ff7ad62083 Fixes for:
94653  - can't right align text in outliner cell
95730  - White block displays/artifacts in the highlight area after Move/Drag mail to folder.
112238 - [RFE] Outliner widget should support line-through
116855 - Modify outliner builder syntax to match outliner content model
118093 - Make -moz-image-region work in the outliner
118113 - Too little space between pref category tree and pref page
118154 - Category now has a column picker
118647 - Memory leak of 52 bytes from 1 block allocated in nsOutlinerBodyFrame::CheckVerticalOverflow
118660 - left arrow no longer moves to parent category
119751 - Branches are open by default and then closed after launch.

- outermost <outlinerchildren> has "-moz-box-flex: 1" by default
  and it actaully replaced <outlinerbody>
- all event handlers moved on <outliner>
- content builder, outliner builder and content view use <outliner> as root
- nsIBoxObject has a new attribute "element"
- all CSS rules outlinerbody:foo replaced with outlinerchildren:foo
- drop feedback is now skinable

r=waterson for the changes in mozilla/content
r=sspitzer on the mailnews parts
r=blake on the bookmarks/history
r=bryner on the OutlinerBodyFrame and OutlinerContentView changes

2002-01-16 03:01:28 +00:00
2002-01-16 03:01:28 +00:00

This is the home for XPCOM modules that implement LDAP functionality.

What's Here
	Implements a wrapper around the LDAP C SDK, as well as support
	for ldap: URLs in the browser.  Written entirely in C++;
	theoretically only depends on necko, xpcom, nspr, and the LDAP

	An RDF datasource, written in Javascript. 

	Some basic tests to help ensure that things don't break as
        development proceeds.  Currently, there is only some stuff for
	testing the datasource.

See <>.

Dan Mosedale <>