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# Copyright (c) 2015-2022 Rocky Bernstein
# Copyright (c) 2005 by Dan Pascu <>
# Copyright (c) 2000-2002 by hartmut Goebel <>
# Copyright (c) 1999 John Aycock
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
Common uncompyle6 parser routines.
import sys
from spark_parser import GenericASTBuilder, DEFAULT_DEBUG as PARSER_DEFAULT_DEBUG
from import maybe_show_asm
from xdis import iscode
class ParserError(Exception):
def __init__(self, token, offset, debug=PARSER_DEFAULT_DEBUG):
self.token = token
self.offset = offset
self.debug = debug
def __str__(self):
return "Parse error at or near `%r' instruction at offset %s\n" % (
def nop_func(self, args):
return None
class PythonParser(GenericASTBuilder):
def __init__(self, SyntaxTree, start, debug):
super(PythonParser, self).__init__(SyntaxTree, start, debug)
# FIXME: customize per python parser version
# These are the non-terminals we should collect into a list.
# For example instead of:
# stmts -> stmts stmt -> stmts stmt stmt ...
# collect as stmts -> stmt stmt ...
nt_list = [
# Python < 3
# PyPy:
# Python 3.6+
# Python 3.7+
# Python < 1.4
self.collect = frozenset(nt_list)
# For these items we need to keep the 1st epslion reduction since
# the nonterminal name is used in a semantic action.
self.keep_epsilon = frozenset(("kvlist_n", "kvlist"))
# ??? Do we need a debug option to skip eliding singleton reductions?
# Time will tell if it if useful in debugging
# FIXME: optional_nt is a misnomer. It's really about there being a
# singleton reduction that we can simplify. It also happens to be optional
# in its other derivation
self.optional_nt |= frozenset(
("come_froms", "suite_stmts", "l_stmts_opt", "c_stmts_opt", "stmts_opt", "stmt")
# Reduce singleton reductions in these nonterminals:
# FIXME: would love to do expr, sstmts, stmts and
# so on but that would require major changes to the
# semantic actions
self.singleton = frozenset(
("str", "store", "_stmts", "suite_stmts_opt", "inplace_op", "add_value")
# Instructions filled in from scanner
self.insts = []
def ast_first_offset(self, ast):
if hasattr(ast, "offset"):
return ast.offset
return self.ast_first_offset(ast[0])
def add_unique_rule(self, rule, opname, arg_count, customize):
"""Add rule to grammar, but only if it hasn't been added previously
opname and stack_count are used in the customize() semantic
the actions to add the semantic action rule. Stack_count is
used in custom opcodes like MAKE_FUNCTION to indicate how
many arguments it has. Often it is not used.
if rule not in self.new_rules:
# print("XXX ", rule) # debug
self.addRule(rule, nop_func)
customize[opname] = arg_count
def add_unique_rules(self, rules, customize):
"""Add rules (a list of string) to grammar. Note that
the rules must not be those that set arg_count in the
custom dictionary.
for rule in rules:
if len(rule) == 0:
opname = rule.split("::=")[0].strip()
self.add_unique_rule(rule, opname, 0, customize)
def add_unique_doc_rules(self, rules_str, customize):
"""Add rules (a docstring-like list of rules) to grammar.
Note that the rules must not be those that set arg_count in the
custom dictionary.
rules = [r.strip() for r in rules_str.split("\n")]
self.add_unique_rules(rules, customize)
def cleanup(self):
Remove recursive references to allow garbage
collector to collect this object.
for dict in (self.rule2func, self.rules, self.rule2name):
for i in list(dict.keys()):
dict[i] = None
for i in dir(self):
setattr(self, i, None)
def debug_reduce(self, rule, tokens, parent, last_token_pos):
"""Customized format and print for our kind of tokens
which gets called in debugging grammar reduce rules
def fix(c):
s = str(c)
last_token_pos = s.find("_")
if last_token_pos == -1:
return s
return s[:last_token_pos]
prefix = ""
if parent and tokens:
p_token = tokens[parent]
if hasattr(p_token, "linestart") and p_token.linestart:
prefix = "L.%3d: " % p_token.linestart
prefix = " "
if hasattr(p_token, "offset"):
prefix += "%3s" % fix(p_token.offset)
if len(rule[1]) > 1:
prefix += "-%-3s " % fix(tokens[last_token_pos - 1].offset)
prefix += " "
prefix = " "
print("%s%s ::= %s (%d)" % (prefix, rule[0], " ".join(rule[1]), last_token_pos))
def error(self, instructions, index):
# Find the last line boundary
start, finish = -1, -1
for start in range(index, -1, -1):
if instructions[start].linestart:
for finish in range(index + 1, len(instructions)):
if instructions[finish].linestart:
if start >= 0:
err_token = instructions[index]
print("Instruction context:")
for i in range(start, finish):
if i != index:
indent = " "
indent = "-> "
print("%s%s" % (indent, instructions[i]))
raise ParserError(err_token, err_token.offset, self.debug["reduce"])
raise ParserError(None, -1, self.debug["reduce"])
def get_pos_kw(self, token):
Return then the number of positional parameters and keyword
parfameters represented by the attr (operand) field of
This appears in CALL_FUNCTION or CALL_METHOD (PyPy) tokens
# Low byte indicates number of positional paramters,
# high byte number of keyword parameters
assert token.kind.startswith("CALL_FUNCTION") or token.kind.startswith("CALL_METHOD")
args_pos = token.attr & 0xFF
args_kw = (token.attr >> 8) & 0xFF
return args_pos, args_kw
def nonterminal(self, nt, args):
n = len(args)
# # Use this to find lots of singleton rule
# if n == 1 and nt not in self.singleton:
# print("XXX", nt)
if nt in self.collect and n > 1:
# Collect iterated thingies together. That is rather than
# stmts -> stmts stmt -> stmts stmt -> ...
# stmms -> stmt stmt ...
if not hasattr(args[0], "append"):
# Was in self.optional_nt as a single item, but we find we have
# more than one now...
rv = GenericASTBuilder.nonterminal(self, nt, [args[0]])
rv = args[0]
# In a list-like entity where the first item goes to epsilon,
# drop that and save the 2nd item as the first one
if len(rv) == 0 and nt not in self.keep_epsilon:
rv = args[1]
elif n == 1 and args[0] in self.singleton:
rv = GenericASTBuilder.nonterminal(self, nt, args[0])
del args[0] # save memory
elif n == 1 and nt in self.optional_nt:
rv = args[0]
rv = GenericASTBuilder.nonterminal(self, nt, args)
return rv
def __ambiguity(self, children):
# only for debugging! to be removed hG/2000-10-15
return GenericASTBuilder.ambiguity(self, children)
def resolve(self, list):
if len(list) == 2 and "function_def" in list and "assign" in list:
return "function_def"
if "grammar" in list and "expr" in list:
return "expr"
# print >> sys.stderr, 'resolve', str(list)
return GenericASTBuilder.resolve(self, list)
# Common Python 2 and Python 3 grammar rules #
def p_start(self, args):
# The start or goal symbol
stmts ::= sstmt+
def p_call_stmt(self, args):
# eval-mode compilation. Single-mode interactive compilation
# adds another rule.
call_stmt ::= expr POP_TOP
def p_stmt(self, args):
pass ::=
_stmts ::= stmt+
# statements with continue
c_stmts ::= _stmts
c_stmts ::= _stmts lastc_stmt
c_stmts ::= lastc_stmt
c_stmts ::= continues
lastc_stmt ::= iflaststmt
lastc_stmt ::= forelselaststmt
lastc_stmt ::= ifelsestmtc
c_stmts_opt ::= c_stmts
c_stmts_opt ::= pass
stmts_opt ::= _stmts
stmts_opt ::= pass
# statements inside a loop
l_stmts ::= _stmts
l_stmts ::= returns
l_stmts ::= continues
l_stmts ::= _stmts lastl_stmt
l_stmts ::= lastl_stmt
lastl_stmt ::= iflaststmtl
lastl_stmt ::= ifelsestmtl
lastl_stmt ::= forelselaststmtl
lastl_stmt ::= tryelsestmtl
l_stmts_opt ::= l_stmts
l_stmts_opt ::= pass
suite_stmts ::= _stmts
suite_stmts ::= returns
suite_stmts ::= continues
suite_stmts_opt ::= suite_stmts
# passtmt is needed for semantic actions to add "pass"
suite_stmts_opt ::= pass
else_suite ::= suite_stmts
else_suitel ::= l_stmts
else_suitec ::= c_stmts
else_suitec ::= returns
stmt ::= assert
stmt ::= classdef
stmt ::= call_stmt
stmt ::= ifstmt
stmt ::= ifelsestmt
stmt ::= whilestmt
stmt ::= while1stmt
stmt ::= whileelsestmt
stmt ::= while1elsestmt
stmt ::= for
stmt ::= forelsestmt
stmt ::= try_except
stmt ::= tryelsestmt
stmt ::= tryfinallystmt
stmt ::= with
stmt ::= withasstmt
stmt ::= delete
delete ::= DELETE_FAST
delete ::= DELETE_NAME
delete ::= DELETE_GLOBAL
stmt ::= return
return ::= return_expr RETURN_VALUE
# "returns" nonterminal is a sequence of statements that ends in a RETURN statement.
# In later Python versions with jump optimization, this can cause JUMPs
# that would normally appear to be omitted.
returns ::= return
returns ::= _stmts return
def p_function_def(self, args):
stmt ::= function_def
function_def ::= mkfunc store
stmt ::= function_def_deco
function_def_deco ::= mkfuncdeco store
mkfuncdeco ::= expr mkfuncdeco CALL_FUNCTION_1
mkfuncdeco ::= expr mkfuncdeco0 CALL_FUNCTION_1
mkfuncdeco0 ::= mkfunc
load_closure ::= load_closure LOAD_CLOSURE
load_closure ::= LOAD_CLOSURE
def p_generator_exp(self, args):
expr ::= generator_exp
stmt ::= genexpr_func
genexpr_func ::= LOAD_FAST FOR_ITER store comp_iter JUMP_BACK
def p_jump(self, args):
_jump ::= JUMP_FORWARD
_jump ::= JUMP_BACK
# Zero or more COME_FROMs - loops can have this
_come_froms ::= COME_FROM*
# One or more COME_FROMs - joins of tryelse's have this
come_froms ::= COME_FROM+
# Zero or one COME_FROM
# And/or expressions have this
come_from_opt ::= COME_FROM?
def p_augmented_assign(self, args):
stmt ::= aug_assign1
stmt ::= aug_assign2
# This is odd in that other aug_assign1's have only 3 slots
# The store isn't used as that's supposed to be also
# indicated in the first expr
aug_assign1 ::= expr expr
inplace_op store
aug_assign1 ::= expr expr
aug_assign2 ::= expr DUP_TOP LOAD_ATTR expr
inplace_op ::= INPLACE_ADD
inplace_op ::= INPLACE_SUBTRACT
inplace_op ::= INPLACE_MULTIPLY
inplace_op ::= INPLACE_TRUE_DIVIDE
inplace_op ::= INPLACE_MODULO
inplace_op ::= INPLACE_POWER
inplace_op ::= INPLACE_LSHIFT
inplace_op ::= INPLACE_RSHIFT
inplace_op ::= INPLACE_AND
inplace_op ::= INPLACE_XOR
inplace_op ::= INPLACE_OR
def p_assign(self, args):
stmt ::= assign
assign ::= expr DUP_TOP designList
assign ::= expr store
stmt ::= assign2
stmt ::= assign3
assign2 ::= expr expr ROT_TWO store store
assign3 ::= expr expr expr ROT_THREE ROT_TWO store store store
def p_forstmt(self, args):
for_iter ::= GET_ITER FOR_ITER
for_block ::= l_stmts_opt _come_froms JUMP_BACK
forelsestmt ::= SETUP_LOOP expr for_iter store
for_block POP_BLOCK else_suite _come_froms
forelselaststmt ::= SETUP_LOOP expr for_iter store
for_block POP_BLOCK else_suitec _come_froms
forelselaststmtl ::= SETUP_LOOP expr for_iter store
for_block POP_BLOCK else_suitel _come_froms
def p_import20(self, args):
stmt ::= import
stmt ::= import_from
stmt ::= import_from_star
stmt ::= importmultiple
importlist ::= importlist alias
importlist ::= alias
alias ::= IMPORT_NAME store
alias ::= IMPORT_FROM store
alias ::= IMPORT_NAME attributes store
import ::= LOAD_CONST LOAD_CONST alias
import_from ::= LOAD_CONST LOAD_CONST IMPORT_NAME importlist POP_TOP
importmultiple ::= LOAD_CONST LOAD_CONST alias imports_cont
imports_cont ::= import_cont+
import_cont ::= LOAD_CONST LOAD_CONST alias
attributes ::= LOAD_ATTR+
def p_list_comprehension(self, args):
expr ::= list_comp
list_iter ::= list_for
list_iter ::= list_if
list_iter ::= list_if_not
list_iter ::= lc_body
list_if ::= expr jmp_false list_iter
list_if_not ::= expr jmp_true list_iter
def p_set_comp(self, args):
comp_iter ::= comp_for
comp_iter ::= comp_body
comp_body ::= gen_comp_body
gen_comp_body ::= expr YIELD_VALUE POP_TOP
comp_iter ::= comp_if
comp_if ::= expr jmp_false comp_iter
def p_expr(self, args):
expr ::= LOAD_CODE
expr ::= LOAD_CONST
expr ::= LOAD_DEREF
expr ::= LOAD_FAST
expr ::= LOAD_GLOBAL
expr ::= LOAD_NAME
expr ::= _lambda_body
expr ::= and
expr ::= bin_op
expr ::= call
expr ::= compare
expr ::= dict
expr ::= list
expr ::= or
expr ::= subscript
expr ::= subscript2
expr ::= unary_op
expr ::= unary_not
expr ::= yield
# bin_op (formerly "binary_expr") is the Python AST BinOp
bin_op ::= expr expr binary_operator
binary_operator ::= BINARY_ADD
binary_operator ::= BINARY_MULTIPLY
binary_operator ::= BINARY_AND
binary_operator ::= BINARY_OR
binary_operator ::= BINARY_XOR
binary_operator ::= BINARY_SUBTRACT
binary_operator ::= BINARY_TRUE_DIVIDE
binary_operator ::= BINARY_FLOOR_DIVIDE
binary_operator ::= BINARY_MODULO
binary_operator ::= BINARY_LSHIFT
binary_operator ::= BINARY_RSHIFT
binary_operator ::= BINARY_POWER
# unary_op (formerly "unary_expr") is the Python AST BinOp
unary_op ::= expr unary_operator
unary_operator ::= UNARY_POSITIVE
unary_operator ::= UNARY_NEGATIVE
unary_operator ::= UNARY_INVERT
unary_not ::= expr UNARY_NOT
subscript ::= expr expr BINARY_SUBSCR
attribute ::= expr LOAD_ATTR
get_iter ::= expr GET_ITER
yield ::= expr YIELD_VALUE
_lambda_body ::= lambda_body
expr ::= if_exp
return_expr ::= expr
return_expr ::= ret_and
return_expr ::= ret_or
return_expr_or_cond ::= return_expr
return_expr_or_cond ::= if_exp_ret
stmt ::= return_expr_lambda
return_expr_lambda ::= return_expr RETURN_VALUE_LAMBDA LAMBDA_MARKER
return_expr_lambda ::= return_expr RETURN_VALUE_LAMBDA
compare ::= compare_chained
compare ::= compare_single
compare_single ::= expr expr COMPARE_OP
# A compare_chained is two comparisions like x <= y <= z
compare_chained ::= expr compare_chained1 ROT_TWO POP_TOP _come_froms
compare_chained2 ::= expr COMPARE_OP JUMP_FORWARD
# Non-null kvlist items are broken out in the indiviual grammars
kvlist ::=
# Positional arguments in make_function
pos_arg ::= expr
def p_store(self, args):
# Note. The below is right-recursive:
designList ::= store store
designList ::= store DUP_TOP designList
## Can we replace with left-recursive, and redo with:
## designList ::= designLists store store
## designLists ::= designLists store DUP_TOP
## designLists ::=
## Will need to redo semantic actiion
store ::= STORE_FAST
store ::= STORE_NAME
store ::= STORE_GLOBAL
store ::= STORE_DEREF
store ::= expr STORE_ATTR
store ::= store_subscript
store_subscript ::= expr expr STORE_SUBSCR
store ::= unpack
def parse(p, tokens, customize, code):
p.customize_grammar_rules(tokens, customize)
ast = p.parse(tokens)
# p.cleanup()
return ast
def get_python_parser(
version, debug_parser=PARSER_DEFAULT_DEBUG, compile_mode="exec", is_pypy=False
"""Returns parser object for Python version 2 or 3, 3.2, 3.5on,
etc., depending on the parameters passed. *compile_mode* is either
'exec', 'eval', or 'single'. See for an
explanation of the different modes.
# If version is a string, turn that into the corresponding float.
if isinstance(version, str):
version = tuple([int(v) for v in version.split(".")[:2]])
version = version[:2]
# FIXME: there has to be a better way...
# We could do this as a table lookup, but that would force us
# in import all of the parsers all of the time. Perhaps there is
# a lazy way of doing the import?
if version < (3, 0):
if version < (2, 2):
if version == (1, 0):
import uncompyle6.parsers.parse10 as parse10
if compile_mode == "exec":
p = parse10.Python10Parser(debug_parser)
p = parse10.Python01ParserSingle(debug_parser)
elif version == (1, 1):
import uncompyle6.parsers.parse11 as parse11
if compile_mode == "exec":
p = parse11.Python11Parser(debug_parser)
p = parse11.Python11ParserSingle(debug_parser)
if version == (1, 2):
import uncompyle6.parsers.parse12 as parse12
if compile_mode == "exec":
p = parse12.Python12Parser(debug_parser)
p = parse12.Python12ParserSingle(debug_parser)
if version == (1, 3):
import uncompyle6.parsers.parse13 as parse13
if compile_mode == "exec":
p = parse13.Python13Parser(debug_parser)
p = parse13.Python13ParserSingle(debug_parser)
elif version == (1, 4):
import uncompyle6.parsers.parse14 as parse14
if compile_mode == "exec":
p = parse14.Python14Parser(debug_parser)
p = parse14.Python14ParserSingle(debug_parser)
elif version == (1, 5):
import uncompyle6.parsers.parse15 as parse15
if compile_mode == "exec":
p = parse15.Python15Parser(debug_parser)
p = parse15.Python15ParserSingle(debug_parser)
elif version == (1, 6):
import uncompyle6.parsers.parse16 as parse16
if compile_mode == "exec":
p = parse16.Python16Parser(debug_parser)
p = parse16.Python16ParserSingle(debug_parser)
elif version == (2, 1):
import uncompyle6.parsers.parse21 as parse21
if compile_mode == "exec":
p = parse21.Python21Parser(debug_parser)
p = parse21.Python21ParserSingle(debug_parser)
elif version == (2, 2):
import uncompyle6.parsers.parse22 as parse22
if compile_mode == "exec":
p = parse22.Python22Parser(debug_parser)
p = parse22.Python22ParserSingle(debug_parser)
elif version == (2, 3):
import uncompyle6.parsers.parse23 as parse23
if compile_mode == "exec":
p = parse23.Python23Parser(debug_parser)
p = parse23.Python23ParserSingle(debug_parser)
elif version == (2, 4):
import uncompyle6.parsers.parse24 as parse24
if compile_mode == "exec":
p = parse24.Python24Parser(debug_parser)
p = parse24.Python24ParserSingle(debug_parser)
elif version == (2, 5):
import uncompyle6.parsers.parse25 as parse25
if compile_mode == "exec":
p = parse25.Python25Parser(debug_parser)
p = parse25.Python25ParserSingle(debug_parser)
elif version == (2, 6):
import uncompyle6.parsers.parse26 as parse26
if compile_mode == "exec":
p = parse26.Python26Parser(debug_parser)
p = parse26.Python26ParserSingle(debug_parser)
elif version == (2, 7):
import uncompyle6.parsers.parse27 as parse27
if compile_mode == "exec":
p = parse27.Python27Parser(debug_parser)
p = parse27.Python27ParserSingle(debug_parser)
import uncompyle6.parsers.parse2 as parse2
if compile_mode == "exec":
p = parse2.Python2Parser(debug_parser)
p = parse2.Python2ParserSingle(debug_parser)
import uncompyle6.parsers.parse3 as parse3
if version == (3, 0):
import uncompyle6.parsers.parse30 as parse30
if compile_mode == "exec":
p = parse30.Python30Parser(debug_parser)
p = parse30.Python30ParserSingle(debug_parser)
elif version == (3, 1):
import uncompyle6.parsers.parse31 as parse31
if compile_mode == "exec":
p = parse31.Python31Parser(debug_parser)
p = parse31.Python31ParserSingle(debug_parser)
elif version == (3, 2):
import uncompyle6.parsers.parse32 as parse32
if compile_mode == "exec":
p = parse32.Python32Parser(debug_parser)
p = parse32.Python32ParserSingle(debug_parser)
elif version == (3, 3):
import uncompyle6.parsers.parse33 as parse33
if compile_mode == "exec":
p = parse33.Python33Parser(debug_parser)
p = parse33.Python33ParserSingle(debug_parser)
elif version == (3, 4):
import uncompyle6.parsers.parse34 as parse34
if compile_mode == "exec":
p = parse34.Python34Parser(debug_parser)
p = parse34.Python34ParserSingle(debug_parser)
elif version == (3, 5):
import uncompyle6.parsers.parse35 as parse35
if compile_mode == "exec":
p = parse35.Python35Parser(debug_parser)
p = parse35.Python35ParserSingle(debug_parser)
elif version == (3, 6):
import uncompyle6.parsers.parse36 as parse36
if compile_mode == "exec":
p = parse36.Python36Parser(debug_parser)
p = parse36.Python36ParserSingle(debug_parser)
elif version == (3, 7):
import uncompyle6.parsers.parse37 as parse37
if compile_mode == "exec":
p = parse37.Python37Parser(debug_parser)
p = parse37.Python37ParserSingle(debug_parser)
elif version == (3, 8):
import uncompyle6.parsers.parse38 as parse38
if compile_mode == "exec":
p = parse38.Python38Parser(debug_parser)
p = parse38.Python38ParserSingle(debug_parser)
if compile_mode == "exec":
p = parse3.Python3Parser(debug_parser)
p = parse3.Python3ParserSingle(debug_parser)
p.version = version
# p.dump_grammar() # debug
return p
class PythonParserSingle(PythonParser):
def p_call_stmt_single(self, args):
# single-mode compilation. Eval-mode interactive compilation
# drops the last rule.
call_stmt ::= expr PRINT_EXPR
def python_parser(
Parse a code object to an abstract syntax tree representation.
:param version: The python version this code is from as a float, for
example 2.6, 2.7, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5 etc.
:param co: The code object to parse.
:param out: File like object to write the output to.
:param showasm: Flag which determines whether the disassembled and
ingested code is written to sys.stdout or not.
:param parser_debug: dict containing debug flags for the spark parser.
:return: Abstract syntax tree representation of the code object.
assert iscode(co)
from uncompyle6.scanner import get_scanner
scanner = get_scanner(version, is_pypy)
tokens, customize = scanner.ingest(co)
maybe_show_asm(showasm, tokens)
# For heavy grammar debugging
# parser_debug = {'rules': True, 'transition': True, 'reduce' : True,
# 'showstack': 'full'}
p = get_python_parser(version, parser_debug)
# FIXME: have p.insts update in a better way
# modularity is broken here
p.insts = scanner.insts
p.offset2inst_index = scanner.offset2inst_index
return parse(p, tokens, customize, co)
if __name__ == "__main__":
def parse_test(co):
ast = python_parser(PYTHON_VERSION_TRIPLE, co, showasm=True, is_pypy=IS_PYPY)