! RUN: %python %S/test_errors.py %s %flang_fc1 ! Test 8.5.18 constraints on the VALUE attribute module m type :: hasCoarray real, allocatable :: coarray[:] end type contains !ERROR: VALUE attribute may apply only to a dummy data object subroutine C863(notData,assumedSize,coarray,coarrayComponent) external :: notData !ERROR: VALUE attribute may apply only to a dummy argument real, value :: notADummy value :: notData !ERROR: VALUE attribute may not apply to an assumed-size array real, value :: assumedSize(10,*) !ERROR: VALUE attribute may not apply to a coarray real, value :: coarray[*] !ERROR: VALUE attribute may not apply to a type with a coarray ultimate component type(hasCoarray), value :: coarrayComponent end subroutine subroutine C864(allocatable, inout, out, pointer, volatile) !ERROR: VALUE attribute may not apply to an ALLOCATABLE real, value, allocatable :: allocatable !ERROR: VALUE attribute may not apply to an INTENT(IN OUT) argument real, value, intent(in out) :: inout !ERROR: VALUE attribute may not apply to an INTENT(OUT) argument real, value, intent(out) :: out !ERROR: VALUE attribute may not apply to a POINTER real, value, pointer :: pointer !ERROR: VALUE attribute may not apply to a VOLATILE real, value, volatile :: volatile end subroutine subroutine C865(optional) bind(c) !ERROR: VALUE attribute may not apply to an OPTIONAL in a BIND(C) procedure real, value, optional :: optional end subroutine end module