
791 lines
18 KiB
Raw Normal View History

/* radare - LGPL - Copyright 2008-2015 - pancake */
#include <r_cons.h>
#include <r_print.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#if __UNIX__ || __CYGWIN__
#include <signal.h>
R_LIB_VERSION (r_cons);
static RCons r_cons_instance;
#define I r_cons_instance
static void break_signal(int sig) {
I.breaked = R_TRUE;
2014-05-14 23:24:46 +02:00
r_print_set_interrupted (I.breaked);
if (I.event_interrupt)
I.event_interrupt (I.data);
static inline void r_cons_write (const char *buf, int len) {
#if __WINDOWS__ && !__CYGWIN__
r_cons_w32_print ((unsigned char *)buf, len, 0);
if (write (I.fdout, buf, len) == -1) {
//eprintf ("r_cons_write: write error\n");
//exit (1);
R_API char *r_cons_color_random(int bg) {
int r, g, b;
if (I.truecolor>0) {
char out[32];
r = r_num_rand (0xff);
g = r_num_rand (0xff);
b = r_num_rand (0xff);
r_cons_rgb_str (out, r, g, b, bg);
return strdup (out);
// random ansi
r = r_num_rand (16);
switch (r) {
case 0: return strdup (Color_RED);
case 1: return strdup (Color_BRED);
case 2: return strdup (Color_WHITE);
case 3: return strdup (Color_BWHITE);
case 4: return strdup (Color_GREEN);
case 5: return strdup (Color_BGREEN);
case 6: return strdup (Color_MAGENTA);
case 7: return strdup (Color_BMAGENTA);
case 8: return strdup (Color_YELLOW);
case 9: return strdup (Color_BYELLOW);
case 10: return strdup (Color_CYAN);
case 11: return strdup (Color_BCYAN);
case 12: return strdup (Color_BLUE);
case 13: return strdup (Color_BBLUE);
case 14: return strdup (Color_GRAY);
case 15: return strdup (Color_BGRAY);
return Color_RESET;
R_API void r_cons_color (int fg, int r, int g, int b) {
int k;
r = R_DIM (r, 0, 255);
g = R_DIM (g, 0, 255);
b = R_DIM (b, 0, 255);
if (r == g && g == b) { // b&w
k = 232 + (int)(((r+g+b)/3)/10.3);
} else {
r = (int)(r/42.6);
g = (int)(g/42.6);
b = (int)(b/42.6);
k = 16 + (r*36) + (g*6) + b;
r_cons_printf ("\x1b[%d;5;%dm", fg? 48: 38, k);
R_API void r_cons_strcat_justify (const char *str, int j, char c) {
int i, o, len;
for (o=i=len=0; str[i]; i++, len++) {
if (str[i]=='\n') {
r_cons_memset (' ', j);
if (c) {
r_cons_memset (c, 1);
r_cons_memset (' ', 1);
r_cons_memcat (str+o, len);
if (str[o+len] == '\n')
r_cons_newline ();
o = i+1;
len = 0;
if (len>1)
r_cons_memcat (str+o, len);
R_API RCons *r_cons_singleton () {
return &I;
R_API void r_cons_break(void (*cb)(void *u), void *user) {
I.breaked = R_FALSE;
I.event_interrupt = cb;
I.data = user;
#if __UNIX__ || __CYGWIN__
signal (SIGINT, break_signal);
// TODO: add support for w32 ^C
R_API void r_cons_break_end() {
I.breaked = R_FALSE;
2014-05-14 23:24:46 +02:00
r_print_set_interrupted (I.breaked);
#if __UNIX__ || __CYGWIN__
signal (SIGINT, SIG_IGN);
#if __WINDOWS__ && !__CYGWIN__
2010-06-27 22:14:06 +02:00
static HANDLE h;
static BOOL __w32_control(DWORD type) {
2010-10-28 14:17:40 +02:00
if (type == CTRL_C_EVENT) {
2010-06-27 22:14:06 +02:00
break_signal (2); // SIGINT
2010-10-28 14:17:40 +02:00
return R_TRUE;
return R_FALSE;
2010-06-27 22:14:06 +02:00
#elif __UNIX__ || __CYGWIN__
static void resize (int sig) {
if (I.event_resize)
I.event_resize (I.event_data);
// http://invisible-island.net/xterm/ctlseqs/ctlseqs.txt
R_API int r_cons_enable_mouse (const int enable) {
#if __UNIX__ || __CYGWIN__
// TODO: this sequence must be flushed, so maybe we should not use the rcons buffer api
int enabled = I.mouse;
if ((I.mouse = enable)) {
// r_cons_memcat ("\x1b[?1001s", 8);
const char *code = "\x1b[?1001s" "\x1b[?1000h";
write (2, code, strlen (code));
} else {
//r_cons_memcat ("\x1b[?1001r", 8);
2014-09-28 03:53:59 +02:00
const char *code = "\x1b[?1001r" "\x1b[?1000l";
write (2, code, strlen (code));
return enabled;
return R_FALSE;
R_API RCons *r_cons_new () {
if (I.refcnt != 1)
return &I;
I.line = r_line_new ();
2014-09-27 04:05:27 +02:00
I.highlight = NULL;
I.event_interrupt = NULL;
I.is_wine = -1;
2014-02-24 16:10:12 +01:00
I.fps = 0;
I.blankline = R_TRUE;
2013-12-09 05:23:06 +01:00
I.teefile = NULL;
2014-01-09 00:29:00 +01:00
I.fix_columns = 0;
I.fix_rows = 0;
I.mouse_event = 0;
2014-01-09 00:29:00 +01:00
I.force_rows = 0;
I.force_columns = 0;
I.event_resize = NULL;
I.data = NULL;
I.event_data = NULL;
I.is_interactive = R_TRUE;
I.noflush = R_FALSE;
I.fdin = stdin;
I.fdout = 1;
I.breaked = R_FALSE;
//I.lines = 0;
I.buffer = NULL;
I.buffer_sz = 0;
I.buffer_len = 0;
r_cons_get_size (NULL);
I.num = NULL;
2014-01-08 23:44:05 +01:00
I.null = 0;
/* do nothing here :? */
#elif __UNIX__ || __CYGWIN__
tcgetattr (0, &I.term_buf);
memcpy (&I.term_raw, &I.term_buf, sizeof (I.term_raw));
I.term_raw.c_lflag &= ~(ECHO|ECHONL|ICANON|ISIG|IEXTEN);
I.term_raw.c_cflag &= ~(CSIZE|PARENB);
I.term_raw.c_cflag |= CS8;
I.term_raw.c_cc[VMIN] = 1; // Solaris stuff hehe
signal (SIGWINCH, resize);
#elif __WINDOWS__
2010-06-27 22:14:06 +02:00
h = GetStdHandle (STD_INPUT_HANDLE);
2010-10-28 14:17:40 +02:00
GetConsoleMode (h, (PDWORD) &I.term_buf);
I.term_raw = 0;
2010-06-27 22:14:06 +02:00
if (!SetConsoleCtrlHandler ((PHANDLER_ROUTINE)__w32_control, TRUE))
eprintf ("r_cons: Cannot set control console handler\n");
I.pager = NULL; /* no pager by default */
I.truecolor = 0;
I.mouse = 0;
r_cons_pal_init (NULL);
r_cons_rgb_init ();
r_cons_reset ();
return &I;
R_API RCons *r_cons_free () {
if (I.refcnt != 0)
return NULL;
if (I.line) {
2015-01-13 02:01:44 +01:00
r_line_free ();
I.line = NULL;
if (I.buffer) {
free (I.buffer);
I.buffer = NULL;
return NULL;
#define MOAR 4096*4
static void palloc(int moar) {
if (I.buffer == NULL) {
I.buffer_sz = moar+MOAR;
I.buffer = (char *)malloc (I.buffer_sz);
I.buffer[0] = '\0';
} else if (moar + I.buffer_len >= I.buffer_sz) {
char *new_buffer;
int old_buffer_sz = I.buffer_sz;
I.buffer_sz += moar+MOAR;
new_buffer = (char *)realloc (I.buffer, I.buffer_sz);
if (new_buffer)
I.buffer = new_buffer;
else I.buffer_sz = old_buffer_sz;
R_API int r_cons_eof() {
return feof (I.fdin);
R_API void r_cons_gotoxy(int x, int y) {
#if 0
#if __WINDOWS__
static HANDLE hStdout = NULL;
COORD coord;
coord.X = x;
coord.Y = y;
if (!hStdout)
2010-06-27 22:14:06 +02:00
hStdout = GetStdHandle (STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
SetConsoleCursorPosition (hStdout, coord);
r_cons_printf ("\x1b[%d;%dH", y, x);
r_cons_printf ("\x1b[%d;%dH", y, x);
R_API void r_cons_print_clear() {
2012-11-30 16:12:54 +01:00
// xlr8!
r_cons_write ("\x1b[0;0H", 6);
r_cons_write ("\x1b[0m", 4);
2012-11-30 16:12:54 +01:00
//r_cons_memcat ("\x1b[2J", 4);
R_API void r_cons_fill_line() {
char *p, white[1024];
int cols = I.columns-1;
if (cols<1) return;
p = (cols>=sizeof (white))?
malloc (cols+1): white;
memset (p, ' ', cols);
p[cols] = 0;
r_cons_strcat (p);
if (white != p) free (p);
R_API void r_cons_clear_line(int std_err) {
#if __WINDOWS__
2011-11-29 09:46:41 +01:00
char white[1024];
memset (&white, ' ', sizeof (white));
if (I.columns<sizeof (white))
white[I.columns-1] = 0;
else white[sizeof (white)-1] = 0; // HACK
fprintf (std_err? stderr: stdout, "\r%s\r", white);
fprintf (std_err? stderr: stdout,"\x1b[0K\r");
fflush (std_err? stderr: stdout);
R_API void r_cons_clear00() {
r_cons_clear ();
r_cons_gotoxy (0, 0);
R_API void r_cons_reset_colors() {
r_cons_strcat (Color_RESET);
R_API void r_cons_clear() {
r_cons_strcat (Color_RESET"\x1b[2J");
//r_cons_gotoxy (0, 0);
// r_cons_flush ();
I.lines = 0;
R_API void r_cons_reset() {
if (I.buffer)
I.buffer[0] = '\0';
I.buffer_len = 0;
I.lines = 0;
I.lastline = I.buffer;
I.grep.strings[0][0] = '\0';
I.grep.nstrings = 0; // XXX
I.grep.line = -1;
I.grep.str = NULL;
I.grep.tokenfrom = 0;
I.grep.tokento = ST32_MAX;
R_API const char *r_cons_get_buffer() {
return I.buffer;
R_API void r_cons_filter() {
/* grep*/
if (I.grep.nstrings>0||I.grep.tokenfrom!=0||I.grep.tokento!=ST32_MAX||I.grep.line!=-1 || I.grep.less || I.grep.json)
r_cons_grepbuf (I.buffer, I.buffer_len);
/* html */
/* TODO */
R_API void r_cons_flush() {
const char *tee = I.teefile;
if (I.noflush)
2014-01-08 23:44:05 +01:00
if (I.null) {
r_cons_reset ();
r_cons_filter ();
if (I.is_interactive) {
/* Use a pager if the output doesn't fit on the terminal window. */
if (I.pager && *I.pager && I.buffer_len > 0
&& r_str_char_count (I.buffer, '\n') >= I.rows) {
I.buffer[I.buffer_len-1] = 0;
r_sys_cmd_str_full (I.pager, I.buffer, NULL, NULL, NULL);
r_cons_reset ();
} else if (I.buffer_len > CONS_MAX_USER) {
char buf[64];
char *buflen = r_num_units (buf, I.buffer_len);
if (!r_cons_yesno ('n',"Do you want to print %s chars? (y/N)",
buflen)) {
r_cons_reset ();
// fix | more | less problem
r_cons_set_raw (1);
if (tee&&*tee) {
FILE *d = r_sandbox_fopen (tee, "a+");
if (d != NULL) {
if (I.buffer_len != fwrite (I.buffer, 1, I.buffer_len, d))
eprintf ("r_cons_flush: fwrite: error (%s)\n", tee);
fclose (d);
} else eprintf ("Cannot write on '%s'\n", tee);
r_cons_highlight (I.highlight);
// is_html must be a filter, not a write endpoint
if (I.is_html) r_cons_html_print (I.buffer);
else r_cons_write (I.buffer, I.buffer_len);
// add newline if there's no one in buffer. this fixes the problem of printing
// stuff without newline to the console and the prompt hides it.
2014-09-06 11:39:16 +02:00
if (I.buffer_len>0)
if (I.buffer[I.buffer_len-1]!= '\n')
write (2, "\n", 1);
r_cons_reset ();
R_API void r_cons_visual_flush() {
if (I.noflush)
r_cons_highlight (I.highlight);
2014-01-08 23:44:05 +01:00
if (!I.null) {
/* TODO: this ifdef must go in the function body */
#if __WINDOWS__ && !__CYGWIN__
r_cons_w32_print ((const ut8*)I.buffer, I.buffer_len, 1);
2014-01-08 23:44:05 +01:00
r_cons_visual_write (I.buffer);
2014-01-08 23:44:05 +01:00
r_cons_reset ();
2014-02-24 16:10:12 +01:00
if (I.fps) {
int w = r_cons_get_size (NULL);
int fps = 0;
static ut64 prev = 0LL; //r_sys_now ();
fps = 0;
if (prev) {
ut64 now = r_sys_now ();
ut64 diff = now-prev;
fps = (diff<1000000)? (1000000/diff): 0;
prev = now;
} else prev = r_sys_now ();
eprintf ("\x1b[0;%dH[%d FPS] \n", w-10, fps);
R_API void r_cons_visual_write (char *buffer) {
char white[1024];
int cols = I.columns;
int alen, lines = I.rows;
const char *endptr;
char *nl, *ptr = buffer;
2011-04-29 10:38:01 +02:00
2014-01-08 23:44:05 +01:00
if (I.null)
memset (&white, ' ', sizeof (white));
2011-11-25 00:22:44 +01:00
while ((nl = strchr (ptr, '\n'))) {
2011-04-29 10:38:01 +02:00
int len = ((int)(size_t)(nl-ptr))+1;
*nl = 0;
//alen = r_str_ansi_len (ptr);
// handle ansi chars
int utf8len = r_str_len_utf8 (ptr);
int ansilen = r_str_ansi_len (ptr);
int diff = len-utf8len;
if (diff) diff--;
alen = ansilen - diff;
*nl = '\n';
if (alen>cols) {
endptr = r_str_ansi_chrn (ptr, cols);
2011-04-29 10:38:01 +02:00
len = (endptr-ptr);
if (lines>0) {
r_cons_write (ptr, len);
} else {
2011-11-25 00:22:44 +01:00
if (lines>0) {
int w = cols-alen;
if (ptr>buffer) r_cons_write (ptr-1, len);
else r_cons_write (ptr, len-1);
if (I.blankline && w>0) {
if (w>sizeof (white)-1)
w = sizeof (white)-1;
2011-11-25 00:22:44 +01:00
r_cons_write (white, w);
2011-11-25 00:22:44 +01:00
2014-01-09 00:29:00 +01:00
#if 1
2011-12-02 02:13:49 +01:00
// TRICK to empty columns.. maybe buggy in w32
if (r_mem_mem ((const ut8*)ptr, len, (const ut8*)"\x1b[0;0H", 6)) {
lines = I.rows;
r_cons_write (ptr, len);
2014-01-09 00:29:00 +01:00
2014-01-09 00:29:00 +01:00
//r_cons_write ("\r\n", 2);
2011-12-02 02:13:49 +01:00
lines--; // do not use last line
ptr = nl+1;
/* fill the rest of screen */
if (lines>0) {
if (cols>sizeof (white))
cols = sizeof (white);
while (lines-->0)
r_cons_write (white, cols);
R_API void r_cons_printf(const char *format, ...) {
size_t size, written;
va_list ap;
2014-01-08 23:44:05 +01:00
if (I.null) return;
if (strchr (format, '%')) {
palloc (MOAR);
size = I.buffer_sz-I.buffer_len-1; /* remaining space in I.buffer */
va_start (ap, format);
written = vsnprintf (I.buffer+I.buffer_len, size, format, ap);
va_end (ap);
if (written>=size) { /* not all bytes were written */
palloc (written);
va_start (ap, format);
written = vsnprintf (I.buffer+I.buffer_len, written, format, ap);
va_end (ap);
I.buffer_len += written;
} else r_cons_strcat (format);
R_API int r_cons_get_column() {
char *line = strrchr (I.buffer, '\n');
if (!line) line = I.buffer;
I.buffer[I.buffer_len] = 0;
return r_str_ansi_len (line);
/* final entrypoint for adding stuff in the buffer screen */
R_API void r_cons_memcat(const char *str, int len) {
if (I.echo) {
write (2, str, len);
2014-01-08 23:44:05 +01:00
if (str && len>0 && !I.null) {
palloc (len+1);
2013-08-17 16:43:27 +02:00
memcpy (I.buffer+I.buffer_len, str, len);
I.buffer_len += len;
2013-08-17 16:43:27 +02:00
I.buffer[I.buffer_len] = 0;
R_API void r_cons_memset(char ch, int len) {
2014-01-08 23:44:05 +01:00
if (I.null) return;
if (len>0) {
palloc (len+1);
memset (I.buffer+I.buffer_len, ch, len+1);
I.buffer_len += len;
R_API void r_cons_strcat(const char *str) {
int len;
2014-01-08 23:44:05 +01:00
if (!str||I.null) return;
len = strlen (str);
if (len>0)
r_cons_memcat (str, len);
R_API void r_cons_newline() {
2014-01-08 23:44:05 +01:00
if (!I.null)
r_cons_strcat ("\n");
//if (I.is_html) r_cons_strcat ("<br />\n");
//else r_cons_strcat ("\n");
/* return the aproximated x,y of cursor before flushing */
R_API int r_cons_get_cursor(int *rows) {
int i, col = 0;
int row = 0;
// TODO: we need to handle GOTOXY and CLRSCR ansi escape code too
for (i=0; i<I.buffer_len; i++) {
// ignore ansi chars, copypasta from r_str_ansi_len
if (I.buffer[i] == 0x1b) {
char ch2 = I.buffer[i+1];
char *str = I.buffer;
if (ch2 == '\\') {
} else if (ch2 == ']') {
if (!strncmp (str+2+5, "rgb:", 4))
i += 18;
} else if (ch2 == '[') {
for (++i; str[i]&&str[i]!='J'&& str[i]!='m'&&str[i]!='H';i++);
} else
if (I.buffer[i] == '\n') {
col = 0;
} else col++;
if (rows)
*rows = row;
return col;
// XXX: if this function returns <0 in rows or cols expect MAYHEM
R_API int r_cons_get_size(int *rows) {
#if __WINDOWS__ && !__CYGWIN__
GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo (GetStdHandle (STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), &csbi);
I.columns = csbi.srWindow.Right - csbi.srWindow.Left + 1;
2015-01-12 16:31:12 +01:00
I.rows = csbi.srWindow.Bottom - csbi.srWindow.Top; // last row empty
2013-09-07 01:35:11 +02:00
I.columns = 80;
I.rows = 23;
2015-01-26 20:01:48 +03:00
#elif __UNIX__ || __CYGWIN__
struct winsize win;
2014-10-28 11:54:58 +01:00
// use stdin as reference?
//if (isatty (1) && ioctl (1, TIOCGWINSZ, &win) == 0) {
if (isatty (0) && ioctl (0, TIOCGWINSZ, &win) == 0) {
2013-11-23 01:49:21 +01:00
if (win.ws_col==0) {
2014-09-04 23:52:05 +02:00
// TODO: use ttyname() ?
2013-11-23 01:49:21 +01:00
int fd = open ("/dev/tty", O_RDONLY);
if (fd != -1) {
if (ioctl (fd, TIOCGWINSZ, &win) != 0) {
I.columns = 80;
I.rows = 23;
close (fd);
I.columns = win.ws_col;
I.rows = win.ws_row-1;
} else {
I.columns = 80;
I.rows = 23;
char *str = r_sys_getenv ("COLUMNS");
if (str != NULL) {
I.columns = atoi (str);
I.rows = 23; // XXX. windows must get console size
2011-08-28 00:01:03 +02:00
free (str);
} else {
I.columns = 80;
I.rows = 23;
I.rows = 0;
I.columns = 0;
// expect tons of crashes
I.rows = -1;
I.columns = -1;
if (I.rows<0)
I.rows = 0;
if (I.columns<0)
I.columns = 0;
if (I.force_columns) I.columns = I.force_columns;
if (I.force_rows) I.rows = I.force_rows;
2014-01-09 00:29:00 +01:00
if (I.fix_columns) I.columns += I.fix_columns;
if (I.fix_rows) I.rows += I.fix_rows;
if (rows)
*rows = I.rows;
2014-09-14 01:07:15 +02:00
I.rows = R_MAX (0, I.rows);
return R_MAX (0, I.columns);
R_API void r_cons_show_cursor (int cursor) {
#if __WINDOWS__ && !__CYGWIN__
if (cursor) write (1, "\x1b[?25h", 6);
2014-09-04 23:52:05 +02:00
else write (1, "\x1b[?25l", 6);
* void r_cons_set_raw( [0,1] )
* Change canonicality of the terminal
* For optimization reasons, there's no initialization flag, so you need to
* ensure that the make the first call to r_cons_set_raw() with '1' and
* the next calls ^=1, so: 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, ...
* If you doesn't use this order you'll probably loss your terminal properties.
static int oldraw = -1;
R_API void r_cons_set_raw(int is_raw) {
if (oldraw != -1)
if (is_raw == oldraw)
/* do nothing here */
#elif __UNIX__ || __CYGWIN__
if (is_raw) tcsetattr (0, TCSANOW, &I.term_raw);
else tcsetattr (0, TCSANOW, &I.term_buf);
#elif __WINDOWS__
2010-10-28 14:17:40 +02:00
if (is_raw) SetConsoleMode (h, (DWORD)I.term_raw);
else SetConsoleMode (h, (DWORD)I.term_buf);
#warning No raw console supported for this platform
fflush (stdout);
oldraw = is_raw;
2011-05-11 16:48:20 +02:00
R_API void r_cons_invert(int set, int color) {
r_cons_strcat (R_CONS_INVERT (set, color));
2011-05-11 16:48:20 +02:00
Enable/Disable scrolling in terminal:
FMI: cd libr/cons/t ; make ti ; ./ti
smcup: disable terminal scrolling (fullscreen mode)
rmcup: enable terminal scrolling (normal mode)
R_API void r_cons_set_cup(int enable) {
#if __UNIX__ || __CYGWIN__
if (enable) {
const char *code =
"\x1b[?1049h" // xterm
"\x1b" "7\x1b[?47h"; // xterm-color
write (2, code, strlen (code));
} else {
const char *code =
"\x1b[?1049l" // xterm
"\x1b[?47l""\x1b""8"; // xterm-color
write (2, code, strlen (code));
fflush (stdout);
/* not supported ? */
R_API void r_cons_column(int c) {
2011-12-05 15:35:37 +01:00
char *b = malloc (I.buffer_len+1);
memcpy (b, I.buffer, I.buffer_len);
b[I.buffer_len] = 0;
r_cons_reset ();
// align current buffer N chars right
r_cons_strcat_justify (b, c, 0);
r_cons_gotoxy (0, 0);
2013-01-25 02:03:57 +01:00
static int lasti = 0; /* last interactive mode */
R_API void r_cons_set_interactive(int x) {
lasti = r_cons_singleton ()->is_interactive;
r_cons_singleton ()->is_interactive = x;
R_API void r_cons_set_last_interactive() {
r_cons_singleton ()->is_interactive = lasti;
R_API void r_cons_set_title(const char *str) {
r_cons_printf ("\x1b]0;%s\007", str);
R_API void r_cons_zero() {
2014-08-17 17:23:26 +02:00
write (1, "", 1);
R_API void r_cons_highlight (const char *word) {
char *rword, *res;
// that word str should ignore ansi scapes
2014-09-27 04:05:27 +02:00
if (word && *word) {
2014-09-28 03:53:59 +02:00
if (I.highlight) {
if (strcmp (word, I.highlight)) {
free (I.highlight);
I.highlight = strdup (word);
} else {
I.highlight = strdup (word);
rword = malloc (strlen (word)+32);
strcpy (rword, "\x1b[0m\x1b[7m");
strcpy (rword+8, word);
strcpy (rword+8+strlen (word), "\x1b[0m");
res = r_str_replace (I.buffer, word, rword, 1);
if (res) {
I.buffer = res;
2014-09-27 03:51:04 +02:00
I.buffer_len = I.buffer_sz = strlen (res);
2015-01-16 00:56:54 +01:00
free (rword);
} else {
2014-09-28 03:53:59 +02:00
free (I.highlight);
I.highlight = NULL;
R_API char *r_cons_lastline () {
char *b = I.buffer+I.buffer_len;
while (b >I.buffer) {
if (*b=='\n') {
return b;