2016-09-03 00:50:18 -04:00

132 lines
5.9 KiB

This is the changelog from *decompyle*'s release 2.4 and before
passed on by Dan Pascu
release 2.4 (Dan Pascu)
- Replaced the way code structures are identified by the parser.
Previously, the scanner introduced some COME_FROM entries in the
dissasembly output to mark all the destinations of jump instructions.
Using these COME_FROM labels the parser was then able to identify the
code structures (if tests, while loops, etc). Up to python-2.3 this was
possible because the code structures were clearly defined and jump
targets were always to the same points in a given strcuture making it
easy to identify the structure. Python 2.3 however introduced optimized
jumps to increase code performance. In the previous version of decompyle
(2.3) we used a technique to identify the code structures and then used
these structures to determine where the jump targets would have been if
not optimized. Using this information we then added COME_FROM labels at
the points where they would have been if not optimized, thus emulating
the way decompyle worked with versions before python 2.3. However with
the introduction of even more optimizations in python 2.4 this technique
no longer works. Not only the jump targets are no longer an effective
mean for the parser to identify the code structures, but also trying to
emulate the old way things were solved when it clearly no longer works
is not the right solution. To solve this issue, the code to identify the
structures that we had developed in version 2.3, was used to add real
start/end points for strcuture identification, instead of the COME_FROM
labels. Now these new start/end labels are used by the parser to more
precisely identify the structures and the COME_FROM labels were removed
completely. The scanner is responsible to identify these code structures
and use any knowledge of optimizations that python applies to determine
the start/end points of any structure and then mark them with certain
keywords that are understood by the parser.
- Correctly identify certain `while 1' structures that were not
recognized in the previous version.
- Added support for new byte code constructs used by python 2.4
release 2.3.2
- tidied up copyright and changelog information for releases 2.3 and later
release 2.3.1 (Dan Pascu)
- implemented a structure detection technique that fixes problems with
optimised jumps in Python >= 2.3. In the previous release (decompyle 2.3),
these problems meant that some files were incorrectly decompiled and
others could not be decompiled at all. With this new structure detection
technique, thorough testing over the standard python libraries suggests
that decompyle 2.3.1 can handle everything that decompyle 2.2beta1 could,
plus new Python 2.3 bytecodes and constructs.
release 2.3 (Dan Pascu)
- support for Python 2.3 added
- use the marshal and disassembly code from their respective python
versions, so that decompyle can manipulate bytecode independently
of the interpreter that runs decompyle itself (for example it can
decompile python2.3 bytecode even when running under python2.2)
release 2.2beta1 (hartmut Goebel)
- support for Python 1.5 up to Python 2.2
- no longer requires to be run with the Python interpreter version
which generated the byte-code.
- requires Python 2.2
- pretty-prints docstrings, hashes, lists and tuples
- decompyle is now a script and a package
- added emacs mode-hint and tab-width for each file output
- enhanced test suite: more test patterns, .pyc/.pyo included
- avoids unnecessary 'global' statements
- still untested: EXTENDED_ARG
internal changes:
- major code overhoul: splitted into several modules, clean-ups
- use a list of valid magics instead of the single one from
- uses copies of '' for every supported version. This ensures
correct disassemling of the byte-code.
- use a single Walker and a single Parser, thus saving time and memory
- use augmented assign and 'print >>' internally
- optimized 'Walker.engine', the main part of code generation
release 0.6.0: (hartmut Goebel)
- extended print (Python 2.0)
- extended import (Python 2.0) (may not cover all cases)
- augmented assign (Python 2.0) (may not cover all cases)
- list comprehensions (Python 2.0)
- equivalent for 'apply' (Python 1.6)
- if .. elif .. else are now nested as expected
- assert test, data
- unpack list corrected (was the same as unpack tuple)
- fixed unpack tuple (trailing semicolon was missing)
- major speed up :-)
- reduced memory usage (pre-alpha-0.5 has increased it a lot)
- still missing: EXTENDED_ARG
pre-alpha-0.5: (hartmut Goebel)
- *args, **kwargs
- global
- formal tuple parameters (eg. def a(self, (x,y,z)) )
- actual lambda parameters (eg. X(lambda z: z**2) )
- remove last 'return None' in procedures
- remove last 'return locals()' in class definitions
- docstrings
pre-alpha-0.4: (hartmut Goebel)
- assert
- try/except/finally
- parentheses in expressions
- nested expressions
- extracted dissassemble() from module dis and
removed ugly redirect of stdout, thus saved a lot of
ugly code and a lot of memory
pre-alpha-0.3: (hartmut Goebel)
- keyword arguments
- some boolean expressions
- and/or
- complex conditions in if/while
- read byte-code from .pyc without importing
- access to the body of classes and modules
- class and function definitions
- a = b = c = xxx
pre-alpha-0.1 -> pre-alpha-0.2:
- SET_LINENO filtered out in lexer now
- added support for subscripts (just for Christian Tismer :-)
- fixed bug with handling of BUILD_{LIST,TUPLE} & CALL_FUNCTION
- dict-building support
- comparison support
- exec support
- del support
- pass support
- slice support
- no more extraneous (albeit legal) commas
- finally, it excepts try [sic] but not all 42 variations of it