Alan Jeffrey ede2938530 servo: Merge #12657 - Print backtraces for panics, even if the constellation has closed (from asajeffrey:panic-backtrace-println); r=nox
<!-- Please describe your changes on the following line: -->

At the moment, threads rely on the constellation to print out the reason for a panic, so panics that happen after the constellation closes are dropped on the floor. cc @jdm

<!-- Thank you for contributing to Servo! Please replace each `[ ]` by `[X]` when the step is complete, and replace `__` with appropriate data: -->
- [X] `./mach build -d` does not report any errors
- [X] `./mach test-tidy` does not report any errors
- [X] These changes fix #12626
- [X] These changes do not require tests because they are fixing panic behaviour

<!-- Pull requests that do not address these steps are welcome, but they will require additional verification as part of the review process. -->

Source-Revision: 3c7de6b82165d251e37f699d8f724fba0a0f4556
2016-08-10 20:02:53 -05:00

2477 lines
109 KiB

/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
//! The `Constellation`, Servo's Grand Central Station
//! The primary duty of a `Constellation` is to mediate between the
//! graphics compositor and the many `Pipeline`s in the browser's
//! navigation context, each `Pipeline` encompassing a `ScriptThread`,
//! `LayoutThread`, and `PaintThread`.
use backtrace::Backtrace;
use canvas::canvas_paint_thread::CanvasPaintThread;
use canvas::webgl_paint_thread::WebGLPaintThread;
use canvas_traits::CanvasMsg;
use compositing::SendableFrameTree;
use compositing::compositor_thread::CompositorProxy;
use compositing::compositor_thread::Msg as ToCompositorMsg;
use devtools_traits::{ChromeToDevtoolsControlMsg, DevtoolsControlMsg};
use euclid::scale_factor::ScaleFactor;
use euclid::size::{Size2D, TypedSize2D};
use gfx::font_cache_thread::FontCacheThread;
use gfx_traits::Epoch;
use ipc_channel::ipc::{self, IpcSender};
use ipc_channel::router::ROUTER;
use layout_traits::LayoutThreadFactory;
use log::{Log, LogLevel, LogLevelFilter, LogMetadata, LogRecord};
use msg::constellation_msg::{FrameId, FrameType, PipelineId};
use msg::constellation_msg::{Key, KeyModifiers, KeyState, LoadData};
use msg::constellation_msg::{PipelineNamespace, PipelineNamespaceId, TraversalDirection};
use msg::constellation_msg::{SubpageId, WindowSizeType};
use net_traits::bluetooth_thread::BluetoothMethodMsg;
use net_traits::image_cache_thread::ImageCacheThread;
use net_traits::storage_thread::StorageThreadMsg;
use net_traits::{self, ResourceThreads, IpcSend};
use offscreen_gl_context::{GLContextAttributes, GLLimits};
use pipeline::{ChildProcess, InitialPipelineState, Pipeline};
use profile_traits::mem;
use profile_traits::time;
use rand::{random, Rng, SeedableRng, StdRng};
use script_traits::{AnimationState, AnimationTickType, CompositorEvent};
use script_traits::{ConstellationControlMsg, ConstellationMsg as FromCompositorMsg};
use script_traits::{DocumentState, LayoutControlMsg};
use script_traits::{IFrameLoadInfo, IFrameSandboxState, TimerEventRequest};
use script_traits::{LayoutMsg as FromLayoutMsg, ScriptMsg as FromScriptMsg, ScriptThreadFactory};
use script_traits::{MozBrowserEvent, MozBrowserErrorType, WebDriverCommandMsg, WindowSizeData};
use script_traits::{ScopeThings, SWManagerMsg};
use script_traits::{webdriver_msg, LogEntry, ServiceWorkerMsg};
use std::borrow::ToOwned;
use std::collections::{HashMap, VecDeque};
use std::io::Error as IOError;
use std::iter::once;
use std::marker::PhantomData;
use std::mem::replace;
use std::process;
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::sync::mpsc::{Sender, channel, Receiver};
use std::thread;
use std::time::Instant;
use style_traits::PagePx;
use style_traits::cursor::Cursor;
use style_traits::viewport::ViewportConstraints;
use timer_scheduler::TimerScheduler;
use url::Url;
use util::opts;
use util::prefs::PREFS;
use util::remutex::ReentrantMutex;
use util::thread::spawn_named;
use webrender_traits;
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
enum ReadyToSave {
/// Maintains the pipelines and navigation context and grants permission to composite.
/// It is parameterized over a `LayoutThreadFactory` and a
/// `ScriptThreadFactory` (which in practice are implemented by
/// `LayoutThread` in the `layout` crate, and `ScriptThread` in
/// the `script` crate).
pub struct Constellation<Message, LTF, STF> {
/// A channel through which script messages can be sent to this object.
script_sender: IpcSender<FromScriptMsg>,
/// A channel through which layout thread messages can be sent to this object.
layout_sender: IpcSender<FromLayoutMsg>,
/// Receives messages from scripts.
script_receiver: Receiver<FromScriptMsg>,
/// Receives messages from the compositor
compositor_receiver: Receiver<FromCompositorMsg>,
/// Receives messages from the layout thread
layout_receiver: Receiver<FromLayoutMsg>,
/// A channel (the implementation of which is port-specific) through which messages can be sent
/// to the compositor.
compositor_proxy: Box<CompositorProxy>,
/// Channels through which messages can be sent to the resource-related threads.
public_resource_threads: ResourceThreads,
/// Channels through which messages can be sent to the resource-related threads.
private_resource_threads: ResourceThreads,
/// A channel through which messages can be sent to the image cache thread.
image_cache_thread: ImageCacheThread,
/// A channel through which messages can be sent to the developer tools.
devtools_chan: Option<Sender<DevtoolsControlMsg>>,
/// A channel through which messages can be sent to the bluetooth thread.
bluetooth_thread: IpcSender<BluetoothMethodMsg>,
/// Sender to Service Worker Manager thread
swmanager_chan: Option<IpcSender<ServiceWorkerMsg>>,
/// to send messages to this object
swmanager_sender: IpcSender<SWManagerMsg>,
/// to receive sw manager message
swmanager_receiver: Receiver<SWManagerMsg>,
/// A list of all the pipelines. (See the `pipeline` module for more details.)
pipelines: HashMap<PipelineId, Pipeline>,
/// A list of all the frames
frames: HashMap<FrameId, Frame>,
/// Maps from a (parent pipeline, subpage) to the actual child pipeline ID.
subpage_map: HashMap<(PipelineId, SubpageId), PipelineId>,
/// A channel through which messages can be sent to the font cache.
font_cache_thread: FontCacheThread,
/// ID of the root frame.
root_frame_id: Option<FrameId>,
/// The next free ID to assign to a pipeline ID namespace.
next_pipeline_namespace_id: PipelineNamespaceId,
/// The next free ID to assign to a frame.
next_frame_id: FrameId,
/// Pipeline ID that has currently focused element for key events.
focus_pipeline_id: Option<PipelineId>,
/// Navigation operations that are in progress.
pending_frames: Vec<FrameChange>,
/// A channel through which messages can be sent to the time profiler.
time_profiler_chan: time::ProfilerChan,
/// A channel through which messages can be sent to the memory profiler.
mem_profiler_chan: mem::ProfilerChan,
phantom: PhantomData<(Message, LTF, STF)>,
window_size: WindowSizeData,
/// Bits of state used to interact with the webdriver implementation
webdriver: WebDriverData,
scheduler_chan: IpcSender<TimerEventRequest>,
/// A list of child content processes.
#[cfg_attr(target_os = "windows", allow(dead_code))]
child_processes: Vec<ChildProcess>,
/// Document states for loaded pipelines (used only when writing screenshots).
document_states: HashMap<PipelineId, DocumentState>,
// Webrender interface, if enabled.
webrender_api_sender: Option<webrender_traits::RenderApiSender>,
/// Are we shutting down?
shutting_down: bool,
/// Have we seen any warnings? Hopefully always empty!
/// The buffer contains `(thread_name, reason)` entries.
handled_warnings: VecDeque<(Option<String>, String)>,
/// The random number generator and probability for closing pipelines.
/// This is for testing the hardening of the constellation.
random_pipeline_closure: Option<(StdRng, f32)>,
/// State needed to construct a constellation.
pub struct InitialConstellationState {
/// A channel through which messages can be sent to the compositor.
pub compositor_proxy: Box<CompositorProxy + Send>,
/// A channel to the developer tools, if applicable.
pub devtools_chan: Option<Sender<DevtoolsControlMsg>>,
/// A channel to the bluetooth thread.
pub bluetooth_thread: IpcSender<BluetoothMethodMsg>,
/// A channel to the image cache thread.
pub image_cache_thread: ImageCacheThread,
/// A channel to the font cache thread.
pub font_cache_thread: FontCacheThread,
/// A channel to the resource thread.
pub public_resource_threads: ResourceThreads,
/// A channel to the resource thread.
pub private_resource_threads: ResourceThreads,
/// A channel to the time profiler thread.
pub time_profiler_chan: time::ProfilerChan,
/// A channel to the memory profiler thread.
pub mem_profiler_chan: mem::ProfilerChan,
/// Whether the constellation supports the clipboard.
pub supports_clipboard: bool,
/// Optional webrender API reference (if enabled).
pub webrender_api_sender: Option<webrender_traits::RenderApiSender>,
/// Stores the navigation context for a single frame in the frame tree.
struct Frame {
id: FrameId,
prev: Vec<(PipelineId, Instant)>,
current: (PipelineId, Instant),
next: Vec<(PipelineId, Instant)>,
impl Frame {
fn new(id: FrameId, pipeline_id: PipelineId) -> Frame {
Frame {
id: id,
prev: vec!(),
current: (pipeline_id, Instant::now()),
next: vec!(),
fn load(&mut self, pipeline_id: PipelineId) {
self.current = (pipeline_id, Instant::now());
fn remove_forward_entries(&mut self) -> Vec<(PipelineId, Instant)> {
replace(&mut, vec!())
/// Represents a pending change in the frame tree, that will be applied
/// once the new pipeline has loaded and completed initial layout / paint.
struct FrameChange {
old_pipeline_id: Option<PipelineId>,
new_pipeline_id: PipelineId,
document_ready: bool,
/// An iterator over a frame tree, returning nodes in depth-first order.
/// Note that this iterator should _not_ be used to mutate nodes _during_
/// iteration. Mutating nodes once the iterator is out of scope is OK.
struct FrameTreeIterator<'a> {
stack: Vec<FrameId>,
frames: &'a HashMap<FrameId, Frame>,
pipelines: &'a HashMap<PipelineId, Pipeline>,
impl<'a> Iterator for FrameTreeIterator<'a> {
type Item = &'a Frame;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<&'a Frame> {
loop {
let frame_id = match self.stack.pop() {
Some(frame_id) => frame_id,
None => return None,
let frame = match self.frames.get(&frame_id) {
Some(frame) => frame,
None => {
warn!("Frame {:?} iterated after closure.", frame_id);
let pipeline = match self.pipelines.get(&frame.current.0) {
Some(pipeline) => pipeline,
None => {
warn!("Pipeline {:?} iterated after closure.", frame.current.0);
self.stack.extend(pipeline.children.iter().map(|&c| c));
return Some(frame)
struct FullFrameTreeIterator<'a> {
stack: Vec<FrameId>,
frames: &'a HashMap<FrameId, Frame>,
pipelines: &'a HashMap<PipelineId, Pipeline>,
impl<'a> Iterator for FullFrameTreeIterator<'a> {
type Item = &'a Frame;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<&'a Frame> {
loop {
let frame_id = match self.stack.pop() {
Some(frame_id) => frame_id,
None => return None,
let frame = match self.frames.get(&frame_id) {
Some(frame) => frame,
None => {
warn!("Frame {:?} iterated after closure.", frame_id);
for &(pipeline_id, _) in frame.prev.iter().chain( {
if let Some(pipeline) = self.pipelines.get(&pipeline_id) {
self.stack.extend(pipeline.children.iter().map(|&c| c));
return Some(frame)
struct WebDriverData {
load_channel: Option<(PipelineId, IpcSender<webdriver_msg::LoadStatus>)>,
resize_channel: Option<IpcSender<WindowSizeData>>,
impl WebDriverData {
fn new() -> WebDriverData {
WebDriverData {
load_channel: None,
resize_channel: None,
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
enum ExitPipelineMode {
/// A logger directed at the constellation from content processes
pub struct FromScriptLogger {
/// A channel to the constellation
pub constellation_chan: Arc<ReentrantMutex<IpcSender<FromScriptMsg>>>,
impl FromScriptLogger {
/// Create a new constellation logger.
pub fn new(constellation_chan: IpcSender<FromScriptMsg>) -> FromScriptLogger {
FromScriptLogger {
constellation_chan: Arc::new(ReentrantMutex::new(constellation_chan))
/// The maximum log level the constellation logger is interested in.
pub fn filter(&self) -> LogLevelFilter {
impl Log for FromScriptLogger {
fn enabled(&self, metadata: &LogMetadata) -> bool {
metadata.level() <= LogLevel::Warn
fn log(&self, record: &LogRecord) {
if let Some(entry) = log_entry(record) {
debug!("Sending log entry {:?}.", entry);
let pipeline_id = PipelineId::installed();
let thread_name = thread::current().name().map(ToOwned::to_owned);
let msg = FromScriptMsg::LogEntry(pipeline_id, thread_name, entry);
let chan = self.constellation_chan.lock().unwrap_or_else(|err| err.into_inner());
let _ = chan.send(msg);
/// A logger directed at the constellation from the compositor
pub struct FromCompositorLogger {
/// A channel to the constellation
pub constellation_chan: Arc<ReentrantMutex<Sender<FromCompositorMsg>>>,
impl FromCompositorLogger {
/// Create a new constellation logger.
pub fn new(constellation_chan: Sender<FromCompositorMsg>) -> FromCompositorLogger {
FromCompositorLogger {
constellation_chan: Arc::new(ReentrantMutex::new(constellation_chan))
/// The maximum log level the constellation logger is interested in.
pub fn filter(&self) -> LogLevelFilter {
impl Log for FromCompositorLogger {
fn enabled(&self, metadata: &LogMetadata) -> bool {
metadata.level() <= LogLevel::Warn
fn log(&self, record: &LogRecord) {
if let Some(entry) = log_entry(record) {
debug!("Sending log entry {:?}.", entry);
let pipeline_id = PipelineId::installed();
let thread_name = thread::current().name().map(ToOwned::to_owned);
let msg = FromCompositorMsg::LogEntry(pipeline_id, thread_name, entry);
let chan = self.constellation_chan.lock().unwrap_or_else(|err| err.into_inner());
let _ = chan.send(msg);
fn log_entry(record: &LogRecord) -> Option<LogEntry> {
match record.level() {
LogLevel::Error if thread::panicking() => Some(LogEntry::Panic(
format!("{}", record.args()),
format!("{:?}", Backtrace::new())
LogLevel::Error => Some(LogEntry::Error(
format!("{}", record.args())
LogLevel::Warn => Some(LogEntry::Warn(
format!("{}", record.args())
_ => None,
const WARNINGS_BUFFER_SIZE: usize = 32;
impl<Message, LTF, STF> Constellation<Message, LTF, STF>
where LTF: LayoutThreadFactory<Message=Message>,
STF: ScriptThreadFactory<Message=Message>
pub fn start(state: InitialConstellationState) -> (Sender<FromCompositorMsg>, IpcSender<SWManagerMsg>) {
let (compositor_sender, compositor_receiver) = channel();
// service worker manager to communicate with constellation
let (swmanager_sender, swmanager_receiver) = ipc::channel().expect("ipc channel failure");
let sw_mgr_clone = swmanager_sender.clone();
spawn_named("Constellation".to_owned(), move || {
let (ipc_script_sender, ipc_script_receiver) = ipc::channel().expect("ipc channel failure");
let script_receiver = ROUTER.route_ipc_receiver_to_new_mpsc_receiver(ipc_script_receiver);
let (ipc_layout_sender, ipc_layout_receiver) = ipc::channel().expect("ipc channel failure");
let layout_receiver = ROUTER.route_ipc_receiver_to_new_mpsc_receiver(ipc_layout_receiver);
let swmanager_receiver = ROUTER.route_ipc_receiver_to_new_mpsc_receiver(swmanager_receiver);
let mut constellation: Constellation<Message, LTF, STF> = Constellation {
script_sender: ipc_script_sender,
layout_sender: ipc_layout_sender,
script_receiver: script_receiver,
compositor_receiver: compositor_receiver,
layout_receiver: layout_receiver,
compositor_proxy: state.compositor_proxy,
devtools_chan: state.devtools_chan,
bluetooth_thread: state.bluetooth_thread,
public_resource_threads: state.public_resource_threads,
private_resource_threads: state.private_resource_threads,
image_cache_thread: state.image_cache_thread,
font_cache_thread: state.font_cache_thread,
swmanager_chan: None,
swmanager_receiver: swmanager_receiver,
swmanager_sender: sw_mgr_clone,
pipelines: HashMap::new(),
frames: HashMap::new(),
subpage_map: HashMap::new(),
pending_frames: vec!(),
next_pipeline_namespace_id: PipelineNamespaceId(0),
root_frame_id: None,
next_frame_id: FrameId(0),
focus_pipeline_id: None,
time_profiler_chan: state.time_profiler_chan,
mem_profiler_chan: state.mem_profiler_chan,
window_size: WindowSizeData {
visible_viewport: opts::get().initial_window_size.as_f32() *
initial_viewport: opts::get().initial_window_size.as_f32() *
phantom: PhantomData,
webdriver: WebDriverData::new(),
scheduler_chan: TimerScheduler::start(),
child_processes: Vec::new(),
document_states: HashMap::new(),
webrender_api_sender: state.webrender_api_sender,
shutting_down: false,
handled_warnings: VecDeque::new(),
random_pipeline_closure: opts::get()|prob| {
let seed = opts::get().random_pipeline_closure_seed.unwrap_or_else(random);
let rng = StdRng::from_seed(&[seed]);
warn!("Randomly closing pipelines.");
info!("Using seed {} for random pipeline closure.", seed);
(rng, prob)
let namespace_id = constellation.next_pipeline_namespace_id();
(compositor_sender, swmanager_sender)
fn run(&mut self) {
while !self.shutting_down || !self.pipelines.is_empty() {
// Randomly close a pipeline if --random-pipeline-closure-probability is set
// This is for testing the hardening of the constellation.
fn next_pipeline_namespace_id(&mut self) -> PipelineNamespaceId {
let namespace_id = self.next_pipeline_namespace_id;
let PipelineNamespaceId(ref mut i) = self.next_pipeline_namespace_id;
*i += 1;
/// Helper function for creating a pipeline
fn new_pipeline(&mut self,
pipeline_id: PipelineId,
parent_info: Option<(PipelineId, SubpageId, FrameType)>,
initial_window_size: Option<TypedSize2D<PagePx, f32>>,
script_channel: Option<IpcSender<ConstellationControlMsg>>,
load_data: LoadData,
is_private: bool) {
if self.shutting_down { return; }
let resource_threads = if is_private {
} else {
let parent_visibility = if let Some((parent_pipeline_id, _, _)) = parent_info {
self.pipelines.get(&parent_pipeline_id).map(|pipeline| pipeline.visible)
} else {
let result = Pipeline::spawn::<Message, LTF, STF>(InitialPipelineState {
id: pipeline_id,
parent_info: parent_info,
constellation_chan: self.script_sender.clone(),
layout_to_constellation_chan: self.layout_sender.clone(),
scheduler_chan: self.scheduler_chan.clone(),
compositor_proxy: self.compositor_proxy.clone_compositor_proxy(),
devtools_chan: self.devtools_chan.clone(),
bluetooth_thread: self.bluetooth_thread.clone(),
swmanager_thread: self.swmanager_sender.clone(),
image_cache_thread: self.image_cache_thread.clone(),
font_cache_thread: self.font_cache_thread.clone(),
resource_threads: resource_threads,
time_profiler_chan: self.time_profiler_chan.clone(),
mem_profiler_chan: self.mem_profiler_chan.clone(),
window_size: initial_window_size,
script_chan: script_channel,
load_data: load_data,
device_pixel_ratio: self.window_size.device_pixel_ratio,
pipeline_namespace_id: self.next_pipeline_namespace_id(),
parent_visibility: parent_visibility,
webrender_api_sender: self.webrender_api_sender.clone(),
is_private: is_private,
let (pipeline, child_process) = match result {
Ok(result) => result,
Err(e) => return self.handle_send_error(pipeline_id, e),
if let Some(child_process) = child_process {
self.pipelines.insert(pipeline_id, pipeline);
// Push a new (loading) pipeline to the list of pending frame changes
fn push_pending_frame(&mut self, new_pipeline_id: PipelineId,
old_pipeline_id: Option<PipelineId>) {
self.pending_frames.push(FrameChange {
old_pipeline_id: old_pipeline_id,
new_pipeline_id: new_pipeline_id,
document_ready: false,
// Get an iterator for the current frame tree. Specify self.root_frame_id to
// iterate the entire tree, or a specific frame id to iterate only that sub-tree.
fn current_frame_tree_iter(&self, frame_id_root: Option<FrameId>) -> FrameTreeIterator {
FrameTreeIterator {
stack: frame_id_root.into_iter().collect(),
pipelines: &self.pipelines,
frames: &self.frames,
fn full_frame_tree_iter(&self, frame_id_root: FrameId) -> FullFrameTreeIterator {
FullFrameTreeIterator {
stack: vec!(frame_id_root),
pipelines: &self.pipelines,
frames: &self.frames,
fn joint_session_future(&self, frame_id_root: FrameId) -> Vec<(Instant, FrameId, PipelineId)> {
let mut future = vec!();
for frame in self.full_frame_tree_iter(frame_id_root) {
future.extend(|&(pipeline_id, instant)| (instant,, pipeline_id)));
// reverse sorting
future.sort_by(|a, b| b.cmp(a));
fn joint_session_past(&self, frame_id_root: FrameId) -> Vec<(Instant, FrameId, PipelineId)> {
let mut past = vec!();
for frame in self.full_frame_tree_iter(frame_id_root) {
let mut prev_instant = frame.current.1;
for &(pipeline_id, instant) in frame.prev.iter().rev() {
past.push((prev_instant,, pipeline_id));
prev_instant = instant;
// Create a new frame and update the internal bookkeeping.
fn new_frame(&mut self, pipeline_id: PipelineId) -> FrameId {
let id = self.next_frame_id;
let FrameId(ref mut i) = self.next_frame_id;
*i += 1;
let frame = Frame::new(id, pipeline_id);
assert!(self.pipelines.get(&pipeline_id).and_then(|pipeline| pipeline.frame).is_none());
self.pipelines.get_mut(&pipeline_id).map(|pipeline| pipeline.frame = Some(id));
self.frames.insert(id, frame);
/// Handles loading pages, navigation, and granting access to the compositor
fn handle_request(&mut self) {
enum Request {
// Get one incoming request.
// This is one of the few places where the compositor is
// allowed to panic. If one of the receiver.recv() calls
// fails, it is because the matching sender has been
// reclaimed, but this can't happen in normal execution
// because the constellation keeps a pointer to the sender,
// so it should never be reclaimed. A possible scenario in
// which receiver.recv() fails is if some unsafe code
// produces undefined behaviour, resulting in the destructor
// being called. If this happens, there's not much we can do
// other than panic.
let request = {
let receiver_from_script = &self.script_receiver;
let receiver_from_compositor = &self.compositor_receiver;
let receiver_from_layout = &self.layout_receiver;
let receiver_from_swmanager = &self.swmanager_receiver;
select! {
msg = receiver_from_script.recv() =>
Request::Script(msg.expect("Unexpected script channel panic in constellation")),
msg = receiver_from_compositor.recv() =>
Request::Compositor(msg.expect("Unexpected compositor channel panic in constellation")),
msg = receiver_from_layout.recv() =>
Request::Layout(msg.expect("Unexpected layout channel panic in constellation")),
msg = receiver_from_swmanager.recv() =>
Request::FromSWManager(msg.expect("Unexpected panic channel panic in constellation"))
match request {
Request::Compositor(message) => {
Request::Script(message) => {
Request::Layout(message) => {
Request::FromSWManager(message) => {
fn handle_request_from_swmanager(&mut self, message: SWManagerMsg) {
match message {
SWManagerMsg::OwnSender(sw_sender) => {
// store service worker manager for communicating with it.
self.swmanager_chan = Some(sw_sender);
fn handle_request_from_compositor(&mut self, message: FromCompositorMsg) {
match message {
FromCompositorMsg::Exit => {
debug!("constellation exiting");
// The compositor discovered the size of a subframe. This needs to be reflected by all
// frame trees in the navigation context containing the subframe.
FromCompositorMsg::FrameSize(pipeline_id, size) => {
debug!("constellation got frame size message");
self.handle_frame_size_msg(pipeline_id, &Size2D::from_untyped(&size));
FromCompositorMsg::GetFrame(pipeline_id, resp_chan) => {
debug!("constellation got get root pipeline message");
self.handle_get_frame(pipeline_id, resp_chan);
FromCompositorMsg::GetPipeline(frame_id, resp_chan) => {
debug!("constellation got get root pipeline message");
self.handle_get_pipeline(frame_id, resp_chan);
FromCompositorMsg::GetPipelineTitle(pipeline_id) => {
debug!("constellation got get-pipeline-title message");
FromCompositorMsg::KeyEvent(ch, key, state, modifiers) => {
debug!("constellation got key event message");
self.handle_key_msg(ch, key, state, modifiers);
// Load a new page from a typed url
// If there is already a pending page (self.pending_frames), it will not be overridden;
// However, if the id is not encompassed by another change, it will be.
FromCompositorMsg::LoadUrl(source_id, load_data) => {
debug!("constellation got URL load message from compositor");
self.handle_load_url_msg(source_id, load_data);
FromCompositorMsg::IsReadyToSaveImage(pipeline_states) => {
let is_ready = self.handle_is_ready_to_save_image(pipeline_states);
if opts::get().is_running_problem_test {
println!("got ready to save image query, result is {:?}", is_ready);
let is_ready = is_ready == ReadyToSave::Ready;
if opts::get().is_running_problem_test {
println!("sent response");
// This should only be called once per constellation, and only by the browser
FromCompositorMsg::InitLoadUrl(url) => {
debug!("constellation got init load URL message");
// Handle a forward or back request
FromCompositorMsg::TraverseHistory(pipeline_id, direction) => {
debug!("constellation got traverse history message from compositor");
self.handle_traverse_history_msg(pipeline_id, direction);
FromCompositorMsg::WindowSize(new_size, size_type) => {
debug!("constellation got window resize message");
self.handle_window_size_msg(new_size, size_type);
FromCompositorMsg::TickAnimation(pipeline_id, tick_type) => {
self.handle_tick_animation(pipeline_id, tick_type)
FromCompositorMsg::WebDriverCommand(command) => {
debug!("constellation got webdriver command message");
FromCompositorMsg::Reload => {
debug!("constellation got reload message");
FromCompositorMsg::LogEntry(pipeline_id, thread_name, entry) => {
self.handle_log_entry(pipeline_id, thread_name, entry);
fn handle_request_from_script(&mut self, message: FromScriptMsg) {
match message {
FromScriptMsg::PipelineExited(pipeline_id) => {
FromScriptMsg::ScriptLoadedURLInIFrame(load_info) => {
debug!("constellation got iframe URL load message {:?} {:?} {:?}",
FromScriptMsg::ChangeRunningAnimationsState(pipeline_id, animation_state) => {
self.handle_change_running_animations_state(pipeline_id, animation_state)
// Load a new page from a mouse click
// If there is already a pending page (self.pending_frames), it will not be overridden;
// However, if the id is not encompassed by another change, it will be.
FromScriptMsg::LoadUrl(source_id, load_data) => {
debug!("constellation got URL load message from script");
self.handle_load_url_msg(source_id, load_data);
// A page loaded has completed all parsing, script, and reflow messages have been sent.
FromScriptMsg::LoadComplete(pipeline_id) => {
debug!("constellation got load complete message");
// Handle a forward or back request
FromScriptMsg::TraverseHistory(pipeline_id, direction) => {
debug!("constellation got traverse history message from script");
self.handle_traverse_history_msg(pipeline_id, direction);
// Handle a joint session history length request.
FromScriptMsg::JointSessionHistoryLength(pipeline_id, sender) => {
debug!("constellation got joint session history length message from script");
self.handle_joint_session_history_length(pipeline_id, sender);
// Notification that the new document is ready to become active
FromScriptMsg::ActivateDocument(pipeline_id) => {
debug!("constellation got activate document message");
// Update pipeline url after redirections
FromScriptMsg::SetFinalUrl(pipeline_id, final_url) => {
// The script may have finished loading after we already started shutting down.
if let Some(ref mut pipeline) = self.pipelines.get_mut(&pipeline_id) {
debug!("constellation got set final url message");
pipeline.url = final_url;
} else {
warn!("constellation got set final url message for dead pipeline");
FromScriptMsg::MozBrowserEvent(pipeline_id, subpage_id, event) => {
debug!("constellation got mozbrowser event message");
FromScriptMsg::Focus(pipeline_id) => {
debug!("constellation got focus message");
FromScriptMsg::ForwardMouseButtonEvent(pipeline_id, event_type, button, point) => {
let event = CompositorEvent::MouseButtonEvent(event_type, button, point);
let msg = ConstellationControlMsg::SendEvent(pipeline_id, event);
let result = match self.pipelines.get(&pipeline_id) {
None => { debug!("Pipeline {:?} got mouse button event after closure.", pipeline_id); return; }
Some(pipeline) => pipeline.script_chan.send(msg),
if let Err(e) = result {
self.handle_send_error(pipeline_id, e);
FromScriptMsg::ForwardMouseMoveEvent(pipeline_id, point) => {
let event = CompositorEvent::MouseMoveEvent(Some(point));
let msg = ConstellationControlMsg::SendEvent(pipeline_id, event);
let result = match self.pipelines.get(&pipeline_id) {
None => { debug!("Pipeline {:?} got mouse move event after closure.", pipeline_id); return; }
Some(pipeline) => pipeline.script_chan.send(msg),
if let Err(e) = result {
self.handle_send_error(pipeline_id, e);
FromScriptMsg::GetClipboardContents(sender) => {
if let Err(e) = sender.send("".to_owned()) {
warn!("Failed to send clipboard ({})", e);
FromScriptMsg::SetClipboardContents(_) => {
FromScriptMsg::SetVisible(pipeline_id, visible) => {
debug!("constellation got set visible messsage");
self.handle_set_visible_msg(pipeline_id, visible);
FromScriptMsg::VisibilityChangeComplete(pipeline_id, visible) => {
debug!("constellation got set visibility change complete message");
self.handle_visibility_change_complete(pipeline_id, visible);
FromScriptMsg::RemoveIFrame(pipeline_id, sender) => {
debug!("constellation got remove iframe message");
if let Some(sender) = sender {
if let Err(e) = sender.send(()) {
warn!("Error replying to remove iframe ({})", e);
FromScriptMsg::NewFavicon(url) => {
debug!("constellation got new favicon message");
FromScriptMsg::HeadParsed => {
debug!("constellation got head parsed message");
FromScriptMsg::CreateCanvasPaintThread(size, sender) => {
debug!("constellation got create-canvas-paint-thread message");
self.handle_create_canvas_paint_thread_msg(&size, sender)
FromScriptMsg::CreateWebGLPaintThread(size, attributes, sender) => {
debug!("constellation got create-WebGL-paint-thread message");
self.handle_create_webgl_paint_thread_msg(&size, attributes, sender)
FromScriptMsg::NodeStatus(message) => {
debug!("constellation got NodeStatus message");
FromScriptMsg::SetDocumentState(pipeline_id, state) => {
debug!("constellation got SetDocumentState message");
self.document_states.insert(pipeline_id, state);
FromScriptMsg::Alert(pipeline_id, message, sender) => {
debug!("constellation got Alert message");
self.handle_alert(pipeline_id, message, sender);
FromScriptMsg::ScrollFragmentPoint(pipeline_id, layer_id, point, smooth) => {
FromScriptMsg::GetClientWindow(send) => {
FromScriptMsg::MoveTo(point) => {
FromScriptMsg::ResizeTo(size) => {
FromScriptMsg::Exit => {
FromScriptMsg::LogEntry(pipeline_id, thread_name, entry) => {
self.handle_log_entry(pipeline_id, thread_name, entry);
FromScriptMsg::SetTitle(pipeline_id, title) => {
self.compositor_proxy.send(ToCompositorMsg::ChangePageTitle(pipeline_id, title))
FromScriptMsg::SendKeyEvent(ch, key, key_state, key_modifiers) => {
self.compositor_proxy.send(ToCompositorMsg::KeyEvent(ch, key, key_state, key_modifiers))
FromScriptMsg::TouchEventProcessed(result) => {
FromScriptMsg::GetScrollOffset(pid, lid, send) => {
self.compositor_proxy.send(ToCompositorMsg::GetScrollOffset(pid, lid, send));
FromScriptMsg::RegisterServiceWorker(scope_things, scope) => {
debug!("constellation got store registration scope message");
self.handle_register_serviceworker(scope_things, scope);
fn handle_request_from_layout(&mut self, message: FromLayoutMsg) {
match message {
FromLayoutMsg::ChangeRunningAnimationsState(pipeline_id, animation_state) => {
self.handle_change_running_animations_state(pipeline_id, animation_state)
FromLayoutMsg::SetCursor(cursor) => {
FromLayoutMsg::ViewportConstrained(pipeline_id, constraints) => {
debug!("constellation got viewport-constrained event message");
self.handle_viewport_constrained_msg(pipeline_id, constraints);
fn handle_register_serviceworker(&self, scope_things: ScopeThings, scope: Url) {
if let Some(ref mgr) = self.swmanager_chan {
let _ = mgr.send(ServiceWorkerMsg::RegisterServiceWorker(scope_things, scope));
} else {
warn!("sending scope info to service worker manager failed");
fn handle_exit(&mut self) {
// TODO: add a timer, which forces shutdown if threads aren't responsive.
if self.shutting_down { return; }
self.shutting_down = true;
// TODO: exit before the root frame is set?
if let Some(root_id) = self.root_frame_id {
self.close_frame(root_id, ExitPipelineMode::Normal);
fn handle_shutdown(&mut self) {
// At this point, there are no active pipelines,
// so we can safely block on other threads, without worrying about deadlock.
// Channels to recieve signals when threads are done exiting.
let (core_sender, core_receiver) = ipc::channel().expect("Failed to create IPC channel!");
let (storage_sender, storage_receiver) = ipc::channel().expect("Failed to create IPC channel!");
debug!("Exiting image cache.");
debug!("Exiting core resource threads.");
if let Err(e) = self.public_resource_threads.send(net_traits::CoreResourceMsg::Exit(core_sender)) {
warn!("Exit resource thread failed ({})", e);
if let Some(ref chan) = self.devtools_chan {
debug!("Exiting devtools.");
let msg = DevtoolsControlMsg::FromChrome(ChromeToDevtoolsControlMsg::ServerExitMsg);
if let Err(e) = chan.send(msg) {
warn!("Exit devtools failed ({})", e);
debug!("Exiting storage resource threads.");
if let Err(e) = self.public_resource_threads.send(StorageThreadMsg::Exit(storage_sender)) {
warn!("Exit storage thread failed ({})", e);
debug!("Exiting bluetooth thread.");
if let Err(e) = self.bluetooth_thread.send(BluetoothMethodMsg::Exit) {
warn!("Exit bluetooth thread failed ({})", e);
debug!("Exiting service worker manager thread.");
if let Some(mgr) = self.swmanager_chan.as_ref() {
if let Err(e) = mgr.send(ServiceWorkerMsg::Exit) {
warn!("Exit service worker manager failed ({})", e);
debug!("Exiting font cache thread.");
// Receive exit signals from threads.
if let Err(e) = core_receiver.recv() {
warn!("Exit resource thread failed ({})", e);
if let Err(e) = storage_receiver.recv() {
warn!("Exit storage thread failed ({})", e);
debug!("Asking compositor to complete shutdown.");
fn handle_pipeline_exited(&mut self, pipeline_id: PipelineId) {
debug!("Pipeline {:?} exited.", pipeline_id);
fn handle_send_error(&mut self, pipeline_id: PipelineId, err: IOError) {
// Treat send error the same as receiving a panic message
debug!("Pipeline {:?} send error ({}).", pipeline_id, err);
self.handle_panic(Some(pipeline_id), format!("Send failed ({})", err), None);
fn handle_panic(&mut self, pipeline_id: Option<PipelineId>, reason: String, backtrace: Option<String>) {
if opts::get().hard_fail {
// It's quite difficult to make Servo exit cleanly if some threads have failed.
// Hard fail exists for test runners so we crash and that's good enough.
println!("Pipeline failed in hard-fail mode. Crashing!");
debug!("Panic handler for pipeline {:?}: {}.", pipeline_id, reason);
// Notify the browser chrome that the pipeline has failed
self.trigger_mozbrowsererror(pipeline_id, reason, backtrace);
if let Some(pipeline_id) = pipeline_id {
let pipeline_url = self.pipelines.get(&pipeline_id).map(|pipeline| pipeline.url.clone());
let parent_info = self.pipelines.get(&pipeline_id).and_then(|pipeline| pipeline.parent_info);
let window_size = self.pipelines.get(&pipeline_id).and_then(|pipeline| pipeline.size);
self.close_pipeline(pipeline_id, ExitPipelineMode::Force);
while let Some(pending_pipeline_id) = self.pending_frames.iter().find(|pending| {
pending.old_pipeline_id == Some(pipeline_id)
}).map(|frame| frame.new_pipeline_id) {
warn!("removing pending frame change for failed pipeline");
self.close_pipeline(pending_pipeline_id, ExitPipelineMode::Force);
let failure_url = Url::parse("about:failure").expect("infallible");
if let Some(pipeline_url) = pipeline_url {
if pipeline_url == failure_url {
return error!("about:failure failed");
warn!("creating replacement pipeline for about:failure");
let new_pipeline_id = PipelineId::new();
let load_data = LoadData::new(failure_url, None, None);
self.new_pipeline(new_pipeline_id, parent_info, window_size, None, load_data, false);
self.push_pending_frame(new_pipeline_id, Some(pipeline_id));
fn handle_log_entry(&mut self, pipeline_id: Option<PipelineId>, thread_name: Option<String>, entry: LogEntry) {
debug!("Received log entry {:?}.", entry);
match entry {
LogEntry::Panic(reason, backtrace) => self.handle_panic(pipeline_id, reason, Some(backtrace)),
LogEntry::Error(reason) | LogEntry::Warn(reason) => {
// VecDeque::truncate is unstable
if WARNINGS_BUFFER_SIZE <= self.handled_warnings.len() {
self.handled_warnings.push_back((thread_name, reason));
fn handle_init_load(&mut self, url: Url) {
let window_size = self.window_size.visible_viewport;
let root_pipeline_id = PipelineId::new();
debug_assert!(PipelineId::fake_root_pipeline_id() == root_pipeline_id);
self.new_pipeline(root_pipeline_id, None, Some(window_size), None,
LoadData::new(url.clone(), None, None), false);
self.push_pending_frame(root_pipeline_id, None);
self.compositor_proxy.send(ToCompositorMsg::ChangePageUrl(root_pipeline_id, url));
fn handle_frame_size_msg(&mut self,
pipeline_id: PipelineId,
size: &TypedSize2D<PagePx, f32>) {
let msg = ConstellationControlMsg::Resize(pipeline_id, WindowSizeData {
visible_viewport: *size,
initial_viewport: *size * ScaleFactor::new(1.0),
device_pixel_ratio: self.window_size.device_pixel_ratio,
}, WindowSizeType::Initial);
// Store the new rect inside the pipeline
let result = {
// Find the pipeline that corresponds to this rectangle. It's possible that this
// pipeline may have already exited before we process this message, so just
// early exit if that occurs.
match self.pipelines.get_mut(&pipeline_id) {
Some(pipeline) => {
pipeline.size = Some(*size);
None => return,
if let Err(e) = result {
self.handle_send_error(pipeline_id, e);
fn handle_subframe_loaded(&mut self, pipeline_id: PipelineId) {
let parent_info = match self.pipelines.get(&pipeline_id) {
Some(pipeline) => pipeline.parent_info,
None => return warn!("Pipeline {:?} loaded after closure.", pipeline_id),
let subframe_parent_id = match parent_info {
Some(ref parent) => parent.0,
None => return warn!("Pipeline {:?} has no parent.", pipeline_id),
let msg = ConstellationControlMsg::DispatchFrameLoadEvent {
target: pipeline_id,
parent: subframe_parent_id,
let result = match self.pipelines.get(&subframe_parent_id) {
Some(pipeline) => pipeline.script_chan.send(msg),
None => return warn!("Pipeline {:?} subframe loaded after closure.", subframe_parent_id),
if let Err(e) = result {
self.handle_send_error(subframe_parent_id, e);
// The script thread associated with pipeline_id has loaded a URL in an iframe via script. This
// will result in a new pipeline being spawned and a frame tree being added to
// containing_page_pipeline_id's frame tree's children. This message is never the result of a
// page navigation.
fn handle_script_loaded_url_in_iframe_msg(&mut self, load_info: IFrameLoadInfo) {
let old_pipeline_id = load_info.old_subpage_id
.and_then(|old_subpage_id| self.subpage_map.get(&(load_info.containing_pipeline_id, old_subpage_id)))
let (load_data, script_chan, window_size, is_private) = {
let old_pipeline = old_pipeline_id
.and_then(|old_pipeline_id| self.pipelines.get(&old_pipeline_id));
let source_pipeline = match self.pipelines.get(&load_info.containing_pipeline_id) {
Some(source_pipeline) => source_pipeline,
None => return warn!("Script loaded url in closed iframe {}.", load_info.containing_pipeline_id),
// If no url is specified, reload.
let load_data = load_info.load_data.unwrap_or_else(|| {
let url = match old_pipeline {
Some(old_pipeline) => old_pipeline.url.clone(),
None => Url::parse("about:blank").expect("infallible"),
// TODO - loaddata here should have referrer info (not None, None)
LoadData::new(url, None, None)
// Compare the pipeline's url to the new url. If the origin is the same,
// then reuse the script thread in creating the new pipeline
let source_url = &source_pipeline.url;
let is_private = load_info.is_private || source_pipeline.is_private;
// FIXME(#10968): this should probably match the origin check in
// HTMLIFrameElement::contentDocument.
let same_script = == &&
source_url.port() == load_data.url.port() &&
load_info.sandbox == IFrameSandboxState::IFrameUnsandboxed &&
source_pipeline.is_private == is_private;
// Reuse the script thread if the URL is same-origin
let script_chan = if same_script {
debug!("Constellation: loading same-origin iframe, \
parent url {:?}, iframe url {:?}", source_url, load_data.url);
} else {
debug!("Constellation: loading cross-origin iframe, \
parent url {:?}, iframe url {:?}", source_url, load_data.url);
let window_size = old_pipeline.and_then(|old_pipeline| old_pipeline.size);
if let Some(old_pipeline) = old_pipeline {
(load_data, script_chan, window_size, is_private)
// Create the new pipeline, attached to the parent and push to pending frames
Some((load_info.containing_pipeline_id, load_info.new_subpage_id, load_info.frame_type)),
self.subpage_map.insert((load_info.containing_pipeline_id, load_info.new_subpage_id),
self.push_pending_frame(load_info.new_pipeline_id, old_pipeline_id);
fn handle_set_cursor_msg(&mut self, cursor: Cursor) {
fn handle_change_running_animations_state(&mut self,
pipeline_id: PipelineId,
animation_state: AnimationState) {
fn handle_tick_animation(&mut self, pipeline_id: PipelineId, tick_type: AnimationTickType) {
let result = match tick_type {
AnimationTickType::Script => {
let msg = ConstellationControlMsg::TickAllAnimations(pipeline_id);
match self.pipelines.get(&pipeline_id) {
Some(pipeline) => pipeline.script_chan.send(msg),
None => return warn!("Pipeline {:?} got script tick after closure.", pipeline_id),
AnimationTickType::Layout => {
let msg = LayoutControlMsg::TickAnimations;
match self.pipelines.get(&pipeline_id) {
Some(pipeline) => pipeline.layout_chan.send(msg),
None => return warn!("Pipeline {:?} got layout tick after closure.", pipeline_id),
if let Err(e) = result {
self.handle_send_error(pipeline_id, e);
fn handle_alert(&mut self,
pipeline_id: PipelineId,
message: String,
sender: IpcSender<bool>) {
let display_alert_dialog = if PREFS.is_mozbrowser_enabled() {
let parent_pipeline_info = self.pipelines.get(&pipeline_id).and_then(|source| source.parent_info);
if parent_pipeline_info.is_some() {
let root_pipeline_id = self.root_frame_id
.and_then(|root_frame_id| self.frames.get(&root_frame_id))
.map(|root_frame| root_frame.current.0);
let ancestor_info = self.get_mozbrowser_ancestor_info(pipeline_id);
if let Some((ancestor_id, subpage_id)) = ancestor_info {
if root_pipeline_id == Some(ancestor_id) {
match root_pipeline_id.and_then(|pipeline_id| self.pipelines.get(&pipeline_id)) {
Some(root_pipeline) => {
let event = MozBrowserEvent::ShowModalPrompt("alert".to_owned(), "Alert".to_owned(),
String::from(message), "".to_owned());
root_pipeline.trigger_mozbrowser_event(Some(subpage_id), event);
None => return warn!("Alert sent to Pipeline {:?} after closure.", root_pipeline_id),
} else {
warn!("A non-current frame is trying to show an alert.")
} else {
} else {
let result = sender.send(display_alert_dialog);
if let Err(e) = result {
self.handle_send_error(pipeline_id, e);
fn handle_load_url_msg(&mut self, source_id: PipelineId, load_data: LoadData) {
self.load_url(source_id, load_data);
fn load_url(&mut self, source_id: PipelineId, load_data: LoadData) -> Option<PipelineId> {
// If this load targets an iframe, its framing element may exist
// in a separate script thread than the framed document that initiated
// the new load. The framing element must be notified about the
// requested change so it can update its internal state.
let parent_info = self.pipelines.get(&source_id).and_then(|source| source.parent_info);
match parent_info {
Some((parent_pipeline_id, subpage_id, _)) => {
// Message the constellation to find the script thread for this iframe
// and issue an iframe load through there.
let msg = ConstellationControlMsg::Navigate(parent_pipeline_id, subpage_id, load_data);
let result = match self.pipelines.get(&parent_pipeline_id) {
Some(parent_pipeline) => parent_pipeline.script_chan.send(msg),
None => {
warn!("Pipeline {:?} child loaded after closure", parent_pipeline_id);
return None;
if let Err(e) = result {
self.handle_send_error(parent_pipeline_id, e);
None => {
// Make sure no pending page would be overridden.
for frame_change in &self.pending_frames {
if frame_change.old_pipeline_id == Some(source_id) {
// id that sent load msg is being changed already; abort
return None;
if !self.pipeline_is_in_current_frame(source_id) {
// Disregard this load if the navigating pipeline is not actually
// active. This could be caused by a delayed navigation (eg. from
// a timer) or a race between multiple navigations (such as an
// onclick handler on an anchor element).
return None;
// Being here means either there are no pending frames, or none of the pending
// changes would be overridden by changing the subframe associated with source_id.
// Create the new pipeline
let window_size = self.pipelines.get(&source_id).and_then(|source| source.size);
let new_pipeline_id = PipelineId::new();
self.new_pipeline(new_pipeline_id, None, window_size, None, load_data, false);
self.push_pending_frame(new_pipeline_id, Some(source_id));
// Send message to ScriptThread that will suspend all timers
match self.pipelines.get(&source_id) {
Some(source) => source.freeze(),
None => warn!("Pipeline {:?} loaded after closure", source_id),
fn handle_load_start_msg(&mut self, pipeline_id: PipelineId) {
if let Some(frame_id) = self.get_top_level_frame_for_pipeline(Some(pipeline_id)) {
let forward = !self.joint_session_future(frame_id).is_empty();
let back = !self.joint_session_past(frame_id).is_empty();
self.compositor_proxy.send(ToCompositorMsg::LoadStart(back, forward));
fn handle_load_complete_msg(&mut self, pipeline_id: PipelineId) {
let mut webdriver_reset = false;
if let Some((expected_pipeline_id, ref reply_chan)) = self.webdriver.load_channel {
debug!("Sending load to WebDriver");
if expected_pipeline_id == pipeline_id {
let _ = reply_chan.send(webdriver_msg::LoadStatus::LoadComplete);
webdriver_reset = true;
if webdriver_reset {
self.webdriver.load_channel = None;
if let Some(frame_id) = self.get_top_level_frame_for_pipeline(Some(pipeline_id)) {
let forward = !self.joint_session_future(frame_id).is_empty();
let back = !self.joint_session_past(frame_id).is_empty();
let root = self.root_frame_id.is_none() || self.root_frame_id == Some(frame_id);
self.compositor_proxy.send(ToCompositorMsg::LoadComplete(back, forward, root));
fn handle_traverse_history_msg(&mut self,
pipeline_id: Option<PipelineId>,
direction: TraversalDirection) {
let frame_id = match self.get_top_level_frame_for_pipeline(pipeline_id) {
Some(frame_id) => frame_id,
None => return warn!("Traverse message received after root's closure."),
let mut traversal_info = HashMap::new();
match direction {
TraversalDirection::Forward(delta) => {
let mut future = self.joint_session_future(frame_id);
for _ in {
match future.pop() {
Some((_, frame_id, pipeline_id)) => {
traversal_info.insert(frame_id, pipeline_id);
None => return warn!("invalid traversal delta"),
TraversalDirection::Back(delta) => {
let mut past = self.joint_session_past(frame_id);
for _ in {
match past.pop() {
Some((_, frame_id, pipeline_id)) => {
traversal_info.insert(frame_id, pipeline_id);
None => return warn!("invalid traversal delta"),
for (frame_id, pipeline_id) in traversal_info {
self.traverse_frame_to_pipeline(frame_id, pipeline_id);
fn handle_joint_session_history_length(&self, pipeline_id: PipelineId, sender: IpcSender<u32>) {
let frame_id = match self.get_top_level_frame_for_pipeline(Some(pipeline_id)) {
Some(frame_id) => frame_id,
None => {
warn!("Jsh length message received after root's closure.");
let _ = sender.send(0);
// Initialize length at 1 to count for the current active entry
let mut length = 1;
for frame in self.full_frame_tree_iter(frame_id) {
length +=;
length += frame.prev.len();
let _ = sender.send(length as u32);
fn handle_key_msg(&mut self, ch: Option<char>, key: Key, state: KeyState, mods: KeyModifiers) {
// Send to the explicitly focused pipeline (if it exists), or the root
// frame's current pipeline. If neither exist, fall back to sending to
// the compositor below.
let root_pipeline_id = self.root_frame_id
.and_then(|root_frame_id| self.frames.get(&root_frame_id))
.map(|root_frame| root_frame.current.0);
let pipeline_id = self.focus_pipeline_id.or(root_pipeline_id);
match pipeline_id {
Some(pipeline_id) => {
let event = CompositorEvent::KeyEvent(ch, key, state, mods);
let msg = ConstellationControlMsg::SendEvent(pipeline_id, event);
let result = match self.pipelines.get(&pipeline_id) {
Some(pipeline) => pipeline.script_chan.send(msg),
None => return debug!("Pipeline {:?} got key event after closure.", pipeline_id),
if let Err(e) = result {
self.handle_send_error(pipeline_id, e);
None => {
let event = ToCompositorMsg::KeyEvent(ch, key, state, mods);
fn handle_reload_msg(&mut self) {
// Send Reload constellation msg to root script channel.
let root_pipeline_id = self.root_frame_id
.and_then(|root_frame_id| self.frames.get(&root_frame_id))
.map(|root_frame| root_frame.current.0);
if let Some(pipeline_id) = root_pipeline_id {
let msg = ConstellationControlMsg::Reload(pipeline_id);
let result = match self.pipelines.get(&pipeline_id) {
Some(pipeline) => pipeline.script_chan.send(msg),
None => return debug!("Pipeline {:?} got reload event after closure.", pipeline_id),
if let Err(e) = result {
self.handle_send_error(pipeline_id, e);
fn handle_get_pipeline_title_msg(&mut self, pipeline_id: PipelineId) {
let result = match self.pipelines.get(&pipeline_id) {
None => return self.compositor_proxy.send(ToCompositorMsg::ChangePageTitle(pipeline_id, None)),
Some(pipeline) => pipeline.script_chan.send(ConstellationControlMsg::GetTitle(pipeline_id)),
if let Err(e) = result {
self.handle_send_error(pipeline_id, e);
fn handle_mozbrowser_event_msg(&mut self,
containing_pipeline_id: PipelineId,
subpage_id: Option<SubpageId>,
event: MozBrowserEvent) {
// Find the script channel for the given parent pipeline,
// and pass the event to that script thread.
// If the pipeline lookup fails, it is because we have torn down the pipeline,
// so it is reasonable to silently ignore the event.
match self.pipelines.get(&containing_pipeline_id) {
Some(pipeline) => pipeline.trigger_mozbrowser_event(subpage_id, event),
None => warn!("Pipeline {:?} handling mozbrowser event after closure.", containing_pipeline_id),
fn handle_get_pipeline(&mut self, frame_id: Option<FrameId>,
resp_chan: IpcSender<Option<(PipelineId, bool)>>) {
let current_pipeline_id = frame_id.or(self.root_frame_id)
.and_then(|frame_id| self.frames.get(&frame_id))
.map(|frame| frame.current.0);
let current_pipeline_id_loaded = current_pipeline_id
.map(|id| (id, true));
let pipeline_id_loaded = self.pending_frames.iter().rev()
.find(|x| x.old_pipeline_id == current_pipeline_id)
.map(|x| (x.new_pipeline_id, x.document_ready))
if let Err(e) = resp_chan.send(pipeline_id_loaded) {
warn!("Failed get_pipeline response ({}).", e);
fn handle_get_frame(&mut self,
pipeline_id: PipelineId,
resp_chan: IpcSender<Option<FrameId>>) {
let frame_id = self.pipelines.get(&pipeline_id).and_then(|pipeline| pipeline.frame);
if let Err(e) = resp_chan.send(frame_id) {
warn!("Failed get_frame response ({}).", e);
fn focus_parent_pipeline(&mut self, pipeline_id: PipelineId) {
let parent_info = match self.pipelines.get(&pipeline_id) {
Some(pipeline) => pipeline.parent_info,
None => return warn!("Pipeline {:?} focus parent after closure.", pipeline_id),
let (containing_pipeline_id, subpage_id, _) = match parent_info {
Some(info) => info,
None => return debug!("Pipeline {:?} focus has no parent.", pipeline_id),
// Send a message to the parent of the provided pipeline (if it exists)
// telling it to mark the iframe element as focused.
let msg = ConstellationControlMsg::FocusIFrame(containing_pipeline_id, subpage_id);
let result = match self.pipelines.get(&containing_pipeline_id) {
Some(pipeline) => pipeline.script_chan.send(msg),
None => return warn!("Pipeline {:?} focus after closure.", containing_pipeline_id),
if let Err(e) = result {
self.handle_send_error(containing_pipeline_id, e);
fn handle_focus_msg(&mut self, pipeline_id: PipelineId) {
self.focus_pipeline_id = Some(pipeline_id);
// Focus parent iframes recursively
fn handle_remove_iframe_msg(&mut self, pipeline_id: PipelineId) {
let frame_id = self.pipelines.get(&pipeline_id).and_then(|pipeline| pipeline.frame);
match frame_id {
Some(frame_id) => {
// This iframe has already loaded and been added to the frame tree.
self.close_frame(frame_id, ExitPipelineMode::Normal);
None => {
// This iframe is currently loading / painting for the first time.
// In this case, it doesn't exist in the frame tree, but the pipeline
// still needs to be shut down.
self.close_pipeline(pipeline_id, ExitPipelineMode::Normal);
fn handle_set_visible_msg(&mut self, pipeline_id: PipelineId, visible: bool) {
let frame_id = self.pipelines.get(&pipeline_id).and_then(|pipeline| pipeline.frame);
let child_pipeline_ids: Vec<PipelineId> = self.current_frame_tree_iter(frame_id)
.map(|frame| frame.current.0)
for id in child_pipeline_ids {
if let Some(pipeline) = self.pipelines.get_mut(&id) {
fn handle_visibility_change_complete(&mut self, pipeline_id: PipelineId, visibility: bool) {
let parent_pipeline_info = self.pipelines.get(&pipeline_id).and_then(|source| source.parent_info);
if let Some((parent_pipeline_id, _, _)) = parent_pipeline_info {
let visibility_msg = ConstellationControlMsg::NotifyVisibilityChange(parent_pipeline_id,
let result = match self.pipelines.get(&parent_pipeline_id) {
None => return warn!("Parent pipeline {:?} closed", parent_pipeline_id),
Some(parent_pipeline) => parent_pipeline.script_chan.send(visibility_msg),
if let Err(e) = result {
self.handle_send_error(parent_pipeline_id, e);
fn handle_create_canvas_paint_thread_msg(
&mut self,
size: &Size2D<i32>,
response_sender: IpcSender<IpcSender<CanvasMsg>>) {
let webrender_api = self.webrender_api_sender.clone();
let sender = CanvasPaintThread::start(*size, webrender_api,
if let Err(e) = response_sender.send(sender) {
warn!("Create canvas paint thread response failed ({})", e);
fn handle_create_webgl_paint_thread_msg(
&mut self,
size: &Size2D<i32>,
attributes: GLContextAttributes,
response_sender: IpcSender<Result<(IpcSender<CanvasMsg>, GLLimits), String>>) {
let webrender_api = self.webrender_api_sender.clone();
let response = WebGLPaintThread::start(*size, attributes, webrender_api);
if let Err(e) = response_sender.send(response) {
warn!("Create WebGL paint thread response failed ({})", e);
fn handle_webdriver_msg(&mut self, msg: WebDriverCommandMsg) {
// Find the script channel for the given parent pipeline,
// and pass the event to that script thread.
match msg {
WebDriverCommandMsg::GetWindowSize(_, reply) => {
let _ = reply.send(self.window_size);
WebDriverCommandMsg::SetWindowSize(_, size, reply) => {
self.webdriver.resize_channel = Some(reply);
WebDriverCommandMsg::LoadUrl(pipeline_id, load_data, reply) => {
self.load_url_for_webdriver(pipeline_id, load_data, reply);
WebDriverCommandMsg::Refresh(pipeline_id, reply) => {
let load_data = match self.pipelines.get(&pipeline_id) {
Some(pipeline) => LoadData::new(pipeline.url.clone(), None, None),
None => return warn!("Pipeline {:?} Refresh after closure.", pipeline_id),
self.load_url_for_webdriver(pipeline_id, load_data, reply);
WebDriverCommandMsg::ScriptCommand(pipeline_id, cmd) => {
let control_msg = ConstellationControlMsg::WebDriverScriptCommand(pipeline_id, cmd);
let result = match self.pipelines.get(&pipeline_id) {
Some(pipeline) => pipeline.script_chan.send(control_msg),
None => return warn!("Pipeline {:?} ScriptCommand after closure.", pipeline_id),
if let Err(e) = result {
self.handle_send_error(pipeline_id, e);
WebDriverCommandMsg::SendKeys(pipeline_id, cmd) => {
let script_channel = match self.pipelines.get(&pipeline_id) {
Some(pipeline) => pipeline.script_chan.clone(),
None => return warn!("Pipeline {:?} SendKeys after closure.", pipeline_id),
for (key, mods, state) in cmd {
let event = CompositorEvent::KeyEvent(None, key, state, mods);
let control_msg = ConstellationControlMsg::SendEvent(pipeline_id, event);
if let Err(e) = script_channel.send(control_msg) {
return self.handle_send_error(pipeline_id, e);
WebDriverCommandMsg::TakeScreenshot(pipeline_id, reply) => {
let current_pipeline_id = self.root_frame_id
.and_then(|root_frame_id| self.frames.get(&root_frame_id))
.map(|root_frame| root_frame.current.0);
if Some(pipeline_id) == current_pipeline_id {
} else {
if let Err(e) = reply.send(None) {
warn!("Screenshot reply failed ({})", e);
fn traverse_frame_to_pipeline(&mut self, frame_id: FrameId, next_pipeline_id: PipelineId) {
// Check if the currently focused pipeline is the pipeline being replaced
// (or a child of it). This has to be done here, before the current
// frame tree is modified below.
let update_focus_pipeline = self.focused_pipeline_in_tree(frame_id);
let prev_pipeline_id = match self.frames.get_mut(&frame_id) {
Some(frame) => {
let prev = frame.current.0;
// Check that this frame contains the pipeline passed in, so that this does not
// change Frame's state before realizing `next_pipeline_id` is invalid.
let mut contains_pipeline = false;
if|&&(pipeline_id, _)| next_pipeline_id == pipeline_id).is_some() {
contains_pipeline = true;
while let Some(entry) = {
if entry.0 == next_pipeline_id {
frame.current = entry;
} else {
if !contains_pipeline &&
frame.prev.iter().find(|&&(pipeline_id, _)| next_pipeline_id == pipeline_id).is_some() {
contains_pipeline = true;;
while let Some(entry) = frame.prev.pop() {
if entry.0 == next_pipeline_id {
frame.current = entry;
} else {;
if !contains_pipeline {
return warn!("Tried to traverse frame {:?} to pipeline {:?} it does not contain.",
frame_id, next_pipeline_id);
None => return warn!("no frame to traverse"),
let pipeline_info = self.pipelines.get(&prev_pipeline_id).and_then(|p| p.parent_info);
// If the currently focused pipeline is the one being changed (or a child
// of the pipeline being changed) then update the focus pipeline to be
// the replacement.
if update_focus_pipeline {
self.focus_pipeline_id = Some(next_pipeline_id);
// Suspend the old pipeline, and resume the new one.
if let Some(prev_pipeline) = self.pipelines.get(&prev_pipeline_id) {
if let Some(next_pipeline) = self.pipelines.get(&next_pipeline_id) {
// Set paint permissions correctly for the compositor layers.
// Update the owning iframe to point to the new subpage id.
// This makes things like contentDocument work correctly.
if let Some((parent_pipeline_id, subpage_id, _)) = pipeline_info {
let new_subpage_id = match self.pipelines.get(&next_pipeline_id) {
None => return warn!("Pipeline {:?} traversed to after closure.", next_pipeline_id),
Some(pipeline) => match pipeline.parent_info {
None => return warn!("Pipeline {:?} has no parent info.", next_pipeline_id),
Some((_, new_subpage_id, _)) => new_subpage_id,
let msg = ConstellationControlMsg::UpdateSubpageId(parent_pipeline_id,
let result = match self.pipelines.get(&parent_pipeline_id) {
None => return warn!("Pipeline {:?} child traversed after closure.", parent_pipeline_id),
Some(pipeline) => pipeline.script_chan.send(msg),
if let Err(e) = result {
self.handle_send_error(parent_pipeline_id, e);
// If this is an iframe, send a mozbrowser location change event.
// This is the result of a back/forward traversal.
fn get_top_level_frame_for_pipeline(&self, pipeline_id: Option<PipelineId>) -> Option<FrameId> {
if PREFS.is_mozbrowser_enabled() {
pipeline_id.and_then(|id| self.get_mozbrowser_ancestor_info(id))
.and_then(|info| self.subpage_map.get(&info))
.and_then(|pipeline_id| self.pipelines.get(&pipeline_id))
.and_then(|pipeline| pipeline.frame)
} else {
// If mozbrowser is not enabled, the root frame is the only top-level frame
fn load_url_for_webdriver(&mut self,
pipeline_id: PipelineId,
load_data: LoadData,
reply: IpcSender<webdriver_msg::LoadStatus>) {
let new_pipeline_id = self.load_url(pipeline_id, load_data);
if let Some(id) = new_pipeline_id {
self.webdriver.load_channel = Some((id, reply));
fn add_or_replace_pipeline_in_frame_tree(&mut self, frame_change: FrameChange) {
// If the currently focused pipeline is the one being changed (or a child
// of the pipeline being changed) then update the focus pipeline to be
// the replacement.
if let Some(old_pipeline_id) = frame_change.old_pipeline_id {
if let Some(old_frame_id) = self.pipelines.get(&old_pipeline_id).and_then(|pipeline| pipeline.frame) {
if self.focused_pipeline_in_tree(old_frame_id) {
self.focus_pipeline_id = Some(frame_change.new_pipeline_id);
let frame_id = frame_change.old_pipeline_id.and_then(|old_pipeline_id| {
// The new pipeline is replacing an old one.
// Remove paint permissions for the pipeline being replaced.
self.pipelines.get(&old_pipeline_id).and_then(|pipeline| pipeline.frame)
if let Some(frame_id) = frame_id {
// Add new pipeline to navigation frame, and return frames evicted from history.
.map(|pipeline| pipeline.frame = Some(frame_id));
self.frames.get_mut(&frame_id).map(|frame| frame.load(frame_change.new_pipeline_id));
if let None = frame_id {
// The new pipeline is in a new frame with no history
let frame_id = self.new_frame(frame_change.new_pipeline_id);
// If a child frame, add it to the parent pipeline. Otherwise
// it must surely be the root frame being created!
match self.pipelines.get(&frame_change.new_pipeline_id).and_then(|pipeline| pipeline.parent_info) {
Some((parent_id, _, _)) => {
if let Some(parent) = self.pipelines.get_mut(&parent_id) {
None => {
self.root_frame_id = Some(frame_id);
// Build frame tree and send permission
// If this is an iframe, send a mozbrowser location change event.
// This is the result of a link being clicked and a navigation completing.
let frame_id = match self.get_top_level_frame_for_pipeline(Some(frame_change.new_pipeline_id)) {
Some(frame_id) => frame_id,
None => return warn!("Tried to remove forward history after root frame closure."),
fn handle_activate_document_msg(&mut self, pipeline_id: PipelineId) {
debug!("Document ready to activate {:?}", pipeline_id);
if let Some(ref child_pipeline) = self.pipelines.get(&pipeline_id) {
if let Some(ref parent_info) = child_pipeline.parent_info {
if let Some(parent_pipeline) = self.pipelines.get(&parent_info.0) {
let _ = parent_pipeline.script_chan
// If this pipeline is already part of the current frame tree,
// we don't need to do anything.
if self.pipeline_is_in_current_frame(pipeline_id) {
// Find the pending frame change whose new pipeline id is pipeline_id.
// If it is found, mark this pending frame as ready to be enabled.
let pending_index = self.pending_frames.iter().rposition(|frame_change| {
frame_change.new_pipeline_id == pipeline_id
if let Some(pending_index) = pending_index {
self.pending_frames[pending_index].document_ready = true;
// This is a bit complex. We need to loop through pending frames and find
// ones that can be swapped. A frame can be swapped (enabled) once it is
// ready to layout (has document_ready set), and also has no dependencies
// (i.e. the pipeline it is replacing has been enabled and now has a frame).
// The outer loop is required because any time a pipeline is enabled, that
// may affect whether other pending frames are now able to be enabled. On the
// other hand, if no frames can be enabled after looping through all pending
// frames, we can safely exit the loop, knowing that we will need to wait on
// a dependent pipeline to be ready to paint.
while let Some(valid_frame_change) = self.pending_frames.iter().rposition(|frame_change| {
let waiting_on_dependency = frame_change.old_pipeline_id.map_or(false, |old_pipeline_id| {
self.pipelines.get(&old_pipeline_id).map(|pipeline| pipeline.frame).is_none()
frame_change.document_ready && !waiting_on_dependency
}) {
let frame_change = self.pending_frames.swap_remove(valid_frame_change);
/// Called when the window is resized.
fn handle_window_size_msg(&mut self, new_size: WindowSizeData, size_type: WindowSizeType) {
debug!("handle_window_size_msg: {:?} {:?}", new_size.initial_viewport.to_untyped(),
if let Some(root_frame_id) = self.root_frame_id {
// Send Resize (or ResizeInactive) messages to each
// pipeline in the frame tree.
let frame = match self.frames.get(&root_frame_id) {
None => return warn!("Frame {:?} resized after closing.", root_frame_id),
Some(frame) => frame,
let pipeline_id = frame.current.0;
let pipeline = match self.pipelines.get(&pipeline_id) {
None => return warn!("Pipeline {:?} resized after closing.", pipeline_id),
Some(pipeline) => pipeline,
let _ = pipeline.script_chan.send(ConstellationControlMsg::Resize(,
for &(pipeline_id, _) in frame.prev.iter().chain(& {
let pipeline = match self.pipelines.get(&pipeline_id) {
None => {
warn!("Inactive pipeline {:?} resized after closing.", pipeline_id);
Some(pipeline) => pipeline,
let _ = pipeline.script_chan.send(ConstellationControlMsg::ResizeInactive(,
// Send resize message to any pending pipelines that aren't loaded yet.
for pending_frame in &self.pending_frames {
let pipeline_id = pending_frame.new_pipeline_id;
let pipeline = match self.pipelines.get(&pipeline_id) {
None => { warn!("Pending pipeline {:?} is closed", pipeline_id); continue; }
Some(pipeline) => pipeline,
if pipeline.parent_info.is_none() {
let _ = pipeline.script_chan.send(ConstellationControlMsg::Resize(,
if let Some(resize_channel) = self.webdriver.resize_channel.take() {
let _ = resize_channel.send(new_size);
self.window_size = new_size;
/// Handle updating actual viewport / zoom due to @viewport rules
fn handle_viewport_constrained_msg(&mut self,
pipeline_id: PipelineId,
constraints: ViewportConstraints) {
self.compositor_proxy.send(ToCompositorMsg::ViewportConstrained(pipeline_id, constraints));
/// Checks the state of all script and layout pipelines to see if they are idle
/// and compares the current layout state to what the compositor has. This is used
/// to check if the output image is "stable" and can be written as a screenshot
/// for reftests.
/// Since this function is only used in reftests, we do not harden it against panic.
fn handle_is_ready_to_save_image(&mut self,
pipeline_states: HashMap<PipelineId, Epoch>) -> ReadyToSave {
// Note that this function can panic, due to ipc-channel creation failure.
// avoiding this panic would require a mechanism for dealing
// with low-resource scenarios.
// If there is no root frame yet, the initial page has
// not loaded, so there is nothing to save yet.
if self.root_frame_id.is_none() {
return ReadyToSave::NoRootFrame;
// If there are pending loads, wait for those to complete.
if !self.pending_frames.is_empty() {
return ReadyToSave::PendingFrames;
let (state_sender, state_receiver) = ipc::channel().expect("Failed to create IPC channel!");
let (epoch_sender, epoch_receiver) = ipc::channel().expect("Failed to create IPC channel!");
// Step through the current frame tree, checking that the script
// thread is idle, and that the current epoch of the layout thread
// matches what the compositor has painted. If all these conditions
// are met, then the output image should not change and a reftest
// screenshot can safely be written.
for frame in self.current_frame_tree_iter(self.root_frame_id) {
let pipeline_id = frame.current.0;
let pipeline = match self.pipelines.get(&pipeline_id) {
None => {
warn!("Pipeline {:?} screenshot while closing.", pipeline_id);
Some(pipeline) => pipeline,
// Check to see if there are any webfonts still loading.
// If GetWebFontLoadState returns false, either there are no
// webfonts loading, or there's a WebFontLoaded message waiting in
// script_chan's message queue. Therefore, we need to check this
// before we check whether the document is ready; otherwise,
// there's a race condition where a webfont has finished loading,
// but hasn't yet notified the document.
let msg = LayoutControlMsg::GetWebFontLoadState(state_sender.clone());
if let Err(e) = pipeline.layout_chan.send(msg) {
warn!("Get web font failed ({})", e);
if state_receiver.recv().unwrap_or(true) {
return ReadyToSave::WebFontNotLoaded;
// See if this pipeline has reached idle script state yet.
match self.document_states.get(&frame.current.0) {
Some(&DocumentState::Idle) => {}
Some(&DocumentState::Pending) | None => {
return ReadyToSave::DocumentLoading;
// Check the visible rectangle for this pipeline. If the constellation has received a
// size for the pipeline, then its painting should be up to date. If the constellation
// *hasn't* received a size, it could be that the layer was hidden by script before the
// compositor discovered it, so we just don't check the layer.
if let Some(size) = pipeline.size {
// If the rectangle for this pipeline is zero sized, it will
// never be painted. In this case, don't query the layout
// thread as it won't contribute to the final output image.
if size == Size2D::zero() {
// Get the epoch that the compositor has drawn for this pipeline.
let compositor_epoch = pipeline_states.get(&frame.current.0);
match compositor_epoch {
Some(compositor_epoch) => {
// Synchronously query the layout thread to see if the current
// epoch matches what the compositor has drawn. If they match
// (and script is idle) then this pipeline won't change again
// and can be considered stable.
let message = LayoutControlMsg::GetCurrentEpoch(epoch_sender.clone());
if let Err(e) = pipeline.layout_chan.send(message) {
warn!("Failed to send GetCurrentEpoch ({}).", e);
match epoch_receiver.recv() {
Err(e) => warn!("Failed to receive current epoch ({}).", e),
Ok(layout_thread_epoch) => if layout_thread_epoch != *compositor_epoch {
return ReadyToSave::EpochMismatch;
None => {
// The compositor doesn't know about this pipeline yet.
// Assume it hasn't rendered yet.
return ReadyToSave::PipelineUnknown;
// All script threads are idle and layout epochs match compositor, so output image!
fn clear_joint_session_future(&mut self, frame_id: FrameId) {
let mut evicted_pipelines = vec!();
let mut frames_to_clear = vec!(frame_id);
while let Some(frame_id) = frames_to_clear.pop() {
let frame = match self.frames.get_mut(&frame_id) {
Some(frame) => frame,
None => {
warn!("Removed forward history after frame {:?} closure.", frame_id);
for &(pipeline_id, _) in {
let pipeline = match self.pipelines.get(&pipeline_id) {
Some(pipeline) => pipeline,
None => {
warn!("Removed forward history after pipeline {:?} closure.", pipeline_id);
for (pipeline_id, _) in evicted_pipelines {
self.close_pipeline(pipeline_id, ExitPipelineMode::Normal);
// Close a frame (and all children)
fn close_frame(&mut self, frame_id: FrameId, exit_mode: ExitPipelineMode) {
// Store information about the pipelines to be closed. Then close the
// pipelines, before removing ourself from the frames hash map. This
// ordering is vital - so that if close_pipeline() ends up closing
// any child frames, they can be removed from the parent frame correctly.
let parent_info = self.frames.get(&frame_id)
.and_then(|frame| self.pipelines.get(&frame.current.0))
.and_then(|pipeline| pipeline.parent_info);
let pipelines_to_close = {
let mut pipelines_to_close = vec!();
if let Some(frame) = self.frames.get(&frame_id) {
for (pipeline_id, _) in pipelines_to_close {
self.close_pipeline(pipeline_id, exit_mode);
if self.frames.remove(&frame_id).is_none() {
warn!("Closing frame {:?} twice.", frame_id);
if let Some((parent_pipeline_id, _, _)) = parent_info {
let parent_pipeline = match self.pipelines.get_mut(&parent_pipeline_id) {
None => return warn!("Pipeline {:?} child closed after parent.", parent_pipeline_id),
Some(parent_pipeline) => parent_pipeline,
// Close all pipelines at and beneath a given frame
fn close_pipeline(&mut self, pipeline_id: PipelineId, exit_mode: ExitPipelineMode) {
// Store information about the frames to be closed. Then close the
// frames, before removing ourself from the pipelines hash map. This
// ordering is vital - so that if close_frames() ends up closing
// any child pipelines, they can be removed from the parent pipeline correctly.
let frames_to_close = {
let mut frames_to_close = vec!();
if let Some(pipeline) = self.pipelines.get(&pipeline_id) {
// Remove any child frames
for child_frame in &frames_to_close {
self.close_frame(*child_frame, exit_mode);
let pipeline = match self.pipelines.get_mut(&pipeline_id) {
Some(pipeline) => pipeline,
None => return warn!("Closing pipeline {:?} twice.", pipeline_id),
// If a child pipeline, remove from subpage map
if let Some((parent_id, subpage_id, _)) = pipeline.parent_info {
self.subpage_map.remove(&(parent_id, subpage_id));
// Remove assocation between this pipeline and its holding frame
pipeline.frame = None;
// Remove this pipeline from pending frames if it hasn't loaded yet.
let pending_index = self.pending_frames.iter().position(|frame_change| {
frame_change.new_pipeline_id == pipeline_id
if let Some(pending_index) = pending_index {
// Inform script, compositor that this pipeline has exited.
match exit_mode {
ExitPipelineMode::Normal => pipeline.exit(),
ExitPipelineMode::Force => pipeline.force_exit(),
// Randomly close a pipeline -if --random-pipeline-closure-probability is set
fn maybe_close_random_pipeline(&mut self) {
match self.random_pipeline_closure {
Some((ref mut rng, probability)) => if probability <= rng.gen::<f32>() { return },
_ => return,
// In order to get repeatability, we sort the pipeline ids.
let mut pipeline_ids: Vec<&PipelineId> = self.pipelines.keys().collect();
if let Some((ref mut rng, _)) = self.random_pipeline_closure {
if let Some(pipeline_id) = rng.choose(&*pipeline_ids) {
if let Some(pipeline) = self.pipelines.get(pipeline_id) {
// Don't kill the mozbrowser pipeline
if PREFS.is_mozbrowser_enabled() && pipeline.parent_info.is_none() {
info!("Not closing mozbrowser pipeline {}.", pipeline_id);
} else {
// Note that we deliberately do not do any of the tidying up
// associated with closing a pipeline. The constellation should cope!
warn!("Randomly closing pipeline {}.", pipeline_id);
// Convert a frame to a sendable form to pass to the compositor
fn frame_to_sendable(&self, frame_id: FrameId) -> Option<SendableFrameTree> {
self.frames.get(&frame_id).and_then(|frame: &Frame| {
self.pipelines.get(&frame.current.0).map(|pipeline: &Pipeline| {
let mut frame_tree = SendableFrameTree {
pipeline: pipeline.to_sendable(),
size: pipeline.size,
children: vec!(),
for child_frame_id in &pipeline.children {
if let Some(frame) = self.frame_to_sendable(*child_frame_id) {
// Revoke paint permission from a pipeline, and all children.
fn revoke_paint_permission(&self, pipeline_id: PipelineId) {
let frame_id = self.pipelines.get(&pipeline_id).and_then(|pipeline| pipeline.frame);
for frame in self.current_frame_tree_iter(frame_id) {
self.pipelines.get(&frame.current.0).map(|pipeline| pipeline.revoke_paint_permission());
// Send the current frame tree to compositor, and grant paint
// permission to each pipeline in the current frame tree.
fn send_frame_tree_and_grant_paint_permission(&mut self) {
// Note that this function can panic, due to ipc-channel creation failure.
// avoiding this panic would require a mechanism for dealing
// with low-resource scenarios.
if let Some(root_frame_id) = self.root_frame_id {
if let Some(frame_tree) = self.frame_to_sendable(root_frame_id) {
let (chan, port) = ipc::channel().expect("Failed to create IPC channel!");
if port.recv().is_err() {
warn!("Compositor has discarded SetFrameTree");
return; // Our message has been discarded, probably shutting down.
for frame in self.current_frame_tree_iter(self.root_frame_id) {
self.pipelines.get(&frame.current.0).map(|pipeline| pipeline.grant_paint_permission());
/// For a given pipeline, determine the mozbrowser iframe that transitively contains
/// it. There could be arbitrary levels of nested iframes in between them.
fn get_mozbrowser_ancestor_info(&self, mut pipeline_id: PipelineId) -> Option<(PipelineId, SubpageId)> {
loop {
match self.pipelines.get(&pipeline_id) {
Some(pipeline) => match pipeline.parent_info {
Some((parent_id, subpage_id, FrameType::MozBrowserIFrame)) => return Some((parent_id, subpage_id)),
Some((parent_id, _, _)) => pipeline_id = parent_id,
None => return None,
None => {
warn!("Finding mozbrowser ancestor for pipeline {} after closure.", pipeline_id);
return None;
// Note that this is a no-op if the pipeline is not a mozbrowser iframe
fn trigger_mozbrowserlocationchange(&self, pipeline_id: PipelineId) {
if !PREFS.is_mozbrowser_enabled() { return; }
let url = match self.pipelines.get(&pipeline_id) {
Some(pipeline) => pipeline.url.to_string(),
None => return warn!("triggered mozbrowser location change on closed pipeline {:?}", pipeline_id),
// If this is a mozbrowser iframe, then send the event with new url
if let Some((containing_pipeline_id, subpage_id)) = self.get_mozbrowser_ancestor_info(pipeline_id) {
if let Some(parent_pipeline) = self.pipelines.get(&containing_pipeline_id) {
let pipeline_id = self.subpage_map.get(&(containing_pipeline_id, subpage_id));
if let Some(pipeline) = pipeline_id.and_then(|pipeline_id| self.pipelines.get(pipeline_id)) {
if let Some(frame_id) = pipeline.frame {
let can_go_forward = !self.joint_session_future(frame_id).is_empty();
let can_go_back = !self.joint_session_past(frame_id).is_empty();
let event = MozBrowserEvent::LocationChange(url, can_go_back, can_go_forward);
parent_pipeline.trigger_mozbrowser_event(Some(subpage_id), event);
// Note that this does not require the pipeline to be an immediate child of the root
fn trigger_mozbrowsererror(&mut self, pipeline_id: Option<PipelineId>, reason: String, backtrace: Option<String>) {
if !PREFS.is_mozbrowser_enabled() { return; }
let mut report = String::new();
for (thread_name, warning) in self.handled_warnings.drain(..) {
report.push_str("\nWARNING: ");
if let Some(thread_name) = thread_name {
report.push_str(">: ");
report.push_str("\nERROR: ");
if let Some(backtrace) = backtrace {
let event = MozBrowserEvent::Error(MozBrowserErrorType::Fatal, reason, report);
if let Some(pipeline_id) = pipeline_id {
if let Some((ancestor_id, subpage_id)) = self.get_mozbrowser_ancestor_info(pipeline_id) {
if let Some(ancestor) = self.pipelines.get(&ancestor_id) {
return ancestor.trigger_mozbrowser_event(Some(subpage_id), event);
if let Some(root_frame_id) = self.root_frame_id {
if let Some(root_frame) = self.frames.get(&root_frame_id) {
if let Some(root_pipeline) = self.pipelines.get(&root_frame.current.0) {
return root_pipeline.trigger_mozbrowser_event(None, event);
warn!("Mozbrowser error after root pipeline closed.");
fn focused_pipeline_in_tree(&self, frame_id: FrameId) -> bool {
self.focus_pipeline_id.map_or(false, |pipeline_id| {
self.pipeline_exists_in_tree(pipeline_id, Some(frame_id))
fn pipeline_is_in_current_frame(&self, pipeline_id: PipelineId) -> bool {
self.pipeline_exists_in_tree(pipeline_id, self.root_frame_id)
fn pipeline_exists_in_tree(&self,
pipeline_id: PipelineId,
root_frame_id: Option<FrameId>) -> bool {
.any(|current_frame| current_frame.current.0 == pipeline_id)