//===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// // // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions. // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "CartesianBenchmarks.h" #include "benchmark/benchmark.h" #include "test_macros.h" namespace { enum class HitType { Hit, Miss }; struct AllHitTypes : EnumValuesAsTuple { static constexpr const char* Names[] = {"Hit", "Miss"}; }; enum class AccessPattern { Ordered, Random }; struct AllAccessPattern : EnumValuesAsTuple { static constexpr const char* Names[] = {"Ordered", "Random"}; }; void sortKeysBy(std::vector& Keys, AccessPattern AP) { if (AP == AccessPattern::Random) { std::random_device R; std::mt19937 M(R()); std::shuffle(std::begin(Keys), std::end(Keys), M); } } struct TestSets { std::vector > Sets; std::vector Keys; }; TestSets makeTestingSets(size_t TableSize, size_t NumTables, HitType Hit, AccessPattern Access) { TestSets R; R.Sets.resize(1); for (uint64_t I = 0; I < TableSize; ++I) { R.Sets[0].insert(2 * I); R.Keys.push_back(Hit == HitType::Hit ? 2 * I : 2 * I + 1); } R.Sets.resize(NumTables, R.Sets[0]); sortKeysBy(R.Keys, Access); return R; } struct Base { size_t TableSize; size_t NumTables; Base(size_t T, size_t N) : TableSize(T), NumTables(N) {} bool skip() const { size_t Total = TableSize * NumTables; return Total < 100 || Total > 1000000; } std::string baseName() const { return "_TableSize" + std::to_string(TableSize) + "_NumTables" + std::to_string(NumTables); } }; template struct Create : Base { using Base::Base; void run(benchmark::State& State) const { std::vector Keys(TableSize); std::iota(Keys.begin(), Keys.end(), uint64_t{0}); sortKeysBy(Keys, Access()); while (State.KeepRunningBatch(TableSize * NumTables)) { std::vector> Sets(NumTables); for (auto K : Keys) { for (auto& Set : Sets) { benchmark::DoNotOptimize(Set.insert(K)); } } } } std::string name() const { return "BM_Create" + Access::name() + baseName(); } }; template struct Find : Base { using Base::Base; void run(benchmark::State& State) const { auto Data = makeTestingSets(TableSize, NumTables, Hit(), Access()); while (State.KeepRunningBatch(TableSize * NumTables)) { for (auto K : Data.Keys) { for (auto& Set : Data.Sets) { benchmark::DoNotOptimize(Set.find(K)); } } } } std::string name() const { return "BM_Find" + Hit::name() + Access::name() + baseName(); } }; template struct FindNeEnd : Base { using Base::Base; void run(benchmark::State& State) const { auto Data = makeTestingSets(TableSize, NumTables, Hit(), Access()); while (State.KeepRunningBatch(TableSize * NumTables)) { for (auto K : Data.Keys) { for (auto& Set : Data.Sets) { benchmark::DoNotOptimize(Set.find(K) != Set.end()); } } } } std::string name() const { return "BM_FindNeEnd" + Hit::name() + Access::name() + baseName(); } }; template struct InsertHit : Base { using Base::Base; void run(benchmark::State& State) const { auto Data = makeTestingSets(TableSize, NumTables, HitType::Hit, Access()); while (State.KeepRunningBatch(TableSize * NumTables)) { for (auto K : Data.Keys) { for (auto& Set : Data.Sets) { benchmark::DoNotOptimize(Set.insert(K)); } } } } std::string name() const { return "BM_InsertHit" + Access::name() + baseName(); } }; template struct InsertMissAndErase : Base { using Base::Base; void run(benchmark::State& State) const { auto Data = makeTestingSets(TableSize, NumTables, HitType::Miss, Access()); while (State.KeepRunningBatch(TableSize * NumTables)) { for (auto K : Data.Keys) { for (auto& Set : Data.Sets) { benchmark::DoNotOptimize(Set.erase(Set.insert(K).first)); } } } } std::string name() const { return "BM_InsertMissAndErase" + Access::name() + baseName(); } }; struct IterateRangeFor : Base { using Base::Base; void run(benchmark::State& State) const { auto Data = makeTestingSets(TableSize, NumTables, HitType::Miss, AccessPattern::Ordered); while (State.KeepRunningBatch(TableSize * NumTables)) { for (auto& Set : Data.Sets) { for (auto& V : Set) { benchmark::DoNotOptimize(V); } } } } std::string name() const { return "BM_IterateRangeFor" + baseName(); } }; struct IterateBeginEnd : Base { using Base::Base; void run(benchmark::State& State) const { auto Data = makeTestingSets(TableSize, NumTables, HitType::Miss, AccessPattern::Ordered); while (State.KeepRunningBatch(TableSize * NumTables)) { for (auto& Set : Data.Sets) { for (auto it = Set.begin(); it != Set.end(); ++it) { benchmark::DoNotOptimize(*it); } } } } std::string name() const { return "BM_IterateBeginEnd" + baseName(); } }; } // namespace int main(int argc, char** argv) { benchmark::Initialize(&argc, argv); if (benchmark::ReportUnrecognizedArguments(argc, argv)) return 1; const std::vector TableSize{1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, 1000000}; const std::vector NumTables{1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, 1000000}; makeCartesianProductBenchmark(TableSize, NumTables); makeCartesianProductBenchmark(TableSize, NumTables); makeCartesianProductBenchmark(TableSize, NumTables); makeCartesianProductBenchmark(TableSize, NumTables); makeCartesianProductBenchmark(TableSize, NumTables); makeCartesianProductBenchmark(TableSize, NumTables); makeCartesianProductBenchmark(TableSize, NumTables); benchmark::RunSpecifiedBenchmarks(); }