Peter Klausler c4f67ea12e [flang] Allow DATA initialization of derived types w/ allocatable components
While one cannot of course statically initialize an allocatable component
of an instance of a derived type, its mere presence should not prevent
DATA initialization of the other nonallocatable components.  Semantics
was treating the existence of an allocatable component as a case of
"default initialization", which it is, but not one that should run
afoul of C877.  Add another Boolean argument to IsInitialized() to allow
for a more nuanced test.

Differential Revision:
2022-02-14 10:43:49 -08:00

147 lines
4.6 KiB

! RUN: %python %S/ %s %flang_fc1
!Testing data constraints : C876, C877
module m
integer :: first
subroutine h
integer a,b
!ERROR: Host-associated object 'first' must not be initialized in a DATA statement
DATA first /1/
end subroutine
function g(i)
integer ::i
g = i *1024
function f(i)
integer ::i
integer ::result
integer, allocatable :: a
integer :: b(i)
character(len=i), pointer:: charPtr
character(len=i), allocatable:: charAlloc
!ERROR: Dummy argument 'i' must not be initialized in a DATA statement
DATA i /1/
!ERROR: Function result 'f' must not be initialized in a DATA statement
DATA f /1/
!ERROR: Procedure 'g' must not be initialized in a DATA statement
DATA g /1/
!ERROR: Allocatable 'a' must not be initialized in a DATA statement
DATA a /1/
!ERROR: Automatic variable 'b' must not be initialized in a DATA statement
DATA b(0) /1/
!Ok: As charPtr is a pointer, it is not an automatic object
DATA charPtr / NULL() /
!ERROR: Allocatable 'charalloc' must not be initialized in a DATA statement
DATA charAlloc / 'abc' /
f = i *1024
subroutine CheckObject(i)
type specialNumbers
integer one
integer numbers(5)
type(specialNumbers), pointer :: headOfTheList
integer, pointer, dimension(:) :: ptoarray
character, pointer, dimension(:) :: ptochar
end type
type large
integer, allocatable :: allocVal
integer, allocatable :: elt(:)
integer val
type(specialNumbers) numsArray(10)
end type
type(large) largeNumber
type(large), allocatable :: allocatableLarge
type(large) :: largeNumberArray(i)
type(large) :: largeArray(5)
character :: name(i)
type small
real :: x
end type
type(small), pointer :: sp
!This case is ok.
DATA(largeNumber % numsArray(j) % headOfTheList, j = 1, 10) / 10 * NULL() /
!ERROR: Data object must not contain pointer 'headofthelist' as a non-rightmost part
DATA(largeNumber % numsArray(j) % headOfTheList % one, j = 1, 10) / 10 * 1 /
!ERROR: Rightmost data object pointer 'ptoarray' must not be subscripted
DATA(largeNumber % numsArray(j) % ptoarray(1), j = 1, 10) / 10 * 1 /
!ERROR: Rightmost data object pointer 'ptochar' must not be subscripted
DATA largeNumber % numsArray(1) % ptochar(1:2) / 'ab' /
!ERROR: Allocatable 'elt' must not be initialized in a DATA statement
DATA(largeNumber % elt(j) , j = 1, 10) / 10 * 1/
!ERROR: Allocatable 'allocval' must not be initialized in a DATA statement
DATA(largeArray(j) % allocVal , j = 1, 10) / 10 * 1/
!ERROR: Allocatable 'allocatablelarge' must not be initialized in a DATA statement
DATA allocatableLarge % val / 1 /
!ERROR: Automatic variable 'largenumberarray' must not be initialized in a DATA statement
DATA(largeNumberArray(j) % val, j = 1, 10) / 10 * NULL() /
!ERROR: Automatic variable 'name' must not be initialized in a DATA statement
DATA name( : 2) / 'Ancd' /
!ERROR: Target of pointer 'sp' must not be initialized in a DATA statement
DATA sp%x / 1.0 /
block data foo
integer :: a,b
common /c/ a,b
!OK: Correct use
DATA a /1/
end block data
module m2
integer m2_i
type newType
integer number
end type
type(newType) m2_number1
subroutine checkDerivedType(m2_number)
type(newType) m2_number
type(newType) m2_number3
!ERROR: Dummy argument 'm2_number' must not be initialized in a DATA statement
DATA m2_number%number /1/
!ERROR: Host-associated object 'm2_number1' must not be initialized in a DATA statement
DATA m2_number1%number /1/
!OK: m2_number3 is not associated through use association
DATA m2_number3%number /1/
program new
use m2
type(newType) m2_number2
!ERROR: USE-associated object 'm2_i' must not be initialized in a DATA statement
DATA m2_i /1/
!ERROR: USE-associated object 'm2_number1' must not be initialized in a DATA statement
DATA m2_number1%number /1/
!OK: m2_number2 is not associated through use association
DATA m2_number2%number /1/
end program