mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 07:40:42 +00:00

Before this change, the shared memory region handle was stored in a shared object, meaning that it needed to be cloned when serializing to create an owned copy of the handle to serialize over IPC. As cloning a file descriptor or HANDLE is fallible, this meant that serializing a DataPipe could crash if file descriptors were exhausted. This change pre-clones the file descriptors and closes the original descriptor at creation, removing that fallible operation from DataPipe serialization. Differential Revision: https://phabricator.services.mozilla.com/D187683
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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
#include "DataPipe.h"
#include "mozilla/AlreadyAddRefed.h"
#include "mozilla/Assertions.h"
#include "mozilla/CheckedInt.h"
#include "mozilla/ErrorNames.h"
#include "mozilla/Logging.h"
#include "mozilla/MoveOnlyFunction.h"
#include "mozilla/ipc/InputStreamParams.h"
#include "nsIAsyncInputStream.h"
#include "nsStreamUtils.h"
#include "nsThreadUtils.h"
namespace mozilla {
namespace ipc {
LazyLogModule gDataPipeLog("DataPipe");
namespace data_pipe_detail {
// Helper for queueing up actions to be run once the mutex has been unlocked.
// Actions will be run in-order.
class MOZ_SCOPED_CAPABILITY DataPipeAutoLock {
explicit DataPipeAutoLock(Mutex& aMutex) MOZ_CAPABILITY_ACQUIRE(aMutex)
: mMutex(aMutex) {
DataPipeAutoLock(const DataPipeAutoLock&) = delete;
DataPipeAutoLock& operator=(const DataPipeAutoLock&) = delete;
template <typename F>
void AddUnlockAction(F aAction) {
for (auto& action : mActions) {
Mutex& mMutex;
AutoTArray<MoveOnlyFunction<void()>, 4> mActions;
static void DoNotifyOnUnlock(DataPipeAutoLock& aLock,
already_AddRefed<nsIRunnable> aCallback,
already_AddRefed<nsIEventTarget> aTarget) {
nsCOMPtr<nsIRunnable> callback{std::move(aCallback)};
nsCOMPtr<nsIEventTarget> target{std::move(aTarget)};
if (callback) {
[callback = std::move(callback), target = std::move(target)]() mutable {
if (target) {
} else {
class DataPipeLink : public NodeController::PortObserver {
DataPipeLink(bool aReceiverSide, std::shared_ptr<Mutex> aMutex,
ScopedPort aPort, SharedMemoryBasic::Handle aShmemHandle,
SharedMemory* aShmem, uint32_t aCapacity, nsresult aPeerStatus,
uint32_t aOffset, uint32_t aAvailable)
: mMutex(std::move(aMutex)),
mAvailable(aAvailable) {}
void Init() MOZ_EXCLUDES(*mMutex) {
DataPipeAutoLock lock(*mMutex);
if (NS_FAILED(mPeerStatus)) {
mPort.Controller()->SetPortObserver(mPort.Port(), this);
void OnPortStatusChanged() final MOZ_EXCLUDES(*mMutex);
// Add a task to notify the callback after `aLock` is unlocked.
// This method is safe to call multiple times, as after the first time it is
// called, `mCallback` will be cleared.
void NotifyOnUnlock(DataPipeAutoLock& aLock) MOZ_REQUIRES(*mMutex) {
DoNotifyOnUnlock(aLock, mCallback.forget(), mCallbackTarget.forget());
void SendBytesConsumedOnUnlock(DataPipeAutoLock& aLock, uint32_t aBytes)
MOZ_LOG(gDataPipeLog, LogLevel::Verbose,
("SendOnUnlock CONSUMED(%u) %s", aBytes, Describe(aLock).get()));
if (NS_FAILED(mPeerStatus)) {
// `mPort` may be destroyed by `SetPeerError` after the DataPipe is unlocked
// but before we send the message. The strong controller and port references
// will allow us to try to send the message anyway, and it will be safely
// dropped if the port has already been closed. CONSUMED messages are safe
// to deliver out-of-order, so we don't need to worry about ordering here.
aLock.AddUnlockAction([controller = RefPtr{mPort.Controller()},
port = mPort.Port(), aBytes]() mutable {
auto message = MakeUnique<IPC::Message>(
IPC::MessageWriter writer(*message);
WriteParam(&writer, aBytes);
controller->SendUserMessage(port, std::move(message));
void SetPeerError(DataPipeAutoLock& aLock, nsresult aStatus,
bool aSendClosed = false) MOZ_REQUIRES(*mMutex) {
MOZ_LOG(gDataPipeLog, LogLevel::Debug,
("SetPeerError(%s%s) %s", GetStaticErrorName(aStatus),
aSendClosed ? ", send" : "", Describe(aLock).get()));
// The pipe was closed or errored. Clear the observer reference back
// to this type from the port layer, and ensure we notify waiters.
mPeerStatus = NS_SUCCEEDED(aStatus) ? NS_BASE_STREAM_CLOSED : aStatus;
aLock.AddUnlockAction([port = std::move(mPort), aStatus, aSendClosed] {
if (aSendClosed) {
auto message = MakeUnique<IPC::Message>(MSG_ROUTING_NONE,
IPC::MessageWriter writer(*message);
WriteParam(&writer, aStatus);
port.Controller()->SendUserMessage(port.Port(), std::move(message));
// The `ScopedPort` being destroyed with this action will close it,
// clearing the observer reference from the ports layer.
nsCString Describe(DataPipeAutoLock& aLock) const MOZ_REQUIRES(*mMutex) {
return nsPrintfCString(
"[%s(%p) c=%u e=%s o=%u a=%u, cb=%s]",
mReceiverSide ? "Receiver" : "Sender", this, mCapacity,
GetStaticErrorName(mPeerStatus), mOffset, mAvailable,
mCallback ? (mCallbackClosureOnly ? "clo" : "yes") : "no");
// This mutex is shared with the `DataPipeBase` which owns this
// `DataPipeLink`.
std::shared_ptr<Mutex> mMutex;
ScopedPort mPort MOZ_GUARDED_BY(*mMutex);
SharedMemoryBasic::Handle mShmemHandle MOZ_GUARDED_BY(*mMutex);
const RefPtr<SharedMemory> mShmem;
const uint32_t mCapacity;
const bool mReceiverSide;
bool mProcessingSegment MOZ_GUARDED_BY(*mMutex) = false;
nsresult mPeerStatus MOZ_GUARDED_BY(*mMutex) = NS_OK;
uint32_t mOffset MOZ_GUARDED_BY(*mMutex) = 0;
uint32_t mAvailable MOZ_GUARDED_BY(*mMutex) = 0;
bool mCallbackClosureOnly MOZ_GUARDED_BY(*mMutex) = false;
nsCOMPtr<nsIRunnable> mCallback MOZ_GUARDED_BY(*mMutex);
nsCOMPtr<nsIEventTarget> mCallbackTarget MOZ_GUARDED_BY(*mMutex);
void DataPipeLink::OnPortStatusChanged() {
DataPipeAutoLock lock(*mMutex);
while (NS_SUCCEEDED(mPeerStatus)) {
UniquePtr<IPC::Message> message;
if (!mPort.Controller()->GetMessage(mPort.Port(), &message)) {
SetPeerError(lock, NS_BASE_STREAM_CLOSED);
if (!message) {
return; // no more messages
IPC::MessageReader reader(*message);
switch (message->type()) {
nsresult status = NS_OK;
if (!ReadParam(&reader, &status)) {
NS_WARNING("Unable to parse nsresult error from peer");
MOZ_LOG(gDataPipeLog, LogLevel::Debug,
("Got CLOSED(%s) %s", GetStaticErrorName(status),
SetPeerError(lock, status);
uint32_t consumed = 0;
if (!ReadParam(&reader, &consumed)) {
NS_WARNING("Unable to parse bytes consumed from peer");
SetPeerError(lock, NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED);
MOZ_LOG(gDataPipeLog, LogLevel::Verbose,
("Got CONSUMED(%u) %s", consumed, Describe(lock).get()));
auto newAvailable = CheckedUint32{mAvailable} + consumed;
if (!newAvailable.isValid() || newAvailable.value() > mCapacity) {
NS_WARNING("Illegal bytes consumed message received from peer");
SetPeerError(lock, NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED);
mAvailable = newAvailable.value();
if (!mCallbackClosureOnly) {
default: {
NS_WARNING("Illegal message type received from peer");
SetPeerError(lock, NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED);
DataPipeBase::DataPipeBase(bool aReceiverSide, nsresult aError)
: mMutex(std::make_shared<Mutex>(aReceiverSide ? "DataPipeReceiver"
: "DataPipeSender")),
mStatus(NS_SUCCEEDED(aError) ? NS_BASE_STREAM_CLOSED : aError) {}
DataPipeBase::DataPipeBase(bool aReceiverSide, ScopedPort aPort,
SharedMemoryBasic::Handle aShmemHandle,
SharedMemory* aShmem, uint32_t aCapacity,
nsresult aPeerStatus, uint32_t aOffset,
uint32_t aAvailable)
: mMutex(std::make_shared<Mutex>(aReceiverSide ? "DataPipeReceiver"
: "DataPipeSender")),
mLink(new DataPipeLink(aReceiverSide, mMutex, std::move(aPort),
std::move(aShmemHandle), aShmem, aCapacity,
aPeerStatus, aOffset, aAvailable)) {
DataPipeBase::~DataPipeBase() {
DataPipeAutoLock lock(*mMutex);
CloseInternal(lock, NS_BASE_STREAM_CLOSED);
void DataPipeBase::CloseInternal(DataPipeAutoLock& aLock, nsresult aStatus) {
if (NS_FAILED(mStatus)) {
gDataPipeLog, LogLevel::Debug,
("Closing(%s) %s", GetStaticErrorName(aStatus), Describe(aLock).get()));
// Set our status to an errored status.
mStatus = NS_SUCCEEDED(aStatus) ? NS_BASE_STREAM_CLOSED : aStatus;
RefPtr<DataPipeLink> link = mLink.forget();
// If our peer hasn't disappeared yet, clean up our connection to it.
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(link->mPeerStatus)) {
link->SetPeerError(aLock, mStatus, /* aSendClosed */ true);
nsresult DataPipeBase::ProcessSegmentsInternal(
uint32_t aCount, ProcessSegmentFun aProcessSegment,
uint32_t* aProcessedCount) {
*aProcessedCount = 0;
while (*aProcessedCount < aCount) {
DataPipeAutoLock lock(*mMutex);
MOZ_LOG(gDataPipeLog, LogLevel::Verbose,
("ProcessSegments(%u of %u) %s", *aProcessedCount, aCount,
nsresult status = CheckStatus(lock);
if (NS_FAILED(status)) {
if (*aProcessedCount > 0) {
return NS_OK;
return status == NS_BASE_STREAM_CLOSED ? NS_OK : status;
RefPtr<DataPipeLink> link = mLink;
if (!link->mAvailable) {
"CheckStatus will have returned an error");
return *aProcessedCount > 0 ? NS_OK : NS_BASE_STREAM_WOULD_BLOCK;
"Only one thread may be processing a segment at a time");
// Extract an iterator over the next contiguous region of the shared memory
// buffer which will be used .
char* start = static_cast<char*>(link->mShmem->memory()) + link->mOffset;
char* iter = start;
char* end = start + std::min({aCount - *aProcessedCount, link->mAvailable,
link->mCapacity - link->mOffset});
// Record the consumed region from our segment when exiting this scope,
// telling our peer how many bytes were consumed. Hold on to `mLink` to keep
// the shmem mapped and make sure we can clean up even if we're closed while
// processing the shmem region.
link->mProcessingSegment = true;
auto scopeExit = MakeScopeExit([&] {
mMutex->AssertCurrentThreadOwns(); // should still be held
link->mProcessingSegment = false;
uint32_t totalProcessed = iter - start;
if (totalProcessed > 0) {
link->mOffset += totalProcessed;
MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(link->mOffset <= link->mCapacity);
if (link->mOffset == link->mCapacity) {
link->mOffset = 0;
link->mAvailable -= totalProcessed;
link->SendBytesConsumedOnUnlock(lock, totalProcessed);
MOZ_LOG(gDataPipeLog, LogLevel::Verbose,
("Processed Segment(%u of %zu) %s", totalProcessed, end - start,
MutexAutoUnlock unlock(*mMutex);
while (iter < end) {
uint32_t processed = 0;
Span segment{iter, end};
nsresult rv = aProcessSegment(segment, *aProcessedCount, &processed);
if (NS_FAILED(rv) || processed == 0) {
return NS_OK;
MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(processed <= segment.Length());
iter += processed;
*aProcessedCount += processed;
MOZ_DIAGNOSTIC_ASSERT(*aProcessedCount == aCount,
"Must have processed exactly aCount");
return NS_OK;
void DataPipeBase::AsyncWaitInternal(already_AddRefed<nsIRunnable> aCallback,
already_AddRefed<nsIEventTarget> aTarget,
bool aClosureOnly) {
RefPtr<nsIRunnable> callback = std::move(aCallback);
RefPtr<nsIEventTarget> target = std::move(aTarget);
DataPipeAutoLock lock(*mMutex);
MOZ_LOG(gDataPipeLog, LogLevel::Debug,
("AsyncWait %s %p %s", aClosureOnly ? "(closure)" : "(ready)",
callback.get(), Describe(lock).get()));
if (NS_FAILED(CheckStatus(lock))) {
#ifdef DEBUG
if (mLink) {
DoNotifyOnUnlock(lock, callback.forget(), target.forget());
// NOTE: After this point, `mLink` may have previously had a callback which is
// now being cancelled, make sure we clear `mCallback` even if we're going to
// call `aCallback` immediately.
mLink->mCallback = callback.forget();
mLink->mCallbackTarget = target.forget();
mLink->mCallbackClosureOnly = aClosureOnly;
if (!aClosureOnly && mLink->mAvailable) {
nsresult DataPipeBase::CheckStatus(DataPipeAutoLock& aLock) {
// If our peer has closed or errored, we may need to close our local side to
// reflect the error code our peer provided. If we're a sender, we want to
// become closed immediately, whereas if we're a receiver we want to wait
// until our available buffer has been exhausted.
// NOTE: There may still be 2-stage writes/reads ongoing at this point, which
// will continue due to `mLink` being kept alive by the
// `ProcessSegmentsInternal` function.
if (NS_FAILED(mStatus)) {
return mStatus;
if (NS_FAILED(mLink->mPeerStatus) &&
(!mLink->mReceiverSide || !mLink->mAvailable)) {
CloseInternal(aLock, mLink->mPeerStatus);
return mStatus;
nsCString DataPipeBase::Describe(DataPipeAutoLock& aLock) {
if (mLink) {
return mLink->Describe(aLock);
return nsPrintfCString("[status=%s]", GetStaticErrorName(mStatus));
template <typename T>
void DataPipeWrite(IPC::MessageWriter* aWriter, T* aParam) {
DataPipeAutoLock lock(*aParam->mMutex);
MOZ_LOG(gDataPipeLog, LogLevel::Debug,
("IPC Write: %s", aParam->Describe(lock).get()));
WriteParam(aWriter, aParam->mStatus);
if (NS_FAILED(aParam->mStatus)) {
"cannot transfer while processing a segment");
// Serialize relevant parameters to our peer.
WriteParam(aWriter, std::move(aParam->mLink->mPort));
WriteParam(aWriter, std::move(aParam->mLink->mShmemHandle));
WriteParam(aWriter, aParam->mLink->mCapacity);
WriteParam(aWriter, aParam->mLink->mPeerStatus);
WriteParam(aWriter, aParam->mLink->mOffset);
WriteParam(aWriter, aParam->mLink->mAvailable);
// Mark our peer as closed so we don't try to send to it when closing.
aParam->mLink->mPeerStatus = NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED;
aParam->CloseInternal(lock, NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED);
template <typename T>
bool DataPipeRead(IPC::MessageReader* aReader, RefPtr<T>* aResult) {
nsresult rv = NS_OK;
if (!ReadParam(aReader, &rv)) {
aReader->FatalError("failed to read DataPipe status");
return false;
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
*aResult = new T(rv);
MOZ_LOG(gDataPipeLog, LogLevel::Debug,
("IPC Read: [status=%s]", GetStaticErrorName(rv)));
return true;
ScopedPort port;
if (!ReadParam(aReader, &port)) {
aReader->FatalError("failed to read DataPipe port");
return false;
SharedMemoryBasic::Handle shmemHandle;
if (!ReadParam(aReader, &shmemHandle)) {
aReader->FatalError("failed to read DataPipe shmem");
return false;
// Due to the awkward shared memory API provided by SharedMemoryBasic, we need
// to transfer ownership into the `shmem` here, then steal it back later in
// the function. Bug 1797039 tracks potential changes to the RawShmem API
// which could improve this situation.
RefPtr shmem = new SharedMemoryBasic();
if (!shmem->SetHandle(std::move(shmemHandle),
SharedMemory::RightsReadWrite)) {
aReader->FatalError("failed to create DataPipe shmem from handle");
return false;
uint32_t capacity = 0;
nsresult peerStatus = NS_OK;
uint32_t offset = 0;
uint32_t available = 0;
if (!ReadParam(aReader, &capacity) || !ReadParam(aReader, &peerStatus) ||
!ReadParam(aReader, &offset) || !ReadParam(aReader, &available)) {
aReader->FatalError("failed to read DataPipe fields");
return false;
if (!capacity || offset >= capacity || available > capacity) {
aReader->FatalError("received DataPipe state values are inconsistent");
return false;
if (!shmem->Map(SharedMemory::PageAlignedSize(capacity))) {
aReader->FatalError("failed to map DataPipe shared memory region");
return false;
*aResult = new T(std::move(port), shmem->TakeHandle(), shmem, capacity,
peerStatus, offset, available);
if (MOZ_LOG_TEST(gDataPipeLog, LogLevel::Debug)) {
DataPipeAutoLock lock(*(*aResult)->mMutex);
MOZ_LOG(gDataPipeLog, LogLevel::Debug,
("IPC Read: %s", (*aResult)->Describe(lock).get()));
return true;
} // namespace data_pipe_detail
// DataPipeSender
NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS(DataPipeSender, nsIOutputStream, nsIAsyncOutputStream,
// nsIOutputStream
NS_IMETHODIMP DataPipeSender::Close() {
return CloseWithStatus(NS_BASE_STREAM_CLOSED);
NS_IMETHODIMP DataPipeSender::Flush() { return NS_OK; }
NS_IMETHODIMP DataPipeSender::StreamStatus() {
data_pipe_detail::DataPipeAutoLock lock(*mMutex);
return CheckStatus(lock);
NS_IMETHODIMP DataPipeSender::Write(const char* aBuf, uint32_t aCount,
uint32_t* aWriteCount) {
return WriteSegments(NS_CopyBufferToSegment, (void*)aBuf, aCount,
NS_IMETHODIMP DataPipeSender::WriteFrom(nsIInputStream* aFromStream,
uint32_t aCount,
uint32_t* aWriteCount) {
return WriteSegments(NS_CopyStreamToSegment, aFromStream, aCount,
NS_IMETHODIMP DataPipeSender::WriteSegments(nsReadSegmentFun aReader,
void* aClosure, uint32_t aCount,
uint32_t* aWriteCount) {
auto processSegment = [&](Span<char> aSpan, uint32_t aToOffset,
uint32_t* aReadCount) -> nsresult {
return aReader(this, aClosure, aSpan.data(), aToOffset, aSpan.Length(),
return ProcessSegmentsInternal(aCount, processSegment, aWriteCount);
NS_IMETHODIMP DataPipeSender::IsNonBlocking(bool* _retval) {
*_retval = true;
return NS_OK;
// nsIAsyncOutputStream
NS_IMETHODIMP DataPipeSender::CloseWithStatus(nsresult reason) {
data_pipe_detail::DataPipeAutoLock lock(*mMutex);
CloseInternal(lock, reason);
return NS_OK;
NS_IMETHODIMP DataPipeSender::AsyncWait(nsIOutputStreamCallback* aCallback,
uint32_t aFlags,
uint32_t aRequestedCount,
nsIEventTarget* aTarget) {
aCallback ? NS_NewCancelableRunnableFunction(
[self = RefPtr{this}, callback = RefPtr{aCallback}] {
MOZ_LOG(gDataPipeLog, LogLevel::Debug,
("Calling OnOutputStreamReady(%p, %p)",
callback.get(), self.get()));
: nullptr,
do_AddRef(aTarget), aFlags & WAIT_CLOSURE_ONLY);
return NS_OK;
// DataPipeReceiver
NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS(DataPipeReceiver, nsIInputStream, nsIAsyncInputStream,
nsIIPCSerializableInputStream, DataPipeReceiver)
// nsIInputStream
NS_IMETHODIMP DataPipeReceiver::Close() {
return CloseWithStatus(NS_BASE_STREAM_CLOSED);
NS_IMETHODIMP DataPipeReceiver::Available(uint64_t* _retval) {
data_pipe_detail::DataPipeAutoLock lock(*mMutex);
nsresult rv = CheckStatus(lock);
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
return rv;
*_retval = mLink->mAvailable;
return NS_OK;
NS_IMETHODIMP DataPipeReceiver::StreamStatus() {
data_pipe_detail::DataPipeAutoLock lock(*mMutex);
return CheckStatus(lock);
NS_IMETHODIMP DataPipeReceiver::Read(char* aBuf, uint32_t aCount,
uint32_t* aReadCount) {
return ReadSegments(NS_CopySegmentToBuffer, aBuf, aCount, aReadCount);
NS_IMETHODIMP DataPipeReceiver::ReadSegments(nsWriteSegmentFun aWriter,
void* aClosure, uint32_t aCount,
uint32_t* aReadCount) {
auto processSegment = [&](Span<char> aSpan, uint32_t aToOffset,
uint32_t* aWriteCount) -> nsresult {
return aWriter(this, aClosure, aSpan.data(), aToOffset, aSpan.Length(),
return ProcessSegmentsInternal(aCount, processSegment, aReadCount);
NS_IMETHODIMP DataPipeReceiver::IsNonBlocking(bool* _retval) {
*_retval = true;
return NS_OK;
// nsIAsyncInputStream
NS_IMETHODIMP DataPipeReceiver::CloseWithStatus(nsresult aStatus) {
data_pipe_detail::DataPipeAutoLock lock(*mMutex);
CloseInternal(lock, aStatus);
return NS_OK;
NS_IMETHODIMP DataPipeReceiver::AsyncWait(nsIInputStreamCallback* aCallback,
uint32_t aFlags,
uint32_t aRequestedCount,
nsIEventTarget* aTarget) {
aCallback ? NS_NewCancelableRunnableFunction(
[self = RefPtr{this}, callback = RefPtr{aCallback}] {
MOZ_LOG(gDataPipeLog, LogLevel::Debug,
("Calling OnInputStreamReady(%p, %p)",
callback.get(), self.get()));
: nullptr,
do_AddRef(aTarget), aFlags & WAIT_CLOSURE_ONLY);
return NS_OK;
// nsIIPCSerializableInputStream
void DataPipeReceiver::SerializedComplexity(uint32_t aMaxSize,
uint32_t* aSizeUsed,
uint32_t* aPipes,
uint32_t* aTransferables) {
// We report DataPipeReceiver as taking one transferrable to serialize, rather
// than one pipe, as we aren't starting a new pipe for this purpose, and are
// instead transferring an existing pipe.
*aTransferables = 1;
void DataPipeReceiver::Serialize(InputStreamParams& aParams, uint32_t aMaxSize,
uint32_t* aSizeUsed) {
*aSizeUsed = 0;
aParams = DataPipeReceiverStreamParams(WrapNotNull(this));
bool DataPipeReceiver::Deserialize(const InputStreamParams& aParams) {
MOZ_CRASH("Handled directly in `DeserializeInputStream`");
// NewDataPipe
nsresult NewDataPipe(uint32_t aCapacity, DataPipeSender** aSender,
DataPipeReceiver** aReceiver) {
if (!aCapacity) {
aCapacity = kDefaultDataPipeCapacity;
RefPtr<NodeController> controller = NodeController::GetSingleton();
if (!controller) {
// Allocate a pair of ports for messaging between the sender & receiver.
auto [senderPort, receiverPort] = controller->CreatePortPair();
// Create and allocate the shared memory region.
auto shmem = MakeRefPtr<SharedMemoryBasic>();
size_t alignedCapacity = SharedMemory::PageAlignedSize(aCapacity);
if (!shmem->Create(alignedCapacity) || !shmem->Map(alignedCapacity)) {
// We'll first clone then take the handle from the region so that the sender &
// receiver each have a handle. This avoids the need to duplicate the handle
// when serializing, when errors are non-recoverable.
SharedMemoryBasic::Handle senderShmemHandle = shmem->CloneHandle();
SharedMemoryBasic::Handle receiverShmemHandle = shmem->TakeHandle();
if (!senderShmemHandle || !receiverShmemHandle) {
RefPtr sender =
new DataPipeSender(std::move(senderPort), std::move(senderShmemHandle),
shmem, aCapacity, NS_OK, 0, aCapacity);
RefPtr receiver = new DataPipeReceiver(std::move(receiverPort),
std::move(receiverShmemHandle), shmem,
aCapacity, NS_OK, 0, 0);
return NS_OK;
} // namespace ipc
} // namespace mozilla
void IPC::ParamTraits<mozilla::ipc::DataPipeSender*>::Write(
MessageWriter* aWriter, mozilla::ipc::DataPipeSender* aParam) {
mozilla::ipc::data_pipe_detail::DataPipeWrite(aWriter, aParam);
bool IPC::ParamTraits<mozilla::ipc::DataPipeSender*>::Read(
MessageReader* aReader, RefPtr<mozilla::ipc::DataPipeSender>* aResult) {
return mozilla::ipc::data_pipe_detail::DataPipeRead(aReader, aResult);
void IPC::ParamTraits<mozilla::ipc::DataPipeReceiver*>::Write(
MessageWriter* aWriter, mozilla::ipc::DataPipeReceiver* aParam) {
mozilla::ipc::data_pipe_detail::DataPipeWrite(aWriter, aParam);
bool IPC::ParamTraits<mozilla::ipc::DataPipeReceiver*>::Read(
MessageReader* aReader, RefPtr<mozilla::ipc::DataPipeReceiver>* aResult) {
return mozilla::ipc::data_pipe_detail::DataPipeRead(aReader, aResult);