure that we can change
# the original. This takes care of issue A on bug 96085.
if (defined $::FORM{'dup_id'} && $::FORM{'knob'} eq "duplicate") {
# Also, let's see if the reporter has authorization to see the bug
# to which we are duping. If not we need to prompt.
# If the bug(s) being modified have dependencies, validate them
# and rebuild the list with the validated values. This is important
# because there are situations where validation changes the value
# instead of throwing an error, f.e. when one or more of the values
# is a bug alias that gets converted to its corresponding bug ID
# during validation.
foreach my $field ("dependson", "blocked") {
if (defined($::FORM{$field}) && $::FORM{$field} ne "") {
my @validvalues;
foreach my $id (split(/[\s,]+/, $::FORM{$field})) {
next unless $id;
ValidateBugID($id, 1);
push(@validvalues, $id);
$::FORM{$field} = join(",", @validvalues);
# End Data/Security Validation
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
# Start displaying the response page.
$vars->{'title'} = "Bug processed";
$template->process("global/header.html.tmpl", $vars)
|| ThrowTemplateError($template->error());
$vars->{'header_done'} = 1;
CheckFormFieldDefined(\%::FORM, 'product');
CheckFormFieldDefined(\%::FORM, 'version');
CheckFormFieldDefined(\%::FORM, 'component');
# check if target milestone is defined -
if ( Param("usetargetmilestone") ) {
CheckFormFieldDefined(\%::FORM, 'target_milestone');
# This function checks if there is a comment required for a specific
# function and tests, if the comment was given.
# If comments are required for functions is defined by params.
sub CheckonComment( $ ) {
my ($function) = (@_);
# Param is 1 if comment should be added !
my $ret = Param( "commenton" . $function );
# Allow without comment in case of undefined Params.
$ret = 0 unless ( defined( $ret ));
if( $ret ) {
if (!defined $::FORM{'comment'} || $::FORM{'comment'} =~ /^\s*$/) {
# No comment - sorry, action not allowed !
ThrowUserError("You have to specify a <b>comment</b> on this change.
Please give some words on the reason for your change.");
} else {
$ret = 0;
return( ! $ret ); # Return val has to be inverted
# Figure out whether or not the user is trying to change the product
# (either the "product" variable is not set to "don't change" or the
# user is changing a single bug and has changed the bug's product),
# and make the user verify the version, component, target milestone,
# and bug groups if so.
if ( $::FORM{'id'} ) {
SendSQL("SELECT product FROM bugs WHERE bug_id = $::FORM{'id'}");
$::oldproduct = FetchSQLData();
if ((($::FORM{'id'} && $::FORM{'product'} ne $::oldproduct)
|| (!$::FORM{'id'} && $::FORM{'product'} ne $::dontchange))
&& CheckonComment( "reassignbycomponent" ))
CheckFormField(\%::FORM, 'product', \@::legal_product);
my $prod = $::FORM{'product'};
# note that when this script is called from buglist.cgi (rather
# than show_bug.cgi), it's possible that the product will be changed
# but that the version and/or component will be set to
# "--dont_change--" but still happen to be correct. in this case,
# the if statement will incorrectly trigger anyway. this is a
# pretty weird case, and not terribly unreasonable behavior, but
# worthy of a comment, perhaps.
my $vok = lsearch($::versions{$prod}, $::FORM{'version'}) >= 0;
my $cok = lsearch($::components{$prod}, $::FORM{'component'}) >= 0;
my $mok = 1; # so it won't affect the 'if' statement if milestones aren't used
if ( Param("usetargetmilestone") ) {
$mok = lsearch($::target_milestone{$prod}, $::FORM{'target_milestone'}) >= 0;
# If the product-specific fields need to be verified, or we need to verify
# whether or not to add the bugs to their new product's group, display
# a verification form.
if (!$vok || !$cok || !$mok || (Param('usebuggroups') && !defined($::FORM{'addtonewgroup'}))) {
$vars->{'form'} = \%::FORM;
if (!$vok || !$cok || !$mok) {
$vars->{'verify_fields'} = 1;
my %defaults;
# We set the defaults to these fields to the old value,
# if its a valid option, otherwise we use the default where
# thats appropriate
$vars->{'versions'} = $::versions{$prod};
if (lsearch($::versions{$prod}, $::FORM{'version'}) != -1) {
$defaults{'version'} = $::FORM{'version'};
$vars->{'components'} = $::components{$prod};
if (lsearch($::components{$prod}, $::FORM{'component'}) != -1) {
$defaults{'component'} = $::FORM{'component'};
if (Param("usetargetmilestone")) {
$vars->{'use_target_milestone'} = 1;
$vars->{'milestones'} = $::target_milestone{$prod};
if (lsearch($::target_milestone{$prod},
$::FORM{'target_milestone'}) != -1) {
$defaults{'target_milestone'} = $::FORM{'target_milestone'};
} else {
SendSQL("SELECT defaultmilestone FROM products WHERE " .
"product = " . SqlQuote($prod));
$defaults{'target_milestone'} = FetchOneColumn();
else {
$vars->{'use_target_milestone'} = 0;
$vars->{'defaults'} = \%defaults;
else {
$vars->{"verify_fields"} = 0;
$vars->{'verify_bug_group'} = (Param('usebuggroups')
&& !defined($::FORM{'addtonewgroup'}));
$template->process("bug/process/verify-new-product.html.tmpl", $vars)
|| ThrowTemplateError($template->error());
# Checks that the user is allowed to change the given field. Actually, right
# now, the rules are pretty simple, and don't look at the field itself very
# much, but that could be enhanced.
my $lastbugid = 0;
my $ownerid;
my $reporterid;
my $qacontactid;
sub CheckCanChangeField {
my ($f, $bugid, $oldvalue, $newvalue) = (@_);
if ($f eq "assigned_to" || $f eq "reporter" || $f eq "qa_contact") {
if ($oldvalue =~ /^\d+$/) {
if ($oldvalue == 0) {
$oldvalue = "";
} else {
$oldvalue = DBID_to_name($oldvalue);
if ($oldvalue eq $newvalue) {
return 1;
if (trim($oldvalue) eq trim($newvalue)) {
return 1;
if ($f =~ /^longdesc/) {
return 1;
if ($f eq "resolution") { # always OK this. if they really can't,
return 1; # it'll flag it when "status" is checked.
if ($UserInEditGroupSet < 0) {
$UserInEditGroupSet = UserInGroup("editbugs");
if ($UserInEditGroupSet) {
return 1;
if ($lastbugid != $bugid) {
SendSQL("SELECT reporter, assigned_to, qa_contact FROM bugs " .
"WHERE bug_id = $bugid");
($reporterid, $ownerid, $qacontactid) = (FetchSQLData());
# Let reporter change bug status, even if they can't edit bugs.
# If reporter can't re-open their bug they will just file a duplicate.
# While we're at it, let them close their own bugs as well.
if ( ($f eq "bug_status") && ($whoid eq $reporterid) ) {
return 1;
if ($f eq "bug_status" && $newvalue ne $::unconfirmedstate &&
IsOpenedState($newvalue)) {
# Hmm. They are trying to set this bug to some opened state
# that isn't the UNCONFIRMED state. Are they in the right
# group? Or, has it ever been confirmed? If not, then this
# isn't legal.
if ($UserInCanConfirmGroupSet < 0) {
$UserInCanConfirmGroupSet = UserInGroup("canconfirm");
if ($UserInCanConfirmGroupSet) {
return 1;
SendSQL("SELECT everconfirmed FROM bugs WHERE bug_id = $bugid");
my $everconfirmed = FetchOneColumn();
if ($everconfirmed) {
return 1;
} elsif ($reporterid eq $whoid || $ownerid eq $whoid ||
$qacontactid eq $whoid) {
return 1;
$oldvalue = html_quote($oldvalue);
$newvalue = html_quote($newvalue);
ThrowUserError("You tried to change the <strong>$f</strong> field
from <em>$oldvalue</em> to <em>$newvalue</em>,
but only the owner or submitter of the bug, or a
sufficiently empowered user, may change that field.");
# Confirm that the reporter of the current bug can access the bug we are duping to.
sub DuplicateUserConfirm {
# if we've already been through here, then exit
if (defined $::FORM{'confirm_add_duplicate'}) {
my $dupe = trim($::FORM{'id'});
my $original = trim($::FORM{'dup_id'});
SendSQL("SELECT reporter FROM bugs WHERE bug_id = " . SqlQuote($dupe));
my $reporter = FetchOneColumn();
SendSQL("SELECT profiles.groupset FROM profiles WHERE profiles.userid =".SqlQuote($reporter));
my $reportergroupset = FetchOneColumn();
if (CanSeeBug($original, $reporter, $reportergroupset)) {
$::FORM{'confirm_add_duplicate'} = "1";
SendSQL("SELECT cclist_accessible FROM bugs WHERE bug_id = $original");
$vars->{'cclist_accessible'} = FetchOneColumn();
# Once in this part of the subroutine, the user has not been auto-validated
# and the duper has not chosen whether or not to add to CC list, so let's
# ask the duper what he/she wants to do.
$vars->{'form'} = \%::FORM;
$vars->{'original_bug_id'} = $original;
$vars->{'duplicate_bug_id'} = $dupe;
# Confirm whether or not to add the reporter to the cc: list
# of the original bug (the one this bug is being duped against).
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
$template->process("bug/process/confirm-duplicate.html.tmpl", $vars)
|| ThrowTemplateError($template->error());
} # end DuplicateUserConfirm()
if (defined $::FORM{'id'}) {
# since this means that we were called from show_bug.cgi, now is a good
# time to do a whole bunch of error checking that can't easily happen when
# we've been called from buglist.cgi, because buglist.cgi only tweaks
# values that have been changed instead of submitting all the new values.
# (XXX those error checks need to happen too, but implementing them
# is more work in the current architecture of this script...)
CheckFormField(\%::FORM, 'rep_platform', \@::legal_platform);
CheckFormField(\%::FORM, 'priority', \@::legal_priority);
CheckFormField(\%::FORM, 'bug_severity', \@::legal_severity);
CheckFormField(\%::FORM, 'component',
CheckFormFieldDefined(\%::FORM, 'bug_file_loc');
CheckFormFieldDefined(\%::FORM, 'short_desc');
CheckFormField(\%::FORM, 'product', \@::legal_product);
CheckFormField(\%::FORM, 'version',
CheckFormField(\%::FORM, 'op_sys', \@::legal_opsys);
CheckFormFieldDefined(\%::FORM, 'longdesclength');
my $action = '';
if (defined $::FORM{action}) {
$action = trim($::FORM{action});
if (Param("move-enabled") && $action eq Param("move-button-text")) {
$::FORM{'buglist'} = join (":", @idlist);
do "" || die "Error executing move.cgi: $!";
$::query = "update bugs\nset";
$::comma = "";
sub DoComma {
$::query .= "$::comma\n ";
$::comma = ",";
sub DoConfirm {
if ($UserInEditGroupSet < 0) {
$UserInEditGroupSet = UserInGroup("editbugs");
if ($UserInCanConfirmGroupSet < 0) {
$UserInCanConfirmGroupSet = UserInGroup("canconfirm");
if ($UserInEditGroupSet || $UserInCanConfirmGroupSet) {
$::query .= "everconfirmed = 1";
sub ChangeStatus {
my ($str) = (@_);
if ($str ne $::dontchange) {
# Ugly, but functional. We don't want to change Status if we are
# reasigning non-open bugs via the mass change form.
if ( ($::FORM{knob} eq 'reassign' || $::FORM{knob} eq 'reassignbycomponent') &&
! defined $::FORM{id} && $str eq 'NEW' ) {
# If we got to here, we're dealing with a reassign from the mass
# change page. We don't know (and can't easily figure out) if this
# bug is open or closed. If it's closed, we don't want to change
# its status to NEW. We have to put some logic into the SQL itself
# to handle that.
my @open_state = map(SqlQuote($_), OpenStates());
my $open_state = join(", ", @open_state);
$::query .= "bug_status = IF(bug_status IN($open_state), '$str', bug_status)";
} elsif (IsOpenedState($str)) {
$::query .= "bug_status = IF(everconfirmed = 1, '$str', '$::unconfirmedstate')";
} else {
$::query .= "bug_status = '$str'";
$::FORM{'bug_status'} = $str; # Used later for call to
# CheckCanChangeField to make sure this
# is really kosher.
sub ChangeResolution {
my ($str) = (@_);
if ($str ne $::dontchange) {
$::query .= "resolution = " . SqlQuote($str);
# Changing this so that it will process groups from checkboxes instead of
# select lists. This means that instead of looking for the bit-X values in
# the form, we need to loop through all the bug groups this user has access
# to, and for each one, see if it's selected.
# In order to make mass changes work correctly, keep a sum of bits for groups
# added, and another one for groups removed, and then let mysql do the bit
# operations
# If the form element isn't present, or the user isn't in the group, leave
# it as-is
if($::usergroupset ne '0') {
my $groupAdd = "0";
my $groupDel = "0";
SendSQL("SELECT bit, isactive FROM groups WHERE " .
"isbuggroup != 0 AND bit & $::usergroupset != 0 ORDER BY bit");
while (my ($b, $isactive) = FetchSQLData()) {
# The multiple change page may not show all groups a bug is in
# (eg product groups when listing more than one product)
# Only consider groups which were present on the form. We can't do this
# for single bug changes because non-checked checkboxes aren't present.
# All the checkboxes should be shown in that case, though, so its not
# an issue there
if ($::FORM{'id'} || exists $::FORM{"bit-$b"}) {
if (!$::FORM{"bit-$b"}) {
$groupDel .= "+$b";
} elsif ($::FORM{"bit-$b"} == 1 && $isactive) {
$groupAdd .= "+$b";
if ($groupAdd ne "0" || $groupDel ne "0") {
# mysql < 3.23.5 doesn't support the ~ operator, even though
# the docs say that it does
$::query .= "groupset = ((groupset & ($::superusergroupset - ($groupDel))) | ($groupAdd))";
foreach my $field ("rep_platform", "priority", "bug_severity",
"summary", "component", "bug_file_loc", "short_desc",
"product", "version", "op_sys",
"target_milestone", "status_whiteboard") {
if (defined $::FORM{$field}) {
if ($::FORM{$field} ne $::dontchange) {
$::query .= "$field = " . SqlQuote(trim($::FORM{$field}));
# If this installation uses bug aliases, and the user is changing the alias,
# add this change to the query.
if (Param("usebugaliases") && defined($::FORM{'alias'})) {
my $alias = trim($::FORM{'alias'});
# Since aliases are unique (like bug numbers), they can only be changed
# for one bug at a time, so ignore the alias change unless only a single
# bug is being changed.
if (scalar(@idlist) == 1) {
# Validate the alias if the user entered one.
if ($alias ne "") {
# Make sure the alias isn't too long.
if (length($alias) > 20) {
ThrowUserError("Bug aliases cannot be longer than 20 characters.
Please choose a shorter alias.");
# Make sure the alias is unique.
my $escaped_alias = SqlQuote($alias);
SendSQL("SELECT bug_id FROM bugs WHERE alias = $escaped_alias " .
"AND bug_id != $idlist[0]");
my $id = FetchOneColumn();
if ($id) {
my $escaped_alias = html_quote($alias);
my $bug_link = GetBugLink($id, "Bug $id");
ThrowUserError("$bug_link has already taken the alias
<em>$escaped_alias</em>. Please choose another one.");
# Make sure the alias isn't just a number.
if ($alias =~ /^\d+$/) {
ThrowUserError("You gave this bug the alias <em>$alias</em>,
but aliases cannot be merely numbers, since they could
then be confused with bug IDs. Please choose another
alias containing at least one letter.");
# Make sure the alias has no commas or spaces.
if ($alias =~ /[, ]/) {
my $escaped_alias = html_quote($alias);
ThrowUserError("The alias you entered, <em>$escaped_alias</em>,
contains one or more commas or spaces. Aliases cannot contain
commas or spaces because those characters are used to separate
aliases from each other in lists. Please choose another alias
that does not contain commas and spaces.");
# Add the alias change to the query. If the field contains the blank
# value, make the field be NULL to indicate that the bug has no alias.
# Otherwise, if the field contains a value, update the record
# with that value.
$::query .= "alias = ";
$::query .= ($alias eq "") ? "NULL" : SqlQuote($alias);
if (defined $::FORM{'qa_contact'}) {
my $name = trim($::FORM{'qa_contact'});
if ($name ne $::dontchange) {
my $id = 0;
if ($name ne "") {
$id = DBNameToIdAndCheck($name);
$::query .= "qa_contact = $id";
# If the user is submitting changes from show_bug.cgi for a single bug,
# and that bug is restricted to a group, process the checkboxes that
# allowed the user to set whether or not the reporter
# and cc list can see the bug even if they are not members of all groups
# to which the bug is restricted.
if ( $::FORM{'id'} ) {
SendSQL("SELECT groupset FROM bugs WHERE bug_id = $::FORM{'id'}");
my ($groupset) = FetchSQLData();
if ( $groupset ) {
$::FORM{'reporter_accessible'} = $::FORM{'reporter_accessible'} ? '1' : '0';
$::query .= "reporter_accessible = $::FORM{'reporter_accessible'}";
$::FORM{'cclist_accessible'} = $::FORM{'cclist_accessible'} ? '1' : '0';
$::query .= "cclist_accessible = $::FORM{'cclist_accessible'}";
my $duplicate = 0;
# We need to check the addresses involved in a CC change before we touch any bugs.
# What we'll do here is formulate the CC data into two hashes of ID's involved
# in this CC change. Then those hashes can be used later on for the actual change.
my (%cc_add, %cc_remove);
if (defined $::FORM{newcc} || defined $::FORM{removecc} || defined $::FORM{masscc}) {
# If masscc is defined, then we came from buglist and need to either add or
# remove cc's... otherwise, we came from bugform and may need to do both.
my ($cc_add, $cc_remove) = "";
if (defined $::FORM{masscc}) {
if ($::FORM{ccaction} eq 'add') {
$cc_add = $::FORM{masscc};
} elsif ($::FORM{ccaction} eq 'remove') {
$cc_remove = $::FORM{masscc};
} else {
$cc_add = $::FORM{newcc};
# We came from bug_form which uses a select box to determine what cc's
# need to be removed...
if (defined $::FORM{removecc} && $::FORM{cc}) {
$cc_remove = join (",", @{$::MFORM{cc}});
if ($cc_add) {
$cc_add =~ s/[\s,]+/ /g; # Change all delimiters to a single space
foreach my $person ( split(" ", $cc_add) ) {
my $pid = DBNameToIdAndCheck($person);
$cc_add{$pid} = $person;
if ($cc_remove) {
$cc_remove =~ s/[\s,]+/ /g; # Change all delimiters to a single space
foreach my $person ( split(" ", $cc_remove) ) {
my $pid = DBNameToIdAndCheck($person);
$cc_remove{$pid} = $person;
CheckFormFieldDefined(\%::FORM, 'knob');
SWITCH: for ($::FORM{'knob'}) {
/^none$/ && do {
last SWITCH;
/^confirm$/ && CheckonComment( "confirm" ) && do {
last SWITCH;
/^accept$/ && CheckonComment( "accept" ) && do {
if (Param("musthavemilestoneonaccept") &&
scalar(@{$::target_milestone{$::FORM{'product'}}}) > 1) {
if (Param("usetargetmilestone")) {
$requiremilestone = 1;
last SWITCH;
/^clearresolution$/ && CheckonComment( "clearresolution" ) && do {
last SWITCH;
/^resolve$/ && CheckonComment( "resolve" ) && do {
# Check here, because its the only place we require the resolution
CheckFormField(\%::FORM, 'resolution', \@::settable_resolution);
last SWITCH;
/^reassign$/ && CheckonComment( "reassign" ) && do {
if ($::FORM{'andconfirm'}) {
if ( !defined$::FORM{'assigned_to'} ||
trim($::FORM{'assigned_to'}) eq "") {
ThrowUserError("You cannot reassign to a bug to nobody. Unless you
intentionally cleared out the \"Reassign bug to\"
field, " . Param("browserbugmessage"));
my $newid = DBNameToIdAndCheck(trim($::FORM{'assigned_to'}));
$::query .= "assigned_to = $newid";
last SWITCH;
/^reassignbycomponent$/ && CheckonComment( "reassignbycomponent" ) && do {
if ($::FORM{'product'} eq $::dontchange) {
ThrowUserError("You must specify a product to help determine
the new owner of these bugs.");
if ($::FORM{'component'} eq $::dontchange) {
ThrowUserError("You must specify a component whose owner
should get assigned these bugs.");
if ($::FORM{'compconfirm'}) {
SendSQL("select initialowner from components where program=" .
SqlQuote($::FORM{'product'}) . " and value=" .
my $newid = FetchOneColumn();
my $newname = DBID_to_name($newid);
$::query .= "assigned_to = $newid";
if (Param("useqacontact")) {
SendSQL("select initialqacontact from components where program=" .
SqlQuote($::FORM{'product'}) .
" and value=" . SqlQuote($::FORM{'component'}));
my $qacontact = FetchOneColumn();
if (defined $qacontact && $qacontact != 0) {
$::query .= "qa_contact = $qacontact";
last SWITCH;
/^reopen$/ && CheckonComment( "reopen" ) && do {
SendSQL("SELECT resolution FROM bugs WHERE bug_id = $::FORM{'id'}");
if (FetchOneColumn() eq 'DUPLICATE') {
SendSQL("DELETE FROM duplicates WHERE dupe = $::FORM{'id'}");
last SWITCH;
/^verify$/ && CheckonComment( "verify" ) && do {
last SWITCH;
/^close$/ && CheckonComment( "close" ) && do {
last SWITCH;
/^duplicate$/ && CheckonComment( "duplicate" ) && do {
my $num = trim($::FORM{'dup_id'});
SendSQL("SELECT bug_id FROM bugs WHERE bug_id = " . SqlQuote($num));
$num = FetchOneColumn();
if (!$num) {
ThrowUserError("You must specify a valid bug number of which this bug
is a duplicate. The bug has not been changed.")
if (!defined($::FORM{'id'}) || $num == $::FORM{'id'}) {
ThrowUserError("Nice try, $::COOKIE{'Bugzilla_login'}, but it doesn't
really make sense to mark a bug as a duplicate of itself,
does it?");
my $checkid = trim($::FORM{'id'});
SendSQL("SELECT bug_id FROM bugs where bug_id = " . SqlQuote($checkid));
$checkid = FetchOneColumn();
if (!$checkid) {
ThrowUserError("The bug id $::FORM{'id'} is invalid.");
$::FORM{'comment'} .= "\n\n*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of $num ***";
$duplicate = $num;
last SWITCH;
# default
my $escaped_knob = html_quote($::FORM{'knob'});
ThrowCodeError("Unknown action $escaped_knob!\n");
if ($#idlist < 0) {
ThrowUserError("You apparently didn't choose any bugs to modify.");
my @keywordlist;
my %keywordseen;
if ($::FORM{'keywords'}) {
foreach my $keyword (split(/[\s,]+/, $::FORM{'keywords'})) {
if ($keyword eq '') {
my $i = GetKeywordIdFromName($keyword);
if (!$i) {
ThrowUserError("Unknown keyword named <code>" . html_quote($keyword) .
"</code>. <p>The legal keyword names are
<a href=\"describekeywords.cgi\">listed here</a></p>.");
if (!$keywordseen{$i}) {
push(@keywordlist, $i);
$keywordseen{$i} = 1;
my $keywordaction = $::FORM{'keywordaction'} || "makeexact";
if ($::comma eq ""
&& 0 == @keywordlist && $keywordaction ne "makeexact"
&& defined $::FORM{'masscc'} && ! $::FORM{'masscc'}
) {
if (!defined $::FORM{'comment'} || $::FORM{'comment'} =~ /^\s*$/) {
ThrowUserError("Um, you apparently did not change anything
on the selected bugs.");
my $basequery = $::query;
my $delta_ts;
sub SnapShotBug {
my ($id) = (@_);
SendSQL("select delta_ts, " . join(',', @::log_columns) .
" from bugs where bug_id = $id");
my @row = FetchSQLData();
$delta_ts = shift @row;
return @row;
sub SnapShotDeps {
my ($i, $target, $me) = (@_);
SendSQL("select $target from dependencies where $me = $i order by $target");
my @list;
while (MoreSQLData()) {
push(@list, FetchOneColumn());
return join(',', @list);
my $timestamp;
my $bug_changed;
sub FindWrapPoint {
my ($string, $startpos) = @_;
if (!$string) { return 0 }
if (length($string) < $startpos) { return length($string) }
my $wrappoint = rindex($string, ",", $startpos); # look for comma
if ($wrappoint < 0) { # can't find comma
$wrappoint = rindex($string, " ", $startpos); # look for space
if ($wrappoint < 0) { # can't find space
$wrappoint = rindex($string, "-", $startpos); # look for hyphen
if ($wrappoint < 0) { # can't find hyphen
$wrappoint = $startpos; # just truncate it
} else {
$wrappoint++; # leave hyphen on the left side
return $wrappoint;
sub LogActivityEntry {
my ($i,$col,$removed,$added) = @_;
# in the case of CCs, deps, and keywords, there's a possibility that someone
# might try to add or remove a lot of them at once, which might take more
# space than the activity table allows. We'll solve this by splitting it
# into multiple entries if it's too long.
while ($removed || $added) {
my ($removestr, $addstr) = ($removed, $added);
if (length($removestr) > 254) {
my $commaposition = FindWrapPoint($removed, 254);
$removestr = substr($removed,0,$commaposition);
$removed = substr($removed,$commaposition);
$removed =~ s/^[,\s]+//; # remove any comma or space
} else {
$removed = ""; # no more entries
if (length($addstr) > 254) {
my $commaposition = FindWrapPoint($added, 254);
$addstr = substr($added,0,$commaposition);
$added = substr($added,$commaposition);
$added =~ s/^[,\s]+//; # remove any comma or space
} else {
$added = ""; # no more entries
$addstr = SqlQuote($addstr);
$removestr = SqlQuote($removestr);
my $fieldid = GetFieldID($col);
SendSQL("INSERT INTO bugs_activity " .
"(bug_id,who,bug_when,fieldid,removed,added) VALUES " .
"($i,$whoid," . SqlQuote($timestamp) . ",$fieldid,$removestr,$addstr)");
$bug_changed = 1;
sub LogDependencyActivity {
my ($i, $oldstr, $target, $me) = (@_);
my $newstr = SnapShotDeps($i, $target, $me);
if ($oldstr ne $newstr) {
# Figure out what's really different...
my ($removed, $added) = DiffStrings($oldstr, $newstr);
# update timestamp on target bug so midairs will be triggered
SendSQL("UPDATE bugs SET delta_ts=NOW() WHERE bug_id=$i");
return 1;
return 0;
# this loop iterates once for each bug to be processed (eg when this script
# is called with multiple bugs selected from buglist.cgi instead of
# show_bug.cgi).
foreach my $id (@idlist) {
my %dependencychanged;
$bug_changed = 0;
my $write = "WRITE"; # Might want to make a param to control
# whether we do LOW_PRIORITY ...
SendSQL("LOCK TABLES bugs $write, bugs_activity $write, cc $write, " .
"cc AS selectVisible_cc $write, " .
"profiles $write, dependencies $write, votes $write, " .
"keywords $write, longdescs $write, fielddefs $write, " .
"keyworddefs READ, groups READ, attachments READ, products READ");
my @oldvalues = SnapShotBug($id);
my %oldhash;
my $i = 0;
foreach my $col (@::log_columns) {
# Consider NULL db entries to be equivalent to the empty string
$oldvalues[$i] ||= '';
$oldhash{$col} = $oldvalues[$i];
if (exists $::FORM{$col}) {
CheckCanChangeField($col, $id, $oldvalues[$i], $::FORM{$col});
if ($requiremilestone) {
my $value = $::FORM{'target_milestone'};
if (!defined $value || $value eq $::dontchange) {
$value = $oldhash{'target_milestone'};
SendSQL("SELECT defaultmilestone FROM products WHERE product = " .
if ($value eq FetchOneColumn()) {
ThrowUserError("You must determine a target milestone for bug $id
if you are going to accept it. Part of accepting
a bug is giving an estimate of when it will be fixed.",
if (defined $::FORM{'delta_ts'} && $::FORM{'delta_ts'} ne $delta_ts) {
($vars->{'operations'}) = GetBugActivity($::FORM{'id'}, $::FORM{'delta_ts'});
$vars->{'start_at'} = $::FORM{'longdesclength'};
$vars->{'comments'} = GetComments($id);
$::FORM{'delta_ts'} = $delta_ts;
$vars->{'form'} = \%::FORM;
$vars->{'bug_id'} = $id;
$vars->{'quoteUrls'} = \&quoteUrls;
# Warn the user about the mid-air collision and ask them what to do.
$template->process("bug/process/midair.html.tmpl", $vars)
|| ThrowTemplateError($template->error());
my %deps;
if (defined $::FORM{'dependson'}) {
my $me = "blocked";
my $target = "dependson";
my %deptree;
for (1..2) {
$deptree{$target} = [];
my %seen;
foreach my $i (split('[\s,]+', $::FORM{$target})) {
next if $i eq "";
if ($id eq $i) {
ThrowUserError("You can't make a bug blocked or dependent on itself.",
if (!exists $seen{$i}) {
push(@{$deptree{$target}}, $i);
$seen{$i} = 1;
# populate $deps{$target} as first-level deps only.
# and find remainder of dependency tree in $deptree{$target}
@{$deps{$target}} = @{$deptree{$target}};
my @stack = @{$deps{$target}};
while (@stack) {
my $i = shift @stack;
SendSQL("select $target from dependencies where $me = " .
while (MoreSQLData()) {
my $t = FetchOneColumn();
# ignore any _current_ dependencies involving this bug,
# as they will be overwritten with data from the form.
if ($t != $id && !exists $seen{$t}) {
push(@{$deptree{$target}}, $t);
push @stack, $t;
$seen{$t} = 1;
if ($me eq 'dependson') {
my @deps = @{$deptree{'dependson'}};
my @blocks = @{$deptree{'blocked'}};
my @union = ();
my @isect = ();
my %union = ();
my %isect = ();
foreach my $b (@deps, @blocks) { $union{$b}++ && $isect{$b}++ }
@union = keys %union;
@isect = keys %isect;
if (@isect > 0) {
my $both;
foreach my $i (@isect) {
$both = $both . GetBugLink($i, "#" . $i) . " ";
ThrowUserError(qq|Dependency loop detected!<p>
The following bug(s) would appear on both the "depends on"
and "blocks" parts of the dependency tree if these changes
are committed: $both<br>This would create a circular
dependency, which is not allowed.</p>|,
my $tmp = $me;
$me = $target;
$target = $tmp;
if (@::legal_keywords) {
# There are three kinds of "keywordsaction": makeexact, add, delete.
# For makeexact, we delete everything, and then add our things.
# For add, we delete things we're adding (to make sure we don't
# end up having them twice), and then we add them.
# For delete, we just delete things on the list.
my $changed = 0;
if ($keywordaction eq "makeexact") {
SendSQL("DELETE FROM keywords WHERE bug_id = $id");
$changed = 1;
foreach my $keyword (@keywordlist) {
if ($keywordaction ne "makeexact") {
SendSQL("DELETE FROM keywords
WHERE bug_id = $id AND keywordid = $keyword");
$changed = 1;
if ($keywordaction ne "delete") {
SendSQL("INSERT INTO keywords
(bug_id, keywordid) VALUES ($id, $keyword)");
$changed = 1;
if ($changed) {
FROM keyworddefs, keywords
WHERE keywords.bug_id = $id
AND = keywords.keywordid
my @list;
while (MoreSQLData()) {
push(@list, FetchOneColumn());
SendSQL("UPDATE bugs SET keywords = " .
SqlQuote(join(', ', @list)) .
" WHERE bug_id = $id");
my $query = "$basequery\nwhere bug_id = $id";
if ($::comma ne "") {
SendSQL("select now()");
$timestamp = FetchOneColumn();
if (defined $::FORM{'comment'}) {
AppendComment($id, $::COOKIE{'Bugzilla_login'}, $::FORM{'comment'});
my $removedCcString = "";
if (defined $::FORM{newcc} || defined $::FORM{removecc} || defined $::FORM{masscc}) {
# Get the current CC list for this bug
my %oncc;
SendSQL("SELECT who FROM cc WHERE bug_id = $id");
while (MoreSQLData()) {
$oncc{FetchOneColumn()} = 1;
my (@added, @removed) = ();
foreach my $pid (keys %cc_add) {
# If this person isn't already on the cc list, add them
if (! $oncc{$pid}) {
SendSQL("INSERT INTO cc (bug_id, who) VALUES ($id, $pid)");
push (@added, $cc_add{$pid});
$oncc{$pid} = 1;
foreach my $pid (keys %cc_remove) {
# If the person is on the cc list, remove them
if ($oncc{$pid}) {
SendSQL("DELETE FROM cc WHERE bug_id = $id AND who = $pid");
push (@removed, $cc_remove{$pid});
$oncc{$pid} = 0;
# Save off the removedCcString so it can be fed to processmail
$removedCcString = join (",", @removed);
# If any changes were found, record it in the activity log
if (scalar(@removed) || scalar(@added)) {
my $removed = join(", ", @removed);
my $added = join(", ", @added);
if (defined $::FORM{'dependson'}) {
my $me = "blocked";
my $target = "dependson";
for (1..2) {
SendSQL("select $target from dependencies where $me = $id order by $target");
my %snapshot;
my @oldlist;
while (MoreSQLData()) {
push(@oldlist, FetchOneColumn());
my @newlist = sort {$a <=> $b} @{$deps{$target}};
@dependencychanged{@oldlist} = 1;
@dependencychanged{@newlist} = 1;
while (0 < @oldlist || 0 < @newlist) {
if (@oldlist == 0 || (@newlist > 0 &&
$oldlist[0] > $newlist[0])) {
$snapshot{$newlist[0]} = SnapShotDeps($newlist[0], $me,
shift @newlist;
} elsif (@newlist == 0 || (@oldlist > 0 &&
$newlist[0] > $oldlist[0])) {
$snapshot{$oldlist[0]} = SnapShotDeps($oldlist[0], $me,
shift @oldlist;
} else {
if ($oldlist[0] != $newlist[0]) {
die "Error in list comparing code";
shift @oldlist;
shift @newlist;
my @keys = keys(%snapshot);
if (@keys) {
my $oldsnap = SnapShotDeps($id, $target, $me);
SendSQL("delete from dependencies where $me = $id");
foreach my $i (@{$deps{$target}}) {
SendSQL("insert into dependencies ($me, $target) values ($id, $i)");
foreach my $k (@keys) {
LogDependencyActivity($k, $snapshot{$k}, $me, $target);
LogDependencyActivity($id, $oldsnap, $target, $me);
my $tmp = $me;
$me = $target;
$target = $tmp;
# When a bug changes products and the old or new product is associated
# with a bug group, it may be necessary to remove the bug from the old
# group or add it to the new one. There are a very specific series of
# conditions under which these activities take place, more information
# about which can be found in comments within the conditionals below.
if (
# the "usebuggroups" parameter is on, indicating that products
# are associated with groups of the same name;
# the user has changed the product to which the bug belongs;
&& defined $::FORM{'product'}
&& $::FORM{'product'} ne $::dontchange
&& $::FORM{'product'} ne $oldhash{'product'}
) {
if (
# the user wants to add the bug to the new product's group;
($::FORM{'addtonewgroup'} eq 'yes'
|| ($::FORM{'addtonewgroup'} eq 'yesifinold'
&& GroupNameToBit($oldhash{'product'}) & $oldhash{'groupset'}))
# the new product is associated with a group;
&& GroupExists($::FORM{'product'})
# the bug is not already in the group; (This can happen when the user
# goes to the "edit multiple bugs" form with a list of bugs at least
# one of which is in the new group. In this situation, the user can
# simultaneously change the bugs to a new product and move the bugs
# into that product's group, which happens earlier in this script
# and thus is already done. If we didn't check for this, then this
# situation would cause us to add the bug to the group twice, which
# would result in the bug being added to a totally different group.)
&& !BugInGroup($id, $::FORM{'product'})
# the user is a member of the associated group, indicating they
# are authorized to add bugs to that group, *or* the "usebuggroupsentry"
# parameter is off, indicating that users can add bugs to a product
# regardless of whether or not they belong to its associated group;
&& (UserInGroup($::FORM{'product'}) || !Param('usebuggroupsentry'))
# the associated group is active, indicating it can accept new bugs;
&& GroupIsActive(GroupNameToBit($::FORM{'product'}))
) {
# Add the bug to the group associated with its new product.
my $groupbit = GroupNameToBit($::FORM{'product'});
SendSQL("UPDATE bugs SET groupset = groupset + $groupbit WHERE bug_id = $id");
if (
# the old product is associated with a group;
# the bug is a member of that group;
&& BugInGroup($id, $oldhash{'product'})
) {
# Remove the bug from the group associated with its old product.
my $groupbit = GroupNameToBit($oldhash{'product'});
SendSQL("UPDATE bugs SET groupset = groupset - $groupbit WHERE bug_id = $id");
# get a snapshot of the newly set values out of the database,
# and then generate any necessary bug activity entries by seeing
# what has changed since before we wrote out the new values.
my @newvalues = SnapShotBug($id);
# for passing to processmail to ensure that when someone is removed
# from one of these fields, they get notified of that fact (if desired)
my $origOwner = "";
my $origQaContact = "";
foreach my $c (@::log_columns) {
my $col = $c; # We modify it, don't want to modify array
# values in place.
my $old = shift @oldvalues;
my $new = shift @newvalues;
if (!defined $old) {
$old = "";
if (!defined $new) {
$new = "";
if ($old ne $new) {
# save off the old value for passing to processmail so the old
# owner can be notified
if ($col eq 'assigned_to') {
$old = ($old) ? DBID_to_name($old) : "";
$new = ($new) ? DBID_to_name($new) : "";
$origOwner = $old;
# ditto for the old qa contact
if ($col eq 'qa_contact') {
$old = ($old) ? DBID_to_name($old) : "";
$new = ($new) ? DBID_to_name($new) : "";
$origQaContact = $old;
# If this is the keyword field, only record the changes, not everything.
if ($col eq 'keywords') {
($old, $new) = DiffStrings($old, $new);
if ($col eq 'product') {
RemoveVotes($id, 0,
"This bug has been moved to a different product");
if ($bug_changed) {
SendSQL("UPDATE bugs SET delta_ts = " . SqlQuote($timestamp) . " WHERE bug_id = $id");
my @ARGLIST = ();
if ( $removedCcString ne "" ) {
push @ARGLIST, ("-forcecc", $removedCcString);
if ( $origOwner ne "" ) {
push @ARGLIST, ("-forceowner", $origOwner);
if ( $origQaContact ne "") {
push @ARGLIST, ( "-forceqacontact", $origQaContact);
push @ARGLIST, ($id, $::COOKIE{'Bugzilla_login'});
# Send mail to let people know the bug has been changed. Uses
# a special syntax of the "open" and "exec" commands to capture
# the output "processmail", which "system" doesn't allow
# (i.e. "system ('./processmail', $bugid , $::userid);"), without
# the insecurity of running the command through a shell via backticks
# (i.e. "my $mailresults = `./processmail $bugid $::userid`;").
$vars->{'mail'} = "";
open(PMAIL, "-|") or exec('./processmail', @ARGLIST);
$vars->{'mail'} .= $_ while <PMAIL>;
$vars->{'id'} = $id;
# Let the user know the bug was changed and who did and didn't
# receive email about the change.
$template->process("bug/process/results.html.tmpl", $vars)
|| ThrowTemplateError($template->error());
if ($duplicate) {
# Check to see if Reporter of this bug is reporter of Dupe
SendSQL("SELECT reporter FROM bugs WHERE bug_id = " . SqlQuote($::FORM{'id'}));
my $reporter = FetchOneColumn();
SendSQL("SELECT reporter FROM bugs WHERE bug_id = " . SqlQuote($duplicate) . " and reporter = $reporter");
my $isreporter = FetchOneColumn();
SendSQL("SELECT who FROM cc WHERE bug_id = " . SqlQuote($duplicate) . " and who = $reporter");
my $isoncc = FetchOneColumn();
unless ($isreporter || $isoncc || ! $::FORM{'confirm_add_duplicate'}) {
# The reporter is oblivious to the existance of the new bug and is permitted access
# ... add 'em to the cc (and record activity)
SendSQL("INSERT INTO cc (who, bug_id) VALUES ($reporter, " . SqlQuote($duplicate) . ")");
AppendComment($duplicate, $::COOKIE{'Bugzilla_login'}, "*** Bug $::FORM{'id'} has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***");
SendSQL("INSERT INTO duplicates VALUES ($duplicate, $::FORM{'id'})");
$vars->{'mail'} = "";
open(PMAIL, "-|") or exec('./processmail', $duplicate, $::COOKIE{'Bugzilla_login'});
$vars->{'mail'} .= $_ while <PMAIL>;
$vars->{'id'} = $duplicate;
$vars->{'type'} = "dupe";
# Let the user know a duplication notation was added to the original bug.
$template->process("bug/process/results.html.tmpl", $vars)
|| ThrowTemplateError($template->error());
foreach my $k (keys(%dependencychanged)) {
$vars->{'mail'} = "";
open(PMAIL, "-|") or exec('./processmail', $k, $::COOKIE{'Bugzilla_login'});
$vars->{'mail'} .= $_ while <PMAIL>;
$vars->{'id'} = $k;
$vars->{'type'} = "dep";
# Let the user know we checked to see if we should email notice
# of this change to users with a relationship to the dependent
# bug and who did and didn't receive email about it.
$template->process("bug/process/results.html.tmpl", $vars)
|| ThrowTemplateError($template->error());
# Show next bug, if it exists.
if ($::COOKIE{"BUGLIST"} && $::FORM{'id'}) {
my @bugs = split(/:/, $::COOKIE{"BUGLIST"});
$vars->{'bug_list'} = \@bugs;
my $cur = lsearch(\@bugs, $::FORM{"id"});
if ($cur >= 0 && $cur < $#bugs) {
my $next_bug = $bugs[$cur + 1];
if (detaint_natural($next_bug) && CanSeeBug($next_bug)) {
$::FORM{'id'} = $next_bug;
$vars->{'next_id'} = $next_bug;
# Let the user know we are about to display the next bug in their list.
$template->process("bug/process/next.html.tmpl", $vars)
|| ThrowTemplateError($template->error());
show_bug("header is already done");
# End the response page.
$template->process("bug/navigate.html.tmpl", $vars)
|| ThrowTemplateError($template->error());
$template->process("global/footer.html.tmpl", $vars)
|| ThrowTemplateError($template->error());