# Please add "source /path/to/bash-autocomplete.sh" to your .bashrc to use this. _clang() { local cur prev words cword arg flags _init_completion -n : || return # bash always separates '=' as a token even if there's no space before/after '='. # On the other hand, '=' is just a regular character for clang options that # contain '='. For example, "-stdlib=" is defined as is, instead of "-stdlib" and "=". # So, we need to partially undo bash tokenization here for integrity. local w1="${COMP_WORDS[$cword - 1]}" local w2="${COMP_WORDS[$cword - 2]}" if [[ "$cur" == -* ]]; then # -foo arg="$cur" elif [[ "$w1" == -* && "$cur" == '=' ]]; then # -foo= arg="$w1=," elif [[ "$w1" == -* ]]; then # -foo or -foo bar arg="$w1,$cur" elif [[ "$w2" == -* && "$w1" == '=' ]]; then # -foo=bar arg="$w2=,$cur" fi flags=$( "${COMP_WORDS[0]}" --autocomplete="$arg" 2>/dev/null ) # If clang is old that it does not support --autocomplete, # fall back to the filename completion. if [[ "$?" != 0 ]]; then _filedir return fi if [[ "$cur" == '=' ]]; then COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "$flags" -- "") ) elif [[ "$flags" == "" || "$arg" == "" ]]; then _filedir else # Bash automatically appends a space after '=' by default. # Disable it so that it works nicely for options in the form of -foo=bar. [[ "${flags: -1}" == '=' ]] && compopt -o nospace COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "$flags" -- "$cur" ) ) fi } complete -F _clang clang