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# -*- Mode: tcl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
# The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
# Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
# compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
# basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
# under the License.
# The Original Code is the Bugzilla Bug Tracking System.
# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape Communications
# Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are Copyright (C) 1998
# Netscape Communications Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
# Contributor(s): Terry Weissman <terry@mozilla.org>
# Contains some global variables and routines used throughout bugzilla.
set maintainer "<a href=mailto:terry@netscape.com>terry@netscape.com</a>"
if { ! [info exists oradbname] } {
set oradbname "SCOPPROD"
set dontchange "--do_not_change--"
set chooseone "--Choose_one:--"
set tmp_dir ""
proc TmpName { tail } {
global tmp_dir
if { $tmp_dir == "" } {
set tmp_dir "/var/tmp/bugzilla"
if {! [file isdirectory $tmp_dir]} {
mkdir $tmp_dir
return "$tmp_dir/$tail"
proc ConnectToDatabase {} {
global mysqlhandle
if {![info exists mysqlhandle]} {
set mysqlhandle [mysqlconnect]
mysqluse $mysqlhandle "bugs"
# Useful for my stand-alone debugging
proc DebugConnect {} {
global COOKIE
set COOKIE(Bugzilla_login) terry
set COOKIE(Bugzilla_password) terry
proc SendSQL { str } {
global mysqlhandle
mysqlsel $mysqlhandle $str
return 0
proc MoreSQLData {} {
global mysqlhandle
set result [mysqlresult $mysqlhandle "rows?"]
return [expr ![cequal $result ""] && $result > 0]
proc FetchSQLData {} {
global mysqlhandle
return [mysqlnext $mysqlhandle]
proc Disconnect {} {
global mysqlhandle
mysqlclose $mysqlhandle
unset mysqlhandle
set legal_opsys { "Windows 3.1" "Windows 95" "Windows NT" "System 7" "System 7.5"
"7.1.6" "AIX" "BSDI" "HP-UX" "IRIX" "Linux" "OSF/1" "Solaris" "SunOS"
"other" }
set default_column_list {severity priority platform owner status resolution summary}
set env(TZ) PST8PDT
proc AppendComment {bugid who comment} {
regsub -all "\r\n" $comment "\n" comment
if {[cequal $comment "\n"] || [clength $comment] == 0} {
SendSQL "select long_desc from bugs where bug_id = $bugid"
set desc [lindex [FetchSQLData] 0]
append desc "\n\n------- Additional Comments From $who [fmtclock [getclock] "%D %H:%M"] -------\n"
append desc $comment
SendSQL "update bugs set long_desc='[SqlQuote $desc]' where bug_id=$bugid"
proc SortIgnoringCase {a b} {
return [string compare [string tolower $a] [string tolower $b]]
proc make_popup { name src default listtype {onchange {}}} {
set last ""
set popup "<SELECT NAME=$name"
if {$listtype > 0} {
append popup " SIZE=5"
if {$listtype == 2} {
append popup " MULTIPLE"
if {$onchange != ""} {
append popup " onchange=$onchange"
append popup ">"
append popup [make_options $src $default [expr {$listtype == 2 && $default != ""}]]
append popup "</SELECT>"
return $popup
proc Product_element { prod {onchange {}} } {
global versions
return [make_popup product [lsort [array names versions]] $prod 1 \
proc Component_element { comp prod {onchange {}} } {
global components
if {![info exists components($prod)]} {
set componentlist {}
} else {
set componentlist $components($prod)
if {![cequal $comp ""] && [lsearch $componentlist $comp] >= 0} {
set defcomponent $comp
} else {
set defcomponent [lindex $componentlist 0]
return [make_popup component $componentlist $defcomponent 1 ""]
proc Version_element { vers prod {onchange {}} } {
global versions
if {![info exists versions($prod)]} {
set versionlist {}
} else {
set versionlist $versions($prod)
set defversion [lindex $versionlist 0]
if {[lsearch $versionlist $vers] >= 0} {
set defversion $vers
return [make_popup version $versionlist $defversion 1 $onchange]
proc GenerateVersionTable {} {
SendSQL "select value, program from versions order by value"
while { [ MoreSQLData ] } {
set line [FetchSQLData]
if {$line != ""} {
set v [lindex $line 0]
set p1 [lindex $line 1]
lappend versions($p1) $v
set varray($v) 1
set parray($p1) 1
SendSQL "select value, program from components"
while { [ MoreSQLData ] } {
set line [FetchSQLData]
if {$line != ""} {
lassign $line c p
lappend components($p) $c
set carray($c) 1
set parray($p) 1
LearnAboutColumns bugs cols
set log_columns $cols(-list-)
foreach i {bug_id creation_ts delta_ts long_desc} {
set w [lsearch $log_columns $i]
if {$w >= 0} {
set log_columns [lreplace $log_columns $w $w]
set legal_priority [SplitEnumType $cols(priority,type)]
set legal_severity [SplitEnumType $cols(bug_severity,type)]
set legal_platform [SplitEnumType $cols(rep_platform,type)]
set legal_bug_status [SplitEnumType $cols(bug_status,type)]
set legal_resolution [SplitEnumType $cols(resolution,type)]
set legal_resolution_no_dup $legal_resolution
set w [lsearch $legal_resolution_no_dup "DUPLICATE"]
if {$w >= 0} {
set legal_resolution_no_dup [lreplace $legal_resolution_no_dup $w $w]
set list [lsort -command SortIgnoringCase [array names versions]]
set tmpname "versioncache.[id process]"
set fid [open $tmpname "w"]
puts $fid [list set log_columns $log_columns]
foreach i $list {
puts $fid [list set versions($i) $versions($i)]
if {![info exists components($i)]} {
set components($i) {}
puts $fid [list set legal_versions [lsort -command SortIgnoringCase \
[array names varray]]]
foreach i [lsort -command SortIgnoringCase [array names components]] {
puts $fid [list set components($i) $components($i)]
puts $fid [list set legal_components [lsort -command SortIgnoringCase \
[array names carray]]]
puts $fid [list set legal_product $list]
puts $fid [list set legal_priority $legal_priority]
puts $fid [list set legal_severity $legal_severity]
puts $fid [list set legal_platform $legal_platform]
puts $fid [list set legal_bug_status $legal_bug_status]
puts $fid [list set legal_resolution $legal_resolution]
puts $fid [list set legal_resolution_no_dup $legal_resolution_no_dup]
close $fid
frename $tmpname "versioncache"
catch {chmod 0666 "versioncache"}
# This proc must be called before using legal_product or the versions array.
proc GetVersionTable {} {
global versions
set mtime 0
catch {set mtime [file mtime versioncache]}
if {[getclock] - $mtime > 3600} {
uplevel #0 {source versioncache}
if {![info exists versions]} {
uplevel #0 {source versioncache}
if {![info exists versions]} {
error "Can't generate version info; tell terry."
proc GeneratePersonInput { field required def_value {extraJavaScript {}} } {
if {![cequal $extraJavaScript ""]} {
set $extraJavaScript "onChange=\" $extraJavaScript \""
return "<INPUT NAME=\"$field\" SIZE=32 $extraJavaScript VALUE=\"$def_value\">"
proc GeneratePeopleInput { field def_value } {
return "<INPUT NAME=\"$field\" SIZE=45 VALUE=\"$def_value\">"
set cachedNameArray() ""
proc InsertNewUser {username} {
random seed
set pwd ""
loop i 0 8 {
append pwd [cindex "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" [random 26]]
SendSQL "insert into profiles (login_name, password) values ('[SqlQuote $username]', '$pwd')"
return $pwd
proc DBID_to_name { id } {
global cachedNameArray
if {![info exists cachedNameArray($id)]} {
SendSQL "select login_name from profiles where userid = $id"
set r [FetchSQLData]
if {$r == ""} { set r "__UNKNOWN__" }
set cachedNameArray($id) $r
return $cachedNameArray($id)
proc DBname_to_id { name } {
SendSQL "select userid from profiles where login_name = '[SqlQuote $name]'"
set r [FetchSQLData]
if {[cequal $r ""]} {
return 0
return $r
proc DBNameToIdAndCheck {name {forceok 0}} {
set result [DBname_to_id $name]
if {$result > 0} {
return $result
if {$forceok} {
InsertNewUser $name
set result [DBname_to_id $name]
if {$result > 0} {
return $result
puts "Yikes; couldn't create user $name. Please report problem to"
puts "$maintainer."
} else {
puts "The name <TT>$name</TT> is not a valid username. Please hit the"
puts "<B>Back</B> button and try again."
exit 0
proc GetLongDescription { id } {
SendSQL "select long_desc from bugs where bug_id = $id"
return [lindex [FetchSQLData] 0]
proc ShowCcList {num} {
set cclist ""
set comma ""
SendSQL "select who from cc where bug_id = $num"
set ccids ""
while {[MoreSQLData]} {
lappend ccids [lindex [FetchSQLData] 0]
set result ""
foreach i $ccids {
lappend result [DBID_to_name $i]
return [join $result ","]
proc make_options_new { src default {isregexp 0} } {
set last "" ; set popup "" ; set found 0
foreach item $src {
if { $item == "-blank-" } { set item "" } {
if {$isregexp ? [regexp $default $item] : [cequal $default $item]} {
append popup "<OPTION SELECTED VALUE=\"$item\">$item"
set found 1
} else {
append popup "<OPTION VALUE=\"$item\">$item"
if {!$found && $default != ""} {
append popup "<OPTION SELECTED>$default"
return $popup
proc Shell {} {
while (1) {
puts -nonewline "> "
if {[gets stdin line] < 0} {
if {[catch {SendSQL $line} errorinfo]} {
puts "Error -- $errorinfo"
} else {
while {[MoreSQLData]} {
puts [FetchSQLData]
# Fills in the given array with info about the columns. The array gets
# the following entries:
# -list- the list of column names
# <name>,type the type for the given name
proc LearnAboutColumns {table arrayname} {
upvar $arrayname a
catch (unset a)
SendSQL "show columns from $table"
set list {}
while {[MoreSQLData]} {
lassign [FetchSQLData] name type
set a($name,type) $type
lappend list $name
set a(-list-) $list
# If the above returned a enum type, take that type and parse it into the
# list of values. Assumes that enums don't ever contain an apostrophe!
proc SplitEnumType {str} {
set result {}
if {[regexp {^enum\((.*)\)$} $str junk guts]} {
append guts ","
while {[regexp {^'([^']*)',(.*)$} $guts junk first guts]} {
lappend result $first
return $result
proc SqlQuote {str} {
regsub -all "'" $str "''" str
# This next line is quoting hell. One level of quoting comes from
# the TCL interpreter, and another level comes from TCL's regular
# expression parser. It really works out to "change every
# backslash to two backslashes".
regsub -all "\\\\" $str "\\\\\\\\" str
return $str