gecko-dev/uriloader/exthandler/nsExternalHelperAppService.h 128f95aa9b Relanding Necko Changes.
Revising nsIChannel to allow for overlapped i/o. This consists of three parts:

1. Factoring nsIChannel into a protocol specific part, the nsIChannel, and a socket specific, the nsITransport.
2. Derive the nsIChannel from a nsIRequest.
2. Changes the notification system from necko and the URILoader to pass the nsIRequest interface instead of nsIChannel interface.

This goal stems from wanting to be able to have active AsyncRead and AsyncWrite operations on nsSocketTransport.
This is desired because it would greatly simplify the task of maintaining persistent/reusable socket connections
for FTP, HTTP, and Imap (and potentially other protocols). The problem with the existing nsIChannel interface is
that it does not allow one to selectively suspend just one of the read or write operations while keeping the other active.
2001-02-21 20:38:08 +00:00

212 lines
9.4 KiB

/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 3; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
* License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
* IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
* implied. See the License for the specific language governing
* rights and limitations under the License.
* The Original Code is the Mozilla browser.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape
* Communications, Inc. Portions created by Netscape are
* Copyright (C) 1999, Mozilla. All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s):
* Scott MacGregor <>
#ifndef nsExternalHelperAppService_h__
#define nsExternalHelperAppService_h__
#include "nsIExternalHelperAppService.h"
#include "nsIExternalProtocolService.h"
#include "nsIURIContentListener.h"
#include "nsIWebProgressListener.h"
#include "nsIMIMEInfo.h"
#include "nsIMIMEService.h"
#include "nsIStreamListener.h"
#include "nsIFile.h"
#include "nsIFileStreams.h"
#include "nsIOutputStream.h"
#include "nsString.h"
#include "nsIRDFDataSource.h"
#include "nsIRDFResource.h"
#include "nsHashtable.h"
#include "nsCOMPtr.h"
class nsExternalAppHandler;
class nsIMIMEInfo;
class nsIRDFService;
class nsExternalHelperAppService : public nsIExternalHelperAppService, public nsPIExternalAppLauncher,
public nsIExternalProtocolService, public nsIMIMEService
virtual ~nsExternalHelperAppService();
nsresult InitDataSource();
// CreateNewExternalHandler is implemented only by the base class...
// create an external app handler and binds it with a mime info object which represents
// how we want to dispose of this content
// aFileExtension --> the extension we need to append to our temp file INCLUDING the ".". i.e. .mp3
nsExternalAppHandler * CreateNewExternalHandler(nsIMIMEInfo * aMIMEInfo, const char * aFileExtension, nsISupports * aWindowContext);
// GetMIMEInfoForMimeTypeFromDS --> Given a content type, look up the user override information to
// see if we have a mime info object representing this content type. The user over ride information is contained
// in a in memory data source....
nsresult GetMIMEInfoForMimeTypeFromDS(const char * aContentType, nsIMIMEInfo ** aMIMEInfo);
// GetFileTokenForPath must be implemented by each platform.
// platformAppPath --> a platform specific path to an application that we got out of the
// rdf data source. This can be a mac file spec, a unix path or a windows path depending on the platform
// aFile --> an nsIFile representation of that platform application path.
virtual nsresult GetFileTokenForPath(const PRUnichar * platformAppPath, nsIFile ** aFile) = 0;
nsCOMPtr<nsIRDFDataSource> mOverRideDataSource;
nsCOMPtr<nsIRDFResource> kNC_Description;
nsCOMPtr<nsIRDFResource> kNC_Value;
nsCOMPtr<nsIRDFResource> kNC_FileExtensions;
nsCOMPtr<nsIRDFResource> kNC_Path;
nsCOMPtr<nsIRDFResource> kNC_SaveToDisk;
nsCOMPtr<nsIRDFResource> kNC_AlwaysAsk;
nsCOMPtr<nsIRDFResource> kNC_HandleInternal;
nsCOMPtr<nsIRDFResource> kNC_PrettyName;
PRBool mDataSourceInitialized;
// helper routines for digesting the data source and filling in a mime info object for a given
// content type inside that data source.
nsresult FillTopLevelProperties(const char * aContentType, nsIRDFResource * aContentTypeNodeResource,
nsIRDFService * aRDFService, nsIMIMEInfo * aMIMEInfo);
nsresult FillContentHandlerProperties(const char * aContentType, nsIRDFResource * aContentTypeNodeResource,
nsIRDFService * aRDFService, nsIMIMEInfo * aMIMEInfo);
// a small helper function which gets the target for a given source and property...QIs to a literal
// and returns a CONST ptr to the string value of that target
nsresult FillLiteralValueFromTarget(nsIRDFResource * aSource, nsIRDFResource * aProperty, const PRUnichar ** aLiteralValue);
// in addition to the in memory data source which stores the user over ride mime types, we also use a hash table
// for quick look ups of mime types...
nsHashtable *mMimeInfoCache; // used for fast access and multi index lookups
// used to add entries to the mime info cache
virtual nsresult AddMimeInfoToCache(nsIMIMEInfo * aMIMEInfo);
virtual nsresult AddDefaultMimeTypesToCache();
// this is a small private struct used to help us initialize some
// default mime types.
struct nsDefaultMimeTypeEntry {
const char* mMimeType;
const char* mFileExtensions;
const char* mDescription;
PRUint32 mMactype;
PRUint32 mMacCreator;
// An external app handler is just a small little class that presents itself as
// a nsIStreamListener. It saves the incoming data into a temp file. The handler
// is bound to an application when it is created. When it receives an OnStopRequest
// it launches the application using the temp file it has stored the data into.
// we create a handler every time we have to process data using a helper app.
// we need to read the data out of the incoming stream into a buffer which we can then use
// to write the data into the output stream representing the temp file...
#define DATA_BUFFER_SIZE (4096*2)
class nsExternalAppHandler : public nsIStreamListener, public nsIHelperAppLauncher, public nsIURIContentListener,
public nsIInterfaceRequestor
virtual ~nsExternalAppHandler();
virtual nsresult Init(nsIMIMEInfo * aMIMEInfo, const char * aFileExtension, nsISupports * aWindowContext);
nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> mTempFile;
nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> mSourceUrl;
nsCString mTempFileExtension;
nsCOMPtr<nsIMIMEInfo> mMimeInfo;
nsCOMPtr<nsIOutputStream> mOutStream; // output stream to the temp file...
nsCOMPtr<nsISupports> mWindowContext;
// the following field is set if we were processing an http channel that had a content disposition header
// which specified the SUGGESTED file name we should present to the user in the save to disk dialog.
nsString mSuggestedFileName;
// the canceled flag is set if the user canceled the launching of this application before we finished
// saving the data to a temp file...
PRBool mCanceled;
// have we received information from the user about how they want to dispose of this content...
PRBool mReceivedDispostionInfo;
PRBool mStopRequestIssued;
PRBool mProgressWindowCreated;
PRInt64 mTimeDownloadStarted;
// when we are told to save the temp file to disk (in a more permament location) before we are done
// writing the content to a temp file, then we need to remember the final destination until we are ready to
// use it.
nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> mFinalFileDestination;
char * mDataBuffer;
nsresult SetUpTempFile(nsIChannel * aChannel);
// when we download a helper app, we are going to retarget all load notifications into our own docloader
// and load group instead of using the window which initiated the load....RetargetLoadNotifications contains
// that information...
nsresult RetargetLoadNotifications(nsIRequest *request);
// if the user tells us how they want to dispose of the content and we still haven't finished downloading while
// they were deciding, then throw a progress dialog so they know what's going on...
nsresult ShowProgressDialog();
nsresult PromptForSaveToFile(nsILocalFile ** aNewFile, const PRUnichar * aDefaultFile);
// if the passed in channel is an nsIHTTPChannel, we'll attempt to extract a suggested file name
// from the content disposition header...
void ExtractSuggestedFileNameFromChannel(nsIChannel * aChannel);
// after we're done prompting the user for any information, if the original channel had a refresh url associated
// with it (which might point to a "thank you for downloading" kind of page, then process that....It is safe
// to invoke this method multiple times. We'll clear mOriginalChannel after it's called and this ensures we won't
// call it again....
void ProcessAnyRefreshTags();
// an internal method used to actually move the temp file to the final destination
// once we done receiving data AND have showed the progress dialog.
nsresult MoveFile(nsIFile * aNewFileLocation);
// an internal method used to actually launch a helper app given the temp file
// once we are done receiving data AND have showed the progress dialog.
nsresult OpenWithApplication(nsIFile * aApplication);
// helper routine which peaks at the mime action specified by mMimeInfo
// and calls either MoveFile or OpenWithApplication
nsresult ExecuteDesiredAction();
nsCOMPtr<nsISupports> mLoadCookie; // load cookie used by the uri loader when we fetch the url
nsCOMPtr<nsIWebProgressListener> mWebProgressListener;
nsCOMPtr<nsIChannel> mOriginalChannel; // in the case of a redirect, this will be the pre-redirect channel.
#endif // nsExternalHelperAppService_h__