82dac76411 gfx vs native widget rendering can now be specified in the viewer at run-time.
Added methods to GetWidgetRenderingMode and SetWidgetRenderingMode in nsPresContext
Removed NS_GFX_RENDER_FORM_ELEMENTS define, now it uses the GetWidgetRenderingMode
method on the rendering context.
Resurrected Rod's listbox frame-based widget code.
Added -moz-option-selected pseudo attribute to control the appearance of selected items for the listbox frame-based widget.
Added a style rule with attribute selector for -moz-option-selected to the ua.css style sheet.
Modifed nsView::SetVFlags to do a bitwise or instead of bitwise and to set flags.
Modified nsView::HandleEvent to compare mVFlags with NS_VIEW_FLAG_DONT_CHECK_CHILDREN
1999-03-02 22:43:26 +00:00
1999-02-27 07:18:21 +00:00