/* Global headerfile of the OpenMP Testsuite */ #ifndef OMP_TESTSUITE_H #define OMP_TESTSUITE_H #include #include #include /* General */ /**********************************************************/ #define LOOPCOUNT 1000 /* Number of iterations to slit amongst threads */ #define REPETITIONS 10 /* Number of times to run each test */ /* following times are in seconds */ #define SLEEPTIME 1 /* Definitions for tasks */ /**********************************************************/ #define NUM_TASKS 25 #define MAX_TASKS_PER_THREAD 5 // Functions that call a parallel region that does very minimal work // Some compilers may optimize away an empty parallel region volatile int g_counter__; // If nthreads == 0, then do not use num_threads() clause static void go_parallel() { g_counter__ = 0; #pragma omp parallel { #pragma omp atomic g_counter__++; } } static void go_parallel_nthreads(int nthreads) { g_counter__ = 0; #pragma omp parallel num_threads(nthreads) { #pragma omp atomic g_counter__++; } } static void go_parallel_spread() { g_counter__ = 0; #pragma omp parallel proc_bind(spread) { #pragma omp atomic g_counter__++; } } static void go_parallel_close() { g_counter__ = 0; #pragma omp parallel proc_bind(close) { #pragma omp atomic g_counter__++; } } static void go_parallel_master() { g_counter__ = 0; #pragma omp parallel proc_bind(master) { #pragma omp atomic g_counter__++; } } static inline int get_exit_value() { return ((g_counter__ == -1) ? EXIT_FAILURE : EXIT_SUCCESS); } #ifdef _WIN32 // Windows versions of pthread_create() and pthread_join() # include typedef HANDLE pthread_t; // encapsulates the information about a pthread-callable function struct thread_func_info_t { void* (*start_routine)(void*); void* arg; }; // call the void* start_routine(void*); static DWORD WINAPI __thread_func_wrapper(LPVOID lpParameter) { struct thread_func_info_t* function_information; function_information = (struct thread_func_info_t*)lpParameter; function_information->start_routine(function_information->arg); free(function_information); return 0; } // attr is ignored static int pthread_create(pthread_t *thread, void *attr, void *(*start_routine) (void *), void *arg) { pthread_t pthread; struct thread_func_info_t* info; info = (struct thread_func_info_t*)malloc(sizeof(struct thread_func_info_t)); info->start_routine = start_routine; info->arg = arg; pthread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, __thread_func_wrapper, info, 0, NULL); if (pthread == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "CreateThread() failed: Error #%u.\n", (unsigned) GetLastError()); exit(1); } *thread = pthread; return 0; } // retval is ignored for now static int pthread_join(pthread_t thread, void **retval) { int rc; rc = WaitForSingleObject(thread, INFINITE); if (rc == WAIT_FAILED) { fprintf(stderr, "WaitForSingleObject() failed: Error #%u.\n", (unsigned) GetLastError()); exit(1); } rc = CloseHandle(thread); if (rc == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "CloseHandle() failed: Error #%u.\n", (unsigned) GetLastError()); exit(1); } return 0; } #else # include #endif #endif