
930 lines
23 KiB

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* JavaScript shared functions file for running the tests in either
* stand-alone JavaScript engine. To run a test, first load this file,
* then load the test script.
import flash.system.*;
import flash.display.*;
import flash.util.*;
var completed = false;
var testcases; // ISSUE:: need to know why we need to comment this out
var tc = 0;
//var version; // ISSUE:: need to know why we need to comment this out
var BUGNUMBER = "";
var STATUS = "STATUS: ";
// constant strings
var GLOBAL = "[object global]";
var FAILED = " FAILED! expected: ";
var PACKAGELIST = "{public,$1$private,flash.system,flash.display,flash.util}::";
var TYPEERROR = "TypeError: Error #";
var REFERENCEERROR = "ReferenceError: Error #";
var RANGEERROR = "RangeError: Error #";
var URIERROR = "URIError: Error #";
var EVALERROR = "EvalError: Error #";
var VERIFYERROR = "VerifyError: Error #";
var VERBOSE = true;
var DEBUG = false;
function typeError( str ){
return str.slice(0,TYPEERROR.length+4);
function referenceError( str ){
return str.slice(0,REFERENCEERROR.length+4);
function rangeError( str ){
return str.slice(0,RANGEERROR.length+4);
function uriError( str ){
return str.slice(0,URIERROR.length+4);
function evalError( str ){
return str.slice(0,EVALERROR.length+4);
function verifyError( str ){
return str.slice(0,VERIFYERROR.length+4);
// wrapper for test cas constructor that doesn't require the SECTION
// argument.
function AddTestCase( description, expect, actual ) {
testcases[tc++] = new TestCase( SECTION, description, expect, actual );
// TestCase constructor
function TestCase( n, d, e, a ) { = n;
this.description = d;
this.expect = e;
this.actual = a;
this.passed = true;
this.reason = "";
//this.bugnumber = BUGNUMBER;
this.passed = getTestCaseResult( this.expect, this.actual );
if ( DEBUG ) {
writeLineToLog( "added " + this.description );
// Set up test environment.
function startTest() {
// print out bugnumber
/*if ( BUGNUMBER ) {
writeLineToLog ("BUGNUMBER: " + BUGNUMBER );
testcases = new Array();
tc = 0;
function test(... rest:Array) {
if( rest.length == 0 ){
// no args sent, use default test
for ( tc=0; tc < testcases.length; tc++ ) {
testcases[tc].passed = writeTestCaseResult(
testcases[tc].description +" = "+ testcases[tc].actual );
testcases[tc].reason += ( testcases[tc].passed ) ? "" : "wrong value ";
} else {
// we need to use a specialized call to writeTestCaseResult
if( rest[0] == "no actual" ){
for ( tc=0; tc < testcases.length; tc++ ) {
testcases[tc].passed = writeTestCaseResult(
testcases[tc].description );
testcases[tc].reason += ( testcases[tc].passed ) ? "" : "wrong value ";
return ( testcases );
// Compare expected result to the actual result and figure out whether
// the test case passed.
function getTestCaseResult( expect, actual ) {
// because ( NaN == NaN ) always returns false, need to do
// a special compare to see if we got the right result.
if ( actual != actual ) {
if ( typeof actual == "object" ) {
actual = "NaN object";
} else {
actual = "NaN number";
if ( expect != expect ) {
if ( typeof expect == "object" ) {
expect = "NaN object";
} else {
expect = "NaN number";
var passed = ( expect == actual ) ? true : false;
// if both objects are numbers
// need to replace w/ IEEE standard for rounding
if ( !passed
&& typeof(actual) == "number"
&& typeof(expect) == "number"
) {
if ( Math.abs(actual-expect) < 0.0000001 ) {
passed = true;
// verify type is the same
if ( typeof(expect) != typeof(actual) ) {
passed = false;
return passed;
// Begin printing functions. These functions use the shell's
// print function. When running tests in the browser, these
// functions, override these functions with functions that use
// document.write.
function writeTestCaseResult( expect, actual, string ) {
var passed = getTestCaseResult( expect, actual );
writeFormattedResult( expect, actual, string, passed );
return passed;
function writeFormattedResult( expect, actual, string, passed ) {
var s = string ;
s += ( passed ) ? PASSED : FAILED + expect;
writeLineToLog( s);
return passed;
function writeLineToLog( string ) {
trace( string );
function writeHeaderToLog( string ) {
trace( string );
// end of print functions
// When running in the shell, run the garbage collector after the
// test has completed.
function stopTest() {
// Date functions used by tests in Date suite
// Originally, the test suite used a hard-coded value TZ_DIFF = -8.
// But that was only valid for testers in the Pacific Standard Time Zone!
// We calculate the proper number dynamically for any tester. We just
// have to be careful not to use a date subject to Daylight Savings Time...
function getTimeZoneDiff()
// re-hard coding to -8 because Date object is not implemented yet
// mtilburg 3/15/2004
//return -8;
return -((new Date(2000, 1, 1)).getTimezoneOffset())/60;
var msPerDay = 86400000;
var HoursPerDay = 24;
var MinutesPerHour = 60;
var SecondsPerMinute = 60;
var msPerSecond = 1000;
var msPerMinute = 60000; // msPerSecond * SecondsPerMinute
var msPerHour = 3600000; // msPerMinute * MinutesPerHour
var TZ_DIFF = getTimeZoneDiff(); // offset of tester's timezone from UTC
var TZ_PST = -8; // offset of Pacific Standard Time from UTC
var PST_DIFF = TZ_DIFF - TZ_PST; // offset of tester's timezone from PST
var TIME_1970 = 0;
var TIME_2000 = 946684800000;
var TIME_1900 = -2208988800000;
var now = new Date();
var TZ_DIFF = getTimeZoneDiff();
var TZ_ADJUST = TZ_DIFF * msPerHour;
var UTC_29_FEB_2000 = TIME_2000 + 31*msPerDay + 28*msPerDay;
var UTC_1_JAN_2005 = TIME_2000 + TimeInYear(2000) + TimeInYear(2001) +
TimeInYear(2002) + TimeInYear(2003) + TimeInYear(2004);
var TIME_NOW = now.valueOf();
// Date test "ResultArrays" are hard-coded for Pacific Standard Time.
// We must adjust them for the tester's own timezone -
function adjustResultArray(ResultArray, msMode)
// If the tester's system clock is in PST, no need to continue -
if (!PST_DIFF) {return;}
// The date testcases instantiate Date objects in two different ways:
// millisecond mode: e.g. dt = new Date(10000000);
// year-month-day mode: dt = new Date(2000, 5, 1, ...);
// In the first case, the date is measured from Time 0 in Greenwich (i.e. UTC).
// In the second case, it is measured with reference to the tester's local timezone.
// In the first case we must correct those values expected for local measurements,
// like dt.getHours() etc. No correction is necessary for dt.getUTCHours() etc.
// In the second case, it is exactly the other way around -
var t;
if (msMode)
// The hard-coded UTC milliseconds from Time 0 derives from a UTC date.
// Shift to the right by the offset between UTC and the tester.
t = ResultArray[TIME] + TZ_DIFF*msPerHour;
// Use our date arithmetic functions to determine the local hour, day, etc.
ResultArray[HOURS] = HourFromTime(t);
ResultArray[DAY] = WeekDay(t);
ResultArray[DATE] = DateFromTime(t);
ResultArray[MONTH] = MonthFromTime(t);
ResultArray[YEAR] = YearFromTime(t);
// The hard-coded UTC milliseconds from Time 0 derives from a PST date.
// Shift to the left by the offset between PST and the tester.
t = ResultArray[TIME] - PST_DIFF*msPerHour;
// Use our date arithmetic functions to determine the UTC hour, day, etc.
ResultArray[TIME] = t;
ResultArray[UTC_HOURS] = HourFromTime(t);
ResultArray[UTC_DAY] = WeekDay(t);
ResultArray[UTC_DATE] = DateFromTime(t);
ResultArray[UTC_MONTH] = MonthFromTime(t);
ResultArray[UTC_YEAR] = YearFromTime(t);
function Day( t ) {
return ( Math.floor(t/msPerDay ) );
function DaysInYear( y ) {
if ( y % 4 != 0 ) {
return 365;
if ( (y % 4 == 0) && (y % 100 != 0) ) {
return 366;
if ( (y % 100 == 0) && (y % 400 != 0) ) {
return 365;
if ( (y % 400 == 0) ){
return 366;
} else {
trace("ERROR: DaysInYear(" + y + ") case not covered");
return Math.NaN; //"ERROR: DaysInYear(" + y + ") case not covered";
function TimeInYear( y ) {
return ( DaysInYear(y) * msPerDay );
function DayNumber( t ) {
return ( Math.floor( t / msPerDay ) );
function TimeWithinDay( t ) {
if ( t < 0 ) {
return ( (t % msPerDay) + msPerDay );
} else {
return ( t % msPerDay );
function YearNumber( t ) {
function TimeFromYear( y ) {
return ( msPerDay * DayFromYear(y) );
function DayFromYear( y ) {
return ( 365*(y-1970) +
Math.floor((y-1969)/4) -
Math.floor((y-1901)/100) +
Math.floor((y-1601)/400) );
function InLeapYear( t ) {
if ( DaysInYear(YearFromTime(t)) == 365 ) {
return 0;
if ( DaysInYear(YearFromTime(t)) == 366 ) {
return 1;
} else {
return "ERROR: InLeapYear("+ t + ") case not covered";
function YearFromTime( t ) {
t = Number( t );
var sign = ( t < 0 ) ? -1 : 1;
var year = ( sign < 0 ) ? 1969 : 1970;
for ( var timeToTimeZero = t; ; ) {
// subtract the current year's time from the time that's left.
timeToTimeZero -= sign * TimeInYear(year)
if (isNaN(timeToTimeZero))
return NaN;
// if there's less than the current year's worth of time left, then break.
if ( sign < 0 ) {
if ( sign * timeToTimeZero <= 0 ) {
} else {
year += sign;
} else {
if ( sign * timeToTimeZero < 0 ) {
} else {
year += sign;
return ( year );
function MonthFromTime( t ) {
// i know i could use switch but i'd rather not until it's part of ECMA
var day = DayWithinYear( t );
var leap = InLeapYear(t);
if ( (0 <= day) && (day < 31) ) {
return 0;
if ( (31 <= day) && (day < (59+leap)) ) {
return 1;
if ( ((59+leap) <= day) && (day < (90+leap)) ) {
return 2;
if ( ((90+leap) <= day) && (day < (120+leap)) ) {
return 3;
if ( ((120+leap) <= day) && (day < (151+leap)) ) {
return 4;
if ( ((151+leap) <= day) && (day < (181+leap)) ) {
return 5;
if ( ((181+leap) <= day) && (day < (212+leap)) ) {
return 6;
if ( ((212+leap) <= day) && (day < (243+leap)) ) {
return 7;
if ( ((243+leap) <= day) && (day < (273+leap)) ) {
return 8;
if ( ((273+leap) <= day) && (day < (304+leap)) ) {
return 9;
if ( ((304+leap) <= day) && (day < (334+leap)) ) {
return 10;
if ( ((334+leap) <= day) && (day < (365+leap)) ) {
return 11;
} else {
return "ERROR: MonthFromTime("+t+") not known";
function DayWithinYear( t ) {
return( Day(t) - DayFromYear(YearFromTime(t)));
function DateFromTime( t ) {
var day = DayWithinYear(t);
var month = MonthFromTime(t);
if ( month == 0 ) {
return ( day + 1 );
if ( month == 1 ) {
return ( day - 30 );
if ( month == 2 ) {
return ( day - 58 - InLeapYear(t) );
if ( month == 3 ) {
return ( day - 89 - InLeapYear(t));
if ( month == 4 ) {
return ( day - 119 - InLeapYear(t));
if ( month == 5 ) {
return ( day - 150- InLeapYear(t));
if ( month == 6 ) {
return ( day - 180- InLeapYear(t));
if ( month == 7 ) {
return ( day - 211- InLeapYear(t));
if ( month == 8 ) {
return ( day - 242- InLeapYear(t));
if ( month == 9 ) {
return ( day - 272- InLeapYear(t));
if ( month == 10 ) {
return ( day - 303- InLeapYear(t));
if ( month == 11 ) {
return ( day - 333- InLeapYear(t));
return ("ERROR: DateFromTime("+t+") not known" );
function WeekDay( t ) {
var weekday = (Day(t)+4) % 7;
return( weekday < 0 ? 7 + weekday : weekday );
// missing daylight savins time adjustment
function HourFromTime( t ) {
var h = Math.floor( t / msPerHour ) % HoursPerDay;
return ( (h<0) ? HoursPerDay + h : h );
function MinFromTime( t ) {
var min = Math.floor( t / msPerMinute ) % MinutesPerHour;
return( ( min < 0 ) ? MinutesPerHour + min : min );
function SecFromTime( t ) {
var sec = Math.floor( t / msPerSecond ) % SecondsPerMinute;
return ( (sec < 0 ) ? SecondsPerMinute + sec : sec );
function msFromTime( t ) {
var ms = t % msPerSecond;
return ( (ms < 0 ) ? msPerSecond + ms : ms );
function LocalTZA() {
return ( TZ_DIFF * msPerHour );
function UTC( t ) {
return ( t - LocalTZA() - DaylightSavingTA(t - LocalTZA()) );
function DaylightSavingTA( t ) {
t = t - LocalTZA();
var dst_start = GetFirstSundayInApril(t) + 2*msPerHour;
var dst_end = GetLastSundayInOctober(t)+ 2*msPerHour;
if ( t >= dst_start && t < dst_end ) {
return msPerHour;
} else {
return 0;
// Daylight Savings Time starts on the first Sunday in April at 2:00AM in
// PST. Other time zones will need to override this function.
trace( new Date( UTC(dst_start + LocalTZA())) );
return UTC(dst_start + LocalTZA());
function GetFirstSundayInApril( t ) {
var year = YearFromTime(t);
var leap = InLeapYear(t);
var april = TimeFromYear(year) + TimeInMonth(0, leap) + TimeInMonth(1,leap) +
for ( var first_sunday = april; WeekDay(first_sunday) > 0;
first_sunday += msPerDay )
return first_sunday;
function GetLastSundayInOctober( t ) {
var year = YearFromTime(t);
var leap = InLeapYear(t);
for ( var oct = TimeFromYear(year), m = 0; m < 9; m++ ) {
oct += TimeInMonth(m, leap);
for ( var last_sunday = oct + 30*msPerDay; WeekDay(last_sunday) > 0;
last_sunday -= msPerDay )
return last_sunday;
function LocalTime( t ) {
return ( t + LocalTZA() + DaylightSavingTA(t) );
function MakeTime( hour, min, sec, ms ) {
if ( isNaN( hour ) || isNaN( min ) || isNaN( sec ) || isNaN( ms ) ) {
return Number.NaN;
hour = ToInteger(hour);
min = ToInteger( min);
sec = ToInteger( sec);
ms = ToInteger( ms );
return( (hour*msPerHour) + (min*msPerMinute) +
(sec*msPerSecond) + ms );
function MakeDay( year, month, date ) {
if ( isNaN(year) || isNaN(month) || isNaN(date) ) {
return Number.NaN;
year = ToInteger(year);
month = ToInteger(month);
date = ToInteger(date );
var sign = ( year < 1970 ) ? -1 : 1;
var t = ( year < 1970 ) ? 1 : 0;
var y = ( year < 1970 ) ? 1969 : 1970;
var result5 = year + Math.floor( month/12 );
var result6 = month % 12;
if ( year < 1970 ) {
for ( y = 1969; y >= year; y += sign ) {
t += sign * TimeInYear(y);
} else {
for ( y = 1970 ; y < year; y += sign ) {
t += sign * TimeInYear(y);
var leap = InLeapYear( t );
for ( var m = 0; m < month; m++ ) {
t += TimeInMonth( m, leap );
if ( YearFromTime(t) != result5 ) {
return Number.NaN;
if ( MonthFromTime(t) != result6 ) {
return Number.NaN;
if ( DateFromTime(t) != 1 ) {
return Number.NaN;
return ( (Day(t)) + date - 1 );
function TimeInMonth( month, leap ) {
// september april june november
// jan 0 feb 1 mar 2 apr 3 may 4 june 5 jul 6
// aug 7 sep 8 oct 9 nov 10 dec 11
if ( month == 3 || month == 5 || month == 8 || month == 10 ) {
return ( 30*msPerDay );
// all the rest
if ( month == 0 || month == 2 || month == 4 || month == 6 ||
month == 7 || month == 9 || month == 11 ) {
return ( 31*msPerDay );
// save february
return ( (leap == 0) ? 28*msPerDay : 29*msPerDay );
function MakeDate( day, time ) {
if ( day == Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY ||
day == Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY ||
day == Number.NaN ) {
return Number.NaN;
if ( time == Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY ||
time == Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY ||
day == Number.NaN) {
return Number.NaN;
return ( day * msPerDay ) + time;
function TimeClip( t ) {
if ( isNaN( t ) ) {
return ( Number.NaN );
if ( Math.abs( t ) > 8.64e15 ) {
return ( Number.NaN );
return ( ToInteger( t ) );
function ToInteger( t ) {
t = Number( t );
if ( isNaN( t ) ){
return ( Number.NaN );
if ( t == 0 || t == -0 ||
return 0;
var sign = ( t < 0 ) ? -1 : 1;
return ( sign * Math.floor( Math.abs( t ) ) );
function Enumerate ( o ) {
var p;
for ( p in o ) {
trace( p +": " + o[p] );
function START(summary)
// print out bugnumber
/*if ( BUGNUMBER ) {
writeLineToLog ("BUGNUMBER: " + BUGNUMBER );
XML.setSettings (null);
testcases = new Array();
// text field for results
tc = 0;
/*this.addChild ( tf );
tf.x = 30;
tf.y = 50;
tf.width = 200;
tf.height = 400;*/
var summaryParts = summary.split(" ");
trace("section: " + summaryParts[0] + "!");
//fileName = summaryParts[0];
function BUG(bug)
function TEST(section, expected, actual)
/*if( actual == "this will never match"){
// hack for strict mode
var fileName;
// Testcase Description
// Testcase Actual Values Returned
// Testcase Expected Values Returned
var expected_t = typeof expected;
var actual_t = typeof actual;
var output = "";
// Testcase Description
this[fileName+"Str"].push(section + "type test");
// Testcase Actual Values Returned
// Testcase Expected Values Returned
if (expected_t != actual_t)
output += "Type mismatch, expected type " + expected_t +
", actual type " + actual_t + "\n";
else if (VERBOSE)
printStatus ("Expected type '" + actual_t + "' matched actual " +
"type '" + expected_t + "'");
if (expected != actual) {
output += "Expected value:\n" + toPrinted(expected) + "\nActual value:\n" + toPrinted(actual) + "\n";
else if (VERBOSE)
printStatus ("Expected value '" + toPrinted(actual) + "' matched actual value");
if (output != "")
reportFailure (output);
function TEST_XML(section, expected, actual)
var actual_t = typeof actual;
var expected_t = typeof expected;
if (actual_t != "xml") {
// force error on type mismatch
TEST(section, new XML(), actual);
if (expected_t == "string") {
TEST(section, expected, actual.toXMLString());
} else if (expected_t == "number") {
TEST(section, String(expected), actual.toXMLString());
} else {
reportFailure ("Bad TEST_XML usage: type of expected is "+expected_t+", should be number or string");
function SHOULD_THROW(section)
reportFailure(section, "Expected to generate exception, actual behavior: no exception was thrown");
function END()
function NL()
//return java.lang.System.getProperty("line.separator");
return "\n";
function printBugNumber (num)
//writeLineToLog (BUGNUMBER + num);
function toPrinted(value)
if (typeof value == "xml") {
return value.toXMLString();
} else {
return String(value);
function grabError(err, str) {
var typeIndex = str.indexOf("Error:");
var type = str.substr(0, typeIndex + 5);
if (type == "TypeError") {
AddTestCase("Asserting for TypeError", true, (err is TypeError));
} else if (type == "ArgumentError") {
AddTestCase("Asserting for ArgumentError", true, (err is ArgumentError));
var numIndex = str.indexOf("Error #");
var num;
if (numIndex >= 0) {
num = str.substr(numIndex, 11);
} else {
num = str;
return num;
var cnNoObject = 'Unexpected Error!!! Parameter to this function must be an object';
var cnNoClass = 'Unexpected Error!!! Cannot find Class property';
var cnObjectToString = Object.prototype.toString;
// checks that it's safe to call findType()
function getJSType(obj)
if (isObject(obj))
return findType(obj);
return cnNoObject;
// checks that it's safe to call findType()
function getJSClass(obj)
if (isObject(obj))
return findClass(findType(obj));
return cnNoObject;
function isObject(obj)
return obj instanceof Object;
function findType(obj)
return cnObjectToString.apply(obj);
// given '[object Number]', return 'Number'
function findClass(sType)
var re = /^\[.*\s+(\w+)\s*\]$/;
var a = sType.match(re);
if (a && a[1])
return a[1];
return cnNoClass;
function inSection(x) {
return "Section "+x+" of test -";
function printStatus (msg)
var lines = msg.split ("\n");
var l;
for (var i=0; i<lines.length; i++)
trace(STATUS + lines[i]);
function reportCompare (expected, actual, description)
var expected_t = typeof expected;
var actual_t = typeof actual;
var output = "";
if ((VERBOSE) && (typeof description != "undefined"))
printStatus ("Comparing '" + description + "'");
if (expected_t != actual_t)
output += "Type mismatch, expected type " + expected_t +
", actual type " + actual_t + "\n";
else if (VERBOSE)
printStatus ("Expected type '" + actual_t + "' matched actual " +
"type '" + expected_t + "'");
if (expected != actual)
output += "Expected value '" + expected + "', Actual value '" + actual +
else if (VERBOSE)
printStatus ("Expected value '" + actual + "' matched actual " +
"value '" + expected + "'");
if (output != "")
if (typeof description != "undefined")
reportFailure (description);
reportFailure (output);