Frédéric Wang b005b82248 Bug 1872657 - Add fetchpriority support for <link rel=preload as=image>. r=valentin,smaug,manuel
This patch adds fetchpriority support for `<link rel=preload as=image>`
and equivalent HTTP Link header. The fetchpriority value is passed from
where the link is parsed down to `NewImageChannel` where the priority
is initially set. Currently, the default equals PRIORITY_LOW, but is
decreased a bit if LOAD_BACKGROUND flag is set (this is always the case
for link preload images, see `imgLoader::LoadImage`). Later, the
priority can be increased again depending on the category (see

In order to minimize the changes, the new calculation is to keep the
initial setting to PRIORITY_LOW, adjust it using a new
`network.fetchpriority.adjustments.*` preference depending on the
fetchpriority attributes, and then preserve further adjustments for
LOAD_BACKGROUND and `BoostPriority`.

For the default value `fetchpriority=auto`, there is no adjustment
i.e. we continue to start with PRIORITY_LOW. `fetchpriority=low/high`
are respectively mapped to PRIORITY_LOW/PRIORITY_HIGH which is simple
and consistent with the "Image" cases from Google's article These values could of course
be revised in the future after more experiments.

This change is covered by the following tests below. The expectations
is modified to match what is described above (i.e. map to PRIORITY_LOW
or PRIORITY_HIGH with adjustment due to LOAD_BACKGROUND):
- `link-initial-preload-image.h2.html`
- `link-dynamic-preload-image.h2.html`
- `kPipeHeaderPreloadImageLinks`

Based on a patch by Mirko Brodesser (

Differential Revision:
2024-02-27 06:33:48 +00:00

5566 lines
197 KiB

/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#ifndef mozilla_dom_Document_h___
#define mozilla_dom_Document_h___
#include <bitset>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <new>
#include <utility>
#include "ErrorList.h"
#include "MainThreadUtils.h"
#include "Units.h"
#include "imgIRequest.h"
#include "js/RootingAPI.h"
#include "js/friend/DOMProxy.h"
#include "mozilla/AlreadyAddRefed.h"
#include "mozilla/Assertions.h"
#include "mozilla/Attributes.h"
#include "mozilla/BasicEvents.h"
#include "mozilla/BitSet.h"
#include "mozilla/OriginTrials.h"
#include "mozilla/ContentBlockingNotifier.h"
#include "mozilla/CORSMode.h"
#include "mozilla/CallState.h"
#include "mozilla/FlushType.h"
#include "mozilla/FunctionRef.h"
#include "mozilla/HashTable.h"
#include "mozilla/LinkedList.h"
#include "mozilla/Maybe.h"
#include "mozilla/MozPromise.h"
#include "mozilla/NotNull.h"
#include "mozilla/PointerLockManager.h"
#include "mozilla/PreloadService.h"
#include "mozilla/RefPtr.h"
#include "mozilla/Result.h"
#include "mozilla/SegmentedVector.h"
#include "mozilla/ServoStyleSet.h"
#include "mozilla/StorageAccessAPIHelper.h"
#include "mozilla/TimeStamp.h"
#include "mozilla/UniquePtr.h"
#include "mozilla/UseCounter.h"
#include "mozilla/WeakPtr.h"
#include "mozilla/css/StylePreloadKind.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/AnimationFrameProvider.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/DocumentOrShadowRoot.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/Element.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/EventTarget.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/Nullable.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/RadioGroupContainer.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/TreeOrderedArray.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/ViewportMetaData.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/LargestContentfulPaint.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/UserActivation.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/WakeLockBinding.h"
#include "mozilla/glean/GleanMetrics.h"
#include "nsAtom.h"
#include "nsCOMArray.h"
#include "nsCOMPtr.h"
#include "nsClassHashtable.h"
#include "nsCompatibility.h"
#include "nsContentListDeclarations.h"
#include "nsCycleCollectionParticipant.h"
#include "nsTHashMap.h"
#include "nsDebug.h"
#include "nsGkAtoms.h"
#include "nsHashKeys.h"
#include "nsIChannel.h"
#include "nsIChannelEventSink.h"
#include "nsID.h"
#include "nsIDocumentViewer.h"
#include "nsIInterfaceRequestor.h"
#include "nsILoadContext.h"
#include "nsILoadGroup.h"
#include "nsILoadInfo.h"
#include "nsINode.h"
#include "nsIObserver.h"
#include "nsIParser.h"
#include "nsIPrincipal.h"
#include "nsIProgressEventSink.h"
#include "nsIReferrerInfo.h"
#include "nsIRequestObserver.h"
#include "nsIScriptObjectPrincipal.h"
#include "nsIStreamListener.h"
#include "nsISupports.h"
#include "nsISupportsUtils.h"
#include "nsITransportSecurityInfo.h"
#include "nsIURI.h"
#include "nsIWeakReferenceUtils.h"
#include "nsLiteralString.h"
#include "nsPIDOMWindow.h"
#include "nsPropertyTable.h"
#include "nsRefPtrHashtable.h"
#include "nsString.h"
#include "nsTArray.h"
#include "nsTHashSet.h"
#include "nsTLiteralString.h"
#include "nsTObserverArray.h"
#include "nsThreadUtils.h"
#include "nsURIHashKey.h"
#include "nsViewportInfo.h"
#include "nsWeakReference.h"
#include "nsWindowSizes.h"
#include "nsXULElement.h"
#include "nscore.h"
// XXX We need to include this here to ensure that DefaultDeleter for Servo
// types is specialized before the template is instantiated. Probably, this
// should be included at some other place already that's generated by cbindgen.
#include "mozilla/ServoBindingTypes.h"
// windows.h #defines CreateEvent
#ifdef CreateEvent
# undef CreateEvent
# include "mozilla/dom/DocumentBinding.h"
namespace mozilla {
namespace dom {
class ElementCreationOptionsOrString;
} // namespace dom
} // namespace mozilla
class InfallibleAllocPolicy;
class JSObject;
class JSTracer;
class PLDHashTable;
class gfxUserFontSet;
class mozIDOMWindowProxy;
class nsCachableElementsByNameNodeList;
class nsCommandManager;
class nsContentList;
class nsCycleCollectionTraversalCallback;
class nsDOMCaretPosition;
class nsDOMNavigationTiming;
class nsDocShell;
class nsFrameLoader;
class nsFrameLoaderOwner;
class nsGenericHTMLElement;
class nsGlobalWindowInner;
class nsHTMLDocument;
class nsHtml5TreeOpExecutor;
class nsIAppWindow;
class nsIAsyncVerifyRedirectCallback;
class nsIBFCacheEntry;
class nsIContent;
class nsIContentSecurityPolicy;
class nsIContentSink;
class nsICookieJarSettings;
class nsIDOMXULCommandDispatcher;
class nsIDocShell;
class nsIDocShellTreeItem;
class nsIDocumentEncoder;
class nsIDocumentObserver;
class nsIEventTarget;
class nsIFrame;
class nsIGlobalObject;
class nsIHTMLCollection;
class nsIInputStream;
class nsILayoutHistoryState;
class nsIObjectLoadingContent;
class nsIPermissionDelegateHandler;
class nsIRadioVisitor;
class nsIRequest;
class nsIRunnable;
class nsIScriptGlobalObject;
class nsISecurityConsoleMessage;
class nsISerialEventTarget;
class nsIStructuredCloneContainer;
class nsIVariant;
class nsNodeInfoManager;
class nsPIWindowRoot;
class nsPresContext;
class nsRange;
class nsSimpleContentList;
class nsTextNode;
class nsViewManager;
class nsXULPrototypeDocument;
struct JSContext;
struct nsFont;
namespace mozilla {
class AbstractThread;
class AttributeStyles;
class CanvasUsage;
class StyleSheet;
class EditorBase;
class EditorCommand;
class Encoding;
class ErrorResult;
class EventListenerManager;
class FullscreenExit;
class FullscreenRequest;
class HTMLEditor;
struct LangGroupFontPrefs;
class PermissionDelegateHandler;
class PresShell;
class ScrollTimelineAnimationTracker;
class ServoStyleSet;
enum class StyleOrigin : uint8_t;
class SMILAnimationController;
enum class StyleCursorKind : uint8_t;
class SVGContextPaint;
enum class ColorScheme : uint8_t;
enum class StyleRuleChangeKind : uint32_t;
struct StyleUseCounters;
template <typename>
class OwningNonNull;
struct URLExtraData;
namespace css {
class Loader;
class ImageLoader;
class Rule;
} // namespace css
namespace dom {
class AnonymousContent;
class Attr;
class XULBroadcastManager;
class XULPersist;
class BrowserBridgeChild;
class ChromeObserver;
class ClientInfo;
class ClientState;
class CDATASection;
class Comment;
class CSSImportRule;
class DocumentL10n;
class DocumentFragment;
class DocumentTimeline;
class DocumentType;
class DOMImplementation;
class DOMIntersectionObserver;
class DOMStringList;
class Event;
class EventListener;
struct FailedCertSecurityInfo;
class FeaturePolicy;
class FontFaceSet;
class FrameRequestCallback;
class ImageTracker;
class HighlightRegistry;
class HTMLAllCollection;
class HTMLBodyElement;
class HTMLInputElement;
class HTMLMetaElement;
class HTMLDialogElement;
class HTMLSharedElement;
class HTMLImageElement;
struct LifecycleCallbackArgs;
class Link;
class Location;
class MediaQueryList;
struct NetErrorInfo;
class NodeFilter;
class NodeInfo;
class NodeIterator;
enum class OrientationType : uint8_t;
class ProcessingInstruction;
class Promise;
class ScriptLoader;
class Selection;
class ServiceWorkerDescriptor;
class ShadowRoot;
class SVGDocument;
class SVGElement;
class SVGSVGElement;
class SVGUseElement;
class ImageDocument;
class Touch;
class TouchList;
class TreeWalker;
enum class ViewportFitType : uint8_t;
class WakeLockSentinel;
class WindowContext;
class WindowGlobalChild;
class WindowProxyHolder;
struct Wireframe;
class WorkerDocumentListener;
class XPathEvaluator;
class XPathExpression;
class XPathNSResolver;
class XPathResult;
class BrowsingContext;
class nsUnblockOnloadEvent;
template <typename, typename>
class CallbackObjectHolder;
enum class CallerType : uint32_t;
enum BFCacheStatus {
NOT_ALLOWED = 1 << 0, // Status 0
SUSPENDED = 1 << 2, // Status 2
UNLOAD_LISTENER = 1 << 3, // Status 3
REQUEST = 1 << 4, // Status 4
ACTIVE_GET_USER_MEDIA = 1 << 5, // Status 5
ACTIVE_PEER_CONNECTION = 1 << 6, // Status 6
CONTAINS_EME_CONTENT = 1 << 7, // Status 7
CONTAINS_MSE_CONTENT = 1 << 8, // Status 8
HAS_USED_VR = 1 << 10, // Status 10
CONTAINS_REMOTE_SUBFRAMES = 1 << 11, // Status 11
NOT_ONLY_TOPLEVEL_IN_BCG = 1 << 12, // Status 12
ABOUT_PAGE = 1 << 13, // Status 13
RESTORING = 1 << 14, // Status 14
BEFOREUNLOAD_LISTENER = 1 << 15, // Status 15
ACTIVE_LOCK = 1 << 16, // Status 16
ACTIVE_WEBTRANSPORT = 1 << 17, // Status 17
} // namespace dom
} // namespace mozilla
namespace mozilla::net {
class ChannelEventQueue;
class EarlyHintConnectArgs;
} // namespace mozilla::net
// Must be kept in sync with xpcom/rust/xpcom/src/interfaces/
{ \
0xce1f7627, 0x7109, 0x4977, { \
0xba, 0x77, 0x49, 0x0f, 0xfd, 0xe0, 0x7a, 0xaa \
} \
namespace mozilla::dom {
class Document;
class DOMStyleSheetSetList;
class ResizeObserver;
class ResizeObserverController;
class PostMessageEvent;
#define DEPRECATED_OPERATION(_op) e##_op,
enum class DeprecatedOperations : uint16_t {
#include "nsDeprecatedOperationList.h"
class ExternalResourceMap {
using SubDocEnumFunc = FunctionRef<CallState(Document&)>;
* A class that represents an external resource load that has begun but
* doesn't have a document yet. Observers can be registered on this object,
* and will be notified after the document is created. Observers registered
* after the document has been created will NOT be notified. When observers
* are notified, the subject will be the newly-created document, the topic
* will be "external-resource-document-created", and the data will be null.
* If document creation fails for some reason, observers will still be
* notified, with a null document pointer.
class ExternalResourceLoad : public nsISupports {
virtual ~ExternalResourceLoad() = default;
void AddObserver(nsIObserver* aObserver) {
MOZ_ASSERT(aObserver, "Must have observer");
const nsTArray<nsCOMPtr<nsIObserver>>& Observers() { return mObservers; }
AutoTArray<nsCOMPtr<nsIObserver>, 8> mObservers;
* Request an external resource document. This does exactly what
* Document::RequestExternalResource is documented to do.
Document* RequestResource(nsIURI* aURI, nsIReferrerInfo* aReferrerInfo,
nsINode* aRequestingNode,
Document* aDisplayDocument,
ExternalResourceLoad** aPendingLoad);
* Enumerate the resource documents. See
* Document::EnumerateExternalResources.
void EnumerateResources(SubDocEnumFunc aCallback);
* Traverse ourselves for cycle-collection
void Traverse(nsCycleCollectionTraversalCallback* aCallback) const;
* Shut ourselves down (used for cycle-collection unlink), as well
* as for document destruction.
void Shutdown() {
mHaveShutDown = true;
bool HaveShutDown() const { return mHaveShutDown; }
// Needs to be public so we can traverse them sanely
struct ExternalResource {
RefPtr<Document> mDocument;
nsCOMPtr<nsIDocumentViewer> mViewer;
nsCOMPtr<nsILoadGroup> mLoadGroup;
// Hide all our viewers
void HideViewers();
// Show all our viewers
void ShowViewers();
class PendingLoad : public ExternalResourceLoad, public nsIStreamListener {
~PendingLoad() = default;
explicit PendingLoad(Document* aDisplayDocument)
: mDisplayDocument(aDisplayDocument) {}
* Start aURI loading. This will perform the necessary security checks and
* so forth.
nsresult StartLoad(nsIURI* aURI, nsIReferrerInfo* aReferrerInfo,
nsINode* aRequestingNode);
* Set up an nsIDocumentViewer based on aRequest. This is guaranteed to
* put null in *aViewer and *aLoadGroup on all failures.
nsresult SetupViewer(nsIRequest* aRequest, nsIDocumentViewer** aViewer,
nsILoadGroup** aLoadGroup);
RefPtr<Document> mDisplayDocument;
nsCOMPtr<nsIStreamListener> mTargetListener;
nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> mURI;
friend class PendingLoad;
class LoadgroupCallbacks final : public nsIInterfaceRequestor {
~LoadgroupCallbacks() = default;
explicit LoadgroupCallbacks(nsIInterfaceRequestor* aOtherCallbacks)
: mCallbacks(aOtherCallbacks) {}
// The only reason it's safe to hold a strong ref here without leaking is
// that the notificationCallbacks on a loadgroup aren't the docshell itself
// but a shim that holds a weak reference to the docshell.
nsCOMPtr<nsIInterfaceRequestor> mCallbacks;
// Use shims for interfaces that docshell implements directly so that we
// don't hand out references to the docshell. The shims should all allow
// getInterface back on us, but other than that each one should only
// implement one interface.
// XXXbz I wish we could just derive the _allcaps thing from _i
#define DECL_SHIM(_i, _allcaps) \
class _i##Shim final : public nsIInterfaceRequestor, public _i { \
~_i##Shim() {} \
public: \
_i##Shim(nsIInterfaceRequestor* aIfreq, _i* aRealPtr) \
: mIfReq(aIfreq), mRealPtr(aRealPtr) { \
NS_ASSERTION(mIfReq, "Expected non-null here"); \
NS_ASSERTION(mRealPtr, "Expected non-null here"); \
} \
NS_FORWARD_##_allcaps(mRealPtr->) private \
: nsCOMPtr<nsIInterfaceRequestor> mIfReq; \
nsCOMPtr<_i> mRealPtr; \
#undef DECL_SHIM
* Add an ExternalResource for aURI. aViewer and aLoadGroup might be null
* when this is called if the URI didn't result in an XML document. This
* function makes sure to remove the pending load for aURI, if any, from our
* hashtable, and to notify its observers, if any.
nsresult AddExternalResource(nsIURI* aURI, nsIDocumentViewer* aViewer,
nsILoadGroup* aLoadGroup,
Document* aDisplayDocument);
nsClassHashtable<nsURIHashKey, ExternalResource> mMap;
nsRefPtrHashtable<nsURIHashKey, PendingLoad> mPendingLoads;
bool mHaveShutDown;
// The current status for a preload.
enum class SheetPreloadStatus : uint8_t {
// There's no need to preload anything, the sheet is already in-memory.
// The load is in-progress. There's no guarantee that a load was started, it
// could be coalesced with other redundant loads.
// Something went wrong, and we errored out.
// Document interface. This is implemented by all document objects in
// Gecko.
class Document : public nsINode,
public DocumentOrShadowRoot,
public nsSupportsWeakReference,
public nsIScriptObjectPrincipal,
public SupportsWeakPtr {
friend class DocumentOrShadowRoot;
explicit Document(const char* aContentType);
virtual ~Document();
Document(const Document&) = delete;
Document& operator=(const Document&) = delete;
using ExternalResourceLoad = dom::ExternalResourceMap::ExternalResourceLoad;
using ReferrerPolicyEnum = dom::ReferrerPolicy;
using AdoptedStyleSheetCloneCache =
nsRefPtrHashtable<nsPtrHashKey<const StyleSheet>, StyleSheet>;
// nsINode overrides the new operator for DOM Arena allocation.
// to use the default one, we need to bring it back again
void* operator new(size_t aSize) { return ::operator new(aSize); }
* Called when XPCOM shutdown.
static void Shutdown();
NS_IMETHOD_(void) DeleteCycleCollectable() override;
#define NS_DOCUMENT_NOTIFY_OBSERVERS(func_, params_) \
do { \
for (RefPtr obs : mObservers.ForwardRange()) { \
if (obs->IsCallbackEnabled(nsIMutationObserver::k##func_)) { \
obs->func_ params_; \
} \
} \
/* FIXME(emilio): Apparently we can keep observing from the BFCache? That \
looks bogus. */ \
if (PresShell* presShell = GetObservingPresShell()) { \
presShell->func_ params_; \
} \
} while (0)
nsIPrincipal* EffectiveCookiePrincipal() const;
nsIPrincipal* EffectiveStoragePrincipal() const;
// nsIScriptObjectPrincipal
nsIPrincipal* GetPrincipal() final { return NodePrincipal(); }
nsIPrincipal* GetEffectiveCookiePrincipal() final {
return EffectiveCookiePrincipal();
nsIPrincipal* GetEffectiveStoragePrincipal() final {
return EffectiveStoragePrincipal();
// You should probably not be using this function, since it performs no checks
// to ensure that the partitioned principal should really be used here. It is
// only designed to be used in very specific circumstances, such as when
// inheriting the document/storage principal.
nsIPrincipal* PartitionedPrincipal() final { return mPartitionedPrincipal; }
// Gets the appropriate principal to check the URI against a blocklist /
// allowlist.
nsIPrincipal* GetPrincipalForPrefBasedHacks() const;
void ClearActiveCookieAndStoragePrincipals() {
mActiveStoragePrincipal = nullptr;
mActiveCookiePrincipal = nullptr;
// EventTarget
void GetEventTargetParent(EventChainPreVisitor& aVisitor) override;
EventListenerManager* GetOrCreateListenerManager() override;
EventListenerManager* GetExistingListenerManager() const override;
// This helper class must be set when we dispatch beforeunload and unload
// events in order to avoid unterminate sync XHRs.
class MOZ_RAII PageUnloadingEventTimeStamp {
RefPtr<Document> mDocument;
bool mSet;
explicit PageUnloadingEventTimeStamp(Document* aDocument)
: mDocument(aDocument), mSet(false) {
if (mDocument->mPageUnloadingEventTimeStamp.IsNull()) {
mSet = true;
~PageUnloadingEventTimeStamp() {
if (mSet) {
* Let the document know that we're starting to load data into it.
* @param aCommand The parser command. Must not be null.
* XXXbz It's odd to have that here.
* @param aChannel The channel the data will come from. The channel must be
* able to report its Content-Type.
* @param aLoadGroup The loadgroup this document should use from now on.
* Note that the document might not be the only thing using
* this loadgroup.
* @param aContainer The container this document is in. This may be null.
* XXXbz maybe we should make it more explicit (eg make the
* container an nsIWebNavigation or nsIDocShell or
* something)?
* @param [out] aDocListener the listener to pump data from the channel into.
* Generally this will be the parser this document
* sets up, or some sort of data-handler for media
* documents.
* @param aReset whether the document should call Reset() on itself. If this
* is false, the document will NOT set its principal to the
* channel's owner, will not clear any event listeners that are
* already set on it, etc.
* Once this has been called, the document will return false for
* MayStartLayout() until SetMayStartLayout(true) is called on it. Making
* sure this happens is the responsibility of the caller of
* StartDocumentLoad().
* This function has an implementation, and does some setup, but does NOT set
* *aDocListener; this is the job of subclasses.
virtual nsresult StartDocumentLoad(const char* aCommand, nsIChannel* aChannel,
nsILoadGroup* aLoadGroup,
nsISupports* aContainer,
nsIStreamListener** aDocListener,
bool aReset) = 0;
void StopDocumentLoad();
virtual void SetSuppressParserErrorElement(bool aSuppress) {}
virtual bool SuppressParserErrorElement() { return false; }
virtual void SetSuppressParserErrorConsoleMessages(bool aSuppress) {}
virtual bool SuppressParserErrorConsoleMessages() { return false; }
// nsINode
void InsertChildBefore(nsIContent* aKid, nsIContent* aBeforeThis,
bool aNotify, ErrorResult& aRv) override;
void RemoveChildNode(nsIContent* aKid, bool aNotify) final;
nsresult Clone(dom::NodeInfo* aNodeInfo, nsINode** aResult) const override {
nsresult CloneDocHelper(Document* clone) const;
Document* GetLatestStaticClone() const { return mLatestStaticClone; }
* Signal that the document title may have changed
* (see Document::GetTitle).
* @param aBoundTitleElement true if an HTML or SVG <title> element
* has just been bound to the document.
virtual void NotifyPossibleTitleChange(bool aBoundTitleElement);
* Return the URI for the document. May return null. If it ever stops being
* able to return null, we can make sure nsINode::GetBaseURI/GetBaseURIObject
* also never return null.
* The value returned corresponds to the "document's address" in
* HTML5. As such, it may change over the lifetime of the document, for
* instance as a result of the user navigating to a fragment identifier on
* the page, or as a result to a call to pushState() or replaceState().
nsIURI* GetDocumentURI() const { return mDocumentURI; }
* Return the original URI of the document. This is the same as the
* document's URI unless that has changed from its original value (for
* example, due to history.pushState() or replaceState() being invoked on the
* document).
* This method corresponds to the "creation URL" in HTML5 and, once set,
* doesn't change over the lifetime of the document.
nsIURI* GetOriginalURI() const { return mOriginalURI; }
* Return the base domain of the document. This has been computed using
* mozIThirdPartyUtil::GetBaseDomain() and can be used for third-party
* checks. When the URI of the document changes, this value is recomputed.
nsCString GetBaseDomain() const { return mBaseDomain; }
* Set the URI for the document. This also sets the document's original URI,
* if it's null.
void SetDocumentURI(nsIURI* aURI);
* Set the URI for the document loaded via XHR, when accessed from
* chrome privileged script.
void SetChromeXHRDocURI(nsIURI* aURI) { mChromeXHRDocURI = aURI; }
* Set the base URI for the document loaded via XHR, when accessed from
* chrome privileged script.
void SetChromeXHRDocBaseURI(nsIURI* aURI) { mChromeXHRDocBaseURI = aURI; }
* The CSP in general is stored in the ClientInfo, but we also cache
* the CSP on the document so subresources loaded within a document
* can query that cached CSP instead of having to deserialize the CSP
* from the Client.
* Please note that at the time of CSP parsing the Client is not
* available yet, hence we sync CSP of document and Client when the
* Client becomes available within nsGlobalWindowInner::EnsureClientSource().
nsIContentSecurityPolicy* GetCsp() const;
void SetCsp(nsIContentSecurityPolicy* aCSP);
nsIContentSecurityPolicy* GetPreloadCsp() const;
void SetPreloadCsp(nsIContentSecurityPolicy* aPreloadCSP);
void GetCspJSON(nsString& aJSON);
* Set referrer policy and upgrade-insecure-requests flags
void ApplySettingsFromCSP(bool aSpeculative);
already_AddRefed<nsIParser> CreatorParserOrNull() {
nsCOMPtr<nsIParser> parser = mParser;
return parser.forget();
* ReferrerInfo getter for Document.webidl.
nsIReferrerInfo* ReferrerInfo() const { return GetReferrerInfo(); }
nsIReferrerInfo* GetReferrerInfo() const { return mReferrerInfo; }
nsIReferrerInfo* GetPreloadReferrerInfo() const {
return mPreloadReferrerInfo;
* Return the referrer policy of the document. Return "default" if there's no
* valid meta referrer tag found in the document.
* Referrer policy should be inherited from parent if the iframe is srcdoc
ReferrerPolicyEnum GetReferrerPolicy() const;
* GetReferrerPolicy() for Document.webidl.
ReferrerPolicyEnum ReferrerPolicy() const { return GetReferrerPolicy(); }
* If true, this flag indicates that all mixed content subresource
* loads for this document (and also embeded browsing contexts) will
* be blocked.
bool GetBlockAllMixedContent(bool aPreload) const {
if (aPreload) {
return mBlockAllMixedContentPreloads;
return mBlockAllMixedContent;
* If true, this flag indicates that all subresource loads for this
* document need to be upgraded from http to https.
* This flag becomes true if the CSP of the document itself, or any
* of the document's ancestors up to the toplevel document makes use
* of the CSP directive 'upgrade-insecure-requests'.
bool GetUpgradeInsecureRequests(bool aPreload) const {
if (aPreload) {
return mUpgradeInsecurePreloads;
return mUpgradeInsecureRequests;
void SetReferrerInfo(nsIReferrerInfo*);
* Referrer policy from <meta name="referrer" content=`policy`>
* will have higher priority than referrer policy from Referrer-Policy
* header. So override the old ReferrerInfo if we get one from meta
void UpdateReferrerInfoFromMeta(const nsAString& aMetaReferrer,
bool aPreload);
* Set the principals responsible for this document. Chances are, you do not
* want to be using this.
void SetPrincipals(nsIPrincipal* aPrincipal,
nsIPrincipal* aPartitionedPrincipal);
* Returns true if exempt from HTTPS-Only Mode upgrade.
uint32_t HttpsOnlyStatus() const { return mHttpsOnlyStatus; }
* Return the LoadGroup for the document. May return null.
already_AddRefed<nsILoadGroup> GetDocumentLoadGroup() const {
nsCOMPtr<nsILoadGroup> group = do_QueryReferent(mDocumentLoadGroup);
return group.forget();
* Return the fallback base URL for this document, as defined in the HTML
* specification. Note that this can return null if there is no document URI.
* XXXbz: This doesn't implement the bits for about:blank yet.
nsIURI* GetFallbackBaseURI() const {
if (mIsSrcdocDocument && mParentDocument) {
return mParentDocument->GetDocBaseURI();
return mDocumentURI;
* Return the referrer from document URI as defined in the Referrer Policy
* specification.
* While document is an iframe srcdoc document, let document be document's
* browsing context's browsing context container's node document.
* Then referrer should be document's URL
nsIURI* GetDocumentURIAsReferrer() const {
if (mIsSrcdocDocument && mParentDocument) {
return mParentDocument->GetDocumentURIAsReferrer();
return mDocumentURI;
* Return the base URI for relative URIs in the document (the document uri
* unless it's overridden by SetBaseURI, HTML <base> tags, etc.). The
* returned URI could be null if there is no document URI. If the document is
* a srcdoc document and has no explicit base URL, return the parent
* document's base URL.
nsIURI* GetDocBaseURI() const {
if (mDocumentBaseURI) {
return mDocumentBaseURI;
return GetFallbackBaseURI();
nsIURI* GetBaseURI(bool aTryUseXHRDocBaseURI = false) const final;
void SetBaseURI(nsIURI* aURI);
* Resolves a URI based on the document's base URI.
Result<OwningNonNull<nsIURI>, nsresult> ResolveWithBaseURI(
const nsAString& aURI);
* Return the URL data which style system needs for resolving url value.
* This method attempts to use the cached object in mCachedURLData, but
* if the base URI, document URI, or principal has changed since last
* call to this function, or the function is called the first time for
* the document, a new one is created.
URLExtraData* DefaultStyleAttrURLData();
nsIReferrerInfo* ReferrerInfoForInternalCSSAndSVGResources();
* Get/Set the base target of a link in a document.
void GetBaseTarget(nsAString& aBaseTarget) const {
aBaseTarget = mBaseTarget;
void SetBaseTarget(const nsString& aBaseTarget) { mBaseTarget = aBaseTarget; }
* Return a standard name for the document's character set.
NotNull<const Encoding*> GetDocumentCharacterSet() const {
return mCharacterSet;
* Set the document's character encoding.
void SetDocumentCharacterSet(NotNull<const Encoding*> aEncoding);
int32_t GetDocumentCharacterSetSource() const { return mCharacterSetSource; }
// This method MUST be called before SetDocumentCharacterSet if
// you're planning to call both.
void SetDocumentCharacterSetSource(int32_t aCharsetSource) {
mCharacterSetSource = aCharsetSource;
* Get the Content-Type of this document.
void GetContentType(nsAString& aContentType);
* Set the Content-Type of this document.
void SetContentType(const nsACString& aContentType);
* Return the language of this document, or null if not set.
nsAtom* GetContentLanguage() const { return mContentLanguage.get(); }
void GetContentLanguageForBindings(DOMString&) const;
// The states BidiEnabled and MathMLEnabled should persist across multiple
// views (screen, print) of the same document.
* Check if the document contains bidi data.
* If so, we have to apply the Unicode Bidi Algorithm.
bool GetBidiEnabled() const { return mBidiEnabled; }
* Indicate the document contains bidi data.
* Currently, we cannot disable bidi, because once bidi is enabled,
* it affects a frame model irreversibly, and plays even though
* the document no longer contains bidi data.
void SetBidiEnabled() { mBidiEnabled = true; }
void SetMathMLEnabled() { mMathMLEnabled = true; }
* Ask this document whether it's the initial document in its window.
bool IsInitialDocument() const { return mIsInitialDocumentInWindow; }
* Ask this document whether it has ever been a initial document in its
* window.
bool IsEverInitialDocument() const { return mIsEverInitialDocumentInWindow; }
* Tell this document that it's the initial document in its window. See
* comments on mIsInitialDocumentInWindow for when this should be called.
void SetIsInitialDocument(bool aIsInitialDocument);
void SetLoadedAsData(bool aLoadedAsData, bool aConsiderForMemoryReporting);
TimeStamp GetLoadingOrRestoredFromBFCacheTimeStamp() const {
return mLoadingOrRestoredFromBFCacheTimeStamp;
void SetLoadingOrRestoredFromBFCacheTimeStampToNow() {
mLoadingOrRestoredFromBFCacheTimeStamp = TimeStamp::Now();
* Normally we assert if a runnable labeled with one DocGroup touches data
* from another DocGroup. Calling IgnoreDocGroupMismatches() on a document
* means that we can touch that document from any DocGroup without asserting.
void IgnoreDocGroupMismatches() { mIgnoreDocGroupMismatches = true; }
* Get the bidi options for this document.
* @see nsBidiUtils.h
uint32_t GetBidiOptions() const { return mBidiOptions; }
* Set the bidi options for this document. This just sets the bits;
* callers are expected to take action as needed if they want this
* change to actually change anything immediately.
* @see nsBidiUtils.h
void SetBidiOptions(uint32_t aBidiOptions) { mBidiOptions = aBidiOptions; }
* Returns true if the document holds a CSP
* delivered through an HTTP Header.
bool GetHasCSPDeliveredThroughHeader() {
return mHasCSPDeliveredThroughHeader;
* Return a promise which resolves to the content blocking events.
using GetContentBlockingEventsPromise = MozPromise<uint32_t, bool, true>;
[[nodiscard]] RefPtr<GetContentBlockingEventsPromise>
* Get the sandbox flags for this document.
* @see nsSandboxFlags.h for the possible flags
uint32_t GetSandboxFlags() const { return mSandboxFlags; }
Maybe<nsILoadInfo::CrossOriginEmbedderPolicy> GetEmbedderPolicy() const {
return mEmbedderPolicy;
void SetEmbedderPolicy(
const Maybe<nsILoadInfo::CrossOriginEmbedderPolicy>& aCOEP) {
mEmbedderPolicy = aCOEP;
* Get string representation of sandbox flags (null if no flags are set)
void GetSandboxFlagsAsString(nsAString& aFlags);
* Set the sandbox flags for this document.
* @see nsSandboxFlags.h for the possible flags
void SetSandboxFlags(uint32_t sandboxFlags) { mSandboxFlags = sandboxFlags; }
* Called when the document was decoded as UTF-8 and decoder encountered no
* errors.
void EnableEncodingMenu() { mEncodingMenuDisabled = false; }
* Called to disable client access to cookies through the document.cookie API
* from user JavaScript code.
void DisableCookieAccess() { mDisableCookieAccess = true; }
void SetLinkHandlingEnabled(bool aValue) { mLinksEnabled = aValue; }
bool LinkHandlingEnabled() { return mLinksEnabled; }
* Set compatibility mode for this document
void SetCompatibilityMode(nsCompatibility aMode);
* Called to disable client access to document.write() API from user
* JavaScript code.
void SetDocWriteDisabled(bool aDisabled) { mDisableDocWrite = aDisabled; }
* Whether a document.write() call is in progress.
bool IsWriting() const { return mWriteLevel != uint32_t(0); }
* Access HTTP header data (this may also get set from other
* sources, like HTML META tags).
void GetHeaderData(nsAtom* aHeaderField, nsAString& aData) const;
void SetHeaderData(nsAtom* aheaderField, const nsAString& aData);
* Set Early Hint data, moves the arrays into the function, leaving the
* passed variables empty
void SetEarlyHints(nsTArray<net::EarlyHintConnectArgs>&& aEarlyHints);
const nsTArray<net::EarlyHintConnectArgs>& GetEarlyHints() const {
return mEarlyHints;
* Create a new presentation shell that will use aContext for its
* presentation context (presentation contexts <b>must not</b> be
* shared among multiple presentation shells). The caller of this
* method is responsible for calling BeginObservingDocument() on the
* presshell if the presshell should observe document mutations.
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT already_AddRefed<PresShell> CreatePresShell(
nsPresContext* aContext, nsViewManager* aViewManager);
void DeletePresShell();
PresShell* GetPresShell() const {
return GetBFCacheEntry() ? nullptr : mPresShell;
inline PresShell* GetObservingPresShell() const;
// Return whether the presshell for this document is safe to flush.
bool IsSafeToFlush() const;
inline nsPresContext* GetPresContext() const;
bool HasShellOrBFCacheEntry() const { return mPresShell || mBFCacheEntry; }
// Instead using this method, what you probably want is
// RemoveFromBFCacheSync() as we do in MessagePort and BroadcastChannel.
void DisallowBFCaching(uint32_t aStatus = BFCacheStatus::NOT_ALLOWED);
bool IsBFCachingAllowed() const { return !mBFCacheDisallowed; }
// Accepts null to clear the BFCache entry too.
void SetBFCacheEntry(nsIBFCacheEntry* aEntry);
nsIBFCacheEntry* GetBFCacheEntry() const { return mBFCacheEntry; }
// Removes this document from the BFCache, if it is cached, and returns
// true if it was.
bool RemoveFromBFCacheSync();
* Return the parent document of this document. Will return null
* unless this document is within a compound document and has a
* parent. Note that this parent chain may cross chrome boundaries.
Document* GetInProcessParentDocument() const { return mParentDocument; }
* Set the parent document of this document.
void SetParentDocument(Document* aParent) {
mParentDocument = aParent;
if (aParent) {
mIgnoreDocGroupMismatches = aParent->mIgnoreDocGroupMismatches;
void SetCurrentContextPaint(const SVGContextPaint* aContextPaint) {
mCurrentContextPaint = aContextPaint;
const SVGContextPaint* GetCurrentContextPaint() const {
return mCurrentContextPaint;
* Set the sub document for aContent to aSubDoc.
nsresult SetSubDocumentFor(Element* aContent, Document* aSubDoc);
* Get the sub document for aContent
Document* GetSubDocumentFor(nsIContent* aContent) const;
* Get the content node for which this document is a sub document.
Element* GetEmbedderElement() const;
* Return the doctype for this document.
DocumentType* GetDoctype() const;
* Return the root element for this document.
Element* GetRootElement() const;
Selection* GetSelection(ErrorResult& aRv);
void MakeBrowsingContextNonSynthetic();
nsresult HasStorageAccessSync(bool& aHasStorageAccess);
already_AddRefed<Promise> HasStorageAccess(ErrorResult& aRv);
StorageAccessAPIHelper::PerformPermissionGrant CreatePermissionGrantPromise(
nsPIDOMWindowInner* aInnerWindow, nsIPrincipal* aPrincipal,
bool aHasUserInteraction, bool aRequireUserInteraction,
const Maybe<nsCString>& aTopLevelBaseDomain, bool aFrameOnly);
already_AddRefed<Promise> RequestStorageAccess(ErrorResult& aRv);
already_AddRefed<Promise> RequestStorageAccessForOrigin(
const nsAString& aThirdPartyOrigin, const bool aRequireUserInteraction,
ErrorResult& aRv);
already_AddRefed<Promise> RequestStorageAccessUnderSite(
const nsAString& aSerializedSite, ErrorResult& aRv);
already_AddRefed<Promise> CompleteStorageAccessRequestFromSite(
const nsAString& aSerializedOrigin, ErrorResult& aRv);
bool UseRegularPrincipal() const;
* Gets the event target to dispatch key events to if there is no focused
* content in the document.
virtual Element* GetUnfocusedKeyEventTarget();
* Retrieve information about the viewport as a data structure.
* This will return information in the viewport META data section
* of the document. This can be used in lieu of ProcessViewportInfo(),
* which places the viewport information in the document header instead
* of returning it directly.
* @param aDisplaySize size of the on-screen display area for this
* document, in device pixels.
* NOTE: If the site is optimized for mobile (via the doctype), this
* will return viewport information that specifies default information.
nsViewportInfo GetViewportInfo(const ScreenIntSize& aDisplaySize);
void SetMetaViewportData(UniquePtr<ViewportMetaData> aData);
// Returns a ViewportMetaData for this document.
ViewportMetaData GetViewportMetaData() const;
* True iff this doc will ignore manual character encoding overrides.
virtual bool WillIgnoreCharsetOverride() { return true; }
* Return whether the document was created by a srcdoc iframe.
bool IsSrcdocDocument() const { return mIsSrcdocDocument; }
* Sets whether the document was created by a srcdoc iframe.
void SetIsSrcdocDocument(bool aIsSrcdocDocument) {
mIsSrcdocDocument = aIsSrcdocDocument;
* Gets the srcdoc string from within the channel (assuming both exist).
* Returns a void string if this isn't a srcdoc document or if
* the channel has not been set.
nsresult GetSrcdocData(nsAString& aSrcdocData);
already_AddRefed<AnonymousContent> InsertAnonymousContent(bool aForce,
void RemoveAnonymousContent(AnonymousContent&);
* If aNode is a descendant of anonymous content inserted by
* InsertAnonymousContent, this method returns the root element of the
* inserted anonymous content (in other words, the clone of the aElement
* that was passed to InsertAnonymousContent).
Element* GetAnonRootIfInAnonymousContentContainer(nsINode* aNode) const;
nsTArray<RefPtr<AnonymousContent>>& GetAnonymousContents() {
return mAnonymousContents;
TimeStamp GetPageUnloadingEventTimeStamp() const {
if (!mParentDocument) {
return mPageUnloadingEventTimeStamp;
TimeStamp parentTimeStamp(
if (parentTimeStamp.IsNull()) {
return mPageUnloadingEventTimeStamp;
if (!mPageUnloadingEventTimeStamp ||
parentTimeStamp < mPageUnloadingEventTimeStamp) {
return parentTimeStamp;
return mPageUnloadingEventTimeStamp;
void NotifyLayerManagerRecreated();
// Add an element to the list of elements that need their mapped attributes
// resolved to a declaration block.
// These are weak pointers, manually unschedule them when an element is
// removed from the tree.
void ScheduleForPresAttrEvaluation(Element* aElement);
// Un-schedule an element scheduled by ScheduleForPresAttrEvaluation,
// generally when it's unbound from the tree.
void UnscheduleForPresAttrEvaluation(Element* aElement);
// Resolve all presentational attributes scheduled in
// ScheduleForPresAttrEvaluation
void ResolveScheduledPresAttrs() {
if (mLazyPresElements.IsEmpty()) {
Maybe<ClientInfo> GetClientInfo() const;
Maybe<ClientState> GetClientState() const;
Maybe<ServiceWorkerDescriptor> GetController() const;
// Given a node, get a weak reference to it and append that reference to
// mBlockedNodesByClassifier. Can be used later on to look up a node in it.
// (e.g., by the UI)
// /
void AddBlockedNodeByClassifier(nsINode* aNode) {
if (aNode) {
// Returns the size of the mBlockedNodesByClassifier array.
// This array contains nodes that have been blocked to prevent user tracking,
// fingerprinting, cryptomining, etc. They most likely have had their
// nsIChannel canceled by the URL classifier (Safebrowsing).
// A script can subsequently use GetBlockedNodesByClassifier()
// to get a list of references to these nodes.
// Note:
// This expresses how many tracking nodes have been blocked for this document
// since its beginning, not how many of them are still around in the DOM tree.
// Weak references to blocked nodes are added in the mBlockedNodesByClassifier
// array but they are not removed when those nodes are removed from the tree
// or even garbage collected.
size_t BlockedNodeByClassifierCount() const {
return mBlockedNodesByClassifier.Length();
// Returns strong references to mBlockedNodesByClassifier. (Document.h)
// This array contains nodes that have been blocked to prevent
// user tracking. They most likely have had their nsIChannel
// canceled by the URL classifier (Safebrowsing).
already_AddRefed<nsSimpleContentList> BlockedNodesByClassifier() const;
// Helper method that returns true if the document has storage-access sandbox
// flag.
bool StorageAccessSandboxed() const;
// Helper method that returns true if storage access API is enabled and
// the passed flag has storage-access sandbox flag.
static bool StorageAccessSandboxed(uint32_t aSandboxFlags);
// Returns the cookie jar settings for this and sub contexts.
nsICookieJarSettings* CookieJarSettings();
// Returns whether this document is using unpartitioned cookies
bool UsingStorageAccess();
// Returns whether the storage access permission of the document is granted by
// the allow list.
bool HasStorageAccessPermissionGrantedByAllowList();
// Increments the document generation.
inline void Changed() { ++mGeneration; }
// Returns the current generation.
inline int32_t GetGeneration() const { return mGeneration; }
// Adds cached sizes values to aSizes if there's any
// cached value and if the document generation hasn't
// changed since the cache was created.
// Returns true if sizes were added.
bool GetCachedSizes(nsTabSizes* aSizes);
// Sets the cache sizes for the current generation.
void SetCachedSizes(nsTabSizes* aSizes);
* Should be called when an element's editable changes as a result of
* changing its contentEditable attribute/property.
* The change should be +1 if the contentEditable attribute/property was
* changed to true, -1 if it was changed to false.
void ChangeContentEditableCount(Element*, int32_t aChange);
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT void DeferredContentEditableCountChange(Element*);
enum class EditingState : int8_t {
eTearingDown = -2,
eSettingUp = -1,
eOff = 0,
* Returns the editing state of the document (not editable, contentEditable or
* designMode).
EditingState GetEditingState() const { return mEditingState; }
* Returns whether the document is editable.
bool IsEditingOn() const {
return GetEditingState() == EditingState::eDesignMode ||
GetEditingState() == EditingState::eContentEditable;
class MOZ_STACK_CLASS nsAutoEditingState {
nsAutoEditingState(Document* aDoc, EditingState aState)
: mDoc(aDoc), mSavedState(aDoc->mEditingState) {
aDoc->mEditingState = aState;
~nsAutoEditingState() { mDoc->mEditingState = mSavedState; }
RefPtr<Document> mDoc;
EditingState mSavedState;
friend class nsAutoEditingState;
* Set the editing state of the document. Don't use this if you want
* to enable/disable editing, call EditingStateChanged() or
* SetDesignMode().
void SetEditingState(EditingState aState) { mEditingState = aState; }
* Called when this Document's editor is destroyed.
void TearingDownEditor();
void SetKeyPressEventModel(uint16_t aKeyPressEventModel);
// Gets the next form number.
// Used by nsContentUtils::GenerateStateKey to get a unique number for each
// parser inserted form element.
int32_t GetNextFormNumber() { return mNextFormNumber++; }
// Gets the next form control number.
// Used by nsContentUtils::GenerateStateKey to get a unique number for each
// parser inserted form control element.
int32_t GetNextControlNumber() { return mNextControlNumber++; }
PreloadService& Preloads() { return mPreloadService; }
bool HasThirdPartyChannel();
bool ShouldIncludeInTelemetry() const;
void AddMediaElementWithMSE();
void RemoveMediaElementWithMSE();
void DoNotifyPossibleTitleChange();
void InitFeaturePolicy();
nsresult InitFeaturePolicy(nsIChannel* aChannel);
void EnsureNotEnteringAndExitFullscreen();
friend class nsUnblockOnloadEvent;
nsresult InitCSP(nsIChannel* aChannel);
nsresult InitCOEP(nsIChannel* aChannel);
nsresult InitReferrerInfo(nsIChannel* aChannel);
void PostUnblockOnloadEvent();
void DoUnblockOnload();
void DoResolveScheduledPresAttrs();
void RetrieveRelevantHeaders(nsIChannel* aChannel);
void TryChannelCharset(nsIChannel* aChannel, int32_t& aCharsetSource,
NotNull<const Encoding*>& aEncoding,
nsHtml5TreeOpExecutor* aExecutor);
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT void DispatchContentLoadedEvents();
// TODO: Convert this to MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT (bug 1415230)
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT_BOUNDARY void DispatchPageTransition(
EventTarget* aDispatchTarget, const nsAString& aType, bool aInFrameSwap,
bool aPersisted, bool aOnlySystemGroup);
// Call this before the document does something that will unbind all content.
// That will stop us from doing a lot of work as each element is removed.
void DestroyElementMaps();
Element* GetRootElementInternal() const;
void SetPageUnloadingEventTimeStamp() {
mPageUnloadingEventTimeStamp = TimeStamp::NowLoRes();
void CleanUnloadEventsTimeStamp() {
mPageUnloadingEventTimeStamp = TimeStamp();
* Clears any Servo element data stored on Elements in the document.
void ClearStaleServoData();
* Do the tree-disconnection that ResetToURI and need to do.
void DisconnectNodeTree();
* MaybeDispatchCheckKeyPressEventModelEvent() dispatches
* "CheckKeyPressEventModel" event to check whether we should dispatch
* keypress events in confluent model or split model. This should be
* called only when mEditingState is changed to eDesignMode or
* eConentEditable at first time.
void MaybeDispatchCheckKeyPressEventModelEvent();
/* Midas implementation */
nsCommandManager* GetMidasCommandManager();
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT_BOUNDARY nsresult TurnEditingOff();
// MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT_BOUNDARY because this is called from all sorts
// of places, and I'm pretty sure the exact ExecCommand call it
// makes cannot actually run script.
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT_BOUNDARY nsresult EditingStateChanged();
void MaybeEditingStateChanged();
// Get the root <html> element, or return null if there isn't one (e.g.
// if the root isn't <html>)
Element* GetHtmlElement() const;
// Returns the first child of GetHtmlContent which has the given tag,
// or nullptr if that doesn't exist.
Element* GetHtmlChildElement(nsAtom* aTag);
// Get the canonical <body> element, or return null if there isn't one (e.g.
// if the root isn't <html> or if the <body> isn't there)
HTMLBodyElement* GetBodyElement();
// Get the canonical <head> element, or return null if there isn't one (e.g.
// if the root isn't <html> or if the <head> isn't there)
Element* GetHeadElement() { return GetHtmlChildElement(nsGkAtoms::head); }
// Get the "body" in the sense of document.body: The first <body> or
// <frameset> that's a child of a root <html>
nsGenericHTMLElement* GetBody();
// Set the "body" in the sense of document.body.
void SetBody(nsGenericHTMLElement* aBody, ErrorResult& rv);
// Get the "head" element in the sense of document.head.
HTMLSharedElement* GetHead();
ServoStyleSet* StyleSetForPresShell() const {
return mStyleSet.get();
inline ServoStyleSet& EnsureStyleSet() const;
// ShadowRoot has APIs that can change styles. This notifies the shell that
// stlyes applicable in the shadow tree have potentially changed.
void RecordShadowStyleChange(ShadowRoot&);
// Needs to be called any time the applicable style can has changed, in order
// to schedule a style flush and setup all the relevant state.
// If we know the stylesheet change applies only to a shadow tree we can avoid
// some work (like updating the font-face-set / counter-styles / etc, as those
// are global).
void ApplicableStylesChanged(bool aKnownInShadowTree = false);
// Whether we filled the style set with any style sheet. Only meant to be used
// from DocumentOrShadowRoot::Traverse.
bool StyleSetFilled() const { return mStyleSetFilled; }
* Accessors to the collection of stylesheets owned by this document.
* Style sheets are ordered, most significant last.
void InsertSheetAt(size_t aIndex, StyleSheet&);
* Add a stylesheet to the document
* TODO(emilio): This is only used by parts of editor that are no longer in
* use by m-c or c-c, so remove.
void AddStyleSheet(StyleSheet* aSheet) {
InsertSheetAt(SheetCount(), *aSheet);
* Notify the document that the applicable state of the sheet changed
* and that observers should be notified and style sets updated
void StyleSheetApplicableStateChanged(StyleSheet&);
void PostStyleSheetApplicableStateChangeEvent(StyleSheet&);
void PostStyleSheetRemovedEvent(StyleSheet&);
void PostCustomPropertyRegistered(const dom::PropertyDefinition&);
enum additionalSheetType {
nsresult LoadAdditionalStyleSheet(additionalSheetType aType,
nsIURI* aSheetURI);
nsresult AddAdditionalStyleSheet(additionalSheetType aType,
StyleSheet* aSheet);
void RemoveAdditionalStyleSheet(additionalSheetType aType, nsIURI* sheetURI);
StyleSheet* GetFirstAdditionalAuthorSheet() {
return mAdditionalSheets[eAuthorSheet].SafeElementAt(0);
* Returns the index that aSheet should be inserted at to maintain document
* ordering.
size_t FindDocStyleSheetInsertionPoint(const StyleSheet& aSheet);
* Get this document's CSSLoader. This is guaranteed to not return null.
css::Loader* CSSLoader() const { return mCSSLoader; }
* Get this document's StyleImageLoader. This is guaranteed to not return
* null.
css::ImageLoader* StyleImageLoader() const { return mStyleImageLoader; }
* Get the channel that was passed to StartDocumentLoad or Reset for this
* document. Note that this may be null in some cases (eg if
* StartDocumentLoad or Reset were never called)
nsIChannel* GetChannel() const { return mChannel; }
* Get this document's attribute stylesheet. May return null if
* there isn't one.
AttributeStyles* GetAttributeStyles() const { return mAttributeStyles.get(); }
virtual void SetScriptGlobalObject(nsIScriptGlobalObject* aGlobalObject);
* Get/set the object from which the context for the event/script handling can
* be got. Normally GetScriptHandlingObject() returns the same object as
* GetScriptGlobalObject(), but if the document is loaded as data,
* non-null may be returned, even if GetScriptGlobalObject() returns null.
* aHasHadScriptHandlingObject is set true if document has had the object
* for event/script handling. Do not process any events/script if the method
* returns null, but aHasHadScriptHandlingObject is true.
nsIScriptGlobalObject* GetScriptHandlingObject(
bool& aHasHadScriptHandlingObject) const {
aHasHadScriptHandlingObject = mHasHadScriptHandlingObject;
return mScriptGlobalObject ? mScriptGlobalObject.get()
: GetScriptHandlingObjectInternal();
void SetScriptHandlingObject(nsIScriptGlobalObject* aScriptObject);
* Get the object that is used as the scope for all of the content
* wrappers whose owner document is this document. Unlike the script global
* object, this will only return null when the global object for this
* document is truly gone. Use this object when you're trying to find a
* content wrapper in XPConnect.
nsIGlobalObject* GetScopeObject() const;
void SetScopeObject(nsIGlobalObject* aGlobal);
* Return the window containing the document (the outer window).
nsPIDOMWindowOuter* GetWindow() const {
return mWindow ? mWindow->GetOuterWindow() : GetWindowInternal();
bool IsInBackgroundWindow() const {
auto* outer = mWindow ? mWindow->GetOuterWindow() : nullptr;
return outer && outer->IsBackground();
* Return the inner window used as the script compilation scope for
* this document. If you're not absolutely sure you need this, use
* GetWindow().
nsPIDOMWindowInner* GetInnerWindow() const {
return mRemovedFromDocShell ? nullptr : mWindow;
* Return the outer window ID.
uint64_t OuterWindowID() const {
nsPIDOMWindowOuter* window = GetWindow();
return window ? window->WindowID() : 0;
* Return the inner window ID.
uint64_t InnerWindowID() const {
nsPIDOMWindowInner* window = GetInnerWindow();
return window ? window->WindowID() : 0;
* Return WindowGlobalChild that is associated with the inner window.
WindowGlobalChild* GetWindowGlobalChild() {
return GetInnerWindow() ? GetInnerWindow()->GetWindowGlobalChild()
: nullptr;
* Return WindowContext associated with the inner window.
WindowContext* GetWindowContext() const {
return GetInnerWindow() ? GetInnerWindow()->GetWindowContext() : nullptr;
bool IsTopLevelWindowInactive() const {
return mState.HasState(DocumentState::WINDOW_INACTIVE);
* Get the script loader for this document
dom::ScriptLoader* ScriptLoader() { return mScriptLoader; }
* Add/Remove an element to the document's id and name hashes
void AddToIdTable(Element* aElement, nsAtom* aId);
void RemoveFromIdTable(Element* aElement, nsAtom* aId);
void AddToNameTable(Element* aElement, nsAtom* aName);
void RemoveFromNameTable(Element* aElement, nsAtom* aName);
* Returns all elements in the top layer in the insertion order.
nsTArray<Element*> GetTopLayer() const;
bool TopLayerContains(Element&) const;
// Do the "fullscreen element ready check" from the fullscreen spec.
// It returns true if the given element is allowed to go into fullscreen.
// It is responsive to dispatch "fullscreenerror" event when necessary.
bool FullscreenElementReadyCheck(FullscreenRequest&);
* When this is called on content process, this asynchronously requests that
* the document make aElement the fullscreen element, and move into fullscreen
* mode. The current fullscreen element (if any) is pushed onto the top layer,
* and it can be returned to fullscreen status by calling
* RestorePreviousFullscreenState().
* If on chrome process, this is synchronously.
* Note that requesting fullscreen in a document also makes the element which
* contains this document in this document's parent document fullscreen. i.e.
* the <iframe> or <browser> that contains this document is also mode
* fullscreen. This happens recursively in all ancestor documents.
void RequestFullscreen(UniquePtr<FullscreenRequest> aRequest,
bool aApplyFullscreenDirectly = false);
void RequestFullscreenInContentProcess(UniquePtr<FullscreenRequest> aRequest,
bool aApplyFullscreenDirectly);
void RequestFullscreenInParentProcess(UniquePtr<FullscreenRequest> aRequest,
bool aApplyFullscreenDirectly);
// Pushes aElement onto the top layer
void TopLayerPush(Element&);
// Removes the topmost element for which aPredicate returns true from the top
// layer. The removed element, if any, is returned.
Element* TopLayerPop(FunctionRef<bool(Element*)> aPredicate);
// Removes the given element from the top layer. The removed element, if any,
// is returned.
Element* TopLayerPop(Element&);
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT bool TryAutoFocusCandidate(Element& aElement);
// Removes all the elements with fullscreen flag set from the top layer, and
// clears their fullscreen flag.
void CleanupFullscreenState();
// Pops the fullscreen element from the top layer and clears its
// fullscreen flag. Returns whether there was any fullscreen element.
enum class UpdateViewport : bool { No, Yes };
bool PopFullscreenElement(UpdateViewport = UpdateViewport::Yes);
// Pushes the given element into the top of top layer and set fullscreen
// flag.
void SetFullscreenElement(Element&);
// Whether we has pending fullscreen request.
bool HasPendingFullscreenRequests();
* When Esc key is pressed, cancel the dialog element if the document is
* blocked by the dialog or hide popover if popover is shown.
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT void HandleEscKey();
void AddModalDialog(HTMLDialogElement&);
void RemoveModalDialog(HTMLDialogElement&);
* Called when a frame in a child process has entered fullscreen or when a
* fullscreen frame in a child process changes to another origin.
* aFrameElement is the frame element which contains the child-process
* fullscreen document.
void RemoteFrameFullscreenChanged(Element* aFrameElement);
* Called when a frame in a remote child document has rolled back fullscreen
* so that all its top layer are empty; we must continue the
* rollback in this parent process' doc tree branch which is fullscreen.
* Note that only one branch of the document tree can have its documents in
* fullscreen state at one time. We're in inconsistent state if a
* fullscreen document has a parent and that parent isn't fullscreen. We
* preserve this property across process boundaries.
void RemoteFrameFullscreenReverted();
* Restores the previous fullscreen element to fullscreen status. If there
* is no former fullscreen element, this exits fullscreen, moving the
* top-level browser window out of fullscreen mode.
void RestorePreviousFullscreenState(UniquePtr<FullscreenExit>);
* Returns true if this document is a fullscreen leaf document, i.e. it
* is in fullscreen mode and has no fullscreen children.
bool IsFullscreenLeaf();
* Returns the document which is at the root of this document's branch
* in the in-process document tree. Returns nullptr if the document isn't
* fullscreen.
Document* GetFullscreenRoot() const { return mFullscreenRoot; }
size_t CountFullscreenElements() const;
* Sets the fullscreen root to aRoot. This stores a weak reference to aRoot
* in this document.
void SetFullscreenRoot(Document* aRoot) { mFullscreenRoot = aRoot; }
* Synchronously cleans up the fullscreen state on the given document.
* Calling this without performing fullscreen transition could lead
* to undesired effect (the transition happens after document state
* flips), hence it should only be called either by nsGlobalWindow
* when we have performed the transition, or when it is necessary to
* clean up the state immediately. Otherwise, AsyncExitFullscreen()
* should be called instead.
* aDocument must not be null.
static void ExitFullscreenInDocTree(Document* aDocument);
* Ask the document to exit fullscreen state asynchronously.
* Different from ExitFullscreenInDocTree(), this allows the window
* to perform fullscreen transition first if any.
* If aDocument is null, it will exit fullscreen from all documents
* in all windows.
static void AsyncExitFullscreen(Document* aDocument);
* Handles any pending fullscreen in aDocument or its subdocuments.
* Returns whether there is any fullscreen request handled.
static bool HandlePendingFullscreenRequests(Document* aDocument);
* Clear pending fullscreen in aDocument.
static void ClearPendingFullscreenRequests(Document* aDocument);
// ScreenOrientation related APIs
void ClearOrientationPendingPromise();
bool SetOrientationPendingPromise(Promise* aPromise);
Promise* GetOrientationPendingPromise() const {
return mOrientationPendingPromise;
// Document notification API's
* Add a new observer of document change notifications. Whenever
* content is changed, appended, inserted or removed the observers are
* informed. An observer that is already observing the document must
* not be added without being removed first.
void AddObserver(nsIDocumentObserver* aObserver);
* Remove an observer of document change notifications. This will
* return false if the observer cannot be found.
bool RemoveObserver(nsIDocumentObserver* aObserver);
// Observation hooks used to propagate notifications to document observers.
// BeginUpdate must be called before any batch of modifications of the
// content model or of style data, EndUpdate must be called afterward.
// To make this easy and painless, use the mozAutoDocUpdate helper class.
void BeginUpdate();
void EndUpdate();
uint32_t UpdateNestingLevel() { return mUpdateNestLevel; }
void BeginLoad();
virtual void EndLoad();
enum ReadyState {
// Set the readystate of the document. If aUpdateTimingInformation is true,
// this will record relevant timestamps in the document's performance timing.
// Some consumers ( is the only one right now, actually) don't
// want to do that, though.
void SetReadyStateInternal(ReadyState, bool aUpdateTimingInformation = true);
ReadyState GetReadyStateEnum() { return mReadyState; }
void NotifyLoading(bool aNewParentIsLoading, const ReadyState& aCurrentState,
ReadyState aNewState);
void NotifyAbortedLoad();
// Notify that an element changed state. This must happen under a
// scriptblocker but NOT within a begin/end update.
void ElementStateChanged(Element*, ElementState);
// Update a set of document states that may have changed.
// This should only be called by callers whose state is also reflected in the
// implementation of Document::State.
// aNotify controls whether we notify our DocumentStatesChanged observers.
void UpdateDocumentStates(DocumentState aMaybeChangedStates, bool aNotify);
void ResetDocumentDirection();
// Observation hooks for style data to propagate notifications
// to document observers
void RuleChanged(StyleSheet&, css::Rule*, StyleRuleChangeKind);
void RuleAdded(StyleSheet&, css::Rule&);
void RuleRemoved(StyleSheet&, css::Rule&);
void SheetCloned(StyleSheet&) {}
void ImportRuleLoaded(CSSImportRule&, StyleSheet&);
* Flush notifications for this document and its parent documents
* (since those may affect the layout of this one).
void FlushPendingNotifications(FlushType aType);
* Another variant of the above FlushPendingNotifications. This function
* takes a ChangesToFlush to specify whether throttled animations are flushed
* or not.
* If in doubt, use the above FlushPendingNotifications.
void FlushPendingNotifications(ChangesToFlush aFlush);
* Calls FlushPendingNotifications on any external resources this document
* has. If this document has no external resources or is an external resource
* itself this does nothing. This should only be called with
* aType >= FlushType::Style.
void FlushExternalResources(FlushType aType);
void AddWorkerDocumentListener(WorkerDocumentListener* aListener);
void RemoveWorkerDocumentListener(WorkerDocumentListener* aListener);
// Triggers an update of <svg:use> element shadow trees.
void UpdateSVGUseElementShadowTrees() {
if (mSVGUseElementsNeedingShadowTreeUpdate.IsEmpty()) {
* Only to be used inside Gecko, you can't really do anything with the
* pointer outside Gecko anyway.
nsNodeInfoManager* NodeInfoManager() const { return mNodeInfoManager; }
* Reset the document using the given channel and loadgroup. This works
* like ResetToURI, but also sets the document's channel to aChannel.
* The principal of the document will be set from the channel.
virtual void Reset(nsIChannel* aChannel, nsILoadGroup* aLoadGroup);
* Reset this document to aURI, aLoadGroup, aPrincipal and
* aPartitionedPrincipal. aURI must not be null. If aPrincipal is null, a
* content principal based on aURI will be used.
virtual void ResetToURI(nsIURI* aURI, nsILoadGroup* aLoadGroup,
nsIPrincipal* aPrincipal,
nsIPrincipal* aPartitionedPrincipal);
* Set the container (docshell) for this document. Virtual so that
* docshell can call it.
virtual void SetContainer(nsDocShell* aContainer);
* Get the container (docshell) for this document.
nsISupports* GetContainer() const;
* Get the container's load context for this document.
nsILoadContext* GetLoadContext() const;
* Get docshell the for this document.
nsIDocShell* GetDocShell() const;
* Set and get XML declaration. If aVersion is null there is no declaration.
* aStandalone takes values -1, 0 and 1 indicating respectively that there
* was no standalone parameter in the declaration, that it was given as no,
* or that it was given as yes.
void SetXMLDeclaration(const char16_t* aVersion, const char16_t* aEncoding,
const int32_t aStandalone);
void GetXMLDeclaration(nsAString& aVersion, nsAString& aEncoding,
nsAString& Standalone);
* Returns the bits for the color-scheme specified by the
* <meta name="color-scheme">.
uint8_t GetColorSchemeBits() const { return mColorSchemeBits; }
* Traverses the DOM and computes the supported color schemes as per
void RecomputeColorScheme();
void AddColorSchemeMeta(HTMLMetaElement&);
void RemoveColorSchemeMeta(HTMLMetaElement&);
* Returns true if this is what HTML 5 calls an "HTML document" (for example
* regular HTML document with Content-Type "text/html", image documents and
* media documents). Returns false for XHTML and any other documents parsed
* by the XML parser.
bool IsHTMLDocument() const { return mType == eHTML; }
bool IsHTMLOrXHTML() const { return mType == eHTML || mType == eXHTML; }
bool IsImageDocument() const {
return MediaDocumentKind() == MediaDocumentKind::Image;
bool IsXMLDocument() const { return !IsHTMLDocument(); }
bool IsSVGDocument() const { return mType == eSVG; }
bool IsUnstyledDocument() { return IsLoadedAsData(); }
bool LoadsFullXULStyleSheetUpFront() {
if (IsSVGDocument()) {
return false;
return AllowXULXBL();
bool IsScriptEnabled() const;
* Returns true if this document was created from a nsXULPrototypeDocument.
bool LoadedFromPrototype() const { return mPrototypeDocument; }
* Returns the prototype the document was created from, or null if it was not
* created from a prototype.
nsXULPrototypeDocument* GetPrototype() const { return mPrototypeDocument; }
bool IsTopLevelContentDocument() const { return mIsTopLevelContentDocument; }
void SetIsTopLevelContentDocument(bool aIsTopLevelContentDocument) {
mIsTopLevelContentDocument = aIsTopLevelContentDocument;
bool IsContentDocument() const { return mIsContentDocument; }
void SetIsContentDocument(bool aIsContentDocument) {
mIsContentDocument = aIsContentDocument;
void ProcessMETATag(HTMLMetaElement* aMetaElement);
* Create an element with the specified name, prefix and namespace ID.
* Returns null if element name parsing failed.
already_AddRefed<Element> CreateElem(const nsAString& aName, nsAtom* aPrefix,
int32_t aNamespaceID,
const nsAString* aIs = nullptr);
* Get the security info (i.e. SSL state etc) that the document got
* from the channel/document that created the content of the
* document.
* @see nsIChannel
nsITransportSecurityInfo* GetSecurityInfo() { return mSecurityInfo; }
* Get the channel that failed to load and resulted in an error page, if it
* exists. This is only relevant to error pages.
nsIChannel* GetFailedChannel() const { return mFailedChannel; }
* This function checks if the document that is trying to access
* GetNetErrorInfo is a trusted about net error page or not.
static bool CallerIsTrustedAboutNetError(JSContext* aCx, JSObject* aObject);
* This function checks if the document that is trying to access
* ReloadWithHttpsOnlyException is a trusted HTTPS only error page.
static bool CallerIsTrustedAboutHttpsOnlyError(JSContext* aCx,
JSObject* aObject);
* Get security info like error code for a failed channel. This
* property is only exposed to about:neterror documents.
void GetNetErrorInfo(mozilla::dom::NetErrorInfo& aInfo, ErrorResult& aRv);
* This function checks if the document that is trying to access
* GetFailedCertSecurityInfo is a trusted cert error page or not.
static bool CallerIsTrustedAboutCertError(JSContext* aCx, JSObject* aObject);
* This function checks if the privilege storage access api is available for
* the caller. We only allow privilege SSA to be called by system principal
* and webcompat extension.
static bool CallerCanAccessPrivilegeSSA(JSContext* aCx, JSObject* aObject);
* Get the security info (i.e. certificate validity, errorCode, etc) for a
* failed Channel. This property is only exposed for about:certerror
* documents.
void GetFailedCertSecurityInfo(mozilla::dom::FailedCertSecurityInfo& aInfo,
ErrorResult& aRv);
* Set the channel that failed to load and resulted in an error page.
* This is only relevant to error pages.
void SetFailedChannel(nsIChannel* aChannel) { mFailedChannel = aChannel; }
* Returns the default namespace ID used for elements created in this
* document.
int32_t GetDefaultNamespaceID() const { return mDefaultElementType; }
void RemoveAllProperties();
void RemoveAllPropertiesFor(nsINode* aNode);
nsPropertyTable& PropertyTable() { return mPropertyTable; }
* Sets the ID used to identify this part of the multipart document
void SetPartID(uint32_t aID) { mPartID = aID; }
* Return the ID used to identify this part of the multipart document
uint32_t GetPartID() const { return mPartID; }
* Sanitize the document by resetting all input elements and forms that have
* autocomplete=off to their default values.
* TODO: Convert this to MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT (bug 1415230)
* Enumerate all subdocuments.
* The enumerator callback should return CallState::Continue to continue
* enumerating, or CallState::Stop to stop. This will never get passed a null
* aDocument.
using SubDocEnumFunc = FunctionRef<CallState(Document&)>;
void EnumerateSubDocuments(SubDocEnumFunc aCallback);
* Collect all the descendant documents for which |aCalback| returns true.
* The callback function must not mutate any state for the given document.
using nsDocTestFunc = bool (*)(const Document* aDocument);
void CollectDescendantDocuments(nsTArray<RefPtr<Document>>& aDescendants,
nsDocTestFunc aCallback) const;
* Check whether it is safe to cache the presentation of this document
* and all of its subdocuments (depending on the 3rd param). This method
* checks the following conditions recursively:
* - Some document types, such as plugin documents, cannot be safely cached.
* - If there are any pending requests, we don't allow the presentation
* to be cached. Ideally these requests would be suspended and resumed,
* but that is difficult in some cases, such as XMLHttpRequest.
* - If there are any beforeunload or unload listeners, we must fire them
* for correctness, but this likely puts the document into a state where
* it would not function correctly if restored.
* |aNewRequest| should be the request for a new document which will
* replace this document in the docshell. The new document's request
* will be ignored when checking for active requests. If there is no
* request associated with the new document, this parameter may be null.
* |aBFCacheCombo| is used as a bitmask to indicate what the status
* combination is when we try to BFCache aNewRequest
virtual bool CanSavePresentation(nsIRequest* aNewRequest,
uint32_t& aBFCacheCombo,
bool aIncludeSubdocuments,
bool aAllowUnloadListeners = true);
* Pass principals if the correct ones are known when calling Init. That way
* NodeInfoManager doesn't need to create a temporary null principal.
virtual nsresult Init(nsIPrincipal* aPrincipal,
nsIPrincipal* aPartitionedPrincipal);
* Notify the document that its associated ContentViewer is being destroyed.
* This releases circular references so that the document can go away.
* Destroy() is only called on documents that have a content viewer.
virtual void Destroy();
* Notify the document that its associated ContentViewer is no longer
* the current viewer for the docshell. The document might still
* be rendered in "zombie state" until the next document is ready.
* The document should save form control state.
void RemovedFromDocShell();
* Get the layout history state that should be used to save and restore state
* for nodes in this document. This may return null; if that happens state
* saving and restoration is not possible.
already_AddRefed<nsILayoutHistoryState> GetLayoutHistoryState() const;
* Methods that can be used to prevent onload firing while an event that
* should block onload is posted. onload is guaranteed to not fire until
* either all calls to BlockOnload() have been matched by calls to
* UnblockOnload() or the load has been stopped altogether (by the user
* pressing the Stop button, say).
void BlockOnload();
* @param aFireSync whether to fire onload synchronously. If false,
* onload will fire asynchronously after all onload blocks have been
* removed. It will NOT fire from inside UnblockOnload. If true,
* onload may fire from inside UnblockOnload.
void UnblockOnload(bool aFireSync);
// Only BlockOnload should call this!
void AsyncBlockOnload();
void BlockDOMContentLoaded() { ++mBlockDOMContentLoaded; }
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT_BOUNDARY void UnblockDOMContentLoaded();
* Notification that the page has been shown, for documents which are loaded
* into a DOM window. This corresponds to the completion of document load,
* or to the page's presentation being restored into an existing DOM window.
* This notification fires applicable DOM events to the content window. See
* PageTransitionEvent.webidl for a description of the |aPersisted|
* parameter. If aDispatchStartTarget is null, the pageshow event is
* dispatched on the ScriptGlobalObject for this document, otherwise it's
* dispatched on aDispatchStartTarget. If |aOnlySystemGroup| is true, the
* event is only dispatched to listeners in the system group.
* Note: if aDispatchStartTarget isn't null, the showing state of the
* document won't be altered.
virtual void OnPageShow(bool aPersisted, EventTarget* aDispatchStartTarget,
bool aOnlySystemGroup = false);
* Notification that the page has been hidden, for documents which are loaded
* into a DOM window. This corresponds to the unloading of the document, or
* to the document's presentation being saved but removed from an existing
* DOM window. This notification fires applicable DOM events to the content
* window. See PageTransitionEvent.webidl for a description of the
* |aPersisted| parameter. If aDispatchStartTarget is null, the pagehide
* event is dispatched on the ScriptGlobalObject for this document,
* otherwise it's dispatched on aDispatchStartTarget. If |aOnlySystemGroup| is
* true, the event is only dispatched to listeners in the system group.
* Note: if aDispatchStartTarget isn't null, the showing state of the
* document won't be altered.
void OnPageHide(bool aPersisted, EventTarget* aDispatchStartTarget,
bool aOnlySystemGroup = false);
* We record the set of links in the document that are relevant to
* style.
* Notification that an element is a link that is relevant to style.
void AddStyleRelevantLink(Link* aLink) {
NS_ASSERTION(aLink, "Passing in a null link. Expect crashes RSN!");
#ifdef DEBUG
"Document already knows about this Link!");
mStyledLinksCleared = false;
* Notification that an element is a link and its URI might have been
* changed or the element removed. If the element is still a link relevant
* to style, then someone must ensure that AddStyleRelevantLink is
* (eventually) called on it again.
void ForgetLink(Link* aLink) {
MOZ_ASSERT(aLink, "Passing in a null link. Expect crashes RSN!");
MOZ_ASSERT(mStyledLinks.Contains(aLink) || mStyledLinksCleared,
"Document knows nothing about this Link!");
// Refreshes the hrefs of all the links in the document.
void RefreshLinkHrefs();
* Support for window.matchMedia()
already_AddRefed<MediaQueryList> MatchMedia(const nsACString& aMediaQueryList,
CallerType aCallerType);
LinkedList<MediaQueryList>& MediaQueryLists() { return mDOMMediaQueryLists; }
nsTHashtable<LCPEntryHashEntry>& ContentIdentifiersForLCP() {
return mContentIdentifiersForLCP;
* Get the compatibility mode for this document
nsCompatibility GetCompatibilityMode() const { return mCompatMode; }
* Check whether we've ever fired a DOMTitleChanged event for this
* document.
bool HaveFiredDOMTitleChange() const { return mHaveFiredTitleChange; }
* To batch DOMSubtreeModified, document needs to be informed when
* a mutation event might be dispatched, even if the event isn't actually
* created because there are no listeners for it.
* @param aTarget is the target for the mutation event.
void MayDispatchMutationEvent(nsINode* aTarget) {
if (mSubtreeModifiedDepth > 0) {
* Marks as not-going-to-be-collected for the given generation of
* cycle collection.
void MarkUncollectableForCCGeneration(uint32_t aGeneration) {
mMarkedCCGeneration = aGeneration;
* Gets the cycle collector generation this document is marked for.
uint32_t GetMarkedCCGeneration() { return mMarkedCCGeneration; }
* Returns whether this document is cookie averse. See
bool IsCookieAverse() const {
// If we are a document that "has no browsing context."
if (!GetInnerWindow()) {
return true;
// If we are a document "whose URL's scheme is not a network scheme."
// NB: Explicitly allow file: URIs to store cookies.
return !NodePrincipal()->SchemeIs("http") &&
!NodePrincipal()->SchemeIs("https") &&
bool IsLoadedAsData() { return mLoadedAsData; }
void SetAddedToMemoryReportAsDataDocument() {
mAddedToMemoryReportingAsDataDocument = true;
void UnregisterFromMemoryReportingForDataDocument();
bool MayStartLayout() { return mMayStartLayout; }
void SetMayStartLayout(bool aMayStartLayout);
already_AddRefed<nsIDocumentEncoder> GetCachedEncoder();
void SetCachedEncoder(already_AddRefed<nsIDocumentEncoder> aEncoder);
// In case of failure, the document really can't initialize the frame loader.
nsresult InitializeFrameLoader(nsFrameLoader* aLoader);
// In case of failure, the caller must handle the error, for example by
// finalizing frame loader asynchronously.
nsresult FinalizeFrameLoader(nsFrameLoader* aLoader, nsIRunnable* aFinalizer);
// Removes the frame loader of aShell from the initialization list.
void TryCancelFrameLoaderInitialization(nsIDocShell* aShell);
* Check whether this document is a root document that is not an
* external resource.
bool IsRootDisplayDocument() const {
return !mParentDocument && !mDisplayDocument;
bool ChromeRulesEnabled() const { return mChromeRulesEnabled; }
bool IsInChromeDocShell() const {
const Document* root = this;
while (const Document* displayDoc = root->GetDisplayDocument()) {
root = displayDoc;
return root->mInChromeDocShell;
bool IsBeingUsedAsImage() const { return mIsBeingUsedAsImage; }
void SetIsBeingUsedAsImage() { mIsBeingUsedAsImage = true; }
bool IsSVGGlyphsDocument() const { return mIsSVGGlyphsDocument; }
void SetIsSVGGlyphsDocument() { mIsSVGGlyphsDocument = true; }
bool IsResourceDoc() const {
return IsBeingUsedAsImage() || // Are we a helper-doc for an SVG image?
mHasDisplayDocument; // Are we an external resource doc?
* Get the document for which this document is an external resource. This
* will be null if this document is not an external resource. Otherwise,
* GetDisplayDocument() will return a non-null document, and
* GetDisplayDocument()->GetDisplayDocument() is guaranteed to be null.
Document* GetDisplayDocument() const { return mDisplayDocument; }
* Set the display document for this document. aDisplayDocument must not be
* null.
void SetDisplayDocument(Document* aDisplayDocument) {
MOZ_ASSERT(!GetPresShell() && !GetContainer() && !GetWindow(),
"Shouldn't set mDisplayDocument on documents that already "
"have a presentation or a docshell or a window");
MOZ_ASSERT(aDisplayDocument, "Must not be null");
MOZ_ASSERT(aDisplayDocument != this, "Should be different document");
"Display documents should not nest");
mDisplayDocument = aDisplayDocument;
mHasDisplayDocument = !!aDisplayDocument;
* Request an external resource document for aURI. This will return the
* resource document if available. If one is not available yet, it will
* start loading as needed, and the pending load object will be returned in
* aPendingLoad so that the caller can register an observer to wait for the
* load. If this function returns null and doesn't return a pending load,
* that means that there is no resource document for this URI and won't be
* one in the future.
* @param aURI the URI to get
* @param aReferrerInfo the referrerInfo of the request
* @param aRequestingNode the node making the request
* @param aPendingLoad the pending load for this request, if any
Document* RequestExternalResource(nsIURI* aURI,
nsIReferrerInfo* aReferrerInfo,
nsINode* aRequestingNode,
ExternalResourceLoad** aPendingLoad);
* Enumerate the external resource documents associated with this document.
* The enumerator callback should return CallState::Continue to continue
* enumerating, or CallState::Stop to stop. This callback will never get
* passed a null aDocument.
void EnumerateExternalResources(SubDocEnumFunc aCallback);
dom::ExternalResourceMap& ExternalResourceMap() {
return mExternalResourceMap;
* Return whether the document is currently showing (in the sense of
* OnPageShow() having been called already and OnPageHide() not having been
* called yet.
bool IsShowing() const { return mIsShowing; }
* Return whether the document is currently visible (in the sense of
* OnPageHide having been called and OnPageShow not yet having been called)
bool IsVisible() const { return mVisible; }
void SetSuppressedEventListener(EventListener* aListener);
EventListener* GetSuppressedEventListener() {
return mSuppressedEventListener;
* Return true when this document is active, i.e., an active document
* in a content viewer and not in the bfcache.
* This does NOT match the "active document" concept in the WHATWG spec -
* see IsCurrentActiveDocument.
bool IsActive() const;
* Return true if this is the current active document for its
* docshell. Note that a docshell may have multiple active documents
* due to the bfcache -- this should be used when you need to
* differentiate the *current* active document from any active
* documents.
bool IsCurrentActiveDocument() const {
nsPIDOMWindowInner* inner = GetInnerWindow();
return inner && inner->IsCurrentInnerWindow() && inner->GetDoc() == this;
* Returns whether this document should perform image loads.
bool ShouldLoadImages() const {
// We check IsBeingUsedAsImage() so that SVG documents loaded as
// images can themselves have data: URL image references.
return IsCurrentActiveDocument() || IsBeingUsedAsImage() ||
void SetHasPrintCallbacks() {
mHasPrintCallbacks = true;
bool HasPrintCallbacks() const { return mHasPrintCallbacks; }
* Register/Unregister the ActivityObserver into mActivityObservers to listen
* the document's activity changes such as OnPageHide, visibility, activity.
* The ActivityObserver objects can be nsIObjectLoadingContent or
* nsIDocumentActivity or HTMLMEdiaElement.
void RegisterActivityObserver(nsISupports* aSupports);
bool UnregisterActivityObserver(nsISupports* aSupports);
// Enumerate all the observers in mActivityObservers by the aEnumerator.
using ActivityObserverEnumerator = FunctionRef<void(nsISupports*)>;
void EnumerateActivityObservers(ActivityObserverEnumerator aEnumerator);
void NotifyActivityChanged();
// Indicates whether mAnimationController has been (lazily) initialized.
// If this returns true, we're promising that GetAnimationController()
// will have a non-null return value.
bool HasAnimationController() { return !!mAnimationController; }
// Getter for this document's SMIL Animation Controller. Performs lazy
// initialization, if this document supports animation and if
// mAnimationController isn't yet initialized.
// If HasAnimationController is true, this is guaranteed to return non-null.
SMILAnimationController* GetAnimationController();
// Gets the tracker for scroll-driven animations that are waiting to start.
// Returns nullptr if there is no scroll-driven animation tracker for this
// document which will be the case if there have never been any scroll-driven
// animations in the document.
ScrollTimelineAnimationTracker* GetScrollTimelineAnimationTracker() {
return mScrollTimelineAnimationTracker;
// Gets the tracker for scroll-driven animations that are waiting to start and
// creates it if it doesn't already exist. As a result, the return value
// will never be nullptr.
ScrollTimelineAnimationTracker* GetOrCreateScrollTimelineAnimationTracker();
* Prevents user initiated events from being dispatched to the document and
* subdocuments.
void SuppressEventHandling(uint32_t aIncrease = 1);
* Unsuppress event handling.
* @param aFireEvents If true, delayed events (focus/blur) will be fired
* asynchronously.
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT_BOUNDARY void UnsuppressEventHandlingAndFireEvents(
bool aFireEvents);
uint32_t EventHandlingSuppressed() const { return mEventsSuppressed; }
bool IsEventHandlingEnabled() const {
return !EventHandlingSuppressed() && mScriptGlobalObject;
bool WouldScheduleFrameRequestCallbacks() const {
// If this function changes to depend on some other variable, make sure to
// call UpdateFrameRequestCallbackSchedulingState() calls to the places
// where that variable can change.
return mPresShell && IsEventHandlingEnabled();
void DecreaseEventSuppression() {
* Some clipboard commands are unconditionally enabled on some documents, so
* as to always dispatch copy / paste events even though you'd normally not be
* able to copy.
bool AreClipboardCommandsUnconditionallyEnabled() const;
* Note a ChannelEventQueue which has been suspended on the document's behalf
* to prevent XHRs from running content scripts while event handling is
* suppressed. The document is responsible for resuming the queue after
* event handling is unsuppressed.
void AddSuspendedChannelEventQueue(net::ChannelEventQueue* aQueue);
* Returns true if a postMessage event should be suspended instead of running.
* The document is responsible for running the event later, in the order they
* were received.
bool SuspendPostMessageEvent(PostMessageEvent* aEvent);
* Run any suspended postMessage events, or clear them.
void FireOrClearPostMessageEvents(bool aFireEvents);
void SetHasDelayedRefreshEvent() { mHasDelayedRefreshEvent = true; }
* Flag whether we're about to fire the window's load event for this document.
void SetLoadEventFiring(bool aFiring) { mLoadEventFiring = aFiring; }
* Test whether we should be firing a load event for this document after a
* document.close(). This is public and on Document, instead of being private
* to Document, because we need to go through the normal docloader logic
* for the readystate change to READYSTATE_COMPLETE with the normal timing and
* semantics of firing the load event; we just don't want to fire the load
* event if this tests true. So we need the docloader to be able to access
* this state.
* This method should only be called at the point when the load event is about
* to be fired. It resets the "skip" flag, so it is not idempotent.
bool SkipLoadEventAfterClose() {
bool skip = mSkipLoadEventAfterClose;
mSkipLoadEventAfterClose = false;
return skip;
* Increment
void IncrementIgnoreDestructiveWritesCounter() {
* Decrement
void DecrementIgnoreDestructiveWritesCounter() {
bool IsDNSPrefetchAllowed() const { return mAllowDNSPrefetch; }
* Returns true if this document is allowed to contain XUL element and
* use non-builtin XBL bindings.
bool AllowXULXBL() {
return mAllowXULXBL == eTriTrue ? true
: mAllowXULXBL == eTriFalse ? false
: InternalAllowXULXBL();
* Returns true if this document is allowed to load DTDs from UI resources
* no matter what.
bool SkipDTDSecurityChecks() { return mSkipDTDSecurityChecks; }
void ForceEnableXULXBL() { mAllowXULXBL = eTriTrue; }
void ForceSkipDTDSecurityChecks() { mSkipDTDSecurityChecks = true; }
* Returns the template content owner document that owns the content of
* HTMLTemplateElement.
Document* GetTemplateContentsOwner();
Document* GetTemplateContentsOwnerIfExists() const {
return mTemplateContentsOwner.get();
bool IsTemplateContentsOwner() const {
// Template contents owner documents are the template contents owner of
// themselves.
return mTemplateContentsOwner == this;
* Returns true if this document is a static clone of a normal document.
* We create static clones for print preview and printing (possibly other
* things in future).
* Note that static documents are also "loaded as data" (if this method
* returns true, IsLoadedAsData() will also return true).
bool IsStaticDocument() const { return mIsStaticDocument; }
* Clones the document along with any subdocuments, stylesheet, etc.
* The resulting document and everything it contains (including any
* sub-documents) are created purely via cloning. The returned documents and
* any sub-documents are "loaded as data" documents to preserve the state as
* it was during the clone process (we don't want external resources to load
* and replace the cloned resources).
* @param aCloneContainer The container for the clone document.
* @param aDocumentViewer The viewer for the clone document. Must be the
* viewer of aCloneContainer, but callers must have a
* reference to it already and ensure it's not null.
* @param aPrintSettings The print settings for this clone.
* @param aOutHasInProcessPrintCallbacks Self-descriptive.
already_AddRefed<Document> CreateStaticClone(
nsIDocShell* aCloneContainer, nsIDocumentViewer* aDocumentViewer,
nsIPrintSettings* aPrintSettings, bool* aOutHasInProcessPrintCallbacks);
* If this document is a static clone, this returns the original
* document.
Document* GetOriginalDocument() const {
MOZ_ASSERT(!mOriginalDocument || !mOriginalDocument->GetOriginalDocument());
return mOriginalDocument;
* If this document is a static clone, let the original document know that
* we're going away and then release our reference to it.
void UnlinkOriginalDocumentIfStatic();
* These are called by the parser as it encounters <picture> tags, the end of
* said tags, and possible picture <source srcset> sources respectively. These
* are used to inform ResolvePreLoadImage() calls. Unset attributes are
* expected to be marked void.
* NOTE that the parser does not attempt to track the current picture nesting
* level or whether the given <source> tag is within a picture -- it is only
* guaranteed to order these calls properly with respect to
* ResolvePreLoadImage.
void PreloadPictureOpened() { mPreloadPictureDepth++; }
void PreloadPictureClosed();
void PreloadPictureImageSource(const nsAString& aSrcsetAttr,
const nsAString& aSizesAttr,
const nsAString& aTypeAttr,
const nsAString& aMediaAttr);
* Called by the parser to resolve an image for preloading. The parser will
* call the PreloadPicture* functions to inform us of possible <picture>
* nesting and possible sources, which are used to inform URL selection
* responsive <picture> or <img srcset> images. Unset attributes are expected
* to be marked void.
* If this image is for <picture> or <img srcset>, aIsImgSet will be set to
* true, false otherwise.
already_AddRefed<nsIURI> ResolvePreloadImage(nsIURI* aBaseURI,
const nsAString& aSrcAttr,
const nsAString& aSrcsetAttr,
const nsAString& aSizesAttr,
bool* aIsImgSet);
* Called by nsParser to preload images. Can be removed and code moved
* to nsPreloadURIs::PreloadURIs() in file nsParser.cpp whenever the
* parser-module is linked with gklayout-module. aCrossOriginAttr should
* be a void string if the attr is not present.
* aIsImgSet is the value got from calling ResolvePreloadImage, it is true
* when this image is for loading <picture> or <img srcset> images.
void MaybePreLoadImage(nsIURI* uri, const nsAString& aCrossOriginAttr,
ReferrerPolicyEnum aReferrerPolicy, bool aIsImgSet,
bool aLinkPreload, const nsAString& aFetchPriority);
void PreLoadImage(nsIURI* uri, const nsAString& aCrossOriginAttr,
ReferrerPolicyEnum aReferrerPolicy, bool aIsImgSet,
bool aLinkPreload, uint64_t aEarlyHintPreloaderId,
const nsAString& aFetchPriority);
* Called by images to forget an image preload when they start doing
* the real load.
void ForgetImagePreload(nsIURI* aURI);
* Called by the parser or the preload service to preload style sheets.
* aCrossOriginAttr should be a void string if the attr is not present.
SheetPreloadStatus PreloadStyle(nsIURI* aURI, const Encoding* aEncoding,
const nsAString& aCrossOriginAttr,
ReferrerPolicyEnum aReferrerPolicy,
const nsAString& aNonce,
const nsAString& aIntegrity,
uint64_t aEarlyHintPreloaderId,
const nsAString& aFetchPriority);
* Called by the chrome registry to load style sheets.
* This always does a synchronous load, and parses as a normal document sheet.
RefPtr<StyleSheet> LoadChromeSheetSync(nsIURI* aURI);
* Returns true if the locale used for the document specifies a direction of
* right to left. For chrome documents, this comes from the chrome registry.
* This is used to determine the current state for the :-moz-locale-dir
* pseudoclass so once can know whether a document is expected to be rendered
* left-to-right or right-to-left.
bool IsDocumentRightToLeft();
* Called by Parser for link rel=preconnect
void MaybePreconnect(nsIURI* uri, CORSMode aCORSMode);
* Set the document's pending state object (as serialized using structured
* clone).
void SetStateObject(nsIStructuredCloneContainer* scContainer);
* Set the document's pending state object to the same state object as
* aDocument.
void SetStateObjectFrom(Document* aDocument) {
* Returns true if there is a lightweight theme specified. This is used to
* determine the state of the :-moz-lwtheme pseudo-class.
bool ComputeDocumentLWTheme() const;
void ResetDocumentLWTheme() {
UpdateDocumentStates(DocumentState::LWTHEME, true);
// Whether we're a media document or not.
enum class MediaDocumentKind {
virtual enum MediaDocumentKind MediaDocumentKind() const {
return MediaDocumentKind::NotMedia;
DocumentState State() const { return mState; }
nsISupports* GetCurrentContentSink();
void ElementWithAutoFocusInserted(Element* aAutoFocusCandidate);
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT void FlushAutoFocusCandidates();
void ScheduleFlushAutoFocusCandidates();
bool HasAutoFocusCandidates() const {
return !mAutoFocusCandidates.IsEmpty();
void SetAutoFocusFired();
void SetScrollToRef(nsIURI* aDocumentURI);
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT void ScrollToRef();
void ResetScrolledToRefAlready() { mScrolledToRefAlready = false; }
void SetChangeScrollPosWhenScrollingToRef(bool aValue) {
mChangeScrollPosWhenScrollingToRef = aValue;
using DocumentOrShadowRoot::GetElementById;
using DocumentOrShadowRoot::GetElementsByClassName;
using DocumentOrShadowRoot::GetElementsByTagName;
using DocumentOrShadowRoot::GetElementsByTagNameNS;
DocumentTimeline* Timeline();
LinkedList<DocumentTimeline>& Timelines() { return mTimelines; }
void UpdateHiddenByContentVisibilityForAnimations();
SVGSVGElement* GetSVGRootElement() const;
nsresult ScheduleFrameRequestCallback(FrameRequestCallback& aCallback,
int32_t* aHandle);
void CancelFrameRequestCallback(int32_t aHandle);
* Returns true if the handle refers to a callback that was canceled that
* we did not find in our list of callbacks (e.g. because it is one of those
* in the set of callbacks currently queued to be run).
bool IsCanceledFrameRequestCallback(int32_t aHandle) const;
* Put this document's frame request callbacks into the provided
* list, and forget about them.
void TakeFrameRequestCallbacks(nsTArray<FrameRequest>& aCallbacks);
* @return true if this document's frame request callbacks should be
* throttled. We throttle requestAnimationFrame for documents which aren't
* visible (e.g. scrolled out of the viewport).
bool ShouldThrottleFrameRequests() const;
// This returns true when the document tree is being teared down.
bool InUnlinkOrDeletion() { return mInUnlinkOrDeletion; }
dom::ImageTracker* ImageTracker();
// Adds an element to mResponsiveContent when the element is
// added to the tree.
void AddResponsiveContent(HTMLImageElement* aContent) {
// Removes an element from mResponsiveContent when the element is
// removed from the tree.
void RemoveResponsiveContent(HTMLImageElement* aContent) {
void ScheduleSVGUseElementShadowTreeUpdate(SVGUseElement&);
void UnscheduleSVGUseElementShadowTreeUpdate(SVGUseElement& aElement) {
bool SVGUseElementNeedsShadowTreeUpdate(SVGUseElement& aElement) const {
return mSVGUseElementsNeedingShadowTreeUpdate.Contains(&aElement);
using ShadowRootSet = nsTHashSet<ShadowRoot*>;
void AddComposedDocShadowRoot(ShadowRoot& aShadowRoot) {
void RemoveComposedDocShadowRoot(ShadowRoot& aShadowRoot) {
// If you're considering using this, you probably want to use
// ShadowRoot::IsComposedDocParticipant instead. This is just for
// sanity-checking.
bool IsComposedDocShadowRoot(ShadowRoot& aShadowRoot) {
return mComposedShadowRoots.Contains(&aShadowRoot);
const ShadowRootSet& ComposedShadowRoots() const {
return mComposedShadowRoots;
// WebIDL method for chrome code.
void GetConnectedShadowRoots(nsTArray<RefPtr<ShadowRoot>>&) const;
// Notifies any responsive content added by AddResponsiveContent upon media
// features values changing.
void NotifyMediaFeatureValuesChanged();
nsresult GetStateObject(JS::MutableHandle<JS::Value> aState);
nsDOMNavigationTiming* GetNavigationTiming() const { return mTiming; }
void SetNavigationTiming(nsDOMNavigationTiming* aTiming);
nsContentList* ImageMapList();
// Add aLink to the set of links that need their status resolved.
void RegisterPendingLinkUpdate(Link* aLink);
// Update state on links in mLinksToUpdate.
void FlushPendingLinkUpdates();
bool HasWarnedAbout(DeprecatedOperations aOperation) const;
void WarnOnceAbout(
DeprecatedOperations aOperation, bool asError = false,
const nsTArray<nsString>& aParams = nsTArray<nsString>()) const;
#define DOCUMENT_WARNING(_op) e##_op,
enum DocumentWarnings {
#include "nsDocumentWarningList.h"
bool HasWarnedAbout(DocumentWarnings aWarning) const;
void WarnOnceAbout(
DocumentWarnings aWarning, bool asError = false,
const nsTArray<nsString>& aParams = nsTArray<nsString>()) const;
// This method may fire a DOM event; if it does so it will happen
// synchronously.
// Whether the event fires is controlled by the argument.
enum class DispatchVisibilityChange { No, Yes };
void UpdateVisibilityState(
DispatchVisibilityChange = DispatchVisibilityChange::Yes);
// Posts an event to call UpdateVisibilityState.
void PostVisibilityUpdateEvent();
bool IsSyntheticDocument() const { return mIsSyntheticDocument; }
// Adds the size of a given node, which must not be a document node, to the
// window sizes passed-in.
static void AddSizeOfNodeTree(nsINode&, nsWindowSizes&);
// Note: Document is a sub-class of nsINode, which has a
// SizeOfExcludingThis function. However, because Document objects can
// only appear at the top of the DOM tree, we have a specialized measurement
// function which returns multiple sizes.
virtual void DocAddSizeOfExcludingThis(nsWindowSizes& aWindowSizes) const;
// DocAddSizeOfIncludingThis doesn't need to be overridden by sub-classes
// because Document inherits from nsINode; see the comment above the
// declaration of nsINode::SizeOfIncludingThis.
virtual void DocAddSizeOfIncludingThis(nsWindowSizes& aWindowSizes) const;
void ConstructUbiNode(void* storage) override;
bool MayHaveDOMMutationObservers() { return mMayHaveDOMMutationObservers; }
void SetMayHaveDOMMutationObservers() { mMayHaveDOMMutationObservers = true; }
bool MayHaveAnimationObservers() { return mMayHaveAnimationObservers; }
void SetMayHaveAnimationObservers() { mMayHaveAnimationObservers = true; }
bool IsInSyncOperation() { return mInSyncOperationCount != 0; }
void SetIsInSyncOperation(bool aSync);
bool CreatingStaticClone() const { return mCreatingStaticClone; }
* Creates a new element in the HTML namespace with a local name given by
* aTag.
already_AddRefed<Element> CreateHTMLElement(nsAtom* aTag);
nsIGlobalObject* GetParentObject() const { return GetScopeObject(); }
static already_AddRefed<Document> Constructor(const GlobalObject& aGlobal,
ErrorResult& rv);
DOMImplementation* GetImplementation(ErrorResult& rv);
[[nodiscard]] nsresult GetURL(nsString& retval) const;
[[nodiscard]] nsresult GetDocumentURI(nsString& retval) const;
// Return the URI for the document.
// The returned value may differ if the document is loaded via XHR, and
// when accessed from chrome privileged script and
// from content privileged script for compatibility.
void GetDocumentURIFromJS(nsString& aDocumentURI, CallerType aCallerType,
ErrorResult& aRv) const;
void GetCompatMode(nsString& retval) const;
void GetCharacterSet(nsAString& retval) const;
// Skip GetContentType, because our NS_IMETHOD version above works fine here.
// GetDoctype defined above
Element* GetDocumentElement() const { return GetRootElement(); }
WindowContext* GetTopLevelWindowContext() const;
// If the top-level ancestor content document for this document is in the same
// process, returns it. Otherwise, returns null. This function is not
// Fission-compatible, and should not be used in new code.
Document* GetTopLevelContentDocumentIfSameProcess();
const Document* GetTopLevelContentDocumentIfSameProcess() const;
// Returns the associated app window if this is a top-level chrome document,
// null otherwise.
already_AddRefed<nsIAppWindow> GetAppWindowIfToplevelChrome() const;
already_AddRefed<Element> CreateElement(
const nsAString& aTagName, const ElementCreationOptionsOrString& aOptions,
ErrorResult& rv);
already_AddRefed<Element> CreateElementNS(
const nsAString& aNamespaceURI, const nsAString& aQualifiedName,
const ElementCreationOptionsOrString& aOptions, ErrorResult& rv);
already_AddRefed<Element> CreateXULElement(
const nsAString& aTagName, const ElementCreationOptionsOrString& aOptions,
ErrorResult& aRv);
already_AddRefed<DocumentFragment> CreateDocumentFragment() const;
already_AddRefed<nsTextNode> CreateTextNode(const nsAString& aData) const;
already_AddRefed<nsTextNode> CreateEmptyTextNode() const;
already_AddRefed<Comment> CreateComment(const nsAString& aData) const;
already_AddRefed<ProcessingInstruction> CreateProcessingInstruction(
const nsAString& target, const nsAString& data, ErrorResult& rv) const;
already_AddRefed<nsINode> ImportNode(nsINode& aNode, bool aDeep,
ErrorResult& rv) const;
// TODO: Convert this to MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT (bug 1415230)
nsINode& aAdoptedNode, ErrorResult& rv, bool aAcceptShadowRoot = false);
already_AddRefed<Event> CreateEvent(const nsAString& aEventType,
CallerType aCallerType,
ErrorResult& rv) const;
already_AddRefed<nsRange> CreateRange(ErrorResult& rv);
already_AddRefed<NodeIterator> CreateNodeIterator(nsINode& aRoot,
uint32_t aWhatToShow,
NodeFilter* aFilter,
ErrorResult& rv) const;
already_AddRefed<TreeWalker> CreateTreeWalker(nsINode& aRoot,
uint32_t aWhatToShow,
NodeFilter* aFilter,
ErrorResult& rv) const;
// Deprecated WebIDL bits
already_AddRefed<CDATASection> CreateCDATASection(const nsAString& aData,
ErrorResult& rv);
already_AddRefed<Attr> CreateAttribute(const nsAString& aName,
ErrorResult& rv);
already_AddRefed<Attr> CreateAttributeNS(const nsAString& aNamespaceURI,
const nsAString& aQualifiedName,
ErrorResult& rv);
void GetInputEncoding(nsAString& aInputEncoding) const;
already_AddRefed<Location> GetLocation() const;
void GetDomain(nsAString& aDomain);
void SetDomain(const nsAString& aDomain, mozilla::ErrorResult& rv);
void GetCookie(nsAString& aCookie, mozilla::ErrorResult& rv);
void SetCookie(const nsAString& aCookie, mozilla::ErrorResult& rv);
void GetReferrer(nsAString& aReferrer) const;
void GetLastModified(nsAString& aLastModified) const;
void GetReadyState(nsAString& aReadyState) const;
void GetTitle(nsAString& aTitle);
void SetTitle(const nsAString& aTitle, ErrorResult& rv);
void GetDir(nsAString& aDirection) const;
void SetDir(const nsAString& aDirection);
nsIHTMLCollection* Images();
nsIHTMLCollection* Embeds();
nsIHTMLCollection* Plugins() { return Embeds(); }
nsIHTMLCollection* Links();
nsIHTMLCollection* Forms();
nsIHTMLCollection* Scripts();
already_AddRefed<nsContentList> GetElementsByName(const nsAString& aName) {
return GetFuncStringContentList<nsCachableElementsByNameNodeList>(
this, MatchNameAttribute, nullptr, UseExistingNameString, aName);
Document* Open(const mozilla::dom::Optional<nsAString>& /* unused */,
const mozilla::dom::Optional<nsAString>& /* unused */,
mozilla::ErrorResult& aError);
mozilla::dom::Nullable<mozilla::dom::WindowProxyHolder> Open(
const nsAString& aURL, const nsAString& aName, const nsAString& aFeatures,
mozilla::ErrorResult& rv);
void Close(mozilla::ErrorResult& rv);
void Write(const mozilla::dom::Sequence<nsString>& aText,
mozilla::ErrorResult& rv);
void Writeln(const mozilla::dom::Sequence<nsString>& aText,
mozilla::ErrorResult& rv);
Nullable<WindowProxyHolder> GetDefaultView() const;
Element* GetActiveElement();
enum class IncludeChromeOnly : bool { No, Yes };
// TODO(emilio): Audit callers and remove the default argument, some seem like
// they could want the IncludeChromeOnly::Yes version.
nsIContent* GetUnretargetedFocusedContent(
IncludeChromeOnly = IncludeChromeOnly::No) const;
* Return true if this document or a subdocument has focus.
bool HasFocus(ErrorResult& rv) const;
* Return true if this document itself has focus.
bool ThisDocumentHasFocus() const;
void GetDesignMode(nsAString& aDesignMode);
void SetDesignMode(const nsAString& aDesignMode,
nsIPrincipal& aSubjectPrincipal, mozilla::ErrorResult& rv);
void SetDesignMode(const nsAString& aDesignMode,
const mozilla::Maybe<nsIPrincipal*>& aSubjectPrincipal,
mozilla::ErrorResult& rv);
bool ExecCommand(const nsAString& aHTMLCommandName, bool aShowUI,
const nsAString& aValue, nsIPrincipal& aSubjectPrincipal,
mozilla::ErrorResult& aRv);
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT bool QueryCommandEnabled(const nsAString& aHTMLCommandName,
nsIPrincipal& aSubjectPrincipal,
mozilla::ErrorResult& aRv);
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT bool QueryCommandIndeterm(
const nsAString& aHTMLCommandName, mozilla::ErrorResult& aRv);
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT bool QueryCommandState(const nsAString& aHTMLCommandName,
mozilla::ErrorResult& aRv);
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT bool QueryCommandSupported(
const nsAString& aHTMLCommandName, mozilla::dom::CallerType aCallerType,
mozilla::ErrorResult& aRv);
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT void QueryCommandValue(const nsAString& aHTMLCommandName,
nsAString& aValue,
mozilla::ErrorResult& aRv);
nsIHTMLCollection* Applets();
nsIHTMLCollection* Anchors();
TimeStamp LastFocusTime() const;
void SetLastFocusTime(const TimeStamp& aFocusTime);
// Event handlers are all on nsINode already
bool MozSyntheticDocument() const { return IsSyntheticDocument(); }
Element* GetCurrentScript();
void ReleaseCapture() const;
void MozSetImageElement(const nsAString& aImageElementId, Element* aElement);
nsIURI* GetDocumentURIObject() const;
// Not const because all the fullscreen goop is not const
const char* GetFullscreenError(CallerType);
bool FullscreenEnabled(CallerType aCallerType) {
return !GetFullscreenError(aCallerType);
void GetWireframeWithoutFlushing(bool aIncludeNodes, Nullable<Wireframe>&);
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT void GetWireframe(bool aIncludeNodes,
// Hides all popovers until the given end point, see
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT void HideAllPopoversUntil(nsINode& aEndpoint,
bool aFocusPreviousElement,
bool aFireEvents);
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT_BOUNDARY void HideAllPopoversWithoutRunningScript();
// Hides the given popover element, see
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT void HidePopover(Element& popover,
bool aFocusPreviousElement,
bool aFireEvents, ErrorResult& aRv);
// Returns a list of all the elements in the Document's top layer whose
// popover attribute is in the auto state.
// See
nsTArray<Element*> AutoPopoverList() const;
// Return document's auto popover list's last element.
// See
Element* GetTopmostAutoPopover() const;
// Adds/removes an element to/from the auto popover list.
void AddToAutoPopoverList(Element&);
void RemoveFromAutoPopoverList(Element&);
void AddPopoverToTopLayer(Element&);
void RemovePopoverFromTopLayer(Element&);
Element* GetTopLayerTop();
// Return the fullscreen element in the top layer
Element* GetUnretargetedFullscreenElement() const;
bool Fullscreen() const { return !!GetUnretargetedFullscreenElement(); }
already_AddRefed<Promise> ExitFullscreen(ErrorResult&);
void ExitPointerLock() { PointerLockManager::Unlock(this); }
void GetFgColor(nsAString& aFgColor);
void SetFgColor(const nsAString& aFgColor);
void GetLinkColor(nsAString& aLinkColor);
void SetLinkColor(const nsAString& aLinkColor);
void GetVlinkColor(nsAString& aAvlinkColor);
void SetVlinkColor(const nsAString& aVlinkColor);
void GetAlinkColor(nsAString& aAlinkColor);
void SetAlinkColor(const nsAString& aAlinkColor);
void GetBgColor(nsAString& aBgColor);
void SetBgColor(const nsAString& aBgColor);
void Clear() const {
// Deprecated
void CaptureEvents();
void ReleaseEvents();
mozilla::dom::HTMLAllCollection* All();
static bool DocumentSupportsL10n(JSContext* aCx, JSObject* aObject);
static bool AreWebAnimationsTimelinesEnabled(JSContext* aCx,
JSObject* aObject);
// Checks that the caller is either chrome or some addon.
static bool IsCallerChromeOrAddon(JSContext* aCx, JSObject* aObject);
bool Hidden() const { return mVisibilityState != VisibilityState::Visible; }
dom::VisibilityState VisibilityState() const { return mVisibilityState; }
void GetSelectedStyleSheetSet(nsAString& aSheetSet);
void SetSelectedStyleSheetSet(const nsAString& aSheetSet);
void GetLastStyleSheetSet(nsAString& aSheetSet) {
aSheetSet = mLastStyleSheetSet;
const nsString& GetCurrentStyleSheetSet() const {
return mLastStyleSheetSet.IsEmpty() ? mPreferredStyleSheetSet
: mLastStyleSheetSet;
void SetPreferredStyleSheetSet(const nsAString&);
void GetPreferredStyleSheetSet(nsAString& aSheetSet) {
aSheetSet = mPreferredStyleSheetSet;
DOMStringList* StyleSheetSets();
void EnableStyleSheetsForSet(const nsAString& aSheetSet);
* Retrieve the location of the caret position (DOM node and character
* offset within that node), given a point.
* @param aX Horizontal point at which to determine the caret position, in
* page coordinates.
* @param aY Vertical point at which to determine the caret position, in
* page coordinates.
already_AddRefed<nsDOMCaretPosition> CaretPositionFromPoint(float aX,
float aY);
Element* GetScrollingElement();
// A way to check whether a given element is what would get returned from
// GetScrollingElement. It can be faster than comparing to the return value
// of GetScrollingElement() due to being able to avoid flushes in various
// cases. This method assumes that null is NOT passed.
bool IsScrollingElement(Element* aElement);
// QuerySelector and QuerySelectorAll already defined on nsINode
UniquePtr<XPathExpression> CreateExpression(const nsAString& aExpression,
XPathNSResolver* aResolver,
ErrorResult& rv);
nsINode* CreateNSResolver(nsINode& aNodeResolver);
already_AddRefed<XPathResult> Evaluate(
JSContext* aCx, const nsAString& aExpression, nsINode& aContextNode,
XPathNSResolver* aResolver, uint16_t aType, JS::Handle<JSObject*> aResult,
ErrorResult& rv);
// Touch event handlers already on nsINode
already_AddRefed<Touch> CreateTouch(nsGlobalWindowInner* aView,
EventTarget* aTarget, int32_t aIdentifier,
int32_t aPageX, int32_t aPageY,
int32_t aScreenX, int32_t aScreenY,
int32_t aClientX, int32_t aClientY,
int32_t aRadiusX, int32_t aRadiusY,
float aRotationAngle, float aForce);
already_AddRefed<TouchList> CreateTouchList();
already_AddRefed<TouchList> CreateTouchList(
Touch& aTouch, const Sequence<OwningNonNull<Touch>>& aTouches);
already_AddRefed<TouchList> CreateTouchList(
const Sequence<OwningNonNull<Touch>>& aTouches);
void SetStyleSheetChangeEventsEnabled(bool aValue) {
mStyleSheetChangeEventsEnabled = aValue;
bool StyleSheetChangeEventsEnabled() const {
return mStyleSheetChangeEventsEnabled;
void SetDevToolsAnonymousAndShadowEventsEnabled(bool aValue) {
mDevToolsAnonymousAndShadowEventsEnabled = aValue;
bool DevToolsAnonymousAndShadowEventsEnabled() const {
return mDevToolsAnonymousAndShadowEventsEnabled;
already_AddRefed<Promise> BlockParsing(Promise& aPromise,
const BlockParsingOptions& aOptions,
ErrorResult& aRv);
already_AddRefed<nsIURI> GetMozDocumentURIIfNotForErrorPages();
Promise* GetDocumentReadyForIdle(ErrorResult& aRv);
void BlockUnblockOnloadForSystemOrPDFJS(bool aBlock) {
if (aBlock) {
} else {
UnblockOnload(/* aFireSync = */ false);
nsIDOMXULCommandDispatcher* GetCommandDispatcher();
bool HasXULBroadcastManager() const { return mXULBroadcastManager; };
void InitializeXULBroadcastManager();
XULBroadcastManager* GetXULBroadcastManager() const {
return mXULBroadcastManager;
nsINode* GetPopupRangeParent(ErrorResult& aRv);
int32_t GetPopupRangeOffset(ErrorResult& aRv);
bool DevToolsWatchingDOMMutations() const {
return mDevToolsWatchingDOMMutations;
void SetDevToolsWatchingDOMMutations(bool aValue);
void MaybeWarnAboutZoom();
void EvaluateMediaQueriesAndReportChanges(bool aRecurse);
nsTHashSet<RefPtr<WakeLockSentinel>>& ActiveWakeLocks(WakeLockType aType);
void UnlockAllWakeLocks(WakeLockType aType);
// ParentNode
nsIHTMLCollection* Children();
uint32_t ChildElementCount();
* Asserts IsHTMLOrXHTML, and can't return null.
* Defined inline in nsHTMLDocument.h
inline nsHTMLDocument* AsHTMLDocument();
inline const nsHTMLDocument* AsHTMLDocument() const;
* Asserts IsSVGDocument, and can't return null.
* Defined inline in SVGDocument.h
inline SVGDocument* AsSVGDocument();
inline const SVGDocument* AsSVGDocument() const;
* Asserts IsImageDocument, and can't return null.
* Defined inline in ImageDocument.h
inline ImageDocument* AsImageDocument();
inline const ImageDocument* AsImageDocument() const;
gfxUserFontSet* GetUserFontSet();
void FlushUserFontSet();
void MarkUserFontSetDirty();
FontFaceSet* GetFonts() { return mFontFaceSet; }
// FontFaceSource
FontFaceSet* GetFonts(ErrorResult&) { return Fonts(); }
FontFaceSet* Fonts();
bool DidFireDOMContentLoaded() const { return mDidFireDOMContentLoaded; }
bool IsSynthesized();
// Records whether we will track use counters for this document, and if so,
// which top-level document that page counters will be accumulated to.
// Informs the parent process that page use counters will be sent once the
// document goes away.
void InitUseCounters();
// Reports document use counters via telemetry. This method only has an
// effect once per document, and so is called during document destruction.
void ReportDocumentUseCounters();
// Reports largest contentful paint via telemetry. We want the most up to
// date value for LCP and so this is called during document destruction.
void ReportLCP();
// Report how lazyload performs for this document.
void ReportDocumentLazyLoadCounters();
// Sends page use counters to the parent process to accumulate against the
// top-level document. Must be called while we still have access to our
// WindowContext. This method has an effect each time it is called, and we
// call it just before the document loses its window.
void SendPageUseCounters();
void SetUseCounter(UseCounter aUseCounter) {
mUseCounters[aUseCounter] = true;
const StyleUseCounters* GetStyleUseCounters() {
return mStyleUseCounters.get();
// Propagate our use counters explicitly into the specified referencing
// document.
// This is used for SVG image documents, which cannot be enumerated in the
// referencing document's ReportUseCounters() like external resource documents
// can.
void PropagateImageUseCounters(Document* aReferencingDocument);
// Called to track whether this document has had any interaction.
// This is used to track whether we should permit "beforeunload".
void SetUserHasInteracted();
bool UserHasInteracted() { return mUserHasInteracted; }
void ResetUserInteractionTimer();
// Whether we're cloning the contents of an SVG use element.
bool CloningForSVGUse() const { return mCloningForSVGUse; }
// This should be called when this document receives events which are likely
// to be user interaction with the document, rather than the byproduct of
// interaction with the browser (i.e. a keypress to scroll the view port,
// keyboard shortcuts, etc). This is used to decide whether we should
// permit autoplay audible media. This also gesture activates all other
// content documents in this tab.
void NotifyUserGestureActivation(
UserActivation::Modifiers aModifiers = UserActivation::Modifiers::None());
// This function is used for mochitest only.
void ClearUserGestureActivation();
// Return true if NotifyUserGestureActivation() has been called on any
// document in the document tree.
bool HasBeenUserGestureActivated();
// Reture timestamp of last user gesture in milliseconds relative to
// navigation start timestamp.
DOMHighResTimeStamp LastUserGestureTimeStamp();
// Return true if there is transient user gesture activation and it hasn't yet
// timed out or hasn't been consumed.
bool HasValidTransientUserGestureActivation() const;
// Return true if HasValidTransientUserGestureActivation() would return true,
// and consume the activation.
bool ConsumeTransientUserGestureActivation();
bool GetTransientUserGestureActivationModifiers(
UserActivation::Modifiers* aModifiers);
BrowsingContext* GetBrowsingContext() const;
// This document is a WebExtension page, it might be a background page, a
// popup, a visible tab, a visible iframe ...e.t.c.
bool IsExtensionPage() const;
bool HasScriptsBlockedBySandbox() const;
void ReportHasScrollLinkedEffect(const TimeStamp& aTimeStamp);
bool HasScrollLinkedEffect() const;
#ifdef DEBUG
void AssertDocGroupMatchesKey() const;
DocGroup* GetDocGroup() const {
#ifdef DEBUG
return mDocGroup;
DocGroup* GetDocGroupOrCreate();
* If we're a sub-document, the parent document's layout can affect our style
* and layout (due to the viewport size, viewport units, media queries...).
* This function returns true if our parent document and our child document
* can observe each other. If they cannot, then we don't need to synchronously
* update the parent document layout every time the child document may need
* up-to-date layout information.
bool StyleOrLayoutObservablyDependsOnParentDocumentLayout() const {
return GetInProcessParentDocument() &&
GetDocGroup() == GetInProcessParentDocument()->GetDocGroup();
void AddIntersectionObserver(DOMIntersectionObserver* aObserver) {
"Intersection observer already in the list");
void RemoveIntersectionObserver(DOMIntersectionObserver* aObserver) {
bool HasIntersectionObservers() const {
return !mIntersectionObservers.IsEmpty();
void UpdateIntersectionObservations(TimeStamp aNowTime);
void ScheduleIntersectionObserverNotification();
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT void NotifyIntersectionObservers();
DOMIntersectionObserver* GetLazyLoadObserver() { return mLazyLoadObserver; }
DOMIntersectionObserver& EnsureLazyLoadObserver();
ResizeObserver* GetLastRememberedSizeObserver() {
return mLastRememberedSizeObserver;
ResizeObserver& EnsureLastRememberedSizeObserver();
void ObserveForLastRememberedSize(Element&);
void UnobserveForLastRememberedSize(Element&);
// Dispatch a runnable related to the document.
nsresult Dispatch(already_AddRefed<nsIRunnable>&& aRunnable) const;
// The URLs passed to this function should match what
// JS::DescribeScriptedCaller() returns, since this API is used to
// determine whether some code is being called from a tracking script.
void NoteScriptTrackingStatus(const nsACString& aURL, bool isTracking);
// The JSContext passed to this method represents the context that we want to
// determine if it belongs to a tracker.
bool IsScriptTracking(JSContext* aCx) const;
// ResizeObserver usage.
void AddResizeObserver(ResizeObserver&);
void RemoveResizeObserver(ResizeObserver&);
void ScheduleResizeObserversNotification() const;
bool HasResizeObservers() const { return !mResizeObservers.IsEmpty(); }
* Calls GatherActiveObservations(aDepth) for all ResizeObservers.
* All observations in each ResizeObserver with element's depth more than
* aDepth will be gathered.
void GatherAllActiveResizeObservations(uint32_t aDepth);
* Calls BroadcastActiveObservations() for all ResizeObservers.
* It also returns the shallowest depth of observed target elements with
* active observations from all ResizeObservers or
* numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max() if there aren't any active observations
* at all.
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT uint32_t BroadcastAllActiveResizeObservations();
* Returns whether there is any ResizeObserver that has active
* observations.
bool HasAnyActiveResizeObservations() const;
* Returns whether there is any ResizeObserver that has skipped observations.
bool HasAnySkippedResizeObservations() const;
* Determine proximity to viewport for content-visibility: auto elements and
* notify resize observers.
// Getter for PermissionDelegateHandler. Performs lazy initialization.
PermissionDelegateHandler* GetPermissionDelegateHandler();
// Notify the document that a fetch or a XHR request has completed
// succesfully in this document. This is used by the password manager to infer
// whether a form is submitted.
void NotifyFetchOrXHRSuccess();
// Set whether NotifyFetchOrXHRSuccess should dispatch an event.
void SetNotifyFetchSuccess(bool aShouldNotify);
// When this is set, removing a form or a password field from DOM
// sends a Chrome-only event. This is now only used by the password manager
// and formautofill.
void SetNotifyFormOrPasswordRemoved(bool aShouldNotify);
// This function is used by HTMLFormElement and HTMLInputElement to determin
// whether to send an event when it is removed from DOM.
bool ShouldNotifyFormOrPasswordRemoved() const {
return mShouldNotifyFormOrPasswordRemoved;
HTMLEditor* GetHTMLEditor() const;
* Localization
* For more information on DocumentL10n see
* intl/l10n/docs/fluent/tutorial.rst
* This is a public method exposed on Document WebIDL
* to chrome only documents.
DocumentL10n* GetL10n() const { return mDocumentL10n.get(); }
* Whether there's any async l10n mutation work pending.
* When this turns false, we fire the L10nMutationsFinished event.
bool HasPendingL10nMutations() const;
* This method should be called when the container
* of l10n resources parsing is completed.
* It triggers initial async fetch of the resources
* as early as possible.
* In HTML case this is </head>.
* In XUL case this is </linkset>.
void OnL10nResourceContainerParsed();
* This method should be called when a link element
* with rel="localization" is being added to the
* l10n resource container element.
void LocalizationLinkAdded(Element* aLinkElement);
* This method should be called when a link element
* with rel="localization" is being removed.
void LocalizationLinkRemoved(Element* aLinkElement);
* This method should be called as soon as the
* parsing of the document is completed.
* In HTML/XHTML this happens when we finish parsing
* the document element.
* In XUL it happens at `DoneWalking`, during
* `MozBeforeInitialXULLayout`.
void OnParsingCompleted();
* This method is called when the initial translation
* of the document is completed.
* It unblocks the load event if translation was blocking it.
* If the `aL10nCached` is set to `true`, and the document has
* a prototype, it will set the `isL10nCached` flag on it.
void InitialTranslationCompleted(bool aL10nCached);
* Returns whether the document allows localization.
bool AllowsL10n() const;
void SetAllowDeclarativeShadowRoots(bool aAllowDeclarativeShadowRoots);
bool AllowsDeclarativeShadowRoots() const;
RefPtr<DocumentL10n> mDocumentL10n;
* Return true when you want a document without explicitly specified viewport
* dimensions/scale to be treated as if "width=device-width" had in fact been
* specified.
virtual bool UseWidthDeviceWidthFallbackViewport() const;
bool IsErrorPage() const;
// Takes the bits from mStyleUseCounters if appropriate, and sets them in
// mUseCounters.
void SetCssUseCounterBits();
void ParseWidthAndHeightInMetaViewport(const nsAString& aWidthString,
const nsAString& aHeightString,
bool aIsAutoScale);
// Parse scale values in viewport meta tag for a given |aHeaderField| which
// represents the scale property and returns the scale value if it's valid.
Maybe<LayoutDeviceToScreenScale> ParseScaleInHeader(nsAtom* aHeaderField);
// Parse scale values in |aViewportMetaData| and set the values in
// mScaleMinFloat, mScaleMaxFloat and mScaleFloat respectively.
void ParseScalesInViewportMetaData(const ViewportMetaData& aViewportMetaData);
// Get parent FeaturePolicy from container. The parent FeaturePolicy is
// stored in parent iframe or container's browsingContext (cross process)
already_AddRefed<mozilla::dom::FeaturePolicy> GetParentFeaturePolicy();
const OriginTrials& Trials() const { return mTrials; }
void DoCacheAllKnownLangPrefs();
void RecomputeLanguageFromCharset();
bool GetSHEntryHasUserInteraction();
void AppendAutoFocusCandidateToTopDocument(Element* aAutoFocusCandidate);
void SetMayNeedFontPrefsUpdate() { mMayNeedFontPrefsUpdate = true; }
bool MayNeedFontPrefsUpdate() { return mMayNeedFontPrefsUpdate; }
void SetSHEntryHasUserInteraction(bool aHasInteraction);
nsAtom* GetContentLanguageAsAtomForStyle() const;
nsAtom* GetLanguageForStyle() const;
* Fetch the user's font preferences for the given aLanguage's
* language group.
const LangGroupFontPrefs* GetFontPrefsForLang(
nsAtom* aLanguage, bool* aNeedsToCache = nullptr) const;
void ForceCacheLang(nsAtom* aLanguage) {
if (!mLanguagesUsed.EnsureInserted(aLanguage)) {
void CacheAllKnownLangPrefs() {
if (!mMayNeedFontPrefsUpdate) {
nsINode* GetServoRestyleRoot() const { return mServoRestyleRoot; }
uint32_t GetServoRestyleRootDirtyBits() const {
return mServoRestyleRootDirtyBits;
void ClearServoRestyleRoot() {
mServoRestyleRoot = nullptr;
mServoRestyleRootDirtyBits = 0;
inline void SetServoRestyleRoot(nsINode* aRoot, uint32_t aDirtyBits);
inline void SetServoRestyleRootDirtyBits(uint32_t aDirtyBits);
bool ShouldThrowOnDynamicMarkupInsertion() {
return mThrowOnDynamicMarkupInsertionCounter;
void IncrementThrowOnDynamicMarkupInsertionCounter() {
void DecrementThrowOnDynamicMarkupInsertionCounter() {
bool ShouldIgnoreOpens() const { return mIgnoreOpensDuringUnloadCounter; }
void IncrementIgnoreOpensDuringUnloadCounter() {
void DecrementIgnoreOpensDuringUnloadCounter() {
mozilla::dom::FeaturePolicy* FeaturePolicy() const;
* Find the (non-anonymous) content in this document for aFrame. It will
* be aFrame's content node if that content is in this document and not
* anonymous. Otherwise, when aFrame is in a subdocument, we use the frame
* element containing the subdocument containing aFrame, and/or find the
* nearest non-anonymous ancestor in this document.
* Returns null if there is no such element.
nsIContent* GetContentInThisDocument(nsIFrame* aFrame) const;
void ReportShadowDOMUsage();
// Sets flags for media telemetry.
void SetDocTreeHadMedia();
dom::XPathEvaluator* XPathEvaluator();
void MaybeInitializeFinalizeFrameLoaders();
void SetDelayFrameLoaderInitialization(bool aDelayFrameLoaderInitialization) {
mDelayFrameLoaderInitialization = aDelayFrameLoaderInitialization;
void SetPrototypeDocument(nsXULPrototypeDocument* aPrototype);
nsIPermissionDelegateHandler* PermDelegateHandler();
// Returns whether this is a top-level about:blank page without an opener (and
// thus likely not accessible by content). Likely because it shouldn't be used
// for security checks for example, see bug 1860098.
bool IsLikelyContentInaccessibleTopLevelAboutBlank() const;
// CSS prefers-color-scheme media feature for this document.
enum class IgnoreRFP { No, Yes };
ColorScheme PreferredColorScheme(IgnoreRFP = IgnoreRFP::No) const;
// Returns the initial color-scheme used for this document based on the
// color-scheme meta tag.
ColorScheme DefaultColorScheme() const;
static bool HasRecentlyStartedForegroundLoads();
static bool AutomaticStorageAccessPermissionCanBeGranted(
nsIPrincipal* aPrincipal);
already_AddRefed<Promise> AddCertException(bool aIsTemporary,
ErrorResult& aError);
void ReloadWithHttpsOnlyException();
// Subframes need to be static cloned after the main document has been
// embedded within a script global. A `PendingFrameStaticClone` is a static
// clone which has not yet been performed.
// The getter returns a direct reference to an internal array which is
// manipulated from within printing code.
struct PendingFrameStaticClone {
PendingFrameStaticClone() = default;
PendingFrameStaticClone(PendingFrameStaticClone&&) = default;
PendingFrameStaticClone& operator=(PendingFrameStaticClone&&) = default;
RefPtr<nsFrameLoaderOwner> mElement;
RefPtr<nsFrameLoader> mStaticCloneOf;
void AddPendingFrameStaticClone(nsFrameLoaderOwner* aElement,
nsFrameLoader* aStaticCloneOf);
bool ShouldAvoidNativeTheme() const;
static bool IsValidDomain(nsIURI* aOrigHost, nsIURI* aNewURI);
// Inform a parent document that a BrowserBridgeChild has been created for
// an OOP sub-document.
// (This is the OOP counterpart to nsDocLoader::ChildEnteringOnload)
void OOPChildLoadStarted(BrowserBridgeChild* aChild);
// Inform a parent document that the BrowserBridgeChild for one of its
// OOP sub-documents is done calling its onload handler.
// (This is the OOP counterpart to nsDocLoader::ChildDoneWithOnload)
void OOPChildLoadDone(BrowserBridgeChild* aChild);
void ClearOOPChildrenLoading();
bool HasOOPChildrenLoading() { return !mOOPChildrenLoading.IsEmpty(); }
void SetDidHitCompleteSheetCache() { mDidHitCompleteSheetCache = true; }
bool DidHitCompleteSheetCache() const { return mDidHitCompleteSheetCache; }
* Get the `HighlightRegistry` which contains all highlights associated
* with this document.
class HighlightRegistry& HighlightRegistry();
bool ShouldResistFingerprinting(RFPTarget aTarget) const;
bool IsInPrivateBrowsing() const;
const Maybe<RFPTarget>& GetOverriddenFingerprintingSettings() const {
return mOverriddenFingerprintingSettings;
// Recompute the current resist fingerprinting state. Returns true when
// the state was changed.
bool RecomputeResistFingerprinting();
void RecordCanvasUsage(CanvasUsage& aUsage);
void RecordFontFingerprinting();
bool MayHaveDOMActivateListeners() const;
void DropStyleSet();
// Returns the WindowContext for the document that we will contribute
// page use counters to.
WindowContext* GetWindowContextForPageUseCounters() const;
void DoUpdateSVGUseElementShadowTrees();
already_AddRefed<nsIPrincipal> MaybeDowngradePrincipal(
nsIPrincipal* aPrincipal);
void EnsureOnloadBlocker();
void SendToConsole(nsCOMArray<nsISecurityConsoleMessage>& aMessages);
// Returns true if the scheme for the url for this document is "about".
bool IsAboutPage() const;
bool ContainsEMEContent();
bool ContainsMSEContent();
* Returns the title element of the document as defined by the HTML
* specification, or null if there isn't one. For documents whose root
* element is an <svg:svg>, this is the first <svg:title> element that's a
* child of the root. For other documents, it's the first HTML title element
* in the document.
Element* GetTitleElement();
void RecordNavigationTiming(ReadyState aReadyState);
// Recomputes the visibility state but doesn't set the new value.
dom::VisibilityState ComputeVisibilityState() const;
// Since we wouldn't automatically play media from non-visited page, we need
// to notify window when the page was first visited.
void MaybeActiveMediaComponents();
// Apply the fullscreen state to the document, and trigger related
// events. It returns false if the fullscreen element ready check
// fails and nothing gets changed.
bool ApplyFullscreen(UniquePtr<FullscreenRequest>);
void RemoveDocStyleSheetsFromStyleSets();
void ResetStylesheetsToURI(nsIURI* aURI);
void FillStyleSet();
void FillStyleSetUserAndUASheets();
void FillStyleSetDocumentSheets();
void CompatibilityModeChanged();
bool NeedsQuirksSheet() const {
// SVG documents never load quirk.css.
// FIXME(emilio): Can SVG documents be in quirks mode anyway?
return mCompatMode == eCompatibility_NavQuirks && !IsSVGDocument();
void AddContentEditableStyleSheetsToStyleSet(bool aDesignMode);
void RemoveContentEditableStyleSheets();
void AddStyleSheetToStyleSets(StyleSheet&);
void RemoveStyleSheetFromStyleSets(StyleSheet&);
void NotifyStyleSheetApplicableStateChanged();
// Just like EnableStyleSheetsForSet, but doesn't check whether
// aSheetSet is null and allows the caller to control whether to set
// aSheetSet as the preferred set in the CSSLoader.
void EnableStyleSheetsForSetInternal(const nsAString& aSheetSet,
bool aUpdateCSSLoader);
already_AddRefed<nsIURI> GetDomainURI();
already_AddRefed<nsIURI> CreateInheritingURIForHost(
const nsACString& aHostString);
already_AddRefed<nsIURI> RegistrableDomainSuffixOfInternal(
const nsAString& aHostSuffixString, nsIURI* aOrigHost);
void WriteCommon(const nsAString& aText, bool aNewlineTerminate,
mozilla::ErrorResult& aRv);
// A version of WriteCommon used by WebIDL bindings
void WriteCommon(const mozilla::dom::Sequence<nsString>& aText,
bool aNewlineTerminate, mozilla::ErrorResult& rv);
void* GenerateParserKey(void);
// ExecCommandParam indicates how HTMLDocument.execCommand() treats given the
// parameter.
enum class ExecCommandParam : uint8_t {
// Always ignore it.
// Treat the given parameter as-is. If the command requires it, use it.
// Otherwise, ignore it.
// Always treat it as boolean parameter.
// Always treat it as boolean, but inverted.
using GetEditorCommandFunc = mozilla::EditorCommand*();
struct InternalCommandData {
const char* mXULCommandName;
mozilla::Command mCommand; // uint8_t
// How ConvertToInternalCommand() to treats aValue.
// Its callers don't need to check this.
ExecCommandParam mExecCommandParam; // uint8_t
GetEditorCommandFunc* mGetEditorCommandFunc;
enum class CommandOnTextEditor : uint8_t {
FallThrough, // Not disabled, but handled by HTMLEditor if there is one
CommandOnTextEditor mCommandOnTextEditor;
: mXULCommandName(nullptr),
mCommandOnTextEditor(CommandOnTextEditor::Disabled) {}
InternalCommandData(const char* aXULCommandName, mozilla::Command aCommand,
ExecCommandParam aExecCommandParam,
GetEditorCommandFunc aGetEditorCommandFunc,
CommandOnTextEditor aCommandOnTextEditor)
: mXULCommandName(aXULCommandName),
mCommandOnTextEditor(aCommandOnTextEditor) {}
bool IsAvailableOnlyWhenEditable() const {
return mCommand != mozilla::Command::Cut &&
mCommand != mozilla::Command::Copy &&
mCommand != mozilla::Command::Paste &&
mCommand != mozilla::Command::SetDocumentReadOnly &&
mCommand != mozilla::Command::SelectAll;
bool IsCutOrCopyCommand() const {
return mCommand == mozilla::Command::Cut ||
mCommand == mozilla::Command::Copy;
bool IsPasteCommand() const { return mCommand == mozilla::Command::Paste; }
* AutoEditorCommandTarget considers which editor or global command manager
* handles given command.
class MOZ_RAII AutoEditorCommandTarget {
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT AutoEditorCommandTarget(
Document& aDocument, const InternalCommandData& aCommandData);
AutoEditorCommandTarget() = delete;
explicit AutoEditorCommandTarget(const AutoEditorCommandTarget& aOther) =
bool DoNothing() const { return mDoNothing; }
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT bool IsEditable(Document* aDocument) const;
bool IsEditor() const {
MOZ_ASSERT_IF(mEditorCommand, mActiveEditor || mHTMLEditor);
return !!mEditorCommand;
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT bool IsCommandEnabled() const;
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT nsresult DoCommand(nsIPrincipal* aPrincipal) const;
template <typename ParamType>
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT nsresult DoCommandParam(const ParamType& aParam,
nsIPrincipal* aPrincipal) const;
GetCommandStateParams(nsCommandParams& aParams) const;
// The returned editor's life is guaranteed while this instance is alive.
EditorBase* GetTargetEditor() const;
RefPtr<EditorBase> mActiveEditor;
RefPtr<HTMLEditor> mHTMLEditor;
RefPtr<EditorCommand> mEditorCommand;
const InternalCommandData& mCommandData;
bool mDoNothing = false;
* Helper method to initialize sInternalCommandDataHashtable.
static void EnsureInitializeInternalCommandDataHashtable();
* ConvertToInternalCommand() returns a copy of InternalCommandData instance.
* Note that if aAdjustedValue is non-nullptr, this method checks whether
* aValue is proper value or not unless InternalCommandData::mExecCommandParam
* is ExecCommandParam::Ignore. For example, if aHTMLCommandName is
* "defaultParagraphSeparator", the value has to be one of "div", "p" or
* "br". If aValue is invalid value for InternalCommandData::mCommand, this
* returns a copy of instance created with default constructor. I.e., its
* mCommand is set to Command::DoNothing. So, this treats aHTMLCommandName
* is unsupported in such case.
* @param aHTMLCommandName Command name in HTML, e.g., used by
* execCommand().
* @param aValue The value which is set to the 3rd parameter
* of execCommand().
* @param aAdjustedValue [out] Must be empty string if set non-nullptr.
* Will be set to adjusted value for executing
* the internal command.
* @return Returns a copy of instance created with the
* default constructor if there is no
* corresponding internal command for
* aHTMLCommandName or aValue is invalid for
* found internal command when aAdjustedValue
* is not nullptr. Otherwise, returns a copy of
* instance registered in
* sInternalCommandDataHashtable.
static InternalCommandData ConvertToInternalCommand(
const nsAString& aHTMLCommandName, const nsAString& aValue = u""_ns,
nsAString* aAdjustedValue = nullptr);
* AutoRunningExecCommandMarker is AutoRestorer for mIsRunningExecCommand.
* Since it's a bit field, not a bool member, therefore, we cannot use
* AutoRestorer for it.
class MOZ_STACK_CLASS AutoRunningExecCommandMarker final {
AutoRunningExecCommandMarker() = delete;
explicit AutoRunningExecCommandMarker(const AutoRunningExecCommandMarker&) =
// Guaranteeing the document's lifetime with `MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT`.
MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT AutoRunningExecCommandMarker(Document& aDocument,
nsIPrincipal* aPrincipal);
~AutoRunningExecCommandMarker() {
if (mTreatAsUserInput) {
mDocument.mIsRunningExecCommandByChromeOrAddon =
} else {
mDocument.mIsRunningExecCommandByContent = mHasBeenRunningByContent;
[[nodiscard]] bool IsSafeToRun() const {
// We don't allow nested calls of execCommand even if the caller is chrome
// script.
if (mTreatAsUserInput) {
return !mHasBeenRunningByChromeOrAddon && !mHasBeenRunningByContent;
// If current call is by content, we should ignore whether nested with a
// call by addon (or chrome script) because the caller wants to emulate
// user input for making it undoable. So, we should treat the first
// call as user input.
return !mHasBeenRunningByContent;
Document& mDocument;
bool mTreatAsUserInput;
bool mHasBeenRunningByContent;
bool mHasBeenRunningByChromeOrAddon;
// Mapping table from HTML command name to internal command.
using InternalCommandDataHashtable =
nsTHashMap<nsStringCaseInsensitiveHashKey, InternalCommandData>;
static InternalCommandDataHashtable* sInternalCommandDataHashtable;
mutable std::bitset<static_cast<size_t>(
mutable std::bitset<eDocumentWarningCount> mDocWarningWarnedAbout;
// Lazy-initialization to have mDocGroup initialized in prior to the
UniquePtr<ServoStyleSet> mStyleSet;
// Never ever call this. Only call GetWindow!
nsPIDOMWindowOuter* GetWindowInternal() const;
// Never ever call this. Only call GetScriptHandlingObject!
nsIScriptGlobalObject* GetScriptHandlingObjectInternal() const;
// Never ever call this. Only call AllowXULXBL!
bool InternalAllowXULXBL();
* These methods should be called before and after dispatching
* a mutation event.
* To make this easy and painless, use the mozAutoSubtreeModified helper
* class.
void WillDispatchMutationEvent(nsINode* aTarget);
void MutationEventDispatched(nsINode* aTarget);
friend class mozAutoSubtreeModified;
virtual Element* GetNameSpaceElement() override { return GetRootElement(); }
nsCString GetContentTypeInternal() const { return mContentType; }
// Update our frame request callback scheduling state, if needed. This will
// schedule or unschedule them, if necessary, and update
// mFrameRequestCallbacksScheduled. aOldShell should only be passed when
// mPresShell is becoming null; in that case it will be used to get hold of
// the relevant refresh driver.
void UpdateFrameRequestCallbackSchedulingState(
PresShell* aOldPresShell = nullptr);
// Helper for GetScrollingElement/IsScrollingElement.
bool IsPotentiallyScrollable(HTMLBodyElement* aBody);
void MaybeAllowStorageForOpenerAfterUserInteraction();
void MaybeStoreUserInteractionAsPermission();
// Helpers for GetElementsByName.
static bool MatchNameAttribute(Element* aElement, int32_t aNamespaceID,
nsAtom* aAtom, void* aData);
static void* UseExistingNameString(nsINode* aRootNode, const nsString* aName);
void MaybeResolveReadyForIdle();
using AutomaticStorageAccessPermissionGrantPromise =
MozPromise<bool, bool, true>;
[[nodiscard]] RefPtr<AutomaticStorageAccessPermissionGrantPromise>
AutomaticStorageAccessPermissionCanBeGranted(bool hasUserActivation);
static void AddToplevelLoadingDocument(Document* aDoc);
static void RemoveToplevelLoadingDocument(Document* aDoc);
static AutoTArray<Document*, 8>* sLoadingForegroundTopLevelContentDocument;
friend class cycleCollection;
nsCOMPtr<nsIReferrerInfo> mPreloadReferrerInfo;
nsCOMPtr<nsIReferrerInfo> mReferrerInfo;
nsString mLastModified;
nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> mDocumentURI;
nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> mOriginalURI;
nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> mChromeXHRDocURI;
nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> mDocumentBaseURI;
nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> mChromeXHRDocBaseURI;
// The base domain of the document for third-party checks.
nsCString mBaseDomain;
// A lazily-constructed URL data for style system to resolve URL values.
RefPtr<URLExtraData> mCachedURLData;
nsCOMPtr<nsIReferrerInfo> mCachedReferrerInfoForInternalCSSAndSVGResources;
nsWeakPtr mDocumentLoadGroup;
WeakPtr<nsDocShell> mDocumentContainer;
NotNull<const Encoding*> mCharacterSet;
int32_t mCharacterSetSource;
OriginTrials mTrials;
// This is just a weak pointer; the parent document owns its children.
Document* mParentDocument;
// A reference to the element last returned from GetRootElement().
Element* mCachedRootElement;
// This is maintained by AutoSetRestoreSVGContextPaint.
const SVGContextPaint* mCurrentContextPaint = nullptr;
// This is a weak reference, but we hold a strong reference to mNodeInfo,
// which in turn holds a strong reference to this mNodeInfoManager.
nsNodeInfoManager* mNodeInfoManager;
RefPtr<css::Loader> mCSSLoader;
RefPtr<css::ImageLoader> mStyleImageLoader;
// The object that contains link color declarations (from the <body> mapped
// attributes), mapped attribute caches, and inline style attribute caches.
RefPtr<AttributeStyles> mAttributeStyles;
// Tracking for images in the document.
RefPtr<dom::ImageTracker> mImageTracker;
// A hashtable of ShadowRoots belonging to the composed doc.
// See ShadowRoot::Bind and ShadowRoot::Unbind.
ShadowRootSet mComposedShadowRoots;
using SVGUseElementSet = nsTHashSet<SVGUseElement*>;
// The set of <svg:use> elements that need a shadow tree reclone because the
// tree they map to has changed.
SVGUseElementSet mSVGUseElementsNeedingShadowTreeUpdate;
// The set of all object, embed, video/audio elements or
// nsIObjectLoadingContent or DocumentActivity for which this is
// the owner document. (They might not be in the document.)
// These are non-owning pointers, the elements are responsible for removing
// themselves when they go away.
UniquePtr<nsTHashSet<nsISupports*>> mActivityObservers;
// A hashtable of styled links keyed by address pointer.
nsTHashSet<Link*> mStyledLinks;
#ifdef DEBUG
// Indicates whether mStyledLinks was cleared or not. This is used to track
// state so we can provide useful assertions to consumers of ForgetLink and
// AddStyleRelevantLink.
bool mStyledLinksCleared;
// The array of all links that need their status resolved. Links must add
// themselves to this set by calling RegisterPendingLinkUpdate when added to a
// document.
static const size_t kSegmentSize = 128;
using LinksToUpdateList =
SegmentedVector<nsCOMPtr<Link>, kSegmentSize, InfallibleAllocPolicy>;
LinksToUpdateList mLinksToUpdate;
// SMIL Animation Controller, lazily-initialized in GetAnimationController
RefPtr<SMILAnimationController> mAnimationController;
// Table of element properties for this document.
nsPropertyTable mPropertyTable;
// Our cached .children collection
nsCOMPtr<nsIHTMLCollection> mChildrenCollection;
// Various DOM lists
RefPtr<nsContentList> mImages;
RefPtr<nsContentList> mEmbeds;
RefPtr<nsContentList> mLinks;
RefPtr<nsContentList> mForms;
RefPtr<nsContentList> mScripts;
nsCOMPtr<nsIHTMLCollection> mApplets;
RefPtr<nsContentList> mAnchors;
// container for per-context fonts (downloadable, SVG, etc.)
RefPtr<FontFaceSet> mFontFaceSet;
// Last time this document or a one of its sub-documents was focused. If
// focus has never occurred then mLastFocusTime.IsNull() will be true.
TimeStamp mLastFocusTime;
// Last time we found any scroll linked effect in this document.
TimeStamp mLastScrollLinkedEffectDetectionTime;
DocumentState mState{DocumentState::LTR_LOCALE};
RefPtr<Promise> mReadyForIdle;
RefPtr<mozilla::dom::FeaturePolicy> mFeaturePolicy;
// Permission Delegate Handler, lazily-initialized in
// GetPermissionDelegateHandler
RefPtr<PermissionDelegateHandler> mPermissionDelegateHandler;
bool mCachedStateObjectValid : 1;
bool mBlockAllMixedContent : 1;
bool mBlockAllMixedContentPreloads : 1;
bool mUpgradeInsecureRequests : 1;
bool mUpgradeInsecurePreloads : 1;
bool mDevToolsWatchingDOMMutations : 1;
// True if BIDI is enabled.
bool mBidiEnabled : 1;
// True if we may need to recompute the language prefs for this document.
bool mMayNeedFontPrefsUpdate : 1;
// True if a MathML element has ever been owned by this document.
bool mMathMLEnabled : 1;
// True if this document is the initial document for a window. This should
// basically be true only for documents that exist in newly-opened windows or
// documents created to satisfy a GetDocument() on a window when there's no
// document in it.
bool mIsInitialDocumentInWindow : 1;
// True if this document has ever been the initial document for a window. This
// is useful to determine if a document that was the initial document at one
// point, and became non-initial later.
bool mIsEverInitialDocumentInWindow : 1;
bool mIgnoreDocGroupMismatches : 1;
// True if we're loaded as data and therefor has any dangerous stuff, such
// as scripts and plugins, disabled.
bool mLoadedAsData : 1;
// True if the document is considered for memory reporting as a
// data document
bool mAddedToMemoryReportingAsDataDocument : 1;
// If true, whoever is creating the document has gotten it to the
// point where it's safe to start layout on it.
bool mMayStartLayout : 1;
// True iff we've ever fired a DOMTitleChanged event for this document
bool mHaveFiredTitleChange : 1;
// State for IsShowing(). mIsShowing starts off false. It becomes true when
// OnPageShow happens and becomes false when OnPageHide happens. So it's false
// before the initial load completes and when we're in bfcache or unloaded,
// true otherwise.
bool mIsShowing : 1;
// State for IsVisible(). mVisible starts off true. It becomes false when
// OnPageHide happens, and becomes true again when OnPageShow happens. So
// it's false only when we're in bfcache or unloaded.
bool mVisible : 1;
// True if our content viewer has been removed from the docshell
// (it may still be displayed, but in zombie state). Form control data
// has been saved.
bool mRemovedFromDocShell : 1;
// True iff DNS prefetch is allowed for this document. Note that if the
// document has no window, DNS prefetch won't be performed no matter what.
bool mAllowDNSPrefetch : 1;
// True when this document is a static clone of a normal document
bool mIsStaticDocument : 1;
// True while this document is being cloned to a static document.
bool mCreatingStaticClone : 1;
// True if this static document has any <canvas> element with a
// mozPrintCallback property at the time of the clone.
bool mHasPrintCallbacks : 1;
// True iff the document is being unlinked or deleted.
bool mInUnlinkOrDeletion : 1;
// True if document has ever had script handling object.
bool mHasHadScriptHandlingObject : 1;
// True if we're an SVG document being used as an image.
bool mIsBeingUsedAsImage : 1;
// True if our current document URI's scheme enables privileged CSS rules.
bool mChromeRulesEnabled : 1;
// True if we're loaded in a chrome docshell.
bool mInChromeDocShell : 1;
// True is this document is synthetic : stand alone image, video, audio
// file, etc.
bool mIsSyntheticDocument : 1;
// True is there is a pending runnable which will call
// FlushPendingLinkUpdates().
bool mHasLinksToUpdateRunnable : 1;
// True if we're flushing pending link updates.
bool mFlushingPendingLinkUpdates : 1;
// True if a DOMMutationObserver is perhaps attached to a node in the
// document.
bool mMayHaveDOMMutationObservers : 1;
// True if an nsIAnimationObserver is perhaps attached to a node in the
// document.
bool mMayHaveAnimationObservers : 1;
// True if the document has a CSP delivered throuh a header
bool mHasCSPDeliveredThroughHeader : 1;
// True if DisallowBFCaching has been called on this document.
bool mBFCacheDisallowed : 1;
bool mHasHadDefaultView : 1;
// Whether style sheet change events will be dispatched for this document
bool mStyleSheetChangeEventsEnabled : 1;
// Whether shadowrootattached/anonymousnodecreated/anonymousnoderemoved events
// will be dispatched for this document.
bool mDevToolsAnonymousAndShadowEventsEnabled : 1;
// Whether the document was created by a srcdoc iframe.
bool mIsSrcdocDocument : 1;
// Whether this document has a display document and thus is considered to
// be a resource document. Normally this is the same as !!mDisplayDocument,
// but mDisplayDocument is cleared during Unlink. mHasDisplayDocument is
// valid in the document's destructor.
bool mHasDisplayDocument : 1;
// Is the current mFontFaceSet valid?
bool mFontFaceSetDirty : 1;
// True if we have fired the DOMContentLoaded event, or don't plan to fire one
// (e.g. we're not being parsed at all).
bool mDidFireDOMContentLoaded : 1;
// True if we have frame request callbacks scheduled with the refresh driver.
// This should generally be updated only via
// UpdateFrameRequestCallbackSchedulingState.
bool mFrameRequestCallbacksScheduled : 1;
bool mIsTopLevelContentDocument : 1;
bool mIsContentDocument : 1;
// True if we have called BeginLoad and are expecting a paired EndLoad call.
bool mDidCallBeginLoad : 1;
// True if the encoding menu should be disabled.
bool mEncodingMenuDisabled : 1;
// False if we've disabled link handling for elements inside this document,
// true otherwise.
bool mLinksEnabled : 1;
// True if this document is for an SVG-in-OpenType font.
bool mIsSVGGlyphsDocument : 1;
// True if the document is being destroyed.
bool mInDestructor : 1;
// True if the document has been detached from its content viewer.
bool mIsGoingAway : 1;
// Whether we have filled our style set with all the stylesheets.
bool mStyleSetFilled : 1;
// Whether we have a quirks mode stylesheet in the style set.
bool mQuirkSheetAdded : 1;
// Whether we have a contenteditable.css stylesheet in the style set.
bool mContentEditableSheetAdded : 1;
// Whether we have a designmode.css stylesheet in the style set.
bool mDesignModeSheetAdded : 1;
// True if this document has ever had an HTML or SVG <title> element
// bound to it
bool mMayHaveTitleElement : 1;
bool mDOMLoadingSet : 1;
bool mDOMInteractiveSet : 1;
bool mDOMCompleteSet : 1;
bool mAutoFocusFired : 1;
bool mScrolledToRefAlready : 1;
bool mChangeScrollPosWhenScrollingToRef : 1;
bool mDelayFrameLoaderInitialization : 1;
bool mSynchronousDOMContentLoaded : 1;
// Set to true when the document is possibly controlled by the ServiceWorker.
// Used to prevent multiple requests to ServiceWorkerManager.
bool mMaybeServiceWorkerControlled : 1;
// These member variables cache information about the viewport so we don't
// have to recalculate it each time.
bool mAllowZoom : 1;
bool mValidScaleFloat : 1;
bool mValidMinScale : 1;
bool mValidMaxScale : 1;
bool mWidthStrEmpty : 1;
// Parser aborted. True if the parser of this document was forcibly
// terminated instead of letting it finish at its own pace.
bool mParserAborted : 1;
// Whether we have reported document use counters for this document with
// Telemetry yet. Normally this is only done at document destruction time,
// but for image documents (SVG documents) that are not guaranteed to be
// destroyed, we report use counters when the image cache no longer has any
// imgRequestProxys pointing to them. We track whether we ever reported use
// counters so that we only report them once for the document.
bool mReportedDocumentUseCounters : 1;
bool mHasReportedShadowDOMUsage : 1;
// Whether an event triggered by the refresh driver was delayed because this
// document has suppressed events.
bool mHasDelayedRefreshEvent : 1;
// The HTML spec has a "iframe load in progress" flag, but that doesn't seem
// to have the right semantics. See
// <>. What we have instead is a
// flag that is set while the window's 'load' event is firing if this document
// is the window's document.
bool mLoadEventFiring : 1;
// The HTML spec has a "mute iframe load" flag, but that doesn't seem to have
// the right semantics. See <>.
// What we have instead is a flag that is set if completion of our document
// via document.close() should skip firing the load event. Note that this
// flag is only relevant for HTML documents, but lives here for reasons that
// are documented above on SkipLoadEventAfterClose().
bool mSkipLoadEventAfterClose : 1;
// When false, the .cookies property is completely disabled
bool mDisableCookieAccess : 1;
// When false, the document.write() API is disabled.
bool mDisableDocWrite : 1;
// Has document.write() been called with a recursion depth higher than
// allowed?
bool mTooDeepWriteRecursion : 1;
* Temporary flag that is set in EndUpdate() to ignore
* MaybeEditingStateChanged() script runners from a nested scope.
bool mPendingMaybeEditingStateChanged : 1;
// mHasBeenEditable is set to true when mEditingState is firstly set to
// eDesignMode or eContentEditable.
bool mHasBeenEditable : 1;
// Whether we've warned about the CSS zoom property.
// We don't use the general deprecated operation mechanism for this because we
// also record this as a `CountedUnknownProperty`.
bool mHasWarnedAboutZoom : 1;
// While we're handling an execCommand call by web app, set
// to true.
bool mIsRunningExecCommandByContent : 1;
// While we're handling an execCommand call by an addon (or chrome script),
// set to true.
bool mIsRunningExecCommandByChromeOrAddon : 1;
// True if we should change the readystate to complete after we fire
// DOMContentLoaded. This happens when we abort a load and
// nsDocumentViewer::EndLoad runs while we still have things blocking
// DOMContentLoaded. We wait for those to complete, and then update the
// readystate when they finish.
bool mSetCompleteAfterDOMContentLoaded : 1;
// Set the true if a completed cached stylesheet was created for the document.
bool mDidHitCompleteSheetCache : 1;
// Whether we have initialized mShouldReportUseCounters and
// mShouldSendPageUseCounters, and sent any needed message to the parent
// process to indicate that use counter data will be sent at some later point.
bool mUseCountersInitialized : 1;
// Whether this document should report use counters.
bool mShouldReportUseCounters : 1;
// Whether this document should send page use counters. Set to true after
// we've called SendExpectPageUseCounters on the top-level WindowGlobal.
bool mShouldSendPageUseCounters : 1;
// Whether the user has interacted with the document or not:
bool mUserHasInteracted : 1;
// We constantly update the user-interaction anti-tracking permission at any
// user-interaction using a timer. This boolean value is set to true when this
// timer is scheduled.
bool mHasUserInteractionTimerScheduled : 1;
// Whether we should resist fingerprinting.
bool mShouldResistFingerprinting : 1;
// Whether we are in private browsing mode.
bool mIsInPrivateBrowsing : 1;
// Whether we're cloning the contents of an SVG use element.
bool mCloningForSVGUse : 1;
bool mAllowDeclarativeShadowRoots : 1;
// The fingerprinting protections overrides for this document. The value will
// override the default enabled fingerprinting protections for this document.
// This will only get populated if these is one that comes from the local
// fingerprinting protection override pref or WebCompat. Otherwise, a value of
// Nothing() indicates no overrides are present for this document.
Maybe<RFPTarget> mOverriddenFingerprintingSettings;
uint8_t mXMLDeclarationBits;
// NOTE(emilio): Technically, this should be a StyleColorSchemeFlags, but we
// use uint8_t to avoid having to include a bunch of style system headers
// everywhere.
uint8_t mColorSchemeBits = 0;
// Currently active onload blockers.
uint32_t mOnloadBlockCount;
// Tracks if we are currently processing any document.write calls (either
// implicit or explicit). Note that if a write call writes out something which
// would block the parser, then mWriteLevel will be incorrect until the parser
// finishes processing that script.
uint32_t mWriteLevel;
uint32_t mContentEditableCount;
EditingState mEditingState;
// Compatibility mode
nsCompatibility mCompatMode;
// Our readyState
ReadyState mReadyState;
// Ancestor's loading state
bool mAncestorIsLoading;
// Our visibility state
dom::VisibilityState mVisibilityState;
enum Type {
eUnknown, // should never be used
Type mType;
uint8_t mDefaultElementType;
enum Tri { eTriUnset = 0, eTriFalse, eTriTrue };
Tri mAllowXULXBL;
bool mSkipDTDSecurityChecks;
// The document's script global object, the object from which the
// document can get its script context and scope. This is the
// *inner* window object.
nsCOMPtr<nsIScriptGlobalObject> mScriptGlobalObject;
// If mIsStaticDocument is true, mOriginalDocument points to the original
// document.
RefPtr<Document> mOriginalDocument;
// The bidi options for this document. What this bitfield means is
// defined in nsBidiUtils.h
uint32_t mBidiOptions;
// The sandbox flags on the document. These reflect the value of the sandbox
// attribute of the associated IFRAME or CSP-protectable content, if existent.
// These are set at load time and are immutable - see nsSandboxFlags.h for the
// possible flags.
uint32_t mSandboxFlags;
// The embedder policy obtained from parsing the HTTP response header or from
// our opener if this is the initial about:blank document.
Maybe<nsILoadInfo::CrossOriginEmbedderPolicy> mEmbedderPolicy;
RefPtr<nsAtom> mContentLanguage;
// The channel that got passed to Document::StartDocumentLoad(), if any.
nsCOMPtr<nsIChannel> mChannel;
// The CSP for every load lives in the Client within the LoadInfo. For all
// document-initiated subresource loads we can use that cached version of the
// CSP so we do not have to deserialize the CSP from the Client all the time.
nsCOMPtr<nsIContentSecurityPolicy> mCSP;
nsCOMPtr<nsIContentSecurityPolicy> mPreloadCSP;
nsCString mContentType;
// The document's security info
nsCOMPtr<nsITransportSecurityInfo> mSecurityInfo;
// The channel that failed to load and resulted in an error page.
// This only applies to error pages. Might be null.
nsCOMPtr<nsIChannel> mFailedChannel;
// if this document is part of a multipart document,
// the ID can be used to distinguish it from the other parts.
uint32_t mPartID;
// Cycle collector generation in which we're certain that this document
// won't be collected
uint32_t mMarkedCCGeneration;
PresShell* mPresShell;
nsCOMArray<nsINode> mSubtreeModifiedTargets;
uint32_t mSubtreeModifiedDepth;
// All images in process of being preloaded. This is a hashtable so
// we can remove them as the real image loads start; that way we
// make sure to not keep the image load going when no one cares
// about it anymore.
nsRefPtrHashtable<nsURIHashKey, imgIRequest> mPreloadingImages;
// A list of preconnects initiated by the preloader. This prevents
// the same uri from being used more than once, and allows the dom
// builder to not repeat the work of the preloader.
nsTHashMap<nsURIHashKey, bool> mPreloadedPreconnects;
// Current depth of picture elements from parser
uint32_t mPreloadPictureDepth;
// Set if we've found a URL for the current picture
nsString mPreloadPictureFoundSource;
// If we're an external resource document, this will be non-null and will
// point to our "display document": the one that all resource lookups should
// go to.
RefPtr<Document> mDisplayDocument;
uint32_t mEventsSuppressed;
// Any XHR ChannelEventQueues that were suspended on this document while
// events were suppressed.
nsTArray<RefPtr<net::ChannelEventQueue>> mSuspendedQueues;
// Any postMessage events that were suspended on this document while events
// were suppressed.
nsTArray<RefPtr<PostMessageEvent>> mSuspendedPostMessageEvents;
RefPtr<EventListener> mSuppressedEventListener;
uint32_t mIgnoreDestructiveWritesCounter;
// Count of live static clones of this document.
uint32_t mStaticCloneCount;
// If the document is currently printing (or in print preview) this will point
// to the current static clone of this document. This is weak since the clone
// also has a reference to this document.
WeakPtr<Document> mLatestStaticClone;
// Array of nodes that have been blocked to prevent user tracking.
// They most likely have had their nsIChannel canceled by the URL
// classifier. (Safebrowsing)
// Weak nsINode pointers are used to allow nodes to disappear.
nsTArray<nsWeakPtr> mBlockedNodesByClassifier;
// Weak reference to mScriptGlobalObject QI:d to nsPIDOMWindow,
// updated on every set of mScriptGlobalObject.
nsPIDOMWindowInner* mWindow;
nsCOMPtr<nsIDocumentEncoder> mCachedEncoder;
FrameRequestManager mFrameRequestManager;
// This object allows us to evict ourself from the back/forward cache. The
// pointer is non-null iff we're currently in the bfcache.
nsIBFCacheEntry* mBFCacheEntry;
// Our base target.
nsString mBaseTarget;
nsCOMPtr<nsIStructuredCloneContainer> mStateObjectContainer;
JS::Heap<JS::Value> mCachedStateObject;
uint32_t mInSyncOperationCount;
UniquePtr<dom::XPathEvaluator> mXPathEvaluator;
nsTArray<RefPtr<AnonymousContent>> mAnonymousContents;
uint32_t mBlockDOMContentLoaded;
// Our live MediaQueryLists
LinkedList<MediaQueryList> mDOMMediaQueryLists;
// A hashset to keep track of which {element, imgRequestProxy}
// combination has been processed to avoid considering the same
// element twice for LargestContentfulPaint.
nsTHashtable<LCPEntryHashEntry> mContentIdentifiersForLCP;
// Array of observers
nsTObserverArray<nsIDocumentObserver*> mObservers;
// Flags for use counters used directly by this document.
UseCounters mUseCounters;
// Flags for use counters from resource documents, static clones,
// and SVG images referenced by this document. Those documents propagate
// their use counters up to here, which then count towards the top-level
// document's page use counters.
UseCounters mChildDocumentUseCounters;
// The CSS property use counters.
UniquePtr<StyleUseCounters> mStyleUseCounters;
TimeStamp mPageUnloadingEventTimeStamp;
RefPtr<DocGroup> mDocGroup;
RefPtr<nsCommandManager> mMidasCommandManager;
// The set of all the tracking script URLs. URLs are added to this set by
// calling NoteScriptTrackingStatus(). Currently we assume that a URL not
// existing in the set means the corresponding script isn't a tracking script.
nsTHashSet<nsCString> mTrackingScripts;
// Pointer to our parser if we're currently in the process of being
// parsed into.
nsCOMPtr<nsIParser> mParser;
// If the document was created from the the prototype cache there will be a
// reference to the prototype document to allow tracing.
RefPtr<nsXULPrototypeDocument> mPrototypeDocument;
// Weak reference to our sink for in case we no longer have a parser. This
// will allow us to flush out any pending stuff from the sink even if
// EndLoad() has already happened.
nsWeakPtr mWeakSink;
// Our update nesting level
uint32_t mUpdateNestLevel;
// HTTPS-Only Mode Status
// Constants are defined at nsILoadInfo::HTTPS_ONLY_*
uint32_t mHttpsOnlyStatus;
enum ViewportType : uint8_t {
ViewportType mViewportType;
// viewport-fit described by
ViewportFitType mViewportFit;
PLDHashTable* mSubDocuments;
class HeaderData;
UniquePtr<HeaderData> mHeaderData;
nsTArray<net::EarlyHintConnectArgs> mEarlyHints;
class TitleChangeEvent;
nsRevocableEventPtr<TitleChangeEvent> mPendingTitleChangeEvent;
RefPtr<nsDOMNavigationTiming> mTiming;
// Recorded time of change to 'loading' state
// or time of the page gets restored from BFCache.
TimeStamp mLoadingOrRestoredFromBFCacheTimeStamp;
// Decided to use nsTObserverArray because it allows us to
// remove candidates while iterating them and this is what
// the spec defines. We could implement the spec without
// using nsTObserverArray, however using nsTObserverArray is more clear.
nsTObserverArray<nsWeakPtr> mAutoFocusCandidates;
nsCString mScrollToRef;
// Weak reference to the scope object (aka the script global object)
// that, unlike mScriptGlobalObject, is never unset once set. This
// is a weak reference to avoid leaks due to circular references.
nsWeakPtr mScopeObject;
// Array of intersection observers
nsTHashSet<DOMIntersectionObserver*> mIntersectionObservers;
// Array of resize observers
nsTArray<ResizeObserver*> mResizeObservers;
RefPtr<DOMIntersectionObserver> mLazyLoadObserver;
// ResizeObserver for storing and removing the last remembered size.
// @see {@link}
RefPtr<ResizeObserver> mLastRememberedSizeObserver;
// Stack of top layer elements.
nsTArray<nsWeakPtr> mTopLayer;
// The root of the doc tree in which this document is in. This is only
// non-null when this document is in fullscreen mode.
WeakPtr<Document> mFullscreenRoot;
RefPtr<DOMImplementation> mDOMImplementation;
RefPtr<nsContentList> mImageMaps;
// A set of responsive images keyed by address pointer.
nsTHashSet<HTMLImageElement*> mResponsiveContent;
RefPtr<DocumentTimeline> mDocumentTimeline;
LinkedList<DocumentTimeline> mTimelines;
RefPtr<dom::ScriptLoader> mScriptLoader;
// Tracker for scroll-driven animations that are waiting to start.
// nullptr until GetOrCreateScrollTimelineAnimationTracker is called.
RefPtr<ScrollTimelineAnimationTracker> mScrollTimelineAnimationTracker;
// A document "without a browsing context" that owns the content of
// HTMLTemplateElement.
RefPtr<Document> mTemplateContentsOwner;
dom::ExternalResourceMap mExternalResourceMap;
// ScreenOrientation "pending promise" as described by
RefPtr<Promise> mOrientationPendingPromise;
nsTArray<RefPtr<nsFrameLoader>> mInitializableFrameLoaders;
nsTArray<nsCOMPtr<nsIRunnable>> mFrameLoaderFinalizers;
RefPtr<nsRunnableMethod<Document>> mFrameLoaderRunner;
nsTArray<PendingFrameStaticClone> mPendingFrameStaticClones;
// The layout history state that should be used by nodes in this
// document. We only actually store a pointer to it when:
// 1) We have no script global object.
// 2) We haven't had Destroy() called on us yet.
nsCOMPtr<nsILayoutHistoryState> mLayoutHistoryState;
// Mapping of wake lock types to sets of wake locks sentinels
nsTHashMap<WakeLockType, nsTHashSet<RefPtr<WakeLockSentinel>>> mActiveLocks;
// The parsed viewport metadata of the last modified <meta name=viewport>
// element.
UniquePtr<ViewportMetaData> mLastModifiedViewportMetaData;
// A tree ordered list of all color-scheme meta tags in this document.
// TODO(emilio): There are other meta tags in the spec that have a similar
// processing model to color-scheme. We could store all in-document meta tags
// here to get sane and fast <meta> element processing.
TreeOrderedArray<HTMLMetaElement*> mColorSchemeMetaTags;
// These member variables cache information about the viewport so we don't
// have to recalculate it each time.
LayoutDeviceToScreenScale mScaleMinFloat;
LayoutDeviceToScreenScale mScaleMaxFloat;
LayoutDeviceToScreenScale mScaleFloat;
CSSToLayoutDeviceScale mPixelRatio;
CSSCoord mMinWidth;
CSSCoord mMaxWidth;
CSSCoord mMinHeight;
CSSCoord mMaxHeight;
RefPtr<EventListenerManager> mListenerManager;
nsCOMPtr<nsIRequest> mOnloadBlocker;
// Gecko-internal sheets used for extensions and such.
// Exposed to privileged script via nsIDOMWindowUtils.loadSheet.
nsTArray<RefPtr<StyleSheet>> mAdditionalSheets[AdditionalSheetTypeCount];
// Member to store out last-selected stylesheet set.
nsString mLastStyleSheetSet;
nsString mPreferredStyleSheetSet;
RefPtr<DOMStyleSheetSetList> mStyleSheetSetList;
// We lazily calculate declaration blocks for elements with mapped
// attributes. This set contains all elements which need lazy resolution.
nsTHashSet<Element*> mLazyPresElements;
nsTHashSet<RefPtr<nsAtom>> mLanguagesUsed;
// TODO(emilio): Is this hot enough to warrant to be cached?
RefPtr<nsAtom> mLanguageFromCharset;
// Restyle root for servo's style system.
// We store this as an nsINode, rather than as an Element, so that we can
// store the Document node as the restyle root if the entire document (along
// with all document-level native-anonymous content) needs to be restyled.
// We also track which "descendant" bits (normal/animation-only/lazy-fc) the
// root corresponds to.
nsCOMPtr<nsINode> mServoRestyleRoot;
uint32_t mServoRestyleRootDirtyBits;
// Used in conjunction with the create-an-element-for-the-token algorithm to
// prevent custom element constructors from being able to use,
// document.close(), and document.write() when they are invoked by the parser.
uint32_t mThrowOnDynamicMarkupInsertionCounter;
// Count of unload/beforeunload/pagehide operations in progress.
uint32_t mIgnoreOpensDuringUnloadCounter;
mCommandDispatcher; // [OWNER] of the focus tracker
RefPtr<XULBroadcastManager> mXULBroadcastManager;
RefPtr<XULPersist> mXULPersist;
RefPtr<ChromeObserver> mChromeObserver;
RefPtr<HTMLAllCollection> mAll;
nsTHashSet<RefPtr<WorkerDocumentListener>> mWorkerListeners;
// Pres shell resolution saved before entering fullscreen mode.
float mSavedResolution;
// Pres shell resolution saved before creating a MobileViewportManager.
float mSavedResolutionBeforeMVM;
nsCOMPtr<nsICookieJarSettings> mCookieJarSettings;
bool mHasStoragePermission;
// Document generation. Gets incremented everytime it changes.
int32_t mGeneration;
// Cached TabSizes values for the document.
int32_t mCachedTabSizeGeneration;
nsTabSizes mCachedTabSizes;
// This is equal to document's principal but with an isolation key. See
// StoragePrincipalHelper.h to know more.
nsCOMPtr<nsIPrincipal> mPartitionedPrincipal;
// The cached storage principal for this document.
// This is mutable so that we can keep EffectiveStoragePrincipal() const
// which is required due to its CloneDocHelper() call site. :-(
mutable nsCOMPtr<nsIPrincipal> mActiveStoragePrincipal;
// The cached cookie principal for this document.
// This is mutable so that we can keep EffectiveCookiePrincipal() const
// which is required due to its CloneDocHelper() call site. :-(
mutable nsCOMPtr<nsIPrincipal> mActiveCookiePrincipal;
// See GetNextFormNumber and GetNextControlNumber.
int32_t mNextFormNumber;
int32_t mNextControlNumber;
uint32_t mMediaElementWithMSECount = 0;
// Scope preloads per document. This is used by speculative loading as well.
PreloadService mPreloadService;
// See NotifyFetchOrXHRSuccess and SetNotifyFetchSuccess.
bool mShouldNotifyFetchSuccess;
// See SetNotifyFormOrPasswordRemoved and ShouldNotifyFormOrPasswordRemoved.
bool mShouldNotifyFormOrPasswordRemoved;
// Record page load telemetry
void RecordPageLoadEventTelemetry(
glean::perf::PageLoadExtra& aEventTelemetryData);
// Accumulate JS telemetry collected
void AccumulateJSTelemetry(
glean::perf::PageLoadExtra& aEventTelemetryDataOut);
// Accumulate page load metrics
void AccumulatePageLoadTelemetry(
glean::perf::PageLoadExtra& aEventTelemetryDataOut);
// The OOP counterpart to nsDocLoader::mChildrenInOnload.
// Not holding strong refs here since we don't actually use the BBCs.
nsTArray<const BrowserBridgeChild*> mOOPChildrenLoading;
// Registry of custom highlight definitions associated with this document.
RefPtr<class HighlightRegistry> mHighlightRegistry;
// Used for tracking a number of recent canvas extractions (e.g. toDataURL),
// this is used for a canvas fingerprinter detection heuristic.
nsTArray<CanvasUsage> mCanvasUsage;
uint64_t mLastCanvasUsage = 0;
UniquePtr<RadioGroupContainer> mRadioGroupContainer;
// Needs to be public because the bindings code pokes at it.
JS::ExpandoAndGeneration mExpandoAndGeneration;
bool HasPendingInitialTranslation();
nsRefPtrHashtable<nsRefPtrHashKey<Element>, nsXULPrototypeElement>
float GetSavedResolutionBeforeMVM() { return mSavedResolutionBeforeMVM; }
void SetSavedResolutionBeforeMVM(float aResolution) {
mSavedResolutionBeforeMVM = aResolution;
void LoadEventFired();
RadioGroupContainer& OwnedRadioGroupContainer();
static already_AddRefed<Document> ParseHTMLUnsafe(GlobalObject& aGlobal,
const nsAString& aHTML);
* mozAutoSubtreeModified batches DOM mutations so that a DOMSubtreeModified
* event is dispatched, if necessary, when the outermost mozAutoSubtreeModified
* object is deleted.
class MOZ_STACK_CLASS mozAutoSubtreeModified {
* @param aSubTreeOwner The document in which a subtree will be modified.
* @param aTarget The target of the possible DOMSubtreeModified event.
* Can be nullptr, in which case mozAutoSubtreeModified
* is just used to batch DOM mutations.
mozAutoSubtreeModified(Document* aSubtreeOwner, nsINode* aTarget) {
UpdateTarget(aSubtreeOwner, aTarget);
~mozAutoSubtreeModified() { UpdateTarget(nullptr, nullptr); }
void UpdateTarget(Document* aSubtreeOwner, nsINode* aTarget) {
if (mSubtreeOwner) {
mTarget = aTarget;
mSubtreeOwner = aSubtreeOwner;
if (mSubtreeOwner) {
nsCOMPtr<nsINode> mTarget;
RefPtr<Document> mSubtreeOwner;
enum class SyncOperationBehavior { eSuspendInput, eAllowInput };
class AutoWalkBrowsingContextGroup {
virtual ~AutoWalkBrowsingContextGroup() = default;
void SuppressBrowsingContext(BrowsingContext* aContext);
void SuppressBrowsingContextGroup(BrowsingContextGroup* aGroup);
void UnsuppressDocuments() {
for (const auto& doc : mDocuments) {
virtual void SuppressDocument(Document* aDocument) = 0;
virtual void UnsuppressDocument(Document* aDocument) = 0;
AutoTArray<RefPtr<Document>, 16> mDocuments;
class MOZ_RAII nsAutoSyncOperation : private AutoWalkBrowsingContextGroup {
explicit nsAutoSyncOperation(Document* aDocument,
SyncOperationBehavior aSyncBehavior);
void SuppressDocument(Document* aDocument) override;
void UnsuppressDocument(Document* aDocument) override;
uint32_t mMicroTaskLevel;
const SyncOperationBehavior mSyncBehavior;
RefPtr<BrowsingContext> mBrowsingContext;
class MOZ_RAII AutoSetThrowOnDynamicMarkupInsertionCounter final {
explicit AutoSetThrowOnDynamicMarkupInsertionCounter(Document* aDocument)
: mDocument(aDocument) {
~AutoSetThrowOnDynamicMarkupInsertionCounter() {
Document* mDocument;
class MOZ_RAII IgnoreOpensDuringUnload final {
explicit IgnoreOpensDuringUnload(Document* aDoc) : mDoc(aDoc) {
~IgnoreOpensDuringUnload() {
Document* mDoc;
bool IsInFocusedTab(Document* aDoc);
// This covers all cases covered by IsInFocusedTab, but also ensures that
// focused tab is "active" meaning not occluded.
bool IsInActiveTab(Document* aDoc);
} // namespace mozilla::dom
// XXX These belong somewhere else
nsresult NS_NewHTMLDocument(mozilla::dom::Document** aInstancePtrResult,
nsIPrincipal* aPrincipal,
nsIPrincipal* aPartitionedPrincipal,
bool aLoadedAsData = false);
nsresult NS_NewXMLDocument(mozilla::dom::Document** aInstancePtrResult,
nsIPrincipal* aPrincipal,
nsIPrincipal* aPartitionedPrincipal,
bool aLoadedAsData = false,
bool aIsPlainDocument = false);
nsresult NS_NewSVGDocument(mozilla::dom::Document** aInstancePtrResult,
nsIPrincipal* aPrincipal,
nsIPrincipal* aPartitionedPrincipal);
nsresult NS_NewImageDocument(mozilla::dom::Document** aInstancePtrResult,
nsIPrincipal* aPrincipal,
nsIPrincipal* aPartitionedPrincipal);
nsresult NS_NewVideoDocument(mozilla::dom::Document** aInstancePtrResult,
nsIPrincipal* aPrincipal,
nsIPrincipal* aPartitionedPrincipal);
// Enum for requesting a particular type of document when creating a doc
enum DocumentFlavor {
DocumentFlavorLegacyGuess, // compat with old code until made HTML5-compliant
DocumentFlavorHTML, // HTMLDocument with HTMLness bit set to true
DocumentFlavorSVG, // SVGDocument
DocumentFlavorXML, // XMLDocument
DocumentFlavorPlain, // Just a Document
// Note: it's the caller's responsibility to create or get aPrincipal as needed
// -- this method will not attempt to get a principal based on aDocumentURI.
// Also, both aDocumentURI and aBaseURI must not be null.
nsresult NS_NewDOMDocument(
mozilla::dom::Document** aInstancePtrResult, const nsAString& aNamespaceURI,
const nsAString& aQualifiedName, mozilla::dom::DocumentType* aDoctype,
nsIURI* aDocumentURI, nsIURI* aBaseURI, nsIPrincipal* aPrincipal,
bool aLoadedAsData, nsIGlobalObject* aEventObject, DocumentFlavor aFlavor);
inline mozilla::dom::Document* nsINode::GetOwnerDocument() const {
mozilla::dom::Document* ownerDoc = OwnerDoc();
return ownerDoc != this ? ownerDoc : nullptr;
inline nsINode* nsINode::OwnerDocAsNode() const { return OwnerDoc(); }
inline mozilla::dom::Document* nsINode::AsDocument() {
return static_cast<mozilla::dom::Document*>(this);
inline const mozilla::dom::Document* nsINode::AsDocument() const {
return static_cast<const mozilla::dom::Document*>(this);
inline nsISupports* ToSupports(mozilla::dom::Document* aDoc) {
return static_cast<nsINode*>(aDoc);
#endif /* mozilla_dom_Document_h___ */