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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
* The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public
* License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at http://www.mozilla.org/NPL/
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
* IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
* implied. See the License for the specific language governing
* rights and limitations under the License.
* The Original Code is mozilla.org code.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape
* Communications Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are
* Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All
* Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s):
* Pierre Phaneuf <pp@ludusdesign.com>
#include "nsCOMPtr.h"
#include "nsComboboxControlFrame.h"
#include "nsIFrameManager.h"
#include "nsFormFrame.h"
#include "nsFormControlFrame.h"
#include "nsIHTMLContent.h"
#include "nsHTMLIIDs.h"
#include "nsHTMLAtoms.h"
#include "nsHTMLParts.h"
#include "nsIFormControl.h"
#include "nsINameSpaceManager.h"
#include "nsLayoutAtoms.h"
#include "nsIDOMElement.h"
#include "nsIListControlFrame.h"
#include "nsIDOMHTMLCollection.h"
#include "nsIDOMHTMLSelectElement.h"
#include "nsIDOMHTMLOptionElement.h"
#include "nsIDOMNSHTMLOptionCollection.h"
#include "nsIPresShell.h"
#include "nsIPresState.h"
#include "nsISupportsArray.h"
#include "nsIDeviceContext.h"
#include "nsIView.h"
#include "nsIScrollableView.h"
#include "nsIEventStateManager.h"
#include "nsIDOMNode.h"
#include "nsIPrivateDOMEvent.h"
#include "nsIStatefulFrame.h"
#include "nsISupportsArray.h"
#include "nsISelectControlFrame.h"
#include "nsISupportsPrimitives.h"
#include "nsIComponentManager.h"
#include "nsIDOMMouseListener.h"
#include "nsITextContent.h"
#include "nsTextFragment.h"
#include "nsCSSFrameConstructor.h"
#include "nsIDocument.h"
#include "nsINodeInfo.h"
#include "nsIScrollableFrame.h"
#include "nsIScrollableView.h"
#include "nsListControlFrame.h"
#include "nsIElementFactory.h"
#include "nsContentCID.h"
#include "nsIXULDocument.h" // Temporary fix for Bug 36558
#include "nsIFontMetrics.h"
#define FIX_FOR_BUG_53259
// Drop down list event management.
// The combo box uses the following strategy for managing the drop-down list.
// If the combo box or it's arrow button is clicked on the drop-down list is displayed
// If mouse exit's the combo box with the drop-down list displayed the drop-down list
// is asked to capture events
// The drop-down list will capture all events including mouse down and up and will always
// return with ListWasSelected method call regardless of whether an item in the list was
// actually selected.
// The ListWasSelected code will turn off mouse-capture for the drop-down list.
// The drop-down list does not explicitly set capture when it is in the drop-down mode.
//XXX: This is temporary. It simulates psuedo states by using a attribute selector on
const char * kMozDropdownActive = "-moz-dropdown-active";
const PRInt32 kSizeNotSet = -1;
// static class data member for Bug 32920
nsComboboxControlFrame * nsComboboxControlFrame::mFocused = nsnull;
nscoord nsComboboxControlFrame::mCachedScrollbarWidth = kSizeNotSet;
NS_NewComboboxControlFrame(nsIPresShell* aPresShell, nsIFrame** aNewFrame, PRUint32 aStateFlags)
NS_PRECONDITION(aNewFrame, "null OUT ptr");
if (nsnull == aNewFrame) {
nsComboboxControlFrame* it = new (aPresShell) nsComboboxControlFrame;
if (!it) {
// set the state flags (if any are provided)
nsFrameState state;
it->GetFrameState( &state );
state |= aStateFlags;
it->SetFrameState( state );
*aNewFrame = it;
return NS_OK;
// Reflow Debugging Macros
// These let us "see" how many reflow counts are happening
#define MAX_REFLOW_CNT 1024
static PRInt32 gTotalReqs = 0;;
static PRInt32 gTotalReflows = 0;;
static PRInt32 gReflowControlCntRQ[MAX_REFLOW_CNT];
static PRInt32 gReflowControlCnt[MAX_REFLOW_CNT];
static PRInt32 gReflowInx = -1;
#define REFLOW_COUNTER() \
if (mReflowId > -1) \
if (mReflowId > -1) \
#define REFLOW_COUNTER_DUMP(__desc) \
if (mReflowId > -1) {\
gTotalReqs += gReflowControlCntRQ[mReflowId];\
gTotalReflows += gReflowControlCnt[mReflowId];\
printf("** Id:%5d %s RF: %d RQ: %d %d/%d %5.2f\n", \
mReflowId, (__desc), \
gReflowControlCnt[mReflowId], \
gTotalReflows, gTotalReqs, float(gTotalReflows)/float(gTotalReqs)*100.0f);\
if (gReflowInx < MAX_REFLOW_CNT) { \
gReflowInx++; \
mReflowId = gReflowInx; \
gReflowControlCnt[mReflowId] = 0; \
gReflowControlCntRQ[mReflowId] = 0; \
} else { \
mReflowId = -1; \
// reflow messages
#define REFLOW_DEBUG_MSG(_msg1) printf((_msg1))
#define REFLOW_DEBUG_MSG2(_msg1, _msg2) printf((_msg1), (_msg2))
#define REFLOW_DEBUG_MSG3(_msg1, _msg2, _msg3) printf((_msg1), (_msg2), (_msg3))
#define REFLOW_DEBUG_MSG4(_msg1, _msg2, _msg3, _msg4) printf((_msg1), (_msg2), (_msg3), (_msg4))
#else //-------------
#define REFLOW_COUNTER_DUMP(__desc)
#define REFLOW_DEBUG_MSG(_msg)
#define REFLOW_DEBUG_MSG2(_msg1, _msg2)
#define REFLOW_DEBUG_MSG3(_msg1, _msg2, _msg3)
#define REFLOW_DEBUG_MSG4(_msg1, _msg2, _msg3, _msg4)
// This is for being VERY noisy
#define REFLOW_NOISY_MSG(_msg1) printf((_msg1))
#define REFLOW_NOISY_MSG2(_msg1, _msg2) printf((_msg1), (_msg2))
#define REFLOW_NOISY_MSG3(_msg1, _msg2, _msg3) printf((_msg1), (_msg2), (_msg3))
#define REFLOW_NOISY_MSG4(_msg1, _msg2, _msg3, _msg4) printf((_msg1), (_msg2), (_msg3), (_msg4))
#define REFLOW_NOISY_MSG(_msg)
#define REFLOW_NOISY_MSG2(_msg1, _msg2)
#define REFLOW_NOISY_MSG3(_msg1, _msg2, _msg3)
#define REFLOW_NOISY_MSG4(_msg1, _msg2, _msg3, _msg4)
// Displays value in pixels or twips
#ifdef DO_PIXELS
#define PX(__v) __v / 15
#define PX(__v) __v
// Asserts if we return a desired size that
// doesn't correctly match the mComputedWidth
if (aReflowState.mComputedWidth != NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE) { \
nscoord width = aDesiredSize.width - borderPadding.left - borderPadding.right; \
if (width != aReflowState.mComputedWidth) { \
printf("aDesiredSize.width %d %d != aReflowState.mComputedWidth %d\n", aDesiredSize.width, width, aReflowState.mComputedWidth); \
} \
NS_ASSERTION(width == aReflowState.mComputedWidth, "Returning bad value when constrained!"); \
//-- Done with macros
: nsAreaFrame()
mPresContext = nsnull;
mFormFrame = nsnull;
mListControlFrame = nsnull;
mDroppedDown = PR_FALSE;
mDisplayFrame = nsnull;
mButtonFrame = nsnull;
mDropdownFrame = nsnull;
mSelectedIndex = -1;
mCacheSize.width = kSizeNotSet;
mCacheSize.height = kSizeNotSet;
mCachedMaxElementSize.width = kSizeNotSet;
mCachedMaxElementSize.height = kSizeNotSet;
mCachedAvailableSize.width = kSizeNotSet;
mCachedAvailableSize.height = kSizeNotSet;
mCachedUncDropdownSize.width = kSizeNotSet;
mCachedUncDropdownSize.height = kSizeNotSet;
mCachedUncComboSize.width = kSizeNotSet;
mCachedUncComboSize.height = kSizeNotSet;
mItemDisplayWidth = 0;
mGoodToGo = PR_FALSE;
//Shrink the area around it's contents
if (mFormFrame) {
mFormFrame = nsnull;
// Frames are not refcounted, no need to AddRef
nsComboboxControlFrame::QueryInterface(const nsIID& aIID, void** aInstancePtr)
NS_PRECONDITION(0 != aInstancePtr, "null ptr");
if (NULL == aInstancePtr) {
if (aIID.Equals(NS_GET_IID(nsIComboboxControlFrame))) {
*aInstancePtr = (void*) ((nsIComboboxControlFrame*) this);
return NS_OK;
} else if (aIID.Equals(NS_GET_IID(nsIFormControlFrame))) {
*aInstancePtr = (void*) ((nsIFormControlFrame*) this);
return NS_OK;
} else if (aIID.Equals(NS_GET_IID(nsIAnonymousContentCreator))) {
*aInstancePtr = (void*)(nsIAnonymousContentCreator*) this;
return NS_OK;
} else if (aIID.Equals(NS_GET_IID(nsISelectControlFrame))) {
*aInstancePtr = (void *)(nsISelectControlFrame*)this;
return NS_OK;
} else if (aIID.Equals(NS_GET_IID(nsIStatefulFrame))) {
*aInstancePtr = (void *)(nsIStatefulFrame*)this;
return NS_OK;
} else if (aIID.Equals(NS_GET_IID(nsIRollupListener))) {
*aInstancePtr = (void*)(nsIRollupListener*)this;
return NS_OK;
} else if (aIID.Equals(NS_GET_IID(nsIScrollableViewProvider))) {
*aInstancePtr = (void*)(nsIScrollableViewProvider*)this;
return NS_OK;
return nsAreaFrame::QueryInterface(aIID, aInstancePtr);
nsComboboxControlFrame::Init(nsIPresContext* aPresContext,
nsIContent* aContent,
nsIFrame* aParent,
nsIStyleContext* aContext,
nsIFrame* aPrevInFlow)
// Need to hold on the pres context because it is used later in methods
// which don't have it passed in.
mPresContext = aPresContext;
// Start - Temporary fix for Bug 36558
mGoodToGo = PR_FALSE;
nsCOMPtr<nsIDocument> document;
nsresult rv = aContent->GetDocument(*getter_AddRefs(document));
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && document) {
nsCOMPtr<nsIXULDocument> xulDoc(do_QueryInterface(document));
mGoodToGo = xulDoc?PR_FALSE:PR_TRUE;
// Done - Temporary fix for Bug 36558
return nsAreaFrame::Init(aPresContext, aContent, aParent, aContext, aPrevInFlow);
nsComboboxControlFrame::IsSuccessful(nsIFormControlFrame* aSubmitter)
nsAutoString name;
PRBool disabled = PR_FALSE;
nsFormControlHelper::GetDisabled(mContent, &disabled);
return !disabled && (NS_CONTENT_ATTR_HAS_VALUE == GetName(&name));
// If nothing is selected, and we have options, select item 0
// This is a UI decision that goes against the HTML 4 spec.
// See bugzilla bug 15841 for justification of this deviation.
nsComboboxControlFrame::MakeSureSomethingIsSelected(nsIPresContext* aPresContext)
nsIFormControlFrame* fcFrame = nsnull;
nsresult rv = mDropdownFrame->QueryInterface(NS_GET_IID(nsIFormControlFrame), (void**)&fcFrame);
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && fcFrame) {
// If nothing selected, and there are options, default selection to item 0
rv = mListControlFrame->GetSelectedIndex(&mSelectedIndex);
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && (mSelectedIndex < 0)) {
// Find out if there are any options in the list to select
PRInt32 length = 0;
if (length > 0) {
// Set listbox selection to first item in the list box
rv = fcFrame->SetProperty(aPresContext, nsHTMLAtoms::selectedindex, NS_ConvertASCIItoUCS2("0"));
mSelectedIndex = 0;
} else {
UpdateSelection(PR_FALSE, PR_TRUE, mSelectedIndex); // Needed to reflow when removing last option
// Don't NS_RELEASE fcFrame here as it isn't addRef'd in the QI (???)
return rv;
// Initialize the text string in the combobox using either the current
// selection in the list box or the first item item in the list box.
nsComboboxControlFrame::InitTextStr(nsIPresContext* aPresContext, PRBool aUpdate)
// Update the selected text string
// Update the display by setting the value attribute
mDisplayContent->SetText(mTextStr.GetUnicode(), mTextStr.Length(), aUpdate);
// Reset the combo box back to it original state.
nsComboboxControlFrame::Reset(nsIPresContext* aPresContext)
if (mPresState) {
nsIStatefulFrame* sFrame = nsnull;
nsresult res = mListControlFrame->QueryInterface(NS_GET_IID(nsIStatefulFrame),
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(res) && sFrame) {
res = sFrame->RestoreState(mPresContext, mPresState);
mPresState = do_QueryInterface(nsnull);
// Reset the dropdown list to its original state
nsIFormControlFrame* fcFrame = nsnull;
nsresult result = mDropdownFrame->QueryInterface(NS_GET_IID(nsIFormControlFrame), (void**)&fcFrame);
if ((NS_OK == result) && (nsnull != fcFrame)) {
// Update the combobox using the text string returned from the dropdown list
InitTextStr(aPresContext, PR_TRUE);
nsComboboxControlFrame::InitializeControl(nsIPresContext* aPresContext)
nsComboboxControlFrame::GetType(PRInt32* aType) const
return NS_OK;
nsComboboxControlFrame::GetFormContent(nsIContent*& aContent) const
nsIContent* content;
nsresult rv;
rv = GetContent(&content);
aContent = content;
return rv;
nsComboboxControlFrame::GetFont(nsIPresContext* aPresContext,
const nsFont*& aFont)
return nsFormControlHelper::GetFont(this, aPresContext, mStyleContext, aFont);
nsComboboxControlFrame::GetVerticalBorderWidth(float aPixToTwip) const
return 0;
nsComboboxControlFrame::GetHorizontalBorderWidth(float aPixToTwip) const
return 0;
nsComboboxControlFrame::GetVerticalInsidePadding(nsIPresContext* aPresContext,
float aPixToTwip,
nscoord aInnerHeight) const
return 0;
nsComboboxControlFrame::GetHorizontalInsidePadding(nsIPresContext* aPresContext,
float aPixToTwip,
nscoord aInnerWidth,
nscoord aCharWidth) const
return 0;
nsComboboxControlFrame::SetFocus(PRBool aOn, PRBool aRepaint)
if (aOn) {
mFocused = this;
} else {
mFocused = nsnull;
if (mDroppedDown) {
// This is needed on a temporary basis. It causes the focus
// rect to be drawn. This is much faster than ReResolvingStyle
// Bug 32920
Invalidate(mPresContext, nsRect(0,0,mRect.width,mRect.height), PR_TRUE);
nsComboboxControlFrame::ScrollIntoView(nsIPresContext* aPresContext)
if (aPresContext) {
nsCOMPtr<nsIPresShell> presShell;
if (presShell) {
nsComboboxControlFrame::ShowPopup(PRBool aShowPopup)
nsIView* view = nsnull;
mDropdownFrame->GetView(mPresContext, &view);
nsCOMPtr<nsIViewManager> viewManager;
if (aShowPopup) {
nsRect rect;
viewManager->ResizeView(view, rect.width, rect.height);
nsIScrollableView* scrollingView;
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(view->QueryInterface(NS_GET_IID(nsIScrollableView), (void**)&scrollingView))) {
viewManager->SetViewVisibility(view, nsViewVisibility_kShow);
} else {
viewManager->SetViewVisibility(view, nsViewVisibility_kHide);
viewManager->ResizeView(view, 0, 0);
// Show the dropdown list
nsComboboxControlFrame::ShowList(nsIPresContext* aPresContext, PRBool aShowList)
nsCOMPtr<nsIWidget> widget;
// Get parent view
nsIFrame * listFrame;
if (NS_OK == mListControlFrame->QueryInterface(NS_GET_IID(nsIFrame), (void **)&listFrame)) {
nsIView * view = nsnull;
listFrame->GetView(aPresContext, &view);
NS_ASSERTION(view != nsnull, "nsComboboxControlFrame view is null");
if (view) {
if (PR_TRUE == aShowList) {
mDroppedDown = PR_TRUE;
// The listcontrol frame will call back to the nsComboboxControlFrame's ListWasSelected
// which will stop the capture.
mListControlFrame->CaptureMouseEvents(aPresContext, PR_TRUE);
} else {
mDroppedDown = PR_FALSE;
nsCOMPtr<nsIPresShell> presShell;
if (widget)
widget->CaptureRollupEvents((nsIRollupListener *)this, mDroppedDown, PR_TRUE);
// this is in response to the MouseClick from the containing browse button
// XXX: TODO still need to get filters from accept attribute
nsComboboxControlFrame::MouseClicked(nsIPresContext* aPresContext)
nsComboboxControlFrame::ReflowComboChildFrame(nsIFrame* aFrame,
nsIPresContext* aPresContext,
nsHTMLReflowMetrics& aDesiredSize,
const nsHTMLReflowState& aReflowState,
nsReflowStatus& aStatus,
nscoord aAvailableWidth,
nscoord aAvailableHeight)
// Constrain the child's width and height to aAvailableWidth and aAvailableHeight
nsSize availSize(aAvailableWidth, aAvailableHeight);
nsHTMLReflowState kidReflowState(aPresContext, aReflowState, aFrame,
kidReflowState.mComputedWidth = aAvailableWidth;
kidReflowState.mComputedHeight = aAvailableHeight;
// ensure we start off hidden
if (aReflowState.reason == eReflowReason_Initial) {
nsIView* view = nsnull;
mDropdownFrame->GetView(mPresContext, &view);
nsCOMPtr<nsIViewManager> viewManager;
viewManager->SetViewVisibility(view, nsViewVisibility_kHide);
viewManager->ResizeView(view, 0, 0);
// Reflow child
nsRect rect;
nsresult rv = ReflowChild(aFrame, aPresContext, aDesiredSize, kidReflowState,
// Set the child's width and height to it's desired size
FinishReflowChild(aFrame, aPresContext, aDesiredSize, rect.x, rect.y, NS_FRAME_NO_MOVE_VIEW |NS_FRAME_NO_SIZE_VIEW | NS_FRAME_NO_VISIBILITY);
return rv;
// Suggest a size for the child frame.
// Only frames which implement the nsIFormControlFrame interface and
// honor the SetSuggestedSize method will be placed and sized correctly.
nsComboboxControlFrame::SetChildFrameSize(nsIFrame* aFrame, nscoord aWidth, nscoord aHeight)
nsIFormControlFrame* fcFrame = nsnull;
nsresult result = aFrame->QueryInterface(NS_GET_IID(nsIFormControlFrame), (void**)&fcFrame);
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(result) && (nsnull != fcFrame)) {
fcFrame->SetSuggestedSize(aWidth, aHeight);
nsComboboxControlFrame::GetPrimaryComboFrame(nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsIContent* aContent, nsIFrame** aFrame)
nsresult rv = NS_OK;
// Get the primary frame from the presentation shell.
nsCOMPtr<nsIPresShell> presShell;
rv = aPresContext->GetShell(getter_AddRefs(presShell));
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && presShell) {
presShell->GetPrimaryFrameFor(aContent, aFrame);
return rv;
nsComboboxControlFrame::PositionDropdown(nsIPresContext* aPresContext,
nscoord aHeight,
nsRect aAbsoluteTwipsRect,
nsRect aAbsolutePixelRect)
// Position the dropdown list. It is positioned below the display frame if there is enough
// room on the screen to display the entire list. Otherwise it is placed above the display
// frame.
// Note: As first glance, it appears that you could simply get the absolute bounding box for the
// dropdown list by first getting it's view, then getting the view's nsIWidget, then asking the nsIWidget
// for it's AbsoluteBounds. The problem with this approach, is that the dropdown lists y location can
// change based on whether the dropdown is placed below or above the display frame.
// The approach, taken here is to get use the absolute position of the display frame and use it's location
// to determine if the dropdown will go offscreen.
// Use the height calculated for the area frame so it includes both
// the display and button heights.
nsresult rv = NS_OK;
nscoord dropdownYOffset = aHeight;
// XXX: Enable this code to debug popping up above the display frame, rather than below it
nsRect dropdownRect;
nscoord screenHeightInPixels = 0;
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(nsFormControlFrame::GetScreenHeight(aPresContext, screenHeightInPixels))) {
// Get the height of the dropdown list in pixels.
float t2p;
nscoord absoluteDropDownHeight = NSTwipsToIntPixels(dropdownRect.height, t2p);
// Check to see if the drop-down list will go offscreen
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && ((aAbsolutePixelRect.y + aAbsolutePixelRect.height + absoluteDropDownHeight) > screenHeightInPixels)) {
// move the dropdown list up
dropdownYOffset = - (dropdownRect.height);
dropdownRect.x = 0;
dropdownRect.y = dropdownYOffset;
nsRect currentRect;
mDropdownFrame->SetRect(aPresContext, dropdownRect);
#ifdef DEBUG_rodsXXXXXX
printf("%d Position Dropdown at: %d %d %d %d\n", counter++, dropdownRect.x, dropdownRect.y, dropdownRect.width, dropdownRect.height);
return rv;
// Experimental Reflow
#if defined(DO_NEW_REFLOW) || defined(DO_REFLOW_COUNTER)
// Returns the nsIDOMHTMLOptionElement for a given index
// in the select's collection
static nsIDOMHTMLOptionElement*
GetOption(nsIDOMHTMLCollection& aCollection, PRInt32 aIndex)
nsIDOMNode* node = nsnull;
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(aCollection.Item(aIndex, &node))) {
if (nsnull != node) {
nsIDOMHTMLOptionElement* option = nsnull;
node->QueryInterface(NS_GET_IID(nsIDOMHTMLOptionElement), (void**)&option);
return option;
return nsnull;
// for a given piece of content it returns nsIDOMHTMLSelectElement object
// or null
static nsIDOMHTMLSelectElement*
GetSelect(nsIContent * aContent)
nsIDOMHTMLSelectElement* selectElement = nsnull;
nsresult result = aContent->QueryInterface(NS_GET_IID(nsIDOMHTMLSelectElement),
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(result) && selectElement) {
return selectElement;
} else {
return nsnull;
// This returns the collection for nsIDOMHTMLSelectElement or
// the nsIContent object is the select is null (AddRefs)
static nsIDOMHTMLCollection*
GetOptions(nsIContent * aContent, nsIDOMHTMLSelectElement* aSelect = nsnull)
nsIDOMNSHTMLOptionCollection* optCol = nsnull;
nsIDOMHTMLCollection* options = nsnull;
if (!aSelect) {
nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMHTMLSelectElement> selectElement = getter_AddRefs(GetSelect(aContent));
if (selectElement) {
selectElement->GetOptions(&optCol); // AddRefs (1)
} else {
aSelect->GetOptions(&optCol); // AddRefs (1)
if (optCol) {
nsresult res = optCol->QueryInterface(NS_GET_IID(nsIDOMHTMLCollection), (void **)&options); // AddRefs (2)
NS_RELEASE(optCol); // Release (1)
return options;
nsComboboxControlFrame::ReflowItems(nsIPresContext* aPresContext,
const nsHTMLReflowState& aReflowState,
nsHTMLReflowMetrics& aDesiredSize)
const nsStyleFont* dspFont;
mDisplayFrame->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Font, (const nsStyleStruct *&)dspFont);
nsCOMPtr<nsIDeviceContext> deviceContext;
NS_ASSERTION(deviceContext, "Couldn't get the device context");
nsIFontMetrics * fontMet;
deviceContext->GetMetricsFor(dspFont->mFont, fontMet);
nscoord visibleHeight;
//nsCOMPtr<nsIFontMetrics> fontMet;
//nsresult res = nsFormControlHelper::GetFrameFontFM(aPresContext, this, getter_AddRefs(fontMet));
if (fontMet) {
nsAutoString maxStr;
nscoord maxWidth = 0;
//nsIRenderingContext * rc = aReflowState.rendContext;
nsresult rv = NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMHTMLCollection> options = getter_AddRefs(GetOptions(mContent));
if (options) {
PRUint32 numOptions;
//printf("--- Num of Items %d ---\n", numOptions);
for (PRUint32 i=0;i<numOptions;i++) {
nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMHTMLOptionElement> optionElement = getter_AddRefs(GetOption(*options, i));
if (optionElement) {
nsAutoString text;
rv = optionElement->GetLabel(text);
if (NS_CONTENT_ATTR_HAS_VALUE != rv || 0 == text.Length()) {
if (NS_OK == optionElement->GetText(text)) {
nscoord width;
aReflowState.rendContext->GetWidth(text, width);
if (width > maxWidth) {
maxStr = text;
maxWidth = width;
//maxWidth = PR_MAX(width, maxWidth);
//printf("[%d] - %d %s \n", i, width, text.ToNewCString());
if (maxWidth == 0) {
maxWidth = 11 * 15;
char * str = maxStr.ToNewCString();
printf("id: %d maxWidth %d [%s]\n", mReflowId, maxWidth, str);
delete [] str;
// get the borderPadding for the display area
nsMargin dspBorderPadding(0, 0, 0, 0);
nscoord frmWidth = maxWidth+dspBorderPadding.left+dspBorderPadding.right+
aReflowState.mComputedBorderPadding.left + aReflowState.mComputedBorderPadding.right;
nscoord frmHeight = visibleHeight+dspBorderPadding.top+dspBorderPadding.bottom+
aReflowState.mComputedBorderPadding.top + aReflowState.mComputedBorderPadding.bottom;
#if 0
aDesiredSize.width = frmWidth;
aDesiredSize.height = frmHeight;
printf("Size frm:%d,%d DS:%d,%d DIF:%d,%d(tp) %d,%d(px)\n",
frmWidth, frmHeight,
aDesiredSize.width, aDesiredSize.height,
frmWidth-aDesiredSize.width, frmHeight-aDesiredSize.height,
(frmWidth-aDesiredSize.width)/15, (frmHeight-aDesiredSize.height)/15);
return NS_OK;
// This Method reflow just the contents of the ComboBox
// The contents are a Block frame containing a Text Frame - This is the display area
// and then the GfxButton - The dropdown button
nsComboboxControlFrame::ReflowCombobox(nsIPresContext * aPresContext,
const nsHTMLReflowState& aReflowState,
nsHTMLReflowMetrics& aDesiredSize,
nsReflowStatus& aStatus,
nsIFrame * aDisplayFrame,
nsIFrame * aDropDownBtn,
nscoord& aDisplayWidth,
nscoord aBtnWidth,
const nsMargin& aBorderPadding,
nscoord aFallBackHgt,
PRBool aCheckHeight)
// start out by using the cached height
// XXX later this will change when we better handle constrained height
nscoord dispHeight = mCacheSize.height - aBorderPadding.top - aBorderPadding.bottom;
nscoord dispWidth = aDisplayWidth;
REFLOW_NOISY_MSG3("+++1 AdjustCombo DW:%d DH:%d ", PX(dispWidth), PX(dispHeight));
REFLOW_NOISY_MSG3("BW:%d BH:%d ", PX(aBtnWidth), PX(dispHeight));
REFLOW_NOISY_MSG3("mCacheSize.height:%d - %d\n", PX(mCacheSize.height), PX((aBorderPadding.top + aBorderPadding.bottom)));
// get the border and padding for the DisplayArea (block frame & textframe)
nsMargin dspBorderPadding(0, 0, 0, 0);
// adjust the height
if (mCacheSize.height == kSizeNotSet) {
if (aFallBackHgt == kSizeNotSet) {
NS_ASSERTION(aFallBackHgt != kSizeNotSet, "Fallback can't be kSizeNotSet when mCacheSize.height == kSizeNotSet");
} else {
dispHeight = aFallBackHgt;
REFLOW_NOISY_MSG2("+++3 Adding (dspBorderPadding.top + dspBorderPadding.bottom): %d\n", (dspBorderPadding.top + dspBorderPadding.bottom));
dispHeight += (dspBorderPadding.top + dspBorderPadding.bottom);
// Fix for Bug 58220 (part of it)
// make sure we size correctly if the CSS width is set to something really small like 0, 1, or 2 pixels
nscoord computedWidth = aReflowState.mComputedWidth + aBorderPadding.left + aBorderPadding.right;
if (aReflowState.mComputedWidth != NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE && computedWidth <= 0) {
nsRect buttonRect(0,0,0,0);
nsRect displayRect(0,0,0,0);
aBtnWidth = 0;
aDisplayFrame->SetRect(aPresContext, displayRect);
aDropDownBtn->SetRect(aPresContext, buttonRect);
SetChildFrameSize(aDropDownBtn, aBtnWidth, aDesiredSize.height);
aDesiredSize.width = 0;
aDesiredSize.height = dispHeight;
REFLOW_NOISY_MSG3("+++2 AdjustCombo DW:%d DH:%d ", PX(dispWidth), PX(dispHeight));
REFLOW_NOISY_MSG3(" BW:%d BH:%d\n", PX(aBtnWidth), PX(dispHeight));
// This sets the button to be a specific size
// so no matter what it reflows at these values
SetChildFrameSize(aDropDownBtn, aBtnWidth, dispHeight);
#ifdef FIX_FOR_BUG_53259
// Make sure we obey min/max-width and min/max-height
if (dispWidth > aReflowState.mComputedMaxWidth) {
dispWidth = aReflowState.mComputedMaxWidth - aBorderPadding.left - aBorderPadding.right;
if (dispWidth < aReflowState.mComputedMinWidth) {
dispWidth = aReflowState.mComputedMinWidth - aBorderPadding.left - aBorderPadding.right;
if (dispHeight > aReflowState.mComputedMaxHeight) {
dispHeight = aReflowState.mComputedMaxHeight - aBorderPadding.top - aBorderPadding.bottom;
if (dispHeight < aReflowState.mComputedMinHeight) {
dispHeight = aReflowState.mComputedMinHeight - aBorderPadding.top - aBorderPadding.bottom;
// now that we know what the overall display width & height will be
// set up a new reflow state and reflow the area frame at that size
nsSize availSize(dispWidth + aBorderPadding.left + aBorderPadding.right,
dispHeight + aBorderPadding.top + aBorderPadding.bottom);
nsHTMLReflowState kidReflowState(aPresContext, aReflowState, this, availSize);
kidReflowState.mComputedWidth = dispWidth;
kidReflowState.mComputedHeight = dispHeight;
// do reflow
nsAreaFrame::Reflow(aPresContext, aDesiredSize, kidReflowState, aStatus);
// The DisplayFrame is a Block frame containing a TextFrame
// and it is completely anonymous, so we must manually reflow it
nsSize txtAvailSize(dispWidth - aBtnWidth, dispHeight);
nsHTMLReflowMetrics txtKidSize(&txtAvailSize);
nsHTMLReflowState txtKidReflowState(aPresContext, aReflowState, aDisplayFrame, txtAvailSize);
//aDisplayFrame->MoveTo(aPresContext, dspBorderPadding.left + aBorderPadding.left, dspBorderPadding.top + aBorderPadding.top);
aDisplayFrame->MoveTo(aPresContext, aBorderPadding.left, aBorderPadding.top);
nsIView* view;
aDisplayFrame->GetView(aPresContext, &view);
if (view) {
nsAreaFrame::PositionFrameView(aPresContext, aDisplayFrame, view);
nsReflowStatus status;
nsresult rv = aDisplayFrame->Reflow(aPresContext, txtKidSize, txtKidReflowState, status);
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return;
// If we are Constrained then the AreaFrame Reflow is the correct size
// if we are unconstrained then
//if (aReflowState.mComputedWidth == NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE) {
// aDesiredSize.width += txtKidSize.width;
// Apparently, XUL lays out differently than HTML
// (the code above works for HTML and not XUL),
// so instead of using the above calculation
// I just set it to what it should be.
aDesiredSize.width = availSize.width;
//aDesiredSize.height = availSize.height;
// now we need to adjust layout, because the AreaFrame
// doesn't position things exactly where we want them
nscoord insideHeight = aDesiredSize.height - aBorderPadding.top - aBorderPadding.bottom;
// the gets for the Display "block" frame and for the button
// make adjustments
nsRect buttonRect;
nsRect displayRect;
// If the css width has been set to something very small
//i.e. smaller than the dropdown button, set the button's width to zero
if (aBtnWidth > dispWidth) {
aBtnWidth = 0;
// set the display rect to be left justifed and
// fills the entire area except the button
nscoord x = aBorderPadding.left;
displayRect.x = x;
displayRect.y = aBorderPadding.top;
displayRect.height = insideHeight;
displayRect.width = PR_MAX(dispWidth - aBtnWidth, 0); // make sure the width is never negative
aDisplayFrame->SetRect(aPresContext, displayRect);
x += displayRect.width;
// right justify the button
buttonRect.x = x;
buttonRect.y = aBorderPadding.top;
buttonRect.height = insideHeight;
buttonRect.width = aBtnWidth;
aDropDownBtn->SetRect(aPresContext, buttonRect);
// since we have changed the height of the button
// make sure it has these new values
SetChildFrameSize(aDropDownBtn, aBtnWidth, aDesiredSize.height);
// This is a last minute adjustment, if the CSS width was set and
// we calculated it to be a little big, then make sure we are no bigger the computed size
// this only comes into play when the css width has been set to something smaller than
// the dropdown arrow
if (aReflowState.mComputedWidth != NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE && aDesiredSize.width > computedWidth) {
aDesiredSize.width = computedWidth;
REFLOW_NOISY_MSG3("**AdjustCombobox - Reflow: WW: %d HH: %d\n", aDesiredSize.width, aDesiredSize.height);
if (nsnull != aDesiredSize.maxElementSize) {
aDesiredSize.maxElementSize->width = aDesiredSize.width;
aDesiredSize.maxElementSize->height = aDesiredSize.height;
// Now cache the available height as our height without border and padding
// This sets up the optimization for if a new available width comes in and we are equal or
// less than it we can bail
if (aDesiredSize.width != mCacheSize.width || aDesiredSize.height != mCacheSize.height) {
if (aReflowState.availableWidth != NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE) {
mCachedAvailableSize.width = aDesiredSize.width - (aBorderPadding.left + aBorderPadding.right);
if (aReflowState.availableHeight != NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE) {
mCachedAvailableSize.height = aDesiredSize.height - (aBorderPadding.top + aBorderPadding.bottom);
nsFormControlFrame::SetupCachedSizes(mCacheSize, mCachedMaxElementSize, aDesiredSize);
// This is an experimental reflow that is turned off in the build
ReflowItems(aPresContext, aReflowState, aDesiredSize);
static int myCounter = 0;
static void printSize(char * aDesc, nscoord aSize)
printf(" %s: ", aDesc);
} else {
printf("%d", PX(aSize));
//-- Main Reflow for the Combobox
nsComboboxControlFrame::Reflow(nsIPresContext* aPresContext,
nsHTMLReflowMetrics& aDesiredSize,
const nsHTMLReflowState& aReflowState,
nsReflowStatus& aStatus)
DO_GLOBAL_REFLOW_COUNT("nsComboboxControlFrame", aReflowState.reason);
printf("-------------Starting Combobox Reflow ----------------------------\n");
printf("%p ** Id: %d nsCCF::Reflow %d R: ", this, mReflowId, myCounter++);
switch (aReflowState.reason) {
case eReflowReason_Initial:
case eReflowReason_Incremental:
case eReflowReason_Resize:
case eReflowReason_StyleChange:
case eReflowReason_Dirty:
printf("Drt ");
default:printf("<unknown>%d", aReflowState.reason);break;
printSize("AW", aReflowState.availableWidth);
printSize("AH", aReflowState.availableHeight);
printSize("CW", aReflowState.mComputedWidth);
printSize("CH", aReflowState.mComputedHeight);
nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMHTMLCollection> optionsTemp = getter_AddRefs(GetOptions(mContent));
PRUint32 numOptions;
printSize("NO", (nscoord)numOptions);
printf(" *\n");
PRBool bailOnWidth;
PRBool bailOnHeight;
// Do initial check to see if we can bail out
// If it is an Initial or Incremental Reflow we never bail out here
// XXX right now we only bail if the width meets the criteria
// We bail:
// if mComputedWidth == NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE and
// availableWidth == NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE and
// we have cached an available size
// We bail:
// if mComputedWidth == NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE and
// availableWidth != NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE and
// availableWidth minus its border equals our cached available size
// We bail:
// if mComputedWidth != NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE and
// cached availableSize.width == aReflowState.mComputedWidth and
// cached AvailableSize.width == aCacheSize.width
// NOTE: this returns whether we are doing an Incremental reflow
aDesiredSize, aReflowState,
bailOnWidth, bailOnHeight);
if (bailOnWidth) {
#ifdef DO_REFLOW_DEBUG // check or size
nsMargin borderPadding(0, 0, 0, 0);
REFLOW_DEBUG_MSG3("^** Done nsCCF DW: %d DH: %d\n\n", PX(aDesiredSize.width), PX(aDesiredSize.height));
NS_ASSERTION(aDesiredSize.width != kSizeNotSet, "aDesiredSize.width != kSizeNotSet");
NS_ASSERTION(aDesiredSize.height != kSizeNotSet, "aDesiredSize.height != kSizeNotSet");
aDesiredSize.mOverflowArea.x = 0;
aDesiredSize.mOverflowArea.y = 0;
aDesiredSize.mOverflowArea.width = aDesiredSize.width;
aDesiredSize.mOverflowArea.height = aDesiredSize.height;
return NS_OK;
// add ourself to the form control
if (!mFormFrame && (eReflowReason_Initial == aReflowState.reason)) {
nsFormFrame::AddFormControlFrame(aPresContext, *NS_STATIC_CAST(nsIFrame*,this));
if (NS_FAILED(CreateDisplayFrame(aPresContext))) {
// Go get all of the important frame
nsresult rv = NS_OK;
// Don't try to do any special sizing and positioning unless all of the frames
// have been created.
if ((nsnull == mDisplayFrame) ||
(nsnull == mButtonFrame) ||
(nsnull == mDropdownFrame))
// Since combobox frames are missing just do a normal area frame reflow
return nsAreaFrame::Reflow(aPresContext, aDesiredSize, aReflowState, aStatus);
// size of each part of the combo box
nsRect displayRect;
nsRect buttonRect;
nsRect dropdownRect;
// get our border and padding,
// XXX - should be the same mComputedBorderPadding?
// maybe we should use that?
nsMargin borderPadding(0, 0, 0, 0);
// Get the current sizes of the combo box child frames
// We should cache this instead getting it everytime
// the default size of the of scrollbar
// that will be the default width of the dropdown button
// the height will be the height of the text
if (mCachedScrollbarWidth == kSizeNotSet) {
nsCOMPtr<nsIDeviceContext> dx;
if (dx) {
// Get the width in Device pixels (in this case screen)
SystemAttrStruct info;
dx->GetSystemAttribute(eSystemAttr_Size_ScrollbarWidth, &info);
// Get the pixels to twips conversion for the current device (screen or printer)
float p2t;
// Get the scale factor for mapping from one device (screen)
// to another device (screen or printer)
// Typically when it is a screen the scale 1.0
// when it is a printer is could be anything
float scale;
mCachedScrollbarWidth = NSIntPixelsToTwips(info.mSize, p2t*scale);
// set up a new reflow state for use throughout
nsHTMLReflowState firstPassState(aReflowState);
nsHTMLReflowMetrics dropdownDesiredSize(nsnull);
// Check to see if this a fully unconstrained reflow
PRBool fullyUnconstrained = firstPassState.availableWidth == NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE &&
firstPassState.mComputedWidth == NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE &&
firstPassState.availableHeight == NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE &&
firstPassState.mComputedHeight == NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE;
PRBool forceReflow = PR_FALSE;
// Only reflow the display and button
// if they are the target of the incremental reflow, unless they change size.
if (eReflowReason_Incremental == aReflowState.reason) {
nsIFrame* targetFrame;
// Check to see if we are the target of the Incremental Reflow
if (targetFrame == this) {
// We need to check here to see if we can get away with just reflowing
// the combobox and not the dropdown
REFLOW_DEBUG_MSG("-----------------Target is Combobox------------\n");
// If the mComputedWidth matches our cached display width
// then we get away with bailing out
PRBool doFullReflow = firstPassState.mComputedWidth != NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE &&
firstPassState.mComputedWidth != mItemDisplayWidth;
if (!doFullReflow) {
// OK, so we got lucky and the size didn't change
// so do a simple reflow and bail out
REFLOW_DEBUG_MSG("------------Reflowing AreaFrame and bailing----\n\n");
ReflowCombobox(aPresContext, firstPassState, aDesiredSize, aStatus,
mDisplayFrame, mButtonFrame, mItemDisplayWidth,
mCachedScrollbarWidth, borderPadding);
REFLOW_DEBUG_MSG3("&** Done nsCCF DW: %d DH: %d\n\n", PX(aDesiredSize.width), PX(aDesiredSize.height));
NS_ASSERTION(aDesiredSize.width != kSizeNotSet, "aDesiredSize.width != kSizeNotSet");
NS_ASSERTION(aDesiredSize.height != kSizeNotSet, "aDesiredSize.height != kSizeNotSet");
aDesiredSize.mOverflowArea.x = 0;
aDesiredSize.mOverflowArea.y = 0;
aDesiredSize.mOverflowArea.width = aDesiredSize.width;
aDesiredSize.mOverflowArea.height = aDesiredSize.height;
return rv;
// Nope, something changed that affected our size
// so we need to do a full reflow and resize ourself
REFLOW_DEBUG_MSG("------------Do Full Reflow----\n\n");
firstPassState.reason = eReflowReason_StyleChange;
firstPassState.reflowCommand = nsnull;
forceReflow = PR_TRUE;
} else {
// Now, see if our target is the dropdown
// If so, maybe an items was added or some style changed etc.
// OR
// We get an Incremental reflow on the dropdown when it is being
// shown or hidden.
if (targetFrame == mDropdownFrame) {
REFLOW_DEBUG_MSG("---------Target is Dropdown (Clearing Unc DD Size)---\n");
// Nope, we were unlucky so now we do a full reflow
mCachedUncDropdownSize.width = kSizeNotSet;
mCachedUncDropdownSize.height = kSizeNotSet;
REFLOW_DEBUG_MSG("---- Doing Full Reflow\n");
// This is an incremental reflow targeted at the dropdown list
// and it didn't have anything to do with being show or hidden.
// The incremental reflow will not get to the dropdown list
// because it is in the "popup" list
// when this flow of control drops out of this if it will do a reflow
// on the AreaFrame which SHOULD make it get tothe drop down
// except that it is in the popup list, so we have it reflowed as
// a StyleChange, this is not as effecient as doing an Incremental
// At this point we want to by pass the reflow optimization in the dropdown
// because we aren't why it is getting an incremental reflow, but we do
// know that it needs to be resized or restyled
} else if (targetFrame == mDisplayFrame || targetFrame == mButtonFrame) {
REFLOW_DEBUG_MSG2("-----------------Target is %s------------\n", (targetFrame == mDisplayFrame?"DisplayItem Frame":"DropDown Btn Frame"));
// The incremental reflow is targeted at either the block or the button
REFLOW_DEBUG_MSG("---- Doing AreaFrame Reflow and then bailing out\n");
// Do simple reflow and bail out
ReflowCombobox(aPresContext, firstPassState, aDesiredSize, aStatus,
mDisplayFrame, mButtonFrame,
mItemDisplayWidth, mCachedScrollbarWidth, borderPadding, kSizeNotSet, PR_TRUE);
REFLOW_DEBUG_MSG3("+** Done nsCCF DW: %d DH: %d\n\n", PX(aDesiredSize.width), PX(aDesiredSize.height));
NS_ASSERTION(aDesiredSize.width != kSizeNotSet, "aDesiredSize.width != kSizeNotSet");
NS_ASSERTION(aDesiredSize.height != kSizeNotSet, "aDesiredSize.height != kSizeNotSet");
aDesiredSize.mOverflowArea.x = 0;
aDesiredSize.mOverflowArea.y = 0;
aDesiredSize.mOverflowArea.width = aDesiredSize.width;
aDesiredSize.mOverflowArea.height = aDesiredSize.height;
return rv;
} else {
nsIFrame * plainLstFrame;
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(mListControlFrame->QueryInterface(NS_GET_IID(nsIFrame), (void**)&plainLstFrame))) {
nsIFrame * frame;
plainLstFrame->FirstChild(aPresContext, nsnull, &frame);
nsIScrollableFrame * scrollFrame;
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(frame->QueryInterface(NS_GET_IID(nsIScrollableFrame), (void**)&scrollFrame))) {
nsIFrame * incrementalChild;
nsRect rect;
nsresult rvv = plainLstFrame->Reflow(aPresContext, aDesiredSize, aReflowState, aStatus);
aDesiredSize.width = mCacheSize.width;
aDesiredSize.height = mCacheSize.height;
if (aDesiredSize.maxElementSize != nsnull) {
aDesiredSize.maxElementSize->width = mCachedMaxElementSize.width;
aDesiredSize.maxElementSize->height = mCachedMaxElementSize.height;
NS_ASSERTION(aDesiredSize.width != kSizeNotSet, "aDesiredSize.width != kSizeNotSet");
NS_ASSERTION(aDesiredSize.height != kSizeNotSet, "aDesiredSize.height != kSizeNotSet");
aDesiredSize.mOverflowArea.x = 0;
aDesiredSize.mOverflowArea.y = 0;
aDesiredSize.mOverflowArea.width = aDesiredSize.width;
aDesiredSize.mOverflowArea.height = aDesiredSize.height;
return NS_OK;
// Here the target of the reflow was a child of the dropdown list
// so we must do a full reflow
REFLOW_DEBUG_MSG("-----------------Target is Dropdown's Child (Option Item)------------\n");
REFLOW_DEBUG_MSG("---- Doing Reflow as StyleChange\n");
firstPassState.reason = eReflowReason_StyleChange;
firstPassState.reflowCommand = nsnull;
forceReflow = PR_TRUE;
// This ifdef is for the new approach to reflow
// where we don't reflow the dropdown
// we just figure out or width from the list of items
// This next section is the Current implementation
// the else contains the new reflow code
// Here is another special optimization
// Only reflow the dropdown if it has never been reflowed unconstrained
// Or someone up above here may want to force it to be reflowed
// by setting one or both of these to kSizeNotSet
if ((mCachedUncDropdownSize.width == kSizeNotSet &&
mCachedUncDropdownSize.height == kSizeNotSet) || forceReflow) {
REFLOW_DEBUG_MSG3("---Re %d,%d\n", PX(mCachedUncDropdownSize.width), PX(mCachedUncDropdownSize.height));
// Tell it we are doing the first pass, which means it will
// do the unconstained reflow and skip the second reflow this time around
nsListControlFrame * lcf = NS_STATIC_CAST(nsListControlFrame*, mDropdownFrame);
// A width has not been specified for the select so size the display area
// to match the width of the longest item in the drop-down list. The dropdown
// list has already been reflowed and sized to shrink around its contents above.
ReflowComboChildFrame(mDropdownFrame, aPresContext, dropdownDesiredSize, firstPassState,
lcf->SetPassId(0); // reset it back
if (forceReflow) {
mCachedUncDropdownSize.width = dropdownDesiredSize.width;
mCachedUncDropdownSize.height = dropdownDesiredSize.height;
} else {
// Here we pretended we did an unconstrained reflow
// so we set the cached values and continue on
REFLOW_DEBUG_MSG3("--- Using Cached ListBox Size %d,%d\n", PX(mCachedUncDropdownSize.width), PX(mCachedUncDropdownSize.height));
dropdownDesiredSize.width = mCachedUncDropdownSize.width;
dropdownDesiredSize.height = mCachedUncDropdownSize.height;
// XXX - I need to clean this nect part up a little it is very redundant
// Check here to if this is a mComputed unconstrained reflow
PRBool computedUnconstrained = firstPassState.mComputedWidth == NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE &&
firstPassState.mComputedHeight == NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE;
if (computedUnconstrained && !forceReflow) {
// Because Incremental reflows aren't actually getting to the dropdown
// we cache the size from when it did a fully unconstrained reflow
// we then check to see if the size changed at all,
// if not then bail out we don't need to worry
if (mCachedUncDropdownSize.width == kSizeNotSet && mCachedUncDropdownSize.height == kSizeNotSet) {
mCachedUncDropdownSize.width = dropdownDesiredSize.width;
mCachedUncDropdownSize.height = dropdownDesiredSize.height;
REFLOW_DEBUG_MSG3("---1 Caching mCachedUncDropdownSize %d,%d\n", PX(mCachedUncDropdownSize.width), PX(mCachedUncDropdownSize.height));
} else if (mCachedUncDropdownSize.width == dropdownDesiredSize.width &&
mCachedUncDropdownSize.height == dropdownDesiredSize.height) {
if (mCachedUncComboSize.width != kSizeNotSet && mCachedUncComboSize.height != kSizeNotSet) {
REFLOW_DEBUG_MSG3("--- Bailing because of mCachedUncDropdownSize %d,%d\n\n", PX(mCachedUncDropdownSize.width), PX(mCachedUncDropdownSize.height));
aDesiredSize.width = mCachedUncComboSize.width;
aDesiredSize.height = mCachedUncComboSize.height;
if (aDesiredSize.maxElementSize != nsnull) {
aDesiredSize.maxElementSize->width = mCachedMaxElementSize.width;
aDesiredSize.maxElementSize->height = mCachedMaxElementSize.height;
aDesiredSize.ascent = aDesiredSize.height;
aDesiredSize.descent = 0;
REFLOW_DEBUG_MSG3("#** Done nsCCF DW: %d DH: %d\n\n", PX(aDesiredSize.width), PX(aDesiredSize.height));
NS_ASSERTION(aDesiredSize.width != kSizeNotSet, "aDesiredSize.width != kSizeNotSet");
NS_ASSERTION(aDesiredSize.height != kSizeNotSet, "aDesiredSize.height != kSizeNotSet");
aDesiredSize.mOverflowArea.x = 0;
aDesiredSize.mOverflowArea.y = 0;
aDesiredSize.mOverflowArea.width = aDesiredSize.width;
aDesiredSize.mOverflowArea.height = aDesiredSize.height;
return NS_OK;
} else {
mCachedUncDropdownSize.width = dropdownDesiredSize.width;
mCachedUncDropdownSize.height = dropdownDesiredSize.height;
// clean up stops here
// So this point we know we flowed the dropdown unconstrained
// now we get to figure out how big we need to be and
// We don't reflow the combobox here at the new size
// we cache its new size and reflow it on the dropdown
nsSize size;
PRInt32 length = 0;
// dropdownRect will hold the content size (minus border padding)
// for the display area
// Get maximum size of the largest item in the dropdown
// The height of the display frame will be that height
// the width will be the same as
// the dropdown width (minus its borderPadding) OR
// a caculation off the mComputedWidth from reflow
// the variable "size" will now be
// the default size of the dropdown btn
if (mCachedScrollbarWidth > 0) {
size.width = mCachedScrollbarWidth;
// Get the border and padding for the dropdown
nsMargin dropBorderPadding(0, 0, 0, 0);
// get the borderPadding for the display area
nsMargin dspBorderPadding(0, 0, 0, 0);
// Substract dropdown's borderPadding from the width of the dropdown rect
// to get the size of the content area
// the height will come from the mDisplayFrame's height
// declare a size for the item display frame
//Set the desired size for the button and display frame
if (NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE == firstPassState.mComputedWidth) {
REFLOW_DEBUG_MSG4("*B mItemDisplayWidth %d dropdownRect.width:%d dropdownRect.w+h %d\n", PX(mItemDisplayWidth), PX(dropdownRect.width), PX((dropBorderPadding.left + dropBorderPadding.right)));
// Start with the dropdown rect's width
mItemDisplayWidth = dropdownRect.width;
REFLOW_DEBUG_MSG2("* mItemDisplayWidth %d\n", PX(mItemDisplayWidth));
// mItemDisplayWidth must be the size of the "display" frame including it's
// border and padding, but NOT including the comboboxes border and padding
mItemDisplayWidth += dspBorderPadding.left + dspBorderPadding.right;
mItemDisplayWidth -= aReflowState.mComputedBorderPadding.left + aReflowState.mComputedBorderPadding.right;
REFLOW_DEBUG_MSG2("*A mItemDisplayWidth %d\n", PX(mItemDisplayWidth));
} else {
if (firstPassState.mComputedWidth > 0) {
// Compute the display item's width from reflow's mComputedWidth
// mComputedWidth has already excluded border and padding
// so subtract off the button's size
REFLOW_DEBUG_MSG3("B mItemDisplayWidth %d %d\n", PX(mItemDisplayWidth), PX(dspBorderPadding.right));
// Display Frame's width comes from the mComputedWidth and therefore implies that it
// includes the "display" frame's border and padding.
mItemDisplayWidth = firstPassState.mComputedWidth;
REFLOW_DEBUG_MSG2("A mItemDisplayWidth %d\n", PX(mItemDisplayWidth));
REFLOW_DEBUG_MSG4("firstPassState.mComputedWidth %d - size.width %d dspBorderPadding.right %d\n", PX(firstPassState.mComputedWidth), PX(size.width), PX(dspBorderPadding.right));
// Fix for Bug 44788 (remove this comment later)
if (firstPassState.mComputedHeight > 0 && NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE != firstPassState.mComputedHeight) {
size.height = firstPassState.mComputedHeight;
// this reflows and makes and last minute adjustments
ReflowCombobox(aPresContext, firstPassState, aDesiredSize, aStatus,
mDisplayFrame, mButtonFrame, mItemDisplayWidth, mCachedScrollbarWidth,
borderPadding, size.height);
// The dropdown was reflowed UNCONSTRAINED before, now we need to check to see
// if it needs to be resized.
// Optimization - The style (font, etc.) maybe different for the display item
// than for any particular item in the dropdown. So, if the new size of combobox
// is smaller than the dropdown, that is OK, The dropdown MUST always be either the same
//size as the combo or larger if necessary
if (aDesiredSize.width > dropdownDesiredSize.width) {
if (eReflowReason_Initial == firstPassState.reason) {
firstPassState.reason = eReflowReason_Resize;
REFLOW_DEBUG_MSG3("*** Reflowing ListBox to width: %d it was %d\n", PX(aDesiredSize.width), PX(dropdownDesiredSize.width));
// Tell it we are doing the second pass, which means we will skip
// doing the unconstained reflow, we already know that size
nsListControlFrame * lcf = NS_STATIC_CAST(nsListControlFrame*, mDropdownFrame);
// Reflow the dropdown list to match the width of the display + button
ReflowComboChildFrame(mDropdownFrame, aPresContext, dropdownDesiredSize, firstPassState, aStatus,
aDesiredSize.width, NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE);
lcf->SetPassId(0); // reset it back
#else // DO_NEW_REFLOW
if (mCacheSize.width == kSizeNotSet) {
ReflowItems(aPresContext, aReflowState, aDesiredSize);
} else {
aDesiredSize.width = mCacheSize.width;
aDesiredSize.height = mCacheSize.height;
// get the borderPadding for the display area
nsMargin dspBorderPadding(0, 0, 0, 0);
if (NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE == firstPassState.mComputedWidth) {
mItemDisplayWidth = aDesiredSize.width - (dspBorderPadding.left + dspBorderPadding.right);
mItemDisplayWidth -= borderPadding.left + borderPadding.right;
} else {
if (firstPassState.mComputedWidth > 0) {
// Compute the display item's width from reflow's mComputedWidth
// mComputedWidth has already excluded border and padding
// so subtract off the button's size
mItemDisplayWidth = firstPassState.mComputedWidth - dspBorderPadding.left - dspBorderPadding.right;
// this reflows and makes and last minute adjustments
ReflowCombobox(aPresContext, firstPassState, aDesiredSize, aStatus,
mDisplayFrame, mButtonFrame, mItemDisplayWidth, mCachedScrollbarWidth,
aDesiredSize.height- borderPadding.top - borderPadding.bottom -
dspBorderPadding.top - dspBorderPadding.bottom);
#endif // DO_NEW_REFLOW
// Set the max element size to be the same as the desired element size.
if (nsnull != aDesiredSize.maxElementSize) {
aDesiredSize.maxElementSize->width = aDesiredSize.width;
aDesiredSize.maxElementSize->height = aDesiredSize.height;
#if 0
COMPARE_QUIRK_SIZE("nsComboboxControlFrame", 127, 22)
// cache the availabe size to be our desired size minus the borders
// this is so if our cached avilable size is ever equal to or less
// than the real avilable size we can bail out
if (aReflowState.availableWidth != NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE) {
mCachedAvailableSize.width = aDesiredSize.width - (borderPadding.left + borderPadding.right);
if (aReflowState.availableHeight != NS_UNCONSTRAINEDSIZE) {
mCachedAvailableSize.height = aDesiredSize.height - (borderPadding.top + borderPadding.bottom);
nsFormControlFrame::SetupCachedSizes(mCacheSize, mCachedMaxElementSize, aDesiredSize);
REFLOW_DEBUG_MSG3("** Done nsCCF DW: %d DH: %d\n\n", PX(aDesiredSize.width), PX(aDesiredSize.height));
// If this was a fully unconstrained reflow we cache
// the combobox's unconstrained size
if (fullyUnconstrained) {
mCachedUncComboSize.width = aDesiredSize.width;
mCachedUncComboSize.height = aDesiredSize.height;
NS_ASSERTION(aDesiredSize.width != kSizeNotSet, "aDesiredSize.width != kSizeNotSet");
NS_ASSERTION(aDesiredSize.height != kSizeNotSet, "aDesiredSize.height != kSizeNotSet");
aDesiredSize.mOverflowArea.x = 0;
aDesiredSize.mOverflowArea.y = 0;
aDesiredSize.mOverflowArea.width = aDesiredSize.width;
aDesiredSize.mOverflowArea.height = aDesiredSize.height;
return rv;
nsComboboxControlFrame::GetName(nsString* aResult)
nsresult result = NS_FORM_NOTOK;
if (mContent) {
nsIHTMLContent* formControl = nsnull;
result = mContent->QueryInterface(kIHTMLContentIID, (void**)&formControl);
if ((NS_OK == result) && formControl) {
nsHTMLValue value;
result = formControl->GetHTMLAttribute(nsHTMLAtoms::name, value);
if (NS_CONTENT_ATTR_HAS_VALUE == result) {
if (eHTMLUnit_String == value.GetUnit()) {
return result;
return 1;
nsComboboxControlFrame::GetNamesValues(PRInt32 aMaxNumValues, PRInt32& aNumValues,
nsString* aValues, nsString* aNames)
nsAutoString name;
nsresult result = GetName(&name);
if ((aMaxNumValues <= 0) || (NS_CONTENT_ATTR_HAS_VALUE != result)) {
return PR_FALSE;
// use our name and the text widgets value
aNames[0] = name;
aValues[0] = mTextStr;
aNumValues = 1;
nsresult status = PR_TRUE;
return status;
nsComboboxControlFrame::GetNamesValues(PRInt32 aMaxNumValues, PRInt32& aNumValues,
nsString* aValues, nsString* aNames)
nsIFormControlFrame* fcFrame = nsnull;
nsresult result = mDropdownFrame->QueryInterface(NS_GET_IID(nsIFormControlFrame), (void**)&fcFrame);
if ((NS_SUCCEEDED(result)) && (nsnull != fcFrame)) {
return fcFrame->GetNamesValues(aMaxNumValues, aNumValues, aValues, aNames);
return PR_FALSE;
nsComboboxControlFrame::GetFrameForPoint(nsIPresContext* aPresContext,
const nsPoint& aPoint,
nsFramePaintLayer aWhichLayer,
nsIFrame** aFrame)
// The button is getting the hover events so...
// None of the children frames of the combobox get
// the events. (like the button frame), that way
// all event based style rules affect the combobox
// and not the any of the child frames. (The inability
// of the parent to be in the :hover state at the same
// time as its children is really a bug (#5693 / #33736)
// in the implementation of :hover.)
// It would be theoretically more elegant to check the
// children when not disabled, and then use event
// capturing. It would correctly handle situations (obscure!!)
// where the children were visible but the parent was not.
// Now the functionality of the OPTIONs depends on the SELECT
// being visible. Oh well...
if ( mRect.Contains(aPoint) &&
const nsStyleDisplay* disp = (const nsStyleDisplay*)
if (disp->IsVisible()) {
*aFrame = this;
return NS_OK;
#ifdef NS_DEBUG
nsComboboxControlFrame::GetFrameName(nsString& aResult) const
return MakeFrameName("ComboboxControl", aResult);
// nsIComboboxControlFrame
nsComboboxControlFrame::ShowDropDown(PRBool aDoDropDown)
if (nsFormFrame::GetDisabled(this)) {
return NS_OK;
if (!mDroppedDown && aDoDropDown) {
// XXX Temporary for Bug 19416
nsIView * lstView;
mDropdownFrame->GetView(mPresContext, &lstView);
if (lstView) {
if (mListControlFrame) {
// XXX Temporary for Bug 19416
if (lstView) {
return NS_OK;
} else if (mDroppedDown && !aDoDropDown) {
return NS_OK;
nsComboboxControlFrame::SetDropDown(nsIFrame* aDropDownFrame)
mDropdownFrame = aDropDownFrame;
if (NS_OK != mDropdownFrame->QueryInterface(NS_GET_IID(nsIListControlFrame), (void**)&mListControlFrame)) {
// The ListControlFrame was just created and added to the comboxbox
// so provide it with a PresState so it can restore itself
// when it does its first "Reset"
if (mPresState) {
mPresState = do_QueryInterface(nsnull);
return NS_OK;
nsComboboxControlFrame::GetDropDown(nsIFrame** aDropDownFrame)
if (nsnull == aDropDownFrame) {
*aDropDownFrame = mDropdownFrame;
return NS_OK;
nsComboboxControlFrame::ListWasSelected(nsIPresContext* aPresContext, PRBool aForceUpdate) // Added "aForceUpdate" for Bug 42661
if (aPresContext == nsnull) {
aPresContext = mPresContext;
ShowList(aPresContext, PR_FALSE);
mListControlFrame->CaptureMouseEvents(aPresContext, PR_FALSE);
PRInt32 indx;
UpdateSelection(PR_TRUE, aForceUpdate, indx); // Added "aForceUpdate" for Bug 42661
return NS_OK;
// Toggle dropdown list.
nsComboboxControlFrame::ToggleList(nsIPresContext* aPresContext)
ShowList(aPresContext, (PR_FALSE == mDroppedDown));
return NS_OK;
nsComboboxControlFrame::UpdateSelection(PRBool aDoDispatchEvent, PRBool aForceUpdate, PRInt32 aNewIndex)
if (mListControlFrame) {
// Check to see if the selection changed
if (mSelectedIndex != aNewIndex || aForceUpdate) {
mListControlFrame->GetSelectedItem(mTextStr); // Update text box
// Fix for Bug 42661 (remove comment later)
char * str = mTextStr.ToNewCString();
REFLOW_DEBUG_MSG2("UpdateSelection %s\n", str);
delete [] str;
mSelectedIndex = aNewIndex;
mListControlFrame->UpdateSelection(aDoDispatchEvent, aForceUpdate, mContent);
} else {
mSelectedIndex = aNewIndex;
return NS_OK;
nsRect absoluteTwips;
nsRect absolutePixels;
nsRect rect;
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(nsFormControlFrame::GetAbsoluteFramePosition(mPresContext, this, absoluteTwips, absolutePixels))) {
PositionDropdown(mPresContext, rect.height, absoluteTwips, absolutePixels);
return NS_OK;
nsComboboxControlFrame::GetAbsoluteRect(nsRect* aRect)
nsRect absoluteTwips;
nsRect rect;
nsresult rv = nsFormControlFrame::GetAbsoluteFramePosition(mPresContext, this, absoluteTwips, *aRect);
return rv;
// Send reflow command because the new text maybe larger
nsresult rv = NS_OK;
if (mDisplayContent) {
nsAutoString value;
const nsTextFragment* fragment;
nsresult result = mDisplayContent->GetText(&fragment);
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(result)) {
PRBool shouldSetValue = PR_FALSE;
if (NS_FAILED(result) || value.Length() == 0) {
shouldSetValue = PR_TRUE;
} else {
shouldSetValue = value != mTextStr;
REFLOW_DEBUG_MSG3("**** CBX::SelectionChanged Old[%s] New[%s]\n", value.ToNewCString(), mTextStr.ToNewCString());
if (shouldSetValue) {
if (mTextStr.Length() == 0) {
nsAutoString space; space.AssignWithConversion(" ");
rv = mDisplayContent->SetText(space.GetUnicode(), space.Length(), PR_TRUE);
} else {
rv = mDisplayContent->SetText(mTextStr.GetUnicode(), mTextStr.Length(), PR_TRUE);
nsFrameState state;
//state |= NS_FRAME_IS_DIRTY;
nsCOMPtr<nsIPresShell> shell;
rv = mPresContext->GetShell(getter_AddRefs(shell));
ReflowDirtyChild(shell, (nsIFrame*) mDisplayFrame);
nsCOMPtr<nsIPresShell> presShell;
return rv;
nsComboboxControlFrame::GetIndexOfDisplayArea(PRInt32* aSelectedIndex)
*aSelectedIndex = mSelectedIndex;
return NS_OK;
// nsISelectControlFrame
nsComboboxControlFrame::DoneAddingContent(PRBool aIsDone)
nsISelectControlFrame* listFrame = nsnull;
nsresult rv = NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
if (mDropdownFrame != nsnull) {
rv = mDropdownFrame->QueryInterface(NS_GET_IID(nsISelectControlFrame),
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && listFrame) {
rv = listFrame->DoneAddingContent(aIsDone);
return rv;
nsComboboxControlFrame::AddOption(nsIPresContext* aPresContext, PRInt32 aIndex)
printf("**********\n*********AddOption: %d\n", aIndex);
nsISelectControlFrame* listFrame = nsnull;
nsresult rv = mDropdownFrame->QueryInterface(NS_GET_IID(nsISelectControlFrame),
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && listFrame) {
rv = listFrame->AddOption(aPresContext, aIndex);
//PRInt32 index;
//UpdateSelection(PR_FALSE, PR_TRUE, index);
// If we added the first option, we might need to select it.
// We should call MakeSureSomethingIsSelected here, but since it
// it changes selection, which currently causes a reframe, and thus
// deletes the frame out from under the caller, causing a crash. (Bug 17995)
// XXX MakeSureSomethingIsSelected(aPresContext);
return rv;
nsComboboxControlFrame::RemoveOption(nsIPresContext* aPresContext, PRInt32 aIndex)
nsISelectControlFrame* listFrame = nsnull;
nsresult rv = mDropdownFrame->QueryInterface(NS_GET_IID(nsISelectControlFrame),
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && listFrame) {
rv = listFrame->RemoveOption(aPresContext, aIndex);
// If we removed the selected option, nothing is selected any more.
// Restore selection to option 0 if there are options left.
return rv;
nsComboboxControlFrame::SetOptionSelected(PRInt32 aIndex, PRBool aValue)
nsISelectControlFrame* listFrame = nsnull;
nsresult rv = mDropdownFrame->QueryInterface(NS_GET_IID(nsISelectControlFrame),
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && listFrame) {
rv = listFrame->SetOptionSelected(aIndex, aValue);
return rv;
nsComboboxControlFrame::GetOptionSelected(PRInt32 aIndex, PRBool* aValue)
nsISelectControlFrame* listFrame = nsnull;
nsresult rv = mDropdownFrame->QueryInterface(NS_GET_IID(nsISelectControlFrame),
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && listFrame) {
rv = listFrame->GetOptionSelected(aIndex, aValue);
return rv;
nsComboboxControlFrame::OptionDisabled(nsIContent * aContent)
nsISelectControlFrame* listFrame = nsnull;
nsresult rv = mDropdownFrame->QueryInterface(NS_GET_IID(nsISelectControlFrame),
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && listFrame) {
rv = listFrame->OptionDisabled(aContent);
return rv;
nsComboboxControlFrame::HandleEvent(nsIPresContext* aPresContext,
nsGUIEvent* aEvent,
nsEventStatus* aEventStatus)
if (nsEventStatus_eConsumeNoDefault == *aEventStatus) {
return NS_OK;
if (nsFormFrame::GetDisabled(this)) {
return NS_OK;
// If we have style that affects how we are selected, feed event down to
// nsFrame::HandleEvent so that selection takes place when appropriate.
const nsStyleUserInterface* uiStyle;
GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_UserInterface, (const nsStyleStruct *&)uiStyle);
if (uiStyle->mUserInput == NS_STYLE_USER_INPUT_NONE || uiStyle->mUserInput == NS_STYLE_USER_INPUT_DISABLED)
return nsAreaFrame::HandleEvent(aPresContext, aEvent, aEventStatus);
return NS_OK;
nsComboboxControlFrame::RequiresWidget(PRBool& aRequiresWidget)
aRequiresWidget = PR_FALSE;
return NS_OK;
nsComboboxControlFrame::SetProperty(nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsIAtom* aName, const nsAReadableString& aValue)
nsIFormControlFrame* fcFrame = nsnull;
nsresult result = mDropdownFrame->QueryInterface(NS_GET_IID(nsIFormControlFrame), (void**)&fcFrame);
if ((NS_SUCCEEDED(result)) && (nsnull != fcFrame)) {
return fcFrame->SetProperty(aPresContext, aName, aValue);
return result;
nsComboboxControlFrame::GetProperty(nsIAtom* aName, nsAWritableString& aValue)
nsIFormControlFrame* fcFrame = nsnull;
nsresult result = mDropdownFrame->QueryInterface(NS_GET_IID(nsIFormControlFrame), (void**)&fcFrame);
if ((NS_SUCCEEDED(result)) && (nsnull != fcFrame)) {
return fcFrame->GetProperty(aName, aValue);
return result;
nsComboboxControlFrame::CreateDisplayFrame(nsIPresContext* aPresContext)
if (mGoodToGo) {
return NS_OK;
nsCOMPtr<nsIPresShell> shell;
nsresult rv = NS_NewBlockFrame(shell, (nsIFrame**)&mDisplayFrame, NS_BLOCK_SPACE_MGR);
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return rv; }
if (!mDisplayFrame) { return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; }
// create the style context for the anonymous frame
nsCOMPtr<nsIStyleContext> styleContext;
rv = aPresContext->ResolvePseudoStyleContextFor(mContent,
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return rv; }
if (!styleContext) { return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; }
// create a text frame and put it inside the block frame
rv = NS_NewTextFrame(shell, &mTextFrame);
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return rv; }
if (!mTextFrame) { return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; }
nsCOMPtr<nsIStyleContext> textStyleContext;
rv = aPresContext->ResolvePseudoStyleContextFor(mContent,
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return rv; }
if (!textStyleContext) { return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; }
nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> content(do_QueryInterface(mDisplayContent));
mTextFrame->Init(aPresContext, content, mDisplayFrame, textStyleContext, nsnull);
mTextFrame->SetInitialChildList(aPresContext, nsnull, nsnull);
nsCOMPtr<nsIPresShell> presShell;
rv = aPresContext->GetShell(getter_AddRefs(presShell));
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return rv; }
if (!presShell) { return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; }
nsCOMPtr<nsIFrameManager> frameManager;
rv = presShell->GetFrameManager(getter_AddRefs(frameManager));
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return rv; }
if (!frameManager) { return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; }
frameManager->SetPrimaryFrameFor(content, mTextFrame);
rv = mDisplayFrame->Init(aPresContext, content, this, styleContext, nsnull);
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return rv; }
mDisplayFrame->SetInitialChildList(aPresContext, nsnull, mTextFrame);
return NS_OK;
nsComboboxControlFrame::CreateAnonymousContent(nsIPresContext* aPresContext,
nsISupportsArray& aChildList)
// The frames used to display the combo box and the button used to popup the dropdown list
// are created through anonymous content. The dropdown list is not created through anonymous
// content because it's frame is initialized specifically for the drop-down case and it is placed
// a special list referenced through NS_COMBO_FRAME_POPUP_LIST_INDEX to keep separate from the
// layout of the display and button.
// Note: The value attribute of the display content is set when an item is selected in the dropdown list.
// If the content specified below does not honor the value attribute than nothing will be displayed.
// In addition, if the frame created by content below for does not implement the nsIFormControlFrame
// interface and honor the SetSuggestedSize method the placement and size of the display area will not
// match what is normally desired for a combobox.
// For now the content that is created corresponds to two input buttons. It would be better to create the
// tag as something other than input, but then there isn't any way to create a button frame since it
// isn't possible to set the display type in CSS2 to create a button frame.
// create content used for display
//nsIAtom* tag = NS_NewAtom("mozcombodisplay");
// Add a child text content node for the label
nsresult result;
nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> labelContent(do_CreateInstance(kTextNodeCID,&result));
nsAutoString value; value.AssignWithConversion("X");
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(result) && labelContent) {
// set the value of the text node
mDisplayContent = do_QueryInterface(labelContent);
mDisplayContent->SetText(value.GetUnicode(), value.Length(), PR_TRUE);
nsCOMPtr<nsIDocument> doc;
labelContent->SetDocument(doc, PR_FALSE, PR_TRUE);
mContent->AppendChildTo(labelContent, PR_FALSE);
nsCOMPtr<nsINodeInfoManager> nimgr;
result = doc->GetNodeInfoManager(*getter_AddRefs(nimgr));
NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(result, result);
nsCOMPtr<nsINodeInfo> nodeInfo;
nimgr->GetNodeInfo(nsHTMLAtoms::input, nsnull, kNameSpaceID_None,
// create button which drops the list down
nsCOMPtr<nsIElementFactory> ef(do_CreateInstance(kHTMLElementFactoryCID));
if (ef) {
nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> content;
result = ef->CreateInstanceByTag(nodeInfo,getter_AddRefs(content));
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(result)) {
nsCOMPtr<nsIHTMLContent> btnContent(do_QueryInterface(content));
if (btnContent) {
btnContent->SetAttribute(kNameSpaceID_None, nsHTMLAtoms::type, NS_ConvertASCIItoUCS2("button"), PR_FALSE);
return NS_OK;
nsComboboxControlFrame::CreateFrameFor(nsIPresContext* aPresContext,
nsIContent * aContent,
nsIFrame** aFrame)
NS_PRECONDITION(nsnull != aFrame, "null ptr");
NS_PRECONDITION(nsnull != aContent, "null ptr");
NS_PRECONDITION(nsnull != aPresContext, "null ptr");
*aFrame = nsnull;
NS_ASSERTION(mDisplayContent != nsnull, "mDisplayContent can't be null!");
if (!mGoodToGo) {
nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> content(do_QueryInterface(mDisplayContent));
if (aContent == content.get()) {
// Get PresShell
nsCOMPtr<nsIPresShell> shell;
// Start by by creating a containing frame
nsresult rv = NS_NewBlockFrame(shell, (nsIFrame**)&mDisplayFrame, NS_BLOCK_SPACE_MGR);
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return rv; }
if (!mDisplayFrame) { return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; }
// create the style context for the anonymous block frame
nsCOMPtr<nsIStyleContext> styleContext;
rv = aPresContext->ResolvePseudoStyleContextFor(content,
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return rv; }
if (!styleContext) { return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; }
// Create a text frame and put it inside the block frame
rv = NS_NewTextFrame(shell, &mTextFrame);
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return rv; }
if (!mTextFrame) { return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; }
nsCOMPtr<nsIStyleContext> textStyleContext;
rv = aPresContext->ResolvePseudoStyleContextFor(content,
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return rv; }
if (!textStyleContext) { return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; }
// initialize the text frame
nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> content(do_QueryInterface(mDisplayContent));
mTextFrame->Init(aPresContext, content, mDisplayFrame, textStyleContext, nsnull);
mTextFrame->SetInitialChildList(aPresContext, nsnull, nsnull);
/*nsCOMPtr<nsIFrameManager> frameManager;
rv = shell->GetFrameManager(getter_AddRefs(frameManager));
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return rv; }
if (!frameManager) { return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; }
frameManager->SetPrimaryFrameFor(content, mTextFrame);
rv = mDisplayFrame->Init(aPresContext, content, this, styleContext, nsnull);
if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return rv; }
mDisplayFrame->SetInitialChildList(aPresContext, nsnull, mTextFrame);
*aFrame = mDisplayFrame;
return NS_OK;
nsComboboxControlFrame::SetSuggestedSize(nscoord aWidth, nscoord aHeight)
return NS_OK;
nsComboboxControlFrame::Destroy(nsIPresContext* aPresContext)
nsFormControlFrame::RegUnRegAccessKey(mPresContext, NS_STATIC_CAST(nsIFrame*, this), PR_FALSE);
if (mDroppedDown) {
nsCOMPtr<nsIWidget> widget;
// Get parent view
nsIFrame * listFrame;
if (NS_OK == mListControlFrame->QueryInterface(NS_GET_IID(nsIFrame), (void **)&listFrame)) {
nsIView * view = nsnull;
listFrame->GetView(aPresContext, &view);
NS_ASSERTION(view != nsnull, "nsComboboxControlFrame view is null");
if (view) {
if (widget)
widget->CaptureRollupEvents((nsIRollupListener *)this, PR_FALSE, PR_TRUE);
// Cleanup frames in popup child list
if (!mGoodToGo) {
if (mDisplayFrame) {
mFrameConstructor->RemoveMappingsForFrameSubtree(aPresContext, mDisplayFrame, nsnull);
return nsAreaFrame::Destroy(aPresContext);
nsComboboxControlFrame::FirstChild(nsIPresContext* aPresContext,
nsIAtom* aListName,
nsIFrame** aFirstChild) const
if (nsLayoutAtoms::popupList == aListName) {
*aFirstChild = mPopupFrames.FirstChild();
} else {
nsAreaFrame::FirstChild(aPresContext, aListName, aFirstChild);
return NS_OK;
nsComboboxControlFrame::SetInitialChildList(nsIPresContext* aPresContext,
nsIAtom* aListName,
nsIFrame* aChildList)
nsresult rv = NS_OK;
if (nsLayoutAtoms::popupList == aListName) {
} else {
rv = nsAreaFrame::SetInitialChildList(aPresContext, aListName, aChildList);
InitTextStr(aPresContext, PR_FALSE);
nsIFrame * child = aChildList;
while (child != nsnull) {
nsIFormControlFrame* fcFrame = nsnull;
rv = child->QueryInterface(NS_GET_IID(nsIFormControlFrame), (void**)&fcFrame);
if (NS_FAILED(rv) && fcFrame == nsnull) {
mDisplayFrame = child;
} else if (fcFrame != nsnull) {
PRInt32 type;
if (type == NS_FORM_INPUT_BUTTON) {
mButtonFrame = child;
return rv;
nsComboboxControlFrame::GetAdditionalChildListName(PRInt32 aIndex,
nsIAtom** aListName) const
// Maintain a seperate child list for the dropdown list (i.e. popup listbox)
// This is necessary because we don't want the listbox to be included in the layout
// of the combox's children because it would take up space, when it is suppose to
// be floating above the display.
NS_PRECONDITION(nsnull != aListName, "null OUT parameter pointer");
return nsAreaFrame::GetAdditionalChildListName(aIndex, aListName);
*aListName = nsnull;
*aListName = nsLayoutAtoms::popupList;
return NS_OK;
nsComboboxControlFrame::GetSkipSides() const
// Don't skip any sides during border rendering
return 0;
if (mDroppedDown) {
mListControlFrame->CaptureMouseEvents(mPresContext, PR_FALSE);
return NS_OK;
// nsIStatefulFrame
// XXX Do we need to implement this here? It is already implemented in
// the ListControlFrame, our child...
nsComboboxControlFrame::GetStateType(nsIPresContext* aPresContext,
nsIStatefulFrame::StateType* aStateType)
*aStateType = nsIStatefulFrame::eSelectType;
return NS_OK;
nsComboboxControlFrame::SaveState(nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsIPresState** aState)
if (!mListControlFrame) {
// The ListControlFrame ignores requests to Save its state
// when it is owned by a combobox
// so we call the internal SaveState here
return mListControlFrame->SaveStateInternal(aPresContext, aState);
nsComboboxControlFrame::RestoreState(nsIPresContext* aPresContext, nsIPresState* aState)
// The ListControlFrame ignores requests to Restore its state
// when it is owned by a combobox
// so we cache it here if the frame hasn't been created yet
// or we call the internal RestoreState here
if (!mListControlFrame) {
mPresState = aState;
return NS_OK;
return mListControlFrame->RestoreStateInternal(aPresContext, aState);
nsComboboxControlFrame::Paint(nsIPresContext* aPresContext,
nsIRenderingContext& aRenderingContext,
const nsRect& aDirtyRect,
nsFramePaintLayer aWhichLayer)
PRBool isVisible;
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(IsVisibleForPainting(aPresContext, aRenderingContext, PR_TRUE, &isVisible)) && !isVisible) {
return NS_OK;
#ifdef NOISY
printf("%p paint layer %d at (%d, %d, %d, %d)\n", this, aWhichLayer,
aDirtyRect.x, aDirtyRect.y, aDirtyRect.width, aDirtyRect.height);
//if (mGoodToGo) {
// return NS_OK;
if (mDisplayFrame) {
PRBool clipEmpty;
nsRect clipRect;
aRenderingContext.SetClipRect(clipRect, nsClipCombine_kReplace, clipEmpty);
PaintChild(aPresContext, aRenderingContext, aDirtyRect,
PaintChild(aPresContext, aRenderingContext, aDirtyRect,
// draw focus
// XXX This is only temporary
const nsStyleDisplay* disp = (const nsStyleDisplay*)mStyleContext->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Display);
// Only paint the focus if we're visible
if (disp->IsVisible()) {
nsCOMPtr<nsIEventStateManager> stateManager;
nsresult rv = mPresContext->GetEventStateManager(getter_AddRefs(stateManager));
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && !nsFormFrame::GetDisabled(this) && mFocused == this) {
} else {
const nsStyleColor* myColor = (const nsStyleColor*)mStyleContext->GetStyleData(eStyleStruct_Color);
float p2t;
nscoord onePixel = NSIntPixelsToTwips(1, p2t);
clipRect.width -= onePixel;
clipRect.height -= onePixel;
aRenderingContext.DrawLine(clipRect.x, clipRect.y,
clipRect.x+clipRect.width, clipRect.y);
aRenderingContext.DrawLine(clipRect.x+clipRect.width, clipRect.y,
clipRect.x+clipRect.width, clipRect.y+clipRect.height);
aRenderingContext.DrawLine(clipRect.x+clipRect.width, clipRect.y+clipRect.height,
clipRect.x, clipRect.y+clipRect.height);
aRenderingContext.DrawLine(clipRect.x, clipRect.y+clipRect.height,
clipRect.x, clipRect.y);
aRenderingContext.DrawLine(clipRect.x, clipRect.y+clipRect.height,
clipRect.x, clipRect.y);
// Call to the base class to draw selection borders when appropriate
return nsFrame::Paint(aPresContext,aRenderingContext,aDirtyRect,aWhichLayer);
nsComboboxControlFrame::GetScrollableView(nsIScrollableView** aView)
*aView = nsnull;
nsIView* view = nsnull;
mDropdownFrame->GetView(mPresContext, &view);
if (view) {
nsIScrollableView* sv = nsnull;
nsresult rv = view->QueryInterface(NS_GET_IID(nsIScrollableView), (void**) &sv);
if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && sv)
*aView = sv;
return NS_OK;