nboyd%atg.com f7417f7060 2 additional issues:
1. In that patch I forgot to remove "import org.mozilla.classfile.*" and
simply catch Exception in newInvokerMaster which is not a good practice.
The attached patch FunctionObject_patch fixes that and removes other
unused imports.

2. In org.mozilla.classfile.DefiningClassLoader defineClass method first
tries to call via ClassManager the defineClass method in a class loader
that loaded DefiningClassLoader itself. But this would define new
classes in that class loader so they would not be subject of the garbage
collection until a classloader that loads DefiningClassLoader would go
away even if a DefiningClassLoader instance is gone. The
DefiningClassLoader_patch removes that and simply calls super.defineClass.

The patch also change the order of class search in loadClass so the
loader first looks for a class among its defined classes and only after
that in parent loaders.

Regards, Igor
2001-05-15 16:58:08 +00:00
2001-02-02 01:08:06 +00:00
2001-05-15 16:58:08 +00:00
2001-02-07 05:08:44 +00:00
2001-05-15 00:08:27 +00:00