
599 lines
26 KiB

# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
# You can obtain one at
from WebIDL import IDLInterface, IDLExternalInterface
import os
autogenerated_comment = "/* THIS FILE IS AUTOGENERATED - DO NOT EDIT */\n"
class Configuration:
Represents global configuration state based on IDL parse data and
the configuration file.
def __init__(self, filename, parseData):
# Read the configuration file.
glbl = {}
execfile(filename, glbl)
config = glbl['DOMInterfaces']
# Build descriptors for all the interfaces we have in the parse data.
# This allows callers to specify a subset of interfaces by filtering
# |parseData|.
self.descriptors = []
self.interfaces = {}
self.maxProtoChainLength = 0;
for thing in parseData:
# Some toplevel things are sadly types, and those have an
# isInterface that doesn't mean the same thing as IDLObject's
# isInterface()...
if (not isinstance(thing, IDLInterface) and
not isinstance(thing, IDLExternalInterface)):
iface = thing
self.interfaces[] = iface
if not in config:
# Completely skip consequential interfaces with no descriptor
# if they have no interface object because chances are we
# don't need to do anything interesting with them.
if iface.isConsequential() and not iface.hasInterfaceObject():
entry = {}
entry = config[]
if not isinstance(entry, list):
assert isinstance(entry, dict)
entry = [entry]
elif len(entry) == 1:
if entry[0].get("workers", False):
# List with only a workers descriptor means we should
# infer a mainthread descriptor. If you want only
# workers bindings, don't use a list here.
raise TypeError("Don't use a single-element list for "
"non-worker-only interface " + +
" in Bindings.conf")
elif len(entry) == 2:
if entry[0].get("workers", False) == entry[1].get("workers", False):
raise TypeError("The two entries for interface " + +
" in Bindings.conf should not have the same value for 'workers'")
raise TypeError("Interface " + +
" should have no more than two entries in Bindings.conf")
self.descriptors.extend([Descriptor(self, iface, x) for x in entry])
# Keep the descriptor list sorted for determinism.
self.descriptors.sort(lambda x,y: cmp(,
self.descriptorsByName = {}
for d in self.descriptors:
self.descriptorsByFile = {}
for d in self.descriptors:
self.enums = [e for e in parseData if e.isEnum()]
# Figure out what our main-thread and worker dictionaries and callbacks
# are.
mainTypes = set()
for descriptor in ([self.getDescriptor("DummyInterface", workers=False)] +
self.getDescriptors(workers=False, isExternal=False, skipGen=False)):
mainTypes |= set(getFlatTypes(getTypesFromDescriptor(descriptor)))
(mainCallbacks, mainDictionaries) = findCallbacksAndDictionaries(mainTypes)
workerTypes = set();
for descriptor in ([self.getDescriptor("DummyInterfaceWorkers", workers=True)] +
self.getDescriptors(workers=True, isExternal=False, skipGen=False)):
workerTypes |= set(getFlatTypes(getTypesFromDescriptor(descriptor)))
(workerCallbacks, workerDictionaries) = findCallbacksAndDictionaries(workerTypes)
self.dictionaries = [d for d in parseData if d.isDictionary()]
self.callbacks = [c for c in parseData if
c.isCallback() and not c.isInterface()]
def flagWorkerOrMainThread(items, main, worker):
for item in items:
if item in main:
item.setUserData("mainThread", True)
if item in worker:
item.setUserData("workers", True)
flagWorkerOrMainThread(self.callbacks, mainCallbacks, workerCallbacks)
def getInterface(self, ifname):
return self.interfaces[ifname]
def getDescriptors(self, **filters):
"""Gets the descriptors that match the given filters."""
curr = self.descriptors
# Collect up our filters, because we may have a webIDLFile filter that
# we always want to apply first.
tofilter = []
for key, val in filters.iteritems():
if key == 'webIDLFile':
# Special-case this part to make it fast, since most of our
# getDescriptors calls are conditioned on a webIDLFile. We may
# not have this key, in which case we have no descriptors
# either.
curr = self.descriptorsByFile.get(val, [])
elif key == 'hasInterfaceObject':
getter = lambda x: (not x.interface.isExternal() and
elif key == 'hasInterfacePrototypeObject':
getter = lambda x: (not x.interface.isExternal() and
elif key == 'hasInterfaceOrInterfacePrototypeObject':
getter = lambda x: x.hasInterfaceOrInterfacePrototypeObject()
elif key == 'isCallback':
getter = lambda x: x.interface.isCallback()
elif key == 'isExternal':
getter = lambda x: x.interface.isExternal()
elif key == 'isJSImplemented':
getter = lambda x: x.interface.isJSImplemented()
elif key == 'isNavigatorProperty':
getter = lambda x: x.interface.getNavigatorProperty() != None
# Have to watch out: just closing over "key" is not enough,
# since we're about to mutate its value
getter = (lambda attrName: lambda x: getattr(x, attrName))(key)
tofilter.append((getter, val))
for f in tofilter:
curr = filter(lambda x: f[0](x) == f[1], curr)
return curr
def getEnums(self, webIDLFile):
return filter(lambda e: e.filename() == webIDLFile, self.enums)
def _filterForFileAndWorkers(items, filters):
"""Gets the items that match the given filters."""
for key, val in filters.iteritems():
if key == 'webIDLFile':
items = filter(lambda x: x.filename() == val, items)
elif key == 'workers':
if val:
items = filter(lambda x: x.getUserData("workers", False), items)
items = filter(lambda x: x.getUserData("mainThread", False), items)
assert(0) # Unknown key
return items
def getDictionaries(self, **filters):
return self._filterForFileAndWorkers(self.dictionaries, filters)
def getCallbacks(self, **filters):
return self._filterForFileAndWorkers(self.callbacks, filters)
def getDescriptor(self, interfaceName, workers):
Gets the appropriate descriptor for the given interface name
and the given workers boolean.
for d in self.descriptorsByName[interfaceName]:
if d.workers == workers:
return d
if workers:
for d in self.descriptorsByName[interfaceName]:
return d
raise NoSuchDescriptorError("For " + interfaceName + " found no matches");
def getDescriptorProvider(self, workers):
Gets a descriptor provider that can provide descriptors as needed,
for the given workers boolean
return DescriptorProvider(self, workers)
class NoSuchDescriptorError(TypeError):
def __init__(self, str):
TypeError.__init__(self, str)
class DescriptorProvider:
A way of getting descriptors for interface names
def __init__(self, config, workers):
self.config = config
self.workers = workers
def getDescriptor(self, interfaceName):
Gets the appropriate descriptor for the given interface name given the
context of the current descriptor. This selects the appropriate
implementation for cases like workers.
return self.config.getDescriptor(interfaceName, self.workers)
class Descriptor(DescriptorProvider):
Represents a single descriptor for an interface. See Bindings.conf.
def __init__(self, config, interface, desc):
DescriptorProvider.__init__(self, config, desc.get('workers', False))
self.interface = interface
# Read the desc, and fill in the relevant defaults.
ifaceName =
if self.interface.isExternal():
if self.workers:
nativeTypeDefault = "JSObject"
nativeTypeDefault = "nsIDOM" + ifaceName
elif self.interface.isCallback():
nativeTypeDefault = "mozilla::dom::" + ifaceName
if self.workers:
nativeTypeDefault = "mozilla::dom::workers::" + ifaceName
nativeTypeDefault = "mozilla::dom::" + ifaceName
self.nativeType = desc.get('nativeType', nativeTypeDefault)
self.jsImplParent = desc.get('jsImplParent', self.nativeType)
# Do something sane for JSObject
if self.nativeType == "JSObject":
headerDefault = "js/TypeDecls.h"
elif self.interface.isCallback() or self.interface.isJSImplemented():
# A copy of CGHeaders.getDeclarationFilename; we can't
# import it here, sadly.
# Use our local version of the header, not the exported one, so that
# test bindings, which don't export, will work correctly.
basename = os.path.basename(self.interface.filename())
headerDefault = basename.replace('.webidl', 'Binding.h')
if self.workers:
headerDefault = "mozilla/dom/workers/bindings/%s.h" % ifaceName
elif not self.interface.isExternal() and self.interface.getExtendedAttribute("HeaderFile"):
headerDefault = self.interface.getExtendedAttribute("HeaderFile")[0]
headerDefault = self.nativeType
headerDefault = headerDefault.replace("::", "/") + ".h"
self.headerFile = desc.get('headerFile', headerDefault)
self.headerIsDefault = self.headerFile == headerDefault
if self.jsImplParent == self.nativeType:
self.jsImplParentHeader = self.headerFile
self.jsImplParentHeader = self.jsImplParent.replace("::", "/") + ".h"
self.skipGen = desc.get('skipGen', False)
self.notflattened = desc.get('notflattened', False)
self.register = desc.get('register', True)
self.hasXPConnectImpls = desc.get('hasXPConnectImpls', False)
# If we're concrete, we need to crawl our ancestor interfaces and mark
# them as having a concrete descendant.
self.concrete = (not self.interface.isExternal() and
not self.interface.isCallback() and
desc.get('concrete', True))
operations = {
'IndexedGetter': None,
'IndexedSetter': None,
'IndexedCreator': None,
'IndexedDeleter': None,
'NamedGetter': None,
'NamedSetter': None,
'NamedCreator': None,
'NamedDeleter': None,
'Stringifier': None,
'LegacyCaller': None,
'Jsonifier': None
if self.concrete:
self.proxy = False
iface = self.interface
def addOperation(operation, m):
if not operations[operation]:
operations[operation] = m
# Since stringifiers go on the prototype, we only need to worry
# about our own stringifier, not those of our ancestor interfaces.
for m in iface.members:
if m.isMethod() and m.isStringifier():
addOperation('Stringifier', m)
if m.isMethod() and m.isJsonifier():
addOperation('Jsonifier', m)
# Don't worry about inheriting legacycallers either: in
# practice these are on most-derived prototypes.
if m.isMethod() and m.isLegacycaller():
if not m.isIdentifierLess():
raise TypeError("We don't support legacycaller with "
"identifier.\n%s" % m.location);
if len(m.signatures()) != 1:
raise TypeError("We don't support overloaded "
"legacycaller.\n%s" % m.location)
addOperation('LegacyCaller', m)
while iface:
for m in iface.members:
if not m.isMethod():
def addIndexedOrNamedOperation(operation, m):
self.proxy = True
if m.isIndexed():
operation = 'Indexed' + operation
assert m.isNamed()
operation = 'Named' + operation
addOperation(operation, m)
if m.isGetter():
addIndexedOrNamedOperation('Getter', m)
if m.isSetter():
addIndexedOrNamedOperation('Setter', m)
if m.isCreator():
addIndexedOrNamedOperation('Creator', m)
if m.isDeleter():
addIndexedOrNamedOperation('Deleter', m)
if m.isLegacycaller() and iface != self.interface:
raise TypeError("We don't support legacycaller on "
"non-leaf interface %s.\n%s" %
(iface, iface.location))
iface.setUserData('hasConcreteDescendant', True)
iface = iface.parent
if self.proxy:
if (not operations['IndexedGetter'] and
(operations['IndexedSetter'] or
operations['IndexedDeleter'] or
raise SyntaxError("%s supports indexed properties but does "
"not have an indexed getter.\n%s" %
(self.interface, self.interface.location))
if (not operations['NamedGetter'] and
(operations['NamedSetter'] or
operations['NamedDeleter'] or
raise SyntaxError("%s supports named properties but does "
"not have a named getter.\n%s" %
(self.interface, self.interface.location))
if operations['LegacyCaller']:
raise SyntaxError("%s has a legacy caller but is a proxy; "
"we don't support that yet.\n%s" %
(self.interface, self.interface.location))
iface = self.interface
while iface:
iface.setUserData('hasProxyDescendant', True)
iface = iface.parent
self.operations = operations
self.nativeOwnership = desc.get('nativeOwnership', 'refcounted')
if not self.nativeOwnership in ('owned', 'refcounted'):
raise TypeError("Descriptor for %s has unrecognized value (%s) "
"for nativeOwnership" %
(, self.nativeOwnership))
if desc.get('wantsQI', None) != None:
self._wantsQI = desc.get('wantsQI', None)
self.wrapperCache = (not self.interface.isCallback() and
(self.nativeOwnership != 'owned' and
desc.get('wrapperCache', True)))
def make_name(name):
return name + "_workers" if self.workers else name = make_name(
# self.extendedAttributes is a dict of dicts, keyed on
# all/getterOnly/setterOnly and then on member name. Values are an
# array of extended attributes.
self.extendedAttributes = { 'all': {}, 'getterOnly': {}, 'setterOnly': {} }
def addExtendedAttribute(attribute, config):
def add(key, members, attribute):
for member in members:
self.extendedAttributes[key].setdefault(member, []).append(attribute)
if isinstance(config, dict):
for key in ['all', 'getterOnly', 'setterOnly']:
add(key, config.get(key, []), attribute)
elif isinstance(config, list):
add('all', config, attribute)
assert isinstance(config, str)
if config == '*':
iface = self.interface
while iface:
add('all', map(lambda m:, iface.members), attribute)
iface = iface.parent
add('all', [config], attribute)
if self.interface.isJSImplemented():
addExtendedAttribute('implicitJSContext', ['constructor'])
for attribute in ['implicitJSContext', 'resultNotAddRefed']:
addExtendedAttribute(attribute, desc.get(attribute, {}))
self.binaryNames = desc.get('binaryNames', {})
if '__legacycaller' not in self.binaryNames:
self.binaryNames["__legacycaller"] = "LegacyCall"
if '__stringifier' not in self.binaryNames:
self.binaryNames["__stringifier"] = "Stringify"
# Build the prototype chain.
self.prototypeChain = []
parent = interface
while parent:
parent = parent.parent
config.maxProtoChainLength = max(config.maxProtoChainLength,
def hasInterfaceOrInterfacePrototypeObject(self):
# Forward-declared interfaces don't need either interface object or
# interface prototype object as they're going to use QI (on main thread)
# or be passed as a JSObject (on worker threads).
if self.interface.isExternal():
return False
return self.interface.hasInterfaceObject() or self.interface.hasInterfacePrototypeObject()
def getExtendedAttributes(self, member, getter=False, setter=False):
def ensureValidThrowsExtendedAttribute(attr):
assert(attr is None or attr is True or len(attr) == 1)
if (attr is not None and attr is not True and
'Workers' not in attr and 'MainThread' not in attr):
raise TypeError("Unknown value for 'Throws': " + attr[0])
def maybeAppendInfallibleToAttrs(attrs, throws):
if (throws is None or
(throws is not True and
('Workers' not in throws or not self.workers) and
('MainThread' not in throws or self.workers))):
name =
throws = self.interface.isJSImplemented() or member.getExtendedAttribute("Throws")
if member.isMethod():
attrs = self.extendedAttributes['all'].get(name, [])
maybeAppendInfallibleToAttrs(attrs, throws)
return attrs
assert member.isAttr()
assert bool(getter) != bool(setter)
key = 'getterOnly' if getter else 'setterOnly'
attrs = self.extendedAttributes['all'].get(name, []) + self.extendedAttributes[key].get(name, [])
if throws is None:
throwsAttr = "GetterThrows" if getter else "SetterThrows"
throws = member.getExtendedAttribute(throwsAttr)
maybeAppendInfallibleToAttrs(attrs, throws)
return attrs
def supportsIndexedProperties(self):
return self.operations['IndexedGetter'] is not None
def supportsNamedProperties(self):
return self.operations['NamedGetter'] is not None
def needsConstructHookHolder(self):
assert self.interface.hasInterfaceObject()
return False
def needsHeaderInclude(self):
An interface doesn't need a header file if it is not concrete,
not pref-controlled, has no prototype object, and has no
static methods or attributes.
return (self.interface.isExternal() or self.concrete or
self.interface.hasInterfacePrototypeObject() or
any((m.isAttr() or m.isMethod()) and m.isStatic() for m
in self.interface.members))
def isExposedConditionally(self):
return (self.interface.getExtendedAttribute("Pref") or
self.interface.getExtendedAttribute("ChromeOnly") or
self.interface.getExtendedAttribute("Func") or
def needsXrayResolveHooks(self):
Generally, any interface with NeedNewResolve needs Xray
resolveOwnProperty and enumerateOwnProperties hooks. But for
the special case of plugin-loading elements, we do NOT want
those, because we don't want to instantiate plug-ins simply
due to chrome touching them and that's all those hooks do on
those elements. So we special-case those here.
return (self.interface.getExtendedAttribute("NeedNewResolve") and not in ["HTMLObjectElement",
def needsSpecialGenericOps(self):
Returns true if this descriptor requires generic ops other than
In practice we need to do this if our this value might be an XPConnect
object or if we need to coerce null/undefined to the global.
return self.hasXPConnectImpls or self.interface.isOnGlobalProtoChain()
# Some utility methods
def getTypesFromDescriptor(descriptor):
Get all argument and return types for all members of the descriptor
members = [m for m in descriptor.interface.members]
if descriptor.interface.ctor():
signatures = [s for m in members if m.isMethod() for s in m.signatures()]
types = []
for s in signatures:
assert len(s) == 2
(returnType, arguments) = s
types.extend(a.type for a in arguments)
types.extend(a.type for a in members if a.isAttr())
return types
def getFlatTypes(types):
retval = set()
for type in types:
type = type.unroll()
if type.isUnion():
retval |= set(type.flatMemberTypes)
return retval
def getTypesFromDictionary(dictionary):
Get all member types for this dictionary
types = []
curDict = dictionary
while curDict:
types.extend([m.type for m in curDict.members])
curDict = curDict.parent
return types
def getTypesFromCallback(callback):
Get the types this callback depends on: its return type and the
types of its arguments.
sig = callback.signatures()[0]
types = [sig[0]] # Return type
types.extend(arg.type for arg in sig[1]) # Arguments
return types
def findCallbacksAndDictionaries(inputTypes):
Ensure that all callbacks and dictionaries reachable from types end up in
the returned callbacks and dictionaries sets.
Note that we assume that our initial invocation already includes all types
reachable via descriptors in "types", so we only have to deal with things
that are themeselves reachable via callbacks and dictionaries.
def doFindCallbacksAndDictionaries(types, callbacks, dictionaries):
unhandledTypes = set()
for type in types:
if type.isCallback() and type not in callbacks:
unhandledTypes |= getFlatTypes(getTypesFromCallback(type))
elif type.isDictionary() and type.inner not in dictionaries:
d = type.inner
unhandledTypes |= getFlatTypes(getTypesFromDictionary(d))
while d:
d = d.parent
if len(unhandledTypes) != 0:
doFindCallbacksAndDictionaries(unhandledTypes, callbacks, dictionaries)
retCallbacks = set()
retDictionaries = set()
doFindCallbacksAndDictionaries(inputTypes, retCallbacks, retDictionaries)
return (retCallbacks, retDictionaries)