1999-04-30 19:00:47 +00:00

454 lines
14 KiB

# $Id:,v 1.5 1999/04/30 19:00:47 Exp $
# -- Subroutines that need to be customized for each installation
# Dawn Endico <>
# This package is for placing subroutines that are likely to need
# to be customized for each installation. In particular, the file
# and directory description snarfing mechanism is likely to be
# different for each project.
package Local;
require Exporter;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw(&fdescexpand &descexpand &dirdesc &convertwhitespace );
use lib 'lib/';
use LXR::Common;
# dme: Create descriptions for a file in a directory listing
# If no description, return the string "\&nbsp\;" to keep the
# table looking pretty.
# In mozilla search the beginning of a source file for a short
# description. Not all files have them and the ones that do use
# many different formats. Try to find as many of these without
# printing gobbeldygook or something silly like a file name or a date.
# Read in the beginning of the file into a string. I chose 60 because the
# Berkeley copyright notice is around 40 lines long so we need a bit more
# than this.
# Its common for file descriptions to be delimited by the file name or
# the word "Description" which preceeds the description. Search the entire
# string for these. Sometimes they're put in odd places such as inside
# the copyright notice or after the code begins. The file name should be
# followed by a colon or some pattern of dashes.
# If no such description is found then use the contents of the "first"
# comment as the description. First, strip off the copyright notice plus
# anything before it. Remove rcs comments. Search for the first bit of
# code (usually #include) and remove it plus anything after it. In what's
# left, find the contents of the first comment, and get the first paragraph.
# If that's too long, use only the first sentence up to a period. If that's
# still too long then we probably have a list or something that will look
# strange if we print it out so give up and return null.
# Yes, this is a lot of trouble to go through but its easier than getting
# people to use the same format and re-writing thousands of comments. Not
# everything printed will really be a summary of the file, but still the
# signal/noise ratio seems pretty high.
# Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of pattern
# matching, I shall fear no regex.
sub fdescexpand {
# use global vars here because the expandtemplate subroutine makes
# passing parameters impossible. Use $filename from source and
# $Path from
my $filename = $main::filename;
my $linecount=0;
my $copy= "";
local $desc= "";
my $maxlines = 40; #only look at the beginning of the file
#ignore files that aren't source code
if (!(
($filename =~ /\.c$/) |
($filename =~ /\.h$/) |
($filename =~ /\.cc$/) |
($filename =~ /\.cp$/) |
($filename =~ /\.cpp$/) |
($filename =~ /\.idl$/) |
($filename =~ /\.java$/)
if (open(FILE, $Path->{'real'}."/".$filename)) {
$desc = $desc . $_ ;
if($linecount++ > 60) {
# sanity check: if there's no description then stop
if (!($desc =~ /\w/)){
# save a copy for later
$copy = $desc;
# Look for well behaved <filename><seperator> formatted
# descriptions before we go to the trouble of looking for
# one in the first comment. The whitespace between the
# delimeter and the description may include a newline.
if (($desc =~ s/(?:.*?$filename\s*?- ?-*\s*)([^\n]*)(?:.*)/$1/sgi) ||
($desc =~ s/(?:.*?$filename\s*?:\s*)([^\n]*)(?:.*)/$1/sgi) ||
($desc =~ s/(?:.*?Description:\s*)([^\n]*)(?:.*)/$1/sgi)
# if the description is non-empty then clean it up and return it
if ($desc =~ /\w/) {
#strip trailing asterisks and "*/"
$desc =~ s#\*/?\s*$##;
$desc =~ s#^[^\S]*\**[^\S]*#\n#gs;
# Strip beginning and trailing whitespace
$desc =~ s/^\s+//;
$desc =~ s/\s+$//;
# Strip junk from the beginning
$desc =~ s#[^\w]*##ms;
#htmlify the comments making links to symbols and files
$desc = markupstring($desc, $Path->{'virt'});
# we didn't find any well behaved descriptions above so start over
# and look for one in the first comment
$desc = $copy;
# Strip off code from the end, starting at the first cpp directive
$desc =~ s/\n#.*//s;
# Strip off code from the end, starting at typedef
$desc =~ s/\ntypedef.*//s;
# Strip off license
$desc =~ s#(?:/\*.*license.*?\*/)(.*)#$1#is;
# Strip off copyright notice
$desc =~ s#(?:/\*.*copyright.*?\*/)(.*)#$1#is;
# Strip off emacs line
$desc =~ s#(/\*.*tab-width.*?\*/)(.*)#$2#isg;
# excise rcs crud
$desc =~ s#Id: $filename.*?Exp \$##g;
# Yuck, nuke these silly comments in js/jsj /* ** */
$desc =~ s#\n\s*/\*+[\s\*]+\*/\n#\n#sg;
# Don't bother to continue if there aren't any comments here
if(!($desc =~ m#/\*#)) {
# Remove lines generated by jmc
$desc =~ s#\n.*?Source date:.*\n#\n#;
$desc =~ s#\n.*?Generated by jmc.*\n#\n#;
# Extract the first comment
$desc =~ s#(?:.*?/\*+)(.*?)(?:(?:\*+/.*)|(?:$))#$1#s;
# Strip silly borders
$desc =~ s#\n\s*[\*\=\-\s]+#\n#sg;
# Strip beginning and trailing whitespace
$desc =~ s/^\s+//;
$desc =~ s/\s+$//;
# Strip out file name
$desc =~ s#$filename##i;
# Strip By line
$desc =~ s#By [^\n]*##;
# Strip out dates
$desc =~ s#\d{1,2}/\d{1,2}/\d\d\d\d##;
$desc =~ s#\d{1,2}/\d{1,2}/\d\d##;
$desc =~ s#\d{1,2} \w\w\w \d\d\d\d##;
# Strip junk from the beginning
$desc =~ s#[^\w]*##;
# Extract the first paragraph
$desc =~ s#(\n\s*?\n.*)##s;
# If the description is too long then just use the first sentence
# this will fail if no period was used.
if (length($desc) > 200 ) {
$desc =~ s#([^\.]+\.)\s.*#$1#s;
# If the description is still too long then assume it will look
# like gobbeldygook and give up
if (length($desc) > 200 ) {
# htmlify the comments, making links to symbols and files
$desc = markupstring($desc, $Path->{'virt'});
if ($desc) {
# dme: create a short description for a subdirectory in a directory listing
# If no description, return the string "\&nbsp\;" to keep the
# table looking pretty.
# In Mozilla, if the directory has a README file look in it for lines
# like the ones used in source code: "directoryname --- A short description"
sub descexpand {
# use global vars here because the expandtemplate subroutine makes
# passing parameters impossible. Use $filename from source and
# $Path from
my $filename = $main::filename;
my $linecount=0;
local $desc= "";
if (open(DESC, $Path->{'real'}. $filename."/README.html")) {
undef $/;
$desc = <DESC>;
$/ = "\n";
# Make sure there is no <span> embedded in our string. If so
# then we've matched against the wrong /span and this string is junk
# so we'll throw it away and refrain from writing a descrioption.
# Disallowing embedded spans theoretically removes some flexibility
# but this seems to be a little used tag and doing this makes lxr
# a lot faster.
if ($desc =~ /<SPAN CLASS=LXRSHORTDESC>(.*?)<\/SPAN>/is) {
$short = $1;
if (!($short =~ /\<span/is)) {
return ($short);
$desc = "";
if (open(FILE, $Path->{'real'}. $filename."README")) {
$path = $Path->{'virt'}.$filename;
$path =~ s#/(.+)/#$1#;
if($linecount++ > 10) {
}elsif (/\s*$path\s*-\s*-*\s*/i){
$desc = (split(/\s*$path\s*-\s*-*\s*/i))[1];
if ($desc) {last};
}elsif (/\s*$filename\s*-\s*-*\s*/i){
$desc = (split(/\s*$filename\s*-\s*-*\s*/i))[1];
if ($desc) {last};
}elsif (/$path\s*:\s*/i){
$desc = (split(/ $path\s*:\s*/i))[1];
if ($desc) {last};
}elsif (/$filename\s*:\s*/i){
$desc = (split(/ $filename\s*:\s*/i))[1];
if ($desc) {last};
#strip trailing asterisks and "*/"
$desc =~ s#\*/?\s*$##;
if ($desc){
#htmlify the comments making links to symbols and files
$desc = markupstring($desc, $Path->{'virt'});
} else {
# dme: Print a descriptive blurb in directory listings between
# the document heading and the table containing the actual listing.
# For Mozilla, we extract this information from the README file if
# it exists. If the file is short then just print the whole thing.
# For longer files print the first paragraph or so. As much as
# possible make this work for randomly formatted files rather than
# inventing strict rules which create gobbeldygook when they're broken.
sub dirdesc {
my ($path) = @_;
if (-f $Path->{'real'}."/README") {
} elsif (-f $Path->{'real'}."/README.html") {
sub descreadmehtml {
my ($path) = @_;
my $string = "";
if (!(open(DESC, $Path->{'real'}."/README.html"))) {
undef $/;
$string = <DESC>;
$/ = "\n";
# if the README is 0 length then give up
if (!$string) {
# check if there's a short desc nested inside the long desc. If not, do
# a non-greedy search for a long desc. assume there are no other stray
# spans within the description.
if ($string =~ /<SPAN CLASS=LXRLONGDESC>(.*?<SPAN CLASS=LXRSHORTDESC>.*?<\/SPAN>.*?)<\/SPAN>/is) {
$long = $1;
if (!($long =~ /<span.*?\<span/is)) {
print($long . "<P>\nSEE ALSO: <A HREF=\"README.html\">README</A>\n");
} elsif ($string =~ /<SPAN CLASS=LXRLONGDESC>(.*?)<\/SPAN>/is) {
$long = $1;
if (!($long =~ /\<span/is)) {
print($long . "<P>\nSEE ALSO: <A HREF=\"README.html\">README</A>\n");
sub descreadme {
my ($path) = @_;
my $string = "";
# $string =~ s#(</?([^>^\s]+[^>]*)>.*$)#($2~/B|A|IMG|FONT|BR|EM|I|TT/i)?$1:""#sg;
my $n;
my $count;
my $temp;
my $maxlines = 20; # If file is less than this then just print it all
my $minlines = 5; # Too small. Go back and add another paragraph.
my $chopto = 10; # Truncate long READMEs to this length
if (!(open(DESC, $Path->{'real'}."/README"))) {
undef $/;
$string = <DESC>;
$/ = "\n";
# if the README is 0 length then give up
if (!$string){
# strip the emacs tab line
$string =~ s/.*tab-width:[ \t]*([0-9]+).*\n//;
# strip the npl
$string =~ s/.*The contents of this .* All Rights.*Reserved\.//s;
# strip the short description from the beginning
$path =~ s#/(.+)/#$1#;
$string =~ s/.*$path\/*\s+--- .*//;
# strip away junk
$string =~ s/#+\s*\n/\n/;
$string =~ s/---+\s*\n/\n/g;
$string =~ s/===+\s*\n/\n/g;
# strip blank lines at beginning and end of file.
$string =~ s/^\s*\n//gs;
$string =~ s/\s*\n$//gs;
$_ = $string;
$count = tr/\n//;
# If the file is small there's not much use splitting it up.
# Just print it all
if ($count <= $maxlines) {
$string = markupstring($string, $Path->{'virt'});
$string = convertwhitespace($string);
} else {
# grab the first n paragraphs, with n decreasing until the
# string is 10 lines or shorter or until we're down to
# one paragraph.
$n = 6;
$temp = $string;
while ( ($count > $chopto) && ($n-- > 1) ) {
$string =~ s/^((?:(?:[\S\t ]*?\n)+?[\t ]*\n){$n}?)(.*)/$1/s;
$_ = $string;
$string =~ s/\s*\n$//gs;
$count = tr/\n//;
# if we have too few lines then back up and grab another paragraph
$_ = $string;
$count = tr/\n//;
if ($count < $minlines) {
$n = $n+1;
$temp =~ s/^((?:(?:[\S\t ]*?\n)+?[\t ]*\n){$n}?)(.*)/$1/s;
$string = $temp;
# if we have more than $maxlines then truncate to $chopto
# and add an elipsis.
if ($count > $maxlines) {
$string =~ s/^((?:[\S \t]*\n){$chopto}?)(.*)/$1/s;
$string = $string . "\n...";
# since not all of the README is displayed here,
# add a link to it.
if ($string =~ /SEE ALSO/) {
$string = $string . ", README";
} else {
$string = $string . "\n\nSEE ALSO: README";
$string = markupstring($string, $Path->{'virt'});
$string = convertwhitespace($string);
# strip blank lines at beginning and end of file again
$string =~ s/^\s*\n//gs;
$string =~ s/\s*\n$//gs;
print($string . "<P>\n");
# dme: substitute carraige returns and spaces in original text
# for html equivalent so we don't need to use <pre> and can
# use variable width fonts but preserve the formatting
sub convertwhitespace {
my ($string) = @_;
# handle ascii bulleted lists
$string =~ s/<p>\n\s+o\s/<p>\n\&nbsp\;\&nbsp\;o /sg;
$string =~ s/\n\s+o\s/&nbsp\;\n<br>\&nbsp\;\&nbsp\;o /sg;
#find paragraph breaks and replace with <P>
$string =~ s/\n\s*\n/<p>\n/sg;