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synced 2025-02-18 16:58:23 +00:00
[lldb/Utils] Remove vim-lldb
The vim-lldb plugin is unmaintained and doesn't work with a recent vim installation that uses Python 3. This removes it from the LLDB repository. The code is still available under lldb-tools on GitHub like we did with for lldb-mi. (https://github.com/lldb-tools/vim-lldb) Differential revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D72541
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
LLDB Vim Frontend
This plugin is known to work with the following flavours of Vim:
* Linux (tested on Ubuntu 12.04/12.10):
* vim/gvim (from vim-gnome package version 7.3)
* Mac OS X (tested on Mountain Lion)
* Vim command-line (7.3 from Xcode)
* MacVim 7.3
To install the plugin, ensure you have
* a working version of lldb on your path, or the environment variable LLDB
pointing to the lldb binary you would like to use.
* a python-enabled vim (check with ":python print 2")
1) Install the Vim pathogen plugin (it keeps installed plugins organized):
Or, for the impatient:
mkdir -p ~/.vim/autoload ~/.vim/bundle; \
curl -Sso ~/.vim/autoload/pathogen.vim \
2) Symlink (or copy) ~/.vim/bundle/vim-lldb to this directory:
ln -sf <lldb-dir>/utils/vim-lldb ~/.vim/bundle/vim-lldb
3) Update your help-tags. Start vim, do:
4) Have fun!
Usage/Getting Help
All LLDB commands (with tab-completion) can be accessed in Vim's
command mode. Try it out by typing:
There are several sources of help available:
:help lldb -- Documentation for this plugin
:Lhelp -- LLDB's built-in help system (i.e lldb 'help' command)
:Lscript help (lldb) -- Complete LLDB Python API reference
@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
*lldb.txt* A plugin that enables debugging from your favourite editor
Author: Daniel Malea <daniel.malea@intel.com>
License: Same terms as Vim itself (see |license|)
Installing this plugin enables a set of commands in Vim to control the
LLDB (http://lldb.llvm.org) debugger.
COMMANDS *lldb-commands*
The LLDB command interpreter is exposed to Vim's command mode using the
':L' prefix. Tab-completion is available and will cycle through commands.
Some commands have modified behaviour in Vim; for example, :Lbreakpoint
with no arguments will set a breakpoint at the current cursor, rather than
printing the standard help information for the LLDB command 'breakpoint'.
In addition to the standard commands available under the LLDB interpreter,
there are also commands to display or hide informational debugger panes.
Windows can be shown or hidden using the ':Lhide <name>' or ':Lshow <name>'
:Lhide [windowname] Hide informational debugger pane named 'windowname'.
:Lshow [windowname] Show informational debugger pane named 'windowname'.
Possible window name arguments to the Lhide and Lshow commands include:
* backtrace
* breakpoints
* disassembly
* locals
* registers
* threads
:Lattach <process-name> Attach to a process by name.
:Ldetach Detach from the current process.
:Ltarget [[create] executable]
Create a target with the specified executable. If
run with a single argument, that argument is assumed
to be a path to the executable to be debugged.
Otherwise, all arguments are passed into LLDB's command
:Lstart Create a process by executing the current target
and wait for LLDB to attach.
:Lrun Create a process by executing the current target
without waiting for LLDB to attach.
:Lcontinue Continue execution of the process until the next
breakpoint is hit or the process exits.
:Lthread <args> Passes through to LLDB. See :Lhelp thread.
:Lstep Step into the current function call.
:Lstepin Step into the current function call.
:Lstepinst Step one instruction.
:Lstepinstover Step one instruction, but skip over jump or call
:Lnext Step to the next line.
:Lfinish Step out of the current function.
:Lbreakpoint [args] When arguments are provided, the lldb breakpoint
command is invoked. If no arguments are provided,
a breakpoint at the location under the cursor.
:Lprint <expr> Aliases to the lldb print and po commands. Cursor
:Lpo <expr> word (cursor WORD for LpO) will be used when
:LpO <expr> expression omitted.
MAPPINGS *lldb-mappings*
On Mac OS X (under MacVim) , the following key mappings are available:
<Command-B> Insert a breakpoint at the line under cursor
ABOUT *lldb-about*
Grab the latest version of this plugin (and LLDB sources) with:
git clone https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project.git
File any bugs at:
@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
" Vim script glue code for LLDB integration
function! s:FindPythonScriptDir()
for dir in pathogen#split(&runtimepath)
let searchstr = "python-vim-lldb"
let candidates = pathogen#glob_directories(dir . "/" . searchstr)
if len(candidates) > 0
return candidates[0]
function! s:InitLldbPlugin()
if has('python') == 0
call confirm('ERROR: This Vim installation does not have python support. lldb.vim will not work.')
" Key-Bindings
" FIXME: choose sensible keybindings for:
" - process: start, interrupt, continue, continue-to-cursor
" - step: instruction, in, over, out
if has('gui_macvim')
" Apple-B toggles breakpoint on cursor
map <D-B> :Lbreakpoint<CR>
" Setup the python interpreter path
let vim_lldb_pydir = s:FindPythonScriptDir()
execute 'python import sys; sys.path.append("' . vim_lldb_pydir . '")'
" Register :L<Command>
" The LLDB CommandInterpreter provides tab-completion in Vim's command mode.
" FIXME: this list of commands, at least partially should be auto-generated
" Window show/hide commands
command -complete=custom,s:CompleteWindow -nargs=1 Lhide python ctrl.doHide('<args>')
command -complete=custom,s:CompleteWindow -nargs=0 Lshow python ctrl.doShow('<args>')
" Launching convenience commands (no autocompletion)
command -nargs=* Lstart python ctrl.doLaunch(True, '<args>')
command -nargs=* Lrun python ctrl.doLaunch(False, '<args>')
command -nargs=1 Lattach python ctrl.doAttach('<args>')
command -nargs=0 Ldetach python ctrl.doDetach()
" Regexp-commands: because vim's command mode does not support '_' or '-'
" characters in command names, we omit them when creating the :L<cmd>
" equivalents.
command -complete=custom,s:CompleteCommand -nargs=* Lregexpattach python ctrl.doCommand('_regexp-attach', '<args>')
command -complete=custom,s:CompleteCommand -nargs=* Lregexpbreak python ctrl.doCommand('_regexp-break', '<args>')
command -complete=custom,s:CompleteCommand -nargs=* Lregexpbt python ctrl.doCommand('_regexp-bt', '<args>')
command -complete=custom,s:CompleteCommand -nargs=* Lregexpdown python ctrl.doCommand('_regexp-down', '<args>')
command -complete=custom,s:CompleteCommand -nargs=* Lregexptbreak python ctrl.doCommand('_regexp-tbreak', '<args>')
command -complete=custom,s:CompleteCommand -nargs=* Lregexpdisplay python ctrl.doCommand('_regexp-display', '<args>')
command -complete=custom,s:CompleteCommand -nargs=* Lregexpundisplay python ctrl.doCommand('_regexp-undisplay', '<args>')
command -complete=custom,s:CompleteCommand -nargs=* Lregexpup python ctrl.doCommand('_regexp-up', '<args>')
command -complete=custom,s:CompleteCommand -nargs=* Lapropos python ctrl.doCommand('apropos', '<args>')
command -complete=custom,s:CompleteCommand -nargs=* Lbacktrace python ctrl.doCommand('bt', '<args>')
command -complete=custom,s:CompleteCommand -nargs=* Lbreakpoint python ctrl.doBreakpoint('<args>')
command -complete=custom,s:CompleteCommand -nargs=* Lcommand python ctrl.doCommand('command', '<args>')
command -complete=custom,s:CompleteCommand -nargs=* Ldisassemble python ctrl.doCommand('disassemble', '<args>')
command -complete=custom,s:CompleteCommand -nargs=* Lexpression python ctrl.doCommand('expression', '<args>')
command -complete=custom,s:CompleteCommand -nargs=* Lhelp python ctrl.doCommand('help', '<args>')
command -complete=custom,s:CompleteCommand -nargs=* Llog python ctrl.doCommand('log', '<args>')
command -complete=custom,s:CompleteCommand -nargs=* Lplatform python ctrl.doCommand('platform','<args>')
command -complete=custom,s:CompleteCommand -nargs=* Lplugin python ctrl.doCommand('plugin', '<args>')
command -complete=custom,s:CompleteCommand -nargs=* Lprocess python ctrl.doProcess('<args>')
command -complete=custom,s:CompleteCommand -nargs=* Lregister python ctrl.doCommand('register', '<args>')
command -complete=custom,s:CompleteCommand -nargs=* Lscript python ctrl.doCommand('script', '<args>')
command -complete=custom,s:CompleteCommand -nargs=* Lsettings python ctrl.doCommand('settings','<args>')
command -complete=custom,s:CompleteCommand -nargs=* Lsource python ctrl.doCommand('source', '<args>')
command -complete=custom,s:CompleteCommand -nargs=* Ltype python ctrl.doCommand('type', '<args>')
command -complete=custom,s:CompleteCommand -nargs=* Lversion python ctrl.doCommand('version', '<args>')
command -complete=custom,s:CompleteCommand -nargs=* Lwatchpoint python ctrl.doCommand('watchpoint', '<args>')
" Convenience (shortcut) LLDB commands
command -complete=custom,s:CompleteCommand -nargs=* Lprint python ctrl.doCommand('print', vim.eval("s:CursorWord('<args>')"))
command -complete=custom,s:CompleteCommand -nargs=* Lpo python ctrl.doCommand('po', vim.eval("s:CursorWord('<args>')"))
command -complete=custom,s:CompleteCommand -nargs=* LpO python ctrl.doCommand('po', vim.eval("s:CursorWORD('<args>')"))
command -complete=custom,s:CompleteCommand -nargs=* Lbt python ctrl.doCommand('bt', '<args>')
" Frame/Thread-Selection (commands that also do an Uupdate but do not
" generate events in LLDB)
command -complete=custom,s:CompleteCommand -nargs=* Lframe python ctrl.doSelect('frame', '<args>')
command -complete=custom,s:CompleteCommand -nargs=? Lup python ctrl.doCommand('up', '<args>', print_on_success=False, goto_file=True)
command -complete=custom,s:CompleteCommand -nargs=? Ldown python ctrl.doCommand('down', '<args>', print_on_success=False, goto_file=True)
command -complete=custom,s:CompleteCommand -nargs=* Lthread python ctrl.doSelect('thread', '<args>')
command -complete=custom,s:CompleteCommand -nargs=* Ltarget python ctrl.doTarget('<args>')
" Continue
command -complete=custom,s:CompleteCommand -nargs=* Lcontinue python ctrl.doContinue()
" Thread-Stepping (no autocompletion)
command -nargs=0 Lstepinst python ctrl.doStep(StepType.INSTRUCTION)
command -nargs=0 Lstepinstover python ctrl.doStep(StepType.INSTRUCTION_OVER)
command -nargs=0 Lstepin python ctrl.doStep(StepType.INTO)
command -nargs=0 Lstep python ctrl.doStep(StepType.INTO)
command -nargs=0 Lnext python ctrl.doStep(StepType.OVER)
command -nargs=0 Lfinish python ctrl.doStep(StepType.OUT)
" hack: service the LLDB event-queue when the cursor moves
" FIXME: some threaded solution would be better...but it
" would have to be designed carefully because Vim's APIs are non threadsafe;
" use of the vim module **MUST** be restricted to the main thread.
command -nargs=0 Lrefresh python ctrl.doRefresh()
autocmd CursorMoved * :Lrefresh
autocmd CursorHold * :Lrefresh
autocmd VimLeavePre * python ctrl.doExit()
execute 'pyfile ' . vim_lldb_pydir . '/plugin.py'
function! s:CompleteCommand(A, L, P)
python << EOF
a = vim.eval("a:A")
l = vim.eval("a:L")
p = vim.eval("a:P")
returnCompleteCommand(a, l, p)
function! s:CompleteWindow(A, L, P)
python << EOF
a = vim.eval("a:A")
l = vim.eval("a:L")
p = vim.eval("a:P")
returnCompleteWindow(a, l, p)
" Returns cword if search term is empty
function! s:CursorWord(term)
return empty(a:term) ? expand('<cword>') : a:term
" Returns cleaned cWORD if search term is empty
function! s:CursorWORD(term)
" Will strip all non-alphabetic characters from both sides
return empty(a:term) ? substitute(expand('<cWORD>'), '^\A*\(.\{-}\)\A*$', '\1', '') : a:term
call s:InitLldbPlugin()
@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
# Locate and load the lldb python module
import os
import sys
def import_lldb():
""" Find and import the lldb modules. This function tries to find the lldb module by:
1. Simply by doing "import lldb" in case the system python installation is aware of lldb. If that fails,
2. Executes the lldb executable pointed to by the LLDB environment variable (or if unset, the first lldb
on PATH") with the -P flag to determine the PYTHONPATH to set. If the lldb executable returns a valid
path, it is added to sys.path and the import is attempted again. If that fails, 3. On Mac OS X the
default Xcode 4.5 installation path.
# Try simple 'import lldb', in case of a system-wide install or a
# pre-configured PYTHONPATH
import lldb
return True
except ImportError:
# Allow overriding default path to lldb executable with the LLDB
# environment variable
lldb_executable = 'lldb'
if 'LLDB' in os.environ and os.path.exists(os.environ['LLDB']):
lldb_executable = os.environ['LLDB']
# Try using builtin module location support ('lldb -P')
from subprocess import check_output, CalledProcessError
with open(os.devnull, 'w') as fnull:
lldb_minus_p_path = check_output(
"%s -P" %
if not os.path.exists(lldb_minus_p_path):
# lldb -P returned invalid path, probably too old
import lldb
return True
except CalledProcessError:
# Cannot run 'lldb -P' to determine location of lldb python module
except ImportError:
# Unable to import lldb module from path returned by `lldb -P`
# On Mac OS X, use the try the default path to XCode lldb module
if "darwin" in sys.platform:
xcode_python_path = "/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/SharedFrameworks/LLDB.framework/Versions/Current/Resources/Python/"
import lldb
return True
except ImportError:
# Unable to import lldb module from default Xcode python path
return False
if not import_lldb():
import vim
'redraw | echo "%s"' %
" Error loading lldb module; vim-lldb will be disabled. Check LLDB installation or set LLDB environment variable.")
@ -1,415 +0,0 @@
# This file defines the layer that talks to lldb
from __future__ import print_function
import os
import re
import sys
import lldb
import vim
from vim_ui import UI
# =================================================
# Convert some enum value to its string counterpart
# =================================================
# Shamelessly copy/pasted from lldbutil.py in the test suite
def state_type_to_str(enum):
"""Returns the stateType string given an enum."""
if enum == lldb.eStateInvalid:
return "invalid"
elif enum == lldb.eStateUnloaded:
return "unloaded"
elif enum == lldb.eStateConnected:
return "connected"
elif enum == lldb.eStateAttaching:
return "attaching"
elif enum == lldb.eStateLaunching:
return "launching"
elif enum == lldb.eStateStopped:
return "stopped"
elif enum == lldb.eStateRunning:
return "running"
elif enum == lldb.eStateStepping:
return "stepping"
elif enum == lldb.eStateCrashed:
return "crashed"
elif enum == lldb.eStateDetached:
return "detached"
elif enum == lldb.eStateExited:
return "exited"
elif enum == lldb.eStateSuspended:
return "suspended"
raise Exception("Unknown StateType enum")
class StepType:
INTO = 3
OVER = 4
OUT = 5
class LLDBController(object):
""" Handles Vim and LLDB events such as commands and lldb events. """
# Timeouts (sec) for waiting on new events. Because vim is not multi-threaded, we are restricted to
# servicing LLDB events from the main UI thread. Usually, we only process events that are already
# sitting on the queue. But in some situations (when we are expecting an event as a result of some
# user interaction) we want to wait for it. The constants below set these wait period in which the
# Vim UI is "blocked". Lower numbers will make Vim more responsive, but LLDB will be delayed and higher
# numbers will mean that LLDB events are processed faster, but the Vim UI may appear less responsive at
# times.
eventDelayStep = 2
eventDelayLaunch = 1
eventDelayContinue = 1
def __init__(self):
""" Creates the LLDB SBDebugger object and initializes the UI class. """
self.target = None
self.process = None
self.load_dependent_modules = True
self.dbg = lldb.SBDebugger.Create()
self.commandInterpreter = self.dbg.GetCommandInterpreter()
self.ui = UI()
def completeCommand(self, a, l, p):
""" Returns a list of viable completions for command a with length l and cursor at p """
assert l[0] == 'L'
# Remove first 'L' character that all commands start with
l = l[1:]
# Adjust length as string has 1 less character
p = int(p) - 1
result = lldb.SBStringList()
num = self.commandInterpreter.HandleCompletion(l, p, 1, -1, result)
if num == -1:
# FIXME: insert completion character... what's a completion
# character?
elif num == -2:
# FIXME: replace line with result.GetStringAtIndex(0)
if result.GetSize() > 0:
results = [_f for _f in [result.GetStringAtIndex(x)
for x in range(result.GetSize())] if _f]
return results
return []
def doStep(self, stepType):
""" Perform a step command and block the UI for eventDelayStep seconds in order to process
events on lldb's event queue.
FIXME: if the step does not complete in eventDelayStep seconds, we relinquish control to
the main thread to avoid the appearance of a "hang". If this happens, the UI will
update whenever; usually when the user moves the cursor. This is somewhat annoying.
if not self.process:
sys.stderr.write("No process to step")
t = self.process.GetSelectedThread()
if stepType == StepType.INSTRUCTION:
if stepType == StepType.INSTRUCTION_OVER:
elif stepType == StepType.INTO:
elif stepType == StepType.OVER:
elif stepType == StepType.OUT:
self.processPendingEvents(self.eventDelayStep, True)
def doSelect(self, command, args):
""" Like doCommand, but suppress output when "select" is the first argument."""
a = args.split(' ')
return self.doCommand(command, args, "select" != a[0], True)
def doProcess(self, args):
""" Handle 'process' command. If 'launch' is requested, use doLaunch() instead
of the command interpreter to start the inferior process.
a = args.split(' ')
if len(args) == 0 or (len(a) > 0 and a[0] != 'launch'):
self.doCommand("process", args)
#self.ui.update(self.target, "", self)
self.doLaunch('-s' not in args, "")
def doAttach(self, process_name):
""" Handle process attach. """
error = lldb.SBError()
self.processListener = lldb.SBListener("process_event_listener")
self.target = self.dbg.CreateTarget('')
self.process = self.target.AttachToProcessWithName(
self.processListener, process_name, False, error)
if not error.Success():
sys.stderr.write("Error during attach: " + str(error))
self.pid = self.process.GetProcessID()
print("Attached to %s (pid=%d)" % (process_name, self.pid))
def doDetach(self):
if self.process is not None and self.process.IsValid():
pid = self.process.GetProcessID()
state = state_type_to_str(self.process.GetState())
def doLaunch(self, stop_at_entry, args):
""" Handle process launch. """
error = lldb.SBError()
fs = self.target.GetExecutable()
exe = os.path.join(fs.GetDirectory(), fs.GetFilename())
if self.process is not None and self.process.IsValid():
pid = self.process.GetProcessID()
state = state_type_to_str(self.process.GetState())
launchInfo = lldb.SBLaunchInfo(args.split(' '))
self.process = self.target.Launch(launchInfo, error)
if not error.Success():
sys.stderr.write("Error during launch: " + str(error))
# launch succeeded, store pid and add some event listeners
self.pid = self.process.GetProcessID()
self.processListener = lldb.SBListener("process_event_listener")
self.processListener, lldb.SBProcess.eBroadcastBitStateChanged)
print("Launched %s %s (pid=%d)" % (exe, args, self.pid))
if not stop_at_entry:
def doTarget(self, args):
""" Pass target command to interpreter, except if argument is not one of the valid options, or
is create, in which case try to create a target with the argument as the executable. For example:
target list ==> handled by interpreter
target create blah ==> custom creation of target 'blah'
target blah ==> also creates target blah
target_args = [ # "create",
a = args.split(' ')
if len(args) == 0 or (len(a) > 0 and a[0] in target_args):
self.doCommand("target", args)
elif len(a) > 1 and a[0] == "create":
exe = a[1]
elif len(a) == 1 and a[0] not in target_args:
exe = a[0]
err = lldb.SBError()
self.target = self.dbg.CreateTarget(
exe, None, None, self.load_dependent_modules, err)
if not self.target:
"Error creating target %s. %s" %
(str(exe), str(err)))
self.ui.update(self.target, "created target %s" % str(exe), self)
def doContinue(self):
""" Handle 'contiue' command.
FIXME: switch to doCommand("continue", ...) to handle -i ignore-count param.
if not self.process or not self.process.IsValid():
sys.stderr.write("No process to continue")
def doBreakpoint(self, args):
""" Handle breakpoint command with command interpreter, except if the user calls
"breakpoint" with no other args, in which case add a breakpoint at the line
under the cursor.
a = args.split(' ')
if len(args) == 0:
show_output = False
# User called us with no args, so toggle the bp under cursor
cw = vim.current.window
cb = vim.current.buffer
name = cb.name
line = cw.cursor[0]
# Since the UI is responsbile for placing signs at bp locations, we have to
# ask it if there already is one or more breakpoints at (file,
# line)...
if self.ui.haveBreakpoint(name, line):
bps = self.ui.getBreakpoints(name, line)
args = "delete %s" % " ".join([str(b.GetID()) for b in bps])
self.ui.deleteBreakpoints(name, line)
args = "set -f %s -l %d" % (name, line)
show_output = True
self.doCommand("breakpoint", args, show_output)
def doRefresh(self):
""" process pending events and update UI on request """
status = self.processPendingEvents()
def doShow(self, name):
""" handle :Lshow <name> """
if not name:
if self.ui.showWindow(name):
self.ui.update(self.target, "", self)
def doHide(self, name):
""" handle :Lhide <name> """
if self.ui.hideWindow(name):
self.ui.update(self.target, "", self)
def doExit(self):
self.dbg = None
def getCommandResult(self, command, command_args):
""" Run cmd in the command interpreter and returns (success, output) """
result = lldb.SBCommandReturnObject()
cmd = "%s %s" % (command, command_args)
self.commandInterpreter.HandleCommand(cmd, result)
return (result.Succeeded(), result.GetOutput()
if result.Succeeded() else result.GetError())
def doCommand(
""" Run cmd in interpreter and print result (success or failure) on the vim status line. """
(success, output) = self.getCommandResult(command, command_args)
if success:
self.ui.update(self.target, "", self, goto_file)
if len(output) > 0 and print_on_success:
def getCommandOutput(self, command, command_args=""):
""" runs cmd in the command interpreter andreturns (status, result) """
result = lldb.SBCommandReturnObject()
cmd = "%s %s" % (command, command_args)
self.commandInterpreter.HandleCommand(cmd, result)
return (result.Succeeded(), result.GetOutput()
if result.Succeeded() else result.GetError())
def processPendingEvents(self, wait_seconds=0, goto_file=True):
""" Handle any events that are queued from the inferior.
Blocks for at most wait_seconds, or if wait_seconds == 0,
process only events that are already queued.
status = None
num_events_handled = 0
if self.process is not None:
event = lldb.SBEvent()
old_state = self.process.GetState()
new_state = None
done = False
if old_state == lldb.eStateInvalid or old_state == lldb.eStateExited:
# Early-exit if we are in 'boring' states
while not done and self.processListener is not None:
if not self.processListener.PeekAtNextEvent(event):
if wait_seconds > 0:
# No events on the queue, but we are allowed to wait for wait_seconds
# for any events to show up.
wait_seconds, event)
new_state = lldb.SBProcess.GetStateFromEvent(event)
num_events_handled += 1
done = not self.processListener.PeekAtNextEvent(event)
# An event is on the queue, process it here.
new_state = lldb.SBProcess.GetStateFromEvent(event)
# continue if stopped after attaching
if old_state == lldb.eStateAttaching and new_state == lldb.eStateStopped:
# If needed, perform any event-specific behaviour here
num_events_handled += 1
if num_events_handled == 0:
if old_state == new_state:
status = ""
self.ui.update(self.target, status, self, goto_file)
def returnCompleteCommand(a, l, p):
""" Returns a "\n"-separated string with possible completion results
for command a with length l and cursor at p.
separator = "\n"
results = ctrl.completeCommand(a, l, p)
vim.command('return "%s%s"' % (separator.join(results), separator))
def returnCompleteWindow(a, l, p):
""" Returns a "\n"-separated string with possible completion results
for commands that expect a window name parameter (like hide/show).
FIXME: connect to ctrl.ui instead of hardcoding the list here
separator = "\n"
results = [
vim.command('return "%s%s"' % (separator.join(results), separator))
global ctrl
ctrl = LLDBController()
@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
# Try to import all dependencies, catch and handle the error gracefully if
# it fails.
import import_lldb
import lldb
import vim
except ImportError:
"Unable to load vim/lldb module. Check lldb is on the path is available (or LLDB is set) and that script is invoked inside Vim with :pyfile")
# Everthing went well, so use import to start the plugin controller
from lldb_controller import *
@ -1,669 +0,0 @@
# This file contains implementations of the LLDB display panes in VIM
# The most generic way to define a new window is to inherit from VimPane
# and to implement:
# - get_content() - returns a string with the pane contents
# Optionally, to highlight text, implement:
# - get_highlights() - returns a map
# And call:
# - define_highlight(unique_name, colour)
# at some point in the constructor.
# If the pane shows some key-value data that is in the context of a
# single frame, inherit from FrameKeyValuePane and implement:
# - get_frame_content(self, SBFrame frame)
# If the pane presents some information that can be retrieved with
# a simple LLDB command while the subprocess is stopped, inherit
# from StoppedCommandPane and call:
# - self.setCommand(command, command_args)
# at some point in the constructor.
# Optionally, you can implement:
# - get_selected_line()
# to highlight a selected line and place the cursor there.
# FIXME: implement WatchlistPane to displayed watched expressions
# FIXME: define interface for interactive panes, like catching enter
# presses to change selected frame/thread...
import lldb
import vim
import sys
# ==============================================================
# Get the description of an lldb object or None if not available
# ==============================================================
# Shamelessly copy/pasted from lldbutil.py in the test suite
def get_description(obj, option=None):
"""Calls lldb_obj.GetDescription() and returns a string, or None.
For SBTarget, SBBreakpointLocation, and SBWatchpoint lldb objects, an extra
option can be passed in to describe the detailed level of description
o lldb.eDescriptionLevelBrief
o lldb.eDescriptionLevelFull
o lldb.eDescriptionLevelVerbose
method = getattr(obj, 'GetDescription')
if not method:
return None
tuple = (lldb.SBTarget, lldb.SBBreakpointLocation, lldb.SBWatchpoint)
if isinstance(obj, tuple):
if option is None:
option = lldb.eDescriptionLevelBrief
stream = lldb.SBStream()
if option is None:
success = method(stream)
success = method(stream, option)
if not success:
return None
return stream.GetData()
def get_selected_thread(target):
""" Returns a tuple with (thread, error) where thread == None if error occurs """
process = target.GetProcess()
if process is None or not process.IsValid():
return (None, VimPane.MSG_NO_PROCESS)
thread = process.GetSelectedThread()
if thread is None or not thread.IsValid():
return (None, VimPane.MSG_NO_THREADS)
return (thread, "")
def get_selected_frame(target):
""" Returns a tuple with (frame, error) where frame == None if error occurs """
(thread, error) = get_selected_thread(target)
if thread is None:
return (None, error)
frame = thread.GetSelectedFrame()
if frame is None or not frame.IsValid():
return (None, VimPane.MSG_NO_FRAME)
return (frame, "")
def _cmd(cmd):
vim.command("call confirm('%s')" % cmd)
def move_cursor(line, col=0):
""" moves cursor to specified line and col """
cw = vim.current.window
if cw.cursor[0] != line:
vim.command("execute \"normal %dgg\"" % line)
def winnr():
""" Returns currently selected window number """
return int(vim.eval("winnr()"))
def bufwinnr(name):
""" Returns window number corresponding with buffer name """
return int(vim.eval("bufwinnr('%s')" % name))
def goto_window(nr):
""" go to window number nr"""
if nr != winnr():
vim.command(str(nr) + ' wincmd w')
def goto_next_window():
""" go to next window. """
vim.command('wincmd w')
return (winnr(), vim.current.buffer.name)
def goto_previous_window():
""" go to previously selected window """
vim.command("execute \"normal \\<c-w>p\"")
def have_gui():
""" Returns True if vim is in a gui (Gvim/MacVim), False otherwise. """
return int(vim.eval("has('gui_running')")) == 1
class PaneLayout(object):
""" A container for a (vertical) group layout of VimPanes """
def __init__(self):
self.panes = {}
def havePane(self, name):
""" Returns true if name is a registered pane, False otherwise """
return name in self.panes
def prepare(self, panes=[]):
""" Draw panes on screen. If empty list is provided, show all. """
# If we can't select a window contained in the layout, we are doing a
# first draw
first_draw = not self.selectWindow(True)
did_first_draw = False
# Prepare each registered pane
for name in self.panes:
if name in panes or len(panes) == 0:
if first_draw:
# First window in layout will be created with :vsp, and
# closed later
first_draw = False
did_first_draw = True
if did_first_draw:
# Close the split window
def contains(self, bufferName=None):
""" Returns True if window with name bufferName is contained in the layout, False otherwise.
If bufferName is None, the currently selected window is checked.
if not bufferName:
bufferName = vim.current.buffer.name
for p in self.panes:
if bufferName is not None and bufferName.endswith(p):
return True
return False
def selectWindow(self, select_contained=True):
""" Selects a window contained in the layout (if select_contained = True) and returns True.
If select_contained = False, a window that is not contained is selected. Returns False
if no group windows can be selected.
if select_contained == self.contains():
# Simple case: we are already selected
return True
# Otherwise, switch to next window until we find a contained window, or
# reach the first window again.
first = winnr()
(curnum, curname) = goto_next_window()
while not select_contained == self.contains(
curname) and curnum != first:
(curnum, curname) = goto_next_window()
return self.contains(curname) == select_contained
def hide(self, panes=[]):
""" Hide panes specified. If empty list provided, hide all. """
for name in self.panes:
if name in panes or len(panes) == 0:
def registerForUpdates(self, p):
self.panes[p.name] = p
def update(self, target, controller):
for name in self.panes:
self.panes[name].update(target, controller)
class VimPane(object):
""" A generic base class for a pane that displays stuff """
MSG_NO_TARGET = "Target does not exist."
MSG_NO_PROCESS = "Process does not exist."
MSG_NO_THREADS = "No valid threads."
MSG_NO_FRAME = "No valid frame."
# list of defined highlights, so we avoid re-defining them
highlightTypes = []
def __init__(self, owner, name, open_below=False, height=3):
self.owner = owner
self.name = name
self.buffer = None
self.maxHeight = 20
self.openBelow = open_below
self.height = height
def isPrepared(self):
""" check window is OK """
if self.buffer is None or len(
dir(self.buffer)) == 0 or bufwinnr(self.name) == -1:
return False
return True
def prepare(self, method='new'):
""" check window is OK, if not then create """
if not self.isPrepared():
def on_create(self):
def destroy(self):
""" destroy window """
if self.buffer is None or len(dir(self.buffer)) == 0:
vim.command('bdelete ' + self.name)
def create(self, method):
""" create window """
if method != 'edit':
belowcmd = "below" if self.openBelow else ""
vim.command('silent %s %s %s' % (belowcmd, method, self.name))
vim.command('silent %s %s' % (method, self.name))
self.window = vim.current.window
# Set LLDB pane options
vim.command("setlocal buftype=nofile") # Don't try to open a file
vim.command("setlocal noswapfile") # Don't use a swap file
vim.command("set nonumber") # Don't display line numbers
# vim.command("set nowrap") # Don't wrap text
# Save some parameters and reference to buffer
self.buffer = vim.current.buffer
self.width = int(vim.eval("winwidth(0)"))
self.height = int(vim.eval("winheight(0)"))
def update(self, target, controller):
""" updates buffer contents """
self.target = target
if not self.isPrepared():
# Window is hidden, or otherwise not ready for an update
original_cursor = self.window.cursor
# Select pane
# Clean and update content, and apply any highlights.
if self.write(self.get_content(target, controller)):
cursor = self.get_selected_line()
if cursor is None:
# Place the cursor at its original position in the window
cursor_line = min(original_cursor[0], len(self.buffer))
cursor_col = min(
original_cursor[1], len(
cursor_line - 1]))
# Place the cursor at the location requested by a VimPane
# implementation
cursor_line = min(cursor, len(self.buffer))
cursor_col = self.window.cursor[1]
self.window.cursor = (cursor_line, cursor_col)
def get_selected_line(self):
""" Returns the line number to move the cursor to, or None to leave
it where the user last left it.
Subclasses implement this to define custom behaviour.
return None
def apply_highlights(self):
""" Highlights each set of lines in each highlight group """
highlights = self.get_highlights()
for highlightType in highlights:
lines = highlights[highlightType]
if len(lines) == 0:
cmd = 'match %s /' % highlightType
lines = ['\%' + '%d' % line + 'l' for line in lines]
cmd += '\\|'.join(lines)
cmd += '/'
def define_highlight(self, name, colour):
""" Defines highlihght """
if name in VimPane.highlightTypes:
# highlight already defined
"highlight %s ctermbg=%s guibg=%s" %
(name, colour, colour))
def write(self, msg):
""" replace buffer with msg"""
msg = str(msg.encode("utf-8", "replace")).split('\n')
vim.command("execute \"normal ggdd\"")
except vim.error:
# cannot update window; happens when vim is exiting.
return False
move_cursor(1, 0)
return True
def clean(self):
""" clean all datas in buffer """
#self.buffer[:] = None
def get_content(self, target, controller):
""" subclasses implement this to provide pane content """
assert(0 and "pane subclass must implement this")
def get_highlights(self):
""" Subclasses implement this to provide pane highlights.
This function is expected to return a map of:
{ highlight_name ==> [line_number, ...], ... }
return {}
class FrameKeyValuePane(VimPane):
def __init__(self, owner, name, open_below):
""" Initialize parent, define member variables, choose which highlight
to use based on whether or not we have a gui (MacVim/Gvim).
VimPane.__init__(self, owner, name, open_below)
# Map-of-maps key/value history { frame --> { variable_name,
# variable_value } }
self.frameValues = {}
if have_gui():
self.changedHighlight = VimPane.CHANGED_VALUE_HIGHLIGHT_NAME_GUI
self.changedHighlight = VimPane.CHANGED_VALUE_HIGHLIGHT_NAME_TERM
def format_pair(self, key, value, changed=False):
""" Formats a key/value pair. Appends a '*' if changed == True """
marker = '*' if changed else ' '
return "%s %s = %s\n" % (marker, key, value)
def get_content(self, target, controller):
""" Get content for a frame-aware pane. Also builds the list of lines that
need highlighting (i.e. changed values.)
if target is None or not target.IsValid():
return VimPane.MSG_NO_TARGET
self.changedLines = []
(frame, err) = get_selected_frame(target)
if frame is None:
return err
output = get_description(frame)
lineNum = 1
# Retrieve the last values displayed for this frame
frameId = get_description(frame.GetBlock())
if frameId in self.frameValues:
frameOldValues = self.frameValues[frameId]
frameOldValues = {}
# Read the frame variables
vals = self.get_frame_content(frame)
for (key, value) in vals:
lineNum += 1
if len(frameOldValues) == 0 or (
key in frameOldValues and frameOldValues[key] == value):
output += self.format_pair(key, value)
output += self.format_pair(key, value, True)
# Save values as oldValues
newValues = {}
for (key, value) in vals:
newValues[key] = value
self.frameValues[frameId] = newValues
return output
def get_highlights(self):
ret = {}
ret[self.changedHighlight] = self.changedLines
return ret
class LocalsPane(FrameKeyValuePane):
""" Pane that displays local variables """
def __init__(self, owner, name='locals'):
FrameKeyValuePane.__init__(self, owner, name, open_below=True)
# FIXME: allow users to customize display of args/locals/statics/scope
self.arguments = True
self.show_locals = True
self.show_statics = True
self.show_in_scope_only = True
def format_variable(self, var):
""" Returns a Tuple of strings "(Type) Name", "Value" for SBValue var """
val = var.GetValue()
if val is None:
# If the value is too big, SBValue.GetValue() returns None; replace
# with ...
val = "..."
return ("(%s) %s" % (var.GetTypeName(), var.GetName()), "%s" % val)
def get_frame_content(self, frame):
""" Returns list of key-value pairs of local variables in frame """
vals = frame.GetVariables(self.arguments,
return [self.format_variable(x) for x in vals]
class RegistersPane(FrameKeyValuePane):
""" Pane that displays the contents of registers """
def __init__(self, owner, name='registers'):
FrameKeyValuePane.__init__(self, owner, name, open_below=True)
def format_register(self, reg):
""" Returns a tuple of strings ("name", "value") for SBRegister reg. """
name = reg.GetName()
val = reg.GetValue()
if val is None:
val = "..."
return (name, val.strip())
def get_frame_content(self, frame):
""" Returns a list of key-value pairs ("name", "value") of registers in frame """
result = []
for register_sets in frame.GetRegisters():
# hack the register group name into the list of registers...
result.append((" = = %s =" % register_sets.GetName(), ""))
for reg in register_sets:
return result
class CommandPane(VimPane):
""" Pane that displays the output of an LLDB command """
def __init__(self, owner, name, open_below, process_required=True):
VimPane.__init__(self, owner, name, open_below)
self.process_required = process_required
def setCommand(self, command, args=""):
self.command = command
self.args = args
def get_content(self, target, controller):
output = ""
if not target:
output = VimPane.MSG_NO_TARGET
elif self.process_required and not target.GetProcess():
output = VimPane.MSG_NO_PROCESS
(success, output) = controller.getCommandOutput(
self.command, self.args)
return output
class StoppedCommandPane(CommandPane):
""" Pane that displays the output of an LLDB command when the process is
stopped; otherwise displays process status. This class also implements
highlighting for a single line (to show a single-line selected entity.)
def __init__(self, owner, name, open_below):
""" Initialize parent and define highlight to use for selected line. """
CommandPane.__init__(self, owner, name, open_below)
if have_gui():
self.selectedHighlight = VimPane.SELECTED_HIGHLIGHT_NAME_GUI
self.selectedHighlight = VimPane.SELECTED_HIGHLIGHT_NAME_TERM
def get_content(self, target, controller):
""" Returns the output of a command that relies on the process being stopped.
If the process is not in 'stopped' state, the process status is returned.
output = ""
if not target or not target.IsValid():
output = VimPane.MSG_NO_TARGET
elif not target.GetProcess() or not target.GetProcess().IsValid():
output = VimPane.MSG_NO_PROCESS
elif target.GetProcess().GetState() == lldb.eStateStopped:
(success, output) = controller.getCommandOutput(
self.command, self.args)
(success, output) = controller.getCommandOutput("process", "status")
return output
def get_highlights(self):
""" Highlight the line under the cursor. Users moving the cursor has
no effect on the selected line.
ret = {}
line = self.get_selected_line()
if line is not None:
ret[self.selectedHighlight] = [line]
return ret
return ret
def get_selected_line(self):
""" Subclasses implement this to control where the cursor (and selected highlight)
is placed.
return None
class DisassemblyPane(CommandPane):
""" Pane that displays disassembly around PC """
def __init__(self, owner, name='disassembly'):
CommandPane.__init__(self, owner, name, open_below=True)
# FIXME: let users customize the number of instructions to disassemble
self.setCommand("disassemble", "-c %d -p" % self.maxHeight)
class ThreadPane(StoppedCommandPane):
""" Pane that displays threads list """
def __init__(self, owner, name='threads'):
StoppedCommandPane.__init__(self, owner, name, open_below=False)
self.setCommand("thread", "list")
# FIXME: the function below assumes threads are listed in sequential order,
# which turns out to not be the case. Highlighting of selected thread
# will be disabled until this can be fixed. LLDB prints a '*' anyways
# beside the selected thread, so this is not too big of a problem.
# def get_selected_line(self):
# """ Place the cursor on the line with the selected entity.
# Subclasses should override this to customize selection.
# Formula: selected_line = selected_thread_id + 1
# """
# (thread, err) = get_selected_thread(self.target)
# if thread is None:
# return None
# else:
# return thread.GetIndexID() + 1
class BacktracePane(StoppedCommandPane):
""" Pane that displays backtrace """
def __init__(self, owner, name='backtrace'):
StoppedCommandPane.__init__(self, owner, name, open_below=False)
self.setCommand("bt", "")
def get_selected_line(self):
""" Returns the line number in the buffer with the selected frame.
Formula: selected_line = selected_frame_id + 2
FIXME: the above formula hack does not work when the function return
value is printed in the bt window; the wrong line is highlighted.
(frame, err) = get_selected_frame(self.target)
if frame is None:
return None
return frame.GetFrameID() + 2
class BreakpointsPane(CommandPane):
def __init__(self, owner, name='breakpoints'):
self.setCommand("breakpoint", "list")
@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
# Classes responsible for drawing signs in the Vim user interface.
import vim
class VimSign(object):
# unique sign id (for ':[sign/highlight] define)
sign_id = 1
# unique name id (for ':sign place')
name_id = 1
# Map of {(sign_text, highlight_colour) --> sign_name}
defined_signs = {}
def __init__(self, sign_text, buffer, line_number, highlight_colour=None):
""" Define the sign and highlight (if applicable) and show the sign. """
# Get the sign name, either by defining it, or looking it up in the map
# of defined signs
key = (sign_text, highlight_colour)
if key not in VimSign.defined_signs:
name = self.define(sign_text, highlight_colour)
name = VimSign.defined_signs[key]
self.show(name, buffer.number, line_number)
def define(self, sign_text, highlight_colour):
""" Defines sign and highlight (if highlight_colour is not None). """
sign_name = "sign%d" % VimSign.name_id
if highlight_colour is None:
vim.command("sign define %s text=%s" % (sign_name, sign_text))
self.highlight_name = "highlight%d" % VimSign.name_id
"highlight %s ctermbg=%s guibg=%s" %
(self.highlight_name, highlight_colour, highlight_colour))
"sign define %s text=%s linehl=%s texthl=%s" %
(sign_name, sign_text, self.highlight_name, self.highlight_name))
VimSign.defined_signs[(sign_text, highlight_colour)] = sign_name
VimSign.name_id += 1
return sign_name
def show(self, name, buffer_number, line_number):
self.id = VimSign.sign_id
VimSign.sign_id += 1
vim.command("sign place %d name=%s line=%d buffer=%s" %
(self.id, name, line_number, buffer_number))
def hide(self):
vim.command("sign unplace %d" % self.id)
class BreakpointSign(VimSign):
def __init__(self, buffer, line_number, is_resolved):
super(BreakpointSign, self).__init__(txt, buffer, line_number)
class PCSign(VimSign):
def __init__(self, buffer, line_number, is_selected_thread):
VimSign.SIGN_HIGHLIGHT_COLOUR_PC if is_selected_thread else None)
@ -1,257 +0,0 @@
# LLDB UI state in the Vim user interface.
from __future__ import print_function
import os
import re
import sys
import lldb
import vim
from vim_panes import *
from vim_signs import *
def is_same_file(a, b):
""" returns true if paths a and b are the same file """
a = os.path.realpath(a)
b = os.path.realpath(b)
return a in b or b in a
class UI:
def __init__(self):
""" Declare UI state variables """
# Default panes to display
self.defaultPanes = [
# map of tuples (filename, line) --> SBBreakpoint
self.markedBreakpoints = {}
# Currently shown signs
self.breakpointSigns = {}
self.pcSigns = []
# Container for panes
self.paneCol = PaneLayout()
# All possible LLDB panes
self.backtracePane = BacktracePane(self.paneCol)
self.threadPane = ThreadPane(self.paneCol)
self.disassemblyPane = DisassemblyPane(self.paneCol)
self.localsPane = LocalsPane(self.paneCol)
self.registersPane = RegistersPane(self.paneCol)
self.breakPane = BreakpointsPane(self.paneCol)
def activate(self):
""" Activate UI: display default set of panes """
def get_user_buffers(self, filter_name=None):
""" Returns a list of buffers that are not a part of the LLDB UI. That is, they
are not contained in the PaneLayout object self.paneCol.
ret = []
for w in vim.windows:
b = w.buffer
if not self.paneCol.contains(b.name):
if filter_name is None or filter_name in b.name:
return ret
def update_pc(self, process, buffers, goto_file):
""" Place the PC sign on the PC location of each thread's selected frame """
def GetPCSourceLocation(thread):
""" Returns a tuple (thread_index, file, line, column) that represents where
the PC sign should be placed for a thread.
frame = thread.GetSelectedFrame()
frame_num = frame.GetFrameID()
le = frame.GetLineEntry()
while not le.IsValid() and frame_num < thread.GetNumFrames():
frame_num += 1
le = thread.GetFrameAtIndex(frame_num).GetLineEntry()
if le.IsValid():
path = os.path.join(
return (
return None
# Clear all existing PC signs
del_list = []
for sign in self.pcSigns:
for sign in del_list:
del sign
# Select a user (non-lldb) window
if not self.paneCol.selectWindow(False):
# No user window found; avoid clobbering by splitting
# Show a PC marker for each thread
for thread in process:
loc = GetPCSourceLocation(thread)
if not loc:
# no valid source locations for PCs. hide all existing PC
# markers
buf = None
(tid, fname, line, col) = loc
buffers = self.get_user_buffers(fname)
is_selected = thread.GetIndexID() == process.GetSelectedThread().GetIndexID()
if len(buffers) == 1:
buf = buffers[0]
if buf != vim.current.buffer:
# Vim has an open buffer to the required file: select it
vim.command('execute ":%db"' % buf.number)
elif is_selected and vim.current.buffer.name not in fname and os.path.exists(fname) and goto_file:
# FIXME: If current buffer is modified, vim will complain when we try to switch away.
# Find a way to detect if the current buffer is modified,
# and...warn instead?
vim.command('execute ":e %s"' % fname)
buf = vim.current.buffer
elif len(buffers) > 1 and goto_file:
# FIXME: multiple open buffers match PC location
self.pcSigns.append(PCSign(buf, line, is_selected))
if is_selected and goto_file:
# if the selected file has a PC marker, move the cursor there
# too
curname = vim.current.buffer.name
if curname is not None and is_same_file(curname, fname):
move_cursor(line, 0)
elif move_cursor:
print("FIXME: not sure where to move cursor because %s != %s " % (vim.current.buffer.name, fname))
def update_breakpoints(self, target, buffers):
""" Decorates buffer with signs corresponding to breakpoints in target. """
def GetBreakpointLocations(bp):
""" Returns a list of tuples (resolved, filename, line) where a breakpoint was resolved. """
if not bp.IsValid():
sys.stderr.write("breakpoint is invalid, no locations")
return []
ret = []
numLocs = bp.GetNumLocations()
for i in range(numLocs):
loc = bp.GetLocationAtIndex(i)
desc = get_description(loc, lldb.eDescriptionLevelFull)
match = re.search('at\ ([^:]+):([\d]+)', desc)
lineNum = int(match.group(2).strip())
ret.append((loc.IsResolved(), match.group(1), lineNum))
except ValueError as e:
"unable to parse breakpoint location line number: '%s'" %
return ret
if target is None or not target.IsValid():
needed_bps = {}
for bp_index in range(target.GetNumBreakpoints()):
bp = target.GetBreakpointAtIndex(bp_index)
locations = GetBreakpointLocations(bp)
for (is_resolved, file, line) in GetBreakpointLocations(bp):
for buf in buffers:
if file in buf.name:
needed_bps[(buf, line, is_resolved)] = bp
# Hide any signs that correspond with disabled breakpoints
del_list = []
for (b, l, r) in self.breakpointSigns:
if (b, l, r) not in needed_bps:
self.breakpointSigns[(b, l, r)].hide()
del_list.append((b, l, r))
for d in del_list:
del self.breakpointSigns[d]
# Show any signs for new breakpoints
for (b, l, r) in needed_bps:
bp = needed_bps[(b, l, r)]
if self.haveBreakpoint(b.name, l):
self.markedBreakpoints[(b.name, l)].append(bp)
self.markedBreakpoints[(b.name, l)] = [bp]
if (b, l, r) not in self.breakpointSigns:
s = BreakpointSign(b, l, r)
self.breakpointSigns[(b, l, r)] = s
def update(self, target, status, controller, goto_file=False):
""" Updates debugger info panels and breakpoint/pc marks and prints
status to the vim status line. If goto_file is True, the user's
cursor is moved to the source PC location in the selected frame.
self.paneCol.update(target, controller)
self.update_breakpoints(target, self.get_user_buffers())
if target is not None and target.IsValid():
process = target.GetProcess()
if process is not None and process.IsValid():
self.update_pc(process, self.get_user_buffers, goto_file)
if status is not None and len(status) > 0:
def haveBreakpoint(self, file, line):
""" Returns True if we have a breakpoint at file:line, False otherwise """
return (file, line) in self.markedBreakpoints
def getBreakpoints(self, fname, line):
""" Returns the LLDB SBBreakpoint object at fname:line """
if self.haveBreakpoint(fname, line):
return self.markedBreakpoints[(fname, line)]
return None
def deleteBreakpoints(self, name, line):
del self.markedBreakpoints[(name, line)]
def showWindow(self, name):
""" Shows (un-hides) window pane specified by name """
if not self.paneCol.havePane(name):
sys.stderr.write("unknown window: %s" % name)
return False
return True
def hideWindow(self, name):
""" Hides window pane specified by name """
if not self.paneCol.havePane(name):
sys.stderr.write("unknown window: %s" % name)
return False
return True
global ui
ui = UI()
Reference in New Issue
Block a user