
89 lines
4.2 KiB

[ ]
[ ] use ''
[ ]
[-] testcase LoadURL () appstate none
[ ] // The first few constants are to be changed according to how your machine is setup
[ ] // - strPerfToolsDrive is the drive letter corresponding to the script directory
[ ] // - strViewerDrive is the drive letter where the Viewer.exe is installed
[ ] // - strURLPath is the full path to the file that has the URLs to process
[ ] // - strPerfToolsDir is the directory where the perf tools are installed
[ ] // (no drive, no trailing '\')
[ ] // - strBuildBaseDir is the directory which contains the bin-directory where viewer.exe is installed
[ ] // (no drive, no trailing '\') i.e. \Mozilla\dist\Win32_o.obj for a build-tree
[ ] // - strMilestoneOrPull is the milestone or date of source pull if not a milestone
[ ] // (this is the text put into the header of the HTML table: i.e. 'Milestone M13' or 'Pulled: 1/31/00')
[ ] // - numSlashes is the number of '/' characters in the URL up to the site name
[ ] // (should not change unless you move the WebSites folder)
[ ] //
[ ] STRING strPerfToolsDrive = "s:"
[ ] STRING strViewerDrive = "d:"
[ ] STRING strURLPath = "s:\Mozilla\Tools\performance\layout\40-url.txt"
[ ] STRING strPerfToolsDir = "\Mozilla\Tools\Performance\layout"
[ ] STRING strBuildBaseDir = "\Moz-0225"
[ ] STRING strMilestoneOrPull = "Daily:022500 "
[ ] INTEGER numSlashes = 10
[ ] INTEGER sleepBetweenSites = 5
[ ]
[ ] STRING strViewerDir = strBuildBaseDir + "\bin"
[ ] HFILE inputFile
[ ] STRING sLine
[ ] STRING quotedURL
[ ] STRING logFile = ""
[ ] STRING site
[ ] INTEGER NumOfSites = 0
[ ] STRING strPerfToolsDriveCmd = strPerfToolsDrive + " <ENTER>"
[ ] STRING strViewerDriveCmd = strViewerDrive + " <ENTER>"
[ ] STRING strBuildIDBase = strViewerDrive + strBuildBaseDir
[ ] STRING strLogPath = strPerfToolsDrive + strPerfToolsDir + "\logs"
[ ]
[ ] // make the logs directory (in case it does note exist already)
[+] if ( !SYS_DirExists( strLogPath ) )
[ ] SYS_MakeDir( strLogPath )
[ ] // remove any ABORT.TXT file that may be around
[+] if ( SYS_FileExists( strPerfToolsDrive + strPerfToolsDir + "\abort.txt" ) )
[ ] SYS_RemoveFile( strPerfToolsDrive + strPerfToolsDir + "\abort.txt" )
[ ] // Copy the history file in case there are problems
[-] if( SYS_FileExists( strPerfToolsDrive + strPerfToolsDir + "\history.txt" ) )
[ ] SYS_CopyFile( strPerfToolsDrive + strPerfToolsDir + "\History.txt", strPerfToolsDrive + strPerfToolsDir + "\History_prev.txt" )
[ ] //
[ ] // Start processing
[ ] //
[ ] inputFile = FileOpen (strURLPath, FM_READ)
[ ] CommandPrompt.Invoke ()
[ ] sleep (2)
[ ] // move to the PerfTools directory
[ ] CommandPrompt.TypeKeys (strPerfToolsDriveCmd)
[ ] CommandPrompt.TypeKeys ("cd " + strPerfToolsDir + " <Enter>")
[ ] // process the page-header
[ ] CommandPrompt.TypeKeys ("perl " + strPerfToolsDrive + strPerfToolsDir +"\ {strBuildIDBase} {strMilestoneOrPull} <Enter>")
[ ] sleep (1)
[ ] // go through each URI and process it
[-] while (FileReadLine (inputFile, sLine))
[ ] CommandPrompt.SetActive ()
[ ] site = GetField (sLine, '/', numSlashes)
[ ] logFile = site + "-log.txt"
[ ] logFile = strLogPath + "\" + logFile
[ ] CommandPrompt.TypeKeys (strViewerDrive + strViewerDir + "\viewer > {logFile}<Enter>")
[ ] sleep (5)
[ ] Raptor.SetActive ()
[ ] Raptor.TextField1.SetText (sLine)
[ ] Raptor.TextField1.TypeKeys ("<Enter>")
[ ] sleep (sleepBetweenSites)
[-] if Raptor.Exists ()
[ ] Raptor.SetActive ()
[ ] Raptor.Close ()
[+] if RaptorSecondWindow.Exists ()
[ ] RaptorSecondWindow.SetActive ()
[ ] RaptorSecondWindow.Close ()
[ ] CommandPrompt.SetActive ()
[ ] CommandPrompt.TypeKeys( "<Ctrl-C><Enter>" )
[ ] NumOfSites = NumOfSites + 1
[ ] quotedURL = """" + sLine + """"
[ ] CommandPrompt.TypeKeys ("perl "+ strPerfToolsDrive + strPerfToolsDir + "\ {site} {logFile} {NumOfSites} {strBuildIDBase} {quotedURL} <Enter>")
[ ] sleep (2)
[-] if ( SYS_FileExists( strPerfToolsDrive + strPerfToolsDir + "\abort.txt" ) )
[ ] break
[ ] CommandPrompt.TypeKeys ("perl "+ strPerfToolsDrive + strPerfToolsDir + "\ {strBuildIDBase} {strMilestoneOrPull} <Enter>")
[ ] sleep (1)
[ ] CommandPrompt.Close()