Dave Hunt d5d4c1b840 Bug 1455570 - Build and publish TPS add-on; r=dustin,ted
MozReview-Commit-ID: HOsTcmg1m7e

extra : rebase_source : 57ee75482fe1204d741f851ed51f32a06146ae08
2018-04-23 14:32:05 +01:00

TPS is a test automation framework for Firefox Sync. See
https://developer.mozilla.org/en/TPS for documentation.


TPS requires several packages to operate properly. To install TPS and
required packages, use the INSTALL.sh script, provided:

  python create_venv.py /path/to/create/virtualenv

This script will create a virtalenv and install TPS into it. TPS can then
be run by activating the virtualenv and executing:

  runtps --binary=/path/to/firefox

To edit the TPS configuration, do not edit config/config.json.in in the tree.
Instead, edit config.json inside your virtualenv; it will be located at
something like:

  (linux): /path/to/virtualenv/lib/python2.6/site-packages/tps-0.2.40-py2.6.egg/tps/config.json
  (win): /path/to/virtualenv/Lib/site-packages/tps-0.2.40-py2.6.egg/tps/config.json

Setting Up Test Accounts

Firefox Accounts
To create a test account for using the Firefox Account authentication perform the
following steps:

1. Go to a URL like http://restmail.net/mail/%account_prefix%@restmail.net
2. Go to https://accounts.firefox.com/signup?service=sync&context=fx_desktop_v1
3. Sign in with the previous chosen email address and a password
4. Go back to the Restmail URL, reload the page
5. Search for the verification link and open that page

Now you will be able to use your setup Firefox Account for Sync.