mirror of
synced 2025-01-09 17:43:57 +00:00
Add the following options: * -fdebug-dump-symbols * -fdebug-dump-parse-tree * -fdebug-dump-provenance Summary of changes: - Add 3 new frontend actions: DebugDumpSymbolsAction, DebugDumpParseTreeAction and DebugDumpProvenanceAction - Add a unique pointer to the Semantics instance created in PrescanAndSemaAction - Move fatal semantic error reporting to its own method, FrontendActions#reportFatalSemanticErrors - Port most tests using `-fdebug-dump-symbols` and `-fdebug-dump-parse-tree` to the new driver if built, otherwise default to f18 Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D96716
93 lines
5.2 KiB
93 lines
5.2 KiB
!RUN: %flang_fc1 -fdebug-dump-symbols %s | FileCheck %s
module m
integer function ifunc(n)
integer, intent(in) :: n
end function
real function rfunc(x)
real, intent(in) :: x
end function
end interface
external extrfunc
real extrfunc
type :: t1(kind,len)
integer(kind=1), kind :: kind = 4
integer(kind=2), len :: len = 1
integer(kind=kind) :: j
real(kind=kind) :: x(2,2)
complex(kind=kind) :: z
logical(kind=kind) :: t
character(kind=5-kind) :: c(2)
real(kind=kind), pointer :: xp(:,:)
procedure(ifunc), pointer, nopass :: ifptr
procedure(rfunc), pointer, nopass :: rp
procedure(real), pointer, nopass :: xrp
end type
subroutine s1
procedure(ifunc), pointer :: ifptr ! CHECK: ifptr, EXTERNAL, POINTER (Function, InDataStmt) size=24 offset=0: ProcEntity ifunc => ifunc
data ifptr/ifunc/
end subroutine
subroutine s2
integer(kind=1) :: j1 ! CHECK: j1 (InDataStmt) size=1 offset=0: ObjectEntity type: INTEGER(1) init:66_1
data j1/66/
end subroutine
subroutine s3
integer :: jd ! CHECK: jd (InDataStmt) size=4 offset=0: ObjectEntity type: INTEGER(4) init:666_4
data jd/666/
end subroutine
subroutine s4
logical :: lv(2) ! CHECK: lv (InDataStmt) size=8 offset=0: ObjectEntity type: LOGICAL(4) shape: 1_8:2_8 init:[LOGICAL(4)::.false._4,.true._4]
data lv(1)/.false./
data lv(2)/.true./
end subroutine
subroutine s5
real :: rm(2,2) ! CHECK: rm (InDataStmt) size=16 offset=0: ObjectEntity type: REAL(4) shape: 1_8:2_8,1_8:2_8 init:reshape([REAL(4)::1._4,2._4,3._4,4._4],shape=[2,2])
data rm/1,2,3,4/
end subroutine
subroutine s6
character(len=8) :: ssd ! CHECK: ssd (InDataStmt) size=8 offset=0: ObjectEntity type: CHARACTER(8_4,1) init:"abcdefgh"
data ssd(1:4)/'abcd'/,ssd(5:8)/'efgh'/
end subroutine
subroutine s7
complex(kind=16) :: zv(-1:1) ! CHECK: zv (InDataStmt) size=96 offset=0: ObjectEntity type: COMPLEX(16) shape: -1_8:1_8 init:[COMPLEX(16)::(1._16,2._16),(3._16,4._16),(5._16,6._16)]
data (zv(j), j=1,0,-1)/(5,6),(3,4)/
data (zv(j)%im, zv(j)%re, j=-1,-1,-9)/2,1/
end subroutine
real function rfunc2(x)
real, intent(in) :: x
rfunc2 = x + 1.
end function
subroutine s8
procedure(rfunc), pointer :: rfptr ! CHECK: rfptr, EXTERNAL, POINTER (Function, InDataStmt) size=24 offset=0: ProcEntity rfunc => rfunc2
data rfptr/rfunc2/
end subroutine
subroutine s10
real, target, save :: arr(3,4) ! CHECK: arr, SAVE, TARGET size=48 offset=0: ObjectEntity type: REAL(4) shape: 1_8:3_8,1_8:4_8
real, pointer :: xpp(:,:) ! CHECK: xpp, POINTER (InDataStmt) size=72 offset=48: ObjectEntity type: REAL(4) shape: :,: init:arr
data xpp/arr/
end subroutine
integer function ifunc2(n)
integer, intent(in) :: n
ifunc2 = n + 1
end function
subroutine s11
real, target, save :: arr(3,4) ! CHECK: arr, SAVE, TARGET size=48 offset=0: ObjectEntity type: REAL(4) shape: 1_8:3_8,1_8:4_8
type(t1) :: d1 = t1(1,reshape([1,2,3,4],[2,2]),(6.,7.),.false.,'ab',arr,ifunc2,rfunc,extrfunc) ! CHECK: d1 size=184 offset=48: ObjectEntity type: TYPE(t1(kind=4_1,len=1_2)) init:t1(kind=4_1,len=1_2)(j=1_4,x=reshape([REAL(4)::1._4,2._4,3._4,4._4],shape=[2,2]),z=(6._4,7._4),t=.false._4,c=[CHARACTER(KIND=1,LEN=1)::"a","a"],xp=arr,ifptr=ifunc2,rp=rfunc,xrp=extrfunc)
type(t1(4,len=1)) :: d2 = t1(4)(xrp=extrfunc,rp=rfunc,ifptr=ifunc2,xp=arr,c='a&
&b',t=.false.,z=(6.,7.),x=reshape([1,2,3,4],[2,2]),j=1) ! CHECK: d2 size=184 offset=232: ObjectEntity type: TYPE(t1(kind=4_1,len=1_2)) init:t1(kind=4_1,len=1_2)(j=1_4,x=reshape([REAL(4)::1._4,2._4,3._4,4._4],shape=[2,2]),z=(6._4,7._4),t=.false._4,c=[CHARACTER(KIND=1,LEN=1)::"a","a"],xp=arr,ifptr=ifunc2,rp=rfunc,xrp=extrfunc)
type(t1(2+2)) :: d3 ! CHECK: d3 (InDataStmt) size=184 offset=416: ObjectEntity type: TYPE(t1(kind=4_1,len=1_2)) init:t1(kind=4_1,len=1_2)(j=1_4,x=reshape([REAL(4)::1._4,2._4,3._4,4._4],shape=[2,2]),z=(6._4,7._4),t=.false._4,c=[CHARACTER(KIND=1,LEN=1)::"a","a"],xp=arr,ifptr=ifunc2,rp=rfunc,xrp=extrfunc)
data d3/t1(1,reshape([1,2,3,4],[2,2]),(6.,7.),.false.,'ab',arr,ifunc2,rfunc,extrfunc)/
type(t1) :: d4 ! CHECK: d4 (InDataStmt) size=184 offset=600: ObjectEntity type: TYPE(t1(kind=4_1,len=1_2)) init:t1(kind=4_1,len=1_2)(j=1_4,x=reshape([REAL(4)::1._4,2._4,3._4,4._4],shape=[2,2]),z=(6._4,7._4),t=.false._4,c=[CHARACTER(KIND=1,LEN=1)::"a","a"],xp=arr,ifptr=ifunc2,rp=rfunc,xrp=extrfunc)
data d4/t1(4)(xrp=extrfunc,rp=rfunc,ifptr=ifunc2,xp=arr,c='ab',t=.false.,z=(6&
type(t1) :: d5 ! CHECK: d5 (InDataStmt) size=184 offset=784: ObjectEntity type: TYPE(t1(kind=4_1,len=1_2)) init:t1(kind=4_1,len=1_2)(j=1_4,x=reshape([REAL(4)::1._4,2._4,3._4,4._4],shape=[2,2]),z=(6._4,7._4),t=.false._4,c=[CHARACTER(KIND=1,LEN=1)::"a","b"],xp=arr,ifptr=ifunc2,rp=rfunc,xrp=extrfunc)
data d5%j/1/,d5%x/1,2,3,4/,d5%z%re/6./,d5%z%im/7./,d5%t/.false./,d5%c(1:1)/'a'/,d5%c(2:&
end subroutine
subroutine s12
procedure(rfunc), pointer :: pp ! CHECK: pp, EXTERNAL, POINTER (Function, InDataStmt) size=24 offset=0: ProcEntity rfunc => rfunc2
data pp/rfunc2/
end subroutine
end module