#!/usr/bin/env python import setuptools import sys """Setup script for the 'uncompyle6' distribution.""" SYS_VERSION = sys.version_info[0:2] if not ((2, 4) <= SYS_VERSION < (3, 12)): mess = "Python Release 2.6 .. 3.11 are supported in this code branch." if (2, 4) <= SYS_VERSION <= (2, 7): mess += ( "\nFor your Python, version %s, use the python-2.4 code/branch." % sys.version[0:3] ) if (3, 3) <= SYS_VERSION < (3, 6): mess += ( "\nFor your Python, version %s, use the python-3.3-to-3.5 code/branch." % sys.version[0:3] ) elif SYS_VERSION < (2, 4): mess += ( "\nThis package is not supported for Python version %s." % sys.version[0:3] ) print(mess) raise Exception(mess) from __pkginfo__ import ( author, author_email, install_requires, license, long_description, classifiers, entry_points, modname, py_modules, short_desc, __version__, web, zip_safe, ) setuptools.setup( author=author, author_email=author_email, classifiers=classifiers, description=short_desc, entry_points=entry_points, install_requires=install_requires, license=license, long_description=long_description, long_description_content_type="text/x-rst", name=modname, packages=setuptools.find_packages(), py_modules=py_modules, test_suite="nose.collector", url=web, tests_require=["nose>=1.0"], version=__version__, zip_safe=zip_safe, )