
268 lines
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function testDefaultCtor() {
var res = new Response();
is(res.type, "default", "Default Response type is default");
ok(res.headers instanceof Headers, "Response should have non-null Headers object");
is(res.url, "", "URL should be empty string");
is(res.status, 200, "Default status is 200");
is(res.statusText, "OK", "Default statusText is OK");
function testClone() {
var orig = new Response("This is a body", {
status: 404,
statusText: "Not Found",
headers: { "Content-Length": 5 },
var clone = orig.clone();
is(clone.status, 404, "Response status is 404");
is(clone.statusText, "Not Found", "Response statusText is POST");
ok(clone.headers instanceof Headers, "Response should have non-null Headers object");
is(clone.headers.get('content-length'), "5", "Response content-length should be 5.");
orig.headers.set('content-length', 6);
is(clone.headers.get('content-length'), "5", "Response content-length should be 5.");
ok(!orig.bodyUsed, "Original body is not consumed.");
ok(!clone.bodyUsed, "Clone body is not consumed.");
var origBody = null;
var clone2 = null;
return orig.text().then(function (body) {
origBody = body;
is(origBody, "This is a body", "Original body string matches");
ok(orig.bodyUsed, "Original body is consumed.");
ok(!clone.bodyUsed, "Clone body is not consumed.");
try {
ok(false, "Cannot clone Response whose body is already consumed");
} catch (e) {
is(, "TypeError", "clone() of consumed body should throw TypeError");
clone2 = clone.clone();
return clone.text();
}).then(function (body) {
is(body, origBody, "Clone body matches original body.");
ok(clone.bodyUsed, "Clone body is consumed.");
try {
ok(false, "Cannot clone Response whose body is already consumed");
} catch (e) {
is(, "TypeError", "clone() of consumed body should throw TypeError");
return clone2.text();
}).then(function (body) {
is(body, origBody, "Clone body matches original body.");
ok(clone2.bodyUsed, "Clone body is consumed.");
try {
ok(false, "Cannot clone Response whose body is already consumed");
} catch (e) {
is(, "TypeError", "clone() of consumed body should throw TypeError");
function testCloneUnfiltered() {
var url = '';
return fetch(url, { mode: 'no-cors' }).then(function(response) {
// By default the chrome-only function should not be available.
is(response.type, 'opaque', 'response should be opaque');
is(response.cloneUnfiltered, undefined,
'response.cloneUnfiltered should be undefined');
// When the test is run in a worker context we can't actually try to use
// the chrome-only function. SpecialPowers is not defined.
if (typeof SpecialPowers !== 'object') {
// With a chrome code, however, should be able to get an unfiltered response.
var chromeResponse = SpecialPowers.wrap(response);
is(typeof chromeResponse.cloneUnfiltered, 'function',
'chromeResponse.cloneFiltered should be a function');
var unfiltered = chromeResponse.cloneUnfiltered();
is(unfiltered.type, 'default', 'unfiltered response should be default');
is(unfiltered.status, 200, 'unfiltered response should have 200 status');
function testError() {
var res = Response.error();
is(res.status, 0, "Error response status should be 0");
try {
res.headers.set("someheader", "not allowed");
ok(false, "Error response should have immutable headers");
} catch(e) {
ok(true, "Error response should have immutable headers");
function testRedirect() {
var res = Response.redirect("./redirect.response");
is(res.status, 302, "Default redirect has status code 302");
var h = res.headers.get("location");
ok(h === (new URL("./redirect.response", self.location.href)).href, "Location header should be correct absolute URL");
try {
res.headers.set("someheader", "not allowed");
ok(false, "Redirects should have immutable headers");
} catch(e) {
ok(true, "Redirects should have immutable headers");
var successStatus = [301, 302, 303, 307, 308];
for (var i = 0; i < successStatus.length; ++i) {
var res = Response.redirect("./redirect.response", successStatus[i]);
is(res.status, successStatus[i], "Status code should match");
var failStatus = [300, 0, 304, 305, 306, 309, 500];
for (var i = 0; i < failStatus.length; ++i) {
try {
var res = Response.redirect(".", failStatus[i]);
ok(false, "Invalid status code should fail " + failStatus[i]);
} catch(e) {
is(, "RangeError", "Invalid status code should fail " + failStatus[i]);
function testOk() {
var r1 = new Response("", { status: 200 });
ok(r1.ok, "Response with status 200 should have ok true");
var r2 = new Response(undefined, { status: 204 });
ok(r2.ok, "Response with status 204 should have ok true");
var r3 = new Response("", { status: 299 });
ok(r3.ok, "Response with status 299 should have ok true");
var r4 = new Response("", { status: 302 });
ok(!r4.ok, "Response with status 302 should have ok false");
function testBodyUsed() {
var res = new Response("Sample body");
ok(!res.bodyUsed, "bodyUsed is initially false.");
return res.text().then((v) => {
is(v, "Sample body", "Body should match");
ok(res.bodyUsed, "After reading body, bodyUsed should be true.");
}).then(() => {
return res.blob().then((v) => {
ok(false, "Attempting to read body again should fail.");
}, (e) => {
ok(true, "Attempting to read body again should fail.");
function testBodyCreation() {
var text = "κόσμε";
var res1 = new Response(text);
var p1 = res1.text().then(function(v) {
ok(typeof v === "string", "Should resolve to string");
is(text, v, "Extracted string should match");
var res2 = new Response(new Uint8Array([72, 101, 108, 108, 111]));
var p2 = res2.text().then(function(v) {
is("Hello", v, "Extracted string should match");
var res2b = new Response((new Uint8Array([72, 101, 108, 108, 111])).buffer);
var p2b = res2b.text().then(function(v) {
is("Hello", v, "Extracted string should match");
var resblob = new Response(new Blob([text]));
var pblob = resblob.text().then(function(v) {
is(v, text, "Extracted string should match");
var params = new URLSearchParams();
params.append("item", "Geckos");
params.append("feature", "stickyfeet");
params.append("quantity", "700");
var res3 = new Response(params);
var p3 = res3.text().then(function(v) {
var extracted = new URLSearchParams(v);
is(extracted.get("item"), "Geckos", "Param should match");
is(extracted.get("feature"), "stickyfeet", "Param should match");
is(extracted.get("quantity"), "700", "Param should match");
return Promise.all([p1, p2, p2b, pblob, p3]);
function testBodyExtraction() {
var text = "κόσμε";
var newRes = function() { return new Response(text); }
return newRes().text().then(function(v) {
ok(typeof v === "string", "Should resolve to string");
is(text, v, "Extracted string should match");
}).then(function() {
return newRes().blob().then(function(v) {
ok(v instanceof Blob, "Should resolve to Blob");
return readAsText(v).then(function(result) {
is(result, text, "Decoded Blob should match original");
}).then(function() {
return newRes().json().then(function(v) {
ok(false, "Invalid json should reject");
}, function(e) {
ok(true, "Invalid json should reject");
}).then(function() {
return newRes().arrayBuffer().then(function(v) {
ok(v instanceof ArrayBuffer, "Should resolve to ArrayBuffer");
var dec = new TextDecoder();
is(dec.decode(new Uint8Array(v)), text, "UTF-8 decoded ArrayBuffer should match original");
function testNullBodyStatus() {
[204, 205, 304].forEach(function(status) {
try {
var res = new Response(new Blob(), { "status": status });
ok(false, "Response body provided but status code does not permit a body");
} catch(e) {
ok(true, "Response body provided but status code does not permit a body");
[204, 205, 304].forEach(function(status) {
try {
var res = new Response(undefined, { "status": status });
ok(true, "Response body provided but status code does not permit a body");
} catch(e) {
ok(false, "Response body provided but status code does not permit a body");
function runTest() {
return Promise.resolve()
// Put more promise based tests here.
.catch(function(e) {
dump('### ### ' + e + '\n');
ok(false, 'got unexpected error!');