Sam McCall 880fa7faa9 Revert "[clang][SemaCXX] Diagnose tautological uses of consteval if and is_constant_evaluated"
This reverts commit 491b2810fb7fe5f080fa9c4f5945ed0a6909dc92.

This change broke valid code and generated incorrect diagnostics, see
2023-09-27 18:58:01 +02:00

223 lines
7.1 KiB

//===- unittests/Support/TimeProfilerTest.cpp -----------------------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "clang/Frontend/CompilerInstance.h"
#include "clang/Frontend/FrontendActions.h"
#include "clang/Lex/PreprocessorOptions.h"
#include "llvm/Support/JSON.h"
#include "llvm/Support/TimeProfiler.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
using namespace clang;
using namespace llvm;
namespace {
// Should be called before testing.
void setupProfiler() {
timeTraceProfilerInitialize(/*TimeTraceGranularity=*/0, "test");
// Should be called after `compileFromString()`.
// Returns profiler's JSON dump.
std::string teardownProfiler() {
SmallVector<char, 1024> SmallVec;
raw_svector_ostream OS(SmallVec);
return OS.str().str();
// Returns true if code compiles successfully.
// We only parse AST here. This is enough for constexpr evaluation.
bool compileFromString(StringRef Code, StringRef Standard, StringRef FileName) {
CompilerInstance Compiler;
auto Invocation = std::make_shared<CompilerInvocation>();
FileName, MemoryBuffer::getMemBuffer(Code).release());
const char *Args[] = {Standard.data(), FileName.data()};
CompilerInvocation::CreateFromArgs(*Invocation, Args,
class TestFrontendAction : public ASTFrontendAction {
std::unique_ptr<ASTConsumer> CreateASTConsumer(CompilerInstance &CI,
StringRef InFile) override {
return std::make_unique<ASTConsumer>();
} Action;
return Compiler.ExecuteAction(Action);
// Returns pretty-printed trace graph.
std::string buildTraceGraph(StringRef Json) {
struct EventRecord {
int64_t TimestampBegin;
int64_t TimestampEnd;
StringRef Name;
StringRef Detail;
std::vector<EventRecord> Events;
// Parse `EventRecord`s from JSON dump.
Expected<json::Value> Root = json::parse(Json);
if (!Root)
return "";
for (json::Value &TraceEventValue :
*Root->getAsObject()->getArray("traceEvents")) {
json::Object *TraceEventObj = TraceEventValue.getAsObject();
int64_t TimestampBegin = TraceEventObj->getInteger("ts").value_or(0);
int64_t TimestampEnd =
TimestampBegin + TraceEventObj->getInteger("dur").value_or(0);
StringRef Name = TraceEventObj->getString("name").value_or("");
StringRef Detail = "";
if (json::Object *Args = TraceEventObj->getObject("args"))
Detail = Args->getString("detail").value_or("");
// This is a "summary" event, like "Total PerformPendingInstantiations",
// skip it
if (TimestampBegin == 0)
EventRecord{TimestampBegin, TimestampEnd, Name, Detail});
// There can be nested events that are very fast, for example:
// {"name":"EvaluateAsBooleanCondition",... ,"ts":2380,"dur":1}
// {"name":"EvaluateAsRValue",... ,"ts":2380,"dur":1}
// Therefore we should reverse the events list, so that events that have
// started earlier are first in the list.
// Then do a stable sort, we need it for the trace graph.
std::reverse(Events.begin(), Events.end());
Events.begin(), Events.end(), [](const auto &lhs, const auto &rhs) {
return std::make_pair(lhs.TimestampBegin, -lhs.TimestampEnd) <
std::make_pair(rhs.TimestampBegin, -rhs.TimestampEnd);
std::stringstream Stream;
// Write a newline for better testing with multiline string literal.
Stream << "\n";
// Keep the current event stack.
std::stack<const EventRecord *> EventStack;
for (const auto &Event : Events) {
// Pop every event in the stack until meeting the parent event.
while (!EventStack.empty()) {
bool InsideCurrentEvent =
Event.TimestampBegin >= EventStack.top()->TimestampBegin &&
Event.TimestampEnd <= EventStack.top()->TimestampEnd;
if (!InsideCurrentEvent)
// Write indentaion, name, detail, newline.
for (size_t i = 1; i < EventStack.size(); ++i) {
Stream << "| ";
Stream.write(Event.Name.data(), Event.Name.size());
if (!Event.Detail.empty()) {
Stream << " (";
Stream.write(Event.Detail.data(), Event.Detail.size());
Stream << ")";
Stream << "\n";
return Stream.str();
} // namespace
TEST(TimeProfilerTest, ConstantEvaluationCxx20) {
constexpr StringRef Code = R"(
void print(double value);
namespace slow_namespace {
consteval double slow_func() {
double d = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) { // 8th line
d += i; // 9th line
return d;
} // namespace slow_namespace
void slow_test() {
constexpr auto slow_value = slow_namespace::slow_func(); // 17th line
print(slow_namespace::slow_func()); // 18th line
int slow_arr[12 + 34 * 56 + // 22nd line
static_cast<int>(slow_namespace::slow_func())]; // 23rd line
constexpr int slow_init_list[] = {1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21}; // 25th line
ASSERT_TRUE(compileFromString(Code, "-std=c++20", "test.cc"));
std::string Json = teardownProfiler();
std::string TraceGraph = buildTraceGraph(Json);
ASSERT_TRUE(TraceGraph == R"(
| EvaluateAsRValue (<test.cc:8:21>)
| EvaluateForOverflow (<test.cc:8:21, col:25>)
| EvaluateForOverflow (<test.cc:8:30, col:32>)
| EvaluateAsRValue (<test.cc:9:14>)
| EvaluateForOverflow (<test.cc:9:9, col:14>)
| isPotentialConstantExpr (slow_namespace::slow_func)
| EvaluateAsBooleanCondition (<test.cc:8:21, col:25>)
| | EvaluateAsRValue (<test.cc:8:21, col:25>)
| EvaluateAsBooleanCondition (<test.cc:8:21, col:25>)
| | EvaluateAsRValue (<test.cc:8:21, col:25>)
| EvaluateAsInitializer (slow_value)
| EvaluateAsConstantExpr (<test.cc:17:33, col:59>)
| EvaluateAsConstantExpr (<test.cc:18:11, col:37>)
| EvaluateAsRValue (<test.cc:22:14, line:23:58>)
| EvaluateAsInitializer (slow_init_list)
| PerformPendingInstantiations
// NOTE: If this test is failing, run this test with
// `llvm::errs() << TraceGraph;` and change the assert above.
TEST(TimeProfilerTest, ConstantEvaluationC99) {
constexpr StringRef Code = R"(
struct {
short quantval[4]; // 3rd line
} value;
ASSERT_TRUE(compileFromString(Code, "-std=c99", "test.c"));
std::string Json = teardownProfiler();
std::string TraceGraph = buildTraceGraph(Json);
ASSERT_TRUE(TraceGraph == R"(
| isIntegerConstantExpr (<test.c:3:18>)
| EvaluateKnownConstIntCheckOverflow (<test.c:3:18>)
| PerformPendingInstantiations
// NOTE: If this test is failing, run this test with
// `llvm::errs() << TraceGraph;` and change the assert above.