
512 lines
22 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#include <r_util.h>
#include "minunit.h"
#include <r_bin.h>
#include <r_core.h>
#include <r_bin_dwarf.h>
2022-08-23 18:52:25 +02:00
#include "../../libr/bin/format/pdb/types.h"
#define MODE 2
#define check_kv(k, v) \
do { \
char *value = sdb_get (anal->sdb_types, k, NULL); \
mu_assert_nullable_streq (value, v, "Wrong key - value pair"); \
} while (0)
// copy from cbin.c modified to get pdb back
int pdb_info(const char *file, RPdb *pdb) {
pdb->cb_printf = r_cons_printf;
if (!init_pdb_parser (pdb, file)) {
return false;
if (!pdb->pdb_parse (pdb)) {
eprintf ("pdb was not parsed\n");
pdb->finish_pdb_parse (pdb);
return false;
return true;
int pdb_info_save_types(RAnal *anal, const char *file, RPdb *pdb) {
pdb->cb_printf = r_cons_printf;
if (!init_pdb_parser (pdb, file)) {
return false;
if (!pdb->pdb_parse (pdb)) {
eprintf ("pdb was not parsed\n");
pdb->finish_pdb_parse (pdb);
return false;
r_parse_pdb_types (anal, pdb);
pdb->finish_pdb_parse (pdb);
return true;
bool test_pdb_tpi_cpp(void) {
2022-03-11 19:48:37 -06:00
RPdb pdb = {0};
mu_assert_true (pdb_info ("bins/pdb/Project1.pdb", &pdb), "pdb parsing failed");
RList *plist = pdb.pdb_streams;
mu_assert_notnull (plist, "PDB streams is NULL");
mu_assert_eq (pdb.root_stream->num_streams, 50, "Incorrect number of streams");
STpiStream *tpi_stream = r_list_get_n (plist, ePDB_STREAM_TPI);
mu_assert_notnull (tpi_stream, "TPIs stream not found in current PDB");
mu_assert_eq (tpi_stream->header.hdr_size + tpi_stream->header.follow_size, 117156, "Wrong TPI size");
mu_assert_eq (tpi_stream->header.idx_begin, 0x1000, "Wrong beginning index");
// tpi_stream->header.
mu_assert_eq (tpi_stream->types->length, 1148, "Incorrect number of types");
RListIter *it = r_list_iterator (tpi_stream->types);
SType *type;
while (r_list_iter_next (it)) {
type = r_list_iter_get (it);
STypeInfo *type_info = &type->type_data;
if (type->tpi_idx == 0x1028) {
mu_assert_eq (type_info->leaf_type, eLF_PROCEDURE, "Incorrect data type");
SType *arglist;
type_info->get_arglist (type_info, (void **)&arglist);
mu_assert_eq (arglist->tpi_idx, 0x1027, "Wrong type index");
SType *return_type;
type_info->get_return_type (type_info, (void **)&return_type);
mu_assert_eq (return_type->type_data.leaf_type, eLF_SIMPLE_TYPE, "Incorrect return type");
SLF_SIMPLE_TYPE *simple_type = return_type->type_data.type_info;
mu_assert_eq (simple_type->size, 4, "Incorrect return type");
mu_assert_streq (simple_type->type, "int32_t", "Incorrect return type");
} else if (type->tpi_idx == 0x1161) {
mu_assert_eq (type_info->leaf_type, eLF_POINTER, "Incorrect data type");
char *type;
type_info->get_print_type (type_info, &type);
mu_assert_streq (type, "struct _RTC_framedesc*", "Wrong pointer print type");
} else if (type->tpi_idx == 0x1004) {
mu_assert_eq (type_info->leaf_type, eLF_STRUCTURE, "Incorrect data type");
int forward_ref = 0;
type->type_data.is_fwdref (type_info, &forward_ref);
mu_assert_eq (forward_ref, 1, "Wrong fwdref");
} else if (type->tpi_idx == 0x113F) {
mu_assert_eq (type_info->leaf_type, eLF_ARRAY, "Incorrect data type");
char *type;
type_info->get_print_type (type_info, &type);
SType *dump;
type_info->get_index_type (type_info, (void **)&dump);
mu_assert_eq (dump->type_data.leaf_type, eLF_SIMPLE_TYPE, "Incorrect return type");
SLF_SIMPLE_TYPE *simple_type = dump->type_data.type_info;
mu_assert_eq (simple_type->simple_type, eT_ULONG, "Incorrect return type");
mu_assert_eq (simple_type->size, 4, "Incorrect return type");
mu_assert_streq (simple_type->type, "uint32_t", "Incorrect return type");
type_info->get_element_type (type_info, (void **)&dump);
mu_assert_eq (dump->tpi_idx, 0x113E, "Wrong element type index");
int size;
type_info->get_val (type_info, &size);
mu_assert_eq (size, 20, "Wrong array size");
} else if (type->tpi_idx == 0x145A) {
mu_assert_eq (type_info->leaf_type, eLF_ENUM, "Incorrect data type");
SType *dump;
RList *members;
char *name;
type_info->get_name (type_info, &name);
mu_assert_streq (name, "EXCEPTION_DEBUGGER_ENUM", "wrong enum name");
type_info->get_utype (type_info, (void **)&dump);
mu_assert_eq (dump->type_data.leaf_type, eLF_SIMPLE_TYPE, "Incorrect return type");
SLF_SIMPLE_TYPE *simple_type = dump->type_data.type_info;
mu_assert_eq (simple_type->simple_type, eT_INT4, "Incorrect return type");
mu_assert_eq (simple_type->size, 4, "Incorrect return type");
mu_assert_streq (simple_type->type, "int32_t", "Incorrect return type");
type_info->get_members (type_info, &members);
mu_assert_eq (members->length, 6, "wrong enum members length");
} else if (type->tpi_idx == 0x1414) {
mu_assert_eq (type_info->leaf_type, eLF_VTSHAPE, "Incorrect data type");
} else if (type->tpi_idx == 0x1421) {
mu_assert_eq (type_info->leaf_type, eLF_MODIFIER, "Incorrect data type");
SType *stype = NULL;
type_info->get_modified_type (type_info, (void **)&stype);
mu_assert_eq (stype->tpi_idx, 0x120F, "Incorrect modified type");
char *type;
type_info->get_print_type (type_info, &type);
mu_assert_streq (type, "const struct Stream", "Incorrect modifier print type");
} else if (type->tpi_idx == 0x1003) {
mu_assert_eq (type_info->leaf_type, eLF_UNION, "Incorrect data type");
char *name;
type_info->get_name (type_info, &name);
mu_assert_streq (name, "R2_TEST_UNION", "wrong union name");
RList *members;
type_info->get_members (type_info, &members);
mu_assert_eq (members->length, 2, "wrong union member count");
} else if (type->tpi_idx == 0x100B) {
mu_assert_eq (type_info->leaf_type, eLF_CLASS, "Incorrect data type");
char *name;
type_info->get_name (type_info, &name);
mu_assert_streq (name, "TEST_CLASS", "wrong class name");
RList *members;
type_info->get_members (type_info, &members);
mu_assert_eq (members->length, 2, "wrong class member count");
SType *stype = NULL;
int result = type_info->get_vshape (type_info, (void **)&stype);
mu_assert_eq (result || stype, 0, "wrong class vshape");
result = type_info->get_derived (type_info, (void **)&stype);
mu_assert_eq (result || stype, 0, "wrong class derived");
} else if (type->tpi_idx == 0x1062) {
mu_assert_eq (type_info->leaf_type, eLF_BITFIELD, "Incorrect data type");
SType *base_type = NULL;
type_info->get_base_type (type_info, (void **)&base_type);
char *type;
type_info->get_print_type (type_info, &type);
mu_assert_streq (type, "bitfield uint32_t : 1", "Incorrect bitfield print type");
} else if (type->tpi_idx == 0x1258) {
mu_assert_eq (type_info->leaf_type, eLF_METHODLIST, "Incorrect data type");
// Nothing from methodlist is currently being parsed
} else if (type->tpi_idx == 0x107A) {
mu_assert_eq (type_info->leaf_type, eLF_MFUNCTION, "Incorrect data type");
SType *type;
type_info->get_return_type (type_info, (void **)&type);
mu_assert_eq (type->type_data.leaf_type, eLF_SIMPLE_TYPE, "Incorrect return type");
SLF_SIMPLE_TYPE *simple_type = type->type_data.type_info;
mu_assert_eq (simple_type->simple_type, eT_BOOL08, "Incorrect return type");
mu_assert_eq (simple_type->size, 1, "Incorrect return type");
mu_assert_streq (simple_type->type, "_Bool", "Incorrect return type");
type_info->get_class_type (type_info, (void **)&type);
mu_assert_eq (type->tpi_idx, 0x1079, "incorrect mfunction class type");
type_info->get_this_type (type_info, (void **)&type);
mu_assert_eq (type, 0, "incorrect mfunction this type");
type_info->get_arglist (type_info, (void **)&type);
mu_assert_eq (type->tpi_idx, 0x1027, "incorrect mfunction arglist");
} else if (type->tpi_idx == 0x113F) {
mu_assert_eq (type_info->leaf_type, eLF_FIELDLIST, "Incorrect data type");
RList *members = r_list_new ();
type_info->get_members (&type->type_data, &members);
mu_assert_eq (members->length, 2725, "Incorrect members length");
RListIter *it = r_list_iterator (members);
int i = 0;
while (r_list_iter_next (it)) {
STypeInfo *type_info = (STypeInfo *)r_list_iter_get (it);
mu_assert_eq (type_info->leaf_type, eLF_ENUMERATE, "Incorrect data type");
if (i == 0) {
char *name = NULL;
type_info->get_name (type_info, &name);
mu_assert_streq (name, "CV_ALLREG_ERR", "Wrong enum name");
int value = 0;
type_info->get_val (type_info, &value);
mu_assert_eq (value, 30000, "Wrong enumerate value");
if (i == 2724) {
char *name = NULL;
type_info->get_name (type_info, &name);
mu_assert_streq (name, "CV_AMD64_YMM15D3", "Wrong enum name");
int value = 0;
type_info->get_val (type_info, &value);
mu_assert_eq (value, 687, "Wrong enumerate value");
} else if (type->tpi_idx == 0x1231) {
mu_assert_eq (type_info->leaf_type, eLF_ARGLIST, "Incorrect data type");
} else if (type->tpi_idx == 0x101A) {
mu_assert_eq (type_info->leaf_type, eLF_STRUCTURE, "Incorrect data type");
char *name;
int is_forward_ref;
type_info->get_name (&type->type_data, &name);
mu_assert_streq (name, "threadlocaleinfostruct", "Wrong name");
type_info->is_fwdref (&type->type_data, &is_forward_ref);
mu_assert_eq (is_forward_ref, false, "Wrong is_fwdref");
RList *members = r_list_new ();
type_info->get_members (&type->type_data, &members);
mu_assert_eq (members->length, 18, "Incorrect members count");
RListIter *it = r_list_iterator (members);
int i = 0;
while (r_list_iter_next (it)) {
STypeInfo *type_info = (STypeInfo *)r_list_iter_get (it);
if (i == 0) {
mu_assert_eq (type_info->leaf_type, eLF_MEMBER, "Incorrect data type");
char *name = NULL;
type_info->get_name (type_info, &name);
mu_assert_streq (name, "refcount", "Wrong member name");
char *type;
type_info->get_print_type (type_info, &type);
mu_assert_streq (type, "int32_t", "Wrong member type");
if (i == 1) {
mu_assert_eq (type_info->leaf_type, eLF_MEMBER, "Incorrect data type");
char *name = NULL;
type_info->get_name (type_info, &name);
mu_assert_streq (name, "lc_codepage", "Wrong member name");
char *type;
type_info->get_print_type (type_info, &type);
mu_assert_streq (type, "uint32_t", "Wrong member type");
if (i == 17) {
mu_assert_eq (type_info->leaf_type, eLF_MEMBER, "Incorrect data type");
char *name = NULL;
type_info->get_name (type_info, &name);
mu_assert_streq (name, "locale_name", "Wrong method name");
char *type;
type_info->get_print_type (type_info, &type);
mu_assert_streq (type, "wchar_t *[24]", "Wrong method type");
pdb.finish_pdb_parse (&pdb);
bool test_pdb_tpi_rust(void) {
2022-03-11 19:48:37 -06:00
RPdb pdb = {0};
mu_assert_true (pdb_info ("bins/pdb/ghidra_rust_pdb_bug.pdb", &pdb), "pdb parsing failed");
RList *plist = pdb.pdb_streams;
mu_assert_notnull (plist, "PDB streams is NULL");
mu_assert_eq (pdb.root_stream->num_streams, 88, "Incorrect number of streams");
STpiStream *tpi_stream = r_list_get_n (plist, ePDB_STREAM_TPI);
mu_assert_notnull (tpi_stream, "TPIs stream not found in current PDB");
mu_assert_eq (tpi_stream->header.hdr_size + tpi_stream->header.follow_size, 305632, "Wrong TPI size");
mu_assert_eq (tpi_stream->header.idx_begin, 0x1000, "Wrong beginning index");
// tpi_stream->header.
mu_assert_eq (tpi_stream->types->length, 4031, "Incorrect number of types");
RListIter *it = r_list_iterator (tpi_stream->types);
SType *type;
while (r_list_iter_next (it)) {
type = r_list_iter_get (it);
STypeInfo *type_info = &type->type_data;
if (type->tpi_idx == 0x101B) {
mu_assert_eq (type_info->leaf_type, eLF_PROCEDURE, "Incorrect data type");
SType *arglist;
type_info->get_arglist (type_info, (void **)&arglist);
mu_assert_eq (arglist->tpi_idx, 0x101A, "Wrong type index");
SType *return_type;
type_info->get_return_type (type_info, (void **)&return_type);
mu_assert_eq (return_type->type_data.leaf_type, eLF_SIMPLE_TYPE, "Incorrect return type");
SLF_SIMPLE_TYPE *simple_type = return_type->type_data.type_info;
mu_assert_eq (simple_type->size, 4, "Incorrect return type");
mu_assert_streq (simple_type->type, "int32_t", "Incorrect return type");
} else if (type->tpi_idx == 0x1163) {
mu_assert_eq (type_info->leaf_type, eLF_POINTER, "Incorrect data type");
char *type;
type_info->get_print_type (type_info, &type);
mu_assert_streq (type, "struct core::fmt::Void*", "Wrong pointer print type");
} else if (type->tpi_idx == 0x1005) {
mu_assert_eq (type_info->leaf_type, eLF_STRUCTURE, "Incorrect data type");
int forward_ref = 0;
type->type_data.is_fwdref (type_info, &forward_ref);
mu_assert_eq (forward_ref, 1, "Wrong fwdref");
} else if (type->tpi_idx == 0x114A) {
mu_assert_eq (type_info->leaf_type, eLF_ARRAY, "Incorrect data type");
SType *dump;
type_info->get_index_type (type_info, (void **)&dump);
mu_assert_eq (dump->type_data.leaf_type, eLF_SIMPLE_TYPE, "Incorrect return type");
SLF_SIMPLE_TYPE *simple_type = dump->type_data.type_info;
mu_assert_eq (simple_type->simple_type, eT_UQUAD, "Incorrect return type");
mu_assert_eq (simple_type->size, 8, "Incorrect return type");
mu_assert_streq (simple_type->type, "uint64_t", "Incorrect return type");
type_info->get_element_type (type_info, (void **)&dump);
mu_assert_eq (dump->type_data.leaf_type, eLF_SIMPLE_TYPE, "Incorrect return type");
simple_type = dump->type_data.type_info;
mu_assert_eq (simple_type->simple_type, eT_UCHAR, "Incorrect return type");
mu_assert_eq (simple_type->size, 1, "Incorrect return type");
mu_assert_streq (simple_type->type, "uint8_t", "Incorrect return type");
int size;
type_info->get_val (type_info, &size);
mu_assert_eq (size, 16, "Wrong array size");
} else if (type->tpi_idx == 0x1FB4) {
mu_assert_eq (type_info->leaf_type, eLF_ENUM, "Incorrect data type");
SType *dump;
RList *members;
char *name;
type_info->get_name (type_info, &name);
mu_assert_streq (name, "ISA_AVAILABILITY", "wrong enum name");
type_info->get_utype (type_info, (void **)&dump);
mu_assert_eq (dump->type_data.leaf_type, eLF_SIMPLE_TYPE, "Incorrect return type");
SLF_SIMPLE_TYPE *simple_type = dump->type_data.type_info;
mu_assert_eq (simple_type->simple_type, eT_INT4, "Incorrect return type");
mu_assert_eq (simple_type->size, 4, "Incorrect return type");
mu_assert_streq (simple_type->type, "int32_t", "Incorrect return type");
type_info->get_members (type_info, &members);
mu_assert_eq (members->length, 10, "wrong enum members length");
} else if (type->tpi_idx == 0x1E31) {
mu_assert_eq (type_info->leaf_type, eLF_VTSHAPE, "Incorrect data type");
} else if (type->tpi_idx == 0x1FB7) {
mu_assert_eq (type_info->leaf_type, eLF_MODIFIER, "Incorrect data type");
SType *stype = NULL;
type_info->get_modified_type (type_info, (void **)&stype);
mu_assert_eq (stype->type_data.leaf_type, eLF_SIMPLE_TYPE, "Incorrect modified type");
char *type;
type_info->get_print_type (type_info, &type);
mu_assert_streq (type, "const volatile uint64_t", "Incorrect modifier print type");
// } else if (type->tpi_idx == 0x1F4E) { This whole thing isn't parsed correctly for some reason TODO
// mu_assert_eq (type_info->leaf_type, eLF_UNION, "Incorrect data type");
// char *name;
// type_info->get_name (type_info, &name);
// mu_assert_streq (name, "_SLIST_HEADER", "wrong union name");
// RList *members;
// type_info->get_members (type_info, &members);
// mu_assert_eq (members->length, 3, "wrong union member count");
// // mu_assert_eq (members->length, 4, "wrong union member count"); // Doesn't work, missing one (last) member for some reason TODO
// int size = 0;
// type_info->get_val (type_info, &size);
// // mu_assert_eq (size, 48, " Wrong union size"); // parse wrong should be 48, is 16
// mu_assert_eq (size, 16, " Wrong union size");
} else if (type->tpi_idx == 0x1EA9) {
mu_assert_eq (type_info->leaf_type, eLF_CLASS, "Incorrect data type");
char *name;
type_info->get_name (type_info, &name);
mu_assert_streq (name, "std::bad_typeid", "wrong class name");
RList *members;
type_info->get_members (type_info, &members);
// mu_assert_eq (members->length, 7, "wrong class member count"); // These members (fieldlist) isn't properly parsed?
SType *stype = NULL;
int result = type_info->get_vshape (type_info, (void **)&stype);
mu_assert_eq (result || stype, 1, "wrong class vshape");
result = type_info->get_derived (type_info, (void **)&stype);
mu_assert_eq (result || stype, 0, "wrong class derived");
} else if (type->tpi_idx == 0x1F50) {
mu_assert_eq (type_info->leaf_type, eLF_BITFIELD, "Incorrect data type");
SType *base_type = NULL;
type_info->get_base_type (type_info, (void **)&base_type);
char *type;
type_info->get_print_type (type_info, &type);
mu_assert_streq (type, "bitfield uint64_t : 48", "Incorrect bitfield print type");
} else if (type->tpi_idx == 0x1E27) {
mu_assert_eq (type_info->leaf_type, eLF_METHODLIST, "Incorrect data type");
// Nothing from methodlist is currently being parsed
} else if (type->tpi_idx == 0x181C) {
mu_assert_eq (type_info->leaf_type, eLF_MFUNCTION, "Incorrect data type");
SType *type;
type_info->get_return_type (type_info, (void **)&type);
mu_assert_eq (type->type_data.leaf_type, eLF_SIMPLE_TYPE, "Incorrect return type");
SLF_SIMPLE_TYPE *simple_type = type->type_data.type_info;
mu_assert_eq (simple_type->simple_type, eT_VOID, "Incorrect return type");
mu_assert_eq (simple_type->size, 0, "Incorrect return type");
mu_assert_streq (simple_type->type, "void", "Incorrect return type");
type_info->get_class_type (type_info, (void **)&type);
mu_assert_eq (type->tpi_idx, 0x107F, "incorrect mfunction class type");
type_info->get_this_type (type_info, (void **)&type);
mu_assert_eq (type, 0, "incorrect mfunction this type");
type_info->get_arglist (type_info, (void **)&type);
mu_assert_eq (type->tpi_idx, 0x1000, "incorrect mfunction arglist");
} else if (type->tpi_idx == 0x13BF) {
mu_assert_eq (type_info->leaf_type, eLF_FIELDLIST, "Incorrect data type");
// check size
RList *members = r_list_new ();
type_info->get_members (&type->type_data, &members);
mu_assert_eq (members->length, 3, "Incorrect members length");
RListIter *it = r_list_iterator (members);
int i = 0;
while (r_list_iter_next (it)) {
STypeInfo *type_info = (STypeInfo *)r_list_iter_get (it);
mu_assert_eq (type_info->leaf_type, eLF_MEMBER, "Incorrect data type");
if (i == 0) {
char *name = NULL;
type_info->get_name (type_info, &name);
mu_assert_streq (name, "RUST$ENUM$DISR", "Wrong member name");
// get type
if (i == 2) {
char *name = NULL;
type_info->get_name (type_info, &name);
mu_assert_streq (name, "__0", "Wrong member name");
// get type
} else if (type->tpi_idx == 0x1164) {
mu_assert_eq (type_info->leaf_type, eLF_ARGLIST, "Incorrect data type");
} else if (type->tpi_idx == 0x1058) {
mu_assert_eq (type_info->leaf_type, eLF_STRUCTURE, "Incorrect data type");
char *name;
type_info->get_name (&type->type_data, &name);
mu_assert_streq (name, "std::thread::local::fast::Key<core::cell::Cell<core::option::Option<core::ptr::non_null::NonNull<core::task::wake::Context>>>>", "Wrong name");
int is_forward_ref;
type_info->is_fwdref (&type->type_data, &is_forward_ref);
mu_assert_eq (is_forward_ref, false, "Wrong is_fwdref");
int size = 0;
type_info->get_val (type_info, &size);
mu_assert_eq (size, 24, "Wrong struct size");
RList *members = r_list_new ();
type_info->get_members (&type->type_data, &members);
mu_assert_eq (members->length, 2, "Incorrect members count");
RListIter *it = r_list_iterator (members);
int i = 0;
while (r_list_iter_next (it)) {
STypeInfo *type_info = (STypeInfo *)r_list_iter_get (it);
if (i == 0) {
mu_assert_eq (type_info->leaf_type, eLF_MEMBER, "Incorrect data type");
char *name = NULL;
type_info->get_name (type_info, &name);
mu_assert_streq (name, "inner", "Wrong member name");
// todo add type idx
if (i == 1) {
mu_assert_eq (type_info->leaf_type, eLF_MEMBER, "Incorrect data type");
char *name = NULL;
type_info->get_name (type_info, &name);
mu_assert_streq (name, "dtor_state", "Wrong member name");
pdb.finish_pdb_parse (&pdb);
bool test_pdb_type_save(void) {
2022-03-11 19:48:37 -06:00
RPdb pdb = {0};
RAnal *anal = r_anal_new ();
mu_assert_true (pdb_info_save_types (anal, "bins/pdb/Project1.pdb", &pdb), "pdb parsing failed");
check_kv ("R2_TEST_ENUM", "enum");
check_kv ("enum.R2_TEST_ENUM", "eENUM1_R2,eENUM2_R2,eENUM_R2_MAX");
check_kv ("enum.R2_TEST_ENUM.0x10", "eENUM1_R2");
check_kv ("enum.R2_TEST_ENUM.eENUM1_R2", "0x10");
check_kv ("R2_TEST_UNION", "union");
check_kv ("union.R2_TEST_UNION", "r2_union_var_1,r2_union_var_2");
check_kv ("union.R2_TEST_UNION.r2_union_var_1", "int32_t,0,0");
check_kv ("union.R2_TEST_UNION.r2_union_var_2", "double,0,0");
check_kv ("__m64", "union");
check_kv ("union.__m64", "m64_u64,m64_f32,m64_i8,m64_i16,m64_i32,m64_i64,m64_u8,m64_u16,m64_u32");
check_kv ("union.__m64.m64_u64", "uint64_t,0,0");
check_kv ("union.__m64.m64_f32", "float[8],0,0");
check_kv ("union.__m64.m64_i8", "char[8],0,0");
check_kv ("union.__m64.m64_i16", "uint16_t[8],0,0");
check_kv ("union.__m64.m64_i32", "int32_t[8],0,0");
check_kv ("union.__m64.m64_i64", "int64_t,0,0");
check_kv ("union.__m64.m64_u8", "uint8_t[8],0,0");
check_kv ("union.__m64.m64_u16", "uint16_t[8],0,0");
check_kv ("union.__m64.m64_u32", "uint32_t[8],0,0");
check_kv ("TEST_CLASS", "struct");
check_kv ("struct.TEST_CLASS", "class_var1,calss_var2");
check_kv ("struct.TEST_CLASS.class_var1", "int32_t,0,0");
check_kv ("struct.TEST_CLASS.calss_var2", "uint16_t,4,0");
check_kv ("localeinfo_struct", "struct");
check_kv ("struct.localeinfo_struct", "locinfo,mbcinfo");
check_kv ("struct.localeinfo_struct.locinfo", "struct threadlocaleinfostruct*,0,0");
check_kv ("struct.localeinfo_struct.mbcinfo", "struct threadmbcinfostruct*,4,0");
r_anal_free (anal);
bool all_tests() {
mu_run_test (test_pdb_tpi_cpp);
mu_run_test (test_pdb_tpi_rust);
mu_run_test (test_pdb_type_save);
return tests_passed != tests_run;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
return all_tests ();