Improves SearchInConstantPools dialog

This commit is contained in:
emmanue1 2015-05-15 08:55:20 +02:00
parent ea34a685a0
commit 71e177ac18
2 changed files with 54 additions and 9 deletions

View File

@ -9,26 +9,38 @@ import jd.gui.api.model.Container
class FilteredContainerWrapper implements Container {
Container container
Map<URI, Container.Entry> map
Map<URI, Container.Entry> uriToEntry
Map<URI, FilteredContainerWrapper> uriToWrapper
Container.Entry root
FilteredContainerWrapper(Container container, Container.Entry parentEntry, Collection<Container.Entry> entries) {
this.container = container = new HashMap<>()
this.uriToEntry = new HashMap<>()
this.uriToWrapper = new HashMap<>()
this.root = new EntryWrapper(container.root, parentEntry)
for (def entry : entries) {
while (entry && !map.containsKey(entry.uri)) {
map.put(entry.uri, entry)
while (entry && !uriToEntry.containsKey(entry.uri)) {
uriToEntry.put(entry.uri, entry)
entry = entry.parent
protected FilteredContainerWrapper(
Container container, FilteredContainerWrapper.EntryWrapper root,
Map<URI, Container.Entry> uriToEntry,
Map<URI, FilteredContainerWrapper> uriToWrapper) {
this.container = container
this.uriToEntry = uriToEntry
this.uriToWrapper = uriToWrapper
this.root = root
String getType() { container.type }
Container.Entry getRoot() { root }
Container.Entry getEntry(URI uri) { map.get(uri) }
Set<URI> getUris() { map.keySet() }
Container.Entry getEntry(URI uri) { uriToEntry.get(uri) }
Set<URI> getUris() { uriToEntry.keySet() }
class EntryWrapper implements Container.Entry, Comparable<EntryWrapper> {
Container.Entry entry
@ -41,7 +53,30 @@ class FilteredContainerWrapper implements Container {
this.children = null
Container getContainer() { FilteredContainerWrapper.this }
Container getContainer() {
if (entry.container == FilteredContainerWrapper.this.container) {
return FilteredContainerWrapper.this
} else {
def container = entry.container
def root = container.root
def wrapper = uriToWrapper.get(root.uri)
if (wrapper == null) {
// Search EntryWrapper root
def entryWrapperRoot = this.parent
while (entryWrapperRoot.entry.container == container) {
entryWrapperRoot = entryWrapperRoot.parent
// Create a sub wrapper container
wrapper = new FilteredContainerWrapper(container, entryWrapperRoot, uriToEntry, uriToWrapper)
uriToWrapper.put(root.uri, wrapper)
return wrapper
Container.Entry getParent() { parent }
URI getUri() { entry.uri }
String getPath() { entry.path }
@ -51,7 +86,7 @@ class FilteredContainerWrapper implements Container {
Collection<Container.Entry> getChildren() {
if (children == null) {
children = entry.children.grep { map.containsKey(it.uri) }.collect { new EntryWrapper(it, this) }
children = entry.children.grep { uriToEntry.containsKey(it.uri) }.collect { new EntryWrapper(it, this) }
return children

View File

@ -166,7 +166,17 @@ class SearchInConstantPoolsView {
searchInConstantPoolsTree.addTreeExpansionListener(new TreeExpansionListener() {
void treeExpanded(TreeExpansionEvent e) {
populate(e.source.model, e.path.lastPathComponent)
def model = e.source.model
def node = e.path.lastPathComponent
// Expand node and find the first leaf
while (true) {
populate(model, node)
if (node.childCount == 0) {
node = node.getChildAt(0)
swing.searchInConstantPoolsTree.selectionPath = new TreePath(node.path)
void treeCollapsed(TreeExpansionEvent e) {}