ddh d9cfabcbb1 servo: Merge #12502 - Added devtools support to fetch for XHR (from avadacatavra:devtools); r=jdm
<!-- Please describe your changes on the following line: -->

Added devtools support for fetch for XHR, but devtools can't show the request in the XHR tab. I've attached a picture of an XHR request in devtools.

<img width="694" alt="screenshot 2016-07-19 11 07 55" src="">

<!-- Thank you for contributing to Servo! Please replace each `[ ]` by `[X]` when the step is complete, and replace `__` with appropriate data: -->
- [X] `./mach build -d` does not report any errors
- [X] `./mach test-tidy` does not report any errors
- [X] These changes fix #11774  (github issue number if applicable).

<!-- Either: -->
- [ ] There are tests for these changes OR
- [X] These changes do not require tests because I don't know how to automate devtools testing for this

<!-- Pull requests that do not address these steps are welcome, but they will require additional verification as part of the review process. -->

Source-Revision: b5fe7db8b451f86777fb5c8d1f086319be8170c2
2016-07-29 11:44:20 -05:00

1189 lines
44 KiB

/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
use brotli::Decompressor;
use connector::Connector;
use content_blocker_parser::{LoadType, Reaction, Request as CBRequest, ResourceType};
use content_blocker_parser::{RuleList, process_rules_for_request};
use cookie;
use cookie_storage::CookieStorage;
use devtools_traits::{ChromeToDevtoolsControlMsg, DevtoolsControlMsg, HttpRequest as DevtoolsHttpRequest};
use devtools_traits::{HttpResponse as DevtoolsHttpResponse, NetworkEvent};
use flate2::read::{DeflateDecoder, GzDecoder};
use hsts::{HstsEntry, HstsList, secure_url};
use hyper::Error as HttpError;
use hyper::LanguageTag;
use hyper::client::{Pool, Request, Response};
use hyper::header::{Accept, AcceptEncoding, ContentLength, ContentEncoding, ContentType, Host, Referer};
use hyper::header::{Authorization, AcceptLanguage, Basic};
use hyper::header::{Encoding, Header, Headers, Quality, QualityItem};
use hyper::header::{Location, SetCookie, StrictTransportSecurity, UserAgent, qitem};
use hyper::http::RawStatus;
use hyper::method::Method;
use hyper::mime::{Mime, SubLevel, TopLevel};
use hyper::net::Fresh;
use hyper::status::{StatusClass, StatusCode};
use ipc_channel::ipc::{self, IpcSender};
use log;
use mime_classifier::MimeClassifier;
use msg::constellation_msg::{PipelineId, ReferrerPolicy};
use net_traits::ProgressMsg::{Done, Payload};
use net_traits::hosts::replace_hosts;
use net_traits::response::HttpsState;
use net_traits::{CookieSource, IncludeSubdomains, LoadConsumer, LoadContext, LoadData};
use net_traits::{Metadata, NetworkError, CustomResponse, CustomResponseMediator};
use openssl;
use openssl::ssl::error::{SslError, OpensslError};
use profile_traits::time::{ProfilerCategory, profile, ProfilerChan, TimerMetadata};
use profile_traits::time::{TimerMetadataReflowType, TimerMetadataFrameType};
use resource_thread::{CancellationListener, send_error, start_sending_sniffed_opt, AuthCache, AuthCacheEntry};
use std::borrow::ToOwned;
use std::boxed::FnBox;
use std::collections::HashSet;
use std::error::Error;
use std::fmt;
use std::io::{self, Cursor, Read, Write};
use std::sync::mpsc::Sender;
use std::sync::{Arc, RwLock};
use time;
use time::Tm;
#[cfg(any(target_os = "macos", target_os = "linux", target_os = "windows"))]
use tinyfiledialogs;
use url::{Url, Position};
use util::prefs::PREFS;
use util::thread::spawn_named;
use uuid;
pub fn factory(user_agent: String,
http_state: HttpState,
devtools_chan: Option<Sender<DevtoolsControlMsg>>,
profiler_chan: ProfilerChan,
swmanager_chan: Option<IpcSender<CustomResponseMediator>>,
connector: Arc<Pool<Connector>>)
-> Box<FnBox(LoadData,
CancellationListener) + Send> {
box move |load_data: LoadData, senders, classifier, cancel_listener| {
spawn_named(format!("http_loader for {}", load_data.url), move || {
let metadata = TimerMetadata {
url: load_data.url.as_str().into(),
iframe: TimerMetadataFrameType::RootWindow,
incremental: TimerMetadataReflowType::FirstReflow,
profile(ProfilerCategory::NetHTTPRequestResponse, Some(metadata), profiler_chan, || {
pub enum ReadResult {
pub fn read_block<R: Read>(reader: &mut R) -> Result<ReadResult, ()> {
let mut buf = vec![0; 1024];
match buf) {
Ok(len) if len > 0 => {
Ok(_) => Ok(ReadResult::EOF),
Err(_) => Err(()),
pub struct HttpState {
pub hsts_list: Arc<RwLock<HstsList>>,
pub cookie_jar: Arc<RwLock<CookieStorage>>,
pub auth_cache: Arc<RwLock<AuthCache>>,
pub blocked_content: Arc<Option<RuleList>>,
impl HttpState {
pub fn new() -> HttpState {
HttpState {
hsts_list: Arc::new(RwLock::new(HstsList::new())),
cookie_jar: Arc::new(RwLock::new(CookieStorage::new())),
auth_cache: Arc::new(RwLock::new(AuthCache::new())),
blocked_content: Arc::new(None),
fn precise_time_ms() -> u64 {
time::precise_time_ns() / (1000 * 1000)
fn load_for_consumer(load_data: LoadData,
start_chan: LoadConsumer,
classifier: Arc<MimeClassifier>,
connector: Arc<Pool<Connector>>,
http_state: HttpState,
devtools_chan: Option<Sender<DevtoolsControlMsg>>,
swmanager_chan: Option<IpcSender<CustomResponseMediator>>,
cancel_listener: CancellationListener,
user_agent: String) {
let factory = NetworkHttpRequestFactory {
connector: connector,
let ui_provider = TFDProvider;
match load(&load_data, &ui_provider, &http_state,
devtools_chan, &factory,
user_agent, &cancel_listener, swmanager_chan) {
Err(error) => {
match error.error {
LoadErrorType::ConnectionAborted { .. } => unreachable!(),
LoadErrorType::Ssl { reason } => send_error(error.url.clone(),
NetworkError::SslValidation(error.url, reason),
LoadErrorType::Cancelled => send_error(error.url, NetworkError::LoadCancelled, start_chan),
_ => send_error(error.url, NetworkError::Internal(error.error.description().to_owned()), start_chan)
Ok(mut load_response) => {
let metadata = load_response.metadata.clone();
send_data(load_data.context, &mut load_response, start_chan, metadata, classifier, &cancel_listener)
pub struct WrappedHttpResponse {
pub response: Response
impl Read for WrappedHttpResponse {
fn read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
pub trait HttpResponse: Read {
fn headers(&self) -> &Headers;
fn status(&self) -> StatusCode;
fn status_raw(&self) -> &RawStatus;
fn http_version(&self) -> String {
fn content_encoding(&self) -> Option<Encoding> {
let encodings = match self.headers().get::<ContentEncoding>() {
Some(&ContentEncoding(ref encodings)) => encodings,
None => return None,
if encodings.contains(&Encoding::Gzip) {
} else if encodings.contains(&Encoding::Deflate) {
} else if encodings.contains(&Encoding::EncodingExt("br".to_owned())) {
} else {
impl HttpResponse for WrappedHttpResponse {
fn headers(&self) -> &Headers {
fn status(&self) -> StatusCode {
fn status_raw(&self) -> &RawStatus {
fn http_version(&self) -> String {
pub struct ReadableCustomResponse {
headers: Headers,
raw_status: RawStatus,
body: Cursor<Vec<u8>>
pub fn to_readable_response(custom_response: CustomResponse) -> ReadableCustomResponse {
ReadableCustomResponse {
headers: custom_response.headers,
raw_status: custom_response.raw_status,
body: Cursor::new(custom_response.body)
impl HttpResponse for ReadableCustomResponse {
fn headers(&self) -> &Headers { &self.headers }
fn status(&self) -> StatusCode {
fn status_raw(&self) -> &RawStatus { &self.raw_status }
impl Read for ReadableCustomResponse {
fn read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
pub trait HttpRequestFactory {
type R: HttpRequest;
fn create(&self, url: Url, method: Method, headers: Headers) -> Result<Self::R, LoadError>;
pub struct NetworkHttpRequestFactory {
pub connector: Arc<Pool<Connector>>,
impl HttpRequestFactory for NetworkHttpRequestFactory {
type R = WrappedHttpRequest;
fn create(&self, url: Url, method: Method, headers: Headers)
-> Result<WrappedHttpRequest, LoadError> {
let connection = Request::with_connector(method, url.clone(), &*self.connector);
if let Err(HttpError::Ssl(ref error)) = connection {
let error: &(Error + Send + 'static) = &**error;
if let Some(&SslError::OpenSslErrors(ref errors)) = error.downcast_ref::<SslError>() {
if errors.iter().any(is_cert_verify_error) {
let mut error_report = vec![format!("ssl error ({}):", openssl::version::version())];
let mut suggestion = None;
for err in errors {
if is_unknown_message_digest_err(err) {
suggestion = Some("<b>Servo recommends upgrading to a newer OpenSSL version.</b>");
if let Some(suggestion) = suggestion {
let error_report = error_report.join("<br>\n");
return Err(LoadError::new(url, LoadErrorType::Ssl { reason: error_report }));
let mut request = match connection {
Ok(req) => req,
Err(e) => return Err(
LoadError::new(url, LoadErrorType::Connection { reason: e.description().to_owned() })),
*request.headers_mut() = headers;
Ok(WrappedHttpRequest { request: request })
pub trait HttpRequest {
type R: HttpResponse + 'static;
fn send(self, body: &Option<Vec<u8>>) -> Result<Self::R, LoadError>;
pub struct WrappedHttpRequest {
request: Request<Fresh>
impl HttpRequest for WrappedHttpRequest {
type R = WrappedHttpResponse;
fn send(self, body: &Option<Vec<u8>>) -> Result<WrappedHttpResponse, LoadError> {
let url = self.request.url.clone();
let mut request_writer = match self.request.start() {
Ok(streaming) => streaming,
Err(e) => return Err(LoadError::new(url, LoadErrorType::Connection { reason: e.description().to_owned() })),
if let Some(ref data) = *body {
if let Err(e) = request_writer.write_all(&data) {
return Err(LoadError::new(url, LoadErrorType::Connection { reason: e.description().to_owned() }))
let response = match request_writer.send() {
Ok(w) => w,
Err(HttpError::Io(ref io_error)) if io_error.kind() == io::ErrorKind::ConnectionAborted => {
let error_type = LoadErrorType::ConnectionAborted { reason: io_error.description().to_owned() };
return Err(LoadError::new(url, error_type));
Err(e) => return Err(LoadError::new(url, LoadErrorType::Connection { reason: e.description().to_owned() })),
Ok(WrappedHttpResponse { response: response })
pub struct LoadError {
pub url: Url,
pub error: LoadErrorType,
impl LoadError {
pub fn new(url: Url, error: LoadErrorType) -> LoadError {
LoadError {
url: url,
error: error,
#[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Debug)]
pub enum LoadErrorType {
Connection { reason: String },
ConnectionAborted { reason: String },
// Preflight fetch inconsistent with main fetch
Decoding { reason: String },
InvalidRedirect { reason: String },
MaxRedirects(u32), // u32 indicates number of redirects that occurred
Ssl { reason: String },
UnsupportedScheme { scheme: String },
impl fmt::Display for LoadErrorType {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{}", self.description())
impl Error for LoadErrorType {
fn description(&self) -> &str {
match *self {
LoadErrorType::Cancelled => "load cancelled",
LoadErrorType::Connection { ref reason } => reason,
LoadErrorType::ConnectionAborted { ref reason } => reason,
LoadErrorType::ContentBlocked => "content blocked",
LoadErrorType::CorsPreflightFetchInconsistent => "preflight fetch inconsistent with main fetch",
LoadErrorType::Decoding { ref reason } => reason,
LoadErrorType::InvalidRedirect { ref reason } => reason,
LoadErrorType::MaxRedirects(_) => "too many redirects",
LoadErrorType::RedirectLoop => "redirect loop",
LoadErrorType::Ssl { ref reason } => reason,
LoadErrorType::UnsupportedScheme { .. } => "unsupported url scheme",
pub fn set_default_accept_encoding(headers: &mut Headers) {
if headers.has::<AcceptEncoding>() {
fn set_default_accept(headers: &mut Headers) {
if !headers.has::<Accept>() {
let accept = Accept(vec![
qitem(Mime(TopLevel::Text, SubLevel::Html, vec![])),
qitem(Mime(TopLevel::Application, SubLevel::Ext("xhtml+xml".to_owned()), vec![])),
QualityItem::new(Mime(TopLevel::Application, SubLevel::Xml, vec![]), Quality(900u16)),
QualityItem::new(Mime(TopLevel::Star, SubLevel::Star, vec![]), Quality(800u16)),
fn set_default_accept_language(headers: &mut Headers) {
if headers.has::<AcceptLanguage>() {
let mut en_us: LanguageTag = Default::default();
en_us.language = Some("en".to_owned());
en_us.region = Some("US".to_owned());
let mut en: LanguageTag = Default::default();
en.language = Some("en".to_owned());
QualityItem::new(en, Quality(500)),
fn no_referrer_when_downgrade_header(referrer_url: Url, url: Url) -> Option<Url> {
if referrer_url.scheme() == "https" && url.scheme() != "https" {
return None;
return strip_url(referrer_url, false);
fn strip_url(mut referrer_url: Url, origin_only: bool) -> Option<Url> {
if referrer_url.scheme() == "https" || referrer_url.scheme() == "http" {
if origin_only {
return Some(referrer_url);
return None;
pub fn determine_request_referrer(headers: &mut Headers,
referrer_policy: Option<ReferrerPolicy>,
referrer_url: Option<Url>,
url: Url) -> Option<Url> {
//TODO - algorithm step 2 not addressed
if let Some(ref_url) = referrer_url {
let cross_origin = ref_url.origin() != url.origin();
return match referrer_policy {
Some(ReferrerPolicy::NoReferrer) => None,
Some(ReferrerPolicy::Origin) => strip_url(ref_url, true),
Some(ReferrerPolicy::SameOrigin) => if cross_origin { None } else { strip_url(ref_url, false) },
Some(ReferrerPolicy::UnsafeUrl) => strip_url(ref_url, false),
Some(ReferrerPolicy::OriginWhenCrossOrigin) => strip_url(ref_url, cross_origin),
Some(ReferrerPolicy::NoReferrerWhenDowngrade) | None =>
no_referrer_when_downgrade_header(ref_url, url),
return None;
pub fn set_request_cookies(url: &Url, headers: &mut Headers, cookie_jar: &Arc<RwLock<CookieStorage>>) {
let mut cookie_jar = cookie_jar.write().unwrap();
if let Some(cookie_list) = cookie_jar.cookies_for_url(url, CookieSource::HTTP) {
let mut v = Vec::new();
headers.set_raw("Cookie".to_owned(), v);
fn set_cookie_for_url(cookie_jar: &Arc<RwLock<CookieStorage>>,
request: Url,
cookie_val: String) {
let mut cookie_jar = cookie_jar.write().unwrap();
let source = CookieSource::HTTP;
let header = Header::parse_header(&[cookie_val.into_bytes()]);
if let Ok(SetCookie(cookies)) = header {
for bare_cookie in cookies {
if let Some(cookie) = cookie::Cookie::new_wrapped(bare_cookie, &request, source) {
cookie_jar.push(cookie, source);
fn set_cookies_from_response(url: Url, response: &HttpResponse, cookie_jar: &Arc<RwLock<CookieStorage>>) {
if let Some(cookies) = response.headers().get_raw("set-cookie") {
for cookie in cookies.iter() {
if let Ok(cookie_value) = String::from_utf8(cookie.clone()) {
fn update_sts_list_from_response(url: &Url, response: &HttpResponse, hsts_list: &Arc<RwLock<HstsList>>) {
if url.scheme() != "https" {
if let Some(header) = response.headers().get::<StrictTransportSecurity>() {
if let Some(host) = url.domain() {
let mut hsts_list = hsts_list.write().unwrap();
let include_subdomains = if header.include_subdomains {
} else {
if let Some(entry) = HstsEntry::new(host.to_owned(), include_subdomains, Some(header.max_age)) {
info!("adding host {} to the strict transport security list", host);
info!("- max-age {}", header.max_age);
if header.include_subdomains {
info!("- includeSubdomains");
pub struct StreamedResponse {
decoder: Decoder,
pub metadata: Metadata
impl Read for StreamedResponse {
fn read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
match self.decoder {
Decoder::Gzip(ref mut d) =>,
Decoder::Deflate(ref mut d) =>,
Decoder::Brotli(ref mut d) =>,
Decoder::Plain(ref mut d) =>
impl StreamedResponse {
fn new(m: Metadata, d: Decoder) -> StreamedResponse {
StreamedResponse { metadata: m, decoder: d }
pub fn from_http_response(response: Box<HttpResponse>, m: Metadata) -> Result<StreamedResponse, LoadError> {
let decoder = match response.content_encoding() {
Some(Encoding::Gzip) => {
let result = GzDecoder::new(response);
match result {
Ok(response_decoding) => Decoder::Gzip(response_decoding),
Err(err) => {
return Err(
LoadError::new(m.final_url, LoadErrorType::Decoding { reason: err.to_string() }))
Some(Encoding::Deflate) => {
Some(Encoding::EncodingExt(ref ext)) if ext == "br" => {
Decoder::Brotli(Decompressor::new(response, 1024))
_ => {
Ok(StreamedResponse::new(m, decoder))
enum Decoder {
fn prepare_devtools_request(request_id: String,
url: Url,
method: Method,
headers: Headers,
body: Option<Vec<u8>>,
pipeline_id: PipelineId,
now: Tm,
connect_time: u64,
send_time: u64,
is_xhr: bool) -> ChromeToDevtoolsControlMsg {
let request = DevtoolsHttpRequest {
url: url,
method: method,
headers: headers,
body: body,
pipeline_id: pipeline_id,
startedDateTime: now,
timeStamp: now.to_timespec().sec,
connect_time: connect_time,
send_time: send_time,
is_xhr: is_xhr,
let net_event = NetworkEvent::HttpRequest(request);
ChromeToDevtoolsControlMsg::NetworkEvent(request_id, net_event)
pub fn send_request_to_devtools(msg: ChromeToDevtoolsControlMsg,
devtools_chan: &Sender<DevtoolsControlMsg>) {
pub fn send_response_to_devtools(devtools_chan: &Sender<DevtoolsControlMsg>,
request_id: String,
headers: Option<Headers>,
status: Option<RawStatus>,
pipeline_id: PipelineId) {
let response = DevtoolsHttpResponse { headers: headers, status: status, body: None, pipeline_id: pipeline_id };
let net_event_response = NetworkEvent::HttpResponse(response);
let msg = ChromeToDevtoolsControlMsg::NetworkEvent(request_id, net_event_response);
let _ = devtools_chan.send(DevtoolsControlMsg::FromChrome(msg));
fn request_must_be_secured(url: &Url, hsts_list: &Arc<RwLock<HstsList>>) -> bool {
match url.domain() {
Some(domain) =>,
None => false
pub fn modify_request_headers(headers: &mut Headers,
url: &Url,
user_agent: &str,
referrer_policy: Option<ReferrerPolicy>,
referrer_url: &mut Option<Url>) {
// Ensure that the host header is set from the original url
let host = Host {
hostname: url.host_str().unwrap().to_owned(),
port: url.port_or_known_default()
// If the user-agent has not already been set, then use the
// browser's default user-agent or the user-agent override
// from the command line. If the user-agent is set, don't
// modify it, as setting of the user-agent by the user is
// allowed.
// step 8
if !headers.has::<UserAgent>() {
*referrer_url = determine_request_referrer(headers,
if let Some(referer_val) = referrer_url.clone() {
fn set_auth_header(headers: &mut Headers,
url: &Url,
auth_cache: &Arc<RwLock<AuthCache>>) {
if !headers.has::<Authorization<Basic>>() {
if let Some(auth) = auth_from_url(url) {
} else {
if let Some(basic) = auth_from_cache(auth_cache, url) {
pub fn auth_from_cache(auth_cache: &Arc<RwLock<AuthCache>>, url: &Url) -> Option<Basic> {
if let Some(ref auth_entry) = {
let user_name = auth_entry.user_name.clone();
let password = Some(auth_entry.password.clone());
Some(Basic { username: user_name, password: password })
} else {
fn auth_from_url(doc_url: &Url) -> Option<Authorization<Basic>> {
let username = doc_url.username();
if username != "" {
Some(Authorization(Basic {
username: username.to_owned(),
password: Some(doc_url.password().unwrap_or("").to_owned())
} else {
pub fn process_response_headers(response: &HttpResponse,
url: &Url,
cookie_jar: &Arc<RwLock<CookieStorage>>,
hsts_list: &Arc<RwLock<HstsList>>,
load_data: &LoadData) {
info!("got HTTP response {}, headers:", response.status());
if log_enabled!(log::LogLevel::Info) {
for header in response.headers().iter() {
info!(" - {}", header);
// step 9
if load_data.credentials_flag {
set_cookies_from_response(url.clone(), response, cookie_jar);
update_sts_list_from_response(url, response, hsts_list);
pub fn obtain_response<A>(request_factory: &HttpRequestFactory<R=A>,
url: &Url,
method: &Method,
request_headers: &Headers,
cancel_listener: &CancellationListener,
data: &Option<Vec<u8>>,
load_data_method: &Method,
pipeline_id: &Option<PipelineId>,
iters: u32,
devtools_chan: &Option<Sender<DevtoolsControlMsg>>,
request_id: &str,
is_xhr: bool)
-> Result<(A::R, Option<ChromeToDevtoolsControlMsg>), LoadError>
where A: HttpRequest + 'static {
let null_data = None;
let response;
let connection_url = replace_hosts(&url);
let mut msg;
// loop trying connections in connection pool
// they may have grown stale (disconnected), in which case we'll get
// a ConnectionAborted error. this loop tries again with a new
// connection.
loop {
let mut headers = request_headers.clone();
// Avoid automatically sending request body if a redirect has occurred.
// TODO - This is the wrong behaviour according to the RFC. However, I'm not
// sure how much "correctness" vs. real-world is important in this case.
let is_redirected_request = iters != 1;
let request_body;
match data {
&Some(ref d) if !is_redirected_request => {
headers.set(ContentLength(d.len() as u64));
request_body = data;
_ => {
if *load_data_method != Method::Get && *load_data_method != Method::Head {
request_body = &null_data;
if log_enabled!(log::LogLevel::Info) {
info!("{}", method);
for header in headers.iter() {
info!(" - {}", header);
info!("{:?}", data);
let connect_start = precise_time_ms();
let req = try!(request_factory.create(connection_url.clone(), method.clone(),
let connect_end = precise_time_ms();
if cancel_listener.is_cancelled() {
return Err(LoadError::new(connection_url.clone(), LoadErrorType::Cancelled));
let send_start = precise_time_ms();
let maybe_response = req.send(request_body);
let send_end = precise_time_ms();
msg = if devtools_chan.is_some() {
if let Some(pipeline_id) = *pipeline_id {
url.clone(), method.clone(), headers,
request_body.clone(), pipeline_id, time::now(),
connect_end - connect_start, send_end - send_start, is_xhr))
} else {
} else {
response = match maybe_response {
Ok(r) => r,
Err(e) => {
if let LoadErrorType::ConnectionAborted { reason } = e.error {
debug!("connection aborted ({:?}), possibly stale, trying new connection", reason);
} else {
return Err(e)
// if no ConnectionAborted, break the loop
Ok((response, msg))
pub trait UIProvider {
fn input_username_and_password(&self, prompt: &str) -> (Option<String>, Option<String>);
impl UIProvider for TFDProvider {
#[cfg(any(target_os = "macos", target_os = "linux", target_os = "windows"))]
fn input_username_and_password(&self, prompt: &str) -> (Option<String>, Option<String>) {
(tinyfiledialogs::input_box(prompt, "Username:", ""),
tinyfiledialogs::input_box(prompt, "Password:", ""))
#[cfg(not(any(target_os = "macos", target_os = "linux", target_os = "windows")))]
fn input_username_and_password(&self, _prompt: &str) -> (Option<String>, Option<String>) {
(None, None)
struct TFDProvider;
pub fn load<A, B>(load_data: &LoadData,
ui_provider: &B,
http_state: &HttpState,
devtools_chan: Option<Sender<DevtoolsControlMsg>>,
request_factory: &HttpRequestFactory<R=A>,
user_agent: String,
cancel_listener: &CancellationListener,
swmanager_chan: Option<IpcSender<CustomResponseMediator>>)
-> Result<StreamedResponse, LoadError> where A: HttpRequest + 'static, B: UIProvider {
let max_redirects = PREFS.get("network.http.redirection-limit").as_i64().unwrap() as u32;
let mut iters = 0;
// URL of the document being loaded, as seen by all the higher-level code.
let mut doc_url = load_data.url.clone();
let mut redirected_to = HashSet::new();
let mut method = load_data.method.clone();
// URL of referrer - to be updated with redirects
let mut referrer_url = load_data.referrer_url.clone();
let mut new_auth_header: Option<Authorization<Basic>> = None;
if cancel_listener.is_cancelled() {
return Err(LoadError::new(doc_url, LoadErrorType::Cancelled));
let (msg_sender, msg_receiver) = ipc::channel().unwrap();
let response_mediator = CustomResponseMediator {
response_chan: msg_sender,
load_url: doc_url.clone()
if let Some(sender) = swmanager_chan {
let _ = sender.send(response_mediator);
if let Ok(Some(custom_response)) = msg_receiver.recv() {
let metadata = Metadata::default(doc_url.clone());
let readable_response = to_readable_response(custom_response);
return StreamedResponse::from_http_response(box readable_response, metadata);
} else {
debug!("Did not receive a custom response");
// If the URL is a view-source scheme then the scheme data contains the
// real URL that should be used for which the source is to be viewed.
// Change our existing URL to that and keep note that we are viewing
// the source rather than rendering the contents of the URL.
let viewing_source = doc_url.scheme() == "view-source";
if viewing_source {
doc_url = Url::parse(&load_data.url[Position::BeforeUsername..]).unwrap();
// Loop to handle redirects.
loop {
iters = iters + 1;
if doc_url.scheme() == "http" && request_must_be_secured(&doc_url, &http_state.hsts_list) {
info!("{} is in the strict transport security list, requesting secure host", doc_url);
doc_url = secure_url(&doc_url);
if iters > max_redirects {
return Err(LoadError::new(doc_url, LoadErrorType::MaxRedirects(iters - 1)));
if !matches!(doc_url.scheme(), "http" | "https") {
let scheme = doc_url.scheme().to_owned();
return Err(LoadError::new(doc_url, LoadErrorType::UnsupportedScheme { scheme: scheme }));
if cancel_listener.is_cancelled() {
return Err(LoadError::new(doc_url, LoadErrorType::Cancelled));
let mut block_cookies = false;
if let Some(ref rules) = *http_state.blocked_content {
let same_origin =
.map(|url| url.origin() == doc_url.origin())
let load_type = if same_origin { LoadType::FirstParty } else { LoadType::ThirdParty };
let actions = process_rules_for_request(rules, &CBRequest {
url: &doc_url,
resource_type: to_resource_type(&load_data.context),
load_type: load_type,
for action in actions {
match action {
Reaction::Block => {
return Err(LoadError::new(doc_url, LoadErrorType::ContentBlocked));
Reaction::BlockCookies => block_cookies = true,
Reaction::HideMatchingElements(_) => (),
info!("requesting {}", doc_url);
// Avoid automatically preserving request headers when redirects occur.
// See and
// .
// Only preserve ones which have been explicitly marked as such.
let mut request_headers = if iters == 1 {
let mut combined_headers = load_data.headers.clone();
} else {
let request_id = uuid::Uuid::new_v4().simple().to_string();
modify_request_headers(&mut request_headers, &doc_url,
&user_agent, load_data.referrer_policy,
&mut referrer_url);
// step 11
if load_data.credentials_flag {
if !block_cookies {
set_request_cookies(&doc_url, &mut request_headers, &http_state.cookie_jar);
// step 12
set_auth_header(&mut request_headers, &doc_url, &http_state.auth_cache);
//if there is a new auth header then set the request headers with it
if let Some(ref auth_header) = new_auth_header {
let (response, msg) =
try!(obtain_response(request_factory, &doc_url, &method, &request_headers,
&cancel_listener, &, &load_data.method,
&load_data.pipeline_id, iters, &devtools_chan, &request_id, false));
process_response_headers(&response, &doc_url, &http_state.cookie_jar, &http_state.hsts_list, &load_data);
//if response status is unauthorized then prompt user for username and password
if response.status() == StatusCode::Unauthorized &&
response.headers().get_raw("WWW-Authenticate").is_some() {
let (username_option, password_option) =
match username_option {
Some(name) => {
new_auth_header = Some(Authorization(Basic { username: name, password: password_option }));
None => {},
new_auth_header = None;
if let Some(auth_header) = request_headers.get::<Authorization<Basic>>() {
if response.status().class() == StatusClass::Success {
let auth_entry = AuthCacheEntry {
user_name: auth_header.username.to_owned(),
password: auth_header.password.to_owned().unwrap(),
http_state.auth_cache.write().unwrap().entries.insert(doc_url.clone(), auth_entry);
// --- Loop if there's a redirect
if response.status().class() == StatusClass::Redirection {
if let Some(&Location(ref new_url)) = response.headers().get::<Location>() {
// CORS (, status section, point 9, 10)
if let Some(ref c) = load_data.cors {
if c.preflight {
return Err(LoadError::new(doc_url, LoadErrorType::CorsPreflightFetchInconsistent));
} else {
// XXXManishearth There are some CORS-related steps here,
// but they don't seem necessary until credentials are implemented
let new_doc_url = match doc_url.join(&new_url) {
Ok(u) => u,
Err(e) => return Err(
LoadError::new(doc_url, LoadErrorType::InvalidRedirect { reason: e.to_string() })),
// According to,
// historically UAs have rewritten POST->GET on 301 and 302 responses.
if method == Method::Post &&
(response.status() == StatusCode::MovedPermanently ||
response.status() == StatusCode::Found) {
method = Method::Get;
if redirected_to.contains(&new_doc_url) {
return Err(LoadError::new(doc_url, LoadErrorType::RedirectLoop));
info!("redirecting to {}", new_doc_url);
doc_url = new_doc_url;
// Only notify the devtools about the final request that received a response.
if let Some(m) = msg {
send_request_to_devtools(m, devtools_chan.as_ref().unwrap());
let mut adjusted_headers = response.headers().clone();
if viewing_source {
adjusted_headers.set(ContentType(Mime(TopLevel::Text, SubLevel::Plain, vec![])));
let mut metadata: Metadata = Metadata::default(doc_url.clone());
metadata.set_content_type(match adjusted_headers.get() {
Some(&ContentType(ref mime)) => Some(mime),
None => None
metadata.headers = Some(adjusted_headers);
metadata.status = Some(response.status_raw().clone());
metadata.https_state = if doc_url.scheme() == "https" {
} else {
metadata.referrer = referrer_url.clone();
// --- Tell devtools that we got a response
// Send an HttpResponse message to devtools with the corresponding request_id
// TODO: Send this message even when the load fails?
if let Some(pipeline_id) = load_data.pipeline_id {
if let Some(ref chan) = devtools_chan {
&chan, request_id,
metadata.headers.clone(), metadata.status.clone(),
if response.status().class() == StatusClass::Redirection {
} else {
return StreamedResponse::from_http_response(box response, metadata);
fn send_data<R: Read>(context: LoadContext,
reader: &mut R,
start_chan: LoadConsumer,
metadata: Metadata,
classifier: Arc<MimeClassifier>,
cancel_listener: &CancellationListener) {
let (progress_chan, mut chunk) = {
let buf = match read_block(reader) {
Ok(ReadResult::Payload(buf)) => buf,
_ => vec!(),
let p = match start_sending_sniffed_opt(start_chan, metadata, classifier, &buf, context) {
Ok(p) => p,
_ => return
(p, buf)
loop {
if cancel_listener.is_cancelled() {
let _ = progress_chan.send(Done(Err(NetworkError::LoadCancelled)));
if progress_chan.send(Payload(chunk)).is_err() {
// The send errors when the receiver is out of scope,
// which will happen if the fetch has timed out (or has been aborted)
// so we don't need to continue with the loading of the file here.
chunk = match read_block(reader) {
Ok(ReadResult::Payload(buf)) => buf,
Ok(ReadResult::EOF) | Err(_) => break,
let _ = progress_chan.send(Done(Ok(())));
// FIXME: This incredibly hacky. Make it more robust, and at least test it.
fn is_cert_verify_error(error: &OpensslError) -> bool {
match error {
&OpensslError::UnknownError { ref library, ref function, ref reason } => {
library == "SSL routines" &&
function.to_uppercase() == "SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE" &&
reason == "certificate verify failed"
fn is_unknown_message_digest_err(error: &OpensslError) -> bool {
match error {
&OpensslError::UnknownError { ref library, ref function, ref reason } => {
library == "asn1 encoding routines" &&
function == "ASN1_item_verify" &&
reason == "unknown message digest algorithm"
fn format_ssl_error(error: &OpensslError) -> String {
match error {
&OpensslError::UnknownError { ref library, ref function, ref reason } => {
format!("{}: {} - {}", library, function, reason)
fn to_resource_type(context: &LoadContext) -> ResourceType {
match *context {
LoadContext::Browsing => ResourceType::Document,
LoadContext::Image => ResourceType::Image,
LoadContext::AudioVideo => ResourceType::Media,
LoadContext::Plugin => ResourceType::Raw,
LoadContext::Style => ResourceType::StyleSheet,
LoadContext::Script => ResourceType::Script,
LoadContext::Font => ResourceType::Font,
LoadContext::TextTrack => ResourceType::Media,
LoadContext::CacheManifest => ResourceType::Raw,