Pierre Habouzit 20d704a75e [objc_direct] also go through implementations when looking for clashes
Some methods are sometimes declared in the @implementation blocks which
can cause undiagnosed clashes.

Just write a checkObjCDirectMethodClashes() for this purpose.

Also make sure that "unavailable" selectors do not inherit

Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D76643
Signed-off-by: Pierre Habouzit <phabouzit@apple.com>
Radar-ID: rdar://problem/59332804, rdar://problem/59782963
2020-03-23 20:49:09 -07:00

170 lines
8.5 KiB

// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fsyntax-only -verify -Wselector-type-mismatch %s
@protocol Proto
- (void)protoMethod; // expected-note {{previous declaration is here}}
+ (void)classProtoMethod; // expected-note {{previous declaration is here}}
@protocol ProtoDirectFail
- (void)protoMethod __attribute__((objc_direct)); // expected-error {{'objc_direct' attribute cannot be applied to methods declared in an Objective-C protocol}}
+ (void)classProtoMethod __attribute__((objc_direct)); // expected-error {{'objc_direct' attribute cannot be applied to methods declared in an Objective-C protocol}}
@interface Root
- (void)unavailableInChild;
- (void)rootRegular; // expected-note {{previous declaration is here}}
+ (void)classRootRegular; // expected-note {{previous declaration is here}}
- (void)rootDirect __attribute__((objc_direct)); // expected-note {{previous declaration is here}};
+ (void)classRootDirect __attribute__((objc_direct)); // expected-note {{previous declaration is here}};
- (void)otherRootDirect __attribute__((objc_direct)); // expected-note {{direct method 'otherRootDirect' declared here}}
+ (void)otherClassRootDirect __attribute__((objc_direct)); // expected-note {{direct method 'otherClassRootDirect' declared here}}
+ (void)otherOtherClassRootDirect __attribute__((objc_direct)); // expected-note {{direct method 'otherOtherClassRootDirect' declared here}}
- (void)notDirectInIface; // expected-note {{previous declaration is here}}
+ (void)classNotDirectInIface; // expected-note {{previous declaration is here}}
@interface Root ()
- (void)rootExtensionDirect; // expected-note {{previous declaration is here}}
+ (void)classRootExtensionDirect; // expected-note {{previous declaration is here}}
@interface Root(Direct)
- (void)rootCategoryDirect; // expected-note {{previous declaration is here}}
+ (void)classRootCategoryDirect; // expected-note {{previous declaration is here}}
@interface Root ()
- (void)rootExtensionRegular; // expected-note {{previous declaration is here}}
+ (void)classRootExtensionRegular; // expected-note {{previous declaration is here}}
- (void)rootExtensionDirect2 __attribute__((objc_direct)); // expected-note {{previous declaration is here}}
+ (void)classRootExtensionDirect2 __attribute__((objc_direct)); // expected-note {{previous declaration is here}}
@interface Root (Direct2)
- (void)rootCategoryRegular; // expected-note {{previous declaration is here}}
+ (void)classRootCategoryRegular; // expected-note {{previous declaration is here}}
- (void)rootCategoryDirect2 __attribute__((objc_direct)); // expected-note {{previous declaration is here}}
+ (void)classRootCategoryDirect2 __attribute__((objc_direct)); // expected-note {{previous declaration is here}}
@interface SubDirectMembers : Root
@property int foo; // expected-note {{previous declaration is here}}
- (void)unavailableInChild __attribute__((unavailable)); // should not warn
- (instancetype)init;
@interface Sub : Root <Proto>
/* invalid overrides with directs */
- (void)rootRegular __attribute__((objc_direct)); // expected-error {{methods that override superclass methods cannot be direct}}
+ (void)classRootRegular __attribute__((objc_direct)); // expected-error {{methods that override superclass methods cannot be direct}}
- (void)protoMethod __attribute__((objc_direct)); // expected-error {{methods that implement protocol requirements cannot be direct}}
+ (void)classProtoMethod __attribute__((objc_direct)); // expected-error {{methods that implement protocol requirements cannot be direct}}
- (void)rootExtensionRegular __attribute__((objc_direct)); // expected-error {{methods that override superclass methods cannot be direct}}
+ (void)classRootExtensionRegular __attribute__((objc_direct)); // expected-error {{methods that override superclass methods cannot be direct}}
- (void)rootCategoryRegular __attribute__((objc_direct)); // expected-error {{methods that override superclass methods cannot be direct}}
+ (void)classRootCategoryRegular __attribute__((objc_direct)); // expected-error {{methods that override superclass methods cannot be direct}}
/* invalid overrides of directs */
- (void)rootDirect; // expected-error {{cannot override a method that is declared direct by a superclass}}
+ (void)classRootDirect; // expected-error {{cannot override a method that is declared direct by a superclass}}
- (void)rootExtensionDirect; // expected-error {{cannot override a method that is declared direct by a superclass}}
+ (void)classRootExtensionDirect; // expected-error {{cannot override a method that is declared direct by a superclass}}
- (void)rootExtensionDirect2; // expected-error {{cannot override a method that is declared direct by a superclass}}
+ (void)classRootExtensionDirect2; // expected-error {{cannot override a method that is declared direct by a superclass}}
- (void)rootCategoryDirect; // expected-error {{cannot override a method that is declared direct by a superclass}}
+ (void)classRootCategoryDirect; // expected-error {{cannot override a method that is declared direct by a superclass}}
- (void)rootCategoryDirect2; // expected-error {{cannot override a method that is declared direct by a superclass}}
+ (void)classRootCategoryDirect2; // expected-error {{cannot override a method that is declared direct by a superclass}}
@implementation Root
- (void)unavailableInChild {
- (void)rootRegular {
+ (void)classRootRegular {
- (void)rootDirect {
+ (void)classRootDirect {
- (void)otherRootDirect {
+ (void)someRootDirectMethod { // expected-note {{direct method 'someRootDirectMethod' declared here}}
+ (void)otherClassRootDirect {
[self someRootDirectMethod]; // expected-error {{messaging a Class with a method that is possibly direct}}
+ (void)otherOtherClassRootDirect {
- (void)rootExtensionDirect {
+ (void)classRootExtensionDirect {
- (void)rootExtensionRegular {
+ (void)classRootExtensionRegular {
- (void)rootExtensionDirect2 {
+ (void)classRootExtensionDirect2 {
- (void)notDirectInIface __attribute__((objc_direct)) // expected-error {{direct method implementation was previously declared not direct}}
+ (void)classNotDirectInIface __attribute__((objc_direct)) // expected-error {{direct method implementation was previously declared not direct}}
- (void)direct1 { // expected-note {{direct method 'direct1' declared here}}
- (void)direct2 { // expected-note {{direct method 'direct2' declared here}}
@interface Foo : Root
- (id)directMismatch1; // expected-note {{using}}
- (id)directMismatch2; // expected-note {{method 'directMismatch2' declared here}}
@interface Bar : Root
- (void)directMismatch1 __attribute__((objc_direct)); // expected-note {{also found}}
- (void)directMismatch2 __attribute__((objc_direct)); // expected-note {{method 'directMismatch2' declared here}}
@interface ValidSub : Root
@implementation ValidSub
- (void)someValidSubMethod {
[super otherRootDirect]; // expected-error {{messaging super with a direct method}}
+ (void)someValidSubMethod {
[super otherOtherClassRootDirect]; // expected-error {{messaging super with a direct method}}
@implementation SubDirectMembers
@dynamic foo; // expected-error {{direct property cannot be @dynamic}}
- (instancetype)init {
return self;
extern void callMethod(id obj, Class cls);
extern void useSel(SEL sel);
void callMethod(id obj, Class cls) {
[Root otherClassRootDirect];
[cls otherClassRootDirect]; // expected-error {{messaging a Class with a method that is possibly direct}}
[obj direct1]; // expected-error {{messaging unqualified id with a method that is possibly direct}}
[(Root *)obj direct1];
[obj directMismatch1]; // expected-warning {{multiple methods named 'directMismatch1' found}}
useSel(@selector(direct2)); // expected-error {{@selector expression formed with direct selector 'direct2'}}
useSel(@selector(directMismatch2)); // expected-warning {{several methods with selector 'directMismatch2' of mismatched types are found for the @selector expression}}