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/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
* Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
* 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
* for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
* License.
* The Original Code is OEone Calendar Code, released October 31st, 2001.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
* OEone Corporation.
* Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2001
* the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s): Garth Smedley <garths@oeone.com>
* Mike Potter <mikep@oeone.com>
* Colin Phillips <colinp@oeone.com>
* Chris Charabaruk <coldacid@meldstar.com>
* ArentJan Banck <ajbanck@planet.nl>
* Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
* either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
* the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
* in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
* of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
* under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
* use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
* decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
* and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
* the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
* the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
* ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
/***** calendar/calendarEventDialog.js
* Garth Smedley
* <script type="application/x-javascript" src="chrome://calendar/content/dateUtils.js"/>
* <script type="application/x-javascript" src="chrome://calendar/content/calendarEvent.js"/>
* Code for the calendar's new/edit event dialog.
* Invoke this dialog to create a new event as follows:
var args = new Object();
args.mode = "new"; // "new" or "edit"
args.onOk = <function>; // funtion to call when OK is clicked
args.calendarEvent = calendarEvent; // newly creatd calendar event to be editted
calendar.openDialog("caNewEvent", "chrome://calendar/content/calendarEventDialog.xul", true, args );
* Invoke this dialog to edit an existing event as follows:
var args = new Object();
args.mode = "edit"; // "new" or "edit"
args.onOk = <function>; // funtion to call when OK is clicked
args.calendarEvent = calendarEvent; // javascript object containin the event to be editted
* When the user clicks OK the onOk function will be called with a calendar event object.
* W I N D O W V A R I A B L E S
var gToDo; // event being edited
var gOnOkFunction; // function to be called when user clicks OK
var gTimeDifference = 3600000; //when editing an event, we change the end time if the start time is changing. This is the difference for the event time.
var gDefaultAlarmLength = 15; //number of minutes to default the alarm to
var gMode = ''; //what mode are we in? new or edit...
* W I N D O W F U N C T I O N S
* Called when the dialog is loaded.
function loadCalendarToDoDialog()
// Get arguments, see description at top of file
var args = window.arguments[0];
gMode = args.mode;
gOnOkFunction = args.onOk;
gToDo = args.calendarToDo;
// mode is "new or "edit" - show proper header
var titleDataItem = null;
if( "new" == args.mode )
titleDataItem = document.getElementById( "data-todo-title-new" );
titleDataItem = document.getElementById( "data-todo-title-edit" );
var titleString = titleDataItem.getAttribute( "value" );
document.getElementById("calendar-new-taskwindow").setAttribute("title", titleString);
// fill in fields from the event
var dueDate = new Date( gToDo.due.getTime() );
setDateFieldValue( "due-date-text", dueDate );
var startDate = new Date( gToDo.start.getTime() );
setDateFieldValue( "start-date-text", startDate );
setFieldValue( "priority-levels", gToDo.priority );
setFieldValue( "percent-complete-menulist", gToDo.percent );
if( gToDo.completed.getTime() > 0 )
var completedDate = new Date( gToDo.completed.getTime() );
setDateFieldValue( "completed-date-text", completedDate );
setFieldValue( "completed-checkbox", "true", "checked" );
var Today = new Date();
setDateFieldValue( "completed-date-text", Today );
setFieldValue( "title-field", gToDo.title );
setFieldValue( "description-field", gToDo.description );
setFieldValue( "uri-field", gToDo.url );
switch( gToDo.status )
setFieldValue( "status-field", "ICAL_STATUS_NEEDSACTION" );
setFieldValue( "status-field", "ICAL_STATUS_INPROGRESS" );
setFieldValue( "status-field", "ICAL_STATUS_COMPLETED" );
setFieldValue( "status-field", "ICAL_STATUS_CANCELLED" );
setFieldValue( "private-checkbox", gToDo.privateEvent, "checked" );
if( gToDo.alarm === false && gToDo.alarmLength == 0 )
gToDo.alarmLength = gDefaultAlarmLength;
setFieldValue( "alarm-checkbox", gToDo.alarm, "checked" );
setFieldValue( "alarm-length-field", gToDo.alarmLength );
setFieldValue( "alarm-length-units", gToDo.alarmUnits );
// Load categories
var categoriesString = opener.getCharPref(opener.gCalendarWindow.calendarPreferences.calendarPref, "categories.names", getDefaultCategories() );
var categoriesList = categoriesString.split( "," );
// insert the category already in the task so it doesn't get lost
if( gToDo.categories )
if( categoriesString.indexOf( gToDo.categories ) == -1 )
categoriesList[categoriesList.length] = gToDo.categories;
var oldMenulist = document.getElementById( "categories-menulist-menupopup" );
while( oldMenulist.hasChildNodes() )
oldMenulist.removeChild( oldMenulist.lastChild );
for (var i = 0; i < categoriesList.length ; i++)
document.getElementById( "categories-field" ).appendItem(categoriesList[i], categoriesList[i]);
document.getElementById( "categories-field" ).selectedIndex = -1;
setFieldValue( "categories-field", gToDo.categories );
/* Server stuff */
var serverList = opener.gCalendarWindow.calendarManager.calendars;
var oldMenulist = document.getElementById( "server-menulist-menupopup" );
while( oldMenulist.hasChildNodes() )
oldMenulist.removeChild( oldMenulist.lastChild );
for (var i = 0; i < serverList.length ; i++)
document.getElementById( "server-field" ).appendItem(serverList[i].name, serverList[i].path);
document.getElementById( "server-field" ).selectedIndex = 0;
//the next line seems to crash Mozilla
//setFieldValue( "server-field", gEvent.parent.server );
// update enabling and disabling
// start focus on title
var firstFocus = document.getElementById( "title-field" );
* Called when the OK button is clicked.
function onOKCommand()
// get values from the form and put them into the event
gToDo.title = getFieldValue( "title-field" );
gToDo.description = getFieldValue( "description-field" );
if( getFieldValue( "status-field" ) != "" )
gToDo.status = eval( "gToDo."+getFieldValue( "status-field" ) );
var dueDate = getDateTimeFieldValue( "due-date-text" );
gToDo.due.year = dueDate.getYear()+1900;
gToDo.due.month = dueDate.getMonth();
gToDo.due.day = dueDate.getDate();
gToDo.due.hour = 23;
gToDo.due.minute = 59;
var startDate = getDateTimeFieldValue( "start-date-text" );
gToDo.start.year = startDate.getYear()+1900;
gToDo.start.month = startDate.getMonth();
gToDo.start.day = startDate.getDate();
gToDo.start.hour = 0;
gToDo.start.minute = 0;
gToDo.url = getFieldValue( "uri-field" );
gToDo.privateEvent = getFieldValue( "private-checkbox", "checked" );
gToDo.alarm = getFieldValue( "alarm-checkbox", "checked" );
gToDo.alarmLength = getFieldValue( "alarm-length-field" );
gToDo.alarmUnits = getFieldValue( "alarm-length-units", "value" );
gToDo.priority = getFieldValue( "priority-levels", "value" );
var completed = getFieldValue( "completed-checkbox", "checked" );
gToDo.categories = getFieldValue( "categories-field", "value" );
var percentcomplete = getFieldValue( "percent-complete-menulist" );
percentcomplete = parseInt( percentcomplete );
if(percentcomplete > 100)
percentcomplete = 100;
else if(percentcomplete < 0)
percentcomplete = 0;
gToDo.percent = percentcomplete;
if( completed )
//get the time for the completed event
var completedDate = getDateTimeFieldValue( "completed-date-text" );
gToDo.completed.year = completedDate.getYear() + 1900;
gToDo.completed.month = completedDate.getMonth();
gToDo.completed.day = completedDate.getDate();
if (percentcomplete == 0)
dump( "!!!-->in calendarEventDialog.js, alarmUnits is "+gToDo.alarmUnits );
if ( getFieldValue( "alarm-email-checkbox", "checked" ) )
gToDo.alarmEmailAddress = getFieldValue( "alarm-email-field", "value" );
dump( "!!!-->in calendarEventDialog.js, alarmEmailAddress is "+gToDo.alarmEmailAddress );
gToDo.alarmEmailAddress = "";
var Server = getFieldValue( "server-field" );
// :TODO: REALLY only do this if the alarm or start settings change.?
//if the end time is later than the start time... alert the user using text from the dtd.
// call caller's on OK function
gOnOkFunction( gToDo, Server );
// tell standard dialog stuff to close the dialog
return true;
* Called when an item with a datepicker is clicked, BEFORE the picker is shown.
function prepareDatePicker( dateFieldName )
// get the popup and the field we are editing
var datePickerPopup = document.getElementById( "oe-date-picker-popup" );
var dateField = document.getElementById( dateFieldName );
// tell the date picker the date to edit.
setFieldValue( "oe-date-picker-popup", dateField.editDate, "value" );
// remember the date field that is to be updated by adding a
// property "dateField" to the popup.
datePickerPopup.dateField = dateField;
* Called when a datepicker is finished, and a date was picked.
function onDatePick( datepopup )
// display the new date in the textbox
datepopup.dateField.value = formatDate( datepopup.value );
// remember the new date in a property, "editDate". we created on the date textbox
datepopup.dateField.editDate = datepopup.value;
function checkStartAndDueDates()
var StartDate = getDateTimeFieldValue( "start-date-text" );
var DueDate = getDateTimeFieldValue( "due-date-text" );
if( DueDate.getTime() < StartDate.getTime() )
//show alert message, disable OK button
document.getElementById( "start-date-warning" ).removeAttribute( "collapsed" );
document.getElementById( "calendar-new-taskwindow" ).getButton( "accept" ).setAttribute( "disabled", true );
//enable OK button
document.getElementById( "start-date-warning" ).setAttribute( "collapsed", true );
document.getElementById( "calendar-new-taskwindow" ).getButton( "accept" ).removeAttribute( "disabled" );
* Called when the alarm checkbox is clicked.
function commandAlarm()
* Enable/Disable Alarm items
function updateAlarmItemEnabled()
var alarmCheckBox = "alarm-checkbox";
var alarmField = "alarm-length-field";
var alarmMenu = "alarm-length-units";
var alarmLabel = "alarm-length-text";
var alarmEmailCheckbox = "alarm-email-checkbox";
var alarmEmailField = "alarm-email-field";
if( getFieldValue(alarmCheckBox, "checked" ) )
// call remove attribute beacuse some widget code checks for the presense of a
// disabled attribute, not the value.
setFieldValue( alarmField, false, "disabled" );
setFieldValue( alarmMenu, false, "disabled" );
setFieldValue( alarmLabel, false, "disabled" );
setFieldValue( alarmEmailCheckbox, false, "disabled" );
setFieldValue( alarmField, true, "disabled" );
setFieldValue( alarmMenu, true, "disabled" );
setFieldValue( alarmLabel, true, "disabled" );
setFieldValue( alarmEmailField, true, "disabled" );
setFieldValue( alarmEmailCheckbox, true, "disabled" );
setFieldValue( alarmEmailCheckbox, false, "checked" );
function updateCompletedItemEnabled()
var completedCheckbox = "completed-checkbox";
if( getFieldValue( completedCheckbox, "checked" ) )
setFieldValue( "completed-date-text", false, "disabled" );
setFieldValue( "completed-date-button", false, "disabled" );
setFieldValue( "percent-complete-menulist", "100" );
setFieldValue( "percent-complete-menulist", true, "disabled" );
setFieldValue( "percent-complete-text", true, "disabled" );
setFieldValue( "completed-date-text", true, "disabled" );
setFieldValue( "completed-date-button", true, "disabled" );
setFieldValue( "percent-complete-menulist", false, "disabled" );
setFieldValue( "percent-complete-text", false, "disabled" );
if( getFieldValue( "percent-complete-menulist" ) == 100 )
setFieldValue( "percent-complete-menulist", "0" );
function percentCompleteCommand()
var percentcompletemenu = "percent-complete-menulist";
var percentcomplete = getFieldValue( "percent-complete-menulist" );
percentcomplete = parseInt( percentcomplete );
if( percentcomplete == 100)
setFieldValue( "completed-checkbox", "true", "checked" );
* Update plural singular menu items
function updateAlarmPlural()
updateMenuPlural( "alarm-length-field", "alarm-length-units" );
* Update plural singular menu items
function updateMenuPlural( lengthFieldId, menuId )
var field = document.getElementById( lengthFieldId );
var menu = document.getElementById( menuId );
// figure out whether we should use singular or plural
var length = field.value;
var newLabelNumber;
if( Number( length ) > 1 )
newLabelNumber = "labelplural"
newLabelNumber = "labelsingular"
// see what we currently show and change it if required
var oldLabelNumber = menu.getAttribute( "labelnumber" );
if( newLabelNumber != oldLabelNumber )
// remember what we are showing now
menu.setAttribute( "labelnumber", newLabelNumber );
// update the menu items
var items = menu.getElementsByTagName( "menuitem" );
for( var i = 0; i < items.length; ++i )
var menuItem = items[i];
var newLabel = menuItem.getAttribute( newLabelNumber );
menuItem.label = newLabel;
menuItem.setAttribute( "label", newLabel );
// force the menu selection to redraw
var saveSelectedIndex = menu.selectedIndex;
menu.selectedIndex = -1;
menu.selectedIndex = saveSelectedIndex;
* Handle key down in alarm field
function alarmLengthKeyDown( repeatField )
var launch = true;
/* URL */
function launchBrowser()
if( launch == false ) //stops them from clicking on it twice
launch = false;
//get the URL from the text box
var UrlToGoTo = document.getElementById( "uri-field" ).value;
if( UrlToGoTo.length < 4 ) //it has to be > 4, since it needs at least 1 letter, a . and a two letter domain name.
//check if it has a : in it
if( UrlToGoTo.indexOf( ":" ) == -1 )
UrlToGoTo = "http://"+UrlToGoTo;
//launch the browser to that URL
window.open( UrlToGoTo, "calendar-opened-window" );
launch = true;
* Helper function for filling the form, set the value of a property of a XUL element
* elementId - ID of XUL element to set
* newValue - value to set property to ( if undefined no change is made )
* propertyName - OPTIONAL name of property to set, default is "value", use "checked" for
* radios & checkboxes, "data" for drop-downs
function setFieldValue( elementId, newValue, propertyName )
var undefined;
if( newValue !== undefined )
var field = document.getElementById( elementId );
if( newValue === false )
field.removeAttribute( propertyName );
if( propertyName )
field.setAttribute( propertyName, newValue );
field.value = newValue;
* Helper function for getting data from the form,
* Get the value of a property of a XUL element
* elementId - ID of XUL element to get from
* propertyName - OPTIONAL name of property to set, default is "value", use "checked" for
* radios & checkboxes, "data" for drop-downs
* newValue - value of property
function getFieldValue( elementId, propertyName )
var field = document.getElementById( elementId );
if( propertyName )
return field[ propertyName ];
return field.value;
* Helper function for getting a date/time from the form.
* The element must have been set up with setDateFieldValue or setTimeFieldValue.
* elementId - ID of XUL element to get from
* newValue - Date value of element
function getDateTimeFieldValue( elementId )
var field = document.getElementById( elementId );
return field.editDate;
* Helper function for filling the form, set the value of a date field
* elementId - ID of time textbox to set
* newDate - Date Object to use
function setDateFieldValue( elementId, newDate )
// set the value to a formatted date string
var field = document.getElementById( elementId );
field.value = formatDate( newDate );
// add an editDate property to the item to hold the Date object
// used in onDatePick to update the date from the date picker.
// used in getDateTimeFieldValue to get the Date back out.
// we clone the date object so changes made in place do not propagte
field.editDate = new Date( newDate );
* Helper function for filling the form, set the value of a time field
* elementId - ID of time textbox to set
* newDate - Date Object to use
function setTimeFieldValue( elementId, newDate )
// set the value to a formatted time string
var field = document.getElementById( elementId );
field.value = formatTime( newDate );
// add an editDate property to the item to hold the Date object
// used in onTimePick to update the date from the time picker.
// used in getDateTimeFieldValue to get the Date back out.
// we clone the date object so changes made in place do not propagte
field.editDate = new Date( newDate );
* Take a Date object and return a displayable date string i.e.: May 5, 1959
* :TODO: This should be moved into DateFormater and made to use some kind of
* locale or user date format preference.
function formatDate( date )
return( opener.gCalendarWindow.dateFormater.getFormatedDate( date ) );
* Take a Date object and return a displayable time string i.e.: 12:30 PM
function formatTime( time )
var timeString = opener.gCalendarWindow.dateFormater.getFormatedTime( time );
return timeString;