2019-07-15 17:30:26 +00:00

123 lines
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/* -*- Mode: IDL; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
interface Principal;
interface URI;
interface nsIDocShell;
interface RemoteTab;
interface nsITransportSecurityInfo;
[Exposed=Window, ChromeOnly]
interface WindowGlobalParent {
readonly attribute boolean isClosed;
readonly attribute boolean isInProcess;
readonly attribute CanonicalBrowsingContext browsingContext;
readonly attribute boolean isCurrentGlobal;
readonly attribute unsigned long long innerWindowId;
readonly attribute unsigned long long outerWindowId;
readonly attribute unsigned long long contentParentId;
readonly attribute long osPid;
// A WindowGlobalParent is the root in its process if it has no parent, or its
// embedder is in a different process.
readonly attribute boolean isProcessRoot;
// True if this window has registered a "beforeunload" event handler.
readonly attribute boolean hasBeforeUnload;
// Is the document loaded in this WindowGlobalParent the initial document
// implicitly created while "creating a new browsing context".
readonly attribute boolean isInitialDocument;
readonly attribute FrameLoader? rootFrameLoader; // Embedded (browser) only
readonly attribute WindowGlobalChild? childActor; // in-process only
// Information about the currently loaded document.
readonly attribute Principal documentPrincipal;
readonly attribute URI? documentURI;
static WindowGlobalParent? getByInnerWindowId(unsigned long long innerWindowId);
* Get or create the JSWindowActor with the given name.
* See WindowActorOptions from JSWindowActor.webidl for details on how to
* customize actor creation.
JSWindowActorParent getActor(DOMString name);
Promise<unsigned long long> changeFrameRemoteness(
BrowsingContext? bc, DOMString remoteType,
unsigned long long pendingSwitchId);
* Renders a region of the frame into an image bitmap.
* @param rect Specify the area of the window to render, in CSS pixels. This
* is relative to the current scroll position. If null, the entire viewport
* is rendered.
* @param scale The scale to render the window at. Use devicePixelRatio
* to have comparable rendering to the OS.
* @param backgroundColor The background color to use.
* This API can only be used in the parent process, as content processes
* cannot access the rendering of out of process iframes. This API works
* with remote and local frames.
Promise<ImageBitmap> drawSnapshot(DOMRect? rect,
double scale,
DOMString backgroundColor);
* Fetches the securityInfo object for this window. This function will
* look for failed and successful channels to find the security info,
* thus it will work on regular HTTPS pages as well as certificate
* error pages.
* This returns a Promise which resolves to an nsITransportSecurity
* object with certificate data or undefined if no security info is available.
Promise<nsITransportSecurityInfo> getSecurityInfo();
[Exposed=Window, ChromeOnly]
interface WindowGlobalChild {
readonly attribute boolean isClosed;
readonly attribute boolean isInProcess;
readonly attribute BrowsingContext browsingContext;
readonly attribute boolean isCurrentGlobal;
readonly attribute unsigned long long innerWindowId;
readonly attribute unsigned long long outerWindowId;
readonly attribute unsigned long long contentParentId;
// A WindowGlobalChild is the root in its process if it has no parent, or its
// embedder is in a different process.
readonly attribute boolean isProcessRoot;
readonly attribute WindowGlobalParent? parentActor; // in-process only
static WindowGlobalChild? getByInnerWindowId(unsigned long long innerWIndowId);
* Get or create the JSWindowActor with the given name.
* See WindowActorOptions from JSWindowActor.webidl for details on how to
* customize actor creation.
JSWindowActorChild getActor(DOMString name);