# See www/CMake.html for instructions on how to build libcxxabi with CMake. if (NOT IS_DIRECTORY "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/../libcxx") message(FATAL_ERROR "libc++abi now requires being built in a monorepo layout with libcxx available") endif() #=============================================================================== # Setup Project #=============================================================================== cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.13.4) set(LLVM_COMMON_CMAKE_UTILS "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../cmake") # Add path for custom modules list(INSERT CMAKE_MODULE_PATH 0 "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/Modules" "${LLVM_COMMON_CMAKE_UTILS}" "${LLVM_COMMON_CMAKE_UTILS}/Modules" ) set(CMAKE_FOLDER "libc++") set(LIBCXXABI_SOURCE_DIR ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}) set(LIBCXXABI_BINARY_DIR ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}) set(LIBCXXABI_LIBCXX_PATH "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/../libcxx" CACHE PATH "Specify path to libc++ source.") if (CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR STREQUAL CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR OR LIBCXXABI_STANDALONE_BUILD) message(FATAL_ERROR "The Standalone build has been deprecated since LLVM 14, and it is not supported anymore. " "Please use one of the ways described at https://libcxx.llvm.org/BuildingLibcxx.html for " "building libc++abi.") project(libcxxabi CXX C) set(PACKAGE_NAME libcxxabi) set(PACKAGE_VERSION 11.0.0git) set(PACKAGE_STRING "${PACKAGE_NAME} ${PACKAGE_VERSION}") set(PACKAGE_BUGREPORT "llvm-bugs@lists.llvm.org") set(LIBCXXABI_STANDALONE_BUILD TRUE) # In a standalone build, we don't have llvm to automatically generate the # llvm-lit script for us. So we need to provide an explicit directory that # the configurator should write the script into. set(LLVM_LIT_OUTPUT_DIR "${LIBCXXABI_BINARY_DIR}/bin") endif() # Must go below project(..) include(GNUInstallDirs) if (LIBCXXABI_STANDALONE_BUILD) # Find the LLVM sources and simulate LLVM CMake options. include(HandleOutOfTreeLLVM) find_package(Python3 COMPONENTS Interpreter) if(NOT Python3_Interpreter_FOUND) message(WARNING "Python3 not found, using python2 as a fallback") find_package(Python2 COMPONENTS Interpreter REQUIRED) if(Python2_VERSION VERSION_LESS 2.7) message(SEND_ERROR "Python 2.7 or newer is required") endif() # Treat python2 as python3 add_executable(Python3::Interpreter IMPORTED) set_target_properties(Python3::Interpreter PROPERTIES IMPORTED_LOCATION ${Python2_EXECUTABLE}) set(Python3_EXECUTABLE ${Python2_EXECUTABLE}) endif() endif() # Require out of source build. include(MacroEnsureOutOfSourceBuild) MACRO_ENSURE_OUT_OF_SOURCE_BUILD( "${PROJECT_NAME} requires an out of source build. Please create a separate build directory and run 'cmake /path/to/${PROJECT_NAME} [options]' there." ) #=============================================================================== # Setup CMake Options #=============================================================================== include(CMakeDependentOption) include(HandleCompilerRT) # Define options. option(LIBCXXABI_ENABLE_EXCEPTIONS "Provide support for exceptions in the runtime. When disabled, libc++abi does not support stack unwinding and other exceptions-related features." ON) option(LIBCXXABI_ENABLE_ASSERTIONS "Enable assertions independent of build mode." ON) option(LIBCXXABI_ENABLE_PEDANTIC "Compile with pedantic enabled." ON) option(LIBCXXABI_ENABLE_WERROR "Fail and stop if a warning is triggered." OFF) option(LIBCXXABI_USE_LLVM_UNWINDER "Build and use the LLVM unwinder." OFF) option(LIBCXXABI_ENABLE_STATIC_UNWINDER "Statically link the LLVM unwinder." OFF) option(LIBCXXABI_USE_COMPILER_RT "Use compiler-rt instead of libgcc" OFF) option(LIBCXXABI_ENABLE_THREADS "Build with threads enabled" ON) option(LIBCXXABI_HAS_PTHREAD_API "Ignore auto-detection and force use of pthread API" OFF) option(LIBCXXABI_HAS_WIN32_THREAD_API "Ignore auto-detection and force use of win32 thread API" OFF) option(LIBCXXABI_HAS_EXTERNAL_THREAD_API "Build libc++abi with an externalized threading API. This option may only be set to ON when LIBCXXABI_ENABLE_THREADS=ON." OFF) option(LIBCXXABI_BUILD_EXTERNAL_THREAD_LIBRARY "Build libc++abi with an externalized threading library. This option may only be set to ON when LIBCXXABI_ENABLE_THREADS=ON" OFF) option(LIBCXXABI_ENABLE_FORGIVING_DYNAMIC_CAST "Make dynamic_cast more forgiving when type_info's mistakenly have hidden \ visibility, and thus multiple type_infos can exist for a single type. \ When the dynamic_cast would normally fail, this option will cause the \ library to try comparing the type_info names to see if they are equal \ instead." OFF) option(LIBCXXABI_ENABLE_NEW_DELETE_DEFINITIONS "Build libc++abi with definitions for operator new/delete. These are normally defined in libc++abi, but it is also possible to define them in libc++, in which case the definition in libc++abi should be turned off." ON) option(LIBCXXABI_BUILD_32_BITS "Build 32 bit multilib libc++abi. This option is not supported anymore when building the runtimes. Please specify a full triple instead." ${LLVM_BUILD_32_BITS}) if (LIBCXXABI_BUILD_32_BITS) message(FATAL_ERROR "LIBCXXABI_BUILD_32_BITS is not supported anymore when building the runtimes, please specify a full triple instead.") endif() option(LIBCXXABI_INCLUDE_TESTS "Generate build targets for the libc++abi unit tests." ${LLVM_INCLUDE_TESTS}) set(LIBCXXABI_LIBDIR_SUFFIX "${LLVM_LIBDIR_SUFFIX}" CACHE STRING "Define suffix of library directory name (32/64)") option(LIBCXXABI_INSTALL_HEADERS "Install the libc++abi headers." ON) option(LIBCXXABI_INSTALL_LIBRARY "Install the libc++abi library." ON) set(LIBCXXABI_INSTALL_INCLUDE_DIR "include/c++/v1" CACHE PATH "Path to install the libc++abi headers at.") # TODO: Remove this after branching for LLVM 15 if(LIBCXXABI_SYSROOT OR LIBCXXABI_TARGET_TRIPLE OR LIBCXXABI_GCC_TOOLCHAIN) message(WARNING "LIBCXXABI_SYSROOT, LIBCXXABI_TARGET_TRIPLE and LIBCXXABI_GCC_TOOLCHAIN are not supported anymore, please use the native CMake equivalents instead") endif() set(LIBCXXABI_LIBCXX_LIBRARY_PATH "" CACHE PATH "The path to libc++ library.") set(LIBCXXABI_LIBRARY_VERSION "1.0" CACHE STRING "Version of libc++abi. This will be reflected in the name of the shared \ library produced. For example, -DLIBCXXABI_LIBRARY_VERSION=x.y will \ result in the library being named libc++abi.x.y.dylib, along with the \ usual symlinks pointing to that.") # Default to building a shared library so that the default options still test # the libc++abi that is being built. There are two problems with testing a # static libc++abi. In the case of a standalone build, the tests will link the # system's libc++, which might not have been built against our libc++abi. In the # case of an in tree build, libc++ will prefer a dynamic libc++abi from the # system over a static libc++abi from the output directory. option(LIBCXXABI_ENABLE_SHARED "Build libc++abi as a shared library." ON) option(LIBCXXABI_ENABLE_STATIC "Build libc++abi as a static library." ON) cmake_dependent_option(LIBCXXABI_INSTALL_STATIC_LIBRARY "Install the static libc++abi library." ON "LIBCXXABI_ENABLE_STATIC;LIBCXXABI_INSTALL_LIBRARY" OFF) cmake_dependent_option(LIBCXXABI_INSTALL_SHARED_LIBRARY "Install the shared libc++abi library." ON "LIBCXXABI_ENABLE_SHARED;LIBCXXABI_INSTALL_LIBRARY" OFF) cmake_dependent_option(LIBCXXABI_STATICALLY_LINK_UNWINDER_IN_STATIC_LIBRARY "Statically link the LLVM unwinder to static library" ON "LIBCXXABI_ENABLE_STATIC_UNWINDER;LIBCXXABI_ENABLE_STATIC" OFF) cmake_dependent_option(LIBCXXABI_STATICALLY_LINK_UNWINDER_IN_SHARED_LIBRARY "Statically link the LLVM unwinder to shared library" ON "LIBCXXABI_ENABLE_STATIC_UNWINDER;LIBCXXABI_ENABLE_SHARED" OFF) option(LIBCXXABI_BAREMETAL "Build libc++abi for baremetal targets." OFF) # The default terminate handler attempts to demangle uncaught exceptions, which # causes extra I/O and demangling code to be pulled in. option(LIBCXXABI_SILENT_TERMINATE "Set this to make the terminate handler default to a silent alternative" OFF) option(LIBCXXABI_NON_DEMANGLING_TERMINATE "Set this to make the terminate handler avoid demangling" OFF) if (NOT LIBCXXABI_ENABLE_SHARED AND NOT LIBCXXABI_ENABLE_STATIC) message(FATAL_ERROR "libc++abi must be built as either a shared or static library.") endif() # TODO: This is a workaround for the fact that Standalone builds can't use # targets from the other runtimes (so the cxx-headers target doesn't exist). set(LIBCXXABI_LIBCXX_INCLUDES "" CACHE PATH "Specify path to libc++ includes.") if (LIBCXXABI_STANDALONE_BUILD) if (NOT IS_DIRECTORY ${LIBCXXABI_LIBCXX_INCLUDES}) message(FATAL_ERROR "LIBCXXABI_LIBCXX_INCLUDES=${LIBCXXABI_LIBCXX_INCLUDES} is not a valid directory. " "Please provide the path to where the libc++ headers have been installed.") endif() add_library(cxx-headers INTERFACE) if("${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID}" STREQUAL "MSVC" OR "${CMAKE_CXX_SIMULATE_ID}" STREQUAL "MSVC") target_compile_options(cxx-headers INTERFACE /I "${LIBCXXABI_LIBCXX_INCLUDES}") else() target_compile_options(cxx-headers INTERFACE -I "${LIBCXXABI_LIBCXX_INCLUDES}") endif() endif() option(LIBCXXABI_HERMETIC_STATIC_LIBRARY "Do not export any symbols from the static library." OFF) set(LIBCXXABI_TEST_CONFIG "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/test/lit.site.cfg.in" CACHE STRING "The path to the Lit testing configuration to use when running the tests. If a relative path is provided, it is assumed to be relative to '/libcxxabi/test/configs'.") if (NOT IS_ABSOLUTE "${LIBCXXABI_TEST_CONFIG}") set(LIBCXXABI_TEST_CONFIG "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/test/configs/${LIBCXXABI_TEST_CONFIG}") endif() set(LIBCXXABI_TEST_PARAMS "" CACHE STRING "A list of parameters to run the Lit test suite with.") #=============================================================================== # Configure System #=============================================================================== # Add path for custom modules set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/Modules" ${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH} ) set(LIBCXXABI_INSTALL_RUNTIME_DIR "${CMAKE_INSTALL_BINDIR}" CACHE PATH "Path where built libc++abi runtime libraries should be installed.") if(LLVM_ENABLE_PER_TARGET_RUNTIME_DIR AND NOT APPLE) set(LIBCXXABI_HEADER_DIR ${LLVM_BINARY_DIR}) set(LIBCXXABI_LIBRARY_DIR ${LLVM_LIBRARY_OUTPUT_INTDIR}/${LLVM_DEFAULT_TARGET_TRIPLE}) set(LIBCXXABI_INSTALL_LIBRARY_DIR lib${LLVM_LIBDIR_SUFFIX}/${LLVM_DEFAULT_TARGET_TRIPLE} CACHE PATH "Path where built libc++abi libraries should be installed.") if(LIBCXX_LIBDIR_SUBDIR) string(APPEND LIBCXXABI_LIBRARY_DIR /${LIBCXXABI_LIBDIR_SUBDIR}) string(APPEND LIBCXXABI_INSTALL_LIBRARY_DIR /${LIBCXXABI_LIBDIR_SUBDIR}) endif() else() if(LLVM_LIBRARY_OUTPUT_INTDIR) set(LIBCXXABI_HEADER_DIR ${LLVM_BINARY_DIR}) set(LIBCXXABI_LIBRARY_DIR ${LLVM_LIBRARY_OUTPUT_INTDIR}) else() set(LIBCXXABI_HEADER_DIR ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}) set(LIBCXXABI_LIBRARY_DIR ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/lib${LIBCXXABI_LIBDIR_SUFFIX}) endif() set(LIBCXXABI_INSTALL_LIBRARY_DIR lib${LIBCXXABI_LIBDIR_SUFFIX} CACHE PATH "Path where built libc++abi libraries should be installed.") endif() set(CMAKE_ARCHIVE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY ${LIBCXXABI_LIBRARY_DIR}) set(CMAKE_LIBRARY_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY ${LIBCXXABI_LIBRARY_DIR}) set(CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY ${LIBCXXABI_LIBRARY_DIR}) # By default, for non-standalone builds, libcxx and libcxxabi share a library # directory. if (NOT LIBCXXABI_LIBCXX_LIBRARY_PATH) set(LIBCXXABI_LIBCXX_LIBRARY_PATH "${LIBCXXABI_LIBRARY_DIR}" CACHE PATH "The path to libc++ library." FORCE) endif() # Declare libc++abi configuration variables. # They are intended for use as follows: # LIBCXXABI_C_FLAGS: General flags for both the c++ compiler and linker. # LIBCXXABI_CXX_FLAGS: General flags for both the c++ compiler and linker. # LIBCXXABI_COMPILE_FLAGS: Compile only flags. # LIBCXXABI_LINK_FLAGS: Linker only flags. # LIBCXXABI_LIBRARIES: libraries libc++abi is linked to. set(LIBCXXABI_C_FLAGS "") set(LIBCXXABI_CXX_FLAGS "") set(LIBCXXABI_COMPILE_FLAGS "") set(LIBCXXABI_LINK_FLAGS "") set(LIBCXXABI_LIBRARIES "") # Include macros for adding and removing libc++abi flags. include(HandleLibcxxabiFlags) #=============================================================================== # Setup Compiler Flags #=============================================================================== # Configure target flags if(ZOS) add_target_flags_if_supported("-fzos-le-char-mode=ebcdic") endif() # Configure compiler. Must happen after setting the target flags. include(config-ix) if (LIBCXXABI_HAS_NOSTDINCXX_FLAG) list(APPEND LIBCXXABI_COMPILE_FLAGS -nostdinc++) # cmake 3.14 and above remove system include paths that are explicitly # passed on the command line. We build with -nostdinc++ and explicitly add # just the libcxx system include paths with -I on the command line. # Setting CMAKE_CXX_IMPLICIT_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES effectively prevents cmake # from removing these. # See: https://gitlab.kitware.com/cmake/cmake/issues/19227 set(CMAKE_CXX_IMPLICIT_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES "") # Remove -stdlib flags to prevent them from causing an unused flag warning. string(REPLACE "--stdlib=libc++" "" CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS}") string(REPLACE "--stdlib=libstdc++" "" CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS}") string(REPLACE "-stdlib=libc++" "" CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS}") string(REPLACE "-stdlib=libstdc++" "" CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS}") endif() # Let the library headers know they are currently being used to build the # library. add_definitions(-D_LIBCXXABI_BUILDING_LIBRARY) # libcxxabi needs to, for various reasons, include the libcpp headers as if # it is being built as part of libcxx. add_definitions(-D_LIBCPP_BUILDING_LIBRARY) # Disable DLL annotations on Windows for static builds. if (WIN32 AND LIBCXXABI_ENABLE_STATIC AND NOT LIBCXXABI_ENABLE_SHARED) # If LIBCXX_ENABLE_SHARED isn't set (by the user on the cmake command # line or via a cache file), use its expected default value (enabled). if ((LIBCXX_ENABLE_SHARED OR NOT DEFINED LIBCXX_ENABLE_SHARED) AND LIBCXX_ENABLE_STATIC_ABI_LIBRARY) # Building libcxxabi statically, but intending for it to be statically # linked into a shared libcxx; keep dllexport enabled within libcxxabi, # as the symbols will need to be exported from libcxx. else() # Regular static build; disable dllexports. add_definitions(-D_LIBCXXABI_DISABLE_VISIBILITY_ANNOTATIONS) if (NOT LIBCXXABI_HERMETIC_STATIC_LIBRARY) # TODO: Enable this warning message as soon as we're sure this is the solution. # message(WARNING "Implicitly disabling dllexport on Win32 is not supported anymore. Please build with " # "LIBCXXABI_HERMETIC_STATIC_LIBRARY=ON instead. This will become an error in LLVM 16.") endif() endif() endif() add_compile_flags_if_supported(-Werror=return-type) # Get warning flags add_compile_flags_if_supported(-W) add_compile_flags_if_supported(-Wall) add_compile_flags_if_supported(-Wchar-subscripts) add_compile_flags_if_supported(-Wconversion) add_compile_flags_if_supported(-Wmismatched-tags) add_compile_flags_if_supported(-Wmissing-braces) add_compile_flags_if_supported(-Wnewline-eof) add_compile_flags_if_supported(-Wunused-function) add_compile_flags_if_supported(-Wshadow) add_compile_flags_if_supported(-Wshorten-64-to-32) add_compile_flags_if_supported(-Wsign-compare) add_compile_flags_if_supported(-Wsign-conversion) add_compile_flags_if_supported(-Wstrict-aliasing=2) add_compile_flags_if_supported(-Wstrict-overflow=4) add_compile_flags_if_supported(-Wunused-parameter) add_compile_flags_if_supported(-Wunused-variable) add_compile_flags_if_supported(-Wwrite-strings) add_compile_flags_if_supported(-Wundef) add_compile_flags_if_supported(-Wno-suggest-override) if (LIBCXXABI_ENABLE_WERROR) add_compile_flags_if_supported(-Werror) add_compile_flags_if_supported(-WX) else() add_compile_flags_if_supported(-Wno-error) add_compile_flags_if_supported(-WX-) endif() if (LIBCXXABI_ENABLE_PEDANTIC) add_compile_flags_if_supported(-pedantic) endif() # Get feature flags. add_compile_flags_if_supported(-fstrict-aliasing) # Exceptions if (LIBCXXABI_ENABLE_EXCEPTIONS) # Catches C++ exceptions only and tells the compiler to assume that extern C # functions never throw a C++ exception. add_compile_flags_if_supported(-EHsc) # Do we really need to be run through the C compiler ? add_c_compile_flags_if_supported(-funwind-tables) else() add_compile_flags_if_supported(-fno-exceptions) add_compile_flags_if_supported(-EHs-) add_compile_flags_if_supported(-EHa-) endif() # Assert string(TOUPPER "${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}" uppercase_CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE) if (LIBCXXABI_ENABLE_ASSERTIONS) # MSVC doesn't like _DEBUG on release builds. See PR 4379. if (NOT MSVC) list(APPEND LIBCXXABI_COMPILE_FLAGS -D_DEBUG) endif() # On Release builds cmake automatically defines NDEBUG, so we # explicitly undefine it: if (uppercase_CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE STREQUAL "RELEASE") list(APPEND LIBCXXABI_COMPILE_FLAGS -UNDEBUG) endif() else() if (NOT uppercase_CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE STREQUAL "RELEASE") list(APPEND LIBCXXABI_COMPILE_FLAGS -DNDEBUG) endif() endif() # Threading if (NOT LIBCXXABI_ENABLE_THREADS) if (LIBCXXABI_HAS_PTHREAD_API) message(FATAL_ERROR "LIBCXXABI_HAS_PTHREAD_API can only" " be set to ON when LIBCXXABI_ENABLE_THREADS" " is also set to ON.") endif() if (LIBCXXABI_HAS_WIN32_THREAD_API) message(FATAL_ERROR "LIBCXXABI_HAS_WIN32_THREAD_API can only" " be set to ON when LIBCXXABI_ENABLE_THREADS" " is also set to ON.") endif() if (LIBCXXABI_HAS_EXTERNAL_THREAD_API) message(FATAL_ERROR "LIBCXXABI_HAS_EXTERNAL_THREAD_API can only" " be set to ON when LIBCXXABI_ENABLE_THREADS" " is also set to ON.") endif() if (LIBCXXABI_BUILD_EXTERNAL_THREAD_LIBRARY) message(FATAL_ERROR "LIBCXXABI_BUILD_EXTERNAL_THREAD_LIBRARY can only" " be set to ON when LIBCXXABI_ENABLE_THREADS" " is also set to ON.") endif() add_definitions(-D_LIBCXXABI_HAS_NO_THREADS) endif() if (LIBCXXABI_HAS_EXTERNAL_THREAD_API) if (LIBCXXABI_HAS_PTHREAD_API) message(FATAL_ERROR "The options LIBCXXABI_HAS_EXTERNAL_THREAD_API" " and LIBCXXABI_HAS_PTHREAD_API cannot be both" " set to ON at the same time.") endif() if (LIBCXXABI_HAS_WIN32_THREAD_API) message(FATAL_ERROR "The options LIBCXXABI_HAS_EXTERNAL_THREAD_API" " and LIBCXXABI_HAS_WIN32_THREAD_API cannot be both" " set to ON at the same time.") endif() if (LIBCXXABI_BUILD_EXTERNAL_THREAD_LIBRARY) message(FATAL_ERROR "The options LIBCXXABI_BUILD_EXTERNAL_THREAD_LIBRARY" " and LIBCXXABI_HAS_EXTERNAL_THREAD_API cannot be both" " set to ON at the same time.") endif() endif() if (LIBCXXABI_HAS_PTHREAD_API) if (LIBCXXABI_HAS_WIN32_THREAD_API) message(FATAL_ERROR "The options LIBCXXABI_HAS_PTHREAD_API" "and LIBCXXABI_HAS_WIN32_THREAD_API cannot be both" "set to ON at the same time.") endif() endif() if (LLVM_ENABLE_MODULES) # Ignore that the rest of the modules flags are now unused. add_compile_flags_if_supported(-Wno-unused-command-line-argument) add_compile_flags(-fno-modules) endif() set(LIBCXXABI_HAS_UNDEFINED_SYMBOLS OFF) if ((NOT LIBCXXABI_ENABLE_NEW_DELETE_DEFINITIONS) OR (LIBCXXABI_BUILD_EXTERNAL_THREAD_LIBRARY AND LIBCXXABI_ENABLE_SHARED) OR MINGW) set(LIBCXXABI_HAS_UNDEFINED_SYMBOLS ON) endif() if (LIBCXXABI_HAS_UNDEFINED_SYMBOLS) # Need to allow unresolved symbols if this is to work with shared library builds if (APPLE) list(APPEND LIBCXXABI_LINK_FLAGS "-undefined dynamic_lookup") else() # Relax this restriction from HandleLLVMOptions string(REPLACE "-Wl,-z,defs" "" CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS}") endif() endif() if (LIBCXXABI_HAS_PTHREAD_API) add_definitions(-D_LIBCPP_HAS_THREAD_API_PTHREAD) endif() if (LIBCXXABI_HAS_WIN32_THREAD_API) add_definitions(-D_LIBCPP_HAS_THREAD_API_WIN32) endif() if (LIBCXXABI_HAS_EXTERNAL_THREAD_API) add_definitions(-D_LIBCPP_HAS_THREAD_API_EXTERNAL) endif() if (LIBCXXABI_BUILD_EXTERNAL_THREAD_LIBRARY) add_definitions(-D_LIBCPP_HAS_THREAD_LIBRARY_EXTERNAL) endif() # Prevent libc++abi from having library dependencies on libc++ add_definitions(-D_LIBCPP_DISABLE_EXTERN_TEMPLATE) if (MSVC) add_definitions(-D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS) endif() # Define LIBCXXABI_USE_LLVM_UNWINDER for conditional compilation. if (LIBCXXABI_USE_LLVM_UNWINDER) add_definitions(-DLIBCXXABI_USE_LLVM_UNWINDER) endif() if (LIBCXXABI_SILENT_TERMINATE) add_definitions(-DLIBCXXABI_SILENT_TERMINATE) endif() if (LIBCXXABI_NON_DEMANGLING_TERMINATE) add_definitions(-DLIBCXXABI_NON_DEMANGLING_TERMINATE) endif() if (LIBCXXABI_BAREMETAL) add_definitions(-DLIBCXXABI_BAREMETAL) endif() if (LIBCXXABI_HAS_COMMENT_LIB_PRAGMA) if (LIBCXXABI_HAS_PTHREAD_LIB) add_definitions(-D_LIBCXXABI_LINK_PTHREAD_LIB) endif() endif() string(REPLACE ";" " " LIBCXXABI_CXX_FLAGS "${LIBCXXABI_CXX_FLAGS}") set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} ${LIBCXXABI_CXX_FLAGS}") set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} ${LIBCXXABI_C_FLAGS}") # On AIX, avoid picking up VMX extensions(i.e. vec_malloc) which would change # the default alignment of the allocators here. if (UNIX AND ${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME} MATCHES "AIX") add_definitions("-D_XOPEN_SOURCE=700") endif() #=============================================================================== # Setup Source Code #=============================================================================== set(LIBCXXABI_LIBUNWIND_INCLUDES "${LIBCXXABI_LIBUNWIND_INCLUDES}" CACHE PATH "Specify path to libunwind includes." FORCE) set(LIBCXXABI_LIBUNWIND_PATH "${LIBCXXABI_LIBUNWIND_PATH}" CACHE PATH "Specify path to libunwind source." FORCE) if (LIBCXXABI_USE_LLVM_UNWINDER OR LLVM_NATIVE_ARCH MATCHES ARM) find_path(LIBCXXABI_LIBUNWIND_INCLUDES_INTERNAL libunwind.h PATHS ${LIBCXXABI_LIBUNWIND_INCLUDES} ${LIBCXXABI_LIBUNWIND_PATH}/include ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${LIBCXXABI_LIBUNWIND_INCLUDES} ${LLVM_MAIN_SRC_DIR}/projects/libunwind/include ${LLVM_MAIN_SRC_DIR}/runtimes/libunwind/include ${LLVM_MAIN_SRC_DIR}/../libunwind/include NO_DEFAULT_PATH NO_CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH ) if (LIBCXXABI_LIBUNWIND_INCLUDES_INTERNAL STREQUAL "LIBCXXABI_LIBUNWIND_INCLUDES_INTERNAL-NOTFOUND") set(LIBCXXABI_LIBUNWIND_INCLUDES_INTERNAL "") endif() if (NOT LIBCXXABI_LIBUNWIND_INCLUDES_INTERNAL STREQUAL "") include_directories("${LIBCXXABI_LIBUNWIND_INCLUDES_INTERNAL}") endif() endif() # Add source code. This also contains all of the logic for deciding linker flags # soname, etc... add_subdirectory(include) add_subdirectory(src) if (LIBCXXABI_INCLUDE_TESTS) add_subdirectory(test) add_subdirectory(fuzz) endif()