
248 lines
9.2 KiB

// Test for bug 343515 - Need API for tabbrowsers to tell docshells they're visible/hidden
// Globals
var testPath = "http://mochi.test:8888/browser/docshell/test/navigation/";
var ctx = {};
// We need to wait until the page from each testcase is fully loaded,
// including all of its descendant iframes. To do that we manually count
// how many load events should happen on that page (one for the toplevel doc
// and one for each subframe) and wait until we receive the expected number
// of events.
function nShotsListener(aBrowser, aType, aCallback, aCount) {
let count = aCount;
let removeFunc;
removeFunc = BrowserTestUtils.addContentEventListener(aBrowser, aType, function listenerCallback() {
if (--count == 0) {
// aCallback is executed asynchronously, which is handy because load
// events fire before mIsDocumentLoaded is actually set to true. :(
}, true);
function oneShotListener(aBrowser, aType, aCallback) {
nShotsListener(aBrowser, aType, aCallback, 1);
function waitForPageshow(aBrowser, callback) {
return ContentTask.spawn(aBrowser, null, async function() {
await ContentTaskUtils.waitForEvent(this, "pageshow");
// Entry point from Mochikit
function test() {
// Lots of callbacks going on here
// Begin the test
async function step1() {
// Get a handle on the initial tab
ctx.tab0 = gBrowser.selectedTab;
ctx.tab0Browser = gBrowser.getBrowserForTab(ctx.tab0);
await BrowserTestUtils.waitForCondition(() => ctx.tab0Browser.docShellIsActive,
"Timed out waiting for initial tab to be active.");
// Open a New Tab
ctx.tab1 = BrowserTestUtils.addTab(gBrowser, testPath + "bug343515_pg1.html");
ctx.tab1Browser = gBrowser.getBrowserForTab(ctx.tab1);
oneShotListener(ctx.tab1Browser, "load", step2);
function step2() {
is(testPath + "bug343515_pg1.html", ctx.tab1Browser.currentURI.spec,
"Got expected tab 1 url in step 2");
// Our current tab should still be active
ok(ctx.tab0Browser.docShellIsActive, "Tab 0 should still be active");
ok(!ctx.tab1Browser.docShellIsActive, "Tab 1 should not be active");
// Switch to tab 1
BrowserTestUtils.switchTab(gBrowser, ctx.tab1).then(() => {
// Tab 1 should now be active
ok(!ctx.tab0Browser.docShellIsActive, "Tab 0 should be inactive");
ok(ctx.tab1Browser.docShellIsActive, "Tab 1 should be active");
// Open another tab
ctx.tab2 = BrowserTestUtils.addTab(gBrowser, testPath + "bug343515_pg2.html");
ctx.tab2Browser = gBrowser.getBrowserForTab(ctx.tab2);
// bug343515_pg2.html consists of a page with two iframes,
// which will therefore generate 3 load events.
nShotsListener(ctx.tab2Browser, "load", step3, 3);
function step3() {
is(testPath + "bug343515_pg2.html", ctx.tab2Browser.currentURI.spec,
"Got expected tab 2 url in step 3");
// Tab 0 should be inactive, Tab 1 should be active
ok(!ctx.tab0Browser.docShellIsActive, "Tab 0 should be inactive");
ok(ctx.tab1Browser.docShellIsActive, "Tab 1 should be active");
// Tab 2's window _and_ its iframes should be inactive
ok(!ctx.tab2Browser.docShellIsActive, "Tab 2 should be inactive");
ContentTask.spawn(ctx.tab2Browser, null, async function() {
Assert.equal(content.frames.length, 2, "Tab 2 should have 2 iframes");
for (var i = 0; i < content.frames.length; i++) {
info("step 3, frame " + i + " info: " + content.frames[i].location);
let docShell = content.frames[i].docShell;
Assert.ok(!docShell.isActive, `Tab2 iframe ${i} should be inactive`);
}).then(() => {
// Navigate tab 2 to a different page
BrowserTestUtils.loadURI(ctx.tab2Browser, testPath + "bug343515_pg3.html");
// bug343515_pg3.html consists of a page with two iframes, one of which
// contains another iframe, so there'll be a total of 4 load events
nShotsListener(ctx.tab2Browser, "load", step4, 4);
function step4() {
/* eslint-disable no-shadow */
function checkTab2Active(expected) {
return ContentTask.spawn(ctx.tab2Browser, expected, async function(expected) {
function isActive(aWindow) {
var docshell = aWindow.docShell;
return docshell.isActive;
let active = expected ? "active" : "inactive";
Assert.equal(content.frames.length, 2, "Tab 2 should have 2 iframes");
for (var i = 0; i < content.frames.length; i++)
info("step 4, frame " + i + " info: " + content.frames[i].location);
Assert.equal(content.frames[0].frames.length, 1, "Tab 2 iframe 0 should have 1 iframes");
Assert.equal(isActive(content.frames[0]), expected, `Tab2 iframe 0 should be ${active}`);
Assert.equal(isActive(content.frames[0].frames[0]), expected,
`Tab2 iframe 0 subiframe 0 should be ${active}`);
Assert.equal(isActive(content.frames[1]), expected, `Tab2 iframe 1 should be ${active}`);
/* eslint-enable no-shadow */
is(testPath + "bug343515_pg3.html", ctx.tab2Browser.currentURI.spec,
"Got expected tab 2 url in step 4");
// Tab 0 should be inactive, Tab 1 should be active
ok(!ctx.tab0Browser.docShellIsActive, "Tab 0 should be inactive");
ok(ctx.tab1Browser.docShellIsActive, "Tab 1 should be active");
// Tab2 and all descendants should be inactive
checkTab2Active(false).then(() => {
// Switch to Tab 2
return BrowserTestUtils.switchTab(gBrowser, ctx.tab2);
}).then(() => {
// Check everything
ok(!ctx.tab0Browser.docShellIsActive, "Tab 0 should be inactive");
ok(!ctx.tab1Browser.docShellIsActive, "Tab 1 should be inactive");
ok(ctx.tab2Browser.docShellIsActive, "Tab 2 should be active");
return checkTab2Active(true);
}).then(() => {
// Go back
waitForPageshow(ctx.tab2Browser, step5);
function step5() {
// Check everything
ok(!ctx.tab0Browser.docShellIsActive, "Tab 0 should be inactive");
ok(!ctx.tab1Browser.docShellIsActive, "Tab 1 should be inactive");
ok(ctx.tab2Browser.docShellIsActive, "Tab 2 should be active");
ContentTask.spawn(ctx.tab2Browser, null, async function() {
for (var i = 0; i < content.frames.length; i++) {
let docShell = content.frames[i].docShell;
Assert.ok(docShell.isActive, `Tab2 iframe ${i} should be active`);
}).then(() => {
// Switch to tab 1
return BrowserTestUtils.switchTab(gBrowser, ctx.tab1);
}).then(() => {
// Navigate to page 3
BrowserTestUtils.loadURI(ctx.tab1Browser, testPath + "bug343515_pg3.html");
// bug343515_pg3.html consists of a page with two iframes, one of which
// contains another iframe, so there'll be a total of 4 load events
nShotsListener(ctx.tab1Browser, "load", step6, 4);
function step6() {
// Check everything
ok(!ctx.tab0Browser.docShellIsActive, "Tab 0 should be inactive");
ok(ctx.tab1Browser.docShellIsActive, "Tab 1 should be active");
ContentTask.spawn(ctx.tab1Browser, null, async function() {
function isActive(aWindow) {
var docshell = aWindow.docShell;
return docshell.isActive;
Assert.ok(isActive(content.frames[0]), "Tab1 iframe 0 should be active");
Assert.ok(isActive(content.frames[0].frames[0]), "Tab1 iframe 0 subiframe 0 should be active");
Assert.ok(isActive(content.frames[1]), "Tab1 iframe 1 should be active");
}).then(() => {
ok(!ctx.tab2Browser.docShellIsActive, "Tab 2 should be inactive");
return ContentTask.spawn(ctx.tab2Browser, null, async function() {
for (var i = 0; i < content.frames.length; i++) {
let docShell = content.frames[i].docShell;
Assert.ok(!docShell.isActive, `Tab2 iframe ${i} should be inactive`);
}).then(() => {
// Go forward on tab 2
waitForPageshow(ctx.tab2Browser, step7);
function step7() {
/* eslint-disable no-shadow */
function checkBrowser(browser, tabNum, active) {
return ContentTask.spawn(browser, { tabNum, active },
async function({ tabNum, active }) {
function isActive(aWindow) {
var docshell = aWindow.docShell;
return docshell.isActive;
let activestr = active ? "active" : "inactive";
Assert.equal(isActive(content.frames[0]), active,
`Tab${tabNum} iframe 0 should be ${activestr}`);
Assert.equal(isActive(content.frames[0].frames[0]), active,
`Tab${tabNum} iframe 0 subiframe 0 should be ${activestr}`);
Assert.equal(isActive(content.frames[1]), active,
`Tab${tabNum} iframe 1 should be ${activestr}`);
/* eslint-enable no-shadow */
// Check everything
ok(!ctx.tab0Browser.docShellIsActive, "Tab 0 should be inactive");
ok(ctx.tab1Browser.docShellIsActive, "Tab 1 should be active");
checkBrowser(ctx.tab1Browser, 1, true).then(() => {
ok(!ctx.tab2Browser.docShellIsActive, "Tab 2 should be inactive");
return checkBrowser(ctx.tab2Browser, 2, false);
}).then(() => {
// That's probably enough
function allDone() {
// Close the tabs we made
// Tell the framework we're done