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<title>Language Versioning and Migration</title>
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<h1>Language Versioning and
<p>This document discusses the mechanisms within Ghidra which mitigate
the impact of language modifications to existing user program
files.&nbsp; There are two general classes of language modifications
which can be supported by the language translation capabilities within
Ghidra :<br>
<li><a href="#versioning"><span style="font-weight: bold;">Version
Change</span></a> - caused by modifications to a specific
language implementation which necessitates a re-disassembly of a programs
<li><a href="#forcedMigration"><span style="font-weight: bold;">Forced
Language Migration</span></a> - caused when an existing language
implementation is completely replaced by a new implementation (language
name must be different).&nbsp; It is important that an "old" language
file (<span style="font-style: italic;">*.lang</span>) be generated for
a language before it is eliminated.&nbsp;&nbsp; A simple or custom
language translator is required to facilitate the forced migration.<br>
<p>Any program opened within Ghidra whose language has had a version
change or has been replaced by a new implementation will be forced to
upgrade.&nbsp; This will prevent such a program file from being opened
as immutable and will impose a delay due to the necessary
re-disassembly of all instructions.</p>
<p>In addition to a forced upgrade, Ghidra's <span
style="font-style: italic;">Set Language</span> capability will allow
a user to make certain transitions between similar language
implementations.&nbsp; Such transitions are generally facilitated via a
default translator, although certain limitations are imposed based upon
address space sizes and register mappings.<br>
<h2><a name="versioning"></a>Language Versioning</h2>
<p>A language's version is specified as a<span
style="font-style: italic;"> &lt;major&gt;</span><span
style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;">.</span><span
style="font-style: italic;">&lt;minor&gt;</span> number pair (e.g.,
1.0).&nbsp; The decision to advance the major or minor version number
should be based upon the following criteria:<br>
<li><span style="font-weight: bold;">Major Version Change</span> -
caused by modifications to a specific
language implementation which changes register addressing or context
register schema.&nbsp; Addition of registers alone does not constitute
a major or minor change.<br>
<li><span style="font-weight: bold;">Minor Version Change</span> -
caused by modifications to a specific
language implementation which changes existing instruction or
subconstructor pattern matching.&nbsp; Pcode changes and addition of
new instructions alone does not constitute a major or minor change.</li>
<p>Anytime the major version number is advanced, the minor version
number should be reset to zero. <br>
<p>Only major version changes utilize a <a href="#translators">Language
Translator</a> to facilitate the language transition.<br>
<h2><a name="forcedMigration"></a>Forced Language Migration<br>
<p>When eliminating an old language the following must be accomplished:<br>
<li>Establish a replacement language</li>
<li>Generate <a href="#oldlang">old-language specification</a> file (<span
style="font-style: italic;">*.lang</span>)<br>
<li>Establish one and only one <a href="#translators">Language
Translator </a>from the final version of the eliminated language to
its replacement language.<br>
<p>Before eliminating a language a corresponding "old" language file
must be generated and stored somewhere within Ghidra's languages
directory (<span style="font-style: italic;">core/languages/old</span>
directory has been established for this purpose).&nbsp;&nbsp; In
addition, a simple or custom <a href="#translators">Language Translator</a>
must be established to facilitate the language migration to the
replacement language.&nbsp; <br>
<p>An old-language file may be generated automatically while the
language still exists using the <span
style="font-style: italic; font-weight: bold;">GenerateOldLanguagePlugin
</span>configured into Ghidra's project window.&nbsp; In addition, if
appropriate, a draft simple Language Translator specification can
generated provided the replacement language is also available.<br>
<p>To generate an old-language file and optionally a draft simple
translator specification:<br>
<li>Choose the menu item File&gt;Generate Old Language File...</li>
<li>Select the language to be eliminated from the languages list and
click <span style="font-weight: bold;">Generate...</span></li>
<li>From the file chooser select the output directory, enter a
suitable name for the file and click <span style="font-weight: bold;">Create</span></li>
<li>Once the old-language file is generated you will be asked if you
would like to <span style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;">Create
a Simple Translator?</span>&nbsp; If the replacement language is
complete and available you can click <span style="font-weight: bold;">Yes
</span>and specify an output file with the file chooser.</li>
<h2><a name="oldlang"></a>Old Language Specification (<span
style="font-style: italic;">*.lang</span>)</h2>
<p>An old-language specification file is used to describe the essential
elements of a language needed to instantiate an old program using that
language and to facilitate translation to a replacement language.<br>
<p>The specification file is an XML file which identifies a language's
description, address spaces and named registers.&nbsp;&nbsp; Since it
should be generated using the <span
style="font-style: italic; font-weight: bold;">GenerateOldLanguagePlugin</span>,
its syntax is not defined here.
<p><span style="font-style: italic; font-weight: bold;">Sample
Old-Language Specification File:</span><br>
<pre>&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?&gt;<br>&lt;language version="1" endian="big"&gt;<br> &lt;description&gt;<br> &lt;name&gt;MyOldProcessorLanguage&lt;/name&gt;<br> &lt;processor&gt;MyOldProcessor&lt;/processor&gt;<br> &lt;family&gt;Motorola&lt;/family&gt;<br> &lt;alias&gt;MyOldProcessorLanguageAlias1&lt;/alias&gt;<br> &lt;alias&gt;MyOldProcessorLanguageAlias2&lt;/alias&gt;<br> &lt;/description&gt;<br> &lt;spaces&gt;<br> &lt;space name="ram" type="ram" size="4" default="yes" /&gt;<br> &lt;space name="register" type="register" size="4" /&gt;<br> &lt;space name="data" type="code" size="4" /&gt;<br> &lt;/spaces&gt;<br> &lt;registers&gt;<br> &lt;context_register name="contextreg" offset="0x40" bitsize="8"&gt;<br> &lt;field name="ctxbit1" range="1,1" /&gt;<br> &lt;field name="ctxbit0" range="0,0" /&gt;<br> &lt;/context_register&gt;<br> &lt;register name="r0" offset="0x0" bitsize="32" /&gt;<br> &lt;register name="r1" offset="0x4" bitsize="32" /&gt;<br> &lt;register name="r2" offset="0x8" bitsize="32" /&gt;<br> &lt;register name="r3" offset="0xc" bitsize="32" /&gt;<br> &lt;register name="r4" offset="0x10" bitsize="32" /&gt;<br> &lt;/registers&gt;<br>&lt;/language&gt;<br><br></pre>
<h2><a name="translators"></a>Language Translators</h2>
<p>A language translator facilitates the renaming of address spaces,
and relocation/renaming of registers.&nbsp; In addition, stored
register values can be transformed - although limited knowledge is
available for decision making.&nbsp; Through the process of
re-disassembly, language changes in instruction and subconstructor
pattern matching is handled.&nbsp; Three forms of&nbsp; translators are
<li><span style="font-weight: bold;">Default Translator</span> - in
the absence of a simple or custom translator, an attempt will be made
to map all address spaces and registers.&nbsp; Stored register values
for unmapped registers will be discarded.&nbsp; Forced language
migration can not use a default translator since it is the presence of
a translator with an old-language which specifies the migration path.<br>
<li><span style="font-weight: bold;">Simple Translator</span> -
extends the behavior of the default translator allowing specific
address space and register mappings to be specified via an XML file (<span
style="font-style: italic;">*.trans</span>).&nbsp; See sample <a
href="#transfile">Simple Translator Specification</a>.<br>
<li><span style="font-weight: bold;">Custom Translator</span> -
custom translators can be written as a Java class which extends <span
style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;">LanguageTranslatorAdapter</span>
or implements <span style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;">LanguageTranslator</span>.&nbsp;
This should generally be unnecessary but can provided additional
flexibility.&nbsp; The default constructor must be public and will be used
for instantiation.&nbsp; Extending <span
style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;">LanguageTranslatorAdapter
</span>will allow the default translator capabilities to be
leveraged with minimal coding.</li>
<span style="font-family: times new roman;"><span
style="font-weight: bold;"></span></span>
<p style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;"><a name="transfile"></a>Sample
Simple Translator Specification File:</p>
<pre>&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?&gt;
&lt;from_language version="1"&gt;MyOldProcessorLanguage&lt;/from_language&gt;
&lt;to_language version="1"&gt;MyNewProcessorLanguage&lt;/to_language&gt;
Obsolete space will be deleted with all code units in that space.
&lt;delete_space name="data" /&gt;
Spaces whose name has changed can be mapped over
&lt;map_space from="ram" to="ram" /&gt;
Registers whose name has changed can be mapped (size and offset changes are allowed)
The map_register may include a size attribute although it is ignored.
&lt;map_register from="r0" to="cr0" /&gt;
&lt;map_register from="r1" to="cr1" /&gt;
All existing processor context can be cleared
A specific context value can be painted across all of program memory
NOTE: sets occur after clear_all_context
&lt;set_context name="ctxbit0" value="1"/&gt;
Force a specific Java class which extends
to be invoked following translation and re-disassembly to allow for more
complex instruction context transformations/repair.
&lt;post_upgrade_handler class="ghidra.program.language.MyOldNewProcessorInstructionRepair" /&gt;
<p style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;">Translator Limitations<br>
<p>The current translation mechanism does not handle the potential need
for complete re-disassembly and associated auto-analysis. <br>